def solve(num):
    primes = list(sieveOfEratosthenes.getPrimes(num))
    primefactors = map(factors, range(2, num + 1), [primes] * (num - 1))
    minfactors = {}
    for p in primes:
        minfactors[p] = 0
    for factor in primefactors:
        for key in factor.keys():
            if factor[key] > minfactors[key]:
                minfactors[key] = factor[key]
    product = 1
    for prime in minfactors.keys():
        product *= math.pow(prime, minfactors[prime])
    return product
A faster approach that explicitly makes use of the notion that prime
factorizations are unique and that for a prime p < N, the product
p^a (where a in the least integer such that p^(a+1) exceeds N) will be a
factor in at least one factorization of a positive integer n <= N.

The algorithm steps through the primes below the given limit and
calculates the exponent a (described above). Then you simply multiply
all the primes ^ their respective a's together to get the number.

import sys
import math
import sieveOfEratosthenes

limit = int(sys.argv[1])
primes = list(sieveOfEratosthenes.getPrimes(limit))
product = 1
for p in primes:
    count = 1
    while(math.pow(p,count) <= limit):
        product *= p
        count += 1
print product