def send_msg(name_part, dtime_part, func): """ Register the execution on redis server and if the func is not null execute func like func[0](*func[1]). """ data = RedisData(connection_pool=CPOOL) try: if func: func[0](*func[1]) data.set(dtime_part + name_part, 1) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) print(ex)
def heimdall_verification(): """ Execute all verifications of old HeimdallWeb Application. """ today = now = now_time = drvrs = 'drivers' flts = 'faults' atmtc = 'automatic_reports' prdctvt = 'os_productivity' gtdjsts = 'gate_adjusts' mpls = 'employees' jrn = 'journey' wdgts = 'widgets' data = RedisData() many_results = verify_all_checks() data.set('portal_report_hours', many_results[0], expire=timedelta(minutes=5)) for emp in many_results[1].keys(): for this_time in many_results[1][emp].keys(): if not msg_has_been_sent(mpls + emp, this_time.strftime('%H:%M')): for result in many_results[1][emp][this_time]: send_msg(mpls + emp, this_time.strftime('%H:%M'), result) tmp = list(data.get_all(today.strftime('%Y%m%d') + atmtc).values()) result = verify_automatic_reports(now, tmp) for key in result[0]: data.set(today.strftime('%Y%m%d') + atmtc + str(key), key) for func in result[1]: try: func[0](*func[1]) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) extra_hours = verify_extra_hours() for emp in extra_hours.keys(): for this_time in extra_hours[emp].keys(): if not msg_has_been_sent(mpls + emp, this_time.strftime('%H:%M')): try: send_msg(mpls + emp, this_time.strftime('%H:%M'), extra_hours[emp][this_time]) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) if now_time >= time(6, 0): if not msg_has_been_sent(prdctvt, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): try: result = verify_os_productivity() send_msg(prdctvt, today.strftime('%Y%m%d'), result) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) if now_time >= time(6, 10): if not msg_has_been_sent(gtdjsts, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): try: data.set(today.strftime('%Y%m%d') + gtdjsts, 1) verify_gate_adjusts() except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) if now_time >= time(7, 0): if not msg_has_been_sent(wdgts, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): data.set(today.strftime('%Y%m%d') + wdgts, 1) for w in Query(Report).get(is_widget=True): Process(target=WidgetsData().update_data, args=[]).start() if now_time >= time(8, 0): if not msg_has_been_sent(jrn, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): try: result = verify_week_journey() send_msg(jrn, today.strftime('%Y%m%d'), result) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) if now_time >= time(8, 3): if not msg_has_been_sent(drvrs, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): try: result = verify_drivers() send_msg(drvrs, today.strftime('%Y%m%d'), result) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) if now_time >= time(8, 6): if not msg_has_been_sent(flts, today.strftime('%Y%m%d')): try: result = verify_faults() send_msg(flts, today.strftime('%Y%m%d'), result) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) print(err) logging.threading.Timer(30, heimdall_verification).start()