    def extract_entitlements(self, provision_path):
        cmd = [
            "-inform", "der",
            "-in", provision_path

        profile_text = signer.openssl_command(cmd, None)
        plist_dict = biplist.readPlistFromString(profile_text)

        if "Entitlements" in plist_dict:
            biplist.writePlist(plist_dict["Entitlements"], self.entitlements_path, binary=False)
            log.debug("wrote Entitlements to {0}".format(self.entitlements_path))
            log.debug("failed to write entitlements")
文件: bundle.py 项目: lianz/isign
 def extract_entitlements(provision_path):
     """ Given a path to a provisioning profile, return the entitlements
         encoded therein """
     cmd = [
         '-inform', 'der',
         '-verify',    # verifies content, prints verification status to STDERR,
                       #  outputs content to STDOUT. In our case, will be an XML plist
         '-noverify',  # accept self-signed certs. Not the opposite of -verify!
         '-in', provision_path
     # this command always prints 'Verification successful' to stderr.
     (profile_text, err) = openssl_command(cmd, data=None, expect_err=True)
     if err and err.strip() != 'Verification successful':
         log.error('Received unexpected error from openssl: {}'.format(err))
     plist_dict = biplist.readPlistFromString(profile_text)
     if 'Entitlements' not in plist_dict:
         log.debug('failed to get entitlements in provisioning profile')
         raise Exception('could not find Entitlements in {}'.format(provision_path))
     return plist_dict['Entitlements']
 def extract_entitlements(provision_path):
     """ Given a path to a provisioning profile, return the entitlements
         encoded therein """
     cmd = [
         '-inform', 'der',
         '-verify',    # verifies content, prints verification status to STDERR,
                       #  outputs content to STDOUT. In our case, will be an XML plist
         '-noverify',  # accept self-signed certs. Not the opposite of -verify!
         '-in', provision_path
     # this command always prints 'Verification successful' to stderr.
     (profile_text, err) = openssl_command(cmd, data=None, expect_err=True)
     if err and err.strip() != 'Verification successful':
         log.error('Received unexpected error from openssl: {}'.format(err))
     plist_dict = biplist.readPlistFromString(profile_text)
     if 'Entitlements' not in plist_dict:
         log.debug('failed to get entitlements in provisioning profile')
         raise Exception('could not find Entitlements in {}'.format(provision_path))
     return plist_dict['Entitlements']