def __init__(self, no_input=False): try: with open(HIST_FILE, 'rb') as f: self._history = simplejson.loads( self._history.reverse() except (IOError, simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError): pass self.no_input = no_input if not self.no_input: self.command_mode = CommandMode(self) self.playlist = get_silverlining_playlist()
class Player(object): _base_url = 'http://localhost:8080/requests/' _session = requests.session() _session.auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('', 'silverlining') _tracks = {} current_track = None _time = 0 _length = 0 _running = False _cmd_mode = False _proc = None _history = [] def __init__(self, no_input=False): try: with open(HIST_FILE, 'rb') as f: self._history = simplejson.loads( self._history.reverse() except (IOError, simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError): pass self.no_input = no_input if not self.no_input: self.command_mode = CommandMode(self) self.playlist = get_silverlining_playlist() def __enter__(self): """Starts the VLC server and waits for it to start up before returning""" if self._proc: raise Exception("There's already a VLC process") self._proc = subprocess.Popen([ "/Applications/", "--quiet", "--intf", "http", "--http-password", "silverlining", ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) while True: try: self.get('status.json') return self except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass def __exit__(self, *args): """Terminates the VLC process on exit""" self._proc.terminate() history = list(utils.OrderedSet( [simplejson.dumps(item, indent=2) for item in reversed(self._history)] ))[:MAX_HIST] with open(HIST_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write("[\n") [f.write(item + ',\n') for item in history[:len(history) - 1]] f.write(history[len(history) - 1] + '\n]\n') def _write_track_to_history(self, track): self._history.append({ 'id': track['id'], 'title': track['title'], 'permalink_url': track['permalink_url'], 'stream_url': track['stream_url'], 'username': track['username'], }) def run(self): """Runs the poor man's thread""" self._running = True while self._running: self._update_status() if self.no_input: continue keypress = utils.getch(1) if keypress in HOTKEYS: output = HOTKEYS[keypress](self) if output: sys.stdout.write(u'\r{:120}\n'.format(output)) sys.stdout.write(u'\r{:120}'.format(self.now_playing)) def get(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """Wrapper for http requests to VLC API""" return self._session.get(self._base_url + endpoint, params=kwargs, verify=False) def load_tracks(self, tracks): for track in list(tracks): if track['id'] in self._tracks: continue self.get('status.json', command='in_enqueue', input=track.stream_uri, name=track['id']) self._tracks[int(track['id'])] = track # wait 2s for vlc's playlist to update time.sleep(2) self._sync_queue() def remove_track(self, track): self.get('status.json', command='pl_delete', id=track.plid) try: track = self._tracks[track['id']] except KeyError: return if track == self.current_track: self._tracks.pop(track['id']) else: self._tracks.pop(track['id']) for idx in range(track.idx, len(self.queue)): self.queue[idx].idx -= 1 def _sync_queue(self): """Syncs queue with VLC""" resp = self.get('playlist.json').json() playlist = resp['children'][0] for i, d in enumerate(playlist['children']): track = self._tracks[int(d['name'])] track.idx = i track.plid = int(d['id']) def _update_track(self, vlc_id): if vlc_id is None and self.current_track is not None: #track became none current_track = self.current_track self.current_track = None #delete current_track self._write_track_to_history(current_track) self.remove_track(current_track) if vlc_id is not None and self.current_track and vlc_id != self.current_track['id']: #track changed current_track = self.current_track self.current_track = self._tracks[vlc_id] #delete current track self._write_track_to_history(current_track) self.remove_track(current_track) if self.current_track is None and vlc_id is not None: self.current_track = self._tracks[vlc_id] def _update_status(self): """updates current status""" resp = self.get('status.json').json() try: vlc_id = int(resp['information']['category']['meta']['title']) except KeyError: vlc_id = None self._update_track(vlc_id) if self.current_track is None and self.num_tracks > 0: self._length = resp['length'] self._time = resp['time'] @property def queue(self): return sorted(self._tracks.values(), key=lambda x: getattr(x, 'idx')) @property def num_tracks(self): return len(self._tracks) @property def now_playing(self): if self.current_track: return u"[%s] %s %s" % ( self.num_tracks, utils.timestamp(self._time, self._length), self.current_track, ) else: return "Stopped" def get_track(self, target): try: if utils.isint(target): return self.queue[int(target)] else: return utils.search_collection(self.queue, target)[0] except IndexError: return None # VLC Controls def play(self): self.get('status.json', command='pl_play') def stop(self): self.get('status.json', command='pl_stop') @hotkey('.', val='+15') @hotkey(',', val='-15') def seek(self, val): self.get('status.json', command='seek', val=val) @hotkey(' ') def pause(self): self.get('status.json', command='pl_pause') @hotkey('n') def next(self): self.get('status.json', command='pl_next') return "Next..." @hotkey('s') def shuffle(self): self.get('status.json', command='pl_sort', id=0, val="random") self._sync_queue() return "Shuffling..." def _list_queue(self): fmt = lambda x: "{:<12} {}".format(getattr(x, 'idx', 0), x) return u'\n'.join(map(fmt, self.queue)) def jump(self, track): self.get('status.json', command='pl_play', id=track.plid) tracks = self.queue[:track.idx] for track in tracks: self.remove_track(track) @hotkey('l') def list_queue(self): fmt = lambda x: "{:<12} {}".format(getattr(x, 'idx', 0), x) output = u'\r' output += self._list_queue() output += u'\n' return output @hotkey('u') def display_url(self): if self.current_track: echo = subprocess.Popen(['echo', self.current_track['permalink_url']], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) copy = subprocess.check_output(['pbcopy'], stdin=echo.stdout) echo.wait() return 'Soundcloud URL: %s' % self.current_track['permalink_url'] else: return 'Not playing' @hotkey('i') def display_trackid(self): if self.current_track: return 'Track id: %s' % self.current_track['id'] else: return 'Not playing' @hotkey('q') def quit(self): self._running = False return "Quitting..." @hotkey('X') def clear_queue(self): self.stop() self.get('status.json', command='pl_empty') self._update_status() return "Cleared queue" @hotkey(':') def enter_command_mode(self): self.command_mode.cmdloop() @hotkey('p') def add_to_playlist(self): tracks = [] if self.playlist.tracks: tracks.extend([{'id': track['id']} for track in self.playlist.tracks]) tracks.append({'id': self.current_track['id']}) client.put(self.playlist['uri'], playlist={'tracks': tracks}) return "%s added to playlist" % self.current_track