def main(): pop = [] for i in range(Config.pop_size): pop.append(Grn()) simulate(pop) # print("Population") # print(pop[0]) # print() # print(pop[1]) # print() # print(pop[2]) # print() # # print("Crossover") # print() # c1,c2 = std_crossover(pop) # # print("Children") # print(c1) # print(c1.initial_proteins) # print() # print(c2) # print(c2.initial_proteins) print()
def handle(self): # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client = self.request.recv(1024).strip() if sim.simulate( print
def createSimulate(netParams=None, simConfig=None, output=False): ''' Sequence of commands create, simulate and analyse network ''' (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData) = sim.create(netParams, simConfig, output=True) sim.simulate() if output: return (pops, cells, conns, stims, simData)
def track_ws(ws): results = api.rankings("closeness", 4000) sim_running = False while True: message = ws.receive() print message if message != "" and sim_running == False: rocket = getRocketParticle(obj=json.loads(message)) sim.simulate(rocket, results) ws.send(message)
def launch(): try: getRocketParticle(args=request.args) sim.simulate(rocket, results) return json.dumps(sim.convert_to_orbit(rocket)) except Exception, e: resp = jsonify({'error': 'bad request', 'details': str(e)}) resp.status_code = 500 return resp
def main_prompt(khan): while True: num = None print("\n") print("[1] Load infections from file.") print("[2] Load users from file.") print("[3] Infect a user with a disease (total_infection).") print("[4] Infect at most a certain amount of users if possible (limited_infection).") print("[5] Infect exactly a certain amount of users if possible (limited_infection_perfect).") print("[6] Simulate real-time user-infection interaction.") print("[7] Print the infection hierarchy.") print("[8] Print the user hierarchy and each user's associated infections.") print("[9] Reset all users and infections to defaults.") print("[10] Clear all users and infections.") print("[11] Exit.") try: num = int(input("Please select an action to perform: ")) except: pass print("") if num == 1: get_infections(khan) elif num == 2: get_users(khan) elif num == 3: total_infection(khan) elif num == 4: limited_infection(khan) elif num == 5: limited_infection_perfect(khan) elif num == 6: sim.simulate(khan) elif num == 7: print("***** Infections *****") khan.print_infections(True) elif num == 8: print("***** Users *****") khan.print_users(print_infections=True) elif num == 9: reset(khan) elif num == 10: clear(khan) elif num == 11: print("Goodbye!") return else: print("Please enter a valid number!")
def frac_grey_against_both(num_samples=50, max_moths=30, granularity=0.1): probs_white_death = np.arange(0, 1 + granularity, granularity) nums_moths = np.arange(1, max_moths + 1) results = np.zeros((len(nums_moths), len(probs_white_death))) probs_white_death, nums_moths = np.meshgrid(probs_white_death, nums_moths) stacked = np.dstack((probs_white_death, nums_moths)) for i, group in enumerate(stacked): for j, pair in enumerate(group): prob_white_death, num_moths = pair[0], pair[1] results[i][j] = sum( simulate({'ww':0, 'wg':num_moths, 'gg':0}, prob_white_death) for _ in range(num_samples)) / float(num_samples) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(probs_white_death, nums_moths, results, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Greys, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_zlim(0, 1.00) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) plt.title('Fraction of Grey Moths') ax.set_xlabel('Probability of white moth death') ax.set_ylabel('Number of moths') ax.set_zlabel('Fraction of grey moths')
def main(): data, _t = simulate(X0,U) theta = data[0] theta_dot = data[1] #get all of our theta within -pi:pi i = len(data[0]) - 1 while i > -1: while not -pi <= data[0][i] <= pi: if data[0][i] < -pi: data[0][i] = data[0][i] + 2*pi else: data[0][i] = data[0][i] - 2*pi i = i - 1 #because our version of savetxt doesn't have the header option for some reason with open(OUTFILE_NAME, 'w') as f: f.write("theta,theta_dot,u\n") f.write("float,float,float\n") f.write(",,\n") trimmed_data = data[:2] trimmed_data = numpy.vstack([trimmed_data, U]) numpy.savetxt(f, numpy.transpose(trimmed_data), delimiter=',', fmt="%.18f") plot_traj(data, U, _t)
def search(S): s = 0 p = param.Parameters() while s < S: p.randomize() solution = sim.simulate(sat.Satellite(planet.Earth, p)) print (s+1, ": <eval>\t$", eval.evaluate(solution), "\t", solution.distMin, "\t", solution.tMin, "\t", p.velX, "\t", p.velY, "\t", p.friction) s += 1
def auto_standard(list_lg=None, list_le=None, trials=4, sim_time=6): lg, le = list_lg, list_le if list_lg is None: lg = [x / 100.0 for x in range(20, -2, -2)] if list_le is None: le = [x / 100.0 for x in range(20, -2, -2)] trial_names = string.ascii_letters[:trials] for i in lg: for j in le: dir_string = str(int(i * 100)).zfill(2) + str(int( j * 100)).zfill(2) mkdir(dir_string) for k in trial_names: file_name = dir_string + k sim.simulate(lg=i, le=j, save_dir=f"{dir_string +'/'+ file_name}", sim_time=sim_time)
def search(S): s = 0 p = param.Parameters() while s < S: p.randomize() solution = sim.simulate(sat.Satellite(planet.Earth, p)) print(s + 1, ": <eval>\t$", eval.evaluate(solution), "\t", solution.distMin, "\t", solution.tMin, "\t", p.velX, "\t", p.velY, "\t", p.friction) s += 1
def prob_against_white_death(num_samples=100, num_moths=30, granularity=0.05): samples = [] for prob_white_death in np.arange(0, 1 + granularity, granularity): samples.append(sum( simulate({'ww':0, 'wg':num_moths, 'gg':0}, prob_white_death) for _ in range(num_samples)) / float(num_samples)) plt.plot(np.arange(0, 1 + granularity, granularity), samples) plt.title('Grey Moths Versus Probability of White Death') plt.xlabel('Probability of white death') plt.ylabel('Fraction of grey moths')
def worker3d(users, events, rounds): ''' make rounds of simulation of users ''' print "{0} users with {1} events started".format(users, events) paths = [] for _ in range(rounds): log, attacker_log = sim.simulate(users, messages=events) path = sim.match_paths(log, attacker_log) paths.append(path) # build mean and confidence interval mean, conf = sim.mean_confidence_interval(paths) print "{0} users with {1} events finished".format(users, events) return users, events, mean
def prob_all_grey(num_samples=100, max_moths=50, prob_white=0.8): samples = [] for num_moths in range(1, max_moths + 1): samples.append( sum(simulate({'ww':0, 'wg':num_moths, 'gg':0}, prob_white, fraction=False) for _ in range(num_samples)) / float(num_samples)) plt.plot(samples) plt.title( 'Probability All Moths Turn Grey (prob_white = {})'.format(prob_white)) plt.xlabel('Number of moths') plt.ylabel('Probability')
def main_loop(): while True: attacking_unit, weapon, n_shots = input_attack(FRIENDLY_ARMY) if n_shots is None: continue abilities_by_target = map_abilities(attacking_unit, weapon, ENEMY_ARMY, FRIENDLY_ARMY, ENEMY_ARMY) all_sim_results = simulate(attacking_unit, weapon, n_shots, ENEMY_ARMY, abilities_by_target) print_sim_results(all_sim_results) input('Press any key to continue...')
def epsilon_greedy(students, arms, bound, epsilon, log_file): """ arms is a list of configurations, each config can be passed as a numpy array. bound is the number of arm pulls we will limit ourselves to """ # logging header log_file.write("\n--- Epsilon Greedy ---\n") # build list of sampleArm objects to track rewards and averages s = list() for arm in arms: s_arm = sim.LineConfig(arm[0], arm[1], arm[2], arm[3], arm[4]) s_arm.set_config_mu(students) s.append(s_arm) # find actual max arm, calculate deltas and log max_arm = get_actual_max(s) calculate_delta(s, max_arm) logger.log_arms(log_file, s) for i in range(bound): # because we are not using a simple numpy.array we will sort # the list in place on each interval (ineffeciennnncy) # to get the greedy arm j = pick_arm(s, epsilon) s[j].set_num_pulls(s[j].get_num_pulls() + 1) # pull the arm reward = sim.simulate(s[j], students, log_file) s[j].set_total_reward( s[j].get_total_reward() + reward) s[j].set_average( s[j].get_total_reward() / s[j].get_num_pulls()) # sort the arms current_max = s[0] s.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('average'), reverse=True) if i != 0 and ((i + 1) % 100) == 0: # log current best arm logger.log_pulled_arm(log_file, s[0], i+1) # log current best arm logger.log_best_arm(log_file, s[0], bound) for arm in s: logger.log_num_pulls(log_file, arm) return str(s[0])
def lil_ucb(students, arms, delta, epsilon, lambda_p, beta, sigma, log_file, max_pulls): # delta == confidence # time = 0 n = len(arms) mu = numpy.zeros(n) # set of rewards T = numpy.zeros(n) # T[i] is the number of times arm i has been pulled armList = list() timestep = 0 for arm in arms: s_arm = sim.LineConfig(arm[0], arm[1], arm[2], arm[3], arm[4]) s_arm.set_config_mu(students) armList.append(s_arm) # actual max used for comparison actual_max = get_actual_max(armList) # set deltas calculate_delta(armList, actual_max) #sample each of the n arms once, set T_i(t) = 1, for all i and set t=n for i in range(n): T[i] = 1 mu[i] = sim.simulate(armList[i], students, log_file) #pull the arm log_file.write("ARM: %s\tCONFIGMU %s\tDELTA: %f\n" %(str(armList[i]), armList[i].get_config_mu(), armList[i].get_delta())) timestep += 1 prevIndex = -1; while True: done = False total_pulls = sum(T) timestep += 1 for i in range(n): #check if an arm has been pulled more than all others combined print("t[i]: %d >= %d\n" %(T[i], (1 + lambda_p*(total_pulls - T[i])))) if T[i] >= 1 + lambda_p*(total_pulls - T[i]): done = True break if done: break index = 0 upper_bound_value = 0 for i in range(n): #temp is that magic value used to determine the best, next arm to pull temp = math.sqrt((2*sigma**2 * (1 + epsilon) * math.log( math.log((1 + epsilon)* T[i])/delta))/T[i]) temp = mu[i] + (1 + beta)*(1 + math.sqrt(epsilon))*temp if(temp > upper_bound_value): upper_bound_value = temp index = i T[index] += 1 reward = sim.simulate(armList[index], students, log_file) mu[index] = ((T[index]-1)*mu[index] + reward) / T[index] #average the rewards if(timestep % 100 == 0): #log_file.write("ITERATION: %6d ARM: %s\tCONFIGMU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" %(timestep, str(armList[index]), armList[index].get_config_mu(), armList[index].get_delta())) empercial_best = max(mu) best_arm_index = [i for i,j in enumerate(mu) if j == empercial_best] best_arm = armList[best_arm_index[0]] log_file.write("ITERATION: %6d\tBEST_ARM: %s\tCONFIG_MU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" %(timestep, str(best_arm), best_arm.get_config_mu(), best_arm.get_delta())) #prevIndex = index if(timestep == max_pulls): break arm = armList[T.argmax()] log_file.write("\nBEST ARM: %s\tCONFIG_MU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" %(str(arm), arm.get_config_mu(), arm.get_delta())) for count,arm in enumerate(armList): log_file.write("ARMPULLCOUNT: %s\t%d\n" %(str(arm), T[count])) return armList[T.argmax()]
from pylab import * from sim import simulate from curve import curvature l = 10 dests = array(curvature(10)) # initial point initial = [0.0, 0.0] [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate( 9, l, initial, pi / 2, dests, 1.0, 1.0, 100, c_slip=0.21, c_mag=0.1, c_align=0.1037 ) print err print corr plot(x, y, label="Actual path", linewidth=2) axis([0, l, 0, l]) for i in gx: plot([i, i], [0, l], "red") for i in gy: plot([0, l], [i, i], "red") destx = [initial[0]] desty = [initial[1]] for i in dests: destx.append(i[0]) desty.append(i[1]) plot(destx, desty, "g--", label="Desired path", linewidth=2) # xlabel('x coordinate position, x(m)')
(gait, waypoints_B) = B.get_gait(robot_pos, target, obstacles, 0, ax, show_sub) times_B.append(time.time() - start) #if draw: #ax.plot([robot_pos[0], target[0]],[robot_pos[1], target[1]], c='black') # straight trajectory line from robot_pos to target # Naiv if algorithm == 3: start = time.time() gait = N.compute_gait(robot_pos, target, obstacles) times_naiv.append(time.time() - start) # simulate the gait if not pause and not do_skip_a: gait, target, robot_pos, rot, rot_a, actual_path_B, actual_path_LPG, actual_path_naiv, obstacles, LPG_obstacles = sim.simulate( gait, target, robot_pos, rot, rot_a, actual_path_B, actual_path_LPG, actual_path_naiv, obstacles, orig_obstacles, LPG_obstacles, algorithm, sim_obst) deadlock = (len(actual_path_naiv) > 200 and algorithm == 3) or (len(actual_path_LPG) > 200 and algorithm == 1) or (len(actual_path_B) > 200 and algorithm == 2) if deadlock: if algorithm == 1: actual_path_LPG = [] print(" ------------ DEADLOCK LPG ------------") elif algorithm == 2: print(" ------------ DEADLOCK BISEC ------------") actual_path_B = [] elif algorithm == 3: print(" ------------ DEADLOCK NAIV ------------") actual_path_naiv = []
def sequential_halving(students, arms, bound, log_file): """ Sequential Halving -- (Fixed Bound) Parameters: * let arms be an array of vectors, where each vector is a configuration * bound is an integer which represents the maximum number of arms pulls the algorithm is limited to find optimal arms with ** still unsure how we will set up our s, right now it is a list of the array arms, which shrinks by half on each iteration """ # logging header log_file.write("\n--- Sequential Halving ---\n") s = list() # add arms with initialized values to the list inner_list = list() for arm in arms: s_arm = sim.LineConfig(arm[0], arm[1], arm[2], arm[3], arm[4]) s_arm.set_config_mu(students) inner_list.append(s_arm) s.append(inner_list) # get the arm with the highest config_mu for comparison actual_max = get_actual_max(s[0]) # set deltas calculate_delta(s[0], actual_max) # log all arms logger.log_arms(log_file, s[0]) current_pulls = 0 # run through iterations of algorithm for r in range(int(math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2)))): # compute the pulls per arm per iteration pulls_per_arm = int( math.floor(bound / (len(s[r]) * math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2))))) current_pulls += pulls_per_arm + 1 # sample each arm pulls_per_arm times and average results for i in range(len(s[r])): total = 0.0 for j in range(pulls_per_arm): s[r][i].set_num_pulls(s[r][i].get_num_pulls() + 1) total += sim.simulate(s[r][i], students, log_file) s[r][i].set_average(total / pulls_per_arm) # sort the remaining arms by average from above sample s[r].sort(key=operator.attrgetter('average'), reverse=False) # create next iteration which the upper half of the sorted list s.append(s[r][int(math.ceil(len(s[r]) / 2)):]) # log the current empirical best arm logger.log_pulled_arm(log_file, s[r][len(s[r]) - 1], current_pulls) arm = s[int(math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2)))][0] logger.log_pulled_arm(log_file, arm, bound) logger.log_best_arm(log_file, arm, bound) for arm in s[0]: logger.log_num_pulls(log_file, arm) return arm
from pylab import * from sim import simulate from curve import curvature v = [] avg_errors = [] max_errors = [] initial = [0.0,0.0] l = 10.0 #dests=array(curvature(10)) dests = [] for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): dests.append([i,i]) dests = array(dests) for n in arange(1.0, 5.5,0.5): errs = [] for j in range(0,10): print n, j tmp = simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, n,1,100) errs.append(tmp[-1]) v.append(n) avg_errors.append(average(errs)) max_errors.append(max(errs)) print n, avg_errors[-1], max_errors[-1] print v print avg_errors print max_errors
forceAC = 10**-6 delta0= np.pi/3 q0 = 0 t = np.linspace(0,10,10**6) counter = 0 freqs = list() for f in ["series","parallel"]: if f == "parallel": Ls = [10**-3,10**1] else: Ls = [10**-15,10**-10] for R in Rs: for C in Cs: for L in Ls: delta,successful = simulate(R,L,C,forceDC,forceAC,w,delta0,q0,f) i = np.sin(delta) if f =="series": freqs.append(nFrequencies(3,phi0/(2*np.pi*Ic*R)*t,i)) else: freqs.append(nFrequencies(3,R*C*t,i)) plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,10)) ax.plot(t,i,'grey') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$I/I_c$') ax.set_ylim(-1.05,1.05) ax.set_title(f"$R = \\num{{{R:.2e}}}\:\si{{\ohm}},\:L = \\num{{{L:.2e}}}\:\si{{\henry}},$"+"\n"+f"$\:C = \\num{{{C:.2e}}}\:\si{{\\farad}}$",pad=20,multialignment='center') plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(f"./figures/manual/{counter}") counter +=1
#[l/5,l/5], #[2*l/5,2*l/5], #[3*l/5,3*l/5], #[4*l/5,4*l/5], #[l,l] #]) dests = [] for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): dests.append([i,i]) dests = array(dests) #dests = array(curvature(10)) for b in range(1, 11): errs = [] for j in range(0,100): print b, j tmp = simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,b,100) errs.append(tmp[-1]) p.append(b) avg_errors.append(average(errs)) max_errors.append(max(errs)) print b, avg_errors[-1], max_errors[-1] print p print avg_errors print max_errors
def loadSimulateAnalyze(filename, simConfig=None, output=False): sim.load(filename, simConfig) sim.simulate() sim.analyze()
def sequential_halving(students, arms, bound, log_file): """ Sequential Halving -- (Fixed Bound) Parameters: * let arms be an array of vectors, where each vector is a configuration * bound is an integer which represents the maximum number of arms pulls the algorithm is limited to find optimal arms with ** still unsure how we will set up our s, right now it is a list of the array arms, which shrinks by half on each iteration """ # logging header log_file.write("\n--- Sequential Halving ---\n") s = list() # add arms with initialized values to the list inner_list = list() for arm in arms: s_arm = sim.LineConfig(arm[0], arm[1], arm[2], arm[3], arm[4]) s_arm.set_config_mu(students) inner_list.append(s_arm) s.append(inner_list) # get the arm with the highest config_mu for comparison actual_max = get_actual_max(s[0]) # set deltas calculate_delta(s[0], actual_max) # log all arms logger.log_arms(log_file, s[0]) current_pulls = 0 # run through iterations of algorithm for r in range(int(math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2)))): # compute the pulls per arm per iteration pulls_per_arm = int(math.floor(bound / (len(s[r]) * math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2))))) current_pulls += pulls_per_arm + 1 # sample each arm pulls_per_arm times and average results for i in range(len(s[r])): total = 0.0 for j in range(pulls_per_arm): s[r][i].set_num_pulls(s[r][i].get_num_pulls() + 1) total += sim.simulate(s[r][i], students, log_file) s[r][i].set_average(total/pulls_per_arm) # sort the remaining arms by average from above sample s[r].sort(key=operator.attrgetter('average'), reverse=False) # create next iteration which the upper half of the sorted list s.append(s[r][int(math.ceil(len(s[r])/2)):]) # log the current empirical best arm logger.log_pulled_arm(log_file, s[r][len(s[r]) - 1], current_pulls) arm = s[int(math.ceil(math.log(len(arms), 2)))][0] logger.log_pulled_arm(log_file, arm, bound) logger.log_best_arm(log_file, arm, bound) for arm in s[0]: logger.log_num_pulls(log_file, arm) return arm
def lil_ucb(students, arms, delta, epsilon, lambda_p, beta, sigma, log_file, max_pulls): # delta == confidence # time = 0 n = len(arms) mu = numpy.zeros(n) # set of rewards T = numpy.zeros(n) # T[i] is the number of times arm i has been pulled armList = list() timestep = 0 for arm in arms: s_arm = sim.LineConfig(arm[0], arm[1], arm[2], arm[3], arm[4]) s_arm.set_config_mu(students) armList.append(s_arm) # actual max used for comparison actual_max = get_actual_max(armList) # set deltas calculate_delta(armList, actual_max) #sample each of the n arms once, set T_i(t) = 1, for all i and set t=n for i in range(n): T[i] = 1 mu[i] = sim.simulate(armList[i], students, log_file) #pull the arm log_file.write("ARM: %s\tCONFIGMU %s\tDELTA: %f\n" % (str( armList[i]), armList[i].get_config_mu(), armList[i].get_delta())) timestep += 1 prevIndex = -1 while True: done = False total_pulls = sum(T) timestep += 1 for i in range(n): #check if an arm has been pulled more than all others combined print("t[i]: %d >= %d\n" % (T[i], (1 + lambda_p * (total_pulls - T[i])))) if T[i] >= 1 + lambda_p * (total_pulls - T[i]): done = True break if done: break index = 0 upper_bound_value = 0 for i in range(n): #temp is that magic value used to determine the best, next arm to pull temp = math.sqrt((2 * sigma**2 * (1 + epsilon) * math.log(math.log( (1 + epsilon) * T[i]) / delta)) / T[i]) temp = mu[i] + (1 + beta) * (1 + math.sqrt(epsilon)) * temp if (temp > upper_bound_value): upper_bound_value = temp index = i T[index] += 1 reward = sim.simulate(armList[index], students, log_file) mu[index] = ((T[index] - 1) * mu[index] + reward) / T[index] #average the rewards if (timestep % 100 == 0): #log_file.write("ITERATION: %6d ARM: %s\tCONFIGMU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" %(timestep, str(armList[index]), armList[index].get_config_mu(), armList[index].get_delta())) empercial_best = max(mu) best_arm_index = [ i for i, j in enumerate(mu) if j == empercial_best ] best_arm = armList[best_arm_index[0]] log_file.write( "ITERATION: %6d\tBEST_ARM: %s\tCONFIG_MU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" % (timestep, str(best_arm), best_arm.get_config_mu(), best_arm.get_delta())) #prevIndex = index if (timestep == max_pulls): break arm = armList[T.argmax()] log_file.write("\nBEST ARM: %s\tCONFIG_MU: %f\tDELTA: %f\n" % (str(arm), arm.get_config_mu(), arm.get_delta())) for count, arm in enumerate(armList): log_file.write("ARMPULLCOUNT: %s\t%d\n" % (str(arm), T[count])) return armList[T.argmax()]
#[2*l/5,2*l/5], #[3*l/5,3*l/5], #[4*l/5,4*l/5], #[l,l] #]) dests = array(curvature(10)) #dests = [] #for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): # dests.append([i,i]) #dests = array(dests) for n in range(0, 10): errs = [] corrs=[] for j in range(0,100): print n,j tmp = simulate(n, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100,0.21) errs.append(tmp[-1]) # corrs.append(tmp[-2]) p.append(n) avg_errors.append(average(errs)) max_errors.append(max(errs)) #avg_corrs.append(average(corrs)) #max_corrs.append(max(corrs)) print n, avg_errors[-1], max_errors[-1] print p print avg_errors print max_errors #print avg_corrs #print max_corrs
from pylab import * from sim import simulate from curve import curvature l = 10.0 #Destination dests = array(curvature(10)) #initial point initial = [0.0, 0.0] #stud mag without grid [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(0, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100, c_mag = 1e-2,c_align=0) print err plot(x,y, 'black', label='High-res sensor', linewidth=2) #stud mag with grid [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100, c_mag = 1e-2,c_align=0) print err plot(x,y, 'black', label='High-res sensor with Grid', linestyle='-.', linewidth=3) #hagga mag without grid [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(0, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0, 1,100,c_mag = 1.5e-1,c_align=0) print err plot(x,y, 'gray', label='Low-res sensor', linewidth=2) #hagga mag with grid [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0, 1,100,c_mag = 1.5e-1,c_align=0) print err plot(x,y, 'gray',label='Low-res sensor with Grid', linestyle='-.', linewidth=3)
]) start = np.array([0, .5]) #anca(start, goals) for thre in [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 8]: f, (a1, a2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(9, 4)) (t, b, uh, ur) = sim.simulate(start, goals, 0, lazy(thre), shared_sampled(lazylike(thre), lazy(thre)), prior=np.array([0.5, 0.5])) print(uh) visualize(a1, start, goals, trajectories=[t], u_hs=[uh], c="k") (t, b1, uh, ur) = sim.simulate(start, goals, 0, lazy(thre), active(lazylike(thre), lazy(thre), 100), prior=np.array([0.2, 0.8])) print(uh) visualize(a2, start, goals, trajectories=[t], u_hs=[uh], c="r") f, a = plt.subplots(1) compare_beliefs(a, [b, b1], labels=["shared", "active"])
sim.simulate(filepath, filedir, f, write, analyze, makefig, diffuse, antibunch, pulsed, numlines, maxlines, endtime, temp, concentration, absXsec, k_emission, emwavelength, bfrate, r, eta, n, accConc, racc, crashtransferprob, tripem, dftime, reprate, wavelength, lp, pulselength, foclen, NA, darkcounts, sensitivity, deadtime, afterpulse, order, mode, gnpwr, numbins, pulsebins, channels, dopic=0, normalize=normalize, ac=10**4, timestep=timestep, units='ns')
def plotTraces (include = None, timeRange = None, overlay = False, oneFigPer = 'cell', rerun = False, figSize = (10,8), saveData = None, saveFig = None, showFig = True): ''' Plot recorded traces - include (['all',|'allCells','allNetStims',|,120,|,'E1'|,('L2', 56)|,('L5',[4,5,6])]): List of cells for which to plot the recorded traces (default: []) - timeRange ([start:stop]): Time range of spikes shown; if None shows all (default: None) - overlay (True|False): Whether to overlay the data lines or plot in separate subplots (default: False) - oneFigPer ('cell'|'trace'): Whether to plot one figure per cell (showing multiple traces) or per trace (showing multiple cells) (default: 'cell') - rerun (True|False): rerun simulation so new set of cells gets recorded (default: False) - figSize ((width, height)): Size of figure (default: (10,8)) - saveData (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the final data used to generate the figure; if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None) - saveFig (None|True|'fileName'): File name where to save the figure; if set to True uses filename from simConfig (default: None) - showFig (True|False): Whether to show the figure or not (default: True) - Returns figure handles ''' print('Plotting recorded cell traces ...') if include is None: include = [] # If not defined, initialize as empty list # rerun simulation so new include cells get recorded from if rerun: cellsRecord = [cell.gid for cell in sim.getCellsList(include)] for cellRecord in cellsRecord: if cellRecord not in sim.cfg.recordCells: sim.cfg.recordCells.append(cellRecord) sim.setupRecording() sim.simulate() colorList = [[0.42,0.67,0.84], [0.90,0.76,0.00], [0.42,0.83,0.59], [0.90,0.32,0.00], [0.34,0.67,0.67], [0.90,0.59,0.00], [0.42,0.82,0.83], [1.00,0.85,0.00], [0.33,0.67,0.47], [1.00,0.38,0.60], [0.57,0.67,0.33], [0.5,0.2,0.0], [0.71,0.82,0.41], [0.0,0.2,0.5]] tracesList = sim.cfg.recordTraces.keys() tracesList.sort() cells, cellGids, _ = getCellsInclude(include) gidPops = {cell['gid']: cell['tags']['popLabel'] for cell in cells} # time range if timeRange is None: timeRange = [0,sim.cfg.duration] recordStep = sim.cfg.recordStep figs = [] tracesData = [] # Plot one fig per cell if oneFigPer == 'cell': for gid in cellGids: figs.append(figure()) # Open a new figure fontsiz = 12 for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): if 'cell_'+str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: data = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_'+str(gid)][int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)] t = arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_'+str(gid)+'_'+trace: data}) color = colorList[itrace] if not overlay: subplot(len(tracesList),1,itrace+1) color = 'blue' plot(t[:len(data)], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label=trace) xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) xlim(timeRange) if itrace==0: title('Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) if overlay: maxLabelLen = 10 subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) # Plot one fig per cell elif oneFigPer == 'trace': for itrace, trace in enumerate(tracesList): figs.append(figure()) # Open a new figure fontsiz = 12 for igid, gid in enumerate(cellGids): if 'cell_'+str(gid) in sim.allSimData[trace]: data = sim.allSimData[trace]['cell_'+str(gid)][int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)] t = arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep) tracesData.append({'t': t, 'cell_'+str(gid)+'_'+trace: data}) color = colorList[igid] if not overlay: subplot(len(cellGids),1,igid+1) color = 'blue' ylabel(trace, fontsize=fontsiz) plot(t[:len(data)], data, linewidth=1.5, color=color, label='Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz) xlim(timeRange) title('Cell %d, Pop %s '%(int(gid), gidPops[gid])) if overlay: maxLabelLen = 10 subplots_adjust(right=(0.9-0.012*maxLabelLen)) legend(fontsize=fontsiz, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) try: tight_layout() except: pass #save figure data if saveData: figData = {'tracesData': tracesData, 'include': include, 'timeRange': timeRange, 'oneFigPer': oneFigPer, 'saveData': saveData, 'saveFig': saveFig, 'showFig': showFig} _saveFigData(figData, saveData, 'traces') # save figure if saveFig: if isinstance(saveFig, str): filename = saveFig else: filename = sim.cfg.filename+'_'+'traces.png' savefig(filename) # show fig if showFig: _showFigure() return figs
#dests = array([ #[l/5,l/5], #[2*l/5,2*l/5], #[3*l/5,3*l/5], #[4*l/5,4*l/5], #[l,l] #]) #dests = array(curvature(10)) dests = [] for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): dests.append([i,i]) dests = array(dests) for b in arange (10,110,10): errs = [] for j in range(0,100): print b, j tmp = simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,b) errs.append(tmp[-1]) p.append(b) avg_errors.append(average(errs)) max_errors.append(max(errs)) print b, avg_errors[-1], max_errors[-1] print p print avg_errors print max_errors
l = 10.0 #Destination dests = [] for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): dests.append([i,i]) dests = array(dests) #initial point initial = [0.0, 0.0] err_range = arange(0, 0.11, 0.01) print err_range errs = [] for i in err_range: [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = sim.simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100, c_slip=i) errs.append(err) print errs errs = [] for i in err_range: [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = sim.simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100, c_mag=i) errs.append(err) print errs mesh = [] errs = [] for i in err_range: for j in err_range: mesh.append([i, j]) [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = monte.simulate(9, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0,1,100, c_slip=i, c_mag=j)
#dests = array([ #[l/5,l/5], #[2*l/5,2*l/5], #[3*l/5,3*l/5], #[4*l/5,4*l/5], #[l,l] #]) dests = [] for i in arange(0.1*l, 1.1*l, 0.1*l): dests.append([i,i]) dests = array(dests) #initial point initial = [0.0, 0.0] #actual plot1 [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(0, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0, 1, 100) print err plot(array(x)*10,array(y)*10, 'black', label='0 correction', linewidth=2) #actual plot2 [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(1, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0, 1, 100) print err plot(array(x)*10,array(y)*10, 'green', label='1 correction', linewidth=2) #actual plot3 [x, y, gx, gy, corr, err] = simulate(2, l, initial, pi/2, dests, 1.0, 1, 100) print err plot(array(x)*10,array(y)*10, 'blue', label='2 corrections', linewidth=2) legend(loc=2) l *= 10 dests *= 10 gx *= 10
from pylab import * from sim import simulate a = [] avg_errors = [] max_errors = [] initial = [0.0, 0.0] l = 10.0 for n in arange(0, (pi / 2) + 0.05, pi / 20): errs = [] dests = array([[l * cos(n), l * sin(n)]]) for j in range(0, 10): print n, j tmp = simulate(10, l, initial, pi / 2, dests, 1.0) errs.append(tmp[-1]) a.append(n) avg_errors.append(average(errs)) max_errors.append(max(errs)) print n, avg_errors[-1], max_errors[-1] print a print avg_errors print max_errors
numbins = 8192 pulsebins = (10**2)-1#should always be an odd number channels = 2 #Miscellaneous simulation parameters picyzoom = [-1,-1] timestep = 1000000 #average number of photons per "round" of calculations seq = 1 i = 0 f = filenames[0] sim.simulate(filepath, filedir, f, write, analyze, makefig, diffuse, antibunch, pulsed, numlines, maxlines, endtime,temp, concentration, dabsXsec, labsXsec, k_demission, k_sem, emwavelength, r,eta, n, k_tem, k_fiss, k_trans, reprate, wavelength, laserpwr, pulselength, foclen, NA, darkcounts, sensitivity, nligands, deadtime, afterpulse, order, mode, gnpwr, numbins, pulsebins, channels, seq) ''' for laserpwr in [0.005,0.0005,0.5]: for concentration in [2*10**(-8),2*10**(-6),2*10**(-10)]: i = i + 1 for sensitivity in [0.1,0.5,0.01]: for k_demission in [1400000,15]: for nligands in [100,1,10000]: for diffuse in range(2): f = filenames[0]
def loadSimulate(filename, simConfig=None, output=False): import sim sim.load(filename, simConfig) sim.simulate()