class FrontEnd(object): def __init__(self): self.sim = Sim() pygame.init() pygame.font.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((G.screenWidth, G.screenHeight)) pygame.display.set_caption("AntBridgeSim") self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.setupButtons() self.drawGrid() for button in self.buttons: button.draw(self.screen) oldpos = self.sim.ant.pos oldId = self.sim.antId dead = None while G.running: time.sleep(G.sleep) self.eventHandler() self.drawBlock(self.sim.ant.pos) self.drawJoint(self.sim.ant.pos) self.drawBlock(oldpos) self.drawJoint(oldpos) oldpos = self.sim.ant.pos if self.sim.antId != oldId: oldId = self.sim.antId self.drawGrid() self.drawJoints() #TODO incrementally draw pygame.display.flip() if not dead: try: if not self.sim.step(): break except Error as e: print e dead = True except Success as e: print e dead = True else: paused = True while paused: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: paused = False G.running = False def eventHandler(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: G.running = False for button in self.buttons: button.checkPressed(event) def drawGrid(self): for x in range(G.numBlocksX): for y in range(G.numBlocksY): self.drawBlock((x, y)) for x in range(G.numBlocksX + 1): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, G.lineColor, (x * G.blockWidth, 0), (x * G.blockWidth, G.screenHeight - G.buttonPanelHeight), G.lineWidth) for y in range(G.numBlocksY + 1): pygame.draw.line(self.screen, G.lineColor, (0, y * G.blockHeight), (G.screenWidth, y * G.blockHeight), G.lineWidth) def setupButtons(self): self.buttons = [] buttonTexts = [] actions = [] # Button for speeding up animation buttonTexts.append("Speed up!") def action(button): G.sleep = G.sleep / 2.0 print "Speed up! New speed %f" % (G.sleep) actions.append(action) # Button for slowing down animation buttonTexts.append("Slow down.") def action(button): G.sleep = G.sleep * 2.0 print "Slow down. New speed %f" % (G.sleep) actions.append(action) # Button for pausing animation buttonTexts.append("Pause") def action(button): button.text = "Resume" button.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.flip() paused = True while paused: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: paused = False elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: paused = False G.running = False button.text = "Pause" button.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.flip() actions.append(action) # This sets up all the buttons based on the above definitions # To add a new button, just append the appropriate text and action above. # When adding buttons, you don't need to change the code below. numButtons = float(len(actions)) for i, (text, action) in enumerate(zip(buttonTexts, actions)): button = Button(text, i * G.screenWidth / numButtons, G.screenHeight - G.buttonPanelHeight, G.screenWidth / numButtons, G.buttonPanelHeight, action) self.buttons.append(button) def drawBlock(self, (x, y)): if self.sim.ant.pos == (x, y): color = G.searchColor elif G.state[(x, y)] == G.SHAKING: color = G.shakeColor elif G.state[(x, y)] == G.NORMAL: color = G.fillColor elif G.state[(x, y)] == G.DEAD: color = G.deadColor else: color = G.emptyColor rect = pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, color, (x * G.blockWidth + G.lineWidth, y * G.blockHeight + G.lineWidth, G.blockWidth - G.lineWidth, G.blockHeight - G.lineWidth), 0)
def transactions(self): return self._txs if __name__ == '__main__': fname = './data/eth_usdt_med.csv' sim = Sim(fname) sim_iters = 50000 buy_len = 3 sell_len = 2 limit = 0.01 # amount to buy trader = SimpleTrader(buy_len, sell_len, limit) done = False for i in range(sim_iters): exchange_data, done = sim.step() if done: break trader.act(exchange_data) print("Done simulating {} steps".format(i)) print("SimpleTrader params: buy len {}, sell len {}, buy limit {}".format( buy_len, sell_len, limit)) print("PnL: {:.3f}".format(trader.pnl())) print("First 3 transactions:") for t in trader.transactions()[:3]: print(t)
class BatchRun(object): def __init__(self, numRuns, output): # desired statistics antsPerRun = 0 successfulRuns = 0 failedRuns = 0 maxHeightAchieved = 0 heightPerRun = 0 success = True if output is not None: outfile = open(output, "w") G.outfile = outfile for i in range(numRuns): if G.verbose: print >> G.outfile, "RUNNING BATCH " + str(i + 1) print "RUNNING BATCH " + str(i + 1) try: self.sim = Sim() while G.running: if not self.sim.step(): break G.running = True except Error as e: if G.verbose: print e success = None except Success as s: if G.verbose: print s # accumulate statistics heightPerRun += self.sim.maxHeight + 1 if self.sim.maxHeight > maxHeightAchieved: maxHeightAchieved = self.sim.maxHeight if success: antsPerRun += self.sim.numAnts successfulRuns += 1 else: failedRuns += 1 success = True #sanity check if numRuns != successfulRuns + failedRuns: raise WeirdError("Runs weren't counted right... weird!") # summarize statistics statsString = "Ran a batch of " + str(numRuns) \ + " simulations. " if successfulRuns != 0: statsString += "\n Average Ants To Complete a Bridge: " \ + str(float(antsPerRun) / float(successfulRuns)) statsString += "\n Percentage of Successful Runs: " \ + str(float(successfulRuns) * 100.0 / float(numRuns)) \ + "%" \ + "\n Average Height of Bridges Built: " \ + str(float(heightPerRun) / float(numRuns)) \ + "\n Maximum Height of Bridges Built: " \ + str(maxHeightAchieved + 1) print >> G.outfile, statsString
goal_pxl = np.array([CAM_WIDTH / 2., CAM_HEIGHT / 2.]) # Holds features with desired selection criteria pnts = None prev_pnts = None feats = None draw = [] # Perform VS for t seconds t = 50 vel = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) prev_time = start while (time.time() - start) < t: # Get image from sim and find ORB keypoints print("Starting new frame") rgb, depth = sim.step() featimg, kps, des = finder.get_orb(rgb) # Convert target and goal pixels to cartesian space target_pnt = ibvs.feature_to_pnt(target_pxl, depth) goal_pnt = ibvs.feature_to_pnt(goal_pxl, depth) if constellation.is_empty(): # # # Feature selection # # # # Find translational distance from goal diff = goal_pnt - target_pnt # TODO: Select features by score and distance feats = []
ep_return = 0 obs = s.reset() # Do this BEFORE adding a manual or random car if args.control_car_type == "human": s.add_manual_car(fig) elif args.control_car_type == "random": s.add_random_car() obs = s.get_obs() if not args.nogui: s.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) while not done: obs, reward, done, info = s.step(get_car_actions(obs)) ep_return += reward if not args.nogui: s.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) if i % 10 == 0: print(i) collisions.append(s.check_collisions()) goals.append(s.goals_reached) returns.append(ep_return) returns = np.array(returns).sum(axis=1) / NUM_RL_CARS print( f"avg returns ${np.sum(returns)/len(returns):.2f}\\pm{scipy.stats.sem(returns):.2f}$" )
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run autonomous vehicle swarm simulation.') parser.add_argument('num_cars', type=int) parser.add_argument('map_path') parser.add_argument('--path-reversal-prob', type=float, required=False) parser.add_argument('--angle-min', type=float, required=False) parser.add_argument('--angle-max', type=float, required=False) parser.add_argument('--timestep', type=float, required=False, default=0.1) parser.add_argument('--angle-mode', choices=['auto', 'auto_noise', 'random'], default='auto', required=False) parser.add_argument('--angle-noise', type=float, default=0.0, required=False) parser.add_argument('--save-video', action='store_true', default=False, required=False) parser.add_argument('--nogui', action='store_true', default=False, required=False) parser.add_argument('--collision-penalty', choices=['none', 'low'], default='none', required=False) parser.add_argument('--num_episodes', type=int, default=1, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() POLICY_FILENAME = POLICY_FILES[args.map_path] if args.save_video: assert not args.nogui # WARNING: This must match the class of the saved policy. See the main() method in def policy_fn(name, ob_space, ac_space): return mlp_mean_embedding_policy.MlpPolicy(name=name, ob_space=ob_space, ac_space=ac_space, hid_size=[64], feat_size=[64]) # Load the policy po = ActWrapper.load(POLICY_FILENAME, policy_fn) # WARNING: This must match the environment for the saved policy. See the main() method of env = Sim( args.num_cars, args.map_path, args.path_reversal_prob or 0, args.angle_min or 0, args.angle_max or 2*np.pi, angle_mode=args.angle_mode, angle_noise=args.angle_noise, timestep=args.timestep, save_video=args.save_video, collision_penalty=args.collision_penalty ) if not args.nogui: # Create window for rendering plt.ion() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('AV Swarm Simulator') env.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) stochastic = True # idk why not returns = [] collisions = [] goals = [] for i in range(args.num_episodes): obs = env.reset() done = False ep_return = 0 while not done: ac, vpred = po._act.act(stochastic, obs) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(ac) ep_return += reward if not args.nogui: env.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) collisions.append(env.check_collisions()) goals.append(env.goals_reached) returns.append(ep_return) if i % 10 == 0: print(i) returns = np.array(returns).sum(axis=1) / args.num_cars print(f"avg returns ${np.sum(returns)/len(returns):.2f}\\pm{scipy.stats.sem(returns):.2f}$") print(f"avg goals ${np.sum(goals)/len(goals):.2f}\\pm{scipy.stats.sem(goals):.2f}$") print(f"avg collisions ${np.sum(collisions)/len(collisions):.2f}\\pm{scipy.stats.sem(collisions):.2f}$") env.close()
) if not args.nogui: s.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) # ACTIONS = [(200, 0)] #, (0, np.pi/6), (50, np.pi/12)] # Takes 20 steps to turn around # ACTIONS = [(100, 0.1)] ACTIONS = [(100, 0)] # TEMP: For LIDAR debugging rng = np.random.default_rng(42) car_actions = [rng.choice(ACTIONS) for _ in range(args.num_cars)] import time starttime = time.time() for i in range(80): obs, reward, done, info = s.step(car_actions) print('reward', reward) if not args.nogui: s.render(ax=ax) plt.pause(0.01) print('total time', time.time()-starttime) if not args.nogui: plt.pause(10) s.close() # FIXME: Some problems right off the bat: # - I can't keep the plt window open without pausing it for a long period of time.