def detect_and_match(model_preproc,
    image = Image.open(img_path)
    if image.mode != 'RGB':
        image = image.convert("RGB")
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    image = Image.fromarray(image)
    image_array = np.array(image)

    yolo, model, my_preprocess = model_preproc
    prediction, new_image = yolo.detect_image(image)
    #new_image.save(os.path.join(save_img_path, 'detect_' + os.path.basename(img_path)))

    candidates, i_candidates_too_small = contents_of_bbox(
        image_array, prediction)
    prediction = [
        pred for i, pred in enumerate(prediction)
        if i not in i_candidates_too_small
    features_cand = features_from_image(candidates, model, my_preprocess)

    feat_input, sim_cutoff, bins, cdf_list, input_labels = input_features_cdf_cutoff_labels
    matches, cos_sim = similar_matches(feat_input, features_cand, sim_cutoff,
                                       bins, cdf_list)

    match_pred = []
    keys = list(matches.keys())
    for idx in keys:
        bb = prediction[idx]
        if bb[-1] < 0.70:
        label = input_labels[matches[idx][0]]
        pred = [bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], label, bb[-1]]  #, matches[idx][1]]
        print('Logo #{} - {} {} - classified as {} {:.2f}'.format(
            idx, tuple(bb[:2]), tuple(bb[2:4]), label, matches[idx][1]))

    with open('./data/test/pred_with_timestamp.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump([match_pred, timestamp], f)

    if save_img:
        new_img = draw_matches(image_array, input_labels, prediction, matches)
        saved = Image.fromarray(new_img).save(
            os.path.join(save_img_path, 'output.jpg'))

    return match_pred, timestamp
def match_logo(img_test, prediction, model_preproc,
    Given an a path to an image and a list of predicted bounding boxes,
    extract features and check each against input brand features. Declare
    a match if the cosine similarity is smaller than an input-dependent
    cutoff. Draw and annotate resulting boxes on image.

      img_test: input image
      prediction: bounding box candidates
      model_preproc: (model, preprocess) tuple of the feature extractor model
        and the preprocessing function to be applied to image before the model
      input_features_cdf_cutoff_labels = (feat_input, sim_cutoff, bins, cdf_list, input_labels)
        tuple of lists related to input brand, giving pre-computed features,
        similarity cutoffs, cumulative similarity distribution and relative bins
        specifications, and labels to be drawn when matches are found.
      outtxt: one line detailing input file path and resulting matched bounding
        boxes, space-separated in format
      timing: timing for each step of the pipeline, namely image read, logog candidate
        extraction, feature computation, matching to input brands
        (optional, only if timing=True)

    model, my_preprocess = model_preproc
    feat_input, sim_cutoff, bins, cdf_list, input_labels = input_features_cdf_cutoff_labels

    candidates, i_candidates_too_small = contents_of_bbox(img_test, prediction)
    # filter predicted bboxes to discard small logos
    prediction = [
        pred for i, pred in enumerate(prediction)
        if i not in i_candidates_too_small

    features_cand = features_from_image(candidates, model, my_preprocess)

    matches, cos_sim = similar_matches(feat_input, features_cand, sim_cutoff,
                                       bins, cdf_list)

    outtxt = ''
    for idx in matches:
        bb = prediction[idx]
        label = input_labels[matches[idx][0]]
        print('Logo #{} - {} {} - classified as {} {:.2f}'.format(
            idx, tuple(bb[:2]), tuple(bb[2:4]), label, matches[idx][1]))

        outtxt += '{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f},{:.3f}\n'.format(
            *bb[:4], label, bb[-1], matches[idx][1])

    return outtxt
def match_logo(img_test,
    Given an a path to an image and a list of predicted bounding boxes,
    extract features and check each against input brand features. Declare
    a match if the cosine similarity is smaller than an input-dependent
    cutoff. Draw and annotate resulting boxes on image.

      img_test: input image
      prediction: bounding box candidates
      model_preproc: (model, preprocess) tuple of the feature extractor model
        and the preprocessing function to be applied to image before the model
      input_features_cdf_cutoff_labels = (feat_input, sim_cutoff, bins, cdf_list, input_labels)
        tuple of lists related to input brand, giving pre-computed features,
        similarity cutoffs, cumulative similarity distribution and relative bins
        specifications, and labels to be drawn when matches are found.
      save_img: bool flag to save annotated image
      save_img_path: path to directory where to save image
      timing: bool flag to output timing information for each step, make plot
      outtxt: one line detailing input file path and resulting matched bounding
        boxes, space-separated in format
      timing: timing for each step of the pipeline, namely image read, logog candidate
        extraction, feature computation, matching to input brands
        (optional, only if timing=True)

    start = timer()
    model, my_preprocess = model_preproc
    feat_input, sim_cutoff, bins, cdf_list, input_labels = input_features_cdf_cutoff_labels
    # from PIL image to np array
    #img_test = np.array(image)

    # img_test = cv2.imread(img_path) # could be removed by passing previous PIL image
    t_read = timer() - start
    candidates, i_candidates_too_small = contents_of_bbox(img_test, prediction)
    # filter predicted bboxes to discard small logos
    prediction = [
        pred for i, pred in enumerate(prediction)
        if i not in i_candidates_too_small
    t_box = timer() - start
    features_cand = features_from_image(candidates, model, my_preprocess)
    t_feat = timer() - start
    matches, cos_sim = similar_matches(feat_input, features_cand, sim_cutoff,
                                       bins, cdf_list)
    t_match = timer() - start

    img_path = outtxt
    for idx in matches:
        bb = prediction[idx]
        label = input_labels[matches[idx][0]]
        print('Logo #{} - {} {} - classified as {} {:.2f}'.format(
            idx, tuple(bb[:2]), tuple(bb[2:4]), label, matches[idx][1]))

        outtxt += ' {},{},{},{},{},{:.2f},{:.3f}'.format(
            *bb[:4], label, bb[-1], matches[idx][1])
    outtxt += '\n'

    new_img = draw_matches(img_test, input_labels, prediction, matches)
    t_draw = timer() - start
    if save_img == True:
        save_img_path = os.path.abspath(save_img_path)
        saved = Image.fromarray(new_img).save(
            os.path.join(save_img_path, os.path.basename(img_path)))
        # save with opencv, remember to flip RGB->BGR
        # saved = cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_img_path, os.path.basename(img_path)), new_img[...,::-1])
    t_save = timer() - start
    if timing:
        return outtxt, (t_read, t_box - t_read, t_feat - t_box,
                        t_match - t_feat, t_draw - t_match, t_save - t_draw)

    return outtxt