def search(original, rotated):
    most_sim = {
        'sp': [0, 0],  # format: [(most_sim, (pixel))]
        'mm': [0, 0],
        'alt': [0, 0]

    nWedges, nRings = rotated.size()

    for i in xrange(nWedges):
        sp = sim.sumProd(rotated.pix, original.pix)
        mm = sim.maxMin(rotated.pix, original.pix)
        a = sim.alt(rotated.pix, original.pix)

        print('%d\tsp: %f\tmm: %f\ta: %f' % (i, sp, mm, a))

        if sp > most_sim['sp'][0]:
            most_sim['sp'] = [sp, i]
        if mm > most_sim['mm'][0]:
            most_sim['mm'] = [mm, i]
        if a > most_sim['alt'][0]:
            most_sim['alt'] = [a, i]


    return most_sim
def rotational_search(rot_ret, goal_ret):
    most_sim = (0, 0)  # format: (most_sim, wedge_index)
    for wedge_index in range(rot_ret.template.nWedges):
        mm = sim.maxMin(rot_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)
        if mm > most_sim[0]:
            most_sim = (mm, wedge_index)


    return most_sim
def rotational_search(rot_ret, goal_ret):
    most_sim = [0, 0]  # format: [most_sim, wedge_index]

    for wedge_index in xrange(template.nWedges):

        mm = sim.maxMin(rot_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)
        if mm > most_sim[0]:
            most_sim = [mm, wedge_index]


    return most_sim
def secondarySearch(choiceSpace, s, primary_loc, primary_wedge_index):
    min_angle = (primary_wedge_index - 0.5) / s.template.nWedges * 2 * pi
    max_angle = (primary_wedge_index + 0.5) / s.template.nWedges * 2 * pi

    delta_angle = 2 * pi * s.sp_dist / (
        2 * s.template.nWedges
    )  # delta_angle is small enough to ensure all the closest pixels to the circumference are visited
    angle = min_angle
    choiceSpace_locs = []
    while angle < max_angle:
        pixel = closestPixel(primary_loc + rotate(s.sp_difference, angle))
        if pixel not in choiceSpace_locs and pixel[0] >= 0 and pixel[1] >= 0:

        angle += delta_angle

    density_deltas = []
    for cs_loc in choiceSpace_locs:
        sx, sy = cs_loc
        subSpace = choiceSpace[sx:sx + s.size, sy:sy + s.size]
        x, y = subSpace.shape
        if x == s.size and y == s.size:
                (s.secondary.ret.ringwiseDensityDelta(subSpace), cs_loc))

    if len(density_deltas) == 0:
        return (0, (0, 0))


    cutOff = min(secondary_queue_size, len(choiceSpace_locs))
    choiceSpace_locs = [tup[1] for tup in density_deltas[:cutOff]]

    target_ret = s.secondary.ret.copy()

    most_sim = (0, (0, 0))
    for loc in choiceSpace_locs:
        sx, sy = loc

        # creates subspace specified by loc and transforms it to retina-form
        goal_ret = s.template.createRetina(choiceSpace[sx:sx + s.size,
                                                       sy:sy + s.size])

        mm = sim.maxMin(target_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)

        if mm > most_sim[0]:
            most_sim = (mm, loc)

    return most_sim
def sliceSearch(choiceSpace, s, sub_loc, sub_wedge_index):
    min_angle = (sub_wedge_index - 0.5) / s.subtemplate.nWedges * tao
    max_angle = (sub_wedge_index + 0.5) / s.subtemplate.nWedges * tao

    radians_per_slice_wedge = tao / s.template.nWedges
    min_slice_wedge = int(math.floor(min_angle / radians_per_slice_wedge))
    max_slice_wedge = int(math.ceil(max_angle / radians_per_slice_wedge))

    # print min_slice_wedge, max_slice_wedge

    most_sim = (0, 0, (0, 0))
    target_ret = s.ret.copy()
    for wedge in range(min_slice_wedge, max_slice_wedge + 1):
        angle = float(wedge) / s.template.nWedges * tao
        # gets vector to sublice center in easel slot's coordinates
        vectorToSlice = sub_loc + (s.subslice_center - s.subslice.start)
        # gets vector to slice center in easel slot's coordinates
        vectorToSlice += rotate(s.center_delta, angle)
        # gets vector to slice upper right corner in easel slot's coordinates
        vectorToSlice -= s.slice_center
        sx, sy = closestPixel(vectorToSlice)
        # print sx, sy, wedge, angle*360 / tao

        # creates subspace and transforms it to retina-form
        subspace = choiceSpace[sx:sx + s.size, sy:sy + s.size]
        if subspace.shape == (s.size, s.size):
            goal_ret = s.template.createRetina(subspace)
            # goal_ret.visualize('test_slot_%d.jpg' % wedge)
            mm = sim.maxMin(target_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)
            if mm > most_sim[0]:
                most_sim = (mm, wedge, (sx, sy))

            # ad = sim.absDiff(target_ret.retina,goal_ret.retina,relevant=True)
            # print ad
            # if ad > most_sim[0]:
            # most_sim = (ad,wedge,(sx,sy))


    return most_sim
def tertiarySearch(choiceSpace, s, secondary_loc, choice_sp_angle):
    rotation = choice_sp_angle - s.sp_angle
    centerPixel = closestPixel(secondary_loc +
                               rotate(s.ts_difference, rotation))
    cx, cy = centerPixel
    target_ret = s.tertiary.ret.copy()

    most_sim = (0, (0, 0))
    for x in range(cx - 1, cx + 2):
        for y in range(cy - 1, cy + 2):
            subSpace = choiceSpace[x:x + s.size, y:y + s.size]
            sx, sy = subSpace.shape
            if sx == s.size and sy == s.size:
                # creates subspace specified by loc and transforms it to retina-form
                goal_ret = s.template.createRetina(subSpace)

                mm = sim.maxMin(target_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)

                if mm > most_sim[0]:
                    most_sim = (mm, (x, y))

    return most_sim
def secondarySearch(choiceSpace, s, primary_loc, primary_wedge_index):
    min_angle = (primary_wedge_index - 0.5) / s.template.nWedges * tao
    max_angle = (primary_wedge_index + 0.5) / s.template.nWedges * tao

    secondary_locs = set()

    # print primary_loc
    # print primary_wedge_index
    # print min_angle
    # print max_angle
    # print('')
    # print s.sp_angle
    # print s.sp_dist

    min_pixel = closestPixel(primary_loc + rotate(s.sp_difference, min_angle))
    # print min_pixel

    # adds some "wiggle room"; equals angle of sector with arc length = half the diagonal of one pixel (i.e. 0.5*sqrt_2)
    min_relative = (min_angle + s.sp_angle) % (tao) - 0.5 * sqrt_2 / s.sp_dist
    # print min_relative
    max_relative = (max_angle + s.sp_angle) % (tao) + 0.5 * sqrt_2 / s.sp_dist
    # print max_relative
    # print('')

    q = deque()
    visited = []
    while len(q) > 0:
        s_loc = q.popleft()
        s_loc = np.array(s_loc)
        # print s_loc
        # pixel's center is within half the diagonal of one pixel (i.e. 0.5*sqrt_2) of arc
        isRadiallyClose = abs(r.dist(primary_loc, s_loc) -
                              s.sp_dist) < 0.5 * sqrt_2
        # print isRadiallyClose

        angle = r.angle(primary_loc, s_loc) % tao
        isAngularlyClose = min_relative < angle < max_relative
        # print angle
        # print isAngularlyClose

        if isRadiallyClose and isAngularlyClose:
            # print('trying to add %s' % str(tuple(s_loc)))
            # print secondary_locs
            for move in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]:
                new_loc = tuple(s_loc + move)
                if new_loc not in q and new_loc not in visited:
		user_input = raw_input('enter...')
		if user_input == 'q':

    secondary_locs = [
        loc for loc in secondary_locs if isValid(loc, choiceSpace.shape)

    density_deltas = []
    for s_loc in secondary_locs:
        sx, sy = s_loc
        subSpace = choiceSpace[sx:sx + s.size, sy:sy + s.size]
        x, y = subSpace.shape
        if x == s.size and y == s.size:
                (s.secondary.ret.ringwiseDensityDelta(subSpace), s_loc))

    if len(density_deltas) == 0:
        return (0, (0, 0))


    cutOff = min(secondary_queue_size, len(secondary_locs))
    secondary_locs = [tup[1] for tup in density_deltas[:cutOff]]

    target_ret = s.secondary.ret.copy()

    most_sim = (0, (0, 0))
    for loc in secondary_locs:
        sx, sy = loc

        # creates subspace specified by loc and transforms it to retina-form
        goal_ret = s.template.createRetina(choiceSpace[sx:sx + s.size,
                                                       sy:sy + s.size])

        mm = sim.maxMin(target_ret.retina, goal_ret.retina)

        if mm > most_sim[0]:
            most_sim = (mm, loc)

    return most_sim
def search(searchSpace, target, locations, queueSize):
    most_sim = {
        'sp': [],  # format: [(most_sim, (pixel))]
        'mm': [],
        'alt': []

    tx, ty = target.size()
    subSpace = np.empty((tx, ty))
    ssx, ssy = searchSpace.size()
    spArr = np.empty((ssx-tx+1,ssy-ty+1))
    altArr = np.empty((ssx-tx+1,ssy-ty+1))

    nIterations = 0
    for box in locations:
        nIterations += (box[2] - box[0]) * (box[3] - box[1])

    print nIterations

    counter = 0
    for box in locations:
        for sx in xrange(box[0], box[2]):
            for sy in xrange(box[1], box[3]):
                subSpace = searchSpace.pix[sx:sx + tx, sy:sy + ty]

                sp = sim.sumProd(target.pix, subSpace)
                #sp = 0
                mm = sim.maxMin(target.pix, subSpace)
                #mm = 0
                a = sim.alt(target.pix, subSpace)
                if queueSize == 1:
                    print('\n%d:\tsp %f.3, mm %f.3, alt %f.3 at %s' % (counter,sp,mm,a,str((sx,sy))))
                    if len(most_sim['sp']) == 0:
                        for key in most_sim.keys():
                            print('%s:\t%s' % (key,str(most_sim[key])))
                if not queueSize == 1:
                    spArr[sx,sy] = sp
                    altArr[sx,sy] = a

                if counter < queueSize:
                    hq.heappush(most_sim['sp'], (sp, (sx, sy)))
                    hq.heappush(most_sim['mm'], (mm, (sx, sy)))
                    hq.heappush(most_sim['alt'], (a, (sx, sy)))
                    hq.heappushpop(most_sim['sp'], (sp, (sx, sy)))
                    hq.heappushpop(most_sim['mm'], (mm, (sx, sy)))
                    hq.heappushpop(most_sim['alt'], (a, (sx, sy)))
                if queueSize == 1:
                    for key in most_sim.keys():
                        #print('%s:\t%f at %s' % (key,round(most_sim[key][0],3),str(most_sim[key][1])))
                        print('%s:\t%s' % (key,str(most_sim[key])))

                if counter % 10000 == 0:
                        str(round(100 * (float(counter) / nIterations), 2)) +
                        r'% done')

                #print(str(counter) + ': ' + str(most_sim['sp']))

                counter += 1

    for key in target.most_sim.keys():
        target.most_sim[key] = [tup[1] for tup in most_sim[key]]
    if not queueSize == 1:

    return most_sim if queueSize == 1 else None