def loadVTypeMap(fn):
    '''loadVTypeMap(string) -> dict
    Reads lines of the form 'origMode:leadMode:followMode:catchupMode:catchupFollowMode' (last three elements can be omitted) from a given file and write corresponding key:value pairs to PLATOON_VTYPES

    with open(fn, "r") as f:
        #         if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
        if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            report("Loading vehicle type mappings from file '%s'..." % fn, True)
        splits = [l.split(":") for l in f.readlines()]
        NrBadLines = 0
        for j, spl in enumerate(splits):
            if len(spl) >= 2 and len(spl) <= 5:
                stripped = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), spl))
                origType = stripped[0]
                if origType == "":
                    raise SimplaException("Original vType must be specified in line %s of vType file '%s'!" % (j, fn))
                if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    report("original type: '%s'" % origType, True)

                leadType = stripped[1]
                if leadType == "":
                    raise SimplaException("Platoon leader vType must be specified in line %s of vType file '%s'!" % (j, fn))
                if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    report("platoon leader type: '%s'" % leadType, True)

                if (len(stripped) >= 3 and stripped[2] != ""):
                    followerType = stripped[2]
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                        report("platoon follower type: '%s'" % followerType, True)
                    followerType = None

                if (len(stripped) >= 4 and stripped[3] != ""):
                    catchupType = stripped[3]
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                        report("catchup type: '%s'" % catchupType, True)
                    catchupType = None

                if len(stripped) >= 5 and stripped[4] != "":
                    catchupFollowerType = stripped[4]
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                        report("catchup follower type: '%s'" % catchupFollowerType, True)
                    catchupFollowerType = None

                PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.NONE] = origType
                PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.LEADER] = leadType
                PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] = followerType
                PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] = catchupType
                PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] = catchupFollowerType
                NrBadLines += 1
        if NrBadLines > 0:
            if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                warn("vType file '%s' contained %d lines that were not parsed into a colon-separated sequence of strings!" % (fn, NrBadLines))
    def __init__(self):
        ''' PlatoonManager()

        Creates and initializes the PlatoonManager
        if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            report("Initializing simpla.PlatoonManager...", True)
        # Load parameters from config
        # vehicle type filter
        self._typeSubstrings = cfg.VEH_SELECTORS
        if self._typeSubstrings == [""] and rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
            warn("No typeSubstring given. Managing all vehicles.", True)
        elif rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            report("Managing all vTypes selected by %s" % str(self._typeSubstrings), True)
        # max intra platoon gap
        self._maxPlatoonGap = cfg.MAX_PLATOON_GAP
        # max distance for trying to catch up
        self._catchupDist = cfg.CATCHUP_DIST

        # platoons currently in the simulation
        # map: platoon ID -> platoon objects
        self._platoons = dict()

        # IDs of all potential platoon members currently in the simulation
        # map: ID -> vehicle
        self._connectedVehicles = dict()
        for vehID in traci.vehicle.getIDList():
            if self._hasConnectedType(vehID):

        # integration step-length
        self._DeltaT = traci.simulation.getDeltaT()

        # rate for executing the platoon logic
        if(1. / cfg.CONTROL_RATE < self._DeltaT):
            if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                    "Restricting given control rate (= %d per sec.) to 1 per timestep (= %g per sec.)" %
                    (cfg.CONTROL_RATE, 1. / self._DeltaT), True)
            self._controlInterval = self._DeltaT
            self._controlInterval = 1. / cfg.CONTROL_RATE

        self._timeSinceLastControl = 1000.

        # Check for undefined vtypes and fill with defaults
        for origType, specialTypes in cfg.PLATOON_VTYPES.items():
            if specialTypes[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] is None:
                if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    report("Setting unspecified follower vtype for '%s' to '%s'" %
                           (origType, specialTypes[PlatoonMode.LEADER]), True)
                specialTypes[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] = specialTypes[PlatoonMode.LEADER]
            if specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] is None:
                if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    report("Setting unspecified catchup vtype for '%s' to '%s'" % (origType, origType), True)
                specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] = origType
            if specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] is None:
                if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    report("Setting unspecified catchup-follower vtype for '%s' to '%s'" %
                           (origType, specialTypes[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER]), True)
                specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] = specialTypes[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER]
# Commented snippet generated automatically a catchup follower type with a different color
#                 catchupFollowerType = origType + "_catchupFollower"
#                 specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP]=catchupFollowerType
#                 if rp.VERBOSITY >= 2:
#                     print("Catchup follower type '%s' for '%s' dynamically created as duplicate of '%s'" %
#                       (catchupFollowerType, origType, specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER]))
#                 traci.vehicletype.copy(specialTypes[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] , catchupFollowerType)
#                 traci.vehicletype.setColor(catchupFollowerType, (0, 255, 200, 0))

        # fill global lookup table for vType parameters (used below in safetycheck)
        knownVTypes = traci.vehicletype.getIDList()
        for origType, mappings in cfg.PLATOON_VTYPES.items():
            if origType not in knownVTypes:
                raise SimplaException(
                    "vType '%s' is unknown to sumo! Note: Platooning vTypes must be defined at startup." % origType)
            origLength = traci.vehicletype.getLength(origType)
            origEmergencyDecel = traci.vehicletype.getEmergencyDecel(origType)
            for typeID in list(mappings.values()) + [origType]:
                if typeID not in knownVTypes:
                    raise SimplaException(
                        "vType '%s' is unknown to sumo! Note: Platooning vTypes must be defined at startup." % typeID)
                mappedLength = traci.vehicletype.getLength(typeID)
                mappedEmergencyDecel = traci.vehicletype.getEmergencyDecel(typeID)
                if origLength != mappedLength:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn(("length of mapped vType '%s' (%sm.) does not equal length of original vType " +
                              "'%s' (%sm.)\nThis will probably lead to collisions.") % (
                            typeID, mappedLength, origType, origLength), True)
                if origEmergencyDecel != mappedEmergencyDecel:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn(("emergencyDecel of mapped vType '%s' (%gm.) does not equal emergencyDecel of original " +
                              "vType '%s' (%gm.)") % (
                             typeID, mappedEmergencyDecel, origType, origEmergencyDecel), True)
                simpla._pvehicle.vTypeParameters[typeID][tc.VAR_TAU] = traci.vehicletype.getTau(typeID)
                simpla._pvehicle.vTypeParameters[typeID][tc.VAR_DECEL] = traci.vehicletype.getDecel(typeID)
                simpla._pvehicle.vTypeParameters[typeID][tc.VAR_MINGAP] = traci.vehicletype.getMinGap(typeID)
                simpla._pvehicle.vTypeParameters[typeID][tc.VAR_EMERGENCY_DECEL] = traci.vehicletype.getEmergencyDecel(
def load(filename):

    This loads configuration parameters from a file and overwrites default values.

    configDir = os.path.dirname(filename)
    configElements = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
    parsedTags = []
    for e in configElements:
        if e.tag == "verbosity":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                verbosity = int(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if verbosity in range(5):
                    rp.VERBOSITY = verbosity
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Verbosity must be one of %s! Ignoring given value: %s" %
                             (str(list(range(5))), verbosity), True)
        elif e.tag == "controlRate":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                rate = float(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if rate <= 0.:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Parameter controlRate must be positive. Ignoring given value: %s" % (rate), True)
                    CONTROL_RATE = float(rate)
        elif e.tag == "vehicleSelectors":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                VEH_SELECTORS = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), list(e.attrib.values())[0].split(",")))
        elif e.tag == "maxPlatoonGap":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                maxgap = float(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if maxgap <= 0:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Parameter maxPlatoonGap must be positive. Ignoring given value: %s" % (maxgap), True)
                    MAX_PLATOON_GAP = maxgap
        elif e.tag == "catchupDist":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                dist = float(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if dist <= 0:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Parameter catchupDist must be positive. Ignoring given value: %s" % (dist), True)
                    CATCHUP_DIST = dist
        elif e.tag == "switchImpatienceFactor":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                impfact = float(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if impfact < 0:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Parameter switchImpatienceFactor must be non-negative. Ignoring given value: %s" %
                             (impfact), True)
                    SWITCH_IMPATIENCE_FACTOR = impfact
        elif e.tag == "platoonSplitTime":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                splittime = float(list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if splittime < 0:
                    if rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
                        warn("Parameter platoonSplitTime must be non-negative. Ignoring given value: %s" %
                             (splittime), True)
                    PLATOON_SPLIT_TIME = splittime
        elif e.tag == "lcMode":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                if ("leader" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidLCMode(int(e.attrib["leader"])):
                        LC_MODE[PlatoonMode.LEADER] = int(e.attrib["leader"])
                if ("follower" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidLCMode(int(e.attrib["follower"])):
                        LC_MODE[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] = int(e.attrib["follower"])
                if ("catchup" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidLCMode(int(e.attrib["catchup"])):
                        LC_MODE[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] = int(e.attrib["catchup"])
                if ("catchupFollower" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidLCMode(int(e.attrib["catchupFollower"])):
                        LC_MODE[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] = int(e.attrib["catchupFollower"])
                if ("original" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidLCMode(int(e.attrib["original"])):
                        LC_MODE[PlatoonMode.NONE] = int(e.attrib["original"])
        elif e.tag == "speedFactor":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                if ("leader" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidSpeedFactor(float(e.attrib["leader"])):
                        SPEEDFACTOR[PlatoonMode.LEADER] = float(e.attrib["leader"])
                if ("follower" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidSpeedFactor(float(e.attrib["follower"])):
                        SPEEDFACTOR[PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] = float(e.attrib["follower"])
                if ("catchup" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidSpeedFactor(float(e.attrib["catchup"])):
                        SPEEDFACTOR[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] = float(e.attrib["catchup"])
                if ("catchupFollower" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidSpeedFactor(float(e.attrib["catchupFollower"])):
                        SPEEDFACTOR[PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] = float(e.attrib["catchupFollower"])
                if ("original" in e.attrib):
                    if isValidSpeedFactor(float(e.attrib["original"])):
                        SPEEDFACTOR[PlatoonMode.NONE] = float(e.attrib["original"])
        elif e.tag == "vTypeMapFile":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                fn = os.path.join(configDir, list(e.attrib.values())[0])
                if not os.path.isfile(fn):
                    raise SimplaException("Given vTypeMapFile '%s' does not exist." % fn)
                VTYPE_FILE = fn
        elif e.tag == "vTypeMap":
            if hasAttributes(e):
                if "original" not in e.attrib:
                    warn("vTypeMap must specify original type. Ignoring malformed vTypeMap element.", True)
                    origType = e.attrib["original"]
                    PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.NONE] = origType
                    if ("leader" in e.attrib):
                        leaderType = e.attrib["leader"]
                        PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.LEADER] = leaderType
                        # report("Registering vtype map '%s':'%s'"%(origType,leaderType), True)
                    if ("follower" in e.attrib):
                        followerType = e.attrib["follower"]
                        PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.FOLLOWER] = followerType
                        # report("Registering vtype map '%s':'%s'"%(origType,followerType), True)
                    if ("catchup" in e.attrib):
                        catchupType = e.attrib["catchup"]
                        PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.CATCHUP] = catchupType
                        # report("Registering vtype map '%s':'%s'"%(origType,followerType), True)
                    if ("catchupFollower" in e.attrib):
                        catchupFollowerType = e.attrib["catchupFollower"]
                        PLATOON_VTYPES[origType][PlatoonMode.CATCHUP_FOLLOWER] = catchupFollowerType
                        # report("Registering vtype map '%s':'%s'"%(origType,followerType), True)
        elif rp.VERBOSITY >= 1:
            warn("Encountered unknown configuration parameter '%s'!" % e.tag, True)

    if "vTypeMapFile" in parsedTags:
        # load vType mapping from file

        # if unset, set speedfactor for catchupfollower mode to the same as in catchup mode