def start_quiz(questions): score = 0 for i in range(0, len(questions)): print(questions[i]["question"] + "\n") for j in range(1, 5): print(str(j) + " " + questions[i]["option" + str(j)]) print() try: answer = int(input()) except ValueError: print(chalk.cyan('Please enter a choice between 1 and 4\n')) continue print() if 0 < answer < 5: if (questions[i]["correct_answer"] == "option" + str(answer)): print("Correct Answer!!!\n")) score = score + 1 else: correct_answer = questions[i]["correct_answer"] print("Wrong!! The Correct Answer is {}".format( questions[i][correct_answer]))) print() else: print(chalk.yellow("Invalid Choice\n")) print(chalk.yellow("Your Score is {}/{}".format(score, len(questions))))
def get_summary(errorCount: int, warningCount: int) -> str: summary = '' if errorCount: summary +='{errorCount} errors') if warningCount: summary = f'{summary} and ' if summary else '' summary += chalk.yellow(f'{warningCount} warnings') return summary
def standardDeviation(): print("<------------- Standard Deviation ------------->\n")) print("<------------- Giga IOPS ------------->\n")) for i in threadedIOPSResults: # For all the thread numbers std = [] for j in threadedIOPSResults[i]: try: std.append((j[0] / j[1]) / 1e9) except ZeroDivisionError: std.append(0) print(chalk.yellow(str(i) + " threads: " + str(np.std(std)))) print("\n<------------- Giga IOPS ------------->\n")) for i in threadedFLOPSResults: # For all the thread numbers std = [] for j in threadedFLOPSResults[i]: try: std.append((j[0] / j[1]) / 1e9) except ZeroDivisionError: std.append(0) print(chalk.yellow(str(i) + " threads: " + str(np.std(std))))
def start_quiz(questions): score = 0 for i in range(0, len(questions)): print('--------------------------------------------------------') print(f'Q{i+1}) {questions[i]["question"]}\n') sleep(0.3) for j in range(1, 5): print(f"({j}) {questions[i]['option'+str(j)]:30}", end='\t') sleep(0.2) if not j % 2: print() try: answer = int(input("\nEnter your option number: ")) sleep(0.3) if not 0 < answer < 5: print(chalk.yellow("Please enter a choice between 1 and 4\n")) sleep(0.4) continue except ValueError: print(chalk.cyan('Invalid Choice\n')) sleep(0.4) continue print() if (questions[i]["correct_answer"] == "option" + str(answer)): print("Correct Answer!!!\n")) sleep(0.4) score = score + 1 else: correct_answer = questions[i]["correct_answer"] print( f"Wrong!! The Correct Answer is {questions[i][correct_answer]}" )) sleep(0.4) print() print('--------------------------------------------------------\n\n') print(chalk.yellow(f"Your Score is {score}/{len(questions)}"))
def main(): # # Specify tests for various numbers of threads # testThreads = [i for i in range(1,200)] testThreads = [1, 2, 4, 8] # Specify tests for various numbers of operations # KEEP THE RANGE (1,2) FOR SINGLE VALUE # testInputs = [int(i * 1e4) for i in range(1,10)] testInputs = [int(i * 1e4) for i in range(1, 100)] totalOps = sum(testInputs) * 4 # Compile all FLOPS and IOPS functions into list and associated descriptions list testFunctions = [ intOpsAdd, intOpsSub, intOpsMul, intOpsDiv, fpOpsAdd, fpOpsSub, fpOpsMul, fpOpsDiv ] testFunctionDescriptions = [ "IOPS Add", "IOPS Subtract", "IOPS Multiply", "IOPS Divide", "FLOPS Add", "FLOPS Subtract", "FLOPS Multiply", "FLOPS Divide" ] # RUN ALL TESTS unthreadedResults, threadedResults = runAllTests(testInputs, testThreads, testFunctions) iopsUnthreadedAverage = 0 flopsUnthreadedAverage = 0 iopsThreadedAverage = {} for i in testThreads: iopsThreadedAverage[i] = 0 flopsThreadedAverage = {} for i in testThreads: flopsThreadedAverage[i] = 0 # Print unthreaded results to console print("Unthreaded Results:")) print("-------------------------------")) for i in range(len(testFunctions)): print(chalk.yellow.bold(testFunctionDescriptions[i] + " : ")) for j in range(len(unthreadedResults[i])): if i < 4: iopsUnthreadedAverage += (testInputs[j] / unthreadedResults[i][j]) else: flopsUnthreadedAverage += (testInputs[j] / unthreadedResults[i][j]) print( chalk.yellow( str(testInputs[j]) + " operations took " + str(unthreadedResults[i][j]) + " seconds")) print("-------------------------------")) print("\n\n") # Print threaded results to the console print("Threaded Results:")) print("-------------------------------")) for i in testThreads: print( + " threads: ")) for j in range(len(testFunctions)): print(chalk.yellow.bold(testFunctionDescriptions[j]) + " : ") for k in range(len(testInputs)): if j < 4: iopsThreadedAverage[i] += sum( threadedResults[i][j][testInputs[k]]) else: flopsThreadedAverage[i] += (sum( threadedResults[i][j][testInputs[k]])) print( chalk.yellow( str(testInputs[k]) + " operations took " + str(sum(threadedResults[i][j][testInputs[k]])) + " seconds")) print() print("-------------------------------")) for i in iopsThreadedAverage: iopsThreadedAverage[i] = totalOps / iopsThreadedAverage[i] flopsThreadedAverage[i] = totalOps / flopsThreadedAverage[i] print("\n\n") # Print summary of results print("Summary of Results:")) print("-------------------------------")) print(chalk.yellow.bold("Unthreaded IOPS: ") + str(iopsUnthreadedAverage)) print( chalk.yellow.bold("Unthreaded FLOPS: ") + str(flopsUnthreadedAverage)) print( chalk.yellow.bold("Unthreaded Giga IOPS: ") + str(iopsUnthreadedAverage / 1e9)) print( chalk.yellow.bold("Unthreaded Giga FLOPS: ") + str(flopsUnthreadedAverage / 1e9)) print("-------------------------------")) print(chalk.yellow.bold("Threaded IOPS: ")) for i in testThreads: print( + " threads: ") + str(iopsThreadedAverage[i])) print(chalk.yellow.bold("Threaded FLOPS: ")) for i in testThreads: print( + " threads: ") + str(flopsThreadedAverage[i])) print(chalk.yellow.bold("Threaded Giga IOPS: ")) for i in testThreads: print( + " threads: ") + str(iopsThreadedAverage[i] / 1e9)) print(chalk.yellow.bold("Threaded Giga FLOPS: ")) for i in testThreads: print( + " threads: ") + str(flopsThreadedAverage[i] / 1e9)) print("-------------------------------")) # Convert results to JSON for formatting f = open("", "w") f.write("threadedResults = ") f.write(json.dumps(threadedResults, indent=4)) f.write("\niops = ") f.write(json.dumps(iopsThreadedAverage, indent=4)) f.write("\nflops = ") f.write(json.dumps(flopsThreadedAverage, indent=4)) f.close()
def warn(*args): args = map(js_value_to_string, args) print(chalk.yellow("[WARN]"), *args)
def findHeightWordInSentences(lemmatizedSentences, plantName, category, wikiLink): foundHeight = False with open('plantHeightData.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) for sentence in lemmatizedSentences: for word in sentence: if (word == 'height' or word == 'tall'): print('height found for'), plantName) foundHeight = True sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword = " ".join( str(x) for x in sentence) # print(sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword,'\n') # filterdSentence = tokenizer.tokenize(sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword) # sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword = " ".join(str(x) for x in filterdSentence) # print("plant Name is :" ,plantName, sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword); doc = nlp(sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword) count = 0 plant_height_data = [] for token in doc: t = token.text if t == 'm' or t == 'meter' or t == 'metre' or t == 'ft' or t == 'foot' or t == 'cm' or t == 'centimetre' or t == 'in': # if len(doc) > (token.i+1): # next_token = doc[token.i + 1] prev_token = doc[token.i - 1] if prev_token.like_num: count += 1 # print("token",token," token.i",token.i," len(doc)",len(doc)) token_sentence = doc[prev_token.i:token.i + 1] print("case#1", chalk.yellow.bold(token_sentence)) plant_height_data.append(token_sentence) if doc[prev_token.i - 2].like_num: # 1 to 2 unit count += 1 token_sentence = doc[prev_token.i - 2:token.i + 1] print("case#2", plant_height_data.append(token_sentence) else: pass else: #get data for case#3 x-x unit if prev_token.is_punct == False: token_sentence = doc[prev_token.i:token.i + 1] print("case#3", chalk.magenta( token_sentence)) #x-x uni plant_height_data.append(token_sentence) else: pass # do nothing if theres a punct mark # if next_token.lower_ == "m" or next_token.lower_ == 'ft' or next_token.lower_ == 'meter' or next_token.lower_ == 'metre' or next_token.lower_ == 'cm' or next_token.lower_ == 'in' or next_token.lower_ == 'foot': # count += 1 # token_sentence = doc[prev_token.i:next_token.i + 1] # print('Height sentence',token_sentence) # unit = token_sentence[len(token_sentence) - 1:len(token_sentence)] # print(unit) # writer.writerow([plantName,category,unit,'',token_sentence,'',wikiLink,sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword,'']) # unit cleanup plant_height_data_str = [] plant_height_data_str_ft = '' plant_height_data_str_cm = '' plant_height_data_str_m = '' plant_height_data_str_in = '' for valueWithUnit in plant_height_data: stringData = valueWithUnit.text stringData = stringData.replace("-", " ") stringData = stringData.replace("centimetre", "cm") stringData = stringData.replace("foot", "ft") stringData = stringData.replace("meter", "m") stringData = stringData.replace("inch", "in") stringData = stringData.replace('–', ' ') stringData = stringData.replace('to', ' ') stringData = stringData.replace(',', '') stringData = stringData.replace('1/2', '0.5') if stringData.find('in') > 0: plant_height_data_str_in = plant_height_data_str_in + stringData plant_height_data_str_in = plant_height_data_str_in.replace( 'in', '') if stringData.find('ft') > 0: plant_height_data_str_ft = plant_height_data_str_ft + stringData plant_height_data_str_ft = plant_height_data_str_ft.replace( 'ft', '') if stringData.find(' m') > 0: plant_height_data_str_m = plant_height_data_str_m + stringData plant_height_data_str_m = plant_height_data_str_m.replace( 'm', '') if stringData.find(' cm') > 0: plant_height_data_str_cm = plant_height_data_str_cm + stringData plant_height_data_str_cm = plant_height_data_str_cm.replace( 'cm', '') plant_height_data_str.append(stringData) print(, plant_height_data) print(, plant_height_data_str) # inch # remove all characters plant_height_data_str_in = removeAlphabets( plant_height_data_str_in) print(chalk.yellow(plantName), 'inch values', plant_height_data_str_in) plant_height_data_str_in = plant_height_data_str_in.split() try: plant_height_data_str_in = list( map(float, plant_height_data_str_in)) plant_height_data_str_in = sorted( plant_height_data_str_in) print(chalk.cyan.bold(plantName), 'inch values', plant_height_data_str_in) except ValueError: pass # ft plant_height_data_str_ft = removeAlphabets( plant_height_data_str_ft) print(chalk.yellow(plantName), 'ft values', plant_height_data_str_ft) plant_height_data_str_ft = plant_height_data_str_ft.split() try: plant_height_data_str_ft = list( map(float, plant_height_data_str_ft)) plant_height_data_str_ft = sorted( plant_height_data_str_ft) print(chalk.cyan.bold(plantName), 'ft values', plant_height_data_str_ft) except ValueError: pass # m plant_height_data_str_m = removeAlphabets( plant_height_data_str_m) print(chalk.yellow(plantName), 'm values', plant_height_data_str_m) plant_height_data_str_m = plant_height_data_str_m.split() try: plant_height_data_str_m = list( map(float, plant_height_data_str_m)) plant_height_data_str_m = sorted( plant_height_data_str_m) print(chalk.cyan.bold(plantName), 'm values', plant_height_data_str_m) except ValueError: pass # cm plant_height_data_str_cm = removeAlphabets( plant_height_data_str_cm) print(chalk.yellow(plantName), 'cm values', plant_height_data_str_cm) plant_height_data_str_cm = plant_height_data_str_cm.split() try: plant_height_data_str_cm = list( map(float, plant_height_data_str_cm)) plant_height_data_str_cm = sorted( plant_height_data_str_cm) print(chalk.cyan.bold(plantName), 'cm values', plant_height_data_str_cm) except ValueError: pass if (len(plant_height_data_str_in) > 0): temp = ['x'] * 10 for index, value in enumerate( plant_height_data_str_in): temp[index] = value writer.writerow([ plantName, category, 'in', temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5], temp[6], temp[7], temp[8], temp[9], wikiLink, sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword ]) if (len(plant_height_data_str_cm) > 0): temp = ['x'] * 10 for index, value in enumerate( plant_height_data_str_cm): temp[index] = value writer.writerow([ plantName, category, 'cm', temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5], temp[6], temp[7], temp[8], temp[9], wikiLink, sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword ]) if (len(plant_height_data_str_ft) > 0): temp = ['x'] * 10 for index, value in enumerate( plant_height_data_str_ft): temp[index] = value writer.writerow([ plantName, category, 'ft', temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5], temp[6], temp[7], temp[8], temp[9], wikiLink, sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword ]) if (len(plant_height_data_str_m) > 0): temp = ['x'] * 10 for index, value in enumerate(plant_height_data_str_m): temp[index] = value writer.writerow([ plantName, category, 'm', temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5], temp[6], temp[7], temp[8], temp[9], wikiLink, sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword ]) # if (count > 0): # print(count,'tokens found in'),plantName,'\n') # else: # writer.writerow([plantName,category,'not found','','not found','',wikiLink,sentenceThatContainHeightKeyword,'']) # print(count,'tokens matched in'),plantName,'\n') if (foundHeight == False): print("No Height for "), plantName) with open('plantHeightData.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow([ plantName, category, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', wikiLink, 'x' ])