class HParams:
    """ Hyper-Parameters of my model."""
    # Learning rate.
    learning_rate: float = 3e-4
    # L2 regularization coefficient.
    weight_decay: float = 1e-6
    # Choice of optimizer
    optimizer: str = choice("adam", "sgd", "rmsprop", default="sgd")
class ProfetExperimentConfig:
    """ Configuration option for the demo of the Profet tasks. """

    # The type of Profet task to create.
    task_type: Type[BenchmarkTask] = choice(  # type: ignore
        {"svm": ProfetSvmTask, "fcnet": ProfetFcNetTask, "xgboost": ProfetXgBoostTask, "forrester": ProfetForresterTask}

    # Name of the experiment.
    name: str = "profet"
    # Configuration options for the training of the meta-model used in the Profet tasks.
    profet_train_config: MetaModelConfig = MetaModelConfig()

    algorithms: List[str] = choice(*algos_available, default_factory=["random", "tpe"].copy)

    # Number of repetitions for each experiment
    n_repetitions: int = 10
    # Optimization budget (max number of trials) for optimizing the task.
    max_trials: int = 50
    # Run in debug mode:
    # - No presistent storage
    # - More verbose logging
    # (@TODO: This isn't technically correct: Benchmarks don't support the `debug` flag in
    # `develop` but that feature is to be added by the long-standing warm-start PR.
    debug: bool = False
    # Random seed.
    seed: int = 123
    # Path to the pickledb file to use for the `storage` argument of the benchmark.
    storage_pickle_path: Path = Path("profet.pkl")
    # Path to the folder where figures are to be saved.
    figures_dir: Path = Path("figures")

    input_dir: Path = Path("profet_data")
    checkpoint_dir: Path = Path("profet_outputs")

    def __post_init__(self):
        simple_parsing_logger = get_logger("simple_parsing")
        if not self.debug:
class TraditionalRLSetting(IncrementalRLSetting):
    """ Your usual "Classical" Reinforcement Learning setting.

    Implemented as a MultiTaskRLSetting, but with a single task.

    # Class variable that holds the dict of available environments.
    available_datasets: ClassVar[
        Dict[str, str]
    ] = IncrementalRLSetting.available_datasets.copy()
    # Which dataset/environment to use for training, validation and testing.
    dataset: str = choice(available_datasets, default="CartPole-v0")

    # IDEA: By default, only use one task, although there may actually be more than one.
    nb_tasks: int = 5

    stationary_context: Final[bool] = constant(True)
    known_task_boundaries_at_train_time: Final[bool] = constant(True)
    task_labels_at_train_time: Final[bool] = constant(True)
    task_labels_at_test_time: bool = False

    # Results: ClassVar[Type[Results]] = TaskSequenceResults

    def __post_init__(self):
        assert self.stationary_context

    def apply(self, method, config=None):
        results: IncrementalRLSetting.Results = super().apply(method, config=config)
        assert len(results.task_sequence_results) == 1
        return results.task_sequence_results[0]
        # result: TraditionalRLResults = TraditionalRLResults(task_results=results.task_sequence_results[0].task_results)
        result: TraditionalRLResults = results.task_sequence_results[0]
        # assert False, result._runtime
        return result

    def phases(self) -> int:
        """The number of training 'phases', i.e. how many times `` will be

        Defaults to the number of tasks, but may be different, for instance in so-called
        Multi-Task Settings, this is set to 1.
        return 1
 class DiscriminatorHParams(ConvBlock):
     """Settings of the Discriminator model"""
     conv: ConvBlock = ConvBlock()
     optimizer: str = choice("ADAM", "RMSPROP", "SGD", default="ADAM")
class DiscreteTaskAgnosticRLSetting(DiscreteContextAssumption,
    """ Continual Reinforcement Learning Setting where there are clear task boundaries,
    but where the task information isn't available.
    # TODO: Update the type or results that we get for this Setting.
    Results: ClassVar[Type[Results]] = DiscreteTaskAgnosticRLResults

    # The type wrapper used to wrap the test environment, and which produces the
    # results.
    TestEnvironment: ClassVar[
        Type[TestEnvironment]] = DiscreteTaskAgnosticRLTestEnvironment

    # The function used to create the tasks for the chosen env.
    _task_sampling_function: ClassVar[Callable[
        ..., DiscreteTask]] = make_discrete_task

    # Class variable that holds the dict of available environments.
    available_datasets: ClassVar[Dict[str, Union[str,
                                                 Any]]] = available_datasets

    # Which environment (a.k.a. "dataset") to learn on.
    # The dataset could be either a string (env id or a key from the
    # available_datasets dict), a gym.Env, or a callable that returns a
    # single environment.
    dataset: str = choice(available_datasets, default="CartPole-v0")

    # The number of "tasks" that will be created for the training, valid and test
    # environments. When left unset, will use a default value that makes sense
    # (something like 5).
    nb_tasks: int = field(5, alias=["n_tasks", "num_tasks"])

    # train_max_steps_per_task: int = 20_000
    # # Maximum number of episodes in total.
    # # TODO: Add tests for this 'max episodes' and 'episodes_per_task'.
    # train_max_episodes_per_task: Optional[int] = None
    # # Total number of steps in the test loop. (Also acts as the "length" of the testing
    # # environment.)
    # test_max_steps_per_task: int = 10_000
    # test_max_episodes_per_task: Optional[int] = None

    # # Max number of steps per training task. When left unset and when `train_max_steps`
    # # is set, takes the value of `train_max_steps` divided by `nb_tasks`.
    # train_max_steps_per_task: Optional[int] = None
    # # (WIP): Maximum number of episodes per training task. When left unset and when
    # # `train_max_episodes` is set, takes the value of `train_max_episodes` divided by
    # # `nb_tasks`.
    # train_max_episodes_per_task: Optional[int] = None
    # # Maximum number of steps per task in the test loop. When left unset and when
    # # `test_max_steps` is set, takes the value of `test_max_steps` divided by `nb_tasks`.
    # test_max_steps_per_task: Optional[int] = None
    # # (WIP): Maximum number of episodes per test task. When left unset and when
    # # `test_max_episodes` is set, takes the value of `test_max_episodes` divided by
    # # `nb_tasks`.
    # test_max_episodes_per_task: Optional[int] = None

    # def warn(self, warning: Warning):
    #     logger.warning(warning)
    #     warnings.warn(warning)

    def __post_init__(self):
        # TODO: Rework all the messy fields from before by just considering these as eg.
        # the maximum number of steps per task, rather than the fixed number of steps
        # per task.
        assert not self.smooth_task_boundaries


        if self.max_episode_steps is None:
            if is_monsterkong_env(self.dataset):
                self.max_episode_steps = 500

    def create_train_task_schedule(self) -> TaskSchedule[DiscreteTask]:
        # IDEA: Could convert max_episodes into max_steps if max_steps_per_episode is
        # set.
        return super().create_train_task_schedule()

    def create_val_task_schedule(self) -> TaskSchedule[DiscreteTask]:
        # Always the same as train task schedule for now.
        return super().create_val_task_schedule()

    def create_test_task_schedule(self) -> TaskSchedule[DiscreteTask]:
        return super().create_test_task_schedule()
class IncrementalRLSetting(IncrementalAssumption,
    """ Continual RL setting in which:
    - Changes in the environment's context occur suddenly (same as in Discrete, Task-Agnostic RL)
    - Task boundary information (and task labels) are given at training time
    - Task boundary information is given at test time, but task identity is not.

    Observations: ClassVar[Type[Observations]] = Observations
    Actions: ClassVar[Type[Actions]] = Actions
    Rewards: ClassVar[Type[Rewards]] = Rewards

    # The function used to create the tasks for the chosen env.
    _task_sampling_function: ClassVar[Callable[
        ..., IncrementalTask]] = make_incremental_task
    Results: ClassVar[Type[Results]] = IncrementalRLResults

    # Class variable that holds the dict of available environments.
    available_datasets: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = available_datasets
    # Which dataset/environment to use for training, validation and testing.
    dataset: str = choice(available_datasets, default="CartPole-v0")

    # # The number of tasks. By default 0, which means that it will be set
    # # depending on other fields in __post_init__, or eventually be just 1.
    # nb_tasks: int = field(0, alias=["n_tasks", "num_tasks"])

    # (Copied from the assumption, just for clarity:)
    # TODO: Shouldn't these kinds of properties be on the class, rather than on the
    # instance?

    # Wether the task boundaries are smooth or sudden.
    smooth_task_boundaries: Final[bool] = constant(False)
    # Wether to give access to the task labels at train time.
    task_labels_at_train_time: Final[bool] = constant(True)
    # Wether to give access to the task labels at test time.
    task_labels_at_test_time: bool = False

    train_envs: List[Union[str, Callable[[], gym.Env]]] = list_field()
    val_envs: List[Union[str, Callable[[], gym.Env]]] = list_field()
    test_envs: List[Union[str, Callable[[], gym.Env]]] = list_field()

    def __post_init__(self):
        if not self.nb_tasks:
            # TODO: In case of the metaworld envs, we could determine the 'default' nb
            # of tasks to use based on the number of available tasks

        if self.dataset == "MT10":
            from metaworld import MT10, Task, MetaWorldEnv

            self._benchmark = MT10(
                seed=self.config.seed if self.config else None)
            envs: Dict[str, Type[MetaWorldEnv]] = self._benchmark.train_classes
            env_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = {
                env_name: [
                    task for task in self._benchmark.train_tasks
                    if task.env_name == env_name
                for env_name, env_class in
            from itertools import islice
            train_env_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = {}
            val_env_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = {}
            test_env_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = {}
            test_fraction = 0.1
            val_fraction = 0.1
            for env_name, env_tasks in env_tasks.items():
                n_tasks = len(env_tasks)
                n_val_tasks = int(max(1, n_tasks * val_fraction))
                n_test_tasks = int(max(1, n_tasks * test_fraction))
                n_train_tasks = len(env_tasks) - n_val_tasks - n_test_tasks
                if n_train_tasks <= 1:
                    # Can't create train, val and test tasks.
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"There aren't enough tasks for env {env_name} ({n_tasks}) "
                tasks_iterator = iter(env_tasks)
                train_env_tasks[env_name] = list(
                    islice(tasks_iterator, n_train_tasks))
                val_env_tasks[env_name] = list(
                    islice(tasks_iterator, n_val_tasks))
                test_env_tasks[env_name] = list(
                    islice(tasks_iterator, n_test_tasks))
                assert train_env_tasks[env_name]
                assert val_env_tasks[env_name]
                assert test_env_tasks[env_name]

            from ..discrete.multienv_wrappers import RandomMultiEnvWrapper
            # TODO: Fix the naming of this MultiTaskEnvironment wrapper:
            from sequoia.common.gym_wrappers import MultiTaskEnvironment
            import operator
            # NOTE: We could do some shuffling here, for instance.
            train_env_names, train_env_classes = zip(
            val_env_names, val_env_classes = zip(*list(val_env_tasks.items()))
            test_env_names, test_env_classes = zip(

            self.train_envs = [
                for env_name, tasks in train_env_tasks.items()
            self.val_envs = [
                for env_name, tasks in val_env_tasks.items()
            self.test_envs = [
                for env_name, tasks in test_env_tasks.items()

        # if is_monsterkong_env(self.dataset):
        #     if self.force_pixel_observations:
        #         # Add this to the kwargs that will be passed to gym.make, to make sure that
        #         # we observe pixels, and not state.
        #         self.base_env_kwargs["observe_state"] = False
        #     elif self.force_state_observations:
        #         self.base_env_kwargs["observe_state"] = True

        self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task: bool = False
        if self.train_envs:
            self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task = True
            self.nb_tasks = len(self.train_envs)
            # TODO: Not sure what to do with the `self.dataset` field, because
            # ContinualRLSetting expects to have a single env, while we have more than
            # one, the __post_init__ tries to create the rest of the fields based on
            # `self.dataset`
            self.dataset = self.train_envs[0]

            if not self.val_envs:
                # TODO: Use a wrapper that sets a different random seed
                self.val_envs = self.train_envs.copy()
            if not self.test_envs:
                # TODO: Use a wrapper that sets a different random seed
                self.test_envs = self.train_envs.copy()
            if (self.train_task_schedule or self.val_task_schedule
                    or self.test_task_schedule):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "You can either pass `train/valid/test_envs`, or a task schedule, "
                    "but not both!")
            if self.val_envs or self.test_envs:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Can't pass `val_envs` or `test_envs` without passing `train_envs`."


        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # TODO: Use 'no-op' task schedules for now.
            # self.train_task_schedule.clear()
            # self.val_task_schedule.clear()
            # self.test_task_schedule.clear()

            # TODO: Check that all the envs have the same observation spaces!
            # (If possible, find a way to check this without having to instantiate all
            # the envs.)

        # TODO: If the dataset has a `max_path_length` attribute, then it's probably
        # a Mujoco / metaworld / etc env, and so we set a limit on the episode length to
        # avoid getting an error.
        max_path_length: Optional[int] = getattr(self._temp_train_env,
                                                 "max_path_length", None)
        if self.max_episode_steps is None and max_path_length is not None:
            assert max_path_length > 0
            self.max_episode_steps = max_path_length

        # if self.dataset == "MetaMonsterKong-v0":
        #     # TODO: Limit the episode length in monsterkong?
        #     # TODO: Actually end episodes when reaching a task boundary, to force the
        #     # level to change?
        #     self.max_episode_steps = self.max_episode_steps or 500

        # FIXME: Really annoying little bugs with these three arguments!
        # self.nb_tasks = self.max_steps // self.steps_per_task

    def train_task_lengths(self) -> List[int]:
        """ Gives the length of each training task (in steps for now). """
        return [
            task_b_step - task_a_step for task_a_step, task_b_step in pairwise(

    def train_phase_lengths(self) -> List[int]:
        """ Gives the length of each training 'phase', i.e. the maximum number of (steps
        for now) that can be taken in the training environment, in a single call to .fit
        return [
            task_b_step - task_a_step for task_a_step, task_b_step in pairwise(

    def current_train_task_length(self) -> int:
        """ Deprecated field, gives back the max number of steps per task. """
        if self.stationary_context:
            return sum(self.train_task_lengths)
        return self.train_task_lengths[self.current_task_id]

    # steps_per_task: int = deprecated_property(
    #     "steps_per_task", "current_train_task_length"
    # )
    # @property
    # def steps_per_task(self) -> int:
    #     # unique_task_lengths = list(set(self.train_task_lengths))
    #     warning = DeprecationWarning(
    #         "The 'steps_per_task' attribute is deprecated, use "
    #         "`current_train_task_length` instead, which gives the length of the "
    #         "current task."
    #     )
    #     warnings.warn(warning)
    #     logger.warning(warning)
    #     return self.current_train_task_length

    # @property
    # def steps_per_phase(self) -> int:
    #     # return unique_task_lengths
    #     test_task_lengths: List[int] = [
    #         task_b_step - task_a_step
    #         for task_a_step, task_b_step in pairwise(
    #             sorted(self.test_task_schedule.keys())
    #         )
    #     ]

    def task_label_space(self) -> gym.Space:
        # TODO: Explore an alternative design for the task sampling, based more around
        # gym spaces rather than the generic function approach that's currently used?
        # IDEA: Might be cleaner to put this in the assumption class
        task_label_space = spaces.Discrete(self.nb_tasks)
        if not self.task_labels_at_train_time or not self.task_labels_at_test_time:
            sparsity = 1
            if self.task_labels_at_train_time ^ self.task_labels_at_test_time:
                # We have task labels "50%" of the time, ish:
                sparsity = 0.5
            task_label_space = Sparse(task_label_space, sparsity=sparsity)
        return task_label_space

    def setup(self, stage: str = None) -> None:
        # Called before the start of each task during training, validation and
        # testing.
        # What's done in ContinualRLSetting:
        # if stage in {"fit", None}:
        #     self.train_wrappers = self.create_train_wrappers()
        #     self.valid_wrappers = self.create_valid_wrappers()
        # elif stage in {"test", None}:
        #     self.test_wrappers = self.create_test_wrappers()
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
                f"Using custom environments from `self.[train/val/test]_envs` for task "
            # NOTE: Here is how this supports passing custom envs for each task: We just
            # switch out the value of this property, and let the
            # `train/val/test_dataloader` methods work as usual!
            self.dataset = self.train_envs[self.current_task_id]
            self.val_dataset = self.val_envs[self.current_task_id]
            # TODO: The test loop goes through all the envs, hence this doesn't really
            # work.
            self.test_dataset = self.test_envs[self.current_task_id]

            # TODO: Check that the observation/action spaces are all the same for all
            # the train/valid/test envs
            # TODO: Inconsistent naming between `val_envs` and `valid_wrappers` etc.
            # TODO: Should we populate the `self.train_envs`, `self.val_envs` and
            # `self.test_envs` fields here as well, just to be consistent?
            # base_env = self.dataset
            # def task_env(task_index: int) -> Callable[[], MultiTaskEnvironment]:
            #     return self._make_env(
            #         base_env=base_env,
            #         wrappers=[],
            #     )
            # self.train_envs = [partial(gym.make, self.dataset) for i in range(self.nb_tasks)]
            # self.val_envs = [partial(gym.make, self.dataset) for i in range(self.nb_tasks)]
            # self.test_envs = [partial(gym.make, self.dataset) for i in range(self.nb_tasks)]
            # assert False, self.train_task_schedule

    # def _setup_fields_using_temp_env(self, temp_env: MultiTaskEnvironment):
    #     """ Setup some of the fields on the Setting using a temporary environment.

    #     This temporary environment only lives during the __post_init__() call.
    #     """
    #     super()._setup_fields_using_temp_env(temp_env)
    def test_dataloader(self,
                        batch_size: Optional[int] = None,
                        num_workers: Optional[int] = None):
        if not self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            return super().test_dataloader(batch_size=batch_size,

        # raise NotImplementedError("TODO:")

        # IDEA: Pretty hacky, but might be cleaner than adding fields for the moment.
        test_max_steps = self.test_max_steps
        test_max_episodes = self.test_max_episodes
        self.test_max_steps = test_max_steps // self.nb_tasks
        if self.test_max_episodes:
            self.test_max_episodes = test_max_episodes // self.nb_tasks
        # self.test_env = self.TestEnvironment(self.test_envs[self.current_task_id])

        task_test_env = super().test_dataloader(batch_size=batch_size,

        self.test_max_steps = test_max_steps
        self.test_max_episodes = test_max_episodes
        return task_test_env

    def test_loop(self, method: Method["IncrementalRLSetting"]):
        if not self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            return super().test_loop(method)

        # TODO: If we're using custom envs for each task, then the test loop needs to be
        # re-organized.
        # raise NotImplementedError(
        #     f"TODO: Need to add a wrapper that can switch between envs, or "
        #     f"re-write the test loop."
        # )
        assert self.nb_tasks == len(self.test_envs), "assuming this for now."
        test_envs = []
        for task_id in range(self.nb_tasks):
            # TODO: Make sure that self.test_dataloader() uses the right number of steps
            # per test task (current hard-set to self.test_max_steps).
            task_test_env = self.test_dataloader()
        from ..discrete.multienv_wrappers import ConcatEnvsWrapper

        on_task_switch_callback = getattr(method, "on_task_switch", None)
        joined_test_env = ConcatEnvsWrapper(
        # TODO: Use this 'joined' test environment in this test loop somehow.
        # IDEA: Hacky way to do it: (I don't think this will work as-is though)
        _test_dataloader_method = self.test_dataloader
        self.test_dataloader = lambda *args, **kwargs: joined_test_env
        self.test_dataloader = _test_dataloader_method

        test_loop_results = DiscreteTaskAgnosticRLSetting.Results()
        for task_id, test_env in enumerate(test_envs):
            # TODO: The results are still of the wrong type, because we aren't changing
            # the type of test environment or the type of Results
            results_of_wrong_type: IncrementalRLResults = test_env.get_results(
            # For now this weird setup means that there will be only one 'result'
            # object in this that actually has metrics:
            # assert results_of_wrong_type.task_results[task_id].metrics
            all_metrics: List[EpisodeMetrics] = sum([
                result.metrics for result in results_of_wrong_type.task_results
            ], [])
            n_metrics_in_each_result = [
                for result in results_of_wrong_type.task_results
            # assert all(n_metrics == 0 for i, n_metrics in enumerate(n_metrics_in_each_result) if i != task_id), (n_metrics_in_each_result, task_id)
            # TODO: Also transfer the other properties like runtime, online performance,
            # etc?
            # TODO: Maybe add addition for these?
            # task_result = sum(results_of_wrong_type.task_results)
            task_result = TaskResults(metrics=all_metrics)
            # task_result: TaskResults[EpisodeMetrics] = results_of_wrong_type.task_results[task_id]
        return test_loop_results

    def phases(self) -> int:
        """The number of training 'phases', i.e. how many times `` will be

        In this Incremental-RL Setting, fit is called once per task.
        (Same as ClassIncrementalSetting in SL).
        return self.nb_tasks

    def _make_env(
        base_env: Union[str, gym.Env, Callable[[], gym.Env]],
        wrappers: List[Callable[[gym.Env], gym.Env]] = None,
        **base_env_kwargs: Dict,
    ) -> gym.Env:
        """ Helper function to create a single (non-vectorized) environment.

        This is also used to create the env whenever `self.dataset` is a string that
        isn't registered in gym. This happens for example when using an environment from
        meta-world (or mtenv).
        # Check if the env is registed in a known 'third party' gym-like package, and if
        # needed, create the base env in the way that package requires.
        if isinstance(base_env, str):
            env_id = base_env

            # Check if the id belongs to mtenv
            if MTENV_INSTALLED and env_id in mtenv_envs:
                from mtenv import make as mtenv_make

                # This is super weird. Don't undestand at all
                # why they are doing this. Makes no sense to me whatsoever.
                base_env = mtenv_make(env_id, **base_env_kwargs)

                # Add a wrapper that will remove the task information, because we use
                # the same MultiTaskEnv wrapper for all the environments.
                wrappers.insert(0, MTEnvAdapterWrapper)

            if METAWORLD_INSTALLED and env_id in metaworld_envs:
                # TODO: Should we use a particular benchmark here?
                # For now, we find the first benchmark that has an env with this name.
                import metaworld

                for benchmark_class in [metaworld.ML10]:
                    benchmark = benchmark_class()
                    if env_id in benchmark.train_classes.keys():
                        # TODO: We can either let the base_env be an env type, or
                        # actually instantiate it.
                        base_env: Type[MetaWorldEnv] = benchmark.train_classes[
                        # NOTE: (@lebrice) Here I believe it's better to just have the
                        # constructor, that way we re-create the env for each task.
                        # I think this might be better, as I don't know for sure that
                        # the `set_task` can be called more than once in metaworld.
                        # base_env = base_env_type()
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        f"Can't find a metaworld benchmark that uses env {env_id}"

        return ContinualRLSetting._make_env(

    def create_task_schedule(self, temp_env: gym.Env,
                             change_steps: List[int]) -> Dict[int, Dict]:
        task_schedule: Dict[int, Dict] = {}
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # If custom envs were passed to be used for each task, then we don't create
            # a "task schedule", because the only reason we're using a task schedule is
            # when we want to change something about the 'base' env in order to get
            # multiple tasks.
            # Create a task schedule dict, just to fit in?
            for i, task_step in enumerate(change_steps):
                task_schedule[task_step] = {}
            return task_schedule

        # TODO: Make it possible to use something other than steps as keys in the task
        # schedule, something like a NamedTuple[int, DeltaType], e.g. Episodes(10) or
        # Steps(10), something like that!
        # IDEA: Even fancier, we could use a TimeDelta to say "do one hour of task 0"!!
        for step in change_steps:
            # TODO: Add a `stage` argument (an enum or something with 'train', 'valid'
            # 'test' as values, and pass it to this function. Tasks should be the same
            # in train/valid for now, given the same task Id.
            # TODO: When the Results become able to handle a different ordering of tasks
            # at train vs test time, allow the test task schedule to have different
            # ordering than train / valid.
            task = type(self)._task_sampling_function(
                seed=self.config.seed if self.config else None,
            task_schedule[step] = task

        return task_schedule

    def create_train_wrappers(self):
        # TODO: Clean this up a bit?
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # TODO: Maybe do something different here, since we don't actually want to
            # add a CL wrapper at all in this case?
            assert not any(self.train_task_schedule.values())
            base_env = self.train_envs[self.current_task_id]
            base_env = self.train_dataset
        # assert False, super().create_train_wrappers()
        if self.stationary_context:
            task_schedule_slice = self.train_task_schedule.copy()
            assert len(task_schedule_slice) >= 2
            # Need to pop the last task, so that we don't sample it by accident!
            max_step = max(task_schedule_slice)
            last_task = task_schedule_slice.pop(max_step)
            # TODO: Shift the second-to-last task to the last step
            last_boundary = max(task_schedule_slice)
            second_to_last_task = task_schedule_slice.pop(last_boundary)
            task_schedule_slice[max_step] = second_to_last_task
            if 0 not in task_schedule_slice:
                assert self.nb_tasks == 1
                task_schedule_slice[0] = second_to_last_task
            # assert False, (max_step, last_boundary, last_task, second_to_last_task)
            current_task = list(
            task_length = self.train_max_steps // self.nb_tasks
            task_schedule_slice = {
                0: current_task,
                task_length: current_task,
        return self._make_wrappers(
            # TODO: Removing this, but we have to check that it doesn't change when/how
            # the task boundaries are given to the Method.
            # sharp_task_boundaries=self.known_task_boundaries_at_train_time,
            transforms=self.transforms + self.train_transforms,

    def create_valid_wrappers(self):
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # TODO: Maybe do something different here, since we don't actually want to
            # add a CL wrapper at all in this case?
            assert not any(self.val_task_schedule.values())
            base_env = self.val_envs[self.current_task_id]
            base_env = self.val_dataset
        # assert False, super().create_train_wrappers()
        if self.stationary_context:
            task_schedule_slice = self.val_task_schedule
            current_task = list(
            task_length = self.train_max_steps // self.nb_tasks
            task_schedule_slice = {
                0: current_task,
                task_length: current_task,
        return self._make_wrappers(
            # TODO: Removing this, but we have to check that it doesn't change when/how
            # the task boundaries are given to the Method.
            # sharp_task_boundaries=self.known_task_boundaries_at_train_time,
            transforms=self.transforms + self.val_transforms,

    def create_test_wrappers(self):
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # TODO: Maybe do something different here, since we don't actually want to
            # add a CL wrapper at all in this case?
            assert not any(self.test_task_schedule.values())
            base_env = self.test_envs[self.current_task_id]
            base_env = self.test_dataset
        # assert False, super().create_train_wrappers()
        task_schedule_slice = self.test_task_schedule
        # if self.stationary_context:
        # else:
        #     current_task = list(self.test_task_schedule.values())[self.current_task_id]
        #     task_length = self.test_max_steps // self.nb_tasks
        #     task_schedule_slice = {
        #         0: current_task,
        #         task_length: current_task,
        #     }
        return self._make_wrappers(
            # TODO: Removing this, but we have to check that it doesn't change when/how
            # the task boundaries are given to the Method.
            # sharp_task_boundaries=self.known_task_boundaries_at_train_time,
            transforms=self.transforms + self.test_transforms,

    def _check_all_envs_have_same_spaces(
        envs_or_env_functions: List[Union[str, gym.Env, Callable[[],
        wrappers: List[Callable[[gym.Env], gym.Wrapper]],
    ) -> None:
        """ Checks that all the environments in the list have the same
        observation/action spaces.
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # TODO: Removing this check for now.
        first_env = self._make_env(base_env=envs_or_env_functions[0],
        for task_id, task_env_id_or_function in zip(
                range(1, len(envs_or_env_functions)),
            task_env = self._make_env(
            if task_env.observation_space != first_env.observation_space:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Env at task {task_id} doesn't have the same observation "
                    f"space ({task_env.observation_space}) as the environment of "
                    f"the first task: {first_env.observation_space}.")
            if task_env.action_space != first_env.action_space:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Env at task {task_id} doesn't have the same action "
                    f"space ({task_env.action_space}) as the environment of "
                    f"the first task: {first_env.action_space}")

    def _make_wrappers(
        base_env: Union[str, gym.Env, Callable[[], gym.Env]],
        task_schedule: Dict[int, Dict],
        # sharp_task_boundaries: bool,
        task_labels_available: bool,
        transforms: List[Transforms],
        starting_step: int,
        max_steps: int,
        new_random_task_on_reset: bool,
    ) -> List[Callable[[gym.Env], gym.Env]]:
        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            if task_schedule:
                        f"Ignoring task schedule {task_schedule}, since custom envs were "
                        f"passed for each task!"))
            task_schedule = None

        wrappers = super()._make_wrappers(

        if self._using_custom_envs_foreach_task:
            # If the user passed a specific env to use for each task, then there won't
            # be a MultiTaskEnv wrapper in `wrappers`, since the task schedule is
            # None/empty.
            # Instead, we will add a Wrapper that always gives the task ID of the
            # current task.

            # TODO: There are some 'unused' args above: `starting_step`, `max_steps`,
            # `new_random_task_on_reset` which are still passed to the super() call, but
            # just unused.
            if new_random_task_on_reset:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "TODO: Add a MultiTaskEnv wrapper of some sort that alternates "
                    " between the source envs.")

            assert not task_schedule
            task_label = self.current_task_id
            task_label_space = spaces.Discrete(self.nb_tasks)
            if not task_labels_available:
                task_label = None
                task_label_space = Sparse(task_label_space, sparsity=1.0)


        if is_monsterkong_env(base_env):
            # TODO: Need to register a MetaMonsterKong-State-v0 or something like that!
            # TODO: Maybe add another field for 'force_state_observations' ?
            # if self.force_pixel_observations:

        return wrappers