def generate_credits(dont_simulate=True): """ Loops through all the blocks that haven't been credited out and attempts to process them """ simulate = not dont_simulate unproc_blocks = redis_conn.keys("unproc_block*") for key in unproc_blocks: hash = key[13:]"==== Attempting to process block hash {}".format(hash)) try: credit_block(key, simulate=simulate) except Exception: db.session.rollback() current_app.logger.error("Unable to payout block {}".format(hash), exc_info=True)"==== Done processing block hash {}".format(hash))
def collect_minutes(): """ Grabs all the pending minute shares out of redis and puts them in the database """ unproc_mins = redis_conn.keys("min_*") for key in unproc_mins:"Processing key {}".format(key)) share_type, algo, stamp = key.split("_")[1:] minute = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(stamp)) # To ensure invalid stampt don't get committed minute = ShareSlice.floor_time(minute, 0) if stamp < (time.time() - 30):"Skipping timestamp {}, too young" .format(minute)) continue redis_conn.rename(key, "processing_shares") for user, shares in redis_conn.hgetall("processing_shares").iteritems(): shares = float(shares) # messily parse out the worker/address combo... parts = user.split(".") if len(parts) > 0: worker = parts[1] else: worker = '' address = parts[0] if not address.startswith("pool"): try: curr = currencies.lookup_payable_addr(address) except InvalidAddressException: curr = None if curr is None: address = global_config.pool_payout_currency.pool_payout_addr try: slc = ShareSlice(user=address, time=minute, worker=worker, algo=algo, share_type=share_type, value=shares, span=0) db.session.add(slc) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() slc = ShareSlice.query.with_lockmode('update').filter_by( user=address, time=minute, worker=worker, algo=algo, share_type=share_type).one() slc.value += shares db.session.commit() redis_conn.delete("processing_shares")
def collect_minutes(): """ Grabs all the pending minute shares out of redis and puts them in the database """ unproc_mins = redis_conn.keys("min_*") for key in unproc_mins:"Processing key {}".format(key)) share_type, algo, stamp = key.split("_")[1:] minute = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(stamp)) # To ensure invalid stampt don't get committed minute = ShareSlice.floor_time(minute, 0) if stamp < (time.time() - 30):"Skipping timestamp {}, too young" .format(minute)) continue redis_conn.rename(key, "processing_shares") for user, shares in redis_conn.hgetall("processing_shares").iteritems(): shares = float(shares) # messily parse out the worker/address combo... parts = user.split(".") if len(parts) > 0: worker = parts[1] else: worker = '' address = parts[0] if address != "pool": try: curr = currencies.lookup_payable_addr(address) except InvalidAddressException: curr = None if not curr: address = global_config.pool_payout_currency.pool_payout_addr try: slc = ShareSlice(user=address, time=minute, worker=worker, algo=algo, share_type=share_type, value=shares, span=0) db.session.add(slc) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() slc = ShareSlice.query.with_lockmode('update').filter_by( user=address, time=minute, worker=worker, algo=algo, share_type=share_type).one() slc.value += shares db.session.commit() redis_conn.delete("processing_shares")
def _grab_data(prefix, stat): proc_name = "processing_{}".format(stat) unproc_mins = redis_conn.keys(prefix) for key in unproc_mins:"Processing key {}".format(key)) try: (stamp, ) = key.split("_")[1:] except Exception: current_app.logger.error("Error processing key {}".format(key), exc_info=True) continue minute = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(stamp)) # To ensure invalid stampt don't get committed minute = ShareSlice.floor_time(minute, 0) if stamp < (time.time() - 30):"Skipping timestamp {}, too young".format(minute)) continue redis_conn.rename(key, proc_name) for user, value in redis_conn.hgetall(proc_name).iteritems(): try: address, worker, did = user.split("_") try: value = float(value) except ValueError: if value != "None": current_app.logger.warn( "Got bogus value {} from ppagent for stat {}" .format(value, stat), exc_info=True) continue # Megahashes are was cgminer reports if stat == "hashrate": value *= 1000000 except Exception: current_app.logger.error("Error processing key {} on hash {}" .format(user, key), exc_info=True) continue try: slc = DeviceSlice(user=address, time=minute, worker=worker, device=did, stat=stat, value=value, span=0) db.session.add(slc) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: current_app.logger.warn("SQLAlchemy collision", exc_info=True) db.session.rollback() redis_conn.delete(proc_name)