
import pygame as pg
from operator import add
from simplecv.factory import Factory
from simplecv.display import Display
from simplecv.image_set import ImageSet

d = Display(flags=pg.FULLSCREEN)
#create video streams

cam = Factory.Kinect()
#initialize the camera
frames_to_blur = 4
frames = ImageSet()

depth = cam.getDepth().stretch(0, 200)
while True:
    new_depth = cam.getDepth().stretch(0, 200)
    img = cam.getImage()
    diff_1 = new_depth - depth
    diff_2 = depth - new_depth
    diff = diff_1 + diff_2
    img_filter = diff.binarize(0)

    motion_img = img - img_filter
    motion_img_open = motion_img.morph_open()

    if len(frames) > frames_to_blur:
sudo apt-get install python-zbar

Then line up the item in the red box and left click the mouse to tell
the program to try and read the barcode

print __doc__

import time
import csv
from simplecv import Color, ColorCurve, Camera, Image, pg, np, cv
from simplecv.display import Display

cam = Camera()
display = Display((800, 600))
data = "None"
mydict = dict()
myfile = "barcode-list.csv"

while display.isNotDone():
    display.checkEvents()  #check for mouse clicks
    img = cam.getImage()
    img.draw_rectangle(img.width / 4,
                       img.height / 4,
                       img.width / 2,
                       img.height / 2,
    if display.mouseLeft:  # click the mouse to read
        img.draw_text("reading barcode... wait", 10, 10)