def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("tblmgrtest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("tblmgrtest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) tm = TableMgr(True, tx) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) tm.createTable("MyTable", sch, tx) layout = tm.getLayout("MyTable", tx) size = layout.slotSize() sch2 = layout.schema() print("MyTable has slot size " + str(size)) print("Its fields are:") for fldname in sch2.fields(): if sch2.type(fldname) == INTEGER: _type = "int" else: strlen = sch2.length(fldname) _type = "varchar(" + str(strlen) + ")" print(fldname + ": " + _type) tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch) for fldname in layout.schema().fields(): offset = layout.offset(fldname) print(fldname + " has offset " + str(offset))
def fieldType(self, fldname): schema = Schema() if self.lex.matchKeyword("int"): self.lex.eatKeyword("int") schema.addIntField(fldname) else: self.lex.eatKeyword("varchar") self.lex.eatDelim('(') strLen = self.lex.eatIntConstant() self.lex.eatDelim(')') schema.addStringField(fldname, strLen) return schema
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("recordtest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("recordtest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch) for fldname in layout.schema().fields(): offset = layout.offset(fldname) print(fldname + " has offset " + str(offset)) blk = tx.append("testfile") rp = RecordPage(tx, blk, layout) rp.format() print("Filling the page with random records.") slot = rp.insertAfter(-1) while slot >= 0: n = random.randint(0, 50) rp.setInt(slot, "A", n) rp.setString(slot, "B", "rec" + str(n)) print("inserting into slot " + str(slot) + ": {" + str(n) + ", " + "rec" + str(n) + "}") slot = rp.insertAfter(slot) print("Deleting these records, whose A-values are less than 25.") count = 0 slot = rp.nextAfter(-1) while slot >= 0: a = rp.getInt(slot, "A") b = rp.getString(slot, "B") if a < 25: count += 1 print("slot " + str(slot) + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + str(b) + "}") rp.delete(slot) slot = rp.nextAfter(slot) print(str(count) + " values under 25 were deleted.\n") print("Here are the remaining records.") slot = rp.nextAfter(-1) while slot >= 0: a = rp.getInt(slot, "A") b = rp.getString(slot, "B") print("slot " + str(slot) + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + str(b) + "}") slot = rp.nextAfter(slot) tx.unpin(blk) tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("scantest2") fm = FileMgr(File("scantest2"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout1 = Layout(sch1) us1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) us1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T1.") for i in range(n): us1.insert() us1.setInt("A", i) us1.setString("B", "bbb" + str(i)) us1.close() sch2 = Schema() sch2.addIntField("C") sch2.addStringField("D", 9) layout2 = Layout(sch2) us2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) us2.beforeFirst() print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T2.") for i in range(n): us2.insert() us2.setInt("C", n - i - 1) us2.setString("D", "ddd" + str((n - i - 1))) us2.close() s1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) s2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) s3 = ProductScan(s1, s2) # selecting all records where A=C t = Term(Expression("A"), Expression("C")) pred = Predicate(t) print("The predicate is " + pred.__str__()) s4 = SelectScan(s3, pred) # projecting on [B,D] c = ["B", "D"] s5 = ProjectScan(s4, c) while print(s5.getString("B") + " " + s5.getString("D")) s5.close() tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("tabletest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("tabletest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch) for fldname in layout.schema().fields(): offset = layout.offset(fldname) print(fldname + " has offset " + str(offset)) print("Filling the table with 50 random records.") ts = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) for i in range(50): ts.insert() n = random.randint(0, 50) ts.setInt("A", n) ts.setString("B", "rec" + str(n)) print("inserting into slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(n) + ", " + "rec" + str(n) + "}") print("Deleting these records, whose A-values are less than 25.") count = 0 ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") if a < 25: count += 1 print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.delete() print(str(count) + " values under 10 were deleted.\n") print("Here are the remaining records.") ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.close() tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("producttest") fm = FileMgr(File("producttest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout1 = Layout(sch1) ts1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) sch2 = Schema() sch2.addIntField("C") sch2.addStringField("D", 9) layout2 = Layout(sch2) ts2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) ts1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T1.") for i in range(n): ts1.insert() ts1.setInt("A", i) ts1.setString("B", "aaa" + str(i)) ts1.close() ts2.beforeFirst() print("Inserting " + str(n) + " records into T2.") for i in range(n): ts2.insert() ts2.setInt("C", n - i - 1) ts2.setString("D", "bbb" + str((n - i - 1))) ts2.close() s1 = TableScan(tx, "T1", layout1) s2 = TableScan(tx, "T2", layout2) s3 = ProductScan(s1, s2) while print(s3.getString("B")) s3.close() tx.commit()
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("scantest1") fm = FileMgr(File("scantest1"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch1 = Schema() sch1.addIntField("A") sch1.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch1) s1 = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) s1.beforeFirst() n = 200 print("Inserting " + str(n) + " random records.") for i in range(n): s1.insert() k = random.randint(0, 50) s1.setInt("A", k) s1.setString("B", "rec" + str(k)) s1.close() s2 = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) # selecting all records where A=10 c = Constant(10) t = Term(Expression("A"), Expression(c)) pred = Predicate(t) print("The predicate is " + pred.__str__()) s3 = SelectScan(s2, pred) fields = ["B"] s4 = ProjectScan(s3, fields) while print(s4.getString("B")) s4.close() tx.commit()
def createIdxLayout(self): sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("block") sch.addIntField("id") if self.tblSchema.type(self.fldname) == INTEGER: sch.addIntField("dataval") else: fldlen = self.tblSchema.length(self.fldname) sch.addStringField("dataval", fldlen) return Layout(sch)
def __init__(self, isNew, tx): tcatSchema = Schema() tcatSchema.addStringField("tblname", TableMgr.MAX_NAME) tcatSchema.addIntField("slotsize") self.tcatLayout = Layout(tcatSchema) fcatSchema = Schema() fcatSchema.addStringField("tblname", TableMgr.MAX_NAME) fcatSchema.addStringField("fldname", TableMgr.MAX_NAME) fcatSchema.addIntField("type") fcatSchema.addIntField("length") fcatSchema.addIntField("offset") self.fcatLayout = Layout(fcatSchema) if isNew: self.createTable("tblcat", tcatSchema, tx) self.createTable("fldcat", fcatSchema, tx)
def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("metadatamgrtest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("metadatamgrtest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) mdm = MetadataMgr(True, tx) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) # Part 1: Table Metadata mdm.createTable("MyTable", sch, tx) layout = mdm.getLayout("MyTable", tx) size = layout.slotSize() sch2 = layout.schema() print("MyTable has slot size " + str(size)) print("Its fields are:") for fldname in sch2.fields(): if sch2.type(fldname) == INTEGER: _type = "int" else: strlen = sch2.length(fldname) _type = "varchar(" + str(strlen) + ")" print(fldname + ": " + _type) # Part 2: Statistics Metadata ts = TableScan(tx, "MyTable", layout) for i in range(50): ts.insert() n = random.randint(0, 50) ts.setInt("A", n) ts.setString("B", "rec" + str(n)) si = mdm.getStatInfo("MyTable", layout, tx) print("B(MyTable) = " + str(si.blocksAccessed())) print("R(MyTable) = " + str(si.recordsOutput())) print("V(MyTable,A) = " + str(si.distinctValues("A"))) print("V(MyTable,B) = " + str(si.distinctValues("B"))) # Part 3: View Metadata viewdef = "select B from MyTable where A = 1" mdm.createView("viewA", viewdef, tx) v = mdm.getViewDef("viewA", tx) print("View def = " + v) # Part 4: Index Metadata mdm.createIndex("indexA", "MyTable", "A", tx) mdm.createIndex("indexB", "MyTable", "B", tx) idxmap = mdm.getIndexInfo("MyTable", tx) ii = idxmap.get('A') print(ii) print("B(indexA) = " + str(ii.blocksAccessed())) print("R(indexA) = " + str(ii.recordsOutput())) print("V(indexA,A) = " + str(ii.distinctValues("A"))) print("V(indexA,B) = " + str(ii.distinctValues("B"))) ii = idxmap.get("B") print("B(indexB) = " + str(ii.blocksAccessed())) print("R(indexB) = " + str(ii.recordsOutput())) print("V(indexB,A) = " + str(ii.distinctValues("A"))) print("V(indexB,B) = " + str(ii.distinctValues("B"))) tx.commit()
class GroupByPlan(Plan): # # * Create a groupby plan for the underlying query. # * The grouping is determined by the specified # * collection of group fields, # * and the aggregation is computed by the # * specified collection of aggregation functions. # * @param p a plan for the underlying query # * @param groupfields the group fields # * @param aggfns the aggregation functions # * @param tx the calling transaction # def __init__(self, tx, p, groupfields, aggfns): super(GroupByPlan, self).__init__() self.p = SortPlan(tx, p, groupfields) self.groupfields = groupfields self.aggfns = aggfns self.sch = Schema() for fldname in groupfields: self.sch.add(fldname, p.schema()) for fn in aggfns: self.sch.addIntField(fn.fieldName()) # # * This method opens a sort plan for the specified plan. # * The sort plan ensures that the underlying records # * will be appropriately grouped. # * @see Plan#open() # def open(self): s = return GroupByScan(s, self.groupfields, self.aggfns) # # * Return the number of blocks required to # * compute the aggregation, # * which is one pass through the sorted table. # * It does <i>not</i> include the one-time cost # * of materializing and sorting the records. # * @see Plan#blocksAccessed() # def blocksAccessed(self): return self.p.blocksAccessed() # # * Return the number of groups. Assuming equal distribution, # * this is the product of the distinct values # * for each grouping field. # * @see Plan#recordsOutput() # def recordsOutput(self): numgroups = 1 for fldname in self.groupfields: numgroups *= self.p.distinctValues(fldname) return numgroups # # * Return the number of distinct values for the # * specified field. If the field is a grouping field, # * then the number of distinct values is the same # * as in the underlying query. # * If the field is an aggregate field, then we # * assume that all values are distinct. # * @see Plan#distinctValues(String) # def distinctValues(self, fldname): if self.p.schema().hasField(fldname): return self.p.distinctValues(fldname) else: return self.recordsOutput() # # * Returns the schema of the output table. # * The schema consists of the group fields, # * plus one field for each aggregation function. # * @see Plan#schema() # def schema(self): return self.sch