def test_mnist(): ''' Tests load_mnist(). Checks test & train sets' formats and sizes, but not content. ''' train_set, test_set = load_mnist() for mnist, expected_size in safe_izip((train_set, test_set), (60000, 10000)): assert_equal(mnist.num_examples(), expected_size) expected_formats = [DenseFormat(shape=[-1, 28, 28], axes=['b', '0', '1'], dtype='uint8'), DenseFormat(shape=[-1], axes=['b'], dtype='uint8')] expected_names = [u'images', u'labels'] expected_sizes = [60000, 10000] for dataset, expected_size in safe_izip((train_set, test_set), expected_sizes): assert_all_equal(dataset.names, expected_names) assert_all_equal(dataset.formats, expected_formats) for tensor, fmt in safe_izip(dataset.tensors, dataset.formats): fmt.check(tensor) assert_equal(tensor.shape[0], expected_size) labels = dataset.tensors[dataset.names.index('labels')] assert_true(numpy.logical_and(labels[...] >= 0, labels[...] < 10).all())
def num_examples(self): ''' The number of examples contained in this Dataset. Throws a RuntimeException if this Dataset contains no tensors. ''' if len(self.tensors) == 0: raise RuntimeError("This dataset has no tensors, so its " "'size' is undefined.") sizes = [t.shape[f.axes.index('b')] for t, f in safe_izip(self.tensors, self.formats)] assert_all_equal(sizes) return sizes[0]
def build_conv_classifier(input_node, filter_shapes, filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges, pool_shapes, pool_strides, affine_output_sizes, affine_init_stddevs, dropout_include_rates, conv_pads, rng, theano_rng): ''' Builds a classification convnet on top of input_node. Returns ------- rval: tuple (conv_nodes, affine_nodes, output_node), where: conv_nodes is a list of the Conv2d nodes. affine_nodes is a list of the AffineNodes. output_node is the final node, a Softmax. ''' assert_is_instance(input_node, Lcn) conv_shape_args = (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, pool_strides) for conv_shapes in conv_shape_args: for conv_shape in conv_shapes: assert_all_integer(conv_shape) assert_all_greater(conv_shape, 0) conv_args = conv_shape_args + (filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges) assert_all_equal([len(c) for c in conv_args]) assert_equal(len(affine_output_sizes), len(affine_init_stddevs)) assert_equal(len(dropout_include_rates), len(filter_shapes) + len(affine_output_sizes)) assert_equal(affine_output_sizes[-1], 10) # for MNIST #assert_equal(input_node.output_format.axes, ('b', '0', '1')) # # Done sanity-checking args. # input_shape = input_node.output_format.shape # Converts from MNIST's ('b', '0', '1') to ('b', 'c', '0', '1') last_node = input_node conv_dropout_include_rates = \ dropout_include_rates[:len(filter_shapes)] # Adds a dropout-conv-bias-relu-maxpool stack for each element in # filter_XXXX conv_layers = [] def uniform_init(rng, params, init_range): ''' Fills params with values uniformly sampled from [-init_range, init_range] ''' assert_floating(init_range) assert_greater_equal(init_range, 0) values = params.get_value() values[...] = rng.uniform(low=-init_range, high=init_range, size=values.shape) params.set_value(values) for (filter_shape, filter_count, filter_init_range, pool_shape, pool_stride, conv_dropout_include_rate, conv_pads) in safe_izip(filter_shapes, filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges, pool_shapes, pool_strides, conv_dropout_include_rates, conv_pads): if conv_dropout_include_rate != 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, conv_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) last_node = Conv2dLayer(last_node, filter_shape, filter_count, conv_pads=conv_pads, pool_window_shape=pool_shape, pool_strides=pool_stride, pool_pads='pylearn2') conv_layers.append(last_node) uniform_init(rng, last_node.conv2d_node.filters, filter_init_range) affine_dropout_include_rates = dropout_include_rates[len(filter_shapes):] affine_layers = [] def normal_distribution_init(rng, params, stddev): ''' Fills params with values uniformly sampled from [-init_range, init_range] ''' assert_floating(stddev) assert_greater_equal(stddev, 0) values = params.get_value() values[...] = rng.standard_normal(values.shape) * stddev params.set_value(values) # # Adds a dropout-affine-relu stack for each element in affine_XXXX, # except for the last one, where it omits the dropout. # # Add a fully connected layer here: output_format = DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, 500), dtype=None) if affine_dropout_include_rates < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rates, theano_rng) last_node = AffineLayer(last_node, output_format, input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) affine_layers.append(last_node) normal_distribution_init(rng, last_node.affine_node.linear_node.params, 0.05) for (affine_size, affine_init_stddev, affine_dropout_include_rate) in \ safe_izip(affine_output_sizes, affine_init_stddevs, affine_dropout_include_rates): ''' if affine_dropout_include_rate < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) ''' # No need to supply an axis map for the first affine transform. # By default, it collapses all non-'b' axes into a feature vector, # which is what we want. # remap from bc01 to b01c before flattening to bf, as pylearn2 does, # just so that they do identical things. last_node = SoftmaxLayer(last_node, DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, affine_size), dtype=None)) #input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) normal_distribution_init(rng, last_node.affine_node.linear_node.params, affine_init_stddev) # stddev_init(rng, last_node.bias_node.params, affine_init_stddev) affine_layers.append(last_node) return conv_layers, affine_layers, last_node
def build_conv_classifier(input_node, filter_shapes, filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges, pool_shapes, pool_strides, affine_output_sizes, affine_init_stddevs, dropout_include_rates, conv_pads, rng, theano_rng): ''' Builds a classification convnet on top of input_node. Returns ------- rval: tuple (conv_nodes, affine_nodes, output_node), where: conv_nodes is a list of the Conv2d nodes. affine_nodes is a list of the AffineNodes. output_node is the final node, a Softmax. ''' assert_is_instance(input_node, Lcn) conv_shape_args = (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, pool_strides) for conv_shapes in conv_shape_args: for conv_shape in conv_shapes: assert_all_integer(conv_shape) assert_all_greater(conv_shape, 0) conv_args = conv_shape_args + (filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges) assert_all_equal([len(c) for c in conv_args]) assert_equal(len(affine_output_sizes), len(affine_init_stddevs)) assert_equal(len(dropout_include_rates), len(filter_shapes) + len(affine_output_sizes)) assert_equal(affine_output_sizes[-1], 10) # for MNIST #assert_equal(input_node.output_format.axes, ('b', '0', '1')) # # Done sanity-checking args. # input_shape = input_node.output_format.shape # Converts from MNIST's ('b', '0', '1') to ('b', 'c', '0', '1') last_node = input_node conv_dropout_include_rates = \ dropout_include_rates[:len(filter_shapes)] # Adds a dropout-conv-bias-relu-maxpool stack for each element in # filter_XXXX conv_layers = [] def uniform_init(rng, params, init_range): ''' Fills params with values uniformly sampled from [-init_range, init_range] ''' assert_floating(init_range) assert_greater_equal(init_range, 0) values = params.get_value() values[...] = rng.uniform(low=-init_range, high=init_range, size=values.shape) params.set_value(values) for (filter_shape, filter_count, filter_init_range, pool_shape, pool_stride, conv_dropout_include_rate, conv_pad) in safe_izip(filter_shapes, filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges, pool_shapes, pool_strides, conv_dropout_include_rates, conv_pads): if conv_dropout_include_rate != 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, conv_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) last_node = Conv2dLayer(last_node, filter_shape, filter_count, conv_pads=conv_pad, pool_window_shape=pool_shape, pool_strides=pool_stride, pool_pads='pylearn2') conv_layers.append(last_node) uniform_init(rng, last_node.conv2d_node.filters, filter_init_range) affine_dropout_include_rates = dropout_include_rates[len(filter_shapes):] affine_layers = [] def normal_distribution_init(rng, params, stddev): ''' Fills params with values uniformly sampled from [-init_range, init_range] ''' assert_floating(stddev) assert_greater_equal(stddev, 0) values = params.get_value() values[...] = rng.standard_normal(values.shape) * stddev params.set_value(values) # # Adds a dropout-affine-relu stack for each element in affine_XXXX, # except for the last one, where it omits the dropout. # # Add a fully connected layer here: output_format = DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, 500), dtype=None) if affine_dropout_include_rates < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rates, theano_rng) last_node = AffineLayer(last_node, output_format, input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) affine_layers.append(last_node) normal_distribution_init(rng, last_node.affine_node.linear_node.params, 0.05) for (affine_size, affine_init_stddev, affine_dropout_include_rate) in \ safe_izip(affine_output_sizes, affine_init_stddevs, affine_dropout_include_rates): ''' if affine_dropout_include_rate < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) ''' # No need to supply an axis map for the first affine transform. # By default, it collapses all non-'b' axes into a feature vector, # which is what we want. # remap from bc01 to b01c before flattening to bf, as pylearn2 does, # just so that they do identical things. last_node = SoftmaxLayer(last_node, DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, affine_size), dtype=None)) #input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) normal_distribution_init(rng, last_node.affine_node.linear_node.params, affine_init_stddev) # stddev_init(rng, last_node.bias_node.params, affine_init_stddev) affine_layers.append(last_node) ################################################################################################# ### BUILD THE SECOND NETWORK WITH FLAT PARAMETERS (given the dimensions of the first) ########### ################################################################################################# rng = numpy.random.RandomState(281934) std_deviation = .05 # Fetch all parameters and shapes parameters = [] for conv_layer in conv_layers: filters = conv_layer.conv2d_node.filters parameters.append(filters) bias = conv_layer.bias_node.params parameters.append(bias) for affine_layer in affine_layers: weights = affine_layer.affine_node.linear_node.params parameters.append(weights) biases = affine_layer.affine_node.bias_node.params parameters.append(biases) ''' print(len(parameters)) for parameter in parameters: print(parameter.get_value().shape) shapes = [] params_flat_values = numpy.asarray([], dtype=theano.config.floatX) counter = 0 for parameter in parameters: shape = parameter.get_value().shape if counter%2 == 0 and len(shape)==4: vector_param = numpy.asarray(numpy.ndarray.flatten(parameter.get_value()), dtype=theano.config.floatX) vector_param[...] = rng.standard_normal(vector_param.shape) * std_deviation col_length = shape[2] index_from = 0 ### #for _ in range(shape[0]*shape[1]*shape[3]): # index_to = index_from + col_length # vector_param[index_from:index_to] = vector_param[index_from:index_to]/numpy.linalg.norm(vector_param[index_from:index_to]) # index_from = index_to #### elif counter%2==0: vector_param = numpy.asarray(numpy.ndarray.flatten(parameter.get_value()), dtype=theano.config.floatX) vector_param[...] = rng.standard_normal(vector_param.shape) * std_deviation else: vector_param = numpy.asarray(numpy.ndarray.flatten(parameter.get_value()), dtype=theano.config.floatX) params_flat_values = numpy.append(params_flat_values, vector_param) shapes.append(shape) ''' params_flat_values = numpy.asarray([], dtype=theano.config.floatX) shapes = [] for parameter in parameters: parameter_value = parameter.get_value() shapes.append(parameter_value.shape) vector_param = numpy.asarray(numpy.ndarray.flatten(parameter_value)) params_flat_values = numpy.append(params_flat_values, vector_param) print(parameter.get_value().shape) print(params_flat_values) print(params_flat_values.shape) params_flat = theano.shared(params_flat_values) params_old_flat = theano.shared(params_flat_values) ''' Builds a classification convnet on top of input_node. Returns ------- rval: tuple (conv_nodes, affine_nodes, output_node), where: conv_nodes is a list of the Conv2d nodes. affine_nodes is a list of the AffineNodes. output_node is the final node, a Softmax. ''' assert_is_instance(input_node, Lcn) conv_shape_args = (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, pool_strides) for conv_shapes in conv_shape_args: for conv_shape in conv_shapes: assert_all_integer(conv_shape) assert_all_greater(conv_shape, 0) conv_args = conv_shape_args + (filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges) assert_all_equal([len(c) for c in conv_args]) assert_equal(len(affine_output_sizes), len(affine_init_stddevs)) assert_equal(len(dropout_include_rates), len(filter_shapes) + len(affine_output_sizes)) assert_equal(affine_output_sizes[-1], 10) # for MNIST #assert_equal(input_node.output_format.axes, ('b', '0', '1')) # # Done sanity-checking args. # input_shape = input_node.output_format.shape # Converts from MNIST's ('b', '0', '1') to ('b', 'c', '0', '1') last_node = input_node conv_dropout_include_rates = \ dropout_include_rates[:len(filter_shapes)] # Adds a dropout-conv-bias-relu-maxpool stack for each element in # filter_XXXX conv_layers = [] counter = 0 index_from = 0 for (filter_shape, filter_count, filter_init_range, pool_shape, pool_stride, conv_dropout_include_rate, conv_pad) in safe_izip(filter_shapes, filter_counts, filter_init_uniform_ranges, pool_shapes, pool_strides, conv_dropout_include_rates, conv_pads): if conv_dropout_include_rate != 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, conv_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) print(shapes) shape1 = shapes[counter] shape2 = shapes[counter+1] size1= size2= index_to = index_from + size1 #filters_ = theano.tensor.transpose(params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape1), axes=[0,1,3,2]) filters_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape1) index_from = index_to index_to = index_from + size2 bias_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape2) index_from = index_to last_node = Conv2dLayer(last_node, filter_shape, filter_count, conv_pads=conv_pad, pool_window_shape=pool_shape, pool_strides=pool_stride, pool_pads='pylearn2', filters=filters_, bias=bias_) conv_layers.append(last_node) counter = counter + 2 affine_dropout_include_rates = dropout_include_rates[len(filter_shapes):] affine_layers = [] # # Adds a dropout-affine-relu stack for each element in affine_XXXX, # except for the last one, where it omits the dropout. # # Add a fully connected layer here: shape1 = shapes[counter] #shape1 = (shape1[1], shape1[0]) shape2 = shapes[counter+1] size1= size2= index_to = index_from + size1 weights_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape1) index_from = index_to index_to = index_from + size2 bias_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape2) index_from = index_to output_format = DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, 500), dtype=None) if affine_dropout_include_rates < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rates, theano_rng) last_node = AffineLayer(last_node, output_format, weights=weights_, bias=bias_, input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) affine_layers.append(last_node) counter += 2 for (affine_size, affine_init_stddev, affine_dropout_include_rate) in \ safe_izip(affine_output_sizes, affine_init_stddevs, affine_dropout_include_rates): if affine_dropout_include_rate < 1.0: last_node = Dropout(last_node, affine_dropout_include_rate, theano_rng) # No need to supply an axis map for the first affine transform. # By default, it collapses all non-'b' axes into a feature vector, # which is what we want. shape1 = shapes[counter] #shape1 = (shape1[1], shape1[0]) shape2 = shapes[counter+1] size1= size2= index_to = index_from + size1 weights_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape1) index_from = index_to index_to = index_from + size2 bias_ = params_flat[index_from:index_to].reshape(shape2) index_from = index_to # remap from bc01 to b01c before flattening to bf, as pylearn2 does, # just so that they do identical things. last_node = SoftmaxLayer(last_node, DenseFormat(axes=('b', 'f'), shape=(-1, affine_size), dtype=None), weights=weights_, bias=bias_) #input_to_bf_map={('0', '1', 'c'): 'f'}) # stddev_init(rng, last_node.bias_node.params, affine_init_stddev) affine_layers.append(last_node) counter += 2 return conv_layers, affine_layers, last_node, params_flat, params_old_flat, shapes
def make_instance_dataset(norb_name, a_norb, b_norb, test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects=None): ''' Creates instance recognition datasets from category recognition datasets. Merges two category recognition datasets (with disjoint object instances), and re-partitions them into instance recognition datasets (with disjoint camera views). The instance recognition dataset consists of a train and test set. All objects not selected by <objects> are ignored. Of the remaining images, he test set consists of all images that satisfy both the test_elevation_stride and test_azimuth_stride. The other images are used for the training set. If the category datset is in stereo, only the left stereo images are used. Parameters ---------- norb_name: str The name of the category recognition dataset (e.g. 'big_norb'). Used to build the name of the instance recognition dataset. Alphanumeric characters and '_' only. a_norb: NORB Dataset One of the category recognition datasets (i.e. training set). b_norb: NORB Dataset The other category recognition dataset (i.e. testing set). test_elevation_stride: int Use every M'th elevation as a test image. test_azimuth_stride: int Use every N'th azimuth as a test image. objects: Sequence [(c0, i0), (c1, i1), ..., (cN, iN)] Each (cx, ix) pair specifies an object to include, by their class and instance labels cx and ix. Returns ------- rval: str The path to the newly created .h5 file. ''' assert_is_instance(norb_name, basestring) assert_all_true(c.isalnum() or c == '_' for c in norb_name) assert_is_instance(a_norb, Dataset) assert_is_instance(b_norb, Dataset) assert_all_equal(a_norb.names, b_norb.names) assert_all_equal(a_norb.formats, b_norb.formats) assert_integer(test_elevation_stride) assert_greater(test_elevation_stride, 0) assert_integer(test_azimuth_stride) assert_greater(test_azimuth_stride, 0) if objects is not None: assert_is_instance(objects, Sequence) for id_pair in objects: assert_equal(len(id_pair), 2) assert_all_integer(id_pair) assert_all_greater_equal(id_pair, 0) # # Done sanity-checking args # (category_index, instance_index, azimuth_index, elevation_index) = range(4) # no need for lighting_index (= 4) def get_row_indices(labels, test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects): ''' Returns row indices or training and testing sets. ''' logical_and = numpy.logical_and if objects is not None: objects = numpy.asarray(objects) obj_cols = (category_index, instance_index) object_mask = (labels[:, obj_cols] == objects).all(axis=1) else: object_mask = numpy.ones(labels.shape[0], dtype=bool) test_mask = logical_and( object_mask, (labels[:, elevation_index] % test_elevation_stride) == 0) test_mask = logical_and( test_mask, (labels[:, azimuth_index] % (test_azimuth_stride * 2)) == 0) train_mask = logical_and(object_mask, numpy.logical_not(test_mask)) return tuple(numpy.nonzero(m)[0] for m in (train_mask, test_mask)) a_train_indices, a_test_indices = get_row_indices(a_norb.tensors[1], test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects) b_train_indices, b_test_indices = get_row_indices(b_norb.tensors[1], test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects) def create_h5_filepath(norb_name, test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects): ''' Creates an hdf filepath based on the args. For which-norb: "big_norb", elevation_stride: 2, azimuth_stride: 1: <data_dir>/big_norb_instance/e2_a1_all.h5 For same as above, but with objects: [[1, 2], [3, 7], [4, 1]] <data_dir>/big_norb_instance/e2_a1_1-2_3-7_4-1.h5 ''' output_dir = os.path.join(, '{}_instance'.format(norb_name)) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) filename = "e{:02d}_a{:02d}_o_".format(test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride) if objects is None: filename = filename + 'all' else: for id_pair in objects: filename = filename + "%d-%d" % tuple(id_pair) filename = filename + '.h5' return os.path.join(output_dir, filename) h5_path = create_h5_filepath(norb_name, test_elevation_stride, test_azimuth_stride, objects) def get_mono_format(input_image_format): axes = input_image_format.axes shape = input_image_format.shape if 's' in axes: s_index = axes.index('s') axes = list(axes) del axes[s_index] shape = list(shape) del shape[s_index] return DenseFormat(axes=axes, shape=shape, dtype=input_image_format.dtype) mono_image_format = get_mono_format(a_norb.formats[0]) label_format = a_norb.formats[1] partition_names = ['train', 'test'] partition_sizes = [len(a_train_indices) + len(b_train_indices), len(a_test_indices) + len(b_test_indices)] train_indices = (a_train_indices, b_train_indices) test_indices = (a_test_indices, b_test_indices) # Creates a .h5 file and copies repartitioned data into it. with make_h5_file(h5_path, partition_names, partition_sizes, a_norb.names, [mono_image_format, label_format]) as h5_file: partitions = h5_file['partitions'] for partition_name, (a_indices, b_indices) \ in safe_izip(partition_names, [train_indices, test_indices]): partition = partitions[partition_name] a_images = a_norb.tensors[0] b_images = b_norb.tensors[0] out_images = partition['images'] print("Copying {} partition.".format(partition_name)) if 's' in a_norb.formats[0].axes: assert_equal(a_norb.formats[0].axes.index('s'), 1) out_images[:len(a_indices), ...] = a_images[a_indices, 0, ...] out_images[len(a_indices):, ...] = b_images[b_indices, 0, ...] else: out_images[:len(a_indices), ...] = a_images[a_indices, ...] out_images[len(a_indices):, ...] = b_images[b_indices, ...] a_labels = a_norb.tensors[1] b_labels = b_norb.tensors[1] out_labels = partition['labels'] out_labels[:len(a_indices), :] = a_labels[a_indices, :] out_labels[len(a_indices):, :] = b_labels[b_indices, :] # Don't shuffle the data; that's the iterator's job. return h5_path