def ipn(request, reference_id): """ Process an IPN response from Amazon. """ print "IPN", reference_id, request.POST if api.is_valid_signature(request.POST, request.build_absolute_uri()): _update_transaction(reference_id, request.POST) return HttpResponse('Thanks, Amazon!')
def complete(request, reference_id): """ Upon completion of a transaction, users are sent back to this URL. If SIMPLEPAY_COMPLETE_REDIRECT is defined in, the user will be redirected to this URL. Otherwise the simplepay.transaction_complete.html template will be displayed to the user. """ if not api.is_valid_signature(request.META['QUERY_STRING'], request.build_absolute_uri()): return HttpResponseBadRequest('invalid parameters') _update_transaction(reference_id, request.GET) if REDIRECT: return HttpResponseRedirect(REDIRECT) return render_to_response('simplepay/transaction_complete.html')
def abandon(request, reference_id): """ Users that cancel a transaction are passed to this URL by Amazon. Arguments that are passed are used to update the transaction and stored as a message from Amazon. If SIMPLEPAY_COMPLETE_REDIRECT is defined in, the user will be redirected to this URL. Otherwise the simplepay.transaction_complete.html template will be displayed to the user. """ if not api.is_valid_signature(request.META['QUERY_STRING'], request.build_absolute_uri()): return HttpResponseBadRequest('invalid parameters') _update_transaction(reference_id, request.GET) if REDIRECT: return HttpResponseRedirect(SIMPLEPAY_COMPLETE_REDIRECT) return render_to_response('simplepay/transaction_abandoned.html')