def unvault(site=None, location='~/.vault', s3bucket='', s3path='vault', files=None, key=None): from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=s3bucket, s3_path=s3path, location=location, key=key) files = vault.unvault(site, download=True) print "Extracted %s" % files
def makevault(site=None, location='~/.vault', s3bucket='', s3path='vault', files=None, key=None): from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=s3bucket, s3_path=s3path, location=location, key=key) crypt = vault.make(site, include=files, upload=True) print "Ok, created %s and uploaded to s3://%s/%s" % (crypt, s3bucket, s3path) print "export S3_VAULT_KEY=%s" % vault.key
def main(*realargs): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-w', "--write", action='store_true', help="write vault file") parser.add_argument('-x', "--extract", action='store_true', help="extract files") parser.add_argument('-b', "--s3bucket", action='store', help="s3 bucket") parser.add_argument('-p', "--path", action='store', default=None, help="path (s3 path or local path if -N)") parser.add_argument('-l', "--location", action='store', help="location", required=True) parser.add_argument('-n', "--name", action='store', help="vault name", required=True) parser.add_argument('-N', "--noremote", action='store_true', default=False, help="don't use s3, locally only") parser.add_argument('-k', "--key", action='store', help="key to encrypt/decrypt. defaults to S3_VAULT_KEY") parser.add_argument('-i', "--include", action='store', help="file pattern for files to include (encryption)") args = parser.parse_args(realargs) if args.write: from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=args.s3bucket, s3_path=args.path, location=args.location, key=args.key) crypt = vault.make(, include=args.include, upload=not args.noremote) if not args.noremote: print "[INFO] created %s and uploaded to s3://%s/%s" % (crypt, args.s3bucket, args.path) else: print "[INFO] created %s and stored in %s" % (crypt, args.path) print "[WARN] Extract using export S3_VAULT_KEY=%s" % vault.key elif args.extract: from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=args.s3bucket, s3_path=args.path, location=args.location, key=args.key) files = vault.unvault(, target=args.location or args.path, download=not args.noremote) print "Extracted %s" % files else: print "[ERROR] Either --write or --extract must be used"
def main(*realargs): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-w', "--write", action='store_true', help="write vault file") parser.add_argument('-x', "--extract", action='store_true', help="extract files") parser.add_argument('-b', "--s3bucket", action='store', help="s3 bucket") parser.add_argument('-p', "--path", action='store', default=None, help="path (s3 path or local path if -N)") parser.add_argument('-l', "--location", action='store', help="location", required=True) parser.add_argument('-n', "--name", action='store', help="vault name", required=True) parser.add_argument('-N', "--noremote", action='store_true', default=False, help="don't use s3, locally only") parser.add_argument( '-k', "--key", action='store', help="key to encrypt/decrypt. defaults to S3_VAULT_KEY") parser.add_argument('-i', "--include", action='store', help="file pattern for files to include (encryption)") args = parser.parse_args(realargs) if args.write: from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=args.s3bucket, s3_path=args.path, location=args.location, key=args.key) crypt = vault.make(, include=args.include, upload=not args.noremote) if not args.noremote: print "[INFO] created %s and uploaded to s3://%s/%s" % ( crypt, args.s3bucket, args.path) else: print "[INFO] created %s and stored in %s" % (crypt, args.path) print "[WARN] Extract using export S3_VAULT_KEY=%s" % vault.key elif args.extract: from simplevault import SimpleVault vault = SimpleVault(s3_bucket=args.s3bucket, s3_path=args.path, location=args.location, key=args.key) files = vault.unvault(, target=args.location or args.path, download=not args.noremote) print "Extracted %s" % files else: print "[ERROR] Either --write or --extract must be used"