def generate(self): if self.comboGenerator.currentIndex() == 0: n = self.get_nb_tasks() u = StaffordRandFixedSum(n, self.get_utilization(), 1) elif self.comboGenerator.currentIndex() == 1: n = self.get_nb_tasks() u = UUniFastDiscard(n, self.get_utilization(), 1) else: u = gen_kato_utilizations(1, self.get_min_utilization(), self.get_max_utilization(), self.get_utilization()) n = len(u[0]) p_types = self.get_periods() if p_types[0] == "unif": p = gen_periods_uniform(n, 1, p_types[1], p_types[2], p_types[3]) elif p_types[0] == "lunif": p = gen_periods_loguniform(n, 1, p_types[1], p_types[2], p_types[3]) else: p = gen_periods_discrete(n, 1, p_types[1]) if u and p: self.taskset = gen_tasksets(u, p)[0] self.accept() elif not u: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Generation failed", "Please check the utilization and the number of tasks.") else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Generation failed", "Pleache check the periods.")
def generate(self): if self.comboGenerator.currentIndex() == 0: n = self.get_nb_tasks() u = StaffordRandFixedSum(n, self.get_utilization(), 1) elif self.comboGenerator.currentIndex() == 1: n = self.get_nb_tasks() u = UUniFastDiscard(n, self.get_utilization(), 1) else: u = gen_kato_utilizations(1, self.get_min_utilization(), self.get_max_utilization(), self.get_utilization()) n = len(u[0]) p_types = self.get_periods() if p_types[0] == "unif": p = gen_periods_uniform(n, 1, p_types[1], p_types[2], p_types[3]) elif p_types[0] == "lunif": p = gen_periods_loguniform(n, 1, p_types[1], p_types[2], p_types[3]) else: p = gen_periods_discrete(n, 1, p_types[1]) if u and p: self.taskset = gen_tasksets(u, p)[0] self.accept() elif not u: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Generation failed", "Please check the utilization and the number of tasks.") else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Generation failed", "Pleache check the periods.")
def create(num_sets, num_tasks, utilization): ut = task_generator.gen_randfixedsum(num_sets, num_tasks, utilization) ut2 = ut pd = task_generator.gen_periods_uniform(num_tasks, num_sets, 2, 100) tset = task_generator.gen_tasksets(ut2, pd) # print(tset) # tset_wcet = [] # for set in tset: # tset_wcet.append([]) # for task in set: # tset_wcet[len(tset_wcet) - 1].append(( # task[0], # Acet # task[1], # Period # get_acet_from_wcet(task[0], task[0]/10) # Wcet # )) # print(tset_wcet[len(tset_wcet) - 1]) return tset
def gensavetasksets(schedulers, n, nsets, u, min_p, max_p, outdir): # Manual configuration: configuration = Configuration() configuration.duration = 1000 * configuration.cycles_per_ms u = task_generator.StaffordRandFixedSum(n, u, nsets) periods = task_generator.gen_periods_uniform_ex(n, nsets, min_p, max_p, 10000000, True) # Add processors. for i in range(1, 5): configuration.add_processor(name="CPU " + str(i), identifier=i) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) for i, exp_set in enumerate(task_generator.gen_tasksets(u, periods)): for scheduler_name in schedulers: configuration.scheduler_info.clas = scheduler_name # print("{}:".format(scheduler_name)) while configuration.task_info_list: del configuration.task_info_list[0] id_ = 1 for (c, p) in exp_set: configuration.add_task(name="T{}".format(id_), identifier=id_, period=p, activation_date=0, wcet=c, deadline=p, abort_on_miss=True) id_ += 1 configuration.duration = configuration.get_hyperperiod( ) * configuration.cycles_per_ms # Vérification de la config. configuration.check_all() # save one taskset + "/exp_{}.xml".format(i + 1))
def main(argv): global procCount if len(argv) == 8: # Configuration load from a file. nrOfRuns = int(argv[1]) nrOfProc = int(argv[2]) minNrOfPeriodicTasks = int(argv[3]) maxNrOfPeriodicTasks = int(argv[4]) minNrOfSporadicTasks = int(argv[5]) maxNrOfSporadicTasks = int(argv[6]) tasksFileName = argv[7] else: raise Exception("Configuration is not correct.") schedulingAlgos = [ 'simso.schedulers.EDCL', 'simso.schedulers.EDF', # 'simso.schedulers.EDF_US', 'simso.schedulers.EDHS', # 'simso.schedulers.EDZL', 'simso.schedulers.G_FL', # 'simso.schedulers.G_FL_ZL', 'simso.schedulers.LB_P_EDF', # 'simso.schedulers.LLF', # 'simso.schedulers.MLLF', # 'simso.schedulers.PD2', # 'simso.schedulers.P_EDF2', # 'simso.schedulers.P_EDF', # 'simso.schedulers.P_EDF_WF', # 'simso.schedulers.PriD', 'simso.schedulers.P_RM', 'simso.schedulers.RM', 'simso.schedulers.RUN', # 'simso.schedulers.Static_EDF', ] with open(tasksFileName, 'w+') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['Index', 'Successful', 'Algo', 'NrOfProc', 'Utilization', 'NrOfPeriodic', 'NrOfSporadic', 'AvgPeriod_Periodic', 'AvgActivation_Sporadic', 'TaskName', 'TaskType', 'RespTime', 'Avg_CPU'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for runCounter in range(1, nrOfRuns + 1): nrOfPeriodic = random.randint(minNrOfPeriodicTasks, maxNrOfPeriodicTasks) nrOfSporadic = random.randint(minNrOfSporadicTasks, maxNrOfSporadicTasks) utilization = round(random.uniform(nrOfProc/2, nrOfProc), 1) u = StaffordRandFixedSum(nrOfPeriodic + nrOfSporadic, utilization, 1) p_types = get_periods() p = gen_periods_loguniform(nrOfPeriodic + nrOfSporadic, 1, p_types[1], p_types[2], p_types[3]) if u and p: taskset = gen_tasksets(u, p)[0] print ( "Generating configuration with id " + str(runCounter) + " NrOfPeriodic: " + str(nrOfPeriodic) + ", NrOfSporadic: " + str(nrOfSporadic) + ", Utilization: " + str(utilization)) configuration = Configuration() configuration.duration = 100 * configuration.cycles_per_ms for procCount in range(1, nrOfProc+1): configuration.add_processor(name = "CPU_" + procCount.__str__(), identifier=procCount) i = 0 sumOfPeriods_Periodic = 0 sumOfActivations_Sporadic = 0 for ci, pi in taskset: i += 1 if i <= nrOfPeriodic: configuration.add_task( "Task " + str(i), i, period=pi, wcet=ci, deadline=pi) sumOfPeriods_Periodic += pi else: list_activation_dates = gen_arrivals(pi, 0, configuration.duration_ms) configuration.add_task( "Task " + str(i), i, period=pi, wcet=ci, deadline=pi, task_type="Sporadic", list_activation_dates=list_activation_dates) if (len(list_activation_dates) == 0): sumOfActivations_Sporadic += 0 else: sumOfActivations_Sporadic += sum(list_activation_dates) / len(list_activation_dates) for scheduler in schedulingAlgos: configuration.scheduler_info.clas = scheduler # Init a model from the configuration. model = Model(configuration) # Execute the simulation. successFul = False try: model.run_model() successFul = True except: print('Algorithm ' + scheduler + " failed!") successFul = False print("Finished for algo: " + scheduler) if(successFul): # Print response times for measurement in model._measurements: taskName = measurement._taskName taskType = measurement._taskType respTime = measurement._respTime averageCPULoad = model.getAverageLoad() writer.writerow({fieldnames[0]: runCounter, fieldnames[1]: successFul, fieldnames[2]: scheduler, fieldnames[3]: procCount, fieldnames[4]: utilization, fieldnames[5]: nrOfPeriodic, fieldnames[6]: nrOfSporadic, fieldnames[7]: sumOfPeriods_Periodic / nrOfPeriodic, fieldnames[8]: sumOfActivations_Sporadic / nrOfSporadic, fieldnames[9]: taskName, fieldnames[10]: taskType, fieldnames[11]: respTime, fieldnames[12]: averageCPULoad} ) else: print( "Incorrect configuration: NrOfPeriodic: " + str(nrOfPeriodic) + ", NrOfSporadic: " + str(nrOfSporadic) + ", Utilization: " + str(utilization)) csvfile.close()
def main(argv): schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/" ] schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/" ] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/"] schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/" ] schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "/home/max/Documents/These/RTCSA/experiments/schedulers/" ] schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "/home/max/Documents/These/RTCSA/experiments/schedulers/" ] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/"] output = input("Output directory: ") os.mkdir(output) wcet_file = open(output + "/wcet.csv", "w") csv_wcet = csv.writer(wcet_file) ResultExp.print_header(csv_wcet) acet_file = open(output + "/acet.csv", "w") csv_acet = csv.writer(acet_file) ResultExp.print_header(csv_acet) if argv: for i, f in enumerate(argv): configuration = Configuration(f) for scheduler_name in schedulers: print(scheduler_name) configuration.scheduler_info.set_name(scheduler_name, configuration.cur_dir) configuration.check_all() execute(configuration, "wcet", csv_wcet, wcet_file, i) execute(configuration, "acet", csv_acet, acet_file, i) else: # Manual configuration: configuration = Configuration() configuration.duration = 1000 * configuration.cycles_per_ms # Generate tasks: nsets = int(input("Number of experiments: ")) n = int(input("Number of tasks: ")) nb_proc = int(input("Number of processors: ")) u = float(input("Load: ")) u = task_generator.StaffordRandFixedSum(n, u, nsets) periods = task_generator.gen_periods_loguniform(n, nsets, 2, 100, round_to_int=True) # Add processors: for i in range(1, nb_proc + 1): configuration.add_processor(name="CPU {}".format(i), identifier=i) for i, exp_set in enumerate(task_generator.gen_tasksets(u, periods)): for scheduler_name in schedulers: print(scheduler_name) configuration.scheduler_info.set_name(scheduler_name, configuration.cur_dir) while configuration.task_info_list: del configuration.task_info_list[0] id_ = 1 for (c, p) in exp_set: configuration.add_task(name="T{}".format(id_), identifier=id_, period=p, activation_date=0, wcet=c, acet=c * .75, et_stddev=c * .1, deadline=p, abort_on_miss=True) id_ += 1 # Check the configuration: configuration.check_all() # Save the current exp: + "/exp_{}.xml".format(i)) # Execute the simulation: execute(configuration, "wcet", csv_wcet, wcet_file, i) execute(configuration, "acet", csv_acet, acet_file, i)
def main(argv): print("usage: ./exp [filename1] [filename2] ...") # outdir = input("Output directory: ") outdir = "results" if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) result_file = open(outdir + "/result.csv", "w") csv_result = csv.writer(result_file) ResultExp.print_header(csv_result) schedulers = [ "simso.schedulers.RM"] # "simso.schedulers.EDF", # "simso.schedulers.RM_mono"] if not argv: for i in range (1, 11): argv.append("tasksets/exp_{}.xml".format(str(i))) if argv: for i, f in enumerate(argv): configuration = Configuration(f) for scheduler_name in schedulers: configuration.scheduler_info.clas = scheduler_name # configuration.check_all() execute(configuration, "ofrp", csv_result, result_file, i+1) else: # Manual configuration: configuration = Configuration() configuration.duration = 1000 * configuration.cycles_per_ms # Generate tasks: nsets = int(input("Number of experiments: ")) n = int(input("Number of tasks: ")) nb_proc = int(input("Number of processors: ")) u = float(input("Load: ")) u = task_generator.StaffordRandFixedSum(n, u, nsets) periods = task_generator.gen_periods_loguniform(n, nsets, 2, 100, round_to_int=True) # Add processors: for i in range(1, nb_proc + 1): configuration.add_processor(name="CPU {}".format(i), identifier=i) for i, exp_set in enumerate(task_generator.gen_tasksets(u, periods)): for scheduler_name in schedulers: print(scheduler_name) configuration.scheduler_info.clas = scheduler_name while configuration.task_info_list: del configuration.task_info_list[0] id_ = 1 for (c, p) in exp_set: configuration.add_task( name="T{}".format(id_), identifier=id_, period=p, activation_date=0, wcet=c, acet=c * .75, et_stddev=c * .1, deadline=p, abort_on_miss=True) id_ += 1 configuration.duration = configuration.get_hyperperiod * configuration.cycles_per_ms # Check the configuration: configuration.check_all() # Save the current exp: + "/exp_{}.xml".format(i+1)) # Execute the simulation: execute(configuration, "ofrp", csv_result, result_file, i+1)
def main(argv): schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/"] schedulers = [ "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/"] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/"] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/", "schedulers/"] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/", "/home/max/Documents/These/RTCSA/experiments/schedulers/"] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/", "/home/max/Documents/These/RTCSA/experiments/schedulers/"] schedulers = ["schedulers/", "schedulers/"] output = input("Output directory: ") os.mkdir(output) wcet_file = open(output + "/wcet.csv", "w") csv_wcet = csv.writer(wcet_file) ResultExp.print_header(csv_wcet) acet_file = open(output + "/acet.csv", "w") csv_acet = csv.writer(acet_file) ResultExp.print_header(csv_acet) if argv: for i, f in enumerate(argv): configuration = Configuration(f) for scheduler_name in schedulers: print(scheduler_name) configuration.scheduler_info.set_name(scheduler_name, configuration.cur_dir) configuration.check_all() execute(configuration, "wcet", csv_wcet, wcet_file, i) execute(configuration, "acet", csv_acet, acet_file, i) else: # Manual configuration: configuration = Configuration() configuration.duration = 1000 * configuration.cycles_per_ms # Generate tasks: nsets = int(input("Number of experiments: ")) n = int(input("Number of tasks: ")) nb_proc = int(input("Number of processors: ")) u = float(input("Load: ")) u = task_generator.StaffordRandFixedSum(n, u, nsets) periods = task_generator.gen_periods_loguniform(n, nsets, 2, 100, round_to_int=True) # Add processors: for i in range(1, nb_proc + 1): configuration.add_processor(name="CPU {}".format(i), identifier=i) for i, exp_set in enumerate(task_generator.gen_tasksets(u, periods)): for scheduler_name in schedulers: print(scheduler_name) configuration.scheduler_info.set_name(scheduler_name, configuration.cur_dir) while configuration.task_info_list: del configuration.task_info_list[0] id_ = 1 for (c, p) in exp_set: configuration.add_task( name="T{}".format(id_), identifier=id_, period=p, activation_date=0, wcet=c, acet=c * .75, et_stddev=c * .1, deadline=p, abort_on_miss=True) id_ += 1 # Check the configuration: configuration.check_all() # Save the current exp: + "/exp_{}.xml".format(i)) # Execute the simulation: execute(configuration, "wcet", csv_wcet, wcet_file, i) execute(configuration, "acet", csv_acet, acet_file, i)