def compute_hydration_energy(molecule, parameters, platform_name="Reference"):
    Compute hydration energy of a specified molecule given the specified GBVI parameter set.


    molecule (OEMol) - molecule with GBVI atom types
    parameters (dict) - parameters for GBVI atom types


    energy (float) - hydration energy in kcal/mol


    platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name)

    # Create OpenMM System.
    system = openmm.System()
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        mass = OEGetDefaultMass(atom.GetAtomicNum())
        system.addParticle(mass * units.amu)

    # Add GBVI term
    # gbvi_force = openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce()
    gbvi_force = openmm.GBVIForce()
    gbvi_force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.GBVIForce.NoCutoff)  # set no cutoff

    # Use scaling method.
    # gbvi_force.setBornRadiusScalingMethod(openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce.QuinticSpline)
    # gbvi_force.setQuinticLowerLimitFactor(0.75)
    # gbvi_force.setQuinticUpperBornRadiusLimit(50.0*units.nanometers)

    # Build indexable list of atoms.
    atoms = [atom for atom in molecule.GetAtoms()]

    # Assign GB/VI parameters.
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        atomtype = atom.GetStringData("gbvi_type")  # GBVI atomtype
        charge = atom.GetPartialCharge() * units.elementary_charge
            radius = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                (atomtype, 'radius')] * units.angstroms
            gamma = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                'gamma')] * units.kilocalories_per_mole
        except Exception, exception:
            print "Cannot find parameters for atomtype '%s' in molecule '%s'" % (
                atomtype, molecule.GetTitle())
            print parameters.keys()
            raise exception

        # gamma *= -1.0 # DEBUG
        lambda_ = 1.0  # fully interacting
        # gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma, lambda_) # for GBVISoftcoreForce
        gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma)  # for GBVIForce
def hydration_energy_factory_cachesystem(molecule, default_parameters):
    A faster version of hydration_energy_factory that caches the system and coordinates.


    # Create OpenMM System.
    system = openmm.System()
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        mass = OEGetDefaultMass(atom.GetAtomicNum())
        system.addParticle(mass * units.amu)

    # Add GBVI term
    # gbvi_force = openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce()
    gbvi_force = openmm.GBVIForce()
    gbvi_force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.GBVIForce.NoCutoff)  # set no cutoff

    # Use scaling method.
    # gbvi_force.setBornRadiusScalingMethod(openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce.QuinticSpline)
    # gbvi_force.setQuinticLowerLimitFactor(0.75)
    # gbvi_force.setQuinticUpperBornRadiusLimit(50.0*units.nanometers)

    # Build indexable list of atoms.
    atoms = [atom for atom in molecule.GetAtoms()]

    # Assign GB/VI parameters.
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        atomtype = atom.GetStringData("gbvi_type")  # GBVI atomtype
        charge = atom.GetPartialCharge() * units.elementary_charge
            radius = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                (atomtype, 'radius')] * units.angstroms
            gamma = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                'gamma')] * units.kilocalories_per_mole
        except Exception, exception:
            print "Cannot find parameters for atomtype '%s' in molecule '%s'" % (
                atomtype, molecule.GetTitle())
            print parameters.keys()
            raise exception

        # gamma *= -1.0 # DEBUG
        lambda_ = 1.0  # fully interacting
        # gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma, lambda_) # for GBVISoftcoreForce
        gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma)  # for GBVIForce
def compute_hydration_energies(molecules, parameters):
    Compute solvation energies of all specified molecules using given parameter set.


    molecules (list of OEMol) - molecules with atom types
    parameters (dict) - parameters for atom types


    energies (dict) - energies[molecule] is the computed solvation energy of given molecule


    energies = dict(
    )  # energies[index] is the computed solvation energy of molecules[index]

    platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")

    for molecule in molecules:
        # Create OpenMM System.
        system = openmm.System()
        for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
            mass = OEGetDefaultMass(atom.GetAtomicNum())
            system.addParticle(mass * units.amu)

        # Add nonbonded term.
        #   nonbonded_force = openmm.NonbondedSoftcoreForce()
        #   nonbonded_force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.NoCutoff)
        #   for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        #      charge = 0.0 * units.elementary_charge
        #      sigma = 1.0 * units.angstrom
        #      epsilon = 0.0 * units.kilocalories_per_mole
        #      nonbonded_force.addParticle(charge, sigma, epsilon)
        #   system.addForce(nonbonded_force)

        # Add GBVI term
        # gbvi_force = openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce()
        gbvi_force = openmm.GBVIForce()
            openmm.GBVIForce.NoCutoff)  # set no cutoff

        # Use scaling method.
        # gbvi_force.setBornRadiusScalingMethod(openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce.QuinticSpline)
        # gbvi_force.setQuinticLowerLimitFactor(0.75)
        # gbvi_force.setQuinticUpperBornRadiusLimit(50.0*units.nanometers)

        # Build indexable list of atoms.
        atoms = [atom for atom in molecule.GetAtoms()]

        # Assign GB/VI parameters.
        for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
            atomtype = atom.GetStringData("gbvi_type")  # GBVI atomtype
            charge = atom.GetPartialCharge() * units.elementary_charge
            radius = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                (atomtype, 'radius')] * units.angstroms
            gamma = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                'gamma')] * units.kilocalories_per_mole
            # gamma *= -1.0 # DEBUG
            lambda_ = 1.0  # fully interacting
            # gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma, lambda_) # for GBVISoftcoreForce
            gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma)  # for GBVIForce

        # Add bonds.
        for bond in molecule.GetBonds():
            # Get atom indices.
            iatom = bond.GetBgnIdx()
            jatom = bond.GetEndIdx()
            # Get bond length.
            (xi, yi, zi) = molecule.GetCoords(atoms[iatom])
            (xj, yj, zj) = molecule.GetCoords(atoms[jatom])
            distance = math.sqrt((xi - xj)**2 + (yi - yj)**2 +
                                 (zi - zj)**2) * units.angstroms
            # Identify bonded atoms to GBVI.
            gbvi_force.addBond(iatom, jatom, distance)

        # Add the force to the system.

        # Build coordinate array.
        natoms = len(atoms)
        coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([natoms, 3]), units.angstroms)
        for (index, atom) in enumerate(atoms):
            (x, y, z) = molecule.GetCoords(atom)
            coordinates[index, :] = units.Quantity(numpy.array([x, y, z]),

        # Create OpenMM Context.
        timestep = 1.0 * units.femtosecond  # arbitrary
        integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(timestep)
        context = openmm.Context(system, integrator, platform)

        # Set the coordinates.

        # Get the energy
        state = context.getState(getEnergy=True)
        energies[molecule] = state.getPotentialEnergy()

    return energies
    def __init__(self, molecule):
        # Create OpenMM System.
        system = openmm.System()
        for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
            mass = OEGetDefaultMass(atom.GetAtomicNum())
            system.addParticle(mass * units.amu)

        # Add GBVI term
        # gbvi_force = openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce()
        gbvi_force = openmm.GBVIForce()
            openmm.GBVIForce.NoCutoff)  # set no cutoff

        # Use scaling method.
        # gbvi_force.setBornRadiusScalingMethod(openmm.GBVISoftcoreForce.QuinticSpline)
        # gbvi_force.setQuinticLowerLimitFactor(0.75)
        # gbvi_force.setQuinticUpperBornRadiusLimit(50.0*units.nanometers)

        # Build indexable list of atoms.
        atoms = [atom for atom in molecule.GetAtoms()]

        # Assign GB/VI parameters.
        for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
            atomtype = atom.GetStringData("gbvi_type")  # GBVI atomtype
            charge = atom.GetPartialCharge() * units.elementary_charge
            radius = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                (atomtype, 'radius')] * units.angstroms
            gamma = parameters['%s_%s' %
                                'gamma')] * units.kilocalories_per_mole
            # gamma *= -1.0 # DEBUG
            lambda_ = 1.0  # fully interacting
            # gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma, lambda_) # for GBVISoftcoreForce
            gbvi_force.addParticle(charge, radius, gamma)  # for GBVIForce

        # Add bonds.
        for bond in molecule.GetBonds():
            # Get atom indices.
            iatom = bond.GetBgnIdx()
            jatom = bond.GetEndIdx()
            # Get bond length.
            (xi, yi, zi) = molecule.GetCoords(atoms[iatom])
            (xj, yj, zj) = molecule.GetCoords(atoms[jatom])
            distance = math.sqrt((xi - xj)**2 + (yi - yj)**2 +
                                 (zi - zj)**2) * units.angstroms
            # Identify bonded atoms to GBVI.
            gbvi_force.addBond(iatom, jatom, distance)

        # Add the force to the system.

        # Serialize the system.
        serializer = openmm.XmlSerializer()
        self.serialized_system = serializer.serialize(system)

        # Build coordinate array.
        natoms = len(atoms)
        coordinates = units.Quantity(numpy.zeros([natoms, 3]), units.angstroms)
        for (index, atom) in enumerate(atoms):
            (x, y, z) = molecule.GetCoords(atom)
            coordinates[index, :] = units.Quantity(numpy.array([x, y, z]),

        self.coordinates = coordinates
