def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), scale=0.05, mayChange=True) self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1550, 1000) self.display_region = self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3(-75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties() props.setTitle('Virtual Vision Simulator')
def __init__( self, count ): self.model = Model( count ) self.simulator = Simulator() = Camera() self.renderer = Renderer() self.exit = False self.selection = None
def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.velocity = float() self.distanceTraveled = float() self.path = self.model.pathA self.vehicle = self.model.vehicle self.time = self.model.departDatetime self.sun = ephem.Sun() = ephem.Observer() self.payloadAllowed = 3510 - self.vehicle.weight pass
def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), scale=0.05, mayChange=True) self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1550, 1000) self.display_region = self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3( -75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties( ) props.setTitle( 'Virtual Vision Simulator' ) props )
def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) #self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.05, mayChange=True) #self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) #self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) #self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) new_window_fbp = FrameBufferProperties.getDefault() new_window_properties = WindowProperties.getDefault() self.new_window = base.graphicsEngine.makeOutput(base.pipe, 'Top Down View Window', 0, new_window_fbp, new_window_properties, GraphicsPipe.BFRequireWindow) self.new_window_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1500, 1500) lens.setNearFar(-5000, 5000) self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) #self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3( -75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3(-75, 0, 0), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) #self.new_window = base.openWindow() self.display_regions = [] self.display_regions.append(self.new_window_display_region) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions[0].setCamera(self.default_camera) self.border_regions = [] self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append(, 1, 0.48, 0.52)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0, 0.48)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0, 0.48)) for i in range(0, len(self.border_regions)): border_region = self.border_regions[i] border_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) border_region.setClearColorActive(True) border_region.setClearDepthActive(True) #self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties( ) props.setTitle( 'Virtual Vision Simulator' ) props ) """new_window_2d_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() new_window_2d_display_region.setSort(20) new_window_camera_2d = NodePath(Camera('2d camera of new window')) lens_2d = OrthographicLens() lens_2d.setFilmSize(2, 2) lens_2d.setNearFar(-1000, 1000) new_window_camera_2d.node().setLens(lens_2d) new_window_render_2d = NodePath('render2d of new window') new_window_render_2d.setDepthTest(False) new_window_render_2d.setDepthWrite(False) new_window_camera_2d.reparentTo(new_window_render_2d) new_window_2d_display_region.setCamera(new_window_camera_2d)""" """aspectRatio = base.getAspectRatio() self.new_window_aspect2d = new_window_render_2d.attachNewNode(PGTop('Aspect2d of new window')) self.new_window_aspect2d.setScale(1.0 / aspectRatio, 1.0, 1.0)""" render.analyze()
class VirtualWorld(ShowBase): def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) #self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.05, mayChange=True) #self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) #self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) #self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) new_window_fbp = FrameBufferProperties.getDefault() new_window_properties = WindowProperties.getDefault() self.new_window = base.graphicsEngine.makeOutput(base.pipe, 'Top Down View Window', 0, new_window_fbp, new_window_properties, GraphicsPipe.BFRequireWindow) self.new_window_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1500, 1500) lens.setNearFar(-5000, 5000) self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) #self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3( -75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3(-75, 0, 0), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) #self.new_window = base.openWindow() self.display_regions = [] self.display_regions.append(self.new_window_display_region) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions[0].setCamera(self.default_camera) self.border_regions = [] self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append(, 1, 0.48, 0.52)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0, 0.48)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0, 0.48)) for i in range(0, len(self.border_regions)): border_region = self.border_regions[i] border_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) border_region.setClearColorActive(True) border_region.setClearDepthActive(True) #self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties( ) props.setTitle( 'Virtual Vision Simulator' ) props ) """new_window_2d_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() new_window_2d_display_region.setSort(20) new_window_camera_2d = NodePath(Camera('2d camera of new window')) lens_2d = OrthographicLens() lens_2d.setFilmSize(2, 2) lens_2d.setNearFar(-1000, 1000) new_window_camera_2d.node().setLens(lens_2d) new_window_render_2d = NodePath('render2d of new window') new_window_render_2d.setDepthTest(False) new_window_render_2d.setDepthWrite(False) new_window_camera_2d.reparentTo(new_window_render_2d) new_window_2d_display_region.setCamera(new_window_camera_2d)""" """aspectRatio = base.getAspectRatio() self.new_window_aspect2d = new_window_render_2d.attachNewNode(PGTop('Aspect2d of new window')) self.new_window_aspect2d.setScale(1.0 / aspectRatio, 1.0, 1.0)""" render.analyze() def assign_display_region_to_camera(self): for i in range(0, len(self.display_regions)): display_region = self.display_regions[i] display_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) display_region.setClearColorActive(True) display_region.setClearDepthActive(True) if i == 0: display_region.setCamera(self.default_camera) else: camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() index = i - 1 if index < len(camera_list): camera = camera_list[index] """camera_pos = camera.pos print camera_pos x_2d = (camera_pos[0]+90)*1.7/HEIGHT y_2d = -camera_pos[2]*1.0/HEIGHT print x_2d, " ", y_2d, "\n" marker = makeArc(x_2d, y_2d) marker.reparentTo(self.new_window_aspect2d)""" camera_np = camera.getCameraNode() display_region.setCamera(camera_np) def getModel(self): """ Returns the model that stores all of the cameras, pedestrians and static objects in the scene. """ return self.model def getController(self): """ Returns a controller that is used to control the world time. """ return self.controller def getTime(self): """ Returns the current time in the world. """ return self.globalClock.getFrameTime() def loadScene(self, scene_file): """ Loads the static objects that make up the scene. Also loads the lights that illuminate the scene and for performance implications, sets what lights affect what objects. """ if not os.path.exists(scene_file): logging.error("The path '%s' does not exist" % scene_file) sys.exit() light_builder = LightBuilder(self) object_builder = ObjectBuilder(self, parser = SceneFileParser(self.model, object_builder, light_builder) parser.parse(scene_file) #self.setUpLights() def setUpLights(self): # Set what lights illuminate what objects light_list = self.model.getLightList() static_objects = self.model.getObjectList() for object in static_objects: if object.hasLighting(): model_root = object.getModel().getChildren()[0] children = model_root.getChildren() for child in children: light_map = {} for index, light in enumerate(light_list): distance = Length(child.getPos(render), light.getPos()) half_fov = light.node().getLens().getFov()[0] / 2.0 height = light.getPos()[2] radius = height * tan(radians(half_fov)) if distance > radius ** 2 + 2500 + 10: continue if distance not in light_map: light_map[distance] = [index] else: light_map[distance].append(index) sorted_lights = sorted(light_map.keys()) light_count = 0 for key in sorted_lights: for i in light_map[key]: child.setLight(light_list[i]) light_count += 1 if light_count > LIGHTS_PER_OBJECT: break if light_count > LIGHTS_PER_OBJECT: break child.flattenStrong() # Apply a directional light to the static models light_list = self.model.getLightList(DIRECTIONALLIGHT) if light_list: for object in static_objects: if object.hasLighting(): model_root = object.getModel().getChildren()[0] model_root.setLight(light_list[0]) render.setShaderAuto() render.setAntialias(AntialiasAttrib.MLine) def loadPedestrians(self, pedestrian_file): """Loads the pedestrians into the scene.""" if not os.path.exists(pedestrian_file): logging.error("The path '%s' does not exist" % pedestrian_file) sys.exit() pedestrian_builder = PedestrianBuilder(self, "../media/characters/") parser = PedestrianFileParser(self.model, pedestrian_builder) parser.parse("../media/characters/pedestrians.xml") parser.parse(pedestrian_file) def addCamera(self, config): """ This method is used to add a new panda camera to the world. The panda camera is returned so that it can be linked with a camera module. """ type = config.type cam_builder = PandaCameraBuilder(self) if type == WIDE_FOV_CAMERA: pass else: camera = cam_builder.buildPandaPTZCamera(config) self.model.addCamera(camera) return camera def setAspectRatio(self): """ This method is called when the aspect ratio of the window changes. It updates the aspect ratios of all the cameras. """ width = height = ratio = self.camLens.getAspectRatio() camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.setAspectRatio(ratio) camera.setImageSize(width, height) self.default_camera.node().getLens().setAspectRatio(ratio) r = width / float(height) #self.time_label.setPos(-r, 0.95) def changeCamera(self, num): """ This method is used to toggle the camera that is viewed in the main window. Typically num is either 1 or -1 denoting whether to toggle up or down the camera list. """ number = self.cur_camera + 1 + num num_cameras = len(self.model.getCameraList()) if number > num_cameras: number = 0 elif number < 0: number = num_cameras self.setCamera(number) def setCamera(self, num): """ This method sets which cameras view is shown in the panda3d window. """ if MANUAL_CAMERA: self.cur_camera = num -1 return self.display_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.display_region.setClearColorActive(True) self.display_region.setClearDepthActive(True) if num == 0: self.cur_camera = -1 self.display_region.setCamera(self.default_camera) self.cam_label.setText("Top Down") else: camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() index = num - 1 if index < len(camera_list): self.cur_camera = index camera = camera_list[index] camera_np = camera.getCameraNode() self.display_region.setCamera(camera_np) name = camera.getName() status_label = camera.getStatusLabel() label = "%s: %s" %(name, status_label) self.cam_label.setText(label) def step(self, increment): """ This method updates the world by one time step. """ if increment: new_time = self.globalClock.getFrameTime() + increment else: new_time = self.globalClock.getRealTime() self.globalClock.setFrameTime(new_time) #self.time_label.setText("Time: %.2f" % new_time) self.updateActors() self.updateCameras() def updateActors(self): """ This method updates the pedestrians in the scene by calling their update functions. """ pedestrians = self.model.getPedestrianList() time = self.getTime() for pedestrian in pedestrians: if pedestrian.isActive(time): pedestrian.update(time) def updateCameras(self): """ This method updates the panda cameras which are used to provide the higher level camera modules with rendered images of the scene. There is one panda camera for each camera module. """ time = self.getTime() camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.update(time) """if self.cur_camera != -1: cur_camera = camera_list[self.cur_camera] if cur_camera.statusChanged(): name = cur_camera.getName() status_label = cur_camera.getStatusLabel() label = "%s: %s" %(name, status_label) self.cam_label.setText(label)""" def updateCameraModules(self, task): """ This method updates the camera modules by calling their update function. This allows the camera modules to process messages and complete any tasks that were assigned to them. """ time = self.getTime() for camera in self.model.getCameraModules(): camera.update(time) return Task.cont def windowChanged(self, window): """ This function is called when the window is modified. It updates the image size used by the cameras when getting the rendered image from the texture. """ wp = window.getProperties() width = wp.getXSize() height = wp.getYSize() if width != self.width or height != self.height: self.width = width self.height = height camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.setImageSize(width, height) self.windowEvent(window) def exit(self): sys.exit()
class VirtualWorld(ShowBase): def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), scale=0.05, mayChange=True) self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1550, 1000) self.display_region = self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3(-75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties() props.setTitle('Virtual Vision Simulator') def getModel(self): """ Returns the model that stores all of the cameras, pedestrians and static objects in the scene. """ return self.model def getController(self): """ Returns a controller that is used to control the world time. """ return self.controller def getTime(self): """ Returns the current time in the world. """ return self.globalClock.getFrameTime() def loadScene(self, scene_file): """ Loads the static objects that make up the scene. Also loads the lights that illuminate the scene and for performance implications, sets what lights affect what objects. """ if not os.path.exists(scene_file): logging.error("The path '%s' does not exist" % scene_file) sys.exit() light_builder = LightBuilder(self) object_builder = ObjectBuilder(self, parser = SceneFileParser(self.model, object_builder, light_builder) parser.parse(scene_file) self.setUpLights() def setUpLights(self): # Set what lights illuminate what objects light_list = self.model.getLightList() static_objects = self.model.getObjectList() for object in static_objects: if object.hasLighting(): model_root = object.getModel().getChildren()[0] children = model_root.getChildren() for child in children: light_map = {} for index, light in enumerate(light_list): distance = Length(child.getPos(render), light.getPos()) half_fov = light.node().getLens().getFov()[0] / 2.0 height = light.getPos()[2] radius = height * tan(radians(half_fov)) if distance > radius**2 + 2500 + 10: continue if distance not in light_map: light_map[distance] = [index] else: light_map[distance].append(index) sorted_lights = sorted(light_map.keys()) light_count = 0 for key in sorted_lights: for i in light_map[key]: child.setLight(light_list[i]) light_count += 1 if light_count > LIGHTS_PER_OBJECT: break if light_count > LIGHTS_PER_OBJECT: break child.flattenStrong() # Apply a directional light to the static models light_list = self.model.getLightList(DIRECTIONALLIGHT) if light_list: for object in static_objects: if object.hasLighting(): model_root = object.getModel().getChildren()[0] model_root.setLight(light_list[0]) render.setShaderAuto() render.setAntialias(AntialiasAttrib.MLine) def loadPedestrians(self, pedestrian_file): """Loads the pedestrians into the scene.""" if not os.path.exists(pedestrian_file): logging.error("The path '%s' does not exist" % pedestrian_file) sys.exit() pedestrian_builder = PedestrianBuilder(self, "../media/characters/") parser = PedestrianFileParser(self.model, pedestrian_builder) parser.parse("../media/characters/pedestrians.xml") parser.parse(pedestrian_file) def addCamera(self, config): """ This method is used to add a new panda camera to the world. The panda camera is returned so that it can be linked with a camera module. """ type = config.type cam_builder = PandaCameraBuilder(self) if type == WIDE_FOV_CAMERA: pass else: camera = cam_builder.buildPandaPTZCamera(config) self.model.addCamera(camera) return camera def setAspectRatio(self): """ This method is called when the aspect ratio of the window changes. It updates the aspect ratios of all the cameras. """ width = height = ratio = self.camLens.getAspectRatio() camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.setAspectRatio(ratio) camera.setImageSize(width, height) self.default_camera.node().getLens().setAspectRatio(ratio) r = width / float(height) self.time_label.setPos(-r, 0.95) def changeCamera(self, num): """ This method is used to toggle the camera that is viewed in the main window. Typically num is either 1 or -1 denoting whether to toggle up or down the camera list. """ number = self.cur_camera + 1 + num num_cameras = len(self.model.getCameraList()) if number > num_cameras: number = 0 elif number < 0: number = num_cameras self.setCamera(number) def setCamera(self, num): """ This method sets which cameras view is shown in the panda3d window. """ if MANUAL_CAMERA: self.cur_camera = num - 1 return self.display_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.display_region.setClearColorActive(True) self.display_region.setClearDepthActive(True) if num == 0: self.cur_camera = -1 self.display_region.setCamera(self.default_camera) self.cam_label.setText("Top Down") else: camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() index = num - 1 if index < len(camera_list): self.cur_camera = index camera = camera_list[index] camera_np = camera.getCameraNode() self.display_region.setCamera(camera_np) name = camera.getName() status_label = camera.getStatusLabel() label = "%s: %s" % (name, status_label) self.cam_label.setText(label) def step(self, increment): """ This method updates the world by one time step. """ if increment: new_time = self.globalClock.getFrameTime() + increment else: new_time = self.globalClock.getRealTime() self.globalClock.setFrameTime(new_time) self.time_label.setText("Time: %.2f" % new_time) self.updateActors() self.updateCameras() def updateActors(self): """ This method updates the pedestrians in the scene by calling their update functions. """ pedestrians = self.model.getPedestrianList() time = self.getTime() for pedestrian in pedestrians: if pedestrian.isActive(time): pedestrian.update(time) def updateCameras(self): """ This method updates the panda cameras which are used to provide the higher level camera modules with rendered images of the scene. There is one panda camera for each camera module. """ time = self.getTime() camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.update(time) if self.cur_camera != -1: cur_camera = camera_list[self.cur_camera] if cur_camera.statusChanged(): name = cur_camera.getName() status_label = cur_camera.getStatusLabel() label = "%s: %s" % (name, status_label) self.cam_label.setText(label) def updateCameraModules(self, task): """ This method updates the camera modules by calling their update function. This allows the camera modules to process messages and complete any tasks that were assigned to them. """ time = self.getTime() for camera in self.model.getCameraModules(): camera.update(time) return Task.cont def windowChanged(self, window): """ This function is called when the window is modified. It updates the image size used by the cameras when getting the rendered image from the texture. """ wp = window.getProperties() width = wp.getXSize() height = wp.getYSize() if width != self.width or height != self.height: self.width = width self.height = height camera_list = self.model.getCameraList() for camera in camera_list: camera.setImageSize(width, height) self.windowEvent(window) def exit(self): sys.exit()
def __init__(self, scene_file, pedestrian_file, dir, mode): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock() self.globalClock.setMode(ClockObject.MSlave) = dir self.model = Model(dir) self.loadScene(scene_file) self.loadPedestrians(pedestrian_file) #self.cam_label = OST("Top Down", pos=(0, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.05, mayChange=True) #self.time_label = OST("Time: 0.0", pos=(-1.3, 0.95), fg=(1,1,1,1), # scale=0.06, mayChange=True, align=TextNode.ALeft) #self.accept("arrow_right", self.changeCamera, [1]) #self.accept("arrow_left", self.changeCamera, [-1]) self.accept("escape", self.exit) self.accept("aspectRatioChanged", self.setAspectRatio) self.accept("window-event", self.windowChanged) new_window_fbp = FrameBufferProperties.getDefault() new_window_properties = WindowProperties.getDefault() self.new_window = base.graphicsEngine.makeOutput( base.pipe, 'Top Down View Window', 0, new_window_fbp, new_window_properties, GraphicsPipe.BFRequireWindow) self.new_window_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() #base.disableMouse() lens = OrthographicLens() lens.setFilmSize(1500, 1500) lens.setNearFar(-5000, 5000) self.default_camera = render.attachNewNode(Camera("top down")) self.default_camera.node().setLens(lens) #self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3( -75, 0, 2200), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) self.default_camera.setPosHpr(Vec3(-75, 0, 0), Vec3(0, -90, 0)) #self.new_window = base.openWindow() self.display_regions = [] self.display_regions.append(self.new_window_display_region) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0.52, 1)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.32, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 0.66, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions.append(, 1, 0, 0.48)) self.display_regions[0].setCamera(self.default_camera) self.border_regions = [] self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0.52, 1)) self.border_regions.append( 0, 1, 0.48, 0.52)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.34, 0, 0.48)) self.border_regions.append(, 0.68, 0, 0.48)) for i in range(0, len(self.border_regions)): border_region = self.border_regions[i] border_region.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)) border_region.setClearColorActive(True) border_region.setClearDepthActive(True) #self.setCamera(0) self.controller = Controller(self, mode) self.taskMgr.add(self.updateCameraModules, "Update Camera Modules", 80) self.globalClock.setFrameTime(0.0) self.width = WIDTH self.height = HEIGHT props = WindowProperties() props.setTitle('Virtual Vision Simulator') """new_window_2d_display_region = self.new_window.makeDisplayRegion() new_window_2d_display_region.setSort(20) new_window_camera_2d = NodePath(Camera('2d camera of new window')) lens_2d = OrthographicLens() lens_2d.setFilmSize(2, 2) lens_2d.setNearFar(-1000, 1000) new_window_camera_2d.node().setLens(lens_2d) new_window_render_2d = NodePath('render2d of new window') new_window_render_2d.setDepthTest(False) new_window_render_2d.setDepthWrite(False) new_window_camera_2d.reparentTo(new_window_render_2d) new_window_2d_display_region.setCamera(new_window_camera_2d)""" """aspectRatio = base.getAspectRatio() self.new_window_aspect2d = new_window_render_2d.attachNewNode(PGTop('Aspect2d of new window')) self.new_window_aspect2d.setScale(1.0 / aspectRatio, 1.0, 1.0)""" render.analyze()