def plot_series(self, omic1=OMIC.transcriptomic, omic2=OMIC.proteomic, var_names1=MARKER_ADT_GENE.values(), var_names2=MARKER_ADT_GENE.keys(), log1=True, log2=True): r""" Arguments: omic1 : OMIC type for y-axis omic2 : OMIC type for twinx-axis var_names1 : name of variables in `omic1` will be shown var_names2 : name of variables in `omic2` will be shown is_marker_pairs : coor-pairs in `var_names1` and `var_names2` are markers """ omic1 = OMIC.parse(omic1) omic2 = OMIC.parse(omic2) title = f"series_{}_{}" fig = self.dataset.plot_series(omic1=omic1, omic2=omic2, var_names1=var_names1, var_names2=var_names2, log1=log1, log2=log2, return_figure=True) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def plot_heatmap(self, X='transcriptomic', group_by='proteomic', groups=None, var_names=MARKER_GENES, clustering='kmeans', rank_vars=0, **kwargs): r""" X : OMIC type for the violin group_by : OMIC type for grouping the violin plot var_names : name of variables in `X` will be shown clustering : {'kmeans', 'knn', 'tsne', 'pca', 'umap'} rank_vars : ranking variable in `X` for each group in `group_by` """ X = OMIC.parse(X) group_by = OMIC.parse(group_by) title = f"heatmap_{}_{}{'_rank' if rank_vars > 0 else ''}" fig = self.dataset.plot_heatmap(X=X, group_by=group_by, groups=groups, var_names=var_names, clustering=clustering, rank_vars=rank_vars, return_figure=True, **kwargs) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def plot_scatter(self, X='latent', color_by='proteomic', marker_by=None, clustering='kmeans', dimension_reduction='tsne', max_scatter_points=-1, **kwargs): r""" X : OMIC type for coordinates color_by : OMIC type for coloring marker_by : OMIC type for marker type clustering : {'kmeans', 'knn', 'tsne', 'pca', 'umap'} dimension_reduction : {'tsne', 'pca', 'umap'} """ X = OMIC.parse(X) color_by = OMIC.parse(color_by) title = f"scatter_{}_{}_" + \ f"{clustering.lower()}_{dimension_reduction.lower()}" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) self.dataset.plot_scatter(X=X, color_by=color_by, marker_by=marker_by, clustering=clustering, dimension_reduction=dimension_reduction, max_scatter_points=max_scatter_points, ax=fig.gca(), return_figure=True, **kwargs) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def _matrix_scores(self, score_type, omic1='itranscriptomic', omic2='proteomic', var_names1=MARKER_ADT_GENE.values(), var_names2=MARKER_ADT_GENE.keys()): omic1 = OMIC.parse(omic1) omic2 = OMIC.parse(omic2) sco = self.dataset var1 = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(sco.get_var_names(omic1))} var2 = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(sco.get_var_names(omic2))} if score_type in {'spearman', 'pearson'}: cor = sco.get_correlation(omic1, omic2) matrix = np.empty(shape=(len(var1), len(var2)), dtype=np.float64) for i1, i2, p, s in cor: matrix[i1, i2] = p if score_type == 'pearson' else s elif score_type == 'mi': matrix = sco.get_mutual_information(omic1, omic2) elif score_type == 'importance': matrix = sco.get_importance_matrix(omic1, omic2) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"No support for score_type='{score_type}'") scores = {} for name1, name2 in zip(var_names1, var_names2): if name1 in var1 and name2 in var2: i1 = var1[name1] i2 = var2[name2] scores[f"{score_type}_{name1}_{name2}"] = matrix[i1, i2] return scores
def get_data(self, omic, data_type='auto') -> Union[tfd.Distribution, np.ndarray]: r""" Return extract data, could be an array or a distribution. Arguments: omic : `OMIC` data_type : {'imputed', 'original', 'corrupted', 'reconstructed', 'auto'} if a list of string is provided, return the first instance found. 'auto' - select the first occurrence of the omic """ omic = OMIC.parse(omic).name if data_type == 'auto': for k, v in self.omics_data.items(): if k == omic: if tf.is_tensor(v): v = v.numpy() return v else: for dtype in [ str(i).lower().strip() for i in tf.nest.flatten(data_type) ]: key = (omic, dtype) if key in self.omics_data: x = self.omics_data[key] if tf.is_tensor(x): x = x.numpy() return x # error raise ValueError(f"No data found for OMIC: {omic}-{data_type}, " f"available data are: {list(self.omics_data.keys())}")
def plot_confusion_matrix(self, y_true='celltype', y_pred='icelltype'): r""" Confusion matrix for binary labels """ y_true = OMIC.parse(y_true) y_pred = OMIC.parse(y_pred) name = f"true:{}_pred:{}" x_true = self.dataset.get_omic(y_true) x_pred = self.dataset.get_omic(y_pred) if x_true.ndim > 1: x_true = np.argmax(x_true, axis=-1) if x_pred.ndim > 1: x_pred = np.argmax(x_pred, axis=-1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plot_confusion_matrix(y_true=x_true, y_pred=x_pred, labels=self.dataset.get_var_names(y_true), cmap="Blues", ax=fig.gca(), fontsize=12, cbar=True, title=name) return self.add_figure(name=f"cm_{name}", fig=fig)
def plot_distance_heatmap(self, X='transcriptomic', group_by='proteomic', clustering='kmeans', **kwargs): r""" X : OMIC type for the violin group_by : OMIC type for grouping the violin plot clustering : {'kmeans', 'knn', 'tsne', 'pca', 'umap'} """ X = OMIC.parse(X) group_by = OMIC.parse(group_by) title = f"distheatmap_{}_{}" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) self.dataset.plot_distance_heatmap(X=X, group_by=group_by, clustering=clustering, ax=fig.gca(), return_figure=True, **kwargs) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def plot_correlation_scatter(self, omic1='transcriptomic', omic2='proteomic', var_names1=MARKER_ADT_GENE.values(), var_names2=MARKER_ADT_GENE.keys(), is_marker_pairs=True, log1=True, log2=True, max_scatter_points=200, top=3, bottom=3): r""" Scatter correlation plot between 2 series (if `var_names1=None` plot the minimum and maximum correlation scores pairs) omic1 : OMIC type for x-axis (column) omic2 : OMIC type for y-axis (row) var_names1 : name of variables in `omic1` will be shown var_names2 : name of variables in `omic2` will be shown is_marker_pairs : coor-pairs in `var_names1` and `var_names2` are markers """ omic1 = OMIC.parse(omic1) omic2 = OMIC.parse(omic2) title = f"corrscat_{}_{}" fig = self.dataset.plot_correlation_scatter( omic1=omic1, omic2=omic2, var_names1=var_names1, var_names2=var_names2, is_marker_pairs=is_marker_pairs, log1=log1, log2=log2, top=top, bottom=bottom, max_scatter_points=max_scatter_points, return_figure=True) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def plot_correlation_matrix(self, omic1=OMIC.transcriptomic, omic2=OMIC.proteomic, var_names1=MARKER_ADT_GENE.values(), var_names2=MARKER_ADT_GENE.keys(), is_marker_pairs=True, score_type='spearman'): r""" Heatmap correlation between omic1 (x-axis) and omic2 (y-axis) omic1 : OMIC type for x-axis (column) omic2 : OMIC type for y-axis (row) var_names1 : name of variables in `omic1` will be shown var_names2 : name of variables in `omic2` will be shown is_marker_pairs : coor-pairs in `var_names1` and `var_names2` are markers score_type : {'pearson', 'spearman', 'mutual_information'} """ omic1 = OMIC.parse(omic1) omic2 = OMIC.parse(omic2) sco = self.dataset title = f"{score_type.lower()}_{}_{}" if score_type == 'pearson': fn = sco.plot_pearson_matrix elif score_type == 'spearman': fn = sco.plot_spearman_matrix elif score_type == 'mutual_information': fn = sco.plot_mutual_information else: raise NotImplementedError( f"No implementation for score_type={score_type}") fig = fn(omic1=omic1, omic2=omic2, var_names1=var_names1, var_names2=var_names2, is_marker_pairs=is_marker_pairs, return_figure=True) return self.add_figure(name=title, fig=fig)
def plot_disentanglement(self, factor_omic='proteomic', factor_names='auto', n_bins_factors=10, n_bins_latents=80, corr_type='spearman', show_all_latents=False, latent_indices=None): r""" Ploting the histogram colored by the activation in each factor, i.e. disentanglement plotting Arguments: factor_omic : OMIC, which OMIC used as ground truth factor factor_names : {'auto', list of factors}, which subset of factors will be shown latent_indices : an Integer or list of Integers. Indicates which latent will be used for `Criticizer` """ factor_omic = OMIC.parse(factor_omic) if isinstance(factor_names, string_types) and factor_names == 'auto': factor_names = factor_omic.markers # creating the criticizer crt = self.get_criticizer(factor_omic=factor_omic, latent_indices=latent_indices) # filter relevant factor from the markers' list if factor_names is not None: var_names = crt.factor_names org = factor_names factor_names = list( filter(lambda x: x in var_names, tf.nest.flatten(factor_names))) assert len(factor_names) > 0, f"No matching factor names for {org}" # plotting fig = crt.plot_disentanglement(factor_names=factor_names, n_bins_factors=n_bins_factors, n_bins_codes=n_bins_latents, corr_type=corr_type, show_all_codes=show_all_latents, title=f"{}", return_figure=True) name = + str(latent_indices) return self.add_figure(f"disentanglement_{name}_{corr_type}", fig)
def cal_llk(self, omic='transcriptomic'): r""" Log-likelihood of a given OMIC type """ omic = OMIC.parse(omic) name = x_org = self.sco_original.get_omic(omic) x_cor = self.sco_corrupted.get_omic(omic) y_rec = self.omics_data[(name, 'reconstructed')] y_imp = self.omics_data[(name, 'imputed')] n_samples = tf.constant(y_rec.batch_shape[0], dtype=tf.float32) with tf.device("/CPU:0"): reduce = lambda llk: tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_logsumexp(llk, axis=0) - tf.math.log(n_samples), axis=0, ).numpy() return { f"llk_{name}_imp_org": reduce(y_imp.log_prob(x_org)), f"llk_{name}_imp_cor": reduce(y_imp.log_prob(x_cor)), f"llk_{name}_rec_cor": reduce(y_rec.log_prob(x_cor)), f"llk_{name}_rec_org": reduce(y_rec.log_prob(x_org)), }
def get_correlation_matrix(self, omic1, omic2=None, corr_type='spearman') -> np.ndarray: r""" Correlation matrix of shape `[ndim_omic1, ndim_omic2]` Arguments: omic1 : First OMIC type. omic2 : Second OMIC type, if None, calculate the pair-wise correlation corr_type : {'spearman', 'pearson', 'lasso', 'average', 'mi'} spearman - rank correlation pearson - linear correlation average - average of spearman and pearson correlation lasso - L1 regression feature importance mi - mutual information """ omic1 = OMIC.parse(omic1) omic2 = omic1 if omic2 is None else OMIC.parse(omic2) x1 = self.dataset.get_omic(omic1) x2 = self.dataset.get_omic(omic2) corr_type = str(corr_type).lower().strip() ### if corr_type in ('spearman', 'pearson'): fn = (lambda a, b: spearmanr(a, b, nan_policy='omit')[0]) \ if corr_type == 'spearman' else \ (lambda a, b: pearsonr(a, b)[0]) mat = np.empty(shape=(x1.shape[1], x2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) for i1, a in enumerate(x1.T): for i2, b in enumerate(x2.T): mat[i1, i2] = fn(a, b) ### elif corr_type == 'lasso': lasso = Lasso(random_state=1, alpha=0.05, max_iter=2000), x2) # coef_ is [n_target, n_features], so we need transpose here mat = np.transpose(np.absolute(lasso.coef_)) ### elif corr_type == 'average': mat = (self.get_correlation_matrix( omic1, omic2, corr_type='spearman') + self.get_correlation_matrix( omic1, omic2, corr_type='pearson')) / 2 ### elif corr_type == 'mi': mat = np.empty(shape=(x1.shape[1], x2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) discrete_features = [is_discrete(i) for i in x1.T] discrete_targets = [is_discrete(i) for i in x2.T] for i, (discrete, target) in enumerate(zip(discrete_targets, x2.T)): if discrete: y = mutual_info_classif( X=x1, y=target, discrete_features=discrete_features, random_state=1) else: y = mutual_info_regression( X=x1, y=target, discrete_features=discrete_features, random_state=1) mat[:, i] = y else: raise ValueError( "Support corr_type values are: 'spearman', 'pearson', " "'lasso', 'average', 'mi'") return mat
def plot_disentanglement_scatter(self, factor_omic='proteomic', pairs=PROTEIN_PAIR_NEGATIVE, corr_matrix=None, n_pairs=10, latents_per_pair=5, magnify=2): r""" Select the most differentiated pairs of `factor_omic`, then, select the most correlated latent to each factor within the pair, use the latents' coordination for plotting the scatter points, and, use the `factor_omic` values for coloring the heatmap. Arguments: factor_omic : `OMIC`, the OMIC used as groundtruth factors pairs : list of `(factor_name1, factor_name2)` (optional) This determines which pairs will be plotted. corr_matrix : correlation matrix between `factor_omic` and the latents, dimension must be `[n_factor_omic, n_latents]`. This determines which latents dimension will be selected for plotting the pairs. magnify : a Scalar (default: 1) a constant for magnifying the color divergence of the `factor_omic`, the higher, small differences lead to stronger color divergence. Example: ``` pairs = post.get_marker_pairs() corr = post.get_correlation_matrix('proteomic', 'latent') post.plot_disentanglement_scatter('proteomic', pairs=pairs, corr_matrix=corr, magnify=2) post.plot_disentanglement_scatter('iproteomic', pairs=pairs, corr_matrix=corr, magnify=2) ``` """ factor_omic = OMIC.parse(factor_omic) var_ids = self.dataset.get_var_indices(factor_omic) ### marker pairs if pairs is None: pairs = self.get_marker_pairs(omic1=factor_omic, omic2=None, most_correlated=False, remove_duplicated=True, n=int(n_pairs)) else: pairs = [(name1, name2) for name1, name2 in pairs if name1 in var_ids and name2 in var_ids] assert len(pairs) > 0 ### correlation matrix if corr_matrix is None: corr_matrix = self.get_correlation_matrix(factor_omic, 'latent', 'average') shape = (self.dataset.get_dim(factor_omic), self.dataset.get_dim(OMIC.latent)) assert corr_matrix.shape == shape, \ (f"Correlation matrix must has shape {shape} but given matrix " f"with shape {corr_matrix.shape}") ### getting all latents for each pair latents_per_pair = int(latents_per_pair) omic2latent = {} for name1, name2 in pairs: latents = [] seen = set() # sort in descending order for i1, i2 in _iter_2list( np.argsort(corr_matrix[var_ids[name1]])[::-1], np.argsort(corr_matrix[var_ids[name2]])[::-1]): if i1 != i2 and i1 not in seen and i2 not in seen: seen.add(i1) seen.add(i2) latents.append([i1, i2]) if len(latents) == latents_per_pair: break omic2latent[(name1, name2)] = latents ### plotting ncol = 5 X = self.dataset.get_omic(omic=factor_omic) Z = self.latents.mean().numpy() latent_names = self.dataset.get_var_names(OMIC.latent) norm = lambda x: (x - np.min(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) for (name1, name2), pairs in omic2latent.items(): nrow = int(np.ceil(len(pairs) / ncol)) fig = vs.plot_figure(nrow=nrow * 3.3, ncol=ncol * 4, dpi=80) # normalize the factor OMIC for color values x1 = X[:, var_ids[name1]] x2 = X[:, var_ids[name2]] x = norm(x1) - norm(x2) x = np.clip(x * magnify, -1., 1.) # get latents' coordination for idx, (i1, i2) in enumerate(pairs): z1 = Z[:, i1] z2 = Z[:, i2] ax = vs.plot_scatter(x=z1, y=z2, val=x, ax=(nrow, ncol, idx + 1), cbar=True, cbar_ticks=[name1, 'others', name2], cbar_labrotation=-60, ticks_off=True, fontsize=8, max_n_points=2000, size=16) # xticks v = max(np.abs(np.min(z1)), np.abs(np.max(z1))) ticks = np.linspace(-v, v, num=5) ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels([f"{i:.2g}" for i in ticks], fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel(latent_names[i1], fontsize=10) # yticks v = max(np.abs(np.min(z2)), np.abs(np.max(z2))) ticks = np.linspace(-v, v, num=5) ax.set_yticks(ticks) ax.set_yticklabels([f"{i:.2g}" for i in ticks], fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel(latent_names[i2], fontsize=10) # final title fig.suptitle(f"[{}] {name1}-{name2}", fontsize=10) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.0, 0.02, 1.0, 0.98]) self.add_figure(name=f"scatter_{}_{name1}_{name2}", fig=fig) return self
def get_criticizer(self, factor_omic='proteomic', latent_indices=None, n_bins=5, strategy='quantile') -> Criticizer: r""" Create a probabilistic criticizer for evaluating the latent codes of variational models. Arguments: factor_omic : instance of OMIC. which OMIC type be used as factors (or labels). n_bins : int (default=8) The number of bins to produce discretized factors. strategy : {'uniform', 'quantile', 'kmeans', 'gmm'}, (default='quantile') Strategy used to define the widths of the bins. uniform - All bins in each feature have identical widths. quantile - All bins in each feature have the same number of points. kmeans - Values in each bin have the same nearest center of a 1D k-means cluster. """ sco = self.dataset assert factor_omic in sco.omics, \ f"factor_omic='{factor_omic}' not found, available are: {sco.omics}" factor_omic = OMIC.parse(factor_omic) if latent_indices is None: key = f"{}" else: name = '_'.join(f'{i:d}' for i in latent_indices) key = f"{}{name}" # create the Criticizer if key not in self._criticizers: # check the factors is valid factors = sco.numpy(factor_omic) factor_names = sco.get_var_names(factor_omic) kw = dict(n_bins=int(n_bins), strategy=None) # binary classes if np.all(np.sum(factors, axis=1) == 1): factors = np.argmax(factors, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] factor_names = np.asarray([]) # continuous or discrete cases elif factor_omic in (OMIC.proteomic, OMIC.iproteomic, OMIC.pmhc, OMIC.ipmhc): kw['strategy'] = strategy # categorical factors elif factor_omic in (OMIC.progenitor, OMIC.iprogenitor, OMIC.celltype, OMIC.icelltype): pass # unknown factor else: warnings.warn( f"No support for discretization of OMIC: {factor_omic}", RuntimeWarning) return # only valid factors with > 1 classes ids = [len(np.unique(i)) > 1 for i in factors.T] if not any(ids): # no valid factor found warnings.warn(f"Not a valid factor: {}", RuntimeWarning) return factors = factors[:, ids] factor_names = factor_names[ids] # create the criticizer crt = Criticizer(vae=self.scm, latent_indices=latent_indices, random_state=self.rand.randint(1e8)) crt.factor_omic: OMIC = factor_omic with catch_warnings_ignore(UserWarning): latents = self.omics_data[('latent', 'corrupted')] crt.sample_batch(latents=latents, factors=factors, factor_names=factor_names, **kw) self._criticizers[key] = crt return self._criticizers[key]
def _initialize(self): scm = self.scm sco = self.sco_corrupted outputs, latents = scm.predict( sco.create_dataset(self.scm.output_layers[0].name, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=0, drop_remainder=False), sample_shape=self.sample_shape, verbose=self.verbose, ) # infer output OMICs dim2omic = defaultdict(list) for om in self.input_omics: dim2omic[self.sco_original.get_dim(om)].append(om) for o in tf.nest.flatten(outputs): assert isinstance(o, tfd.Distribution), \ f"SingleCellModel must output Distribution but return {o}" name = try: om = OMIC.parse(name) except Exception: om = None if om is None: oms = dim2omic[o.event_shape[0]] if len(oms) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot infer OMIC type for output {o}") om = oms[0] self.output_omics.append( # variables' description self._n_latents = len(tf.nest.flatten(latents)) self._n_outputs = len(tf.nest.flatten(outputs)) ## default inputs for om in self.input_omics: self.omics_data[(om, 'corrupted')] = sco.get_omic(om) # latent is the same for all self.omics_data[(, 'corrupted')] = tf.nest.flatten(latents) # infer if the distribution is imputed for l, o in zip(scm.output_layers, tf.nest.flatten(outputs)): self.omics_data[(, 'reconstructed')] = o is_independent = 0 if isinstance(o, tfd.Independent): is_independent = o.reinterpreted_batch_ndims o = o.distribution if isinstance(o, tfd.ZeroInflated): o = o.count_distribution if is_independent > 0: o = tfd.Independent(o, reinterpreted_batch_ndims=is_independent) self.omics_data[(, 'imputed')] = o ### create the SingleCellOMIC dataset for analysis sco = self.sco_original.copy() for om in self.input_omics: if (om, 'imputed') in self.omics_data: data_type = 'imputed' elif (om, 'reconstructed') in self.omics_data: data_type = 'reconstructed' else: continue data = self.omics_data[(om, data_type)] om_new = OMIC.parse(f'i{om}') # prepare the new data if isinstance(data, tfd.Distribution): data = data.mean().numpy() if data.ndim == 3: data = np.mean(data, axis=0) # find the variable's names if om in self.scm.metadata: var_names = self.scm.metadata[om] else: var_names = np.array( [f'{om}{i}' for i in range(data.shape[1])]) sco.add_omic(omic=om_new, X=data, var_names=var_names) # add the latents Zs = self.omics_data[('latent', 'corrupted')] if len(Zs) > 1: means = [z.mean() for z in Zs] Zs = self.reduce_latents(means) else: Zs = Zs[0].mean() with catch_warnings_ignore(UserWarning, RuntimeWarning): sco.add_omic(omic=OMIC.latent, X=Zs.numpy(), var_names=np.array( [f'Z{i}' for i in range(Zs.shape[1])])) # store the extracted SingleCellOMIC dataset self._dataset = sco