def make_buffer_for_iterator_with_thread(gen, n_workers, buffer_size): wait_time = 0.02 generator_queue = Queue() _stop = threading.Event() def generator_task(): while not _stop.is_set(): try: if generator_queue.qsize() < buffer_size: generator_output = next(gen) generator_queue.put(generator_output) else: time.sleep(wait_time) except (StopIteration, KeyboardInterrupt): _stop.set() return generator_threads = [threading.Thread(target=generator_task) for _ in range(n_workers)] for thread in generator_threads: thread.start() while not _stop.is_set() or not generator_queue.empty(): if not generator_queue.empty(): yield generator_queue.get() else: time.sleep(wait_time)
def generator_to_async_generator(get_iterable): """ Turn a generator or iterable into an async generator. This works by running the generator in a background thread. The new async generator will yield both `Future` objects as well as the original items. :param get_iterable: Function that returns a generator or iterable when called. """ q = Queue() f = Future() l = RLock() quitting = False def runner(): """ Consume the generator in background thread. When items are received, they'll be pushed to the queue and the Future is set. """ for item in get_iterable(): with l: q.put(item) if not f.done(): f.set_result(None) # When this async generator was cancelled (closed), stop this # thread. if quitting: break with l: if not f.done(): f.set_result(None) # Start background thread. done_f = run_in_executor(runner, _daemon=True) try: while not done_f.done(): # Wait for next item(s): yield Future. yield From(f) # Items received. Yield all items so far. with l: while not q.empty(): yield AsyncGeneratorItem(q.get()) f = Future() # Yield final items. while not q.empty(): yield q.get() finally: # When this async generator is closed (GeneratorExit exception, stop # the background thread as well. - we don't need that anymore.) quitting = True
def iter_entries(handle): cd = pycdlib.PyCdlib() if hasattr(handle, 'seek') and handle.seekable(): cd.open_fp(handle) else: rock_ridge = cd.rock_ridge is not None joliet = cd.joliet_vd is not None joliet_only = joliet and not rock_ridge directories = Queue() directories.put(cd.get_entry('/', joliet_only)) while not directories.empty(): directory = directories.get() for child in directory.children: if not child.is_dot() and not child.is_dotdot(): if child.is_dir(): directories.put(child) yield child
class _SBPQueueIterator(six.Iterator): """ Class for upstream iterators. Implements callable interface for adding messages into the queue, and iterable interface for getting them out. """ def __init__(self, maxsize): self._queue = Queue(maxsize) self._broken = False def __iter__(self): return self def __call__(self, msg, **metadata): self._queue.put((msg, metadata), False) def breakiter(self): self._broken = True self._queue.put(None, True, 1.0) def __next__(self): if self._broken and self._queue.empty(): raise StopIteration m = self._queue.get(True) if self._broken and m is None: raise StopIteration return m
class SimpleThreadPool: def __init__(self, num_threads=5): self._num_threads = num_threads self._queue = Queue(2000) self._lock = Lock() self._active = False self._workers = list() self._finished = False def add_task(self, func, *args, **kwargs): if not self._active: with self._lock: if not self._active: self._active = True for i in range(self._num_threads): w = WorkerThread(self._queue) self._workers.append(w) w.start() self._queue.put((func, args, kwargs)) def release(self): while self._queue.empty() is False: time.sleep(1) def wait_completion(self): self._queue.join() self._finished = True def get_result(self): assert self._finished detail = [worker.get_result() for worker in self._workers] succ_all = all([tp[1] == 0 for tp in detail]) return {'success_all': succ_all, 'detail': detail}
class ThreadManager(six.with_metaclass(Singleton, object)): """ ThreadManager provides thread on demand """ NUM_THREAD = 4 # Default number of threads def __init__(self, num_thread=NUM_THREAD): """ Create num_thread Threads """ self.queue = Queue() self.thread_list = [] for i in range(num_thread): t = Thread(target=worker, args=(self.queue, )) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() self.thread_list.append(t) def add_task(self, func, params): """ Add a task to perform :param func: function to call :param params : tuple of parameters """ self.queue.put((func, params)) def clear(self): """ clear pending task """ while (not self.queue.empty()): self.queue.get()
class Search(TracePosterior): """ Trace and Poutine-based implementation of systematic search. :param callable model: Probabilistic model defined as a function. :param int max_tries: The maximum number of times to try completing a trace from the queue. """ def __init__(self, model, max_tries=1e6): """ Constructor. Default `max_tries` to something sensible - 1e6. :param callable model: Probabilistic model defined as a function. :param int max_tries: The maximum number of times to try completing a trace from the queue. """ self.model = model self.max_tries = int(max_tries) def _traces(self, *args, **kwargs): """ algorithm entered here Running until the queue is empty and collecting the marginal histogram is performing exact inference :returns: Iterator of traces from the posterior. :rtype: Generator[:class:`pyro.Trace`] """ # currently only using the standard library queue self.queue = Queue() self.queue.put(poutine.Trace()) p = poutine.trace( poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue, max_tries=self.max_tries)) while not self.queue.empty(): tr = p.get_trace(*args, **kwargs) yield (tr, tr.log_pdf())
def run_all_tests(tests, prefix, pb, options): """ Uses scatter-gather to a thread-pool to manage children. """ qTasks, qResults = Queue(), Queue() workers = [] watchdogs = [] for _ in range(options.worker_count): qWatch = Queue() watcher = Thread(target=_do_watch, args=(qWatch, options.timeout)) watcher.setDaemon(True) watcher.start() watchdogs.append(watcher) worker = Thread(target=_do_work, args=(qTasks, qResults, qWatch, prefix, options.run_skipped, options.timeout, options.show_cmd)) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() workers.append(worker) # Insert all jobs into the queue, followed by the queue-end # marker, one per worker. This will not block on growing the # queue, only on waiting for more items in the generator. The # workers are already started, however, so this will process as # fast as we can produce tests from the filesystem. def _do_push(num_workers, qTasks): for test in tests: qTasks.put(test) for _ in range(num_workers): qTasks.put(EndMarker) pusher = Thread(target=_do_push, args=(len(workers), qTasks)) pusher.setDaemon(True) pusher.start() # Read from the results. ended = 0 delay = ProgressBar.update_granularity().total_seconds() while ended < len(workers): try: result = qResults.get(block=True, timeout=delay) if result is EndMarker: ended += 1 else: yield result except Empty: pb.poke() # Cleanup and exit. pusher.join() for worker in workers: worker.join() for watcher in watchdogs: watcher.join() assert qTasks.empty(), "Send queue not drained" assert qResults.empty(), "Result queue not drained"
def copy_selected(self): if self.import_worker: # user has clicked while upload is still cancelling self.copy_button.setChecked(False) return copy_list = [] for item in self.file_list_widget.selectedItems(): name = item.text().split()[0] copy_list.append(self.file_data[name]) if not copy_list: self.copy_button.setChecked(False) return # create separate thread to import images item_queue = Queue() self.import_worker = ImportWorker(self.source, item_queue) self.import_file.connect(self.import_worker.import_file) self.import_worker.thread.start() last_transfer = datetime.min last_path = None self.import_file.emit(copy_list.pop(0)) while self.copy_button.isChecked(): QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() if not self.import_worker.thread.isRunning(): # user has closed program return if item_queue.empty(): continue item, camera_file = item_queue.get() if item is None: # import failed self._fail() break timestamp = item['timestamp'] dest_path = item['dest_path'] if last_transfer < timestamp: last_transfer = timestamp last_path = dest_path if copy_list: # start fetching next file self.import_file.emit(copy_list[0]) if camera_file: self.image_list.open_file(dest_path) if not copy_list: break copy_list.pop(0) if last_path: self.config_store.set(self.config_section, 'last_transfer', last_transfer.isoformat(' ')) self.image_list.done_opening(last_path) self.show_file_list() self.import_file.disconnect() self.import_worker.thread.quit() self.import_worker.thread.wait() self.import_worker = None self.copy_button.setChecked(False)
class CallbackHandler(object): """ handles callback for event for single url with pause support """ def __init__(self, url, subscription_id, callback, paused): self.url = url self.subscription_id = subscription_id self.callback = callback self.paused = paused self.event_q = Queue() def flush(self): # flush any pending events (no callback triggered on flush) while not self.event_q.empty(): self.event_q.get() def pause(self): # pause callbacks logger.debug("pausing url: %s", self.url) self.paused = True def resume(self): # trigger all callbacks before setting pause to false logger.debug("resume (queue-size %s) url %s", self.event_q.qsize(), self.url) while not self.event_q.empty(): event = self.event_q.get() try: self.callback(event) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Traceback:\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) logger.warn("failed to execute event callback: %s", e) self.paused = False def execute_callback(self, event): # execute callback or queue event if currently paused if self.paused: self.event_q.put(event) else: try: self.callback(event) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Traceback:\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) logger.warn("failed to execute event callback: %s", e)
def has_cycles(self): ''' Check if the graph has cycles or not. We will do this by traversing starting from any leaf node and recording both the edges traversed and the nodes discovered. From stackoverflow, if an unexplored edge leads to a previously found node then it has cycles. ''' discovered_nodes = set() traversed_edges = set() q = Queue() for node in self.nodes: if node.is_leaf(): start_node = node break q.put(start_node) while not q.empty(): current_node = q.get() if DEBUG: print("Current Node: ", current_node) print("Discovered Nodes before adding Current Node: ", \ discovered_nodes) if in discovered_nodes: # We have a cycle! if DEBUG: print('Dequeued node already processed: %s', current_node) return True discovered_nodes.add( if DEBUG: print("Discovered Nodes after adding Current Node: ", \ discovered_nodes) for neighbour in current_node.neighbours: edge = [,] # Since this is undirected and we want # to record the edges we have traversed # we will sort the edge alphabetically edge.sort() edge = tuple(edge) if edge not in traversed_edges: # This is a new edge... if in discovered_nodes: return True # Now place all neighbour nodes on the q # and record this edge as traversed if not in discovered_nodes: if DEBUG: print('Enqueuing: %s' % neighbour) q.put(neighbour) traversed_edges.add(edge) return False
def _extract_features_parallel_per_sample(kind_to_df_map, settings, column_id, column_value): """ Parallelize the feature extraction per kind and per sample. As the splitting of the dataframes per kind along column_id is quite costly, we settled for an async map in this function. The result objects are temporarily stored in a fifo queue from which they can be retrieved in order of submission. :param kind_to_df_map: The time series to compute the features for in our internal format :type kind_to_df_map: dict of pandas.DataFrame :param column_id: The name of the id column to group by. :type column_id: str :param column_value: The name for the column keeping the value itself. :type column_value: str :param settings: settings object that controls which features are calculated :type settings: tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.FeatureExtractionSettings :return: The (maybe imputed) DataFrame containing extracted features. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ partial_extract_features_for_one_time_series = partial( _extract_features_for_one_time_series, column_id=column_id, column_value=column_value, settings=settings) pool = Pool(settings.n_processes) # Submit map jobs per kind per sample results_fifo = Queue() for kind, df_kind in kind_to_df_map.items(): df_grouped_by_id = df_kind.groupby(column_id) results_fifo.put( pool.map_async(partial_extract_features_for_one_time_series, [(kind, df_group) for _, df_group in df_grouped_by_id], chunksize=settings.chunksize)) pool.close() # Wait for the jobs to complete and concatenate the partial results dfs_per_kind = [] while not results_fifo.empty(): map_result = results_fifo.get() dfs = map_result.get() dfs_per_kind.append(pd.concat(dfs, axis=0).astype(np.float64)) result = pd.concat(dfs_per_kind, axis=1).astype(np.float64) pool.join() return result
def __iter__(self): """Iterate over push items. - Yields :ref:`~pushsource.RpmPushItem` instances for RPMs """ # Queue holding all requests we need to make to koji. # We try to fetch as much as we can early to make efficient use # of multicall. koji_queue = Queue() # We'll need to obtain all RPMs referenced by filename for rpm_filename in self._rpm: koji_queue.put(GetRpmCommand(ident=rpm_filename)) # We'll need to obtain all builds from which we want modules, # as well as the archives from those for build_id in self._module_build: koji_queue.put(GetBuildCommand(ident=build_id, list_archives=True)) # Put some threads to work on the queue. fetch_exceptions = [] fetch_threads = [ Thread( name="koji-%s-fetch-%s" % (id(self), i), target=self._do_fetch, args=(koji_queue, fetch_exceptions), ) for i in range(0, self._threads) ] # Wait for all fetches to finish for t in fetch_threads: t.start() for t in fetch_threads: t.join(self._timeout) # Re-raise exceptions, if any. # If we got more than one, we're only propagating the first. if fetch_exceptions: raise fetch_exceptions[0] # The queue must be empty now assert koji_queue.empty() push_items_fs = self._modulemd_futures() + self._rpm_futures() completed_fs = futures.as_completed(push_items_fs, timeout=self._timeout) for f in completed_fs: # If an exception occurred, this is where it will be raised. for pushitem in f.result(): yield pushitem
class USBFtdiInterface(USBInterface): name = 'FtdiInterface' def __init__(self, app, phy, interface_number): super(USBFtdiInterface, self).__init__( app=app, phy=phy, interface_number=interface_number, interface_alternate=0, interface_class=USBClass.VendorSpecific, interface_subclass=0xff, interface_protocol=0xff, interface_string_index=0, endpoints=[ USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=1, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_out, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=self.handle_data_available ), USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=3, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_in, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=self.handle_ep3_buffer_available # at this point, we don't send data to the host ) ], ) self.txq = Queue() def handle_data_available(self, data): self.debug('received string (%d): %s' % (len(data), data)) reply = b'\x01\x00' + data self.txq.put(reply) def handle_ep3_buffer_available(self): if not self.txq.empty(): self.send_on_endpoint(3, self.txq.get())
def _handle_messages_threaded(self): # Handles messages in a threaded fashion. queue = Queue() def producer_loop(): # Read messages from file, and queue them for execution. for msg in self._read_next_message(): queue.put(msg) # Check if an error occurred. if self._done: break # Wait until the queue empties out to signal completion from the # producer's side. if not self._done: queue.join() self._done = True producer = Thread(name="Producer", target=producer_loop) # @note Previously, when trying to do `queue.clear()` in the consumer, # and `queue.join()` in the producer, there would be intermittent # deadlocks. By demoting the producer to a daemon, I (eric.c) have not # yet encountered a deadlock. producer.daemon = True producer.start() # Consume. # TODO(eric.cousineau): Trying to quit via Ctrl+C is awkward (but kinda # works). Is there a way to have `plt.pause` handle Ctrl+C differently? try: pause = self.scope_globals['pause'] while not self._done: # Process messages. while not queue.empty(): msg = queue.get() queue.task_done() self._execute_message(msg) # Spin busy for a bit, let matplotlib (or whatever) flush its # event queue. pause(0.01) except KeyboardInterrupt: # User pressed Ctrl+C. self._done = True print("Quitting") except Exception as e: # We encountered an error, and must stop. self._done = True self._had_error = True traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write(" Stopping (--stop_on_error)\n")
def test_thread_safe_object_creation(c): """ If two threads try to fetch the object at the same time, only one instance should be created. This also tests assigning an existing function as a service. """ cin = Queue() cout = Queue() def test_factory(username, password): cout.put("ready") cin.get() res = libtest.sample.Foo(username, password) cout.put("done") return res c['test_factory'] = test_factory c.load_yaml(""" a: :: <test_factory> username: abc password: xyz """) def run(q): q.put("starting") q.put(c['a']) q1 = Queue() t1 = Thread(target=run, kwargs={"q":q1}) t1.start() assert cout.get(True, 2) == "ready" assert q1.get(True, 2) == "starting" # Now t1 is waiting inside factory method q2 = Queue() t2 = Thread(target=run, kwargs={"q":q2}) t2.start() assert q2.get(True, 2) == "starting" cin.put("go") assert cout.get(True, 2) == "done" t1.join(2) t2.join(2) assert cout.empty() res1 = q1.get(True, 2) res2 = q2.get(True, 2) # This also implies that test_factory was only called once # because otherwise t2 would hang waiting on cin assert isinstance(res1, libtest.sample.Foo) assert res1 is res2
class USBFtdiInterface(USBInterface): name = 'FtdiInterface' def __init__(self, app, phy, interface_number): super(USBFtdiInterface, self).__init__( app=app, phy=phy, interface_number=interface_number, interface_alternate=0, interface_class=USBClass.VendorSpecific, interface_subclass=0xff, interface_protocol=0xff, interface_string_index=0, endpoints=[ USBEndpoint(app=app, phy=phy, number=1, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_out, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=self.handle_data_available), USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=3, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_in, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=self. handle_ep3_buffer_available # at this point, we don't send data to the host ) ], ) self.txq = Queue() def handle_data_available(self, data): self.debug('received string (%d): %s' % (len(data), data)) reply = b'\x01\x00' + data self.txq.put(reply) def handle_ep3_buffer_available(self): if not self.txq.empty(): self.send_on_endpoint(3, self.txq.get())
class QueueHandlerMixedTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): # Simple model with 1 continuous + 1 discrete + 1 continuous variable. def model(): p = torch.tensor([0.5]) loc = torch.zeros(1) scale = torch.ones(1) x = pyro.sample("x", Normal(loc, scale)) # Before the discrete variable. y = pyro.sample("y", Bernoulli(p)) z = pyro.sample("z", Normal(loc, scale)) # After the discrete variable. return dict(x=x, y=y, z=z) self.sites = ["x", "y", "z", "_INPUT", "_RETURN"] self.model = model self.queue = Queue() self.queue.put(poutine.Trace()) def test_queue_single(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) tr = f.get_trace() for name in self.sites: assert name in tr def test_queue_enumerate(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) trs = [] while not self.queue.empty(): trs.append(f.get_trace()) assert len(trs) == 2 values = [{ name: tr.nodes[name]['value'].view(-1).item() for name in tr.nodes.keys() if tr.nodes[name]['type'] == 'sample' } for tr in trs] expected_ys = set([0, 1]) actual_ys = set([value["y"] for value in values]) assert actual_ys == expected_ys # Check that x was sampled the same on all each paths. assert values[0]["x"] == values[1]["x"] # Check that y was sampled differently on each path. assert values[0]["z"] != values[1]["z"] # Almost surely true.
class QueueHandlerMixedTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): # Simple model with 1 continuous + 1 discrete + 1 continuous variable. def model(): p = torch.tensor([0.5]) loc = torch.zeros(1) scale = torch.ones(1) x = pyro.sample("x", Normal(loc, scale)) # Before the discrete variable. y = pyro.sample("y", Bernoulli(p)) z = pyro.sample("z", Normal(loc, scale)) # After the discrete variable. return dict(x=x, y=y, z=z) self.sites = ["x", "y", "z", "_INPUT", "_RETURN"] self.model = model self.queue = Queue() self.queue.put(poutine.Trace()) def test_queue_single(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) tr = f.get_trace() for name in self.sites: assert name in tr def test_queue_enumerate(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) trs = [] while not self.queue.empty(): trs.append(f.get_trace()) assert len(trs) == 2 values = [ {name: tr.nodes[name]['value'].view(-1).item() for name in tr.nodes.keys() if tr.nodes[name]['type'] == 'sample'} for tr in trs ] expected_ys = set([0, 1]) actual_ys = set([value["y"] for value in values]) assert actual_ys == expected_ys # Check that x was sampled the same on all each paths. assert values[0]["x"] == values[1]["x"] # Check that y was sampled differently on each path. assert values[0]["z"] != values[1]["z"] # Almost surely true.
class AudioStreaming(object): def __init__(self, app, phy, tx_ep, rx_ep): = app self.phy = phy self.tx_ep = tx_ep self.rx_ep = rx_ep self.txq = Queue() def buffer_available(self): if self.txq.empty(): self.phy.send_on_endpoint(self.tx_ep, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') else: self.phy.send_on_endpoint(self.tx_ep, self.txq.get()) def data_available(self, data):'[AudioStreaming] Got %#x bytes on streaming endpoint' % (len(data)))
def _build_droot_impact(destroy_handler): droot = {} # destroyed view + nonview variables -> foundation impact = {} # destroyed nonview variable -> it + all views of it root_destroyer = {} # root -> destroyer apply for app in destroy_handler.destroyers: for output_idx, input_idx_list in app.op.destroy_map.items(): if len(input_idx_list) != 1: raise NotImplementedError() input_idx = input_idx_list[0] input = app.inputs[input_idx] # Find non-view variable which is ultimatly viewed by input. view_i = destroy_handler.view_i _r = input while _r is not None: r = _r _r = view_i.get(r) input_root = r if input_root in droot: raise InconsistencyError( "Multiple destroyers of %s" % input_root) droot[input_root] = input_root root_destroyer[input_root] = app # The code here add all the variables that are views of r into # an OrderedSet input_impact input_impact = OrderedSet() queue = Queue() queue.put(input_root) while not queue.empty(): v = queue.get() for n in destroy_handler.view_o.get(v, []): input_impact.add(n) queue.put(n) for v in input_impact: assert v not in droot droot[v] = input_root impact[input_root] = input_impact impact[input_root].add(input_root) return droot, impact, root_destroyer
class _InputQueue(object): def __init__(self, maxsize, total_done, pipeline_namespace, **kwargs): self.queue = Queue(maxsize = maxsize, **kwargs) self.lock = Lock() self.namespace = _get_namespace() self.namespace.remaining = total_done self.pipeline_namespace = pipeline_namespace def __iter__(self): while not self.is_done(): x = self.get() if self.pipeline_namespace.error: return if not utils.is_continue(x): yield x def get(self): try: x = self.queue.get(timeout = utils.TIMEOUT) except (Empty, Full): return utils.CONTINUE if not utils.is_done(x): return x else: with self.lock: self.namespace.remaining -= 1 return utils.CONTINUE def is_done(self): return self.namespace.remaining == 0 and self.queue.empty() def put(self, x): self.queue.put(x) def done(self): self.queue.put(utils.DONE)
class SimpleThreadPool: def __init__(self, num_threads=3): self._num_threads = num_threads self._queue = Queue(2000) self._lock = Lock() self._active = False self._workers = [] self._finished = False def add_task(self, func, *args, **kwargs): if not self._active: with self._lock: if not self._active: self._workers = [] self._active = True for i in range(self._num_threads): w = WorkerThread(self._queue) self._workers.append(w) w.start() self._queue.put((func, args, kwargs)) def release(self): while self._queue.empty() is False: time.sleep(1) def wait_completion(self): self._queue.join() self._finished = True # 已经结束的任务, 需要将线程都退出, 防止卡死 for i in range(self._num_threads): self._queue.put((None, None, None)) self._active = False def complete(self): self._finished = True def get_result(self): assert self._finished detail = [worker.get_result() for worker in self._workers] succ_num = sum([tp[0] for tp in detail]) fail_num = sum([tp[1] for tp in detail]) return {'success_num': succ_num, 'fail_num': fail_num}
def remote2local_sync_delete(src, dst, **kwargs): """ 下载sync时携带--delete,删除本地存在而cos上不存在的对象 """ q = Queue() q.put([dst['Path'], src['Path']]) success_num = 0 fail_num = 0 # BFS上传文件夹 try: while (not q.empty()): [local_path, cos_path] = q.get() local_path = to_unicode(local_path) cos_path = to_unicode(cos_path) if cos_path.endswith('/') is False: cos_path += "/" if local_path.endswith('/') is False: local_path += "/" cos_path = cos_path.lstrip('/') # 当前目录下的文件列表 dirlist = os.listdir(local_path) for filename in dirlist: filepath = os.path.join(local_path, filename) if os.path.isdir(filepath): q.put([filepath, cos_path + filename]) else: try: src['Client'].head_object(Bucket=src['Bucket'], Key=cos_path + filename) except CosServiceError as e: if e.get_status_code() == 404: try: os.remove(filepath) u"Delete {file}".format(file=filepath)) success_num += 1 except Exception:"Delete {file} fail".format( file=filepath)) fail_num += 1 except Exception as e: logger.warn(e) return [-1, 0, 0] return [0, success_num, fail_num]
class InEpThread(EndpointThread): def __init__(self, phy, ep): super(InEpThread, self).__init__(phy, ep) self.queue = Queue() def send(self, data): self.queue.put(data) def handling_write(self): return not self.queue.empty() def io_op(self): ''' Fetch data from send queue and write to endpoint ''' try: data = self.queue.get(True, 0.1) os.write(self.ep.fd, data) except Empty: pass
class AmqpSubscriber(Subscriber): def __init__(self, amqp_chan, exchanges): = amqp_chan self.messages = Queue(maxsize=0) qname, _, _ = for exchange in exchanges:, exchange), callback=self.callback) def callback(self, msg): self.messages.put_nowait(msg.body) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): while self.messages.empty(): return self.messages.get_nowait() __next__ = next # PY3
def hangwatch(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs): def target(queue): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: queue.put(sys.exc_info()) queue.put(e) sys.exit() q = Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target=target, args=(q, )) thread.start() thread.join(timeout) if thread.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError( 'Operation did not terminate within {} seconds'.format(timeout)) if not q.empty(): info = q.get(block=False) e = q.get(block=False) eprint(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*info))) raise e
def hangwatch(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs): def target(queue): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: queue.put(sys.exc_info()) queue.put(e) sys.exit() q = Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target=target, args = (q,)) thread.start() thread.join(timeout) if thread.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError('Operation did not terminate within {} seconds' .format(timeout)) if not q.empty(): info = q.get(block=False) e = q.get(block=False) eprint(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*info))) raise e
class ThreadPool: """Flexible thread pool class. Creates a pool of threads, then accepts tasks that will be dispatched to the next available thread.""" log = logging.getLogger("storage.ThreadPool") def __init__(self, name, numThreads, waitTimeout=3, maxTasks=100): """Initialize the thread pool with numThreads workers.""" self.log.debug( "Enter - name: %s, numThreads: %s, waitTimeout: %s, " "maxTasks: %s", name, numThreads, waitTimeout, maxTasks, ) self._name = name self._count = itertools.count() self.__threads = [] self._taskThread = {} self.__resizeLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__runningTasksLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__tasks = Queue(maxTasks) self.__isJoining = False self.__runningTasks = 0 self.__waitTimeout = waitTimeout self.setThreadCount(numThreads) def setRunningTask(self, addTask): """ Internal method to increase or decrease a counter of current executing tasks.""" self.__runningTasksLock.acquire() try: if addTask: self.__runningTasks += 1 else: self.__runningTasks -= 1 self.log.debug("Number of running tasks: %s", self.__runningTasks) finally: self.__runningTasksLock.release() def getRunningTasks(self): return self.__runningTasks def setThreadCount(self, newNumThreads): """ External method to set the current pool size. Acquires the resizing lock, then calls the internal version to do real work.""" # Can't change the thread count if we're shutting down the pool! if self.__isJoining: return False self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: self.__setThreadCountNolock(newNumThreads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() return True def __setThreadCountNolock(self, newNumThreads): """Set the current pool size, spawning or terminating threads if necessary. Internal use only; assumes the resizing lock is held.""" # If we need to grow the pool, do so while newNumThreads > len(self.__threads): name = "%s/%d" % (self._name, next(self._count)) newThread = WorkerThread(self, name) self.__threads.append(newThread) newThread.start() # If we need to shrink the pool, do so while newNumThreads < len(self.__threads): self.__threads[0].goAway() del self.__threads[0] def getThreadCount(self): """Return the number of threads in the pool.""" self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: return len(self.__threads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() def queueTask(self, id, task, args=None, taskCallback=None): """Insert a task into the queue. task must be callable; args and taskCallback can be None.""" if self.__isJoining: return False if not callable(task): return False self.__tasks.put((id, task, args, taskCallback)) return True def getNextTask(self): """ Retrieve the next task from the task queue. For use only by WorkerThread objects contained in the pool.""" id = None cmd = None args = None callback = None try: id, cmd, args, callback = self.__tasks.get(True, self.__waitTimeout) except Empty: pass return id, cmd, args, callback def stopThread(self): return self.__tasks.put((None, None, None, None)) def joinAll(self, waitForTasks=True, waitForThreads=True): """ Clear the task queue and terminate all pooled threads, optionally allowing the tasks and threads to finish.""" # Mark the pool as joining to prevent any more task queuing self.__isJoining = True # Wait for tasks to finish if waitForTasks: while not self.__tasks.empty(): sleep(0.1) # Tell all the threads to quit self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: # Wait until all threads have exited if waitForThreads: for t in self.__threads: t.goAway() for t in self.__threads: t.join() # print t,"joined" del t self.__setThreadCountNolock(0) self.__isJoining = True # Reset the pool for potential reuse self.__isJoining = False finally: self.__resizeLock.release()
class TaskHandler(BufferingHandler): __flush_max_history_seconds = 30. __wait_for_flush_timeout = 10. __max_event_size = 1024 * 1024 __once = False __offline_filename = 'log.jsonl' @property def task_id(self): return self._task_id @task_id.setter def task_id(self, value): self._task_id = value def __init__(self, task, capacity=buffer_capacity, connect_logger=True): super(TaskHandler, self).__init__(capacity) self.task_id = self.session = task.session self.last_timestamp = 0 self.counter = 1 self._last_event = None self._exit_event = None self._queue = None self._thread = None self._pending = 0 self._offline_log_filename = None self._connect_logger = connect_logger if task.is_offline(): offline_folder = Path(task.get_offline_mode_folder()) offline_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._offline_log_filename = offline_folder / self.__offline_filename def shouldFlush(self, record): """ Should the handler flush its buffer Returns true if the buffer is up to capacity. This method can be overridden to implement custom flushing strategies. """ if self._task_id is None: return False # if we need to add handlers to the base_logger, # it will not automatically create stream one when first used, so we must manually configure it. if self._connect_logger and not TaskHandler.__once: base_logger = getLogger() if len(base_logger.handlers) == 1 and isinstance( base_logger.handlers[0], TaskHandler): if != 'console' and not 'clearml.'): base_logger.removeHandler(self) basicConfig() base_logger.addHandler(self) TaskHandler.__once = True else: TaskHandler.__once = True # if we passed the max buffer if len(self.buffer) >= self.capacity: return True # if the first entry in the log was too long ago. # noinspection PyBroadException try: if len(self.buffer) and (time.time() - self.buffer[0].created ) > self.__flush_max_history_seconds: return True except Exception: pass return False def _record_to_event(self, record): # type: (LogRecord) -> events.TaskLogEvent if self._task_id is None: return None timestamp = int(record.created * 1000) if timestamp == self.last_timestamp: timestamp += self.counter self.counter += 1 else: self.last_timestamp = timestamp self.counter = 1 # ignore backspaces (they are often used) full_msg = record.getMessage().replace('\x08', '') return_events = [] while full_msg: msg = full_msg[:self.__max_event_size] full_msg = full_msg[self.__max_event_size:] # unite all records in a single second if self._last_event and timestamp - self._last_event.timestamp < 1000 and \ len(self._last_event.msg) + len(msg) < self.__max_event_size and \ record.levelname.lower() == str(self._last_event.level): # ignore backspaces (they are often used) self._last_event.msg += '\n' + msg continue # if we have a previous event and it timed out, return it. new_event = events.TaskLogEvent(task=self.task_id, timestamp=timestamp, level=record.levelname.lower(), worker=self.session.worker, msg=msg) if self._last_event: return_events.append(self._last_event) self._last_event = new_event return return_events def flush(self): if self._task_id is None: return if not self.buffer: return buffer = None self.acquire() if self.buffer: buffer = self.buffer self.buffer = [] self.release() if not buffer: return # noinspection PyBroadException try: record_events = [ r for record in buffer for r in self._record_to_event(record) ] + [self._last_event] self._last_event = None batch_requests = events.AddBatchRequest( requests=[events.AddRequest(e) for e in record_events if e]) except Exception: self.__log_stderr( "WARNING: clearml.log - Failed logging task to backend ({:d} lines)" .format(len(buffer))) batch_requests = None if batch_requests and batch_requests.requests: self._pending += 1 self._add_to_queue(batch_requests) def _create_thread_queue(self): if self._queue: return self._queue = Queue() self._exit_event = Event() self._exit_event.clear() # multiple workers could be supported as well self._thread = Thread(target=self._daemon) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() def _add_to_queue(self, request): self._create_thread_queue() self._queue.put(request) def close(self, wait=False): # self.__log_stderr('Closing {} wait={}'.format(os.getpid(), wait)) # flush pending logs if not self._task_id: return # avoid deadlocks just skip the lock, we are shutting down anyway self.lock = None self.flush() # shut down the TaskHandler, from this point onwards. No events will be logged _thread = self._thread self._thread = None if self._queue: self._exit_event.set() self._queue.put(None) self._task_id = None if wait and _thread: # noinspection PyBroadException try: timeout = 1. if self._queue.empty( ) else self.__wait_for_flush_timeout _thread.join(timeout=timeout) if not self._queue.empty(): self.__log_stderr( 'Flush timeout {}s exceeded, dropping last {} lines'. format(timeout, self._queue.qsize())) # self.__log_stderr('Closing {} wait done'.format(os.getpid())) except Exception: pass # call super and remove the handler super(TaskHandler, self).close() def _send_events(self, a_request): try: self._pending -= 1 if self._offline_log_filename: with open(self._offline_log_filename.as_posix(), 'at') as f: f.write( json.dumps([b.to_dict() for b in a_request.requests]) + '\n') return # if self._thread is None: # self.__log_stderr('Task.close() flushing remaining logs ({})'.format(self._pending)) res = self.session.send(a_request) if res and not res.ok(): self.__log_stderr( "failed logging task to backend ({:d} lines, {})".format( len(a_request.requests), str(res.meta)), level=WARNING) except MaxRequestSizeError: self.__log_stderr( "failed logging task to backend ({:d} lines) log size exceeded limit" .format(len(a_request.requests)), level=WARNING) except Exception as ex: self.__log_stderr( "Retrying, failed logging task to backend ({:d} lines): {}". format(len(a_request.requests), ex)) # we should push ourselves back into the thread pool if self._queue: self._pending += 1 self._queue.put(a_request) def _daemon(self): # multiple daemons are supported leave = self._exit_event.wait(0) request = True while not leave or request: # pull from queue request = None if self._queue: # noinspection PyBroadException try: request = self._queue.get(block=not leave) except Exception: pass if request: self._send_events(request) leave = self._exit_event.wait(0) # self.__log_stderr('leaving {}'.format(os.getpid())) @staticmethod def __log_stderr(msg, level=INFO): # output directly to stderr, make sure we do not catch it. write = sys.stderr._original_write if hasattr( sys.stderr, '_original_write') else sys.stderr.write write('{asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}\n'.format( asctime=Formatter().formatTime(makeLogRecord({})), name='clearml.log', levelname=getLevelName(level), message=msg)) @classmethod def report_offline_session(cls, task, folder): filename = Path(folder) / cls.__offline_filename if not filename.is_file(): return False with open(filename.as_posix(), 'rt') as f: i = 0 while True: try: line = f.readline() if not line: break list_requests = json.loads(line) for r in list_requests: r.pop('task', None) i += 1 except StopIteration: break except Exception as ex: warning('Failed reporting log, line {} [{}]'.format(i, ex)) batch_requests = events.AddBatchRequest(requests=[ events.TaskLogEvent(, **r) for r in list_requests ]) if batch_requests.requests: res = task.session.send(batch_requests) if res and not res.ok(): warning( "failed logging task to backend ({:d} lines, {})". format(len(batch_requests.requests), str(res.meta))) return True
class Rigger(object): """ A Rigger event framework instance. The Rigger object holds all configuration and instances of plugins. By default Rigger accepts a configuration file name to parse, though it is perfectly acceptable to pass the configuration into the ``self.config`` attribute. Args: config_file: A configuration file holding all of Riggers base and plugin configuration. """ def __init__(self, config_file): self.gdl = threading.Lock() self.pre_callbacks = defaultdict(dict) self.post_callbacks = defaultdict(dict) self.plugins = {} self.config_file = config_file self.squash_exceptions = False self.initialized = False self._task_list = {} self._queue_lock = threading.Lock() self._global_queue = Queue() self._background_queue = Queue() self._server_shutdown = False self._zmq_event_handler_shutdown = False self._global_queue_shutdown = False self._background_queue_shutdown = False globt = threading.Thread(target=self.process_queue, name="global_queue_processor") globt.start() bgt = threading.Thread( target=self.process_background_queue, name="background_queue_processor") bgt.start() def process_queue(self): """ The ``process_queue`` thread manages taking events on and off of the global queue. Both TCP and in-object fire_hooks place events onto the global_queue and these are both handled by the same handler called ``process_hook``. If there is an exception during processing, the exception is printed and execution continues. """ while not self._global_queue_shutdown: while not self._global_queue.empty(): with self._queue_lock: tid = self._global_queue.get() obj = self._task_list[tid].json_dict self._task_list[tid].status = Task.RUNNING try: loc, glo = self.process_hook(obj['hook_name'], **obj['data']) combined_dict = {} combined_dict.update(glo) combined_dict.update(loc) self._task_list[tid].output = combined_dict except Exception as e: self.log_message(e) with self._queue_lock: self._global_queue.task_done() self._task_list[tid].status = Task.FINISHED if not self._task_list[tid].json_dict.get('grab_result', None): del self._task_list[tid] time.sleep(0.1) def process_background_queue(self): """ The ``process_background_queue`` manages the hooks which have been backgrounded. In this respect the tasks that are completed are not required to continue with the test and as such can be forgotten about. An example of this would be some that sends an email, or tars up files, it has all the information it needs and the main process doesn't need to wait for it to complete. """ while not self._background_queue_shutdown: while not self._background_queue.empty(): obj = self._background_queue.get() try: local, globals_updates = self.process_callbacks(obj['cb'], obj['kwargs']) with self.gdl: self.global_data = recursive_update(self.global_data, globals_updates) except Exception as e: self.log_message(e) self._background_queue.task_done() time.sleep(0.1) def zmq_event_handler(self, zmq_socket_address): """ The ``zmq_event_handler`` thread receives (and responds to) updates from the zmq socket, which is normally embedded in the web server running alongside this riggerlib instance, in its own process. """ ctx = zmq.Context() zmq_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REP) zmq_socket.set(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 300) zmq_socket.bind(zmq_socket_address) def zmq_reply(message, **extra): payload = {'message': message} payload.update(extra) zmq_socket.send_json(payload) bad_request = partial(zmq_reply, 'BAD REQUEST') while not self._zmq_event_handler_shutdown: try: json_dict = zmq_socket.recv_json() except zmq.Again: continue try: event_name = json_dict['event_name'] except KeyError: bad_request() if event_name == 'fire_hook': tid = self._fire_internal_hook(json_dict) if tid: zmq_reply('OK', tid=tid) else: bad_request() elif event_name == 'task_check': try: tid = json_dict['tid'] extra = { "tid": tid, "status": self._task_list[tid].status, } if json_dict['grab_result']: extra["output"] = self._task_list[tid].output zmq_reply('OK', **extra) except KeyError: zmq_reply('NOT FOUND') elif event_name == 'task_delete': try: tid = json_dict['tid'] del self._task_list[tid] zmq_reply('OK', tid=tid) except KeyError: zmq_reply('OK', tid=tid) elif event_name == 'shutdown': zmq_reply('OK') # We gotta initiate server stop from here and stop this thread self._server_shutdown = True break elif event_name == 'ping': zmq_reply('PONG') else: bad_request() zmq_socket.close() def read_config(self, config_file): """ Reads in the config file and parses the yaml data. Args: config_file: A configuration file holding all of Riggers base and plugin configuration. Raises: IOError: If the file can not be read. Exception: If there is any error parsing the configuration file. """ try: with open(config_file, "r") as stream: data = yaml.load(stream) except IOError: print("!!! Configuration file could not be loaded...exiting") sys.exit(127) except Exception as e: print(e) print("!!! Error parsing Configuration file") sys.exit(127) self.config = data def parse_config(self): """ Takes the configuration data from ``self.config`` and sets up the plugin instances. """ self.read_config(self.config_file) self.setup_plugin_instances() self.start_server() def setup_plugin_instances(self): """ Sets up instances into a dict called ``self.instances`` and instantiates each instance of the plugin. It also sets the ``self._threaded`` option to determine if plugins will be processed synchronously or asynchronously. """ self.instances = {} self._threaded = self.config.get("threaded", False) plugins = self.config.get("plugins", {}) for ident, config in plugins.items(): self.setup_instance(ident, config) def setup_instance(self, ident, config): """ Sets up a single instance into the ``self.instances`` dict. If the instance does not exist, a warning is printed out. Args: ident: A plugin instance identifier. config: Configuration dict from the yaml. """ plugin_name = config.get('plugin', {}) if plugin_name in self.plugins: obj = self.plugins[plugin_name] if obj: obj_instance = obj(ident, config, self) self.instances[ident] = RiggerPluginInstance(ident, obj_instance, config) else: msg = "Plugin [{}] was not found, "\ "disabling instance [{}]".format(plugin_name, ident) self.log_message(msg) def start_server(self): """ Starts the ZMQ server if the ``server_enabled`` is True in the config. """ self._server_hostname = self.config.get('server_address', '') self._server_port = self.config.get('server_port', 21212) self._server_enable = self.config.get('server_enabled', False) if self._server_enable: zmq_socket_address = 'tcp://{}:{}'.format(self._server_hostname, self._server_port) # set up reciever thread for zmq event handling zeh = threading.Thread( target=self.zmq_event_handler, args=(zmq_socket_address,), name="zmq_event_handler") zeh.start() exect = threading.Thread(target=self.await_shutdown, name="executioner") exect.start() def await_shutdown(self): while not self._server_shutdown: time.sleep(0.3) self.stop_server() def stop_server(self): """ Responsible for the following: - stopping the zmq event handler (unless already stopped through 'terminate') - stopping the global queue - stopping the background queue """ self.log_message("Shutdown initiated : {}".format(self._server_hostname)) # The order here is important self._zmq_event_handler_shutdown = True self._global_queue.join() self._global_queue_shutdown = True self._background_queue.join() self._background_queue_shutdown = True raise SystemExit def fire_hook(self, hook_name, **kwargs): """ Parses the hook information into a dict for passing to process_hook. This is used to enable both the TCP and in-object fire_hook methods to use the same process_hook method call. Args: hook_name: The name of the hook to fire. kwargs: The kwargs to pass to the hooks. """ json_dict = {'hook_name': hook_name, 'data': kwargs} self._fire_internal_hook(json_dict) def _fire_internal_hook(self, json_dict): task = Task(json_dict) tid = task.tid.hexdigest() self._task_list[tid] = task if self._global_queue: with self._queue_lock: self._global_queue.put(tid) return tid else: return None def process_hook(self, hook_name, **kwargs): """ Takes a hook_name and a selection of kwargs and fires off the appropriate callbacks. This function is the guts of Rigger and is responsible for running the callback and hook functions. It first loads some blank dicts to collect the updates for the local and global namespaces. After this, it loads the pre_callback functions along with the kwargs into the callback collector processor. The return values are then classifed into local and global dicts and updates proceed. After this, the plugin hooks themselves are then run using the same methodology. Their return values are merged with the existing dicts and then the same process happens for the post_callbacks. Note: If the instance of the plugin has been marked as a background instance, and hooks which are called in that instance will be backgrounded. The hook will also not be able to return any data to the post-hook callback, although updates to globals will be processed as and when the backgrounded task is completed. Args: hook_name: The name of the hook to fire. kwargs: The kwargs to pass to the hooks. """ if not self.initialized: return kwargs_updates = {} globals_updates = {} kwargs.update({'config': self.config}) # First fire off any pre-hook callbacks if self.pre_callbacks.get(hook_name): # print "Running pre hook callback for {}".format(hook_name) kwargs_updates, globals_updates = self.process_callbacks( self.pre_callbacks[hook_name].values(), kwargs) # Now we can update the kwargs passed to the real hook with the updates with self.gdl: self.global_data = recursive_update(self.global_data, globals_updates) kwargs = recursive_update(kwargs, kwargs_updates) # Now fire off each plugin hook event_hooks = [] for instance_name, instance in self.instances.items(): callbacks = instance.obj.callbacks enabled ='enabled', None) if callbacks.get(hook_name) and enabled: cb = callbacks[hook_name] if'background', False): self._background_queue.put({'cb': [cb], 'kwargs': kwargs}) elif cb['bg']: self._background_queue.put({'cb': [cb], 'kwargs': kwargs}) else: event_hooks.append(cb) kwargs_updates, globals_updates = self.process_callbacks(event_hooks, kwargs) # One more update for the post_hook callback with self.gdl: self.global_data = recursive_update(self.global_data, globals_updates) kwargs = recursive_update(kwargs, kwargs_updates) # Finally any post-hook callbacks if self.post_callbacks.get(hook_name): # print "Running post hook callback for {}".format(hook_name) kwargs_updates, globals_updates = self.process_callbacks( self.post_callbacks[hook_name].values(), kwargs) with self.gdl: self.global_data = recursive_update(self.global_data, globals_updates) kwargs = recursive_update(kwargs, kwargs_updates) return kwargs, self.global_data def process_callbacks(self, callback_collection, kwargs): """ Processes a collection of callbacks or hooks for a particular event, namely pre, hook or post. The functions are passed in as an array to ``callback_collection`` and process callbacks first iterates each function and ensures that each one has the correct arguments available to it. If not, an Exception is raised. Then, depending on whether Threading is enabled or not, the functions are either run sequentially, or loaded into a ThreadPool and executed asynchronously. The returned local and global updates are either collected and processed sequentially, as in the case of the non-threaded behaviour, or collected at the end of the callback_collection processing and handled there. Note: It is impossible to predict the order of the functions being run. If the order is important, it is advised to create a second event hook that will be fired before the other. Rigger has no concept of hook or callback order and is unlikely to ever have. Args: callback_collection: A list of functions to call. kwargs: A set of kwargs to pass to the functions. Returns: A tuple of local and global namespace updates. """ loc_collect = {} glo_collect = {} if self._threaded: results_list = [] pool = ThreadPool(10) for cb in callback_collection: required_args = [sig for sig in cb['args'] if isinstance(cb['args'][sig].default, type)] missing = list(set(required_args).difference(set(self.global_data.keys())) .difference(set(kwargs.keys()))) if not missing: new_kwargs = self.build_kwargs(cb['args'], kwargs) if self._threaded: results_list.append(pool.apply_async(cb['func'], [], new_kwargs)) else: obtain_result = self.handle_results(cb['func'], [], new_kwargs) loc_collect, glo_collect = self.handle_collects( obtain_result, loc_collect, glo_collect) else: raise Exception('Function {} is missing kwargs {}' .format(cb['func'].__name__, missing)) if self._threaded: pool.close() pool.join() for result in results_list: obtain_result = self.handle_results(result.get, [], {}) loc_collect, glo_collect = self.handle_collects( obtain_result, loc_collect, glo_collect) return loc_collect, glo_collect def handle_results(self, call, args, kwargs): """ Handles results and depending on configuration, squashes exceptions and logs or returns the obtained result. Args: call: The function call. args: The positional arguments. kwargs: The keyword arguments. Returns: The obtained result of the callback or hook. """ try: obtain_result = call(*args, **kwargs) except: if self.squash_exceptions: obtain_result = None self.handle_failure(sys.exc_info()) else: raise return obtain_result def handle_collects(self, result, loc_collect, glo_collect): """ Handles extracting the information from the hook/callback result. If the hook/callback returns None, then the dicts are returned unaltered, else they are updated with local, global namespace updates. Args: result: The result to process. loc_collect: The local namespace updates collection. glo_collect: The global namespace updates collection. Returns: A tuple containing the local and global updates. """ if result: if result[0]: loc_collect = recursive_update(loc_collect, result[0]) if result[1]: glo_collect = recursive_update(glo_collect, result[1]) return loc_collect, glo_collect def build_kwargs(self, args, kwargs): """ Builds a new kwargs from a list of allowed args. Functions only receive a single set of kwargs, and so the global and local namespaces have to be collapsed. In this way, the local overrides the global namespace, hence if a key exists in both local and global, the local value will be passed to the function under the the key name and the global value will be forgotten. The args parameter ensures that only the expected arguments are supplied. Args: args: A list of allowed argument names kwargs: A dict of kwargs from the local namespace. Returns: A consolidated global/local namespace with local overrides. """ returned_args = {} returned_args.update({ name: self.global_data[name] for name in args if name in self.global_data}) returned_args.update({ name: kwargs[name] for name in args if name in kwargs}) return returned_args def register_hook_callback(self, hook_name=None, ctype="pre", callback=None, name=None): """ Registers pre and post callbacks. Takes a callback function and assigns it to the hook_name with an optional identifier. The optional identifier makes it possible to hot bind functions into hooks and to remove them at a later date with ``unregister_hook_callback``. Args: hook_name: The name of the event hook to respond to. ctype: The call back type, either ``pre`` or ``post``. callback: The callback function. name: An optional name for the callback instance binding. """ if hook_name and callback: callback_instance = self.create_callback(callback) if not name: name = hashlib.sha1( str(time.time()) + hook_name + str(callback_instance['args'])).hexdigest() if ctype == "pre": self.pre_callbacks[hook_name][name] = callback_instance elif ctype == "post": self.post_callbacks[hook_name][name] = callback_instance def unregister_hook_callback(self, hook_name, ctype, name): """ Unregisters a pre or post callback. If the binding has a known name, this function allows the removal of a binding. Args: hook_name: The event hook name. ctype: The callback type, either ``pre`` or ``post``. name: An optional name for the callback instance binding. """ if ctype == "pre": del self.pre_callbacks[hook_name][name] elif ctype == "post": del self.post_callbacks[hook_name][name] def register_plugin(self, cls, plugin_name=None): """ Registers a plugin class to a name. Multiple instances of the same plugin can be used in Rigger, ``self.plugins`` stores un-initialized class defintions to be used by ``setup_instances``. Args: cls: The class. plugin_name: The name of the plugin. """ if plugin_name in self.plugins: print("Plugin name already taken [{}]".format(plugin_name)) elif plugin_name is None: print("Plugin name cannot be None") else: # print "Registering plugin {}".format(plugin_name) self.plugins[plugin_name] = cls def get_instance_obj(self, name): """ Gets the instance object for a given ident name. Args: name: The ident name of the instance. Returns: The object of the instance. """ if name in self.instances: return self.instances[name].obj else: return None def get_instance_data(self, name): """ Gets the instance data(config) for a given ident name. Args: name: The ident name of the instance. Returns: The data(config) of the instance. """ if name in self.instances: return self.instances[name].data else: return None def configure_plugin(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Attempts to configure an instance, passing it the args and kwargs. Args: name: The ident name of the instance. args: The positional args. kwargs: The keyword arguments. """ obj = self.get_instance_obj(name) if obj: obj.configure(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def create_callback(callback, bg=False): """ Simple function to inspect a function and return it along with it param names wrapped up in a nice dict. This forms a callback object. Args: callback: The callback function. Returns: A dict of function and param names. """ params = signature(callback).parameters return { 'func': callback, 'args': params, 'bg': bg } def handle_failure(self, exc): """ Handles an exception. It is expected that this be overidden. """ self.log_message(exc) def log_message(self, message): """ "Logs" a message. It is expected that this be overidden. """ print(message)
class Nikon(object): '''This class implements Nikon's PTP operations.''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Init Nikon') super(Nikon, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: expose the choice to poll or not Nikon events self.__no_polling = False self.__nikon_event_shutdown = Event() self.__nikon_event_proc = None @contextmanager def session(self): ''' Manage Nikon session with context manager. ''' # When raw device, do not perform if self.__no_polling: with super(Nikon, self).session(): yield return # Within a normal PTP session with super(Nikon, self).session(): # launch a polling thread self.__event_queue = Queue() self.__nikon_event_proc = Thread(name='NikonEvtPolling', target=self.__nikon_poll_events) self.__nikon_event_proc.daemon = False atexit.register(self._nikon_shutdown) self.__nikon_event_proc.start() try: yield finally: self._nikon_shutdown() def _shutdown(self): self._nikon_shutdown() super(Nikon, self)._shutdown() def _nikon_shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutdown Nikon events') self.__nikon_event_shutdown.set() # Only join a running thread. if self.__nikon_event_proc and self.__nikon_event_proc.is_alive(): self.__nikon_event_proc.join(2) def _PropertyCode(self, **product_properties): props = { 'ShootingBank': 0xD010, 'ShootingBankNameA': 0xD011, 'ShootingBankNameB': 0xD012, 'ShootingBankNameC': 0xD013, 'ShootingBankNameD': 0xD014, 'ResetBank0': 0xD015, 'RawCompression': 0xD016, 'WhiteBalanceAutoBias': 0xD017, 'WhiteBalanceTungstenBias': 0xD018, 'WhiteBalanceFluorescentBias': 0xD019, 'WhiteBalanceDaylightBias': 0xD01A, 'WhiteBalanceFlashBias': 0xD01B, 'WhiteBalanceCloudyBias': 0xD01C, 'WhiteBalanceShadeBias': 0xD01D, 'WhiteBalanceColorTemperature': 0xD01E, 'WhiteBalancePresetNo': 0xD01F, 'WhiteBalancePresetName0': 0xD020, 'WhiteBalancePresetName1': 0xD021, 'WhiteBalancePresetName2': 0xD022, 'WhiteBalancePresetName3': 0xD023, 'WhiteBalancePresetName4': 0xD024, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal0': 0xD025, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal1': 0xD026, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal2': 0xD027, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal3': 0xD028, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal4': 0xD029, 'ImageSharpening': 0xD02A, 'ToneCompensation': 0xD02B, 'ColorModel': 0xD02C, 'HueAdjustment': 0xD02D, 'NonCPULensDataFocalLength': 0xD02E, 'NonCPULensDataMaximumAperture': 0xD02F, 'ShootingMode': 0xD030, 'JPEGCompressionPolicy': 0xD031, 'ColorSpace': 0xD032, 'AutoDXCrop': 0xD033, 'FlickerReduction': 0xD034, 'RemoteMode': 0xD035, 'VideoMode': 0xD036, 'NikonEffectMode': 0xD037, 'Mode': 0xD038, 'CSMMenuBankSelect': 0xD040, 'MenuBankNameA': 0xD041, 'MenuBankNameB': 0xD042, 'MenuBankNameC': 0xD043, 'MenuBankNameD': 0xD044, 'ResetBank': 0xD045, 'A1AFCModePriority': 0xD048, 'A2AFSModePriority': 0xD049, 'A3GroupDynamicAF': 0xD04A, 'A4AFActivation': 0xD04B, 'FocusAreaIllumManualFocus': 0xD04C, 'FocusAreaIllumContinuous': 0xD04D, 'FocusAreaIllumWhenSelected': 0xD04E, 'FocusAreaWrap': 0xD04F, 'VerticalAFON': 0xD050, 'AFLockOn': 0xD051, 'FocusAreaZone': 0xD052, 'EnableCopyright': 0xD053, 'ISOAuto': 0xD054, 'EVISOStep': 0xD055, 'EVStep': 0xD056, 'EVStepExposureComp': 0xD057, 'ExposureCompensation': 0xD058, 'CenterWeightArea': 0xD059, 'ExposureBaseMatrix': 0xD05A, 'ExposureBaseCenter': 0xD05B, 'ExposureBaseSpot': 0xD05C, 'LiveViewAFArea': 0xD05D, 'AELockMode': 0xD05E, 'AELAFLMode': 0xD05F, 'LiveViewAFFocus': 0xD061, 'MeterOff': 0xD062, 'SelfTimer': 0xD063, 'MonitorOff': 0xD064, 'ImgConfTime': 0xD065, 'AutoOffTimers': 0xD066, 'AngleLevel': 0xD067, 'D1ShootingSpeed': 0xD068, 'D2MaximumShots': 0xD069, 'ExposureDelayMode': 0xD06A, 'LongExposureNoiseReduction': 0xD06B, 'FileNumberSequence': 0xD06C, 'ControlPanelFinderRearControl': 0xD06D, 'ControlPanelFinderViewfinder': 0xD06E, 'D7Illumination': 0xD06F, 'NrHighISO': 0xD070, 'SHSetCHGUIDDisp': 0xD071, 'ArtistName': 0xD072, 'NikonCopyrightInfo': 0xD073, 'FlashSyncSpeed': 0xD074, 'FlashShutterSpeed': 0xD075, 'E3AAFlashMode': 0xD076, 'E4ModelingFlash': 0xD077, 'BracketSet': 0xD078, 'E6ManualModeBracketing': 0xD079, 'BracketOrder': 0xD07A, 'E8AutoBracketSelection': 0xD07B, 'BracketingSet': 0xD07C, 'F1CenterButtonShootingMode': 0xD080, 'CenterButtonPlaybackMode': 0xD081, 'F2Multiselector': 0xD082, 'F3PhotoInfoPlayback': 0xD083, 'F4AssignFuncButton': 0xD084, 'F5CustomizeCommDials': 0xD085, 'ReverseCommandDial': 0xD086, 'ApertureSetting': 0xD087, 'MenusAndPlayback': 0xD088, 'F6ButtonsAndDials': 0xD089, 'NoCFCard': 0xD08A, 'CenterButtonZoomRatio': 0xD08B, 'FunctionButton2': 0xD08C, 'AFAreaPoint': 0xD08D, 'NormalAFOn': 0xD08E, 'CleanImageSensor': 0xD08F, 'ImageCommentString': 0xD090, 'ImageCommentEnable': 0xD091, 'ImageRotation': 0xD092, 'ManualSetLensNo': 0xD093, 'MovScreenSize': 0xD0A0, 'MovVoice': 0xD0A1, 'MovMicrophone': 0xD0A2, 'MovFileSlot': 0xD0A3, 'MovRecProhibitCondition': 0xD0A4, 'ManualMovieSetting': 0xD0A6, 'MovQuality': 0xD0A7, 'LiveViewScreenDisplaySetting': 0xD0B2, 'MonitorOffDelay': 0xD0B3, 'Bracketing': 0xD0C0, 'AutoExposureBracketStep': 0xD0C1, 'AutoExposureBracketProgram': 0xD0C2, 'AutoExposureBracketCount': 0xD0C3, 'WhiteBalanceBracketStep': 0xD0C4, 'WhiteBalanceBracketProgram': 0xD0C5, 'LensID': 0xD0E0, 'LensSort': 0xD0E1, 'LensType': 0xD0E2, 'FocalLengthMin': 0xD0E3, 'FocalLengthMax': 0xD0E4, 'MaxApAtMinFocalLength': 0xD0E5, 'MaxApAtMaxFocalLength': 0xD0E6, 'FinderISODisp': 0xD0F0, 'AutoOffPhoto': 0xD0F2, 'AutoOffMenu': 0xD0F3, 'AutoOffInfo': 0xD0F4, 'SelfTimerShootNum': 0xD0F5, 'VignetteCtrl': 0xD0F7, 'AutoDistortionControl': 0xD0F8, 'SceneMode': 0xD0F9, 'SceneMode2': 0xD0FD, 'SelfTimerInterval': 0xD0FE, 'NikonExposureTime': 0xD100, 'ACPower': 0xD101, 'WarningStatus': 0xD102, 'MaximumShots': 0xD103, 'AFLockStatus': 0xD104, 'AELockStatus': 0xD105, 'FVLockStatus': 0xD106, 'AutofocusLCDTopMode2': 0xD107, 'AutofocusArea': 0xD108, 'FlexibleProgram': 0xD109, 'LightMeter': 0xD10A, 'RecordingMedia': 0xD10B, 'USBSpeed': 0xD10C, 'CCDNumber': 0xD10D, 'CameraOrientation': 0xD10E, 'GroupPtnType': 0xD10F, 'FNumberLock': 0xD110, 'ExposureApertureLock': 0xD111, 'TVLockSetting': 0xD112, 'AVLockSetting': 0xD113, 'IllumSetting': 0xD114, 'FocusPointBright': 0xD115, 'ExternalFlashAttached': 0xD120, 'ExternalFlashStatus': 0xD121, 'ExternalFlashSort': 0xD122, 'ExternalFlashMode': 0xD123, 'ExternalFlashCompensation': 0xD124, 'NewExternalFlashMode': 0xD125, 'FlashExposureCompensation': 0xD126, 'HDRMode': 0xD130, 'HDRHighDynamic': 0xD131, 'HDRSmoothing': 0xD132, 'OptimizeImage': 0xD140, 'Saturation': 0xD142, 'BWFillerEffect': 0xD143, 'BWSharpness': 0xD144, 'BWContrast': 0xD145, 'BWSettingType': 0xD146, 'Slot2SaveMode': 0xD148, 'RawBitMode': 0xD149, 'ActiveDLighting': 0xD14E, 'FlourescentType': 0xD14F, 'TuneColourTemperature': 0xD150, 'TunePreset0': 0xD151, 'TunePreset1': 0xD152, 'TunePreset2': 0xD153, 'TunePreset3': 0xD154, 'TunePreset4': 0xD155, 'BeepOff': 0xD160, 'AutofocusMode': 0xD161, 'AFAssist': 0xD163, 'PADVPMode': 0xD164, 'ImageReview': 0xD165, 'AFAreaIllumination': 0xD166, 'NikonFlashMode': 0xD167, 'FlashCommanderMode': 0xD168, 'FlashSign': 0xD169, '_ISOAuto': 0xD16A, 'RemoteTimeout': 0xD16B, 'GridDisplay': 0xD16C, 'FlashModeManualPower': 0xD16D, 'FlashModeCommanderPower': 0xD16E, 'AutoFP': 0xD16F, 'DateImprintSetting': 0xD170, 'DateCounterSelect': 0xD171, 'DateCountData': 0xD172, 'DateCountDisplaySetting': 0xD173, 'RangeFinderSetting': 0xD174, 'CSMMenu': 0xD180, 'WarningDisplay': 0xD181, 'BatteryCellKind': 0xD182, 'ISOAutoHiLimit': 0xD183, 'DynamicAFArea': 0xD184, 'ContinuousSpeedHigh': 0xD186, 'InfoDispSetting': 0xD187, 'PreviewButton': 0xD189, 'PreviewButton2': 0xD18A, 'AEAFLockButton2': 0xD18B, 'IndicatorDisp': 0xD18D, 'CellKindPriority': 0xD18E, 'BracketingFramesAndSteps': 0xD190, 'LiveViewMode': 0xD1A0, 'LiveViewDriveMode': 0xD1A1, 'LiveViewStatus': 0xD1A2, 'LiveViewImageZoomRatio': 0xD1A3, 'LiveViewProhibitCondition': 0xD1A4, 'MovieShutterSpeed': 0xD1A8, 'MovieFNumber': 0xD1A9, 'MovieISO': 0xD1AA, 'LiveViewMovieMode': 0xD1AC, 'ExposureDisplayStatus': 0xD1B0, 'ExposureIndicateStatus': 0xD1B1, 'InfoDispErrStatus': 0xD1B2, 'ExposureIndicateLightup': 0xD1B3, 'FlashOpen': 0xD1C0, 'FlashCharged': 0xD1C1, 'FlashMRepeatValue': 0xD1D0, 'FlashMRepeatCount': 0xD1D1, 'FlashMRepeatInterval': 0xD1D2, 'FlashCommandChannel': 0xD1D3, 'FlashCommandSelfMode': 0xD1D4, 'FlashCommandSelfCompensation': 0xD1D5, 'FlashCommandSelfValue': 0xD1D6, 'FlashCommandAMode': 0xD1D7, 'FlashCommandACompensation': 0xD1D8, 'FlashCommandAValue': 0xD1D9, 'FlashCommandBMode': 0xD1DA, 'FlashCommandBCompensation': 0xD1DB, 'FlashCommandBValue': 0xD1DC, 'ApplicationMode': 0xD1F0, 'ActiveSlot': 0xD1F2, 'ActivePicCtrlItem': 0xD200, 'ChangePicCtrlItem': 0xD201, 'MovieNrHighISO': 0xD236, 'D241': 0xD241, 'D244': 0xD244, 'D247': 0xD247, 'GUID': 0xD24F, 'D250': 0xD250, 'D251': 0xD251, 'ISO': 0xF002, 'ImageCompression': 0xF009, 'NikonImageSize': 0xF00A, 'NikonWhiteBalance': 0xF00C, # TODO: Are these redundant? Or product-specific? '_LongExposureNoiseReduction': 0xF00D, 'HiISONoiseReduction': 0xF00E, '_ActiveDLighting': 0xF00F, '_MovQuality': 0xF01C, } product_properties.update(props) return super(Nikon, self)._PropertyCode(**product_properties) def _OperationCode(self, **product_operations): return super(Nikon, self)._OperationCode(GetProfileAllData=0x9006, SendProfileData=0x9007, DeleteProfile=0x9008, SetProfileData=0x9009, AdvancedTransfer=0x9010, GetFileInfoInBlock=0x9011, Capture=0x90C0, AFDrive=0x90C1, SetControlMode=0x90C2, DelImageSDRAM=0x90C3, GetLargeThumb=0x90C4, CurveDownload=0x90C5, CurveUpload=0x90C6, CheckEvents=0x90C7, DeviceReady=0x90C8, SetPreWBData=0x90C9, GetVendorPropCodes=0x90CA, AFCaptureSDRAM=0x90CB, GetPictCtrlData=0x90CC, SetPictCtrlData=0x90CD, DelCstPicCtrl=0x90CE, GetPicCtrlCapability=0x90CF, GetPreviewImg=0x9200, StartLiveView=0x9201, EndLiveView=0x9202, GetLiveViewImg=0x9203, MfDrive=0x9204, ChangeAFArea=0x9205, AFDriveCancel=0x9206, InitiateCaptureRecInMedia=0x9207, GetVendorStorageIDs=0x9209, StartMovieRecInCard=0x920A, EndMovieRec=0x920B, TerminateCapture=0x920C, GetDevicePTPIPInfo=0x90E0, GetPartialObjectHiSpeed=0x9400, GetDevicePropEx=0x9504, **product_operations) def _ResponseCode(self, **product_responses): return super(Nikon, self)._ResponseCode(HardwareError=0xA001, OutOfFocus=0xA002, ChangeCameraModeFailed=0xA003, InvalidStatus=0xA004, SetPropertyNotSupported=0xA005, WbResetError=0xA006, DustReferenceError=0xA007, ShutterSpeedBulb=0xA008, MirrorUpSequence=0xA009, CameraModeNotAdjustFNumber=0xA00A, NotLiveView=0xA00B, MfDriveStepEnd=0xA00C, MfDriveStepInsufficiency=0xA00E, AdvancedTransferCancel=0xA022, BulbReleaseBusy=0xA200, **product_responses) def _EventCode(self, **product_events): return super(Nikon, self)._EventCode(ObjectAddedInSDRAM=0xC101, CaptureCompleteRecInSdram=0xC102, AdvancedTransfer=0xC103, PreviewImageAdded=0xC104, **product_events) def _FilesystemType(self, **product_filesystem_types): return super(Nikon, self)._FilesystemType(**product_filesystem_types) def _NikonEvent(self): return PrefixedArray( self._UInt16, Struct( 'EventCode' / self._EventCode, 'Parameter' / self._UInt32, )) def _set_endian(self, endian): logger.debug('Set Nikon endianness') super(Nikon, self)._set_endian(endian) self._NikonEvent = self._NikonEvent() # TODO: Add event queue over all transports and extensions. def check_events(self): '''Check Nikon specific event''' ptp = Container(OperationCode='CheckEvents', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[]) response = self.recv(ptp) return self._parse_if_data(response, self._NikonEvent) # TODO: Provide a single camera agnostic command that will trigger a camera def capture(self): '''Nikon specific capture''' ptp = Container(OperationCode='Capture', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[]) return self.mesg(ptp) def af_capture_sdram(self): '''Nikon specific autofocus and capture to SDRAM''' ptp = Container(OperationCode='AFCaptureSDRAM', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[]) return self.mesg(ptp) def event(self, wait=False): '''Check Nikon or PTP events If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' # TODO: Do something reasonable on wait=True evt = None timeout = None if wait else 0.001 # TODO: Join queues to preserve order of Nikon and PTP events. if not self.__event_queue.empty(): evt = self.__event_queue.get(block=not wait, timeout=timeout) else: evt = super(Nikon, self).event(wait=wait) return evt def __nikon_poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' while (not self.__nikon_event_shutdown.is_set() and _main_thread_alive()): try: evts = self.check_events() if evts: for evt in evts: logger.debug('Event queued') self.__event_queue.put(evt) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) sleep(3) self.__nikon_event_shutdown.clear()
class USBTransport(object): '''Implement USB transport.''' def __init__(self, device=None): '''Instantiate the first available PTP device over USB''' logger.debug('Init USB') self.__setup_constructors() # If no device is specified, find all devices claiming to be Cameras # and get the USB endpoints for the first one that works. if device is None: logger.debug('No device provided, probing all USB devices.') if isinstance(device, six.string_types): name = device logger.debug( 'Device name provided, probing all USB devices for {}.'.format( name)) device = None else: name = None devs = ([device] if (device is not None) else find_usb_cameras(name=name)) self.__acquire_camera(devs) self.__event_queue = Queue() self.__event_shutdown = Event() # Locks for different end points. self.__inep_lock = RLock() self.__intep_lock = RLock() self.__outep_lock = RLock() self.__event_proc = Thread(name='EvtPolling', target=self.__poll_events) self.__event_proc.daemon = False atexit.register(self._shutdown) self.__event_proc.start() def __available_cameras(self, devs): for dev in devs: if self.__setup_device(dev): logger.debug('Found USB PTP device {}'.format(dev)) yield else: message = 'No USB PTP device found.' logger.error(message) raise PTPError(message) def __acquire_camera(self, devs): '''From the cameras given, get the first one that does not fail''' for _ in self.__available_cameras(devs): try: if self.__dev.is_kernel_driver_active( self.__intf.bInterfaceNumber): try: self.__dev.detach_kernel_driver( self.__intf.bInterfaceNumber) usb.util.claim_interface(self.__dev, self.__intf) except usb.core.USBError: message = ('Could not detach kernel driver. ' 'Maybe the camera is mounted?') logger.error(message) logger.debug('Claiming {}'.format(repr(self.__dev))) usb.util.claim_interface(self.__dev, self.__intf) except Exception as e: logger.debug('{}'.format(e)) continue break else: message = ('Could acquire any camera.') logger.error(message) raise PTPError(message) def _shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutdown request') self.__event_shutdown.set() # Free USB resource on shutdown. # Only join a running thread. if self.__event_proc.is_alive(): self.__event_proc.join(2) logger.debug('Release {}'.format(repr(self.__dev))) usb.util.release_interface(self.__dev, self.__intf) # Helper methods. # --------------------- def __setup_device(self, dev): '''Get endpoints for a device. True on success.''' self.__inep = None self.__outep = None self.__intep = None self.__cfg = None self.__dev = None self.__intf = None # Attempt to find the USB in, out and interrupt endpoints for a PTP # interface. for cfg in dev: for intf in cfg: if intf.bInterfaceClass == PTP_USB_CLASS: for ep in intf: ep_type = endpoint_type(ep.bmAttributes) ep_dir = endpoint_direction(ep.bEndpointAddress) if ep_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK: if ep_dir == ENDPOINT_IN: self.__inep = ep elif ep_dir == ENDPOINT_OUT: self.__outep = ep elif ((ep_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTR) and (ep_dir == ENDPOINT_IN)): self.__intep = ep if not (self.__inep and self.__outep and self.__intep): self.__inep = None self.__outep = None self.__intep = None else: logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__inep))) logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__outep))) logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__intep))) self.__cfg = cfg self.__dev = dev self.__intf = intf return True return False def __setup_constructors(self): '''Set endianness and create transport-specific constructors.''' # Set endianness of constructors before using them. self._set_endian('little') self.__Length = Int32ul self.__Type = Enum( Int16ul, default=Pass, Undefined=0x0000, Command=0x0001, Data=0x0002, Response=0x0003, Event=0x0004, ) # This is just a convenience constructor to get the size of a header. self.__Code = Int16ul self.__Header = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'Code' / self.__Code, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) # These are the actual constructors for parsing and building. self.__CommandHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'OperationCode' / self._OperationCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) self.__ResponseHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'ResponseCode' / self._ResponseCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) self.__EventHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'EventCode' / self._EventCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) # Apparently nobody uses the SessionID field. Even though it is # specified in ISO15740:2013(E), no device respects it and the session # number is implicit over USB. self.__Param = Range(0, 5, self._Parameter) self.__CommandTransactionBase = Struct( Embedded(self.__CommandHeader), 'Payload' / Bytes(lambda ctx, h=self.__Header: ctx.Length - h.sizeof())) self.__CommandTransaction = ExprAdapter( self.__CommandTransactionBase, encoder=lambda obj, ctx, h=self.__Header: Container( Length=len(obj.Payload) + h.sizeof(), **obj), decoder=lambda obj, ctx: obj, ) self.__ResponseTransactionBase = Struct( Embedded(self.__ResponseHeader), 'Payload' / Bytes(lambda ctx, h=self.__Header: ctx.Length - h.sizeof())) self.__ResponseTransaction = ExprAdapter( self.__ResponseTransactionBase, encoder=lambda obj, ctx, h=self.__Header: Container( Length=len(obj.Payload) + h.sizeof(), **obj), decoder=lambda obj, ctx: obj, ) def __parse_response(self, usbdata): '''Helper method for parsing USB data.''' # Build up container with all PTP info. usbdata = bytearray(usbdata) transaction = self.__ResponseTransaction.parse(usbdata) response = Container( SessionID=self.session_id, TransactionID=transaction.TransactionID, ) if transaction.Type == 'Response': response['ResponseCode'] = transaction.ResponseCode response['Parameter'] = self.__Param.parse(transaction.Payload) elif transaction.Type == 'Event': event = self.__EventHeader.parse(usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()]) response['EventCode'] = event.EventCode response['Parameter'] = self.__Param.parse(transaction.Payload) else: command = self.__CommandHeader.parse( usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()]) response['OperationCode'] = command.OperationCode response['Data'] = transaction.Payload return response def __recv(self, event=False, wait=False, raw=False): '''Helper method for receiving data.''' # TODO: clear stalls automatically ep = self.__intep if event else self.__inep lock = self.__intep_lock if event else self.__inep_lock with lock: try: usbdata =, timeout=0 if wait else 5) except usb.core.USBError as e: # Ignore timeout or busy device once. if e.errno == 110 or e.errno == 16: if event: return None else: usbdata =, timeout=5000) else: raise e header = self.__ResponseHeader.parse( bytearray(usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()])) if header.Type not in ['Response', 'Data', 'Event']: raise PTPError( 'Unexpected USB transfer type.' 'Expected Response, Event or Data but received {}'.format( header.Type)) while len(usbdata) < header.Length: usbdata +=, timeout=5000) if raw: return usbdata else: return self.__parse_response(usbdata) def __send(self, ptp_container, event=False): '''Helper method for sending data.''' ep = self.__intep if event else self.__outep lock = self.__intep_lock if event else self.__outep_lock transaction = with lock: try: ep.write(transaction, timeout=1) except usb.core.USBError as e: # Ignore timeout or busy device once. if e.errno == 110 or e.errno == 16: ep.write(transaction, timeout=5000) def __send_request(self, ptp_container): '''Send PTP request without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Don't send unused parameters try: while not ptp.Parameter[-1]: ptp.Parameter.pop() if len(ptp.Parameter) == 0: break except IndexError: # The Parameter list is already empty. pass # Send request ptp['Type'] = 'Command' ptp['Payload'] = self.__send(ptp) def __send_data(self, ptp_container, data): '''Send data without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Send data ptp['Type'] = 'Data' ptp['Payload'] = data self.__send(ptp) # Actual implementation # --------------------- def send(self, ptp_container, data): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from initiator to responder''' datalen = len(data) logger.debug('SEND {} {} bytes{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, datalen, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) self.__send_request(ptp_container) self.__send_data(ptp_container, data) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing parameters. response = self.__recv() logger.debug('SEND {} {} bytes {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, datalen, response.ResponseCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) return response def recv(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from responder to initiator.''' logger.debug('RECV {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) self.__send_request(ptp_container) dataphase = self.__recv() if hasattr(dataphase, 'Data'): response = self.__recv() if ((ptp_container.OperationCode != dataphase.OperationCode) or (ptp_container.TransactionID != dataphase.TransactionID) or (ptp_container.SessionID != dataphase.SessionID) or (dataphase.TransactionID != response.TransactionID) or (dataphase.SessionID != response.SessionID)): raise PTPError( 'Dataphase does not match with requested operation.') response['Data'] = dataphase.Data else: response = dataphase logger.debug('RECV {} {}{}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, response.ResponseCode, ' {} bytes'.format(len(response.Data)) if hasattr( response, 'Data') else '', ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if response.Parameter else '', )) return response def mesg(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation without dataphase.''' logger.debug('MESG {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) self.__send_request(ptp_container) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing parameters # for FullResponse. response = self.__recv() logger.debug('MESG {} {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, response.ResponseCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if response.Parameter else '', )) return response def event(self, wait=False): '''Check event. If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' evt = None usbdata = None timeout = None if wait else 0.001 if not self.__event_queue.empty(): usbdata = self.__event_queue.get(block=not wait, timeout=timeout) if usbdata is not None: evt = self.__parse_response(usbdata) return evt def __poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' while not self.__event_shutdown.is_set() and _main_thread_alive(): evt = self.__recv(event=True, wait=False, raw=True) if evt is not None: logger.debug('Event queued') self.__event_queue.put(evt)
class Subscriber(threading.Thread): """ Thread responsible for event subscriptions. Issues subscriptions, creates the websocket, and refreshes the subscriptions before timer expiry. It also reissues the subscriptions when the APIC login is refreshed. """ def __init__(self, apic): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._apic = apic self._subscriptions = {} self._ws = None self._ws_url = None self._refresh_time = 30 self._event_q = Queue() self._events = {} self._exit = False self.event_handler_thread = None def exit(self): """ Indicate that the thread should exit. """ self._exit = True def _send_subscription(self, url, only_new=False): """ Send the subscription for the specified URL. :param url: URL string to issue the subscription """ try: resp = self._apic.get(url) except ConnectionError: self._subscriptions[url] = None logging.error('Could not send subscription to APIC for url %s', url) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp if not resp.ok: self._subscriptions[url] = None logging.error('Could not send subscription to APIC for url %s', url) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp resp_data = json.loads(resp.text) if 'subscriptionId' not in resp_data: logging.error('Did not receive proper subscription response from APIC for url %s response: %s', url, resp_data) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp subscription_id = resp_data['subscriptionId'] self._subscriptions[url] = subscription_id if not only_new: while len(resp_data['imdata']): event = {"totalCount": "1", "subscriptionId": [resp_data['subscriptionId']], "imdata": [resp_data["imdata"][0]]} self._event_q.put(json.dumps(event)) resp_data["imdata"].remove(resp_data["imdata"][0]) return resp def refresh_subscriptions(self): """ Refresh all of the subscriptions. """ # Make a copy of the current subscriptions in case of changes # while we are refreshing current_subscriptions = {} for subscription in self._subscriptions: try: current_subscriptions[subscription] = self._subscriptions[subscription] except KeyError: logging.warning('Subscription removed while copying') # Refresh the subscriptions for subscription in current_subscriptions: if self._ws is not None: if not self._ws.connected: logging.warning('Websocket not established on subscription refresh. Re-establishing websocket') self._open_web_socket('https://' in subscription) try: subscription_id = self._subscriptions[subscription] except KeyError: logging.warning('Subscription has been removed while trying to refresh') continue if subscription_id is None: self._send_subscription(subscription) continue refresh_url = '/api/subscriptionRefresh.json?id=' + str(subscription_id) resp = self._apic.get(refresh_url) if not resp.ok: logging.warning('Could not refresh subscription: %s', refresh_url) # Try to resubscribe self._resubscribe() def _open_web_socket(self, use_secure=True): """ Opens the web socket connection with the APIC. :param use_secure: Boolean indicating whether the web socket should be secure. Default is True. """ sslopt = {} if use_secure: sslopt['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE self._ws_url = 'wss://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) else: self._ws_url = 'ws://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) kwargs = {} if self._ws is not None: if self._ws.connected: self._ws.close() self.event_handler_thread.exit() try: self._ws = create_connection(self._ws_url, sslopt=sslopt, **kwargs) if not self._ws.connected: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection') self.event_handler_thread = EventHandler(self) self.event_handler_thread.daemon = True self.event_handler_thread.start() except WebSocketException: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection due to WebSocketException') except socket.error: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection due to Socket Error') def _resubscribe(self): """ Reissue the subscriptions. Used to when the APIC login timeout occurs and a new subscription must be issued instead of simply a refresh. Not meant to be called directly by end user applications. """ self._process_event_q() urls = [] for url in self._subscriptions: urls.append(url) self._subscriptions = {} for url in urls: self.subscribe(url, only_new=True) def _process_event_q(self): """ Put the event into correct bucket based on URLs that have been subscribed. """ if self._event_q.empty(): return while not self._event_q.empty(): event = self._event_q.get() orig_event = event try: event = json.loads(event) except ValueError: logging.error('Non-JSON event: %s', orig_event) continue # Find the URL for this event num_subscriptions = len(event['subscriptionId']) for i in range(0, num_subscriptions): url = None for k in self._subscriptions: if self._subscriptions[k] == str(event['subscriptionId'][i]): url = k break if url not in self._events: self._events[url] = [] self._events[url].append(event) if num_subscriptions > 1: event = copy.deepcopy(event) def subscribe(self, url, only_new=False): """ Subscribe to a particular APIC URL. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to send as a subscription """'Subscribing to url: %s', url) # Check if already subscribed. If so, skip if url in self._subscriptions: return if self._ws is not None: if not self._ws.connected: self._open_web_socket('https://' in url) resp = self._send_subscription(url, only_new=only_new) return resp def is_subscribed(self, url): """ Check if subscribed to a particular APIC URL. :param url: URL string to send as a subscription """ return url in self._subscriptions def has_events(self, url): """ Check if a particular APIC URL subscription has any events. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to check for pending events """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: return False result = len(self._events[url]) != 0 return result def get_event_count(self, url): """ Check the number of subscription events for a particular APIC URL :param url: URL string to check for pending events :returns: Interger number of events in event queue """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: return 0 return len(self._events[url]) def get_event(self, url): """ Get an event for a particular APIC URL subscription. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to get pending event """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: raise ValueError event = self._events[url].pop(0) logging.debug('Event received %s', event) return event def unsubscribe(self, url): """ Unsubscribe from a particular APIC URL. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to unsubscribe """'Unsubscribing from url: %s', url) if url not in self._subscriptions: return if '&subscription=yes' in url: unsubscribe_url = url.split('&subscription=yes')[0] + '&subscription=no' elif '?subscription=yes' in url: unsubscribe_url = url.split('?subscription=yes')[0] + '?subscription=no' else: raise ValueError('No subscription string in URL being unsubscribed') resp = self._apic.get(unsubscribe_url) if not resp.ok: logging.warning('Could not unsubscribe from url: %s', unsubscribe_url) # Chew up any outstanding events while self.has_events(url): self.get_event(url) del self._subscriptions[url] if not self._subscriptions: self._ws.close(timeout=0) def run(self): while not self._exit: # Sleep for some interval and send subscription list time.sleep(self._refresh_time) try: self.refresh_subscriptions() except ConnectionError: logging.error('Could not refresh subscriptions due to ConnectionError')
def test_instances_deployed(mock_get_paasta_api_client, mock__log): mock_paasta_api_client = Mock() mock_get_paasta_api_client.return_value = mock_paasta_api_client mock_paasta_api_client.service.status_instance.side_effect = \ mock_status_instance_side_effect f = mark_for_deployment.instances_deployed e = Event() e.set() cluster_data = mark_for_deployment.ClusterData(cluster='cluster', service='service1', git_sha='somesha', instances_queue=Queue()) cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance1') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance1') cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance2') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.get(block=False) == 'instance2' cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance3') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance4') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance4.1') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance5') cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance1') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance6') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.get(block=False) == 'instance6' cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('notaninstance') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.get(block=False) == 'notaninstance' cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('api_error') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.get(block=False) == 'api_error' cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance7') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty() cluster_data.instances_queue = Queue() cluster_data.instances_queue.put('instance8') instances_out = Queue() f(cluster_data, instances_out, e) assert cluster_data.instances_queue.empty() assert instances_out.empty()
class QueuePoutineDiscreteTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): # simple Gaussian-mixture HMM def model(): ps = pyro.param("ps", Variable(torch.Tensor([[0.8], [0.3]]))) mu = pyro.param("mu", Variable(torch.Tensor([[-0.1], [0.9]]))) sigma = Variable(torch.ones(1, 1)) latents = [Variable(torch.ones(1))] observes = [] for t in range(3): latents.append( pyro.sample("latent_{}".format(str(t)), Bernoulli(ps[latents[-1][0].long().data]))) observes.append( pyro.observe("observe_{}".format(str(t)), Normal(mu[latents[-1][0].long().data], sigma), pyro.ones(1))) return latents self.sites = ["observe_{}".format(str(t)) for t in range(3)] + \ ["latent_{}".format(str(t)) for t in range(3)] + \ ["_INPUT", "_RETURN"] self.model = model self.queue = Queue() self.queue.put(poutine.Trace()) def test_queue_single(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) tr = f.get_trace() for name in self.sites: assert name in tr def test_queue_enumerate(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) trs = [] while not self.queue.empty(): trs.append(f.get_trace()) assert len(trs) == 2 ** 3 true_latents = set() for i1 in range(2): for i2 in range(2): for i3 in range(2): true_latents.add((i1, i2, i3)) tr_latents = [] for tr in trs: tr_latents.append(tuple([int(tr.nodes[name]["value"].view(-1).data[0]) for name in tr if tr.nodes[name]["type"] == "sample" and not tr.nodes[name]["is_observed"]])) assert true_latents == set(tr_latents) def test_queue_max_tries(self): f = poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue, max_tries=3) try: f() assert False except ValueError: self.assertTrue(True)
class Canon(EOSPropertiesMixin, object): '''This class implements Canon's PTP operations.''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Init Canon') super(Canon, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: expose the choice to poll or not Canon events self.__no_polling = False self.__eos_event_shutdown = Event() self.__eos_event_proc = None @contextmanager def session(self): ''' Manage Canon session with context manager. ''' # When raw device, do not perform if self.__no_polling: with super(Canon, self).session(): yield return # Within a normal PTP session with super(Canon, self).session(): # Set up remote mode and extended event info self.eos_set_remote_mode(1) self.eos_event_mode(1) # And launch a polling thread self.__event_queue = Queue() self.__eos_event_proc = Thread( name='EOSEvtPolling', target=self.__eos_poll_events ) self.__eos_event_proc.daemon = False atexit.register(self._eos_shutdown) self.__eos_event_proc.start() try: yield finally: self._eos_shutdown() def _shutdown(self): self._eos_shutdown() super(Canon, self)._shutdown() def _eos_shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutdown EOS events request') self.__eos_event_shutdown.set() # Only join a running thread. if self.__eos_event_proc and self.__eos_event_proc.is_alive(): self.__eos_event_proc.join(2) def _PropertyCode(self, **product_properties): return super(Canon, self)._PropertyCode( BeepMode=0xD001, ViewfinderMode=0xD003, ImageQuality=0xD006, CanonImageSize=0xD008, CanonFlashMode=0xD00A, TvAvSetting=0xD00C, MeteringMode=0xD010, MacroMode=0xD011, FocusingPoint=0xD012, CanonWhiteBalance=0xD013, ISOSpeed=0xD01C, Aperture=0xD01D, ShutterSpeed=0xD01E, ExpCompensation=0xD01F, Zoom=0xD02A, SizeQualityMode=0xD02C, FlashMemory=0xD031, CameraModel=0xD032, CameraOwner=0xD033, UnixTime=0xD034, ViewfinderOutput=0xD036, RealImageWidth=0xD039, PhotoEffect=0xD040, AssistLight=0xD041, **product_properties ) def _OperationCode(self, **product_operations): return super(Canon, self)._OperationCode( GetObjectSize=0x9001, SetObjectArchive=0x9002, KeepDeviceOn=0x9003, LockDeviceUI=0x9004, UnlockDeviceUI=0x9005, GetObjectHandleByName=0x9006, InitiateReleaseControl=0x9008, TerminateReleaseControl=0x9009, TerminatePlaybackMode=0x900A, ViewfinderOn=0x900B, ViewfinderOff=0x900C, DoAeAfAwb=0x900D, GetCustomizeSpec=0x900E, GetCustomizeItemInfo=0x900F, GetCustomizeData=0x9010, SetCustomizeData=0x9011, GetCaptureStatus=0x9012, CheckEvent=0x9013, FocusLock=0x9014, FocusUnlock=0x9015, GetLocalReleaseParam=0x9016, SetLocalReleaseParam=0x9017, AskAboutPcEvf=0x9018, SendPartialObject=0x9019, InitiateCaptureInMemory=0x901A, GetPartialObjectEx=0x901B, SetObjectTime=0x901C, GetViewfinderImage=0x901D, GetObjectAttributes=0x901E, ChangeUSBProtocol=0x901F, GetChanges=0x9020, GetObjectInfoEx=0x9021, InitiateDirectTransfer=0x9022, TerminateDirectTransfer=0x9023, SendObjectInfoByPath=0x9024, SendObjectByPath=0x9025, InitiateDirectTansferEx=0x9026, GetAncillaryObjectHandles=0x9027, GetTreeInfo=0x9028, GetTreeSize=0x9029, NotifyProgress=0x902A, NotifyCancelAccepted=0x902B, GetDirectory=0x902D, SetPairingInfo=0x9030, GetPairingInfo=0x9031, DeletePairingInfo=0x9032, GetMACAddress=0x9033, SetDisplayMonitor=0x9034, PairingComplete=0x9035, GetWirelessMAXChannel=0x9036, EOSGetStorageIDs=0x9101, EOSGetStorageInfo=0x9102, EOSGetObjectInfo=0x9103, EOSGetObject=0x9104, EOSDeleteObject=0x9105, EOSFormatStore=0x9106, EOSGetPartialObject=0x9107, EOSGetDeviceInfoEx=0x9108, EOSGetObjectInfoEx=0x9109, EOSGetThumbEx=0x910A, EOSSendPartialObject=0x910B, EOSSetObjectAttributes=0x910C, EOSGetObjectTime=0x910D, EOSSetObjectTime=0x910E, EOSRemoteRelease=0x910F, EOSSetDevicePropValueEx=0x9110, EOSGetRemoteMode=0x9113, EOSSetRemoteMode=0x9114, EOSSetEventMode=0x9115, EOSGetEvent=0x9116, EOSTransferComplete=0x9117, EOSCancelTransfer=0x9118, EOSResetTransfer=0x9119, EOSPCHDDCapacity=0x911A, EOSSetUILock=0x911B, EOSResetUILock=0x911C, EOSKeepDeviceOn=0x911D, EOSSetNullPacketMode=0x911E, EOSUpdateFirmware=0x911F, EOSTransferCompleteDT=0x9120, EOSCancelTransferDT=0x9121, EOSSetWftProfile=0x9122, EOSGetWftProfile=0x9122, EOSSetProfileToWft=0x9124, EOSBulbStart=0x9125, EOSBulbEnd=0x9126, EOSRequestDevicePropValue=0x9127, EOSRemoteReleaseOn=0x9128, EOSRemoteReleaseOff=0x9129, EOSInitiateViewfinder=0x9151, EOSTerminateViewfinder=0x9152, EOSGetViewFinderImage=0x9153, EOSDoAf=0x9154, EOSDriveLens=0x9155, EOSDepthOfFieldPreview=0x9156, EOSClickWB=0x9157, EOSZoom=0x9158, EOSZoomPosition=0x9159, EOSSetLiveAfFrame=0x915a, EOSAfCancel=0x9160, EOSFAPIMessageTX=0x91FE, EOSFAPIMessageRX=0x91FF, **product_operations ) def _ObjectFormatCode(self, **product_object_formats): return super(Canon, self)._ObjectFormatCode( CRW=0xB101, CRW3=0xB103, MOV=0xB104, **product_object_formats ) def _ResponseCode(self, **product_responses): return super(Canon, self)._ResponseCode( **product_responses ) def _EventCode(self, **product_events): return super(Canon, self)._EventCode( CanonDeviceInfoChanged=0xC008, CanonRequestObjectTransfer=0xC009, CameraModeChanged=0xC00C, **product_events ) def _FilesystemType(self, **product_filesystem_types): return super(Canon, self)._FilesystemType( **product_filesystem_types ) def _EOSEventCode(self): '''Return desired endianness for Canon EOS event codes''' return Enum( self._UInt32, default=Pass, EmptyEvent=0x0000, RequestGetEvent=0xC101, ObjectAdded=0xC181, ObjectRemoved=0xC182, RequestGetObjectInfoEx=0xC183, StorageStatusChanged=0xC184, StorageInfoChanged=0xC185, RequestObjectTransfer=0xC186, ObjectInfoChangedEx=0xC187, ObjectContentChanged=0xC188, DevicePropChanged=0xC189, AvailListChanged=0xC18A, CameraStatusChanged=0xC18B, WillSoonShutdown=0xC18D, ShutdownTimerUpdated=0xC18E, RequestCancelTransfer=0xC18F, RequestObjectTransferDT=0xC190, RequestCancelTransferDT=0xC191, StoreAdded=0xC192, StoreRemoved=0xC193, BulbExposureTime=0xC194, RecordingTime=0xC195, InnerDevelopParam=0xC196, RequestObjectTransferDevelop=0xC197, GPSLogOutputProgress=0xC198, GPSLogOutputComplete=0xC199, TouchTrans=0xC19A, RequestObjectTransferExInfo=0xC19B, PowerZoomInfoChanged=0xC19D, RequestPushMode=0xC19F, RequestObjectTransferTS=0xC1A2, AfResult=0xC1A3, CTGInfoCheckComplete=0xC1A4, OLCInfoChanged=0xC1A5, ObjectAddedEx64=0xC1A7, ObjectInfoChangedEx64=0xC1A8, RequestObjectTransfer64=0xC1A9, RequestObjectTransferFTP64=0xC1AB, ImportFailed=0xC1AF, BlePairing=0xC1B0, RequestObjectTransferFTP=0xC1F1, Unknown=0xFFFF, ) def _EOSPropertyCode(self): '''Return desired endianness for Canon EOS property codes''' return Enum( self._UInt32, default=Pass, Aperture=0xD101, ShutterSpeed=0xD102, ISO=0xD103, ExposureCompensation=0xD104, ShootingMode=0xD105, DriveMode=0xD106, ExposureMeteringMode=0xD107, AutoFocusMode=0xD108, WhiteBalance=0xD109, ColorTemperature=0xD10A, WhiteBalanceAdjustA=0xD10B, WhiteBalanceAdjustB=0xD10C, WhiteBalanceXA=0xD10D, WhiteBalanceXB=0xD10E, ColorSpace=0xD10F, PictureStyle=0xD110, BatteryPower=0xD111, BatterySelect=0xD112, CameraTime=0xD113, AutoPowerOff=0xD114, Owner=0xD115, ModelID=0xD116, PTPExtensionVersion=0xD119, DPOFVersion=0xD11A, AvailableShots=0xD11B, CaptureDestination=0xD11C, BracketMode=0xD11D, CurrentStorage=0xD11E, CurrentFolder=0xD11F, ImageFormat=0xD120, ImageFormatCF=0xD121, ImageFormatSD=0xD122, ImageFormatHDD=0xD123, CompressionS=0xD130, CompressionM1=0xD131, CompressionM2=0xD132, CompressionL=0xD133, AEModeDial=0xD138, AEModeCustom=0xD139, MirrorUpSetting=0xD13A, HighlightTonePriority=0xD13B, AFSelectFocusArea=0xD13C, HDRSetting=0xD13D, PCWhiteBalance1=0xD140, PCWhiteBalance2=0xD141, PCWhiteBalance3=0xD142, PCWhiteBalance4=0xD143, PCWhiteBalance5=0xD144, MWhiteBalance=0xD145, MWhiteBalanceEx=0xD146, PictureStyleStandard=0xD150, PictureStylePortrait=0xD151, PictureStyleLandscape=0xD152, PictureStyleNeutral=0xD153, PictureStyleFaithful=0xD154, PictureStyleBlackWhite=0xD155, PictureStyleAuto=0xD156, PictureStyleUserSet1=0xD160, PictureStyleUserSet2=0xD161, PictureStyleUserSet3=0xD162, PictureStyleParam1=0xD170, PictureStyleParam2=0xD171, PictureStyleParam3=0xD172, HighISOSettingNoiseReduction=0xD178, MovieServoAF=0xD179, ContinuousAFValid=0xD17A, Attenuator=0xD17B, UTCTime=0xD17C, Timezone=0xD17D, Summertime=0xD17E, FlavorLUTParams=0xD17F, CustomFunc1=0xD180, CustomFunc2=0xD181, CustomFunc3=0xD182, CustomFunc4=0xD183, CustomFunc5=0xD184, CustomFunc6=0xD185, CustomFunc7=0xD186, CustomFunc8=0xD187, CustomFunc9=0xD188, CustomFunc10=0xD189, CustomFunc11=0xD18A, CustomFunc12=0xD18B, CustomFunc13=0xD18C, CustomFunc14=0xD18D, CustomFunc15=0xD18E, CustomFunc16=0xD18F, CustomFunc17=0xD190, CustomFunc18=0xD191, CustomFunc19=0xD192, InnerDevelop=0xD193, MultiAspect=0xD194, MovieSoundRecord=0xD195, MovieRecordVolume=0xD196, WindCut=0xD197, ExtenderType=0xD198, OLCInfoVersion=0xD199, CustomFuncEx=0xD1A0, MyMenu=0xD1A1, MyMenuList=0xD1A2, WftStatus=0xD1A3, WftInputTransmission=0xD1A4, HDDDirectoryStructure=0xD1A5, BatteryInfo=0xD1A6, AdapterInfo=0xD1A7, LensStatus=0xD1A8, QuickReviewTime=0xD1A9, CardExtension=0xD1AA, TempStatus=0xD1AB, ShutterCounter=0xD1AC, SpecialOption=0xD1AD, PhotoStudioMode=0xD1AE, SerialNumber=0xD1AF, EVFOutputDevice=0xD1B0, EVFMode=0xD1B1, DepthOfFieldPreview=0xD1B2, EVFSharpness=0xD1B3, EVFWBMode=0xD1B4, EVFClickWBCoeffs=0xD1B5, EVFColorTemp=0xD1B6, ExposureSimMode=0xD1B7, EVFRecordStatus=0xD1B8, LvAfSystem=0xD1BA, MovSize=0xD1BB, LvViewTypeSelect=0xD1BC, MirrorDownStatus=0xD1BD, MovieParam=0xD1BE, MirrorLockupState=0xD1BF, FlashChargingState=0xD1C0, AloMode=0xD1C1, FixedMovie=0xD1C2, OneShotRawOn=0xD1C3, ErrorForDisplay=0xD1C4, AEModeMovie=0xD1C5, BuiltinStroboMode=0xD1C6, StroboDispState=0xD1C7, StroboETTL2Metering=0xD1C8, ContinousAFMode=0xD1C9, MovieParam2=0xD1CA, StroboSettingExpComposition=0xD1CB, MovieParam3=0xD1CC, LVMedicalRotate=0xD1CF, Artist=0xD1D0, Copyright=0xD1D1, BracketValue=0xD1D2, FocusInfoEx=0xD1D3, DepthOfField=0xD1D4, Brightness=0xD1D5, LensAdjustParams=0xD1D6, EFComp=0xD1D7, LensName=0xD1D8, AEB=0xD1D9, StroboSetting=0xD1DA, StroboWirelessSetting=0xD1DB, StroboFiring=0xD1DC, LensID=0xD1DD, LCDBrightness=0xD1DE, CADarkBright=0xD1DF, ) def _EOSEventRecords(self): '''Return desired endianness for EOS Event Records constructor''' return Range( # The dataphase can be about as long as a 32 bit unsigned int. 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, self._EOSEventRecord ) def _EOSEventRecord(self): '''Return desired endianness for a single EOS Event Record''' return Struct( 'Bytes' / self._UInt32, Embedded(Struct( 'EventCode' / self._EOSEventCode, 'Record' / Switch( lambda ctx: ctx.EventCode, { 'AvailListChanged': Embedded(Struct( 'PropertyCode' / self._EOSPropertyCode, 'Enumeration' / Array( # TODO: Verify if this is actually an # enumeration. lambda ctx: ctx._._.Bytes - 12, self._UInt8 ) )), 'DevicePropChanged': Embedded(Struct( 'PropertyCode' / self._EOSPropertyCode, 'DataTypeCode' / Computed( lambda ctx: self._EOSDataTypeCode[ctx.PropertyCode] ), 'Value' / Switch( lambda ctx: ctx.DataTypeCode, { None: Array( lambda ctx: ctx._._.Bytes - 12, self._UInt8 ) }, default=self._DataType ), )), # TODO: 'EmptyEvent', # TODO: 'RequestGetEvent', # TODO: 'ObjectAdded', # TODO: 'ObjectRemoved', # TODO: 'RequestGetObjectInfoEx', # TODO: 'StorageStatusChanged', # TODO: 'StorageInfoChanged', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransfer', # TODO: 'ObjectInfoChangedEx', # TODO: 'ObjectContentChanged', # TODO: 'DevicePropChanged', # TODO: 'AvailListChanged', # TODO: 'CameraStatusChanged', # TODO: 'WillSoonShutdown', # TODO: 'ShutdownTimerUpdated', # TODO: 'RequestCancelTransfer', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferDT', # TODO: 'RequestCancelTransferDT', # TODO: 'StoreAdded', # TODO: 'StoreRemoved', # TODO: 'BulbExposureTime', # TODO: 'RecordingTime', # TODO: 'InnerDevelopParam', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferDevelop', # TODO: 'GPSLogOutputProgress', # TODO: 'GPSLogOutputComplete', # TODO: 'TouchTrans', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferExInfo', # TODO: 'PowerZoomInfoChanged', # TODO: 'RequestPushMode', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferTS', # TODO: 'AfResult', # TODO: 'CTGInfoCheckComplete', # TODO: 'OLCInfoChanged', # TODO: 'ObjectAddedEx64', # TODO: 'ObjectInfoChangedEx64', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransfer64', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferFTP64', # TODO: 'ImportFailed', # TODO: 'BlePairing', # TODO: 'RequestObjectTransferFTP', # TODO: 'Unknown', }, default=Array( lambda ctx: ctx._.Bytes - 8, self._UInt8 ) ) )) ) def _EOSDeviceInfo(self): return Struct( 'EventsSupported' / PrefixedArray( self._UInt32, self._EOSEventCode ), 'DevicePropertiesSupported' / PrefixedArray( self._UInt32, self._EOSPropertyCode ), 'TODO' / PrefixedArray( self._UInt32, self._UInt32 ), ) # TODO: Decode Canon specific events and properties. def _set_endian(self, endian): logger.debug('Set Canon endianness') super(Canon, self)._set_endian(endian, explicit=True) self._EOSPropertyCode = self._EOSPropertyCode() self._EOSEventCode = self._EOSEventCode() self._EOSImageSize = self._EOSImageSize() self._EOSImageType = self._EOSImageType() self._EOSImageCompression = self._EOSImageCompression() self._EOSImageFormat = self._EOSImageFormat() self._EOSEventRecord = self._EOSEventRecord() self._EOSEventRecords = self._EOSEventRecords() super(Canon, self)._set_endian(endian, explicit=False) # TODO: implement GetObjectSize # TODO: implement SetObjectArchive def keep_device_on(self): '''Ping non EOS camera so it stays ON''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='KeepDeviceOn', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement LockDeviceUI # TODO: implement UnlockDeviceUI # TODO: implement GetObjectHandleByName # TODO: implement InitiateReleaseControl # TODO: implement TerminateReleaseControl # TODO: implement TerminatePlaybackMode # TODO: implement ViewfinderOn # TODO: implement ViewfinderOff # TODO: implement DoAeAfAwb # TODO: implement GetCustomizeSpec # TODO: implement GetCustomizeItemInfo # TODO: implement GetCustomizeData # TODO: implement SetCustomizeData # TODO: implement GetCaptureStatus # TODO: implement CheckEvent # TODO: implement FocusLock # TODO: implement FocusUnlock # TODO: implement GetLocalReleaseParam # TODO: implement SetLocalReleaseParam # TODO: implement AskAboutPcEvf # TODO: implement SendPartialObject # TODO: implement InitiateCaptureInMemory # TODO: implement GetPartialObjectEx # TODO: implement SetObjectTime # TODO: implement GetViewfinderImage # TODO: implement GetObjectAttributes # TODO: implement ChangeUSBProtocol # TODO: implement GetChanges # TODO: implement GetObjectInfoEx # TODO: implement InitiateDirectTransfer # TODO: implement TerminateDirectTransfer # TODO: implement SendObjectInfoByPath # TODO: implement SendObjectByPath # TODO: implement InitiateDirectTansferEx # TODO: implement GetAncillaryObjectHandles # TODO: implement GetTreeInfo # TODO: implement GetTreeSize # TODO: implement NotifyProgress # TODO: implement NotifyCancelAccepted # TODO: implement GetDirectory # TODO: implement SetPairingInfo # TODO: implement GetPairingInfo # TODO: implement DeletePairingInfo # TODO: implement GetMACAddress # TODO: implement SetDisplayMonitor # TODO: implement PairingComplete # TODO: implement GetWirelessMAXChannel # TODO: implement EOSGetStorageIDs # TODO: implement EOSGetStorageInfo # TODO: implement EOSGetObjectInfo # TODO: implement EOSGetObject # TODO: implement EOSDeleteObject # TODO: implement EOSFormatStore # TODO: implement EOSGetPartialObject # TODO: implement EOSGetDeviceInfoEx def eos_get_device_info(self): '''Get EOS camera device information''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSGetDeviceInfoEx', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[0x00100000] ) response = self.recv(ptp) return self._parse_if_data(response, self._EOSDeviceInfo) # TODO: implement EOSGetObjectInfoEx # TODO: implement EOSGetThumbEx # TODO: implement EOSSendPartialObject # TODO: implement EOSSetObjectAttributes # TODO: implement EOSGetObjectTime # TODO: implement EOSSetObjectTime def eos_remote_release(self): '''Release shutter remotely on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSRemoteRelease', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSSetDevicePropValueEx # TODO: implement EOSGetRemoteMode def eos_set_remote_mode(self, mode): '''Set remote mode on EOS cameras''' # TODO: Add automatic translation of remote mode codes and names. code = mode ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSSetRemoteMode', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[code] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_event_mode(self, mode): '''Set event mode on EOS cameras''' # Canon extension uses this to enrich the events returned by the camera # as well as allowing for polling at the convenience of the initiator. # TODO: Add automatic translation of event mode codes and names. code = mode ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSSetEventMode', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[code] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_get_event(self): '''Poll EOS camera for EOS events''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSGetEvent', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.recv(ptp) return self._parse_if_data(response, self._EOSEventRecords) def eos_transfer_complete(self, handle): '''Terminate a transfer for EOS Cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSTransferComplete', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[handle] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSCancelTransfer # TODO: implement EOSResetTransfer def eos_pc_hdd_capacity(self, todo0=0xfffffff8, todo1=0x1000, todo2=0x1): '''Tell EOS camera about PC hard drive capacity''' # TODO: Figure out what to send exactly. ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSPCHDDCapacity', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[todo0, todo1, todo2] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_set_ui_lock(self): '''Lock user interface on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSSetUILock', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_reset_ui_lock(self): '''Unlock user interface on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSResetUILock', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_keep_device_on(self): '''Ping EOS camera so it stays ON''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSKeepDeviceOn', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSSetNullPacketMode # TODO: implement EOSUpdateFirmware # TODO: implement EOSTransferCompleteDT # TODO: implement EOSCancelTransferDT # TODO: implement EOSSetWftProfile # TODO: implement EOSGetWftProfile # TODO: implement EOSSetProfileToWft # TODO: implement method convenience method for bulb captures def eos_bulb_start(self): '''Begin bulb capture on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSBulbStart', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_bulb_end(self): '''End bulb capture on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSBulbEnd', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_request_device_prop_value(self, device_property): '''End bulb capture on EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSRequestDevicePropValue', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[device_property] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_remote_release_on(self, full=False, m=False, x=0): ''' Remote control shutter press for EOS cameras This is the equivalent of pressing the shutter button: all the way in if `full` or half-way otherwise. For Canon EOS M, there is only full press with a special argument. ''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSRemoteReleaseOn', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, # TODO: figure out what x means. Parameter=[0x3 if m else (0x2 if full else 0x1), x] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_remote_release_off(self, full=False, m=False): ''' Remote control shutter release for EOS cameras This is the equivalent of releasing the shutter button: from all the way in if `full` or from half-way otherwise. For Canon EOS M, there is only full press with a special argument. ''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSRemoteReleaseOff', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[0x3 if m else (0x2 if full else 0x1)] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSInitiateViewfinder # TODO: implement EOSTerminateViewfinder # TODO: implement EOSGetViewFinderImage def eos_get_viewfinder_image(self): '''Get viefinder image for EOS cameras''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSGetViewFinderImage', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, # TODO: Find out what this parameter does. Parameter=[0x00100000] ) return self.recv(ptp) def eos_do_af(self): '''Perform auto-focus with AF lenses set to AF''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSDoAf', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response def eos_drive_lens(self, infinity=True, step=2): ''' Drive lens focus on EOS cameras with an auto-focus lens on. `step` lies in the interval [-3, 3]. Its sign reverses the infinity argument. If `infinity` is `True`, the focal plane is driven away from the camera with the given step. The magnitude of `step` is qualitatively `1` for "fine", `2` for "normal" and `3` for "coarse". ''' if step not in range(-3, 4): raise ValueError( 'The step must be within [-3, 3].' ) infinity = not infinity if step < 0 else infinity step = -step if step < 0 else step instruction = 0x8000 if infinity else 0x0000 instruction |= step ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSDriveLens', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[instruction] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSDepthOfFieldPreview # TODO: implement EOSClickWB # TODO: implement EOSZoom # TODO: implement EOSZoomPosition # TODO: implement EOSSetLiveAfFrame def eos_af_cancel(self): '''Stop driving AF on EOS cameras.''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='EOSAfCancel', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.mesg(ptp) return response # TODO: implement EOSFAPIMessageTX # TODO: implement EOSFAPIMessageRX def event(self, wait=False): '''Check Canon or PTP events If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' # TODO: Do something reasonable on wait=True evt = None timeout = None if wait else 0.001 # TODO: Join queues to preserve order of Canon and PTP events. if not self.__event_queue.empty(): evt = self.__event_queue.get(block=not wait, timeout=timeout) else: evt = super(Canon, self).event(wait=wait) return evt def __eos_poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' while not self.__eos_event_shutdown.is_set() and _main_thread_alive(): try: evts = self.eos_get_event() if evts: for evt in evts: logger.debug('Event queued') logger.debug(evt) self.__event_queue.put(evt) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) sleep(0.2) self.__eos_event_shutdown.clear()
class IPTransport(object): '''Implement IP transport.''' def __init__(self, device=None): '''Instantiate the first available PTP device over IP''' self.__setup_constructors() logger.debug('Init IP') self.__dev = device if device is None: raise NotImplementedError( 'IP discovery not implemented. Please provide a device.' ) self.__device = device # Signal usable implicit session self.__implicit_session_open = Event() # Signal implicit session is shutting down self.__implicit_session_shutdown = Event() self.__check_session_lock = Lock() self.__transaction_lock = Lock() self.__event_queue = Queue() atexit.register(self._shutdown) def _shutdown(self): try: self.__close_implicit_session() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) @contextmanager def __implicit_session(self): '''Manage implicit sessions with responder''' # There is now an implicit session self.__check_session_lock.acquire() if not self.__implicit_session_open.is_set(): try: self.__open_implicit_session() self.__check_session_lock.release() yield except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise PTPError('Failed to open PTP/IP implicit session') finally: if self.__implicit_session_open.is_set(): self.__close_implicit_session() if self.__check_session_lock.locked(): self.__check_session_lock.release() else: self.__check_session_lock.release() yield def __open_implicit_session(self): '''Establish implicit session with responder''' self.__implicit_session_shutdown.clear() # Establish Command and Event connections if type(self.__device) is tuple: host, port = self.__device self.__setup_connection(host, port) else: self.__setup_connection(self.__device) self.__implicit_session_open.set() # Prepare Event and Probe threads self.__event_proc = Thread( name='EvtPolling', target=self.__poll_events ) self.__event_proc.daemon = False self.__ping_pong_proc = Thread( name='PingPong', target=self.__ping_pong ) self.__ping_pong_proc.daemon = False # Launch Event and Probe threads self.__event_proc.start() self.__ping_pong_proc.start() def __close_implicit_session(self): '''Terminate implicit session with responder''' self.__implicit_session_shutdown.set() if not self.__implicit_session_open.is_set(): return # Only join running threads. if self.__event_proc.is_alive(): self.__event_proc.join(2) if self.__ping_pong_proc.is_alive(): self.__ping_pong_proc.join(2) logger.debug('Close connections for {}'.format(repr(self.__dev))) try: self.__evtcon.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == 107: pass else: raise e try: self.__cmdcon.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == 107: pass else: raise e self.__evtcon.close() self.__cmdcon.close() self.__implicit_session_open.clear() def __setup_connection(self, host=None, port=15740): '''Establish a PTP/IP session for a given host''' logger.debug( 'Establishing PTP/IP connection with {}:{}' .format(host, port) ) socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) hdrlen = self.__Header.sizeof() # Command Connection Establishment self.__cmdcon = create_connection((host, port)) # Send InitCommand # TODO: Allow users to identify as an arbitrary initiator. init_cmd_req_payload = Container( InitiatorGUID=16*[0xFF], InitiatorFriendlyName='PTPy', InitiatorProtocolVersion=Container( Major=100, Minor=000, ), )) init_cmd_req = Container( Type='InitCommand', Payload=init_cmd_req_payload, ) ) actual_socket(self.__cmdcon).sendall(init_cmd_req) # Get ACK/NACK init_cmd_req_rsp = actual_socket(self.__cmdcon).recv(72) init_cmd_rsp_hdr = self.__Header.parse( init_cmd_req_rsp[0:hdrlen] ) if init_cmd_rsp_hdr.Type == 'InitCommandAck': cmd_ack = self.__InitCommandACK.parse(init_cmd_req_rsp[hdrlen:]) logger.debug( 'Command connection ({}) established' .format(cmd_ack.ConnectionNumber) ) elif init_cmd_rsp_hdr.Type == 'InitFail': cmd_nack = self.__InitFail.parse(init_cmd_req_rsp[hdrlen:]) msg = 'InitCommand failed, Reason: {}'.format( cmd_nack ) logger.error(msg) raise PTPError(msg) else: msg = 'Unexpected response Type to InitCommand : {}'.format( init_cmd_rsp_hdr.Type ) logger.error(msg) raise PTPError(msg) # Event Connection Establishment self.__evtcon = create_connection((host, port)) self.__evtcon.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.__evtcon.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Send InitEvent payload = ConnectionNumber=cmd_ack.ConnectionNumber, )) evt_req = Container( Type='InitEvent', Payload=payload, ) ) actual_socket(self.__evtcon).sendall(evt_req) # Get ACK/NACK init_evt_req_rsp = actual_socket(self.__evtcon).recv( hdrlen + self.__InitFail.sizeof() ) init_evt_rsp_hdr = self.__Header.parse( init_evt_req_rsp[0:hdrlen] ) if init_evt_rsp_hdr.Type == 'InitEventAck': logger.debug( 'Event connection ({}) established' .format(cmd_ack.ConnectionNumber) ) elif init_evt_rsp_hdr.Type == 'InitFail': evt_nack = self.__InitFail.parse(init_evt_req_rsp[hdrlen:]) msg = 'InitEvent failed, Reason: {}'.format( evt_nack ) logger.error(msg) raise PTPError(msg) else: msg = 'Unexpected response Type to InitEvent : {}'.format( init_evt_rsp_hdr.Type ) logger.error(msg) raise PTPError(msg) # Helper methods. # --------------------- def __setup_constructors(self): '''Set endianness and create transport-specific constructors.''' # Set endianness of constructors before using them. self._set_endian('little') self.__Length = Int32ul self.__Type = Enum( Int32ul, Undefined=0x00000000, InitCommand=0x00000001, InitCommandAck=0x00000002, InitEvent=0x00000003, InitEventAck=0x00000004, InitFail=0x00000005, Command=0x00000006, Response=0x00000007, Event=0x00000008, StartData=0x00000009, Data=0x0000000A, Cancel=0x0000000B, EndData=0x0000000C, Ping=0x0000000D, Pong=0x0000000E, ) self.__Header = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, ) self.__Param = Range(0, 5, self._Parameter) self.__EventParam = Range(0, 3, self._Parameter) self.__PacketBase = Struct( Embedded(self.__Header), 'Payload' / Bytes( lambda ctx, h=self.__Header: ctx.Length - h.sizeof()), ) self.__Packet = ExprAdapter( self.__PacketBase, encoder=lambda obj, ctx, h=self.__Header: Container( Length=len(obj.Payload) + h.sizeof(), **obj ), decoder=lambda obj, ctx: obj, ) # Yet another arbitrary string type. Max-length CString utf8-encoded self.__PTPIPString = ExprAdapter( RepeatUntil( lambda obj, ctx, lst: six.unichr(obj) in '\x00' or len(lst) == 40, Int16ul ), encoder=lambda obj, ctx: [] if len(obj) == 0 else[ord(c) for c in six.text_type(obj)]+[0], decoder=lambda obj, ctx: u''.join( [six.unichr(o) for o in obj] ).split('\x00')[0], ) # PTP/IP packets # Command self.__ProtocolVersion = Struct( 'Major' / Int16ul, 'Minor' / Int16ul, ) self.__InitCommand = Embedded(Struct( 'InitiatorGUID' / Array(16, Int8ul), 'InitiatorFriendlyName' / self.__PTPIPString, 'InitiatorProtocolVersion' / self.__ProtocolVersion, )) self.__InitCommandACK = Embedded(Struct( 'ConnectionNumber' / Int32ul, 'ResponderGUID' / Array(16, Int8ul), 'ResponderFriendlyName' / self.__PTPIPString, 'ResponderProtocolVersion' / self.__ProtocolVersion, )) # Event self.__InitEvent = Embedded(Struct( 'ConnectionNumber' / Int32ul, )) # Common to Events and Command requests self.__Reason = Enum( # TODO: Verify these codes... Int32ul, Undefined=0x0000, RejectedInitiator=0x0001, Busy=0x0002, Unspecified=0x0003, ) self.__InitFail = Embedded(Struct( 'Reason' / self.__Reason, )) self.__DataphaseInfo = Enum( Int32ul, Undefined=0x00000000, In=0x00000001, Out=0x00000002, ) self.__Command = Embedded(Struct( 'DataphaseInfo' / self.__DataphaseInfo, 'OperationCode' / self._OperationCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'Parameter' / self.__Param, )) self.__Response = Embedded(Struct( 'ResponseCode' / self._ResponseCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'Parameter' / self.__Param, )) self.__Event = Embedded(Struct( 'EventCode' / self._EventCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'Parameter' / self.__EventParam, )) self.__StartData = Embedded(Struct( 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'TotalDataLength' / Int64ul, )) # TODO: Fix packing and unpacking dataphase data self.__Data = Embedded(Struct( 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'Data' / Bytes( lambda ctx: ctx._.Length - self.__Header.sizeof() - self._TransactionID.sizeof() ), )) self.__EndData = Embedded(Struct( 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, 'Data' / Bytes( lambda ctx: ctx._.Length - self.__Header.sizeof() - self._TransactionID.sizeof() ), )) self.__Cancel = Embedded(Struct( 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, )) # Convenience construct for parsing packets self.__PacketPayload = Debugger(Struct( 'Header' / Embedded(self.__Header), 'Payload' / Embedded(Switch( lambda ctx: ctx.Type, { 'InitCommand': self.__InitCommand, 'InitCommandAck': self.__InitCommandACK, 'InitEvent': self.__InitEvent, 'InitFail': self.__InitFail, 'Command': self.__Command, 'Response': self.__Response, 'Event': self.__Event, 'StartData': self.__StartData, 'Data': self.__Data, 'EndData': self.__EndData, }, default=Pass, )) )) def __parse_response(self, ipdata): '''Helper method for parsing data.''' # Build up container with all PTP info. response = self.__PacketPayload.parse(ipdata) # Sneak in an implicit Session ID response['SessionID'] = self.session_id return response def __recv(self, event=False, wait=False, raw=False): '''Helper method for receiving packets.''' hdrlen = self.__Header.sizeof() with self.__implicit_session(): ip = ( actual_socket(self.__evtcon) if event else actual_socket(self.__cmdcon) ) data = bytes() while True: try: ipdata = ip.recv(hdrlen) except socket.timeout: if event: return None else: ipdata = ip.recv(hdrlen) if len(ipdata) == 0 and not event: raise PTPError('Command connection dropped') elif event: return None # Read a single entire header while len(ipdata) < hdrlen: ipdata += ip.recv(hdrlen - len(ipdata)) header = self.__Header.parse( ipdata[0:hdrlen] ) # Read a single entire packet while len(ipdata) < header.Length: ipdata += ip.recv(header.Length - len(ipdata)) # Run sanity checks. if header.Type not in [ 'Cancel', 'Data', 'Event', 'Response', 'StartData', 'EndData', ]: raise PTPError( 'Unexpected PTP/IP packet type {}' .format(header.Type) ) if header.Type not in ['StartData', 'Data', 'EndData']: break else: response = self.__parse_response(ipdata) if header.Type == 'StartData': expected = response.TotalDataLength current_transaction = response.TransactionID elif ( header.Type == 'Data' and response.TransactionID == current_transaction ): data += response.Data elif ( header.Type == 'EndData' and response.TransactionID == current_transaction ): data += response.Data datalen = len(data) if datalen != expected: logger.warning( '{} data than expected {}/{}' .format( 'More' if datalen > expected else 'Less', datalen, expected ) ) response['Data'] = data response['Type'] = 'Data' return response if raw: # TODO: Deal with raw Data packets?? return ipdata else: return self.__parse_response(ipdata) def __send(self, ptp_container, event=False): '''Helper method for sending packets.''' packet = ip = ( actual_socket(self.__evtcon) if event else actual_socket(self.__cmdcon) ) while ip.sendall(packet) is not None: logger.debug('Failed to send {} packet'.format(ptp_container.Type)) def __send_request(self, ptp_container): '''Send PTP request without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Send unused parameters always ptp['Parameter'] += [0] * (5 - len(ptp.Parameter)) # Send request ptp['Type'] = 'Command' ptp['DataphaseInfo'] = 'In' ptp['Payload'] = self.__send(ptp) def __send_data(self, ptp_container, data): '''Send data without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Send data ptp['Type'] = 'Data' ptp['DataphaseInfo'] = 'Out' ptp['Payload'] = data self.__send(ptp) # Actual implementation # --------------------- def send(self, ptp_container, data): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from initiator to responder''' logger.debug('SEND {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) with self.__implicit_session(): with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) self.__send_data(ptp_container, data) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing # parameters. return self.__recv() def recv(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from responder to initiator.''' logger.debug('RECV {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) with self.__implicit_session(): with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) dataphase = self.__recv() if hasattr(dataphase, 'Data'): response = self.__recv() if ( (ptp_container.TransactionID != dataphase.TransactionID) or (ptp_container.SessionID != dataphase.SessionID) or (dataphase.TransactionID != response.TransactionID) or (dataphase.SessionID != response.SessionID) ): raise PTPError( 'Dataphase does not match with requested operation' ) response['Data'] = dataphase.Data return response else: return dataphase def mesg(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation without dataphase.''' op = ptp_container['OperationCode'] if op == 'OpenSession': self.__open_implicit_session() with self.__implicit_session(): with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing # parameters for FullResponse. response = self.__recv() rc = response['ResponseCode'] if op == 'OpenSession': if rc != 'OK': self.__close_implicit_session() elif op == 'CloseSession': if rc == 'OK': self.__close_implicit_session() return response def event(self, wait=False): '''Check event. If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' evt = None ipdata = None timeout = None if wait else 0.001 if not self.__event_queue.empty(): ipdata = self.__event_queue.get(block=not wait, timeout=timeout) if ipdata is not None: evt = self.__parse_response(ipdata) return evt def __poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' logger.debug('Start') while ( not self.__implicit_session_shutdown.is_set() and self.__implicit_session_open.is_set() and _main_thread_alive() ): try: evt = self.__recv(event=True, wait=False, raw=True) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 9 and not self.__implicit_session_open.is_set(): break else: raise e if evt is not None: logger.debug('Event queued') self.__event_queue.put(evt) sleep(5e-3) logger.debug('Stop') def __ping_pong(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' logger.debug('Start') last = time() while ( not self.__implicit_session_shutdown.is_set() and self.__implicit_session_open.is_set() and _main_thread_alive() ): if time() - last > 10: logger.debug('PING') # TODO: implement Ping Pong last = time() sleep(0.10) logger.debug('Stop')
class USBTransport(object): '''Implement USB transport.''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): device = kwargs.get('device', None) '''Instantiate the first available PTP device over USB''' logger.debug('Init USB') self.__setup_constructors() # If no device is specified, find all devices claiming to be Cameras # and get the USB endpoints for the first one that works. if device is None: logger.debug('No device provided, probing all USB devices.') if isinstance(device, six.string_types): name = device logger.debug( 'Device name provided, probing all USB devices for {}.' .format(name) ) device = None else: name = None devs = ( [device] if (device is not None) else find_usb_cameras(name=name) ) self.__claimed = False self.__acquire_camera(devs) self.__event_queue = Queue() self.__event_shutdown = Event() # Locks for different end points. self.__inep_lock = RLock() self.__intep_lock = RLock() self.__outep_lock = RLock() # Slightly redundant transaction lock to avoid catching other request's # response self.__transaction_lock = RLock() self.__event_proc = Thread( name='EvtPolling', target=self.__poll_events ) self.__event_proc.daemon = False atexit.register(self._shutdown) self.__event_proc.start() def __available_cameras(self, devs): for dev in devs: if self.__setup_device(dev): logger.debug('Found USB PTP device {}'.format(dev)) yield else: message = 'No USB PTP device found.' logger.error(message) raise PTPError(message) def __acquire_camera(self, devs): '''From the cameras given, get the first one that does not fail''' for _ in self.__available_cameras(devs): # Stop system drivers try: if self.__dev.is_kernel_driver_active( self.__intf.bInterfaceNumber): try: self.__dev.detach_kernel_driver( self.__intf.bInterfaceNumber) except usb.core.USBError: message = ( 'Could not detach kernel driver. ' 'Maybe the camera is mounted?' ) logger.error(message) except NotImplementedError as e: logger.debug('Ignoring unimplemented function: {}'.format(e)) # Claim camera try: logger.debug('Claiming {}'.format(repr(self.__dev))) usb.util.claim_interface(self.__dev, self.__intf) self.__claimed = True except Exception as e: logger.warn('Failed to claim PTP device: {}'.format(e)) continue self.__dev.reset() break else: message = ( 'Could not acquire any camera.' ) logger.error(message) raise PTPError(message) def _shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutdown request') self.__event_shutdown.set() # Free USB resource on shutdown. # Only join a running thread. if self.__event_proc.is_alive(): self.__event_proc.join(2) try: if self.__claimed: logger.debug('Release {}'.format(repr(self.__dev))) usb.util.release_interface(self.__dev, self.__intf) except Exception as e: logger.warn(e) # Helper methods. # --------------------- def __setup_device(self, dev): '''Get endpoints for a device. True on success.''' self.__inep = None self.__outep = None self.__intep = None self.__cfg = None self.__dev = None self.__intf = None # Attempt to find the USB in, out and interrupt endpoints for a PTP # interface. for cfg in dev: for intf in cfg: if intf.bInterfaceClass == PTP_USB_CLASS: for ep in intf: ep_type = endpoint_type(ep.bmAttributes) ep_dir = endpoint_direction(ep.bEndpointAddress) if ep_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK: if ep_dir == ENDPOINT_IN: self.__inep = ep elif ep_dir == ENDPOINT_OUT: self.__outep = ep elif ((ep_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTR) and (ep_dir == ENDPOINT_IN)): self.__intep = ep if not (self.__inep and self.__outep and self.__intep): self.__inep = None self.__outep = None self.__intep = None else: logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__inep))) logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__outep))) logger.debug('Found {}'.format(repr(self.__intep))) self.__cfg = cfg self.__dev = dev self.__intf = intf return True return False def __setup_constructors(self): '''Set endianness and create transport-specific constructors.''' # Set endianness of constructors before using them. self._set_endian('little') self.__Length = Int32ul self.__Type = Enum( Int16ul, default=Pass, Undefined=0x0000, Command=0x0001, Data=0x0002, Response=0x0003, Event=0x0004, ) # This is just a convenience constructor to get the size of a header. self.__Code = Int16ul self.__Header = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'Code' / self.__Code, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) # These are the actual constructors for parsing and building. self.__CommandHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'OperationCode' / self._OperationCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) self.__ResponseHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'ResponseCode' / self._ResponseCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) self.__EventHeader = Struct( 'Length' / self.__Length, 'Type' / self.__Type, 'EventCode' / self._EventCode, 'TransactionID' / self._TransactionID, ) # Apparently nobody uses the SessionID field. Even though it is # specified in ISO15740:2013(E), no device respects it and the session # number is implicit over USB. self.__Param = Range(0, 5, self._Parameter) self.__CommandTransactionBase = Struct( Embedded(self.__CommandHeader), 'Payload' / Bytes( lambda ctx, h=self.__Header: ctx.Length - h.sizeof() ) ) self.__CommandTransaction = ExprAdapter( self.__CommandTransactionBase, encoder=lambda obj, ctx, h=self.__Header: Container( Length=len(obj.Payload) + h.sizeof(), **obj ), decoder=lambda obj, ctx: obj, ) self.__ResponseTransactionBase = Struct( Embedded(self.__ResponseHeader), 'Payload' / Bytes( lambda ctx, h=self.__Header: ctx.Length - h.sizeof()) ) self.__ResponseTransaction = ExprAdapter( self.__ResponseTransactionBase, encoder=lambda obj, ctx, h=self.__Header: Container( Length=len(obj.Payload) + h.sizeof(), **obj ), decoder=lambda obj, ctx: obj, ) def __parse_response(self, usbdata): '''Helper method for parsing USB data.''' # Build up container with all PTP info. logger.debug('Transaction:') usbdata = bytearray(usbdata) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for l in hexdump( six.binary_type(usbdata[:512]), result='generator' ): logger.debug(l) transaction = self.__ResponseTransaction.parse(usbdata) response = Container( SessionID=self.session_id, TransactionID=transaction.TransactionID, ) logger.debug('Interpreting {} transaction'.format(transaction.Type)) if transaction.Type == 'Response': response['ResponseCode'] = transaction.ResponseCode response['Parameter'] = self.__Param.parse(transaction.Payload) elif transaction.Type == 'Event': event = self.__EventHeader.parse( usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()] ) response['EventCode'] = event.EventCode response['Parameter'] = self.__Param.parse(transaction.Payload) else: command = self.__CommandHeader.parse( usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()] ) response['OperationCode'] = command.OperationCode response['Data'] = transaction.Payload return response def __recv(self, event=False, wait=False, raw=False): '''Helper method for receiving data.''' # TODO: clear stalls automatically ep = self.__intep if event else self.__inep lock = self.__intep_lock if event else self.__inep_lock usbdata = array.array('B', []) with lock: tries = 0 # Attempt to read a header while len(usbdata) < self.__Header.sizeof() and tries < 5: if tries > 0: logger.debug('Data smaller than a header') logger.debug( 'Requesting {} bytes of data' .format(ep.wMaxPacketSize) ) try: usbdata += ep.wMaxPacketSize ) except usb.core.USBError as e: # Return None on timeout or busy for events if ( (e.errno is None and ('timeout' in e.strerror.decode() or 'busy' in e.strerror.decode())) or (e.errno == 110 or e.errno == 16 or e.errno == 5) ): if event: return None else: logger.warning('Ignored exception: {}'.format(e)) else: logger.error(e) raise e tries += 1 logger.debug('Read {} bytes of data'.format(len(usbdata))) if len(usbdata) == 0: if event: return None else: raise PTPError('Empty USB read') if ( logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and len(usbdata) < self.__Header.sizeof() ): logger.debug('Incomplete header') for l in hexdump( six.binary_type(bytearray(usbdata)), result='generator' ): logger.debug(l) header = self.__ResponseHeader.parse( bytearray(usbdata[0:self.__Header.sizeof()]) ) if header.Type not in ['Response', 'Data', 'Event']: raise PTPError( 'Unexpected USB transfer type. ' 'Expected Response, Event or Data but received {}' .format(header.Type) ) while len(usbdata) < header.Length: usbdata += min( header.Length - len(usbdata), # Up to 64kB 64 * 2**10 ) ) if raw: return usbdata else: return self.__parse_response(usbdata) def __send(self, ptp_container, event=False): '''Helper method for sending data.''' ep = self.__intep if event else self.__outep lock = self.__intep_lock if event else self.__outep_lock transaction = with lock: try: sent = 0 while sent < len(transaction): sent = ep.write( # Up to 64kB transaction[sent:(sent + 64*2**10)] ) except usb.core.USBError as e: # Ignore timeout or busy device once. if ( (e.errno is None and ('timeout' in e.strerror.decode() or 'busy' in e.strerror.decode())) or (e.errno == 110 or e.errno == 16 or e.errno == 5) ): logger.warning('Ignored USBError {}'.format(e.errno)) ep.write(transaction) def __send_request(self, ptp_container): '''Send PTP request without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Don't send unused parameters try: while not ptp.Parameter[-1]: ptp.Parameter.pop() if len(ptp.Parameter) == 0: break except IndexError: # The Parameter list is already empty. pass # Send request ptp['Type'] = 'Command' ptp['Payload'] = self.__send(ptp) def __send_data(self, ptp_container, data): '''Send data without checking answer.''' # Don't modify original container to keep abstraction barrier. ptp = Container(**ptp_container) # Send data ptp['Type'] = 'Data' ptp['Payload'] = data self.__send(ptp) @property def _dev(self): return None if self.__event_shutdown.is_set() else self.__dev @_dev.setter def _dev(self, value): raise ValueError('Read-only property') # Actual implementation # --------------------- def send(self, ptp_container, data): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from initiator to responder''' datalen = len(data) logger.debug('SEND {} {} bytes{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, datalen, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) self.__send_data(ptp_container, data) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing # parameters. response = self.__recv() logger.debug('SEND {} {} bytes {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, datalen, response.ResponseCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) return response def recv(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation with dataphase from responder to initiator.''' logger.debug('RECV {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) dataphase = self.__recv() if hasattr(dataphase, 'Data'): response = self.__recv() if not (ptp_container.SessionID == dataphase.SessionID == response.SessionID): self.__dev.reset() raise PTPError( 'Dataphase session ID missmatch: {}, {}, {}.' .format( ptp_container.SessionID, dataphase.SessionID, response.SessionID ) ) if not (ptp_container.TransactionID == dataphase.TransactionID == response.TransactionID): self.__dev.reset() raise PTPError( 'Dataphase transaction ID missmatch: {}, {}, {}.' .format( ptp_container.TransactionID, dataphase.TransactionID, response.TransactionID ) ) if not (ptp_container.OperationCode == dataphase.OperationCode): self.__dev.reset() raise PTPError( 'Dataphase operation code missmatch: {}, {}.'. format( ptp_container.OperationCode, dataphase.OperationCode ) ) response['Data'] = dataphase.Data else: response = dataphase logger.debug('RECV {} {}{}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, response.ResponseCode, ' {} bytes'.format(len(response.Data)) if hasattr(response, 'Data') else '', ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if response.Parameter else '', )) return response def mesg(self, ptp_container): '''Transfer operation without dataphase.''' logger.debug('MESG {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, ptp_container.Parameter))) if ptp_container.Parameter else '', )) with self.__transaction_lock: self.__send_request(ptp_container) # Get response and sneak in implicit SessionID and missing # parameters for FullResponse. response = self.__recv() logger.debug('MESG {} {}{}'.format( ptp_container.OperationCode, response.ResponseCode, ' ' + str(list(map(hex, response.Parameter))) if response.Parameter else '', )) return response def event(self, wait=False): '''Check event. If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' evt = None usbdata = None if wait: usbdata = self.__event_queue.get(block=True) elif not self.__event_queue.empty(): usbdata = self.__event_queue.get(block=False) if usbdata is not None: evt = self.__parse_response(usbdata) return evt def __poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' while not self.__event_shutdown.is_set() and _main_thread_alive(): try: evt = self.__recv(event=True, wait=False, raw=True) if evt is not None: logger.debug('Event queued') self.__event_queue.put(evt) except usb.core.USBError as e: logger.error( '{} polling exception: {}'.format(repr(self.__dev), e) ) # check if disconnected if e.errno == 19: break except Exception as e: logger.error( '{} polling exception: {}'.format(repr(self.__dev), e) )
class ScsiDevice(USBBaseActor): ''' Implementation of subset of the SCSI protocol ''' name = 'ScsiDevice' def __init__(self, app, disk_image): super(ScsiDevice, self).__init__(app, None) self.disk_image = disk_image self.handlers = { ScsiCmds.INQUIRY: self.handle_inquiry, ScsiCmds.REQUEST_SENSE: self.handle_request_sense, ScsiCmds.TEST_UNIT_READY: self.handle_test_unit_ready, ScsiCmds.READ_CAPACITY_10: self.handle_read_capacity_10, # ScsiCmds.SEND_DIAGNOSTIC: self.handle_send_diagnostic, ScsiCmds.PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL: self.handle_prevent_allow_medium_removal, ScsiCmds.WRITE_10: self.handle_write_10, ScsiCmds.READ_10: self.handle_read_10, # ScsiCmds.WRITE_6: self.handle_write_6, # ScsiCmds.READ_6: self.handle_read_6, # ScsiCmds.VERIFY_10: self.handle_verify_10, ScsiCmds.MODE_SENSE_6: self.handle_mode_sense_6, ScsiCmds.MODE_SENSE_10: self.handle_mode_sense_10, ScsiCmds.READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES: self.handle_read_format_capacities, ScsiCmds.SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE: self.handle_synchronize_cache, ScsiCmds.READ_CAPACITY_16: self.handle_read_capacity_16, } self.is_write_in_progress = False self.handle_reset() self.stop_event = Event() self.thread = Thread(target=self.handle_data_loop) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def handle_reset(self): self.debug('handling reset') if self.is_write_in_progress and self.write_data: self.disk_image.put_sector_data(self.write_base_lba, self.write_data) self.is_write_in_progress = False self.write_cbw = None self.write_base_lba = 0 self.write_length = 0 self.write_data = b'' self.tx = Queue() self.rx = Queue() def stop(self): self.stop_event.set() def handle_data_loop(self): while not self.stop_event.isSet(): if not self.rx.empty(): data = self.rx.get() self.handle_data(data) else: time.sleep(0.0001) def handle_data(self, data): if self.is_write_in_progress: self.handle_write_data(data) else: cbw = CommandBlockWrapper(data) opcode = cbw.opcode if opcode in self.handlers: try: resp = self.handlers[opcode](cbw) if resp is not None: self.tx.put(resp) self.tx.put(scsi_status(cbw, ScsiCmdStatus.COMMAND_PASSED)) except Exception as ex: self.warning('exception while processing opcode %#x' % (opcode)) self.warning(ex) self.tx.put(scsi_status(cbw, ScsiCmdStatus.COMMAND_FAILED)) else: self.error('No handler for opcode %#x, return CSW with ScsiCmdStatus.COMMAND_FAILED' % (opcode)) self.tx.put(scsi_status(cbw, ScsiCmdStatus.COMMAND_FAILED)) def handle_write_data(self, data): self.write_data += data self.debug('Got %#x bytes of SCSI write data, written so far: %#x' % (len(data), len(self.write_data))) if len(self.write_data) >= self.write_length:'Got all write data') # done writing self.disk_image.put_sector_data(self.write_base_lba, self.write_data) self.is_write_in_progress = False self.write_data = b'' self.tx.put(scsi_status(self.write_cbw, ScsiCmdStatus.COMMAND_PASSED)) @mutable('scsi_inquiry_response') def handle_inquiry(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Inquiry, data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) peripheral = 0x00 # SBC RMB = 0x80 # Removable version = 0x00 response_data_format = 0x01 config = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00) vendor_id = b'MBYDCOR ' product_id = b'UMAP2 DISK IMAG ' product_revision_level = b'8.02' part1 = struct.pack('BBBB', peripheral, RMB, version, response_data_format) part2 = struct.pack('BBB', *config) + vendor_id + product_id + product_revision_level length = struct.pack('B', len(part2)) response = part1 + length + part2 return response @mutable('scsi_request_sense_response') def handle_request_sense(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Request Sense, data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) response_code = 0x70 valid = 0x00 filemark = 0x06 information = 0x00000000 command_info = 0x00000000 additional_sense_code = 0x3a additional_sens_code_qualifier = 0x00 field_replacement_unti_code = 0x00 sense_key_specific = b'\x00\x00\x00' part1 = struct.pack('<BBBI', response_code, valid, filemark, information) part2 = struct.pack( '<IBBB', command_info, additional_sense_code, additional_sens_code_qualifier, field_replacement_unti_code ) part2 += sense_key_specific length = struct.pack('B', len(part2)) response = part1 + length + part2 return response @mutable('scsi_test_unit_ready_response') def handle_test_unit_ready(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Test Unit Ready, logical unit number: %02x' % (cbw.cb[1])) @mutable('scsi_read_capacity_10_response') def handle_read_capacity_10(self, cbw): # .. todo: is the length correct? self.debug('SCSI Read Capacity(10), data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) lastlba = self.disk_image.get_sector_count() length = self.disk_image.block_size response = struct.pack('>II', lastlba, length) return response @mutable('scsi_read_capacity_16_response') def handle_read_capacity_16(self, cbw): # .. todo: is the length correct? self.debug('SCSI Read Capacity(16), data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) lastlba = self.disk_image.get_sector_count() length = self.disk_image.block_size response = struct.pack('>BBQIBB', 0x9e, 0x10, lastlba, length, 0x00, 0x00) return response @mutable('scsi_send_diagnostic_response') def handle_send_diagnostic(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_prevent_allow_medium_removal_response') def handle_prevent_allow_medium_removal(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Prevent/Allow Removal') @mutable('scsi_write_10_response') def handle_write_10(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Write (10), data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) base_lba = struct.unpack('>I', cbw.cb[2:6])[0] num_blocks = struct.unpack('>H', cbw.cb[7:9])[0] self.debug('SCSI Write (10), lba %#x + %#x block(s)' % (base_lba, num_blocks)) # save for later self.write_cbw = cbw self.write_base_lba = base_lba self.write_length = num_blocks * self.disk_image.block_size self.debug('SCSI Write (10) total expected length: %#x' % (self.write_length)) self.is_write_in_progress = True def handle_read_10(self, cbw): base_lba, group, num_blocks = struct.unpack('>IBH', cbw.cb[2:9]) self.debug('SCSI Read (10), lba %#x + %#x block(s)' % (base_lba, num_blocks)) for block_num in range(num_blocks): data = self.disk_image.get_sector_data(base_lba + block_num) self.tx.put(data) @mutable('scsi_write_6_response') def handle_write_6(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_read_6_response') def handle_read_6(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_verify_10_response') def handle_verify_10(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') def _build_page0_report(self, page, data): report = struct.pack('BB', page, len(data)) report += data return report def _build_subpage_report(self, page, subpage, data): report = struct.pack('>BBH', page | 0x40, subpage, len(data)) report += data return report def _report_header(self, mode_type, mode_data_length): # Based on seagate 100293068h.pdf medium_type = 0x00 flags = 0x00 block_descriptor_len = 0x00 if mode_type == 6: # Table 292 header_data = struct.pack('>3B', medium_type, flags, block_descriptor_len) total_len = struct.pack('B', len(header_data) + mode_data_length) else: # Table 293 longlba = 0x00 header_data = struct.pack('>BBBBH', medium_type, flags, longlba, 0, block_descriptor_len) total_len = struct.pack('>H', len(header_data) + mode_data_length) return total_len + header_data def _build_page_report(self, page, subpage, data): if subpage is None: report = self._build_page0_report(page, data) else: report = self._build_subpage_report(page, subpage, data) return report def handle_scsi_mode_sense(self, mode_type, page, subpage, alloc_len, ctrl, with_header=True): # .. todo: implement response for unsupported pages self.debug('SCSI Mode Sense(%d), page %#x subpage %#x' % (mode_type, page, subpage)) report = None # wish there was a switch :( if page == 0x1c: # case: informational exceptions control (table 314) if subpage == 0x00: data = struct.pack('>BBII', 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00) report = self._build_page_report(page, 0x00, data) # case: background control (table 300) elif subpage == 0x01: data = struct.pack('>BBHHHHH', 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) report = self._build_page_report(page, subpage, data) elif subpage == 0xff: report = self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(mode_type, 0x1c, 0x00, alloc_len, ctrl, False) report += self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(mode_type, 0x1c, 0x01, alloc_len, ctrl, False) # case: all pages elif page == 0x3f: # return all pages that we got ... report = self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(mode_type, 0x1c, 0xff, alloc_len, ctrl, False) if report is None: # default behaviour, taken from previous implementation # this should probably be changed ... report = '\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' if with_header: self.debug('SCSI mode sense (%d) - adding header' % (mode_type)) report = self._report_header(mode_type, len(report)) + report return report @mutable('scsi_mode_sense_6_response') def handle_mode_sense_6(self, cbw): # .. todo: DBD, PC page, subpage, alloc_len, control = struct.unpack('>4B', cbw.cb[2:6]) page &= 0x3f return self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(6, page, subpage, alloc_len, control) @mutable('scsi_mode_sense_10_response') def handle_mode_sense_10(self, cbw): # .. todo: LLBA, DBD, PC page, subpage, _, _, _, alloc_len, control = struct.unpack('>5BHB', cbw.cb[2:10]) page &= 0x3f return self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(10, page, subpage, alloc_len, control) @mutable('scsi_read_format_capacities') def handle_read_format_capacities(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Read Format Capacity') # header response = struct.pack('>I', 8) num_sectors = 0x1000 reserved = 0x1000 sector_size = self.disk_image.block_size response += struct.pack('>IHH', num_sectors, reserved, sector_size) return response @mutable('scsi_synchronize_cache_response') def handle_synchronize_cache(self, cbw): self.debug('Synchronize Cache (10)')
def _extract_features_parallel_per_sample(kind_to_df_map, column_id, column_value, default_fc_parameters, kind_to_fc_parameters=None, chunksize=defaults.CHUNKSIZE, n_processes=defaults.N_PROCESSES, show_warnings=defaults.SHOW_WARNINGS, disable_progressbar=defaults.DISABLE_PROGRESSBAR, impute_function=defaults.IMPUTE_FUNCTION): """ Parallelize the feature extraction per kind and per sample. As the splitting of the dataframes per kind along column_id is quite costly, we settled for an async map in this function. The result objects are temporarily stored in a fifo queue from which they can be retrieved in order of submission. :param kind_to_df_map: The time series to compute the features for in our internal format :type kind_to_df_map: dict of pandas.DataFrame :param column_id: The name of the id column to group by. :type column_id: str :param column_value: The name for the column keeping the value itself. :type column_value: str :param default_fc_parameters: mapping from feature calculator names to parameters. Only those names which are keys in this dict will be calculated. See the class:`ComprehensiveFCParameters` for more information. :type default_fc_parameters: dict :param kind_to_fc_parameters: mapping from kind names to objects of the same type as the ones for default_fc_parameters. If you put a kind as a key here, the fc_parameters object (which is the value), will be used instead of the default_fc_parameters. :type kind_to_fc_parameters: dict :param chunksize: The size of one chunk for the parallelisation :type chunksize: None or int :param n_processes: The number of processes to use for parallelisation. :type n_processes: int :param: show_warnings: Show warnings during the feature extraction (needed for debugging of calculators). :type show_warnings: bool :param disable_progressbar: Do not show a progressbar while doing the calculation. :type disable_progressbar: bool :param impute_function: None, if no imputing should happen or the function to call for imputing. :type impute_function: None or function :return: The (maybe imputed) DataFrame containing extracted features. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ partial_extract_features_for_one_time_series = partial(_extract_features_for_one_time_series, column_id=column_id, column_value=column_value, default_fc_parameters=default_fc_parameters, kind_to_fc_parameters=kind_to_fc_parameters, show_warnings=show_warnings) pool = Pool(n_processes) total_number_of_expected_results = 0 # Submit map jobs per kind per sample results_fifo = Queue() for kind, df_kind in kind_to_df_map.items(): df_grouped_by_id = df_kind.groupby(column_id) total_number_of_expected_results += len(df_grouped_by_id) if not chunksize: chunksize = _calculate_best_chunksize(df_grouped_by_id, n_processes) results_fifo.put( pool.imap_unordered( partial_extract_features_for_one_time_series, [(kind, df_group) for _, df_group in df_grouped_by_id], chunksize=chunksize ) ) pool.close() # Wait for the jobs to complete and concatenate the partial results dfs_per_kind = [] # Do this all with a progress bar with tqdm(total=total_number_of_expected_results, desc="Feature Extraction", disable=disable_progressbar) as progress_bar: # We need some sort of measure, when a new result is there. So we wrap the # map_results into another iterable which updates the progress bar each time, # a new result is there def iterable_with_tqdm_update(queue, progress_bar): for element in queue: progress_bar.update(1) yield element result = pd.DataFrame() while not results_fifo.empty(): map_result = results_fifo.get() dfs_kind = iterable_with_tqdm_update(map_result, progress_bar) df_tmp = pd.concat(dfs_kind, axis=0).astype(np.float64) # Impute the result if requested if impute_function is not None: impute_function(df_tmp) result = pd.concat([result, df_tmp], axis=1).astype(np.float64) pool.join() return result
def run_multiple_commands_redirect_stdout( multiple_args_dict, print_commands=True, process_limit=0, polling_freq=1, **kwargs): """ Run multiple shell commands in parallel, write each of their stdout output to files associated with each command. Parameters ---------- multiple_args_dict : dict A dictionary whose keys are files and values are args list. Run each args list as a subprocess and write stdout to the corresponding file. print_commands : bool Print shell commands before running them. process_limit : int Limit the number of concurrent processes to this number. 0 if there is no limit polling_freq : int Number of seconds between checking for done processes, if we have a process limit """ assert len(multiple_args_dict) > 0 assert all(len(args) > 0 for args in multiple_args_dict.values()) assert all(hasattr(f, 'name') for f in multiple_args_dict.keys()) start_time = time.time() processes = Queue(maxsize=process_limit) def add_to_queue(process): if print_commands: print(" ".join(process.args), ">", processes.put(process) for f, args in multiple_args_dict.items(): p = AsyncProcess( args, redirect_stdout_file=f, **kwargs) if not processes.full(): add_to_queue(p) else: while processes.full(): # Are there any done processes? to_remove = [] for possibly_done in processes.queue: if possibly_done.poll() is not None: possibly_done.wait() to_remove.append(possibly_done) # Remove them from the queue and stop checking if to_remove: for process_to_remove in to_remove: processes.queue.remove(process_to_remove) break # Check again in a second if there weren't time.sleep(polling_freq) add_to_queue(p) # Wait for all the rest of the processes while not processes.empty(): processes.get().wait() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time "Ran %d commands in %0.4f seconds", len(multiple_args_dict), elapsed_time)
class USBSmartcardInterface(USBInterface): name = 'SmartcardInterface' def __init__(self, app, phy): descriptors = { DescriptorType.hid: self.get_icc_descriptor } self.clock_frequencies = [ 0x00003267, 0x000064ce, 0x0000c99d, 0x0001933a, 0x00032674, 0x00064ce7, 0x000c99ce, 0x00025cd7, 0x0003f011, 0x00004334, 0x00008669, 0x00010cd1, 0x000219a2, 0x00043345, 0x0008668a, 0x0002a00b, 0x00003073, 0x000060e6, 0x0000c1cc, 0x00018399, 0x00030732, 0x00060e63, 0x000122b3, 0x0001e47f, 0x00015006, 0x00009736, 0x0000fc04, 0x00002853, 0x000050a5, 0x0000a14a, 0x00014295, 0x00028529, 0x000078f8, 0x0000493e, 0x0000927c, 0x000124f8, 0x000249f0, 0x000493e0, 0x000927c0, 0x0001b774, 0x0002dc6c, 0x000030d4, 0x000061a8, 0x0000c350, 0x000186a0, 0x00030d40, 0x00061a80, 0x0001e848, 0x0000dbba, 0x00016e36, 0x0000f424, 0x00006ddd, 0x0000b71b ] self.data_rates = [] self.clock_freq = self.clock_frequencies[0] self.data_rate = 0 if not self.data_rates else self.data_rates[0] endpoints = [ # CCID command pipe USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=1, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_out, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=self.handle_data_available ), # CCID response pipe USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=2, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_in, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_bulk, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=0x40, interval=0, handler=None ), # CCID event notification pipe USBEndpoint( app=app, phy=phy, number=3, direction=USBEndpoint.direction_in, transfer_type=USBEndpoint.transfer_type_interrupt, sync_type=USBEndpoint.sync_type_none, usage_type=USBEndpoint.usage_type_data, max_packet_size=8, interval=0, handler=self.handle_buffer_available ), ] # TODO: un-hardcode string index (last arg before 'verbose') super(USBSmartcardInterface, self).__init__( app=app, phy=phy, interface_number=0, interface_alternate=0, interface_class=USBClass.SmartCard, interface_subclass=0, interface_protocol=0, interface_string_index=0, endpoints=endpoints, descriptors=descriptors, device_class=USBSmartcardClass(app, phy) ) self.proto = 0 self.abProtocolDataStructure = b'\x11\x00\x00\x0a\x00' self.clock_status = 0x00 self.int_q = Queue() self.int_q.put(b'\x50\x03') self.operations = { PcToRdrOpcode.IccPowerOn: self.handle_PcToRdr_IccPowerOn, PcToRdrOpcode.IccPowerOff: self.handle_PcToRdr_IccPowerOff, PcToRdrOpcode.GetSlotStatus: self.handle_PcToRdr_GetSlotStatus, PcToRdrOpcode.XfrBlock: self.handle_PcToRdr_XfrBlock, PcToRdrOpcode.GetParameters: self.handle_PcToRdr_GetParameters, PcToRdrOpcode.ResetParameters: self.handle_PcToRdr_ResetParameters, PcToRdrOpcode.SetParameters: self.handle_PcToRdr_SetParameters, PcToRdrOpcode.Escape: self.handle_PcToRdr_Escape, PcToRdrOpcode.IccClock: self.handle_PcToRdr_IccClock, PcToRdrOpcode.T0APDU: self.handle_PcToRdr_T0APDU, PcToRdrOpcode.Secure: self.handle_PcToRdr_Secure, PcToRdrOpcode.Mechanical: self.handle_PcToRdr_Mechanical, PcToRdrOpcode.Abort: self.handle_PcToRdr_Abort, PcToRdrOpcode.SetDataRateAndClock_Frequency: self.handle_PcToRdr_SetDataRateAndClock_Frequency, } @mutable('smartcard_IccPowerOn_response') def handle_PcToRdr_IccPowerOn(self, slot, seq, data): abData = b'\x3b\x6e\x00\x00\x80\x31\x80\x66\xb0\x84\x12\x01\x6e\x01\x83\x00\x90\x00' # Entropia Universe Gold card # Taken from abData = b'\x3B\x6B\x00\x00\x00\x31\xC0\x64\xA9\xEC\x01\x00\x82\x90\x00' return R2P_DataBlock( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, chain_param=0x00, data=abData ) @mutable('smartcard_IccPowerOff_response') def handle_PcToRdr_IccPowerOff(self, slot, seq, data): ''' Check out slot number (should be as bulk OUT message) ''' return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_GetSlotStatus_response') def handle_PcToRdr_GetSlotStatus(self, slot, seq, data): return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_XfrBlock_response') def handle_PcToRdr_XfrBlock(self, slot, seq, data): ''' .. todo:: check the response again later, ''' abData = b'\x6a\x82' return R2P_DataBlock( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, chain_param=0x00, data=abData ) @mutable('smartcard_GetParameters_response') def handle_PcToRdr_GetParameters(self, slot, seq, data): return R2P_Parameters( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, proto=self.proto, data=self.abProtocolDataStructure ) @mutable('smartcard_ResetParameters_response') def handle_PcToRdr_ResetParameters(self, slot, seq, data): return R2P_Parameters( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, proto=self.proto, data=self.abProtocolDataStructure ) @mutable('smartcard_SetParameters_response') def handle_PcToRdr_SetParameters(self, slot, seq, data): self.proto = data[7] if self.proto == 0: self.abProtocolDataStructure = data[10:15] elif self.proto == 1: self.abProtocolDataStructure = data[10:17] return R2P_Parameters( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, proto=self.proto, data=self.abProtocolDataStructure ) @mutable('smartcard_Escape_response') def handle_PcToRdr_Escape(self, slot, seq, data): ''' .. todo:: should check the data parameter ''' return R2P_Escape( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, data=b'' ) @mutable('smartcard_IccClock_response') def handle_PcToRdr_IccClock(self, slot, seq, data): # bClockCommand = data[7] return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_T0APDU_response') def handle_PcToRdr_T0APDU(self, slot, seq, data): # bmChange, bClassGetResponse, bClassEnvelope = struct.unpack('<BBB', data[7:10]) return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_Secure_response') def handle_PcToRdr_Secure(self, slot, seq, data): ''' .. todo:: to complete that, go over section 6.1.11 ATM unpack will raise an exception ''' bBWI, wLevelParameter = struct.unpack('<BH') return R2P_DataBlock( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, chain_param=0x00, data=b'' ) @mutable('smartcard_Mechanical_response') def handle_PcToRdr_Mechanical(self, slot, seq, data): ''' .. todo:: handling ''' return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_Abort_response') def handle_PcToRdr_Abort(self, slot, seq, data): ''' .. todo:: handling ''' return R2P_SlotStatus( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, clock_status=self.clock_status ) @mutable('smartcard_SetDataRateAndClock_Frequency_response') def handle_PcToRdr_SetDataRateAndClock_Frequency(self, slot, seq, data): self.clock_freq, self.data_rate = struct.unpack('<II', data[10:18]) return R2P_DataRateAndClockFrequency( slot=slot, seq=seq, status=0x00, error=0x80, freq=self.clock_freq, rate=self.data_rate ) @mutable('smartcard_scd_icc_descriptor') def get_icc_descriptor(self, *args): bDescriptorType = 0x21 bcdCCID = 0x0110 bMaxSlotIndex = 0x00 bVoltageSupport = 0x07 dwProtocols = 0x00000003 dwDefaultClock = 0x00000ea6 dwMaximumClock = 0x00001d4c bNumClockSupported = len(self.clock_frequencies) dwDataRate = 0x00002760 dwMaxDataRate = 0x0004c4b4 bNumDataRatesSupported = len(self.data_rates) dwMaxIFSD = 0x000000fe dwSynchProtocols = 0x00000000 dwMechanical = 0x00000000 dwFeatures = 0x00010030 dwMaxCCIDMessageLength = 0x0000010f bClassGetResponse = 0x00 bClassEnvelope = 0x00 wLcdLayout = 0x0000 bPinSupport = 0x00 bMaxCCIDBusySlots = 0x01 response = struct.pack( '<BHBBIIIBIIBIIIIIBBHBB', bDescriptorType, bcdCCID, bMaxSlotIndex, bVoltageSupport, dwProtocols, dwDefaultClock, dwMaximumClock, bNumClockSupported, dwDataRate, dwMaxDataRate, bNumDataRatesSupported, dwMaxIFSD, dwSynchProtocols, dwMechanical, dwFeatures, dwMaxCCIDMessageLength, bClassGetResponse, bClassEnvelope, wLcdLayout, bPinSupport, bMaxCCIDBusySlots ) response = struct.pack('B', len(response) + 1) + response return response def handle_data_available(self, data): self.usb_function_supported() opcode, length, slot, seq = struct.unpack('<BIBB', data[:7]) if opcode in self.operations: handler = self.operations[opcode] self.session_data['bSlot'] = data[5] self.session_data['bSeq'] = data[6] self.session_data['data'] = data response = handler(slot, seq, data) else: self.error('Received Smartcard command not understood') response = b'' if response: self.send_on_endpoint(2, response) def handle_buffer_available(self): if not self.int_q.empty(): buff = self.int_q.get() self.debug('Sending data to host: %s' % (hexlify(buff))) self.send_on_endpoint(3, buff) else: self.send_on_endpoint(3, b'')
class Nikon(object): '''This class implements Nikon's PTP operations.''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Init Nikon') super(Nikon, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: expose the choice to poll or not Nikon events self.__no_polling = False self.__nikon_event_shutdown = Event() self.__nikon_event_proc = None @contextmanager def session(self): ''' Manage Nikon session with context manager. ''' # When raw device, do not perform if self.__no_polling: with super(Nikon, self).session(): yield return # Within a normal PTP session with super(Nikon, self).session(): # launch a polling thread self.__event_queue = Queue() self.__nikon_event_proc = Thread( name='NikonEvtPolling', target=self.__nikon_poll_events ) self.__nikon_event_proc.daemon = False atexit.register(self._nikon_shutdown) self.__nikon_event_proc.start() try: yield finally: self._nikon_shutdown() def _shutdown(self): self._nikon_shutdown() super(Nikon, self)._shutdown() def _nikon_shutdown(self): logger.debug('Shutdown Nikon events') self.__nikon_event_shutdown.set() # Only join a running thread. if self.__nikon_event_proc and self.__nikon_event_proc.is_alive(): self.__nikon_event_proc.join(2) def _PropertyCode(self, **product_properties): props = { 'ShootingBank': 0xD010, 'ShootingBankNameA': 0xD011, 'ShootingBankNameB': 0xD012, 'ShootingBankNameC': 0xD013, 'ShootingBankNameD': 0xD014, 'ResetBank0': 0xD015, 'RawCompression': 0xD016, 'WhiteBalanceAutoBias': 0xD017, 'WhiteBalanceTungstenBias': 0xD018, 'WhiteBalanceFluorescentBias': 0xD019, 'WhiteBalanceDaylightBias': 0xD01A, 'WhiteBalanceFlashBias': 0xD01B, 'WhiteBalanceCloudyBias': 0xD01C, 'WhiteBalanceShadeBias': 0xD01D, 'WhiteBalanceColorTemperature': 0xD01E, 'WhiteBalancePresetNo': 0xD01F, 'WhiteBalancePresetName0': 0xD020, 'WhiteBalancePresetName1': 0xD021, 'WhiteBalancePresetName2': 0xD022, 'WhiteBalancePresetName3': 0xD023, 'WhiteBalancePresetName4': 0xD024, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal0': 0xD025, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal1': 0xD026, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal2': 0xD027, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal3': 0xD028, 'WhiteBalancePresetVal4': 0xD029, 'ImageSharpening': 0xD02A, 'ToneCompensation': 0xD02B, 'ColorModel': 0xD02C, 'HueAdjustment': 0xD02D, 'NonCPULensDataFocalLength': 0xD02E, 'NonCPULensDataMaximumAperture': 0xD02F, 'ShootingMode': 0xD030, 'JPEGCompressionPolicy': 0xD031, 'ColorSpace': 0xD032, 'AutoDXCrop': 0xD033, 'FlickerReduction': 0xD034, 'RemoteMode': 0xD035, 'VideoMode': 0xD036, 'NikonEffectMode': 0xD037, 'Mode': 0xD038, 'CSMMenuBankSelect': 0xD040, 'MenuBankNameA': 0xD041, 'MenuBankNameB': 0xD042, 'MenuBankNameC': 0xD043, 'MenuBankNameD': 0xD044, 'ResetBank': 0xD045, 'A1AFCModePriority': 0xD048, 'A2AFSModePriority': 0xD049, 'A3GroupDynamicAF': 0xD04A, 'A4AFActivation': 0xD04B, 'FocusAreaIllumManualFocus': 0xD04C, 'FocusAreaIllumContinuous': 0xD04D, 'FocusAreaIllumWhenSelected': 0xD04E, 'FocusAreaWrap': 0xD04F, 'VerticalAFON': 0xD050, 'AFLockOn': 0xD051, 'FocusAreaZone': 0xD052, 'EnableCopyright': 0xD053, 'ISOAuto': 0xD054, 'EVISOStep': 0xD055, 'EVStep': 0xD056, 'EVStepExposureComp': 0xD057, 'ExposureCompensation': 0xD058, 'CenterWeightArea': 0xD059, 'ExposureBaseMatrix': 0xD05A, 'ExposureBaseCenter': 0xD05B, 'ExposureBaseSpot': 0xD05C, 'LiveViewAFArea': 0xD05D, 'AELockMode': 0xD05E, 'AELAFLMode': 0xD05F, 'LiveViewAFFocus': 0xD061, 'MeterOff': 0xD062, 'SelfTimer': 0xD063, 'MonitorOff': 0xD064, 'ImgConfTime': 0xD065, 'AutoOffTimers': 0xD066, 'AngleLevel': 0xD067, 'D1ShootingSpeed': 0xD068, 'D2MaximumShots': 0xD069, 'ExposureDelayMode': 0xD06A, 'LongExposureNoiseReduction': 0xD06B, 'FileNumberSequence': 0xD06C, 'ControlPanelFinderRearControl': 0xD06D, 'ControlPanelFinderViewfinder': 0xD06E, 'D7Illumination': 0xD06F, 'NrHighISO': 0xD070, 'SHSetCHGUIDDisp': 0xD071, 'ArtistName': 0xD072, 'NikonCopyrightInfo': 0xD073, 'FlashSyncSpeed': 0xD074, 'FlashShutterSpeed': 0xD075, 'E3AAFlashMode': 0xD076, 'E4ModelingFlash': 0xD077, 'BracketSet': 0xD078, 'E6ManualModeBracketing': 0xD079, 'BracketOrder': 0xD07A, 'E8AutoBracketSelection': 0xD07B, 'BracketingSet': 0xD07C, 'F1CenterButtonShootingMode': 0xD080, 'CenterButtonPlaybackMode': 0xD081, 'F2Multiselector': 0xD082, 'F3PhotoInfoPlayback': 0xD083, 'F4AssignFuncButton': 0xD084, 'F5CustomizeCommDials': 0xD085, 'ReverseCommandDial': 0xD086, 'ApertureSetting': 0xD087, 'MenusAndPlayback': 0xD088, 'F6ButtonsAndDials': 0xD089, 'NoCFCard': 0xD08A, 'CenterButtonZoomRatio': 0xD08B, 'FunctionButton2': 0xD08C, 'AFAreaPoint': 0xD08D, 'NormalAFOn': 0xD08E, 'CleanImageSensor': 0xD08F, 'ImageCommentString': 0xD090, 'ImageCommentEnable': 0xD091, 'ImageRotation': 0xD092, 'ManualSetLensNo': 0xD093, 'MovScreenSize': 0xD0A0, 'MovVoice': 0xD0A1, 'MovMicrophone': 0xD0A2, 'MovFileSlot': 0xD0A3, 'MovRecProhibitCondition': 0xD0A4, 'ManualMovieSetting': 0xD0A6, 'MovQuality': 0xD0A7, 'LiveViewScreenDisplaySetting': 0xD0B2, 'MonitorOffDelay': 0xD0B3, 'Bracketing': 0xD0C0, 'AutoExposureBracketStep': 0xD0C1, 'AutoExposureBracketProgram': 0xD0C2, 'AutoExposureBracketCount': 0xD0C3, 'WhiteBalanceBracketStep': 0xD0C4, 'WhiteBalanceBracketProgram': 0xD0C5, 'LensID': 0xD0E0, 'LensSort': 0xD0E1, 'LensType': 0xD0E2, 'FocalLengthMin': 0xD0E3, 'FocalLengthMax': 0xD0E4, 'MaxApAtMinFocalLength': 0xD0E5, 'MaxApAtMaxFocalLength': 0xD0E6, 'FinderISODisp': 0xD0F0, 'AutoOffPhoto': 0xD0F2, 'AutoOffMenu': 0xD0F3, 'AutoOffInfo': 0xD0F4, 'SelfTimerShootNum': 0xD0F5, 'VignetteCtrl': 0xD0F7, 'AutoDistortionControl': 0xD0F8, 'SceneMode': 0xD0F9, 'SceneMode2': 0xD0FD, 'SelfTimerInterval': 0xD0FE, 'NikonExposureTime': 0xD100, 'ACPower': 0xD101, 'WarningStatus': 0xD102, 'MaximumShots': 0xD103, 'AFLockStatus': 0xD104, 'AELockStatus': 0xD105, 'FVLockStatus': 0xD106, 'AutofocusLCDTopMode2': 0xD107, 'AutofocusArea': 0xD108, 'FlexibleProgram': 0xD109, 'LightMeter': 0xD10A, 'RecordingMedia': 0xD10B, 'USBSpeed': 0xD10C, 'CCDNumber': 0xD10D, 'CameraOrientation': 0xD10E, 'GroupPtnType': 0xD10F, 'FNumberLock': 0xD110, 'ExposureApertureLock': 0xD111, 'TVLockSetting': 0xD112, 'AVLockSetting': 0xD113, 'IllumSetting': 0xD114, 'FocusPointBright': 0xD115, 'ExternalFlashAttached': 0xD120, 'ExternalFlashStatus': 0xD121, 'ExternalFlashSort': 0xD122, 'ExternalFlashMode': 0xD123, 'ExternalFlashCompensation': 0xD124, 'NewExternalFlashMode': 0xD125, 'FlashExposureCompensation': 0xD126, 'HDRMode': 0xD130, 'HDRHighDynamic': 0xD131, 'HDRSmoothing': 0xD132, 'OptimizeImage': 0xD140, 'Saturation': 0xD142, 'BWFillerEffect': 0xD143, 'BWSharpness': 0xD144, 'BWContrast': 0xD145, 'BWSettingType': 0xD146, 'Slot2SaveMode': 0xD148, 'RawBitMode': 0xD149, 'ActiveDLighting': 0xD14E, 'FlourescentType': 0xD14F, 'TuneColourTemperature': 0xD150, 'TunePreset0': 0xD151, 'TunePreset1': 0xD152, 'TunePreset2': 0xD153, 'TunePreset3': 0xD154, 'TunePreset4': 0xD155, 'BeepOff': 0xD160, 'AutofocusMode': 0xD161, 'AFAssist': 0xD163, 'PADVPMode': 0xD164, 'ImageReview': 0xD165, 'AFAreaIllumination': 0xD166, 'NikonFlashMode': 0xD167, 'FlashCommanderMode': 0xD168, 'FlashSign': 0xD169, '_ISOAuto': 0xD16A, 'RemoteTimeout': 0xD16B, 'GridDisplay': 0xD16C, 'FlashModeManualPower': 0xD16D, 'FlashModeCommanderPower': 0xD16E, 'AutoFP': 0xD16F, 'DateImprintSetting': 0xD170, 'DateCounterSelect': 0xD171, 'DateCountData': 0xD172, 'DateCountDisplaySetting': 0xD173, 'RangeFinderSetting': 0xD174, 'CSMMenu': 0xD180, 'WarningDisplay': 0xD181, 'BatteryCellKind': 0xD182, 'ISOAutoHiLimit': 0xD183, 'DynamicAFArea': 0xD184, 'ContinuousSpeedHigh': 0xD186, 'InfoDispSetting': 0xD187, 'PreviewButton': 0xD189, 'PreviewButton2': 0xD18A, 'AEAFLockButton2': 0xD18B, 'IndicatorDisp': 0xD18D, 'CellKindPriority': 0xD18E, 'BracketingFramesAndSteps': 0xD190, 'LiveViewMode': 0xD1A0, 'LiveViewDriveMode': 0xD1A1, 'LiveViewStatus': 0xD1A2, 'LiveViewImageZoomRatio': 0xD1A3, 'LiveViewProhibitCondition': 0xD1A4, 'MovieShutterSpeed': 0xD1A8, 'MovieFNumber': 0xD1A9, 'MovieISO': 0xD1AA, 'LiveViewMovieMode': 0xD1AC, 'ExposureDisplayStatus': 0xD1B0, 'ExposureIndicateStatus': 0xD1B1, 'InfoDispErrStatus': 0xD1B2, 'ExposureIndicateLightup': 0xD1B3, 'FlashOpen': 0xD1C0, 'FlashCharged': 0xD1C1, 'FlashMRepeatValue': 0xD1D0, 'FlashMRepeatCount': 0xD1D1, 'FlashMRepeatInterval': 0xD1D2, 'FlashCommandChannel': 0xD1D3, 'FlashCommandSelfMode': 0xD1D4, 'FlashCommandSelfCompensation': 0xD1D5, 'FlashCommandSelfValue': 0xD1D6, 'FlashCommandAMode': 0xD1D7, 'FlashCommandACompensation': 0xD1D8, 'FlashCommandAValue': 0xD1D9, 'FlashCommandBMode': 0xD1DA, 'FlashCommandBCompensation': 0xD1DB, 'FlashCommandBValue': 0xD1DC, 'ApplicationMode': 0xD1F0, 'ActiveSlot': 0xD1F2, 'ActivePicCtrlItem': 0xD200, 'ChangePicCtrlItem': 0xD201, 'MovieNrHighISO': 0xD236, 'D241': 0xD241, 'D244': 0xD244, 'D247': 0xD247, 'GUID': 0xD24F, 'D250': 0xD250, 'D251': 0xD251, 'ISO': 0xF002, 'ImageCompression': 0xF009, 'NikonImageSize': 0xF00A, 'NikonWhiteBalance': 0xF00C, # TODO: Are these redundant? Or product-specific? '_LongExposureNoiseReduction': 0xF00D, 'HiISONoiseReduction': 0xF00E, '_ActiveDLighting': 0xF00F, '_MovQuality': 0xF01C, } product_properties.update(props) return super(Nikon, self)._PropertyCode( **product_properties ) def _OperationCode(self, **product_operations): return super(Nikon, self)._OperationCode( GetProfileAllData=0x9006, SendProfileData=0x9007, DeleteProfile=0x9008, SetProfileData=0x9009, AdvancedTransfer=0x9010, GetFileInfoInBlock=0x9011, Capture=0x90C0, AFDrive=0x90C1, SetControlMode=0x90C2, DelImageSDRAM=0x90C3, GetLargeThumb=0x90C4, CurveDownload=0x90C5, CurveUpload=0x90C6, CheckEvents=0x90C7, DeviceReady=0x90C8, SetPreWBData=0x90C9, GetVendorPropCodes=0x90CA, AFCaptureSDRAM=0x90CB, GetPictCtrlData=0x90CC, SetPictCtrlData=0x90CD, DelCstPicCtrl=0x90CE, GetPicCtrlCapability=0x90CF, GetPreviewImg=0x9200, StartLiveView=0x9201, EndLiveView=0x9202, GetLiveViewImg=0x9203, MfDrive=0x9204, ChangeAFArea=0x9205, AFDriveCancel=0x9206, InitiateCaptureRecInMedia=0x9207, GetVendorStorageIDs=0x9209, StartMovieRecInCard=0x920A, EndMovieRec=0x920B, TerminateCapture=0x920C, GetDevicePTPIPInfo=0x90E0, GetPartialObjectHiSpeed=0x9400, GetDevicePropEx=0x9504, **product_operations ) def _ResponseCode(self, **product_responses): return super(Nikon, self)._ResponseCode( HardwareError=0xA001, OutOfFocus=0xA002, ChangeCameraModeFailed=0xA003, InvalidStatus=0xA004, SetPropertyNotSupported=0xA005, WbResetError=0xA006, DustReferenceError=0xA007, ShutterSpeedBulb=0xA008, MirrorUpSequence=0xA009, CameraModeNotAdjustFNumber=0xA00A, NotLiveView=0xA00B, MfDriveStepEnd=0xA00C, MfDriveStepInsufficiency=0xA00E, AdvancedTransferCancel=0xA022, **product_responses ) def _EventCode(self, **product_events): return super(Nikon, self)._EventCode( ObjectAddedInSDRAM=0xC101, CaptureCompleteRecInSdram=0xC102, AdvancedTransfer=0xC103, PreviewImageAdded=0xC104, **product_events ) def _FilesystemType(self, **product_filesystem_types): return super(Nikon, self)._FilesystemType( **product_filesystem_types ) def _NikonEvent(self): return PrefixedArray( self._UInt16, Struct( 'EventCode' / self._EventCode, 'Parameter' / self._UInt32, ) ) def _set_endian(self, endian): logger.debug('Set Nikon endianness') super(Nikon, self)._set_endian(endian) self._NikonEvent = self._NikonEvent() # TODO: Add event queue over all transports and extensions. def check_events(self): '''Check Nikon specific event''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='CheckEvents', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) response = self.recv(ptp) return self._parse_if_data(response, self._NikonEvent) # TODO: Provide a single camera agnostic command that will trigger a camera def capture(self): '''Nikon specific capture''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='Capture', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) return self.mesg(ptp) def af_capture_sdram(self): '''Nikon specific autofocus and capture to SDRAM''' ptp = Container( OperationCode='AFCaptureSDRAM', SessionID=self._session, TransactionID=self._transaction, Parameter=[] ) return self.mesg(ptp) def event(self, wait=False): '''Check Nikon or PTP events If `wait` this function is blocking. Otherwise it may return None. ''' # TODO: Do something reasonable on wait=True evt = None timeout = None if wait else 0.001 # TODO: Join queues to preserve order of Nikon and PTP events. if not self.__event_queue.empty(): evt = self.__event_queue.get(block=not wait, timeout=timeout) else: evt = super(Nikon, self).event(wait=wait) return evt def __nikon_poll_events(self): '''Poll events, adding them to a queue.''' while (not self.__nikon_event_shutdown.is_set() and _main_thread_alive()): try: evts = self.check_events() if evts: for evt in evts: logger.debug('Event queued') self.__event_queue.put(evt) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) sleep(3) self.__nikon_event_shutdown.clear()
class QueueHandlerDiscreteTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): # simple Gaussian-mixture HMM def model(): probs = pyro.param("probs", torch.tensor([[0.8], [0.3]])) loc = pyro.param("loc", torch.tensor([[-0.1], [0.9]])) scale = torch.ones(1, 1) latents = [torch.ones(1)] observes = [] for t in range(3): latents.append( pyro.sample("latent_{}".format(str(t)), Bernoulli(probs[latents[-1][0].long().data]))) observes.append( pyro.sample("observe_{}".format(str(t)), Normal(loc[latents[-1][0].long().data], scale), obs=torch.ones(1))) return latents self.sites = ["observe_{}".format(str(t)) for t in range(3)] + \ ["latent_{}".format(str(t)) for t in range(3)] + \ ["_INPUT", "_RETURN"] self.model = model self.queue = Queue() self.queue.put(poutine.Trace()) def test_queue_single(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) tr = f.get_trace() for name in self.sites: assert name in tr def test_queue_enumerate(self): f = poutine.trace(poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue)) trs = [] while not self.queue.empty(): trs.append(f.get_trace()) assert len(trs) == 2 ** 3 true_latents = set() for i1 in range(2): for i2 in range(2): for i3 in range(2): true_latents.add((i1, i2, i3)) tr_latents = [] for tr in trs: tr_latents.append(tuple([int(tr.nodes[name]["value"].view(-1).item()) for name in tr if tr.nodes[name]["type"] == "sample" and not tr.nodes[name]["is_observed"]])) assert true_latents == set(tr_latents) def test_queue_max_tries(self): f = poutine.queue(self.model, queue=self.queue, max_tries=3) with pytest.raises(ValueError): f()
class TestFetcherProcessor(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.projectdb = ProjectDB([os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')]) self.fetcher = Fetcher(None, None, async=False) self.status_queue = Queue() self.newtask_queue = Queue() self.result_queue = Queue() self.httpbin_thread = utils.run_in_subprocess(, port=14887, passthrough_errors=False) self.httpbin = '' self.proxy_thread = subprocess.Popen(['pyproxy', '--username=binux', '--password=123456', '--port=14830', '--debug'], close_fds=True) self.proxy = '' self.processor = Processor(projectdb=self.projectdb, inqueue=None, status_queue=self.status_queue, newtask_queue=self.newtask_queue, result_queue=self.result_queue) self.project_name = 'data_fetcher_processor_handler' time.sleep(0.5) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): self.proxy_thread.terminate() self.proxy_thread.wait() self.httpbin_thread.terminate() self.httpbin_thread.join() def crawl(self, url=None, track=None, **kwargs): if url is None and kwargs.get('callback'): url = dataurl.encode(utils.text(kwargs.get('callback'))) project_data = self.processor.project_manager.get(self.project_name) assert project_data, "can't find project: %s" % self.project_name instance = project_data['instance'] instance._reset() task = instance.crawl(url, **kwargs) if isinstance(task, list): task = task[0] task['track'] = track result = self.fetcher.fetch(task) self.processor.on_task(task, result) status = None while not self.status_queue.empty(): status = self.status_queue.get() newtasks = [] while not self.newtask_queue.empty(): newtasks = self.newtask_queue.get() result = None while not self.result_queue.empty(): _, result = self.result_queue.get() return status, newtasks, result def status_ok(self, status, type): if not status: return False return status.get('track', {}).get(type, {}).get('ok', False) def assertStatusOk(self, status): self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch'), status.get('track', {}).get('fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process'), status.get('track', {}).get('process')) def __getattr__(self, name): return name def test_10_not_status(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.not_send_status) self.assertIsNone(status) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 'not_send_status') def test_20_url_deduplicated(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.url_deduplicated) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIsNone(status['track']['fetch']['error']) self.assertIsNone(status['track']['fetch']['content']) self.assertFalse(status['track']['fetch']['headers']) self.assertFalse(status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 2, newtasks) self.assertIsNone(result) def test_30_catch_status_code_error(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/418', callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertIn('HTTP 418', status['track']['fetch']['error']) self.assertTrue(status['track']['fetch']['content'], '') self.assertTrue(status['track']['fetch']['headers']) self.assertTrue(status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertIn('HTTPError: HTTP 418', status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertFalse(newtasks) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/400', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 400) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/500', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 500) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/302', allow_redirects=False, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 302) def test_40_method(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/delete', method='DELETE', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', method='DELETE', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertTrue(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 405) def test_50_params(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['args'], {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.'}) def test_60_data(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', data={ 'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['form'], {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.'}) def test_70_redirect(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/redirect-to?url=/get', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(status['track']['fetch']['redirect_url'], self.httpbin+'/get') self.assertFalse(newtasks) def test_80_redirect_too_many(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/redirect/10', callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(status['track']['fetch']['status_code'], 599) self.assertIn('redirects followed', status['track']['fetch']['error']) def test_90_files(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/put', method='PUT', files={os.path.basename(__file__): open(__file__).read()}, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn(os.path.basename(__file__), result['files']) def test_a100_files_with_data(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/put', method='PUT', files={os.path.basename(__file__): open(__file__).read()}, data={ 'roy': 'binux', #'中文': '.', # FIXME: not work }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['form'], {'roy': 'binux'}) self.assertIn(os.path.basename(__file__), result['files']) def test_a110_headers(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', headers={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['headers'].get('A'), 'b') self.assertEqual(result['headers'].get('C-D'), 'e-F') def test_a115_user_agent(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', user_agent='binux', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['headers'].get('User-Agent'), 'binux') def test_a120_cookies(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', cookies={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F' }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn('a=b', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('C-d=e-F', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) def test_a130_cookies_with_headers(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', headers={ 'Cookie': 'g=h; I=j', }, cookies={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F' }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn('g=h', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('I=j', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('a=b', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('C-d=e-F', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) def test_a140_response_cookie(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2', callback=self.cookies) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}) def test_a145_redirect_cookie(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['cookies'], {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}) def test_a150_timeout(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/delay/2', timeout=1, callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(int(status['track']['fetch']['time']), 1) def test_a160_etag(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', etag='abc', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a170_last_modified(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', last_modified='0', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a180_save(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_save, save={'roy': 'binux', u'中文': 'value'}) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': 'value'}) def test_a190_taskid(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_save, taskid='binux-taskid') self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(status['taskid'], 'binux-taskid') self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a200_no_proxy(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a200' }, proxy=False, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a210_proxy_failed(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a210' }, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 403) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a220_proxy_ok(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a220', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', }, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a230_proxy_parameter_fail(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a230', }, proxy=self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(result, 403) def test_a240_proxy_parameter_ok(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', method='POST', data={ 'test': 'a240', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', }, proxy=self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) def test_a250_proxy_userpass(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', method='POST', data={ 'test': 'a250', }, proxy='binux:123456@'+self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) def test_a260_process_save(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.set_process_save) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIn('roy', status['track']['save']) self.assertEqual(status['track']['save']['roy'], 'binux') status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_process_save, track=status['track']) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIn('roy', result) self.assertEqual(result['roy'], 'binux') def test_zzz_links(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/links/10/0', callback=self.links) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 9, newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_zzz_html(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/html', callback=self.html) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 'Herman Melville - Moby-Dick') def test_zzz_etag_enabled(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', track=status['track'], callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_zzz_etag_not_working(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) status['track']['process']['ok'] = False status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', track=status['track'], callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) def test_zzz_unexpected_crawl_argument(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "unexpected keyword argument"): self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', cookie={}, callback=self.json) def test_zzz_curl_get(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/get' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Binux-Header: Binux-Value' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result['headers'].get('Binux-Header'), 'Binux-Value') def test_zzz_curl_post(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/post' -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' --data 'Binux-Key=%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87+value' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result['form'].get('Binux-Key'), '中文 value') def test_zzz_curl_put(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/put' -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' --data-binary $'------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="Binux-Key"\r\n\r\n%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87+value\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="fileUpload1"; filename="1"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG--\r\n' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertIn('fileUpload1', result['files'], result) def test_zzz_curl_no_url(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'no URL'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' --compressed''', callback=self.json) def test_zzz_curl_bad_option(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Unknow curl option'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl '%s/put' -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -v''' % self.httpbin, callback=self.json) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Unknow curl option'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl '%s/put' -X PUT -v -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' ''' % self.httpbin, callback=self.json) def test_zzz_robots_txt(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/deny', robots_txt=True, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertEqual(result, 403) def test_zzz_connect_timeout(self): start_time = time.time() status, newtasks, result = self.crawl('', connect_timeout=5, callback=self.catch_http_error) end_time = time.time() self.assertTrue(5 <= end_time - start_time <= 6)
class TestFetcherProcessor(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.projectdb = ProjectDB([os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')]) self.fetcher = Fetcher(None, None, async=False) self.status_queue = Queue() self.newtask_queue = Queue() self.result_queue = Queue() self.httpbin_thread = utils.run_in_subprocess(, port=14887) self.httpbin = '' self.proxy_thread = subprocess.Popen(['pyproxy', '--username=binux', '--password=123456', '--port=14830', '--debug'], close_fds=True) self.proxy = '' self.processor = Processor(projectdb=self.projectdb, inqueue=None, status_queue=self.status_queue, newtask_queue=self.newtask_queue, result_queue=self.result_queue) self.project_name = 'data_fetcher_processor_handler' time.sleep(0.5) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): self.proxy_thread.terminate() self.proxy_thread.wait() self.httpbin_thread.terminate() self.httpbin_thread.join() def crawl(self, url=None, track=None, **kwargs): if url is None and kwargs.get('callback'): url = dataurl.encode(utils.text(kwargs.get('callback'))) project_data = self.processor.project_manager.get(self.project_name) assert project_data, "can't find project: %s" % self.project_name instance = project_data['instance'] instance._reset() task = instance.crawl(url, **kwargs) if isinstance(task, list): task = task[0] task['track'] = track result = self.fetcher.fetch(task) self.processor.on_task(task, result) status = None while not self.status_queue.empty(): status = self.status_queue.get() newtasks = [] while not self.newtask_queue.empty(): newtasks = self.newtask_queue.get() result = None while not self.result_queue.empty(): _, result = self.result_queue.get() return status, newtasks, result def status_ok(self, status, type): if not status: return False return status.get('track', {}).get(type, {}).get('ok', False) def assertStatusOk(self, status): self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch'), status.get('track', {}).get('fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process'), status.get('track', {}).get('process')) def __getattr__(self, name): return name def test_10_not_status(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.not_send_status) self.assertIsNone(status) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 'not_send_status') def test_20_url_deduplicated(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.url_deduplicated) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIsNone(status['track']['fetch']['error']) self.assertIsNone(status['track']['fetch']['content']) self.assertFalse(status['track']['fetch']['headers']) self.assertFalse(status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 2, newtasks) self.assertIsNone(result) def test_30_catch_status_code_error(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/418', callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertIn('HTTP 418', status['track']['fetch']['error']) self.assertTrue(status['track']['fetch']['content'], '') self.assertTrue(status['track']['fetch']['headers']) self.assertTrue(status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertIn('HTTPError: HTTP 418', status['track']['process']['logs']) self.assertFalse(newtasks) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/400', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 400) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/500', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 500) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/status/302', allow_redirects=False, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 302) def test_40_method(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/delete', method='DELETE', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', method='DELETE', callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertTrue(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 405) def test_50_params(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['args'], {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.'}) def test_60_data(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', data={ 'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['form'], {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': '.'}) def test_70_redirect(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/redirect-to?url=/get', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(status['track']['fetch']['redirect_url'], self.httpbin+'/get') self.assertFalse(newtasks) def test_80_redirect_too_many(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/redirect/10', callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(status['track']['fetch']['status_code'], 599) self.assertIn('redirects followed', status['track']['fetch']['error']) def test_90_files(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/put', method='PUT', files={os.path.basename(__file__): open(__file__).read()}, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn(os.path.basename(__file__), result['files']) def test_a100_files_with_data(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/put', method='PUT', files={os.path.basename(__file__): open(__file__).read()}, data={ 'roy': 'binux', #'中文': '.', # FIXME: not work }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['form'], {'roy': 'binux'}) self.assertIn(os.path.basename(__file__), result['files']) def test_a110_headers(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', headers={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F', }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['headers'].get('A'), 'b') self.assertEqual(result['headers'].get('C-D'), 'e-F') def test_a120_cookies(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', cookies={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F' }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn('a=b', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('C-d=e-F', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) def test_a130_cookies_with_headers(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', headers={ 'Cookie': 'g=h; I=j', }, cookies={ 'a': 'b', 'C-d': 'e-F' }, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertIn('g=h', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('I=j', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('a=b', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) self.assertIn('C-d=e-F', result['headers'].get('Cookie')) def test_a140_response_cookie(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2', callback=self.cookies) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}) def test_a145_redirect_cookie(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result['cookies'], {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}) def test_a150_timeout(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/delay/2', timeout=1, callback=self.json) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(int(status['track']['fetch']['time']), 1) def test_a160_etag(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', etag='abc', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a170_last_modifed(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', last_modifed='0', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a180_save(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_save, save={'roy': 'binux', u'中文': 'value'}) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, {'roy': 'binux', u'中文': 'value'}) def test_a190_taskid(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_save, taskid='binux-taskid') self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(status['taskid'], 'binux-taskid') self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_a200_no_proxy(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a200' }, proxy=False, callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a210_proxy_failed(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a210' }, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 1, newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 403) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a220_proxy_ok(self): old_proxy = self.fetcher.proxy self.fetcher.proxy = self.proxy status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a220', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', }, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) self.fetcher.proxy = old_proxy def test_a230_proxy_parameter_fail(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/get', params={ 'test': 'a230', }, proxy=self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertFalse(self.status_ok(status, 'fetch')) self.assertTrue(self.status_ok(status, 'process')) self.assertEqual(result, 403) def test_a240_proxy_parameter_ok(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', method='POST', data={ 'test': 'a240', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', }, proxy=self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) def test_a250_proxy_userpass(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/post', method='POST', data={ 'test': 'a250', }, proxy='binux:123456@'+self.proxy, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(result, 200) def test_a260_process_save(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.set_process_save) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIn('roy', status['track']['save']) self.assertEqual(status['track']['save']['roy'], 'binux') status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(callback=self.get_process_save, track=status['track']) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertIn('roy', result) self.assertEqual(result['roy'], 'binux') def test_zzz_links(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/links/10/0', callback=self.links) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertEqual(len(newtasks), 9, newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_zzz_html(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/html', callback=self.html) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertEqual(result, 'Herman Melville - Moby-Dick') def test_zzz_etag_enabled(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', track=status['track'], callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertFalse(newtasks) self.assertFalse(result) def test_zzz_etag_not_working(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) status['track']['process']['ok'] = False status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', track=status['track'], callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) def test_zzz_unexpected_crawl_argument(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "unexpected keyword argument"): self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/cache', cookie={}, callback=self.json) def test_zzz_curl_get(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/get' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Binux-Header: Binux-Value' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result['headers'].get('Binux-Header'), 'Binux-Value') def test_zzz_curl_post(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/post' -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' --data 'Binux-Key=%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87+value' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result['form'].get('Binux-Key'), '中文 value') def test_zzz_curl_put(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl("curl '"+self.httpbin+'''/put' -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' -H 'Accept-Language: en,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.6' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.17 Safari/537.36' -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Cookie: _gauges_unique_year=1; _gauges_unique=1; _ga=GA1.2.415471573.1419316591' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' --data-binary $'------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="Binux-Key"\r\n\r\n%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87+value\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="fileUpload1"; filename="1"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryYlkgyaA7SRGOQYUG--\r\n' --compressed''', callback=self.json) self.assertStatusOk(status) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertIn('fileUpload1', result['files'], result) def test_zzz_curl_no_url(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'no URL'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' --compressed''', callback=self.json) def test_zzz_curl_bad_option(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Unknow curl option'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl '%s/put' -X PUT -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' -v''' % self.httpbin, callback=self.json) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Unknow curl option'): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl( '''curl '%s/put' -X PUT -v -H 'Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo' ''' % self.httpbin, callback=self.json) def test_zzz_robots_txt(self): status, newtasks, result = self.crawl(self.httpbin+'/deny', robots_txt=True, callback=self.catch_http_error) self.assertEqual(result, 403)
class Subscriber(threading.Thread): """ Thread responsible for event subscriptions. Issues subscriptions, creates the websocket, and refreshes the subscriptions before timer expiry. It also reissues the subscriptions when the APIC login is refreshed. """ def __init__(self, apic): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._apic = apic self._subscriptions = {} self._ws = None self._ws_url = None self._refresh_time = 30 self._event_q = Queue() self._events = {} self._exit = False self.event_handler_thread = None def exit(self): """ Indicate that the thread should exit. """ self._exit = True def _send_subscription(self, url, only_new=False): """ Send the subscription for the specified URL. :param url: URL string to issue the subscription """ try: resp = self._apic.get(url) except ConnectionError: self._subscriptions[url] = None logging.error('Could not send subscription to APIC for url %s', url) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp if not resp.ok: self._subscriptions[url] = None logging.error('Could not send subscription to APIC for url %s', url) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp resp_data = json.loads(resp.text) if 'subscriptionId' not in resp_data: logging.error( 'Did not receive proper subscription response from APIC for url %s response: %s', url, resp_data) resp = requests.Response() resp.status_code = 404 resp._content = '{"error": "Could not send subscription to APIC"}' return resp subscription_id = resp_data['subscriptionId'] self._subscriptions[url] = subscription_id if not only_new: while len(resp_data['imdata']): event = { "totalCount": "1", "subscriptionId": [resp_data['subscriptionId']], "imdata": [resp_data["imdata"][0]] } self._event_q.put(json.dumps(event)) resp_data["imdata"].remove(resp_data["imdata"][0]) return resp def refresh_subscriptions(self): """ Refresh all of the subscriptions. """ # Make a copy of the current subscriptions in case of changes # while we are refreshing current_subscriptions = {} for subscription in self._subscriptions: try: current_subscriptions[subscription] = self._subscriptions[ subscription] except KeyError: logging.warning('Subscription removed while copying') # Refresh the subscriptions for subscription in current_subscriptions: if self._ws is not None: if not self._ws.connected: logging.warning( 'Websocket not established on subscription refresh. Re-establishing websocket' ) self._open_web_socket('https://' in subscription) try: subscription_id = self._subscriptions[subscription] except KeyError: logging.warning( 'Subscription has been removed while trying to refresh') continue if subscription_id is None: self._send_subscription(subscription) continue refresh_url = '/api/subscriptionRefresh.json?id=' + str( subscription_id) resp = self._apic.get(refresh_url) if not resp.ok: logging.warning('Could not refresh subscription: %s', refresh_url) # Try to resubscribe self._resubscribe() def _open_web_socket(self, use_secure=True): """ Opens the web socket connection with the APIC. :param use_secure: Boolean indicating whether the web socket should be secure. Default is True. """ sslopt = {} if use_secure: sslopt['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE self._ws_url = 'wss://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) else: self._ws_url = 'ws://%s/socket%s' % (self._apic.ipaddr, self._apic.token) kwargs = {} if self._ws is not None: if self._ws.connected: self._ws.close() self.event_handler_thread.exit() try: self._ws = create_connection(self._ws_url, sslopt=sslopt, **kwargs) if not self._ws.connected: logging.error('Unable to open websocket connection') self.event_handler_thread = EventHandler(self) self.event_handler_thread.daemon = True self.event_handler_thread.start() except WebSocketException: logging.error( 'Unable to open websocket connection due to WebSocketException' ) except socket.error: logging.error( 'Unable to open websocket connection due to Socket Error') def _resubscribe(self): """ Reissue the subscriptions. Used to when the APIC login timeout occurs and a new subscription must be issued instead of simply a refresh. Not meant to be called directly by end user applications. """ self._process_event_q() urls = [] for url in self._subscriptions: urls.append(url) self._subscriptions = {} for url in urls: self.subscribe(url, only_new=True) def _process_event_q(self): """ Put the event into correct bucket based on URLs that have been subscribed. """ if self._event_q.empty(): return while not self._event_q.empty(): event = self._event_q.get() orig_event = event try: event = json.loads(event) except ValueError: logging.error('Non-JSON event: %s', orig_event) continue # Find the URL for this event num_subscriptions = len(event['subscriptionId']) for i in range(0, num_subscriptions): url = None for k in self._subscriptions: if self._subscriptions[k] == str( event['subscriptionId'][i]): url = k break if url not in self._events: self._events[url] = [] self._events[url].append(event) if num_subscriptions > 1: event = copy.deepcopy(event) def subscribe(self, url, only_new=False): """ Subscribe to a particular APIC URL. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to send as a subscription """'Subscribing to url: %s', url) # Check if already subscribed. If so, skip if url in self._subscriptions: return if self._ws is not None: if not self._ws.connected: self._open_web_socket('https://' in url) resp = self._send_subscription(url, only_new=only_new) return resp def is_subscribed(self, url): """ Check if subscribed to a particular APIC URL. :param url: URL string to send as a subscription """ return url in self._subscriptions def has_events(self, url): """ Check if a particular APIC URL subscription has any events. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to check for pending events """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: return False result = len(self._events[url]) != 0 return result def get_event_count(self, url): """ Check the number of subscription events for a particular APIC URL :param url: URL string to check for pending events :returns: Interger number of events in event queue """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: return 0 return len(self._events[url]) def get_event(self, url): """ Get an event for a particular APIC URL subscription. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to get pending event """ self._process_event_q() if url not in self._events: raise ValueError event = self._events[url].pop(0) logging.debug('Event received %s', event) return event def unsubscribe(self, url): """ Unsubscribe from a particular APIC URL. Used internally by the Class and Instance subscriptions. :param url: URL string to unsubscribe """'Unsubscribing from url: %s', url) if url not in self._subscriptions: return if '&subscription=yes' in url: unsubscribe_url = url.split( '&subscription=yes')[0] + '&subscription=no' elif '?subscription=yes' in url: unsubscribe_url = url.split( '?subscription=yes')[0] + '?subscription=no' else: raise ValueError( 'No subscription string in URL being unsubscribed') resp = self._apic.get(unsubscribe_url) if not resp.ok: logging.warning('Could not unsubscribe from url: %s', unsubscribe_url) # Chew up any outstanding events while self.has_events(url): self.get_event(url) del self._subscriptions[url] if not self._subscriptions: self._ws.close(timeout=0) def run(self): while not self._exit: # Sleep for some interval and send subscription list time.sleep(self._refresh_time) try: self.refresh_subscriptions() except ConnectionError: logging.error( 'Could not refresh subscriptions due to ConnectionError')
class ScsiDevice(USBBaseActor): ''' Implementation of subset of the SCSI protocol ''' name = 'SCSI Stack' def __init__(self, app, disk_image): super(ScsiDevice, self).__init__(app, None) self.disk_image = disk_image self.handlers = { ScsiCmds.INQUIRY: self.handle_inquiry, ScsiCmds.REQUEST_SENSE: self.handle_request_sense, ScsiCmds.TEST_UNIT_READY: self.handle_test_unit_ready, ScsiCmds.READ_CAPACITY_10: self.handle_read_capacity_10, # ScsiCmds.SEND_DIAGNOSTIC: self.handle_send_diagnostic, ScsiCmds.PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL: self.handle_prevent_allow_medium_removal, ScsiCmds.WRITE_10: self.handle_write_10, ScsiCmds.READ_10: self.handle_read_10, # ScsiCmds.WRITE_6: self.handle_write_6, # ScsiCmds.READ_6: self.handle_read_6, # ScsiCmds.VERIFY_10: self.handle_verify_10, ScsiCmds.MODE_SENSE_6: self.handle_mode_sense_6, ScsiCmds.MODE_SENSE_10: self.handle_mode_sense_10, ScsiCmds.READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES: self.handle_read_format_capacities, ScsiCmds.SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE: self.handle_synchronize_cache, } self.tx = Queue() self.rx = Queue() self.stop_event = Event() self.thread = Thread(target=self.handle_data_loop) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() self.is_write_in_progress = False self.write_cbw = None self.write_base_lba = 0 self.write_length = 0 self.write_data = b'' def stop(self): self.stop_event.set() def handle_data_loop(self): while not self.stop_event.isSet(): if not self.rx.empty(): data = self.rx.get() self.handle_data(data) else: time.sleep(0.0001) def handle_data(self, data): if self.is_write_in_progress: self.handle_write_data(data) else: cbw = CommandBlockWrapper(data) opcode = cbw.opcode if opcode in self.handlers: try: resp = self.handlers[opcode](cbw) if resp is not None: self.tx.put(resp) self.tx.put(scsi_status(cbw, 0)) except Exception as ex: self.warning('exception while processing opcode %#x' % (opcode)) self.warning(ex) self.tx.put(scsi_status(cbw, 2)) else: raise Exception('No handler for opcode %#x' % (opcode)) def handle_write_data(self, data): self.debug('got %#x bytes of SCSI write data' % (len(data))) self.write_data += data if len(self.write_data) >= self.write_length: # done writing self.disk_image.put_sector_data(self.write_base_lba, self.write_data) self.is_write_in_progress = False self.write_data = b'' self.tx.put(scsi_status(self.write_cbw, 0)) @mutable('scsi_inquiry_response') def handle_inquiry(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Inquiry, data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) peripheral = 0x00 # SBC RMB = 0x80 # Removable version = 0x00 response_data_format = 0x01 config = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00) vendor_id = b'MBYDCOR ' product_id = b'UMAP2 DISK IMAG ' product_revision_level = b'8.02' part1 = struct.pack('BBBB', peripheral, RMB, version, response_data_format) part2 = struct.pack('BBB', *config) + vendor_id + product_id + product_revision_level length = struct.pack('B', len(part2)) response = part1 + length + part2 return response @mutable('scsi_request_sense_response') def handle_request_sense(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Request Sense, data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) response_code = 0x70 valid = 0x00 filemark = 0x06 information = 0x00000000 command_info = 0x00000000 additional_sense_code = 0x3a additional_sens_code_qualifier = 0x00 field_replacement_unti_code = 0x00 sense_key_specific = b'\x00\x00\x00' part1 = struct.pack('<BBBI', response_code, valid, filemark, information) part2 = struct.pack( '<IBBB', command_info, additional_sense_code, additional_sens_code_qualifier, field_replacement_unti_code ) part2 += sense_key_specific length = struct.pack('B', len(part2)) response = part1 + length + part2 return response @mutable('scsi_test_unit_ready_response') def handle_test_unit_ready(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Test Unit Ready, logical unit number: %02x' % (cbw.cb[1])) @mutable('scsi_read_capacity_10_response') def handle_read_capacity_10(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Read Capacity, data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) lastlba = self.disk_image.get_sector_count() logical_block_address = struct.pack('>I', lastlba) length = 0x00000200 response = logical_block_address + struct.pack('>I', length) return response @mutable('scsi_send_diagnostic_response') def handle_send_diagnostic(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_prevent_allow_medium_removal_response') def handle_prevent_allow_medium_removal(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Prevent/Allow Removal') @mutable('scsi_write_10_response') def handle_write_10(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Write (10), data: %s' % hexlify(cbw.cb[1:])) base_lba = struct.unpack('>I', cbw.cb[2:6])[0] num_blocks = struct.unpack('>H', cbw.cb[7:9])[0] self.debug('SCSI Write (10), lba %#x + %#x block(s)' % (base_lba, num_blocks)) # save for later self.write_cbw = cbw self.write_base_lba = base_lba self.write_length = num_blocks * self.disk_image.block_size self.is_write_in_progress = True def handle_read_10(self, cbw): base_lba = struct.unpack('>I', cbw.cb[2:6])[0] num_blocks = struct.unpack('>H', cbw.cb[7:9])[0] self.debug('SCSI Read (10), lba %#x + %#x block(s)' % (base_lba, num_blocks)) for block_num in range(num_blocks): data = self.disk_image.get_sector_data(base_lba + block_num) self.tx.put(data) @mutable('scsi_write_6_response') def handle_write_6(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_read_6_response') def handle_read_6(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') @mutable('scsi_verify_10_response') def handle_verify_10(self, cbw): raise NotImplementedError('yet...') def handle_scsi_mode_sense(self, cbw): page = cbw.cb[2] & 0x3f self.debug('SCSI Mode Sense, page code 0x%02x' % page) if page == 0x1c: medium_type = 0x00 device_specific_param = 0x00 block_descriptor_len = 0x00 mode_page_1c = b'\x1c\x06\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00' body = struct.pack('BBB', medium_type, device_specific_param, block_descriptor_len) body += mode_page_1c length = struct.pack('<B', len(body)) response = length + body elif page == 0x3f: length = 0x45 # .. todo:: this seems awefully wrong medium_type = 0x00 device_specific_param = 0x00 block_descriptor_len = 0x08 mode_page = 0x00000000 response = struct.pack('<BBBBI', length, medium_type, device_specific_param, block_descriptor_len, mode_page) else: length = 0x07 medium_type = 0x00 device_specific_param = 0x00 block_descriptor_len = 0x00 mode_page = 0x00000000 response = struct.pack('<BBBBI', length, medium_type, device_specific_param, block_descriptor_len, mode_page) return response @mutable('scsi_mode_sense_6_response') def handle_mode_sense_6(self, cbw): return self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(cbw) @mutable('scsi_mode_sense_10_response') def handle_mode_sense_10(self, cbw): return self.handle_scsi_mode_sense(cbw) @mutable('scsi_read_format_capacities') def handle_read_format_capacities(self, cbw): self.debug('SCSI Read Format Capacity') # header response = struct.pack('>I', 8) num_sectors = 0x1000 reserved = 0x1000 sector_size = 0x200 response += struct.pack('>IHH', num_sectors, reserved, sector_size) return response @mutable('scsi_synchronize_cache_response') def handle_synchronize_cache(self, cbw): self.debug('Synchronize Cache (10)')