def response(self, query_string, **kwargs): fields = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string, True) if not set(fields) >= set([SIGNATURE, VADS_CTX_MODE, VADS_AUTH_RESULT ]): raise ResponseError() for key, value in fields.items(): fields[key] = value[0] copy = fields.copy() bank_status = [] if VADS_AUTH_RESULT in fields: v = copy[VADS_AUTH_RESULT] ctx = (v, AUTH_RESULT_MAP.get(v, 'Code inconnu')) copy[VADS_AUTH_RESULT] = '%s: %s' % ctx bank_status.append(copy[VADS_AUTH_RESULT]) if VADS_RESULT in copy: v = copy[VADS_RESULT] ctx = (v, RESULT_MAP.get(v, 'Code inconnu')) copy[VADS_RESULT] = '%s: %s' % ctx bank_status.append(copy[VADS_RESULT]) if v == '30': if VADS_EXTRA_RESULT in fields: v = fields[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT] if v.isdigit(): for parameter in PARAMETERS: if int(v) == parameter.code: s = 'erreur dans le champ %s' % copy[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT] = s bank_status.append(copy[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT]) elif v in ('05', '00'): if VADS_EXTRA_RESULT in fields: v = fields[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT] extra_result_name = EXTRA_RESULT_MAP.get(v, 'Code inconnu') copy[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT] = '%s: %s' % (v, extra_result_name) bank_status.append(copy[VADS_EXTRA_RESULT]) self.logger.debug('checking systempay response on:') for key in sorted(fields.keys()): self.logger.debug(' %s: %s' % (key, copy[key])) signature = self.signature(fields) signature_result = signature == fields[SIGNATURE] self.logger.debug('signature check: %s <!> %s', signature, fields[SIGNATURE]) if not signature_result: bank_status.append('invalid signature') if fields[VADS_AUTH_RESULT] == '00': result = PAID else: result = ERROR test = fields[VADS_CTX_MODE] == 'TEST' transaction_id = '%s_%s' % (copy[VADS_TRANS_DATE], copy[VADS_TRANS_ID]) # the VADS_AUTH_NUMBER is the number to match payment in bank logs copy[self.BANK_ID] = copy.get(VADS_AUTH_NUMBER, '') response = PaymentResponse(result=result, signed=signature_result, bank_data=copy, order_id=transaction_id, transaction_id=copy.get(VADS_AUTH_NUMBER), bank_status=' - '.join(bank_status), test=test) return response
def sign_url_paiement(ntkey, query): if '?' in query: query = query[query.index('?') + 1:] key = decrypt_ntkey(ntkey) data = urlparse.parse_qs(query, True) fields = [data.get(field, [''])[0] for field in PAIEMENT_FIELDS] data_to_sign = ''.join(fields) return[:20], data_to_sign, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest().upper()
def parse_query(query): q = {'mode': 'main'} if query.startswith('?'): query = query[1:] queries = urlparse.parse_qs(query) for key in queries: if len(queries[key]) == 1: q[key] = queries[key][0] else: q[key] = queries[key] return q
def response(self, query_string, logger=LOGGER, **kwargs): form = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string) if not set(form) >= set([REFERENCE, ETAT, REFSFP]): raise ResponseError() for key, value in form.items(): form[key] = value[0] logger.debug('received query_string %s' % query_string) logger.debug('parsed as %s' % form) reference = form.get(REFERENCE) bank_status = [] signed = False form[self.BANK_ID] = form.get(REFSFP) etat = form.get('etat') status = '%s: %s' % (etat, SPPLUS_RESPONSE_CODES.get(etat, 'Unknown code')) logger.debug('status is %s', status) bank_status.append(status) if 'hmac' in form: try: signed_data, signature = query_string.rsplit('&', 1) _, hmac = signature.split('=', 1) logger.debug('got signature %s' % hmac) computed_hmac = sign_ntkey_query(self.cle, signed_data) logger.debug('computed signature %s' % computed_hmac) signed = hmac == computed_hmac if not signed: bank_status.append('invalid signature') except ValueError: bank_status.append('invalid signature') test = False if etat in PAID_STATE: result = PAID elif etat in ACCEPTED_STATE: result = ACCEPTED elif etat in VALID_STATE: result = RECEIVED elif etat in TEST_STATE: result = RECEIVED # what else ? test = True else: result = ERROR response = PaymentResponse(result=result, signed=signed, bank_data=form, order_id=reference, transaction_id=form[self.BANK_ID], bank_status=' - '.join(bank_status), return_content=SPCHECKOK, test=test) return response
def oauth_flow(s, oauth_url, username=None, password=None, sandbox=False): """s should be a requests session""" r = s.get(oauth_url) if r.status_code >= 300: raise RuntimeError(r.text) params = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(r.url).query) data = { "un": username, "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "hasRememberUn": True, "startURL": params['startURL'], "loginURL": "", "loginType": 6, "useSecure": True, "local": "", "lt": "OAUTH", "qs": "r=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8443%2Fsalesforce%2F21", "locale": "", "oauth_token": "", "oauth_callback": "", "login": "", "serverid": "", "display": "popup", "username": username, "pw": password, "Login": "", } if sandbox: base = "" else: base = "" r2 =, data) m ="window.location.href\s*='(.[^']+)'", r2.text) assert m is not None, ("Couldn't find location.href expression in page {} " "(Username or password is wrong)").format(r2.url) u3 = "https://" + urlparse.urlparse(r2.url).hostname + r3 = s.get(u3) m ="window.location.href\s*='(.[^']+)'", r3.text) assert m is not None, ("Couldn't find location.href expression in page {}:" "\n{}").format(r3.url, r3.text) return
def do_POST(self): ctype, pdict = parse_header(self.headers['content-type']) if ctype == 'multipart/form-data': data = parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': length = int(self.headers['content-length']) data = urlparse.parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1) elif ctype == 'application/json': length = int(self.headers['content-length']) data = json.loads( else: data = {} return self._handle_request('POST', data)
def website_login(username=None, password=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, redirect_uri=None, sandbox=None, cache_session=None, state=None): if sandbox: base = "" else: base = "" auth_url = base + "/services/oauth2/authorize?" client_id = os.environ.get('SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID', client_id) client_secret = os.environ.get('SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET', client_secret) redirect_uri = os.environ.get('SALESFORCE_REDIRECT_URI', redirect_uri) auth_url += urllib.urlencode([ ("response_type", "code"), ("display", "popup"), ("client_id", client_id), ("redirect_uri", redirect_uri), ("prompt", "login"), ("state", state)]) s = requests.session() redirect_return = oauth_flow( s, auth_url, username=username, password=password, sandbox=sandbox, ) # parse out the session id and endpoint params = urlparse.parse_qs(redirect_return) data = dict(code=params['code'], grant_type="authorization_code", client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, format="json") code_url = base + "/services/oauth2/token" return, data=data)
def response(self, query_string, **kwargs): form = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string) if not DATA in form: raise ResponseError() params = {'message': form[DATA][0]} result = self.execute('response', params) d = dict(zip(RESPONSE_PARAMS, result)) # The reference identifier for the payment is the authorisation_id d[self.BANK_ID] = d.get(AUTHORISATION_ID) self.logger.debug('response contains fields %s' % d) response_result = d.get(RESPONSE_CODE) == '00' response_code_msg = CB_BANK_RESPONSE_CODES.get(d.get(RESPONSE_CODE)) response = PaymentResponse(result=response_result, signed=response_result, bank_data=d, order_id=d.get(ORDER_ID), transaction_id=d.get(AUTHORISATION_ID), bank_status=response_code_msg) return response
def response(self, query_string, callback=False, **kwargs): d = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string, True, False) if not set(d) >= set(['erreur', 'reference']): raise ResponseError() signed = False if 'signature' in d: sig = d['signature'][0] sig = base64.b64decode(sig) data = [] if callback: for key in ('montant', 'reference', 'code_autorisation', 'erreur'): data.append('%s=%s' % (key, urllib.quote(d[key][0]))) else: for key, value in urlparse.parse_qsl(query_string, True, True): if key == 'heure': break data.append('%s=%s' % (key, urllib.quote(value))) data = '&'.join(data) signed = verify(data, sig) if d['erreur'][0] == '00000': result = PAID else: result = ERROR for l in (5, 3): prefix = d['erreur'][0][:l] suffix = 'x' * (5-l) bank_status = PAYBOX_ERROR_CODES.get(prefix + suffix) if bank_status is not None: break orderid = d['reference'][0] # decode order id from returned reference if ORDERID_TRANSACTION_SEPARATOR in orderid: orderid, transaction_id = orderid.split(ORDERID_TRANSACTION_SEPARATOR, 1) return PaymentResponse( order_id=orderid, signed=signed, bank_data=d, result=result, bank_status=bank_status)
def response(self, query_string, **kwargs): form = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string) if not set(form) >= set(['Data', 'Seal', 'InterfaceVersion']): raise ResponseError() self.logger.debug('received query string %r', form) data = self.decode_data(form['Data'][0]) seal = form['Seal'][0] self.logger.debug('parsed response %r seal %r', data, seal) signed = self.check_seal(data, seal) response_code = data['responseCode'] transaction_id = data.get('transactionReference') result = self.response_code_to_result.get(response_code, ERROR) merchant_id = data.get('merchantId') test = merchant_id == self.TEST_MERCHANT_ID return PaymentResponse(result=result, signed=signed, bank_data=data, order_id=transaction_id, transaction_id=data.get('authorisationId'), bank_status=self.RESPONSE_CODES.get( response_code, u'unknown code - ' + response_code), test=test)
def filter_result(link): try: # Valid results are absolute URLs not pointing to a Google domain # like or o = urlparse.urlparse(link, 'http') if o.netloc and 'google' not in o.netloc: return link # Decode hidden URLs. if link.startswith('/url?'): link = urlparse.parse_qs(o.query)['q'][0] # Valid results are absolute URLs not pointing to a Google domain # like or o = urlparse.urlparse(link, 'http') if o.netloc and 'google' not in o.netloc: return link # Otherwise, or on error, return None. except Exception: pass return None
def response(self, query_string, **kwargs): params = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string, True) params = dict((key.upper(), params[key][0]) for key in params) if not set(params) >= set(['ORDERID', 'PAYID', 'STATUS', 'NCERROR']): raise ResponseError() reference = params['ORDERID'] transaction_id = params['PAYID'] status = params['STATUS'] error = params['NCERROR'] signed = False if self.sha_in: signature = params.get('SHASIGN') expected_signature = self.sha_sign_out(params) signed = signature == expected_signature print ('signed', signature) print ('expected', expected_signature) if status == '1': result = CANCELLED elif status == '2': result = DENIED elif status == '5': result = ACCEPTED elif status == '9': result = PAID else: self.logger.error('response STATUS=%s NCERROR=%s NCERRORPLUS=%s', status, error, params.get('NCERRORPLUS', '')) result = ERROR # extract reference from received order id if ORDERID_TRANSACTION_SEPARATOR in reference: reference, transaction_id = reference.split(ORDERID_TRANSACTION_SEPARATOR, 1) return PaymentResponse( result=result, signed=signed, bank_data=params, order_id=reference, transaction_id=transaction_id)