def getUserSizes(g):
    # Find the largest and smallest current users.
    smallestuser = None
    smallestsize = SV.infinity
    largestuser = None
    largestsize = SV(0)
    allusers = {}
    for _, userid in userdb.listUsers(guildid=g.id):
        member = g.get_member(userid)
        if not (member and str(member.status) != "offline"):
        userdata = userdb.load(g.id, userid)
        if userdata.height == 0 or userdata.height == SV.infinity:
        if not userdata.is_active:
        if userdata.height > largestsize:
            largestuser = userid
            largestsize = userdata.height
        if userdata.height < smallestsize:
            smallestuser = userid
            smallestsize = userdata.height
        allusers[userid] = userdata.height
    return {
        "smallest": {
            "id": smallestuser,
            "size": smallestsize
        "largest": {
            "id": largestuser,
            "size": largestsize
        "users": allusers
def getUserSizes(g):
    # Find the largest and smallest current users.
    # TODO: Check to see if these users are recently active, which would determine if they count towards the check.
    smallestuser = 000000000000000000
    smallestsize = SV(SV.infinity)
    largestuser = 000000000000000000
    largestsize = SV(0)
    allusers = {}
    for _, testid in userdb.listUsers(g.id):
        if testid in list(
            [m.id for m in g.members if str(m.status) != "offline"]):
            testdata = userdb.load(g.id, testid)
            allusers[testid] = testdata.height
            if testdata.height <= 0 or testdata.height >= SV.infinity:
            if testdata.height > largestsize:
                largestuser = testid
                largestsize = testdata.height
            if testdata.height < smallestsize:
                smallestuser = testid
                smallestsize = testdata.height

    smallestuser = int(smallestuser)
    largestuser = int(largestuser)

    return {
        "smallest": {
            "id": smallestuser,
            "size": smallestsize
        "largest": {
            "id": largestuser,
            "size": largestsize
        "users": allusers
    async def register(self, ctx):
        # nick: str
        # currentheight: SV = proportions.defaultheight
        # baseheight: SV = proportions.defaultheight
        # baseweight: WV = userdb.defaultweight
        # unitsystem: str = "m"
        # species: str = None
        """Registers a user for SizeBot."""

        userdata = None
            userdata = userdb.load(ctx.guild.id,
        except errors.UserNotFoundException:
            userdata = None

        # User data already exists
        if userdata:
            if userdata.registered:
                await ctx.send(
                    "Sorry! You already registered with SizeBot.\n"
                    f"To unregister, use the `{conf.prefix}unregister` command."
                await showNextStep(ctx, userdata)

        # User is already in different guilds, offer to copy profile to this guild?
        guilds = [
            for g, _ in userdb.listUsers(userid=ctx.author.id)
        guilds = [g for g in guilds if g is not None]
        guilds_names = [g.name for g in guilds]
        if guilds_names:
            guildsstring = "\n".join(guilds_names)
            sentMsg = await ctx.send(
                f"You are already registered with SizeBot in these servers:\n{guildsstring}\n"
                f"You can copy a profile from one of these guilds to this one using `{ctx.prefix}copy.`\n"
                "Proceed with registration anyway?")
            await sentMsg.add_reaction(emojis.check)
            await sentMsg.add_reaction(emojis.cancel)

            # Wait for requesting user to react to sent message with emojis.check or emojis.cancel
            def check(reaction, reacter):
                return reaction.message.id == sentMsg.id \
                    and reacter.id == ctx.author.id \
                    and (
                        str(reaction.emoji) == emojis.check
                        or str(reaction.emoji) == emojis.cancel

                reaction, ctx.author = await self.bot.wait_for("reaction_add",
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                # User took too long to respond
                await sentMsg.delete()

            # if the reaction isn't the right one, stop.
            if reaction.emoji != emojis.check:

        telemetry.RegisterStarted(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id).save()
        userdata = userdb.User()
        userdata.guildid = ctx.guild.id
        userdata.id = ctx.author.id
        userdata.nickname = ctx.author.display_name
        userdata.display = False
        if ctx.me.guild_permissions.manage_nicknames:
            userdata.display = True
            if any(c in ctx.author.display_name for c in "()[]"):
                await ctx.send(
                    f"If you have already have a size tag in your name, you can fix your nick with `{conf.prefix}setnick`."
        userdata.registration_steps_remaining = [
            "setheight", "setweight", "setsystem"

        # TODO: If the bot has MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission but can't change this user's permission, let the user know
        # TODO: If the bot has MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission but can't change this user's permission, and the user is an admin, let them know they may need to fix permissions


        await addUserRole(ctx.author)

        logger.warn(f"Started registration for a new user: {ctx.author}!")

        # user has display == "y" and is server owner
        if userdata.display and userdata.id == ctx.author.guild.owner.id:
            await ctx.send(
                "I can't update a server owner's nick. You'll have to manage it manually."

        await ctx.send("Initial registration completed!")
        await showNextStep(ctx, userdata)
    async def copy(self, ctx):
        """Copy your SizeBot profile from a different guild to this one."""

        inputdict = {
            "1️⃣": 1,
            "2️⃣": 2,
            "3️⃣": 3,
            "4️⃣": 4,
            "5️⃣": 5,
            "6️⃣": 6,
            "7️⃣": 7,
            "8️⃣": 8,
            "9️⃣": 9,
            "0️⃣": 10

        guilds = [
            for g, _ in userdb.listUsers(userid=ctx.author.id)
        guilds = [g for g in guilds if g is not None]
        guilds_ids = [g.id for g in guilds]
        guilds_names = [g.name for g in guilds]

        if guilds_ids == []:
            await ctx.send("You are not registered with SizeBot in any guilds."
                           f"To register, use `{ctx.prefix}register`.")

        # TODO: This doesn't seem to work.
        if guilds_ids == [ctx.guild.id]:
            await ctx.send(
                "You are not registered with SizeBot in any other guilds.")

        outmsg = await ctx.send(emojis.loading)
        outstring = ""

        if userdb.exists(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id):
            outstring += "**:rotating_light:WARNING::rotating_light:**\n**You are already registered with SizeBot on this guild. Copying a profile to this guild will overwrite any size data you have here. Proceed with caution.**\n\n"

        outstring += "Copy profile from what guild?\n"

        # TODO: Replace this with a Menu.
        for i in range(
                min(len(guilds_ids), 10)
        ):  # Loops over either the whole list of guilds, or if that's longer than 10, 10 times.
            outstring += f"{list(inputdict.keys())[i]} *{guilds_names[i]}*\n"
            await outmsg.add_reaction(list(inputdict.keys())[i])
        await outmsg.add_reaction(emojis.cancel)

        outstring += f"\nClick {emojis.cancel} to cancel."

        await outmsg.edit(content=outstring)

        # Wait for requesting user to react to sent message with emojis.check or emojis.cancel
        def check(reaction, reacter):
            return reaction.message.id == outmsg.id \
                and reacter.id == ctx.author.id \
                and (
                    str(reaction.emoji) == emojis.check
                    or str(reaction.emoji) in inputdict.keys()

            reaction, ctx.author = await self.bot.wait_for("reaction_add",
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            # User took too long to respond
            await outmsg.delete()

        # if the reaction isn't the right one, stop.
        if reaction.emoji == emojis.cancel:
            await outmsg.delete()

        if reaction.emoji not in inputdict.keys():
            await outmsg.delete()
            raise errors.ThisShouldNeverHappenException

        chosen = inputdict[reaction.emoji] - 1
        chosenguildid = guilds_ids[chosen]
        userdata = userdb.load(chosenguildid, ctx.author.id)
        userdata.guildid = ctx.guild.id

        telemetry.ProfileCopied(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id).save()

        await outmsg.delete()
        await ctx.send(
            f"Successfully copied profile from *{self.bot.get_guild(int(chosenguildid)).name}* to here!"
    async def advancedregister(self,
                               nick: str,
                               currentheight: SV = proportions.defaultheight,
                               baseheight: SV = proportions.defaultheight,
                               baseweight: WV = userdb.defaultweight,
                               unitsystem: str = "m",
                               species: str = None):
        """Registers a user for SizeBot, legacy style.

        • `nick`: Your nickname. This will be the first thing displayed in your nickname. For a nickname with spaces, this must be wrapped in quotes.
        • `currentheight`: Self-explnatory.
        • `baseheight`: The default height of your character. It is recommended that this is a vaugely reasonable, human-like value, for instance your IRL height, except in rare circumnstances (for instance, if your character is a cat, or an orc, etc.)
        • `baseweight`: The default weight of your character. All the recommendations for baseheight apply here.
        • `unitsystem`: The unit system your size tag, and basic versions of your stats, will be displayed in by default. Accepts `M` for Metric, and `U` or `I` for U.S./Imperial.
        • `species`: Optional, a string to be appened after your size in your sizetag. Appears in the format `<nick> [<size>, <species>]`. If `species` is to contain a space, wrap it in quotes.

        Measurement parameters can accept a wide variety of units, as listed in `&units`.

        `&register DigiDuncan 0.5in 5'7.5 120lb U`
        `&register Surge 11ft 5'8 140lb U Raichu`
        `&register "Speck Boi" 0.1mm 190cm 120kg M`
        readable = f"CH {currentheight}, BH {baseheight}, BW {baseweight}"
        logger.warn(f"New user attempt! Nickname: {nick}")

        # Already registered
        if userdb.exists(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id):
            await ctx.send("Sorry! You already registered with SizeBot.\n"
                           "To unregister, use the `&unregister` command.")
                f"User already registered on user registration: {ctx.author}.")

        guilds = [
            for g, _ in userdb.listUsers(userid=ctx.author.id)
        guilds = [g for g in guilds if g is not None]
        guilds_names = [g.name for g in guilds]
        if guilds_names != []:
            guildsstring = "\n".join(guilds_names)
            sentMsg = await ctx.send(
                f"You are already registered with SizeBot in these servers:\n{guildsstring}\n"
                f"You can copy a profile from one of these guilds to this one using `{ctx.prefix}copy.`\n"
                "Proceed with registration anyway?")
            await sentMsg.add_reaction(emojis.check)
            await sentMsg.add_reaction(emojis.cancel)

            # Wait for requesting user to react to sent message with emojis.check or emojis.cancel
            def check(reaction, reacter):
                return reaction.message.id == sentMsg.id \
                    and reacter.id == ctx.author.id \
                    and (
                        str(reaction.emoji) == emojis.check
                        or str(reaction.emoji) == emojis.cancel

            reaction = None
                reaction, ctx.author = await self.bot.wait_for("reaction_add",
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                # User took too long to respond
                await sentMsg.delete()

            # if the reaction isn't the right one, stop.
            if reaction.emoji != emojis.check:

        # Invalid size value
        if (currentheight <= 0 or baseheight <= 0 or baseweight <= 0):
            logger.warn("Invalid size value.")
            await ctx.send("All values must be an integer greater than zero.")

        # Invalid unit value
        if unitsystem.lower() not in ["m", "u", "i"]:
            logger.warn(f"unitsystem was {unitsystem}, must be M or U/I.")
            await ctx.send("Unitsystem must be `M` or `U`/`I`.")
            raise errors.InvalidUnitSystemException

        # I system is really U.
        if unitsystem.lower() == "i":
            unitsystem = "u"

        telemetry.AdvancedRegisterUsed(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id).save()
        userdata = userdb.User()
        userdata.guildid = ctx.guild.id
        userdata.id = ctx.author.id
        userdata.nickname = nick
        userdata.display = True
        userdata.height = currentheight
        userdata.baseheight = baseheight
        userdata.baseweight = baseweight
        userdata.unitsystem = unitsystem
        userdata.species = species


        await addUserRole(ctx.author)

        logger.warn(f"Made a new user: {ctx.author}!")
        await ctx.send(f"Registered <@{ctx.author.id}>. {userdata}.")

        # user has display == "y" and is server owner
        if userdata.display and userdata.id == ctx.author.guild.owner.id:
            await ctx.send(
                "I can't update a server owner's nick. You'll have to manage it manually."