def rollout_episode(
    domain: Domain,
    solver: Optional[Union[Solver, Policies]] = None,
    from_memory: Optional[D.T_memory[D.T_state]] = None,
    from_action: Optional[D.T_agent[D.T_concurrency[D.T_event]]] = None,
    num_episodes: int = 1,
    max_steps: Optional[int] = None,
    render: bool = True,
    max_framerate: Optional[float] = None,
    verbose: bool = True,
    action_formatter: Optional[Callable[[D.T_event], str]] = None,
    outcome_formatter: Optional[Callable[[EnvironmentOutcome], str]] = None,
    save_result_directory: str = None
) -> Tuple[List[D.T_observation], List[D.T_event], List[D.T_value]]:
    """This method will run one or more episodes in a domain according to the policy of a solver.

    # Parameters
    domain: The domain in which the episode(s) will be run.
    solver: The solver whose policy will select actions to take (if None, a random policy is used).
    from_memory: The memory or state to consider as rollout starting point (if None, the domain is reset first).
    from_action: The last applied action when from_memory is used (if necessary for initial observation computation).
    num_episodes: The number of episodes to run.
    max_steps: The maximum number of steps for each episode (if None, no limit is set).
    render: Whether to render the episode(s) during rollout if the domain is renderable.
    max_framerate: The maximum number of steps/renders per second (if None, steps/renders are never slowed down).
    verbose: Whether to print information to the console during rollout.
    action_formatter: The function transforming actions in the string to print (if None, no print).
    outcome_formatter: The function transforming EnvironmentOutcome objects in the string to print (if None, no print).
    save_result: Directory in which state visited, actions applied and Transition Value are saved to json.
    if verbose:
            'Logger is in verbose mode: all debug messages will be there for you to enjoy (〜^∇^ )〜'

    if solver is None:
        # Create solver-like random walker that works for any domain
        class RandomWalk(Policies):
            T_domain = Domain
            T_agent = Domain.T_agent
            T_event = Domain.T_event

            def __init__(self):
                class CastDomain:  # trick to autocast domain's get_applicable_actions() without mutating domain
                    T_agent = domain.T_agent
                    T_event = domain.T_event

                    def get_applicable_actions(
                            self) -> D.T_agent[Space[D.T_event]]:
                        return domain.get_applicable_actions()

                self._domain = CastDomain()
                autocast_all(self._domain, self._domain, self)

            def reset(self) -> None:

            def sample_action(
                self, observation: D.T_agent[D.T_observation]
            ) -> D.T_agent[D.T_concurrency[D.T_event]]:
                return {
                    agent: [space.sample()]
                    for agent, space in

            def is_policy_defined_for(
                    self, observation: D.T_agent[D.T_observation]) -> bool:
                return True

        solver = RandomWalk()
        autocast_all(solver, solver.T_domain, domain)

    has_render = isinstance(domain, Renderable)
    has_goal = isinstance(domain, Goals)
    has_memory = not isinstance(domain, Markovian)
    for i_episode in range(num_episodes):
        # Initialize episode
        if from_memory is None:
            #observation = domain.reset()
            last_state = from_memory[-1] if has_memory else from_memory
            observation = domain.get_observation_distribution(
                last_state, from_action).sample()
        if verbose:
                f'Episode {i_episode + 1} started with following observation:')
        # Run episode
        step = 1

        observations = []
        actions = []
        values = []
        # save the initial observation

        while max_steps is None or step <= max_steps:
            old_time = time.perf_counter()
            if render and has_render:
            action = solver.sample_action(observation)
            if action_formatter is not None:
                logger.debug('Action: {}'.format(action_formatter(action)))
            outcome = domain.step(action)
            observation = outcome.observation
            if outcome_formatter is not None:
                logger.debug('Result: {}'.format(outcome_formatter(outcome)))
            if outcome.termination:
                    f'Episode {i_episode + 1} terminated after {step + 1} steps.'
            if max_framerate is not None:
                wait = 1 / max_framerate - (time.perf_counter() - old_time)
                if wait > 0:
            step += 1
        if render and has_render:
        if has_goal and verbose:
                f'The goal was{"" if domain.is_goal(observation) else " not"} reached '
                f'in episode {i_episode + 1}.')
        return observations, actions, values
def rollout(domain: Domain,
            solver: Optional[Solver] = None,
            from_memory: Optional[D.T_memory[D.T_state]] = None,
            from_action: Optional[D.T_agent[D.T_concurrency[
                D.T_event]]] = None,
            num_episodes: int = 1,
            max_steps: Optional[int] = None,
            render: bool = True,
            max_framerate: Optional[float] = None,
            verbose: bool = True,
            action_formatter: Optional[Callable[[D.T_event],
                                                str]] = lambda a: str(a),
            outcome_formatter: Optional[Callable[[EnvironmentOutcome],
                                                 str]] = lambda o: str(o),
            save_result_directory: str = None) -> str:
    """This method will run one or more episodes in a domain according to the policy of a solver.

    # Parameters
    domain: The domain in which the episode(s) will be run.
    solver: The solver whose policy will select actions to take (if None, a random policy is used).
    from_memory: The memory or state to consider as rollout starting point (if None, the domain is reset first).
    from_action: The last applied action when from_memory is used (if necessary for initial observation computation).
    num_episodes: The number of episodes to run.
    max_steps: The maximum number of steps for each episode (if None, no limit is set).
    render: Whether to render the episode(s) during rollout if the domain is renderable.
    max_framerate: The maximum number of steps/renders per second (if None, steps/renders are never slowed down).
    verbose: Whether to print information to the console during rollout.
    action_formatter: The function transforming actions in the string to print (if None, no print).
    outcome_formatter: The function transforming EnvironmentOutcome objects in the string to print (if None, no print).
    save_result: Directory in which state visited, actions applied and Transition Value are saved to json. 
    if verbose:
            'Logger is in verbose mode: all debug messages will be there for you to enjoy (〜^∇^ )〜'

    if solver is None:
        # Create solver-like random walker that works for any domain
        class RandomWalk(Policies):
            T_domain = Domain
            T_agent = Domain.T_agent
            T_event = Domain.T_event

            def __init__(self):
                class CastDomain:  # trick to autocast domain's get_applicable_actions() without mutating domain
                    T_agent = domain.T_agent
                    T_event = domain.T_event

                    def get_applicable_actions(
                            self) -> D.T_agent[Space[D.T_event]]:
                        return domain.get_applicable_actions()

                self._domain = CastDomain()
                autocast_all(self._domain, self._domain, self)

            def reset(self) -> None:

            def sample_action(
                self, observation: D.T_agent[D.T_observation]
            ) -> D.T_agent[D.T_concurrency[D.T_event]]:
                return {
                    agent: [space.sample()]
                    for agent, space in

            def is_policy_defined_for(
                    self, observation: D.T_agent[D.T_observation]) -> bool:
                return True

        solver = RandomWalk()
        autocast_all(solver, solver.T_domain, domain)

    has_render = isinstance(domain, Renderable)
    has_goal = isinstance(domain, Goals)
    has_memory = not isinstance(domain, Markovian)
    for i_episode in range(num_episodes):
        # Initialize episode
        if from_memory is None:
            observation = domain.reset()
            last_state = from_memory[-1] if has_memory else from_memory
            observation = domain.get_observation_distribution(
                last_state, from_action).sample()
            f'Episode {i_episode + 1} started with following observation:')
        # Run episode
        step = 1

        if save_result_directory is not None:
            observations = dict()
            transitions = dict()
            actions = dict()
            # save the initial observation
            observations[0] = observation

        while max_steps is None or step <= max_steps:
            old_time = time.perf_counter()
            if render and has_render:
            # assert solver.is_policy_defined_for(observation)
            if save_result_directory is not None:
                previous_observation = copy.deepcopy(observation)
            action = solver.sample_action(observation)
            if action_formatter is not None:
                logger.debug('Action: {}'.format(action_formatter(action)))
            outcome = domain.step(action)
            observation = outcome.observation
            if save_result_directory is not None:
                if isinstance(domain, FullyObservable):
                    observations[step] = observation
                    actions[step] = action
                    transitions[step] = {
                        "s": hash(previous_observation),
                        "a": hash(action),
                        "cost": outcome.value.cost,
                        "s'": hash(observation)
            if outcome_formatter is not None:
                logger.debug('Result: {}'.format(outcome_formatter(outcome)))
            if outcome.termination:
                    f'Episode {i_episode + 1} terminated after {step + 1} steps.'
            if max_framerate is not None:
                wait = 1 / max_framerate - (time.perf_counter() - old_time)
                if wait > 0:
            step += 1
        if render and has_render:
        if has_goal:
                f'The goal was{"" if domain.is_goal(observation) else " not"} reached '
                f'in episode {i_episode + 1}.')
        if save_result_directory is not None:
            if not os.path.exists(save_result_directory):
            elif not os.path.isdir(save_result_directory):
                raise FileExistsError

            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            str_timestamp = now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")
            directory = os.path.join(save_result_directory, str_timestamp)
                with open(os.path.join(directory, 'actions.json'), 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(actions, f, indent=2)
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("Action is not serializable")
                with open(os.path.join(directory, 'transitions.json'),
                          'w') as f:
                    json.dump(transitions, f, indent=2)
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("Transition is not serializable")
                with open(os.path.join(directory, 'observations.json'),
                          'w') as f:
                    json.dump(observations, f, indent=2)
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("Observation is not serializable")

            return directory