def load_dataset_by_dir(_dir): pos_dir = _dir + "POSITIVE/*.png" ic_pos = ImageCollection(pos_dir, load_func=load_and_pp) X_pos = concatenate_images(ic_pos) y_pos = np.array([1 for _ in range(len(ic_pos))]) neg_dir = _dir + "NEGATIVE/*.png" ic_neg = ImageCollection(neg_dir, load_func=load_and_pp) X_neg = concatenate_images(ic_neg) y_neg = np.array([0 for _ in range(len(ic_neg))]) X = np.concatenate((X_pos, X_neg)) y = np.concatenate((y_pos, y_neg)) return (X, y)
def save_stacks(vis, yfp, dsred, save_path, fov_name): vis_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(vis)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_bf_stack.tif' % fov_name, vis_con) print("BF stack saved") yfp_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(yfp)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_yfp_stack.tif' % fov_name, yfp_con) print("yfp stack saved") dsred_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(dsred)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_dsred_stack.tif' % fov_name, dsred_con) print("dsred stack saved")
def load_images(path, input_size, output_size): x_ = [] y_ = [] counter, totalnumber = 1, len(os.listdir(path)) for imgpath in os.listdir(path): if counter % 100 == 0: print("Importing image %s of %s (%s%%)" % (counter, totalnumber, round(counter / totalnumber * 100))) y = imread(path + "/" + imgpath) y = rgb2gray(resize(y, output_size, mode="constant")) x = resize(y, input_size, mode="constant") x_.append(x) y_.append(y) counter += 1 return concatenate_images(x_), concatenate_images(y_)
def __getitem__(self, vid_idx): """ Arguments: vid_idx(int): Video Index to be fetched form the video list """ vid_name_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx, 0], '*.jpg') gt = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx, 0], 'groundtruth.txt'), header=None) im_seq = imread_collection(vid_name_path) # Image collection to np.array images = concatenate_images(im_seq) # Shape(Nr. of images, h, w, RGB) # Also convert the gt to np.array gt = gt.values sample = {'Video': images, 'gt': gt} # Cant tell yet what this is for if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample
def save_ee_image(base_path, ee_image, bands: list, image_id: str, bbox: tuple or list, zoom=13, img_size: int or None = None): if os.path.exists(base_path): shutil.rmtree(base_path) scale = get_tile_pixel_scale_from_zoom( zoom=zoom, tile_size=img_size if img_size else 256) print( f"Downloading image {f'of size {img_size}x{img_size} pixels ' if img_size else ''}" f"with {scale:.2f} m resolution") url = get_image_download_url(ee_image, bbox, scale, name=image_id) print(url) r = requests.get(url) z = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content)) z.extractall(base_path) imgs = [ io.imread(os.path.join(base_path, f"{image_id}.{band}.tif")) for band in bands ] out = io.concatenate_images(imgs) if img_size is not None: out = resize(out, (out.shape[0], img_size, img_size)) imsave(f"{base_path}.tif", out) shutil.rmtree(base_path) return out
def __getitem__(self, vid_idx, T = 10): """ Arguments: vid_idx(int): Video Index to be fetched form the video list T(int): Nr of Images in sequence - default == 10 """ gt = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx,0], 'groundtruth.txt'), header = None) vid_name_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx,0], '*.jpg') file_names = glob.glob(vid_name_path) rand_start = np.random.randint(0, len(file_names)-T+1) file_names = file_names[rand_start:(rand_start+T-1)] im_seq = imread_collection(file_names) # Image collection to np.array images = concatenate_images(im_seq) # Shape(Nr. of images, h, w, RGB) # Also convert the gt to np.array gt = gt.values gt = gt[rand_start:(rand_start+T-1),:] sample = {'Video': images, 'gt': gt} # Cant tell yet what this is for if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample
def load_data_from_folder(self, dir): # read all images into an image collection ic = io.ImageCollection(dir + "*.jpg", load_func=self.imread_convert) # create one large array of image data data = io.concatenate_images(ic) # extract labels from image names labels = np.array(ic.files) for i, f in enumerate(labels): m ="_", f) labels[i] = f[len(dir):m.start()] return (data, labels)
def read_dataset(data_txt_file, image_data_path): """Read data into a Python dictionary. Args: data_txt_file(str): path to the data txt file. image_data_path(str): path to the image directory. Returns: data(dict): A Python dictionary with keys 'image' and 'label'. The value of dict['image'] is a numpy array of dimension (N,28,28) containing the loaded images. The value of dict['label'] is a numpy array of dimension (N,) containing the loaded label. N is the number of examples in the data split, the exampels should be stored in the same order as in the txt file. """ f = open(data_txt_file, 'r') image = [] label = [] for line in f: line.strip('\n') items = line.split('\t') image.append(image_data_path + '/' + items[0]) label.append(int(items[1])) ic = io.imread_collection(image, True) images = io.concatenate_images(ic) data = {'image': images, 'label': np.asarray(label)} return data
def load_frames(folder_name, offset=0, desired_fps=3, max_frames=40): """ :param folder_name: Filename with a gif :param offset: How many frames into the gif we want to start at :param desired_fps: How many fps we'll sample from the image :return: [T, h, w, 3] GIF """ coll = ImageCollection(folder_name + '/out-*.jpg', mode='RGB') try: duration_path = folder_name + '/duration.txt' with open(duration_path, 'r') as f: durs = fps = 100.0 / durs[0] except: # Some error occurs fps = 10 # want to scale it to desired_fps keep_ratio = max(1., fps / desired_fps) frames = np.arange(offset, len(coll), keep_ratio).astype(int)[:max_frames] def _add_chans(img): if img.ndim == 3: return img return np.stack([img] * 3, -1) imgs_concat = concatenate_images([_add_chans(coll[f]) for f in frames]) assert imgs_concat.ndim == 4 return imgs_concat
def save_stacks(translated_images_dict, save_path, fov_name): print("Saving stacks...") for channel, stack in translated_images_dict.items(): print("Saving {} stack".format(channel)) concat_stack = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(stack)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/{}_{}_stack.tif'.format(fov_name, channel), concat_stack)
def lowres(data): for i in range(len(data)): data[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (16, 16)) data[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (32, 32), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) lowres_arr = io.concatenate_images(data)/255 print(lowres_arr.shape)"train_data/numeric_data/lowres_data", lowres_arr)
def generator_full_image(directory, ext, batch_size, preprocessing=None, mode='train'): """""" #loading filenames (only and not the image) fnamesX = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(directory, 'X'))) pathnamesX = [ os.path.join(directory, 'X', f) for f in fnamesX if f.split('.')[-1] in ext ] pathnamesX = np.array(pathnamesX) fnamesY = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(directory, 'Y'))) pathnamesY = [ os.path.join(directory, 'Y', f) for f in fnamesY if f.split('.')[-1] in ext ] pathnamesY = np.array(pathnamesY) idx = np.arange(pathnamesX.shape[0]) while True: #shuffling at the start of each epoch.. np.random.shuffle(idx) for i in xrange(0, pathnamesX.shape[0], batch_size): #picking a batch.. pathnamesX_batch = pathnamesX[idx[i:i + batch_size]] pathnamesY_batch = pathnamesY[idx[i:i + batch_size]] imagesX = io.ImageCollection(pathnamesX_batch) imagesY = io.ImageCollection(pathnamesY_batch) #optionally applying preporcessing to each batch if preprocessing is not None: imagesX, imagesY = preprocessing(imagesX, imagesY) imagesX = io.concatenate_images(imagesX) imagesY = io.concatenate_images(imagesY) imagesX = img_as_float(imagesX[:, :, :, np.newaxis]) imagesY = img_as_float(imagesY[:, :, :, np.newaxis]).astype(bool) yield imagesX, imagesY
def save_stacks(vis, gfp, mko, e2crimson, save_path, fov_name): vis_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(vis)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_bf_stack.tif' % fov_name, vis_con) print("BF stack saved") gfp_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(gfp)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_gfp_stack.tif' % fov_name, gfp_con) print("gfp stack saved") mko_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(mko)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_mko_stack.tif' % fov_name, mko_con) print("mko stack saved") e2crimson_con = io.concatenate_images(img_as_uint(e2crimson)) tf.imsave(save_path + '/%s_e2crimson_stack.tif' % fov_name, e2crimson_con) print("e2crimson stack saved")
def set_resized_cells_lists(self, cropped_dsred_stacks, cropped_yfp_stacks, cropped_bf_stacks, cells_dfs): """ Return three lists - dsred_stacks, yfp_stacks_, and bf_stacks, wit each element being the resized stack of that cell """ resized_dsred_stacks = [] resized_yfp_stacks = [] resized_bf_stacks = [] # remember that cells_dfs is a list of dfs, one for each # unique cell in the master_cells_dfs for cell_index in range(0, len(cells_dfs)): print( "Setting resized stacks for each channel (dsred, yfp, bf) of cell %s" % cell_index) # use the cropped_dsred_stack of current cell to define slice shapes slice_shapes_array = self.set_slice_shapes_array( cropped_dsred_stacks[cell_index]) height_max, width_max = self.set_max_dims(slice_shapes_array) # the slice shapes offsets slice_height_offsets, slice_width_offsets = self.set_slice_offsets( cropped_dsred_stacks[cell_index], slice_shapes_array, height_max, width_max) resized_dsred_stack = self.set_resized_stack( cropped_dsred_stacks[cell_index], slice_height_offsets, slice_width_offsets) resized_yfp_stack = self.set_resized_stack( cropped_yfp_stacks[cell_index], slice_height_offsets, slice_width_offsets) resized_bf_stack = self.set_resized_stack( cropped_bf_stacks[cell_index], slice_height_offsets, slice_width_offsets) resized_dsred_stack = io.concatenate_images(resized_dsred_stack) resized_yfp_stack = io.concatenate_images(resized_yfp_stack) resized_bf_stack = io.concatenate_images(resized_bf_stack) resized_dsred_stacks.append(resized_dsred_stack) resized_yfp_stacks.append(resized_yfp_stack) resized_bf_stacks.append(resized_bf_stack) return resized_dsred_stacks, resized_yfp_stacks, resized_bf_stacks
def read_video(filepath, input_size, output_size): vid = imageio.get_reader(filepath, "ffmpeg") video_len = vid.get_length() counter, totalnumber = 1, video_len y_ = [] x_ = [] for i in range(0, video_len - 1): if counter % 100 == 0: print("Importing frame %s of %s (%s%%)" % (counter, totalnumber, round(counter / totalnumber * 100))) y_frame = resize(vid.get_data(i), output_size, mode="constant") y_frame = rgb2gray(y_frame) x_frame = resize(y_frame, input_size, mode="constant") y_.append(y_frame) x_.append(x_frame) counter += 1 return concatenate_images(x_), concatenate_images(y_)
def noise(data, sigma): for i in range(len(data)): np.random.seed() ga_num = np.random.normal(scale=sigma, size=data[i].shape) data[i] = data[i] + ga_num noise_arr = io.concatenate_images(data)/255 print(noise_arr.shape)"train_data/numeric_data/noise_data", noise_arr)
def load_imgs(str): x_train = io.ImageCollection(str, load_func=convert_gray) height = x_train[0].shape[0] width = x_train[0].shape[1] x_train = io.concatenate_images(x_train) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255. x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (-1, height, width, 1)) return x_train
def blur(data, with_resize = False): for i in range(len(data)): data[i] = cv2.GaussianBlur(data[i], ksize=(0,0), sigmaX=0.8, sigmaY=0.8) if with_resize == True: data[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (16,16)) data[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (32,32), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) blur_arr = io.concatenate_images(data)/255 print(blur_arr.shape)"train_data/numeric_data/blur_data", blur_arr)
def concatenate_collections_test(): data_path = PROJECT_PATH + '/res/92*.jpg' coll = io.ImageCollection(data_path) # 连接的图片数量 print(len(coll)) # 连接前的图片尺寸,所有的都一样 print(coll[0].shape) mat=io.concatenate_images(coll) # 连接后的数组尺寸 print(mat.shape)
def load_test_data(test_dir,sample): print "loading test data!" cur_dir=test_dir+"images/" onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(cur_dir) if isfile(join(cur_dir, f))] onlyfiles=[cur_dir+f for f in onlyfiles] numfiles=int(round(len(onlyfiles)*sample)) onlyfiles=onlyfiles[0:numfiles] images=concatenate_images(ImageCollection(onlyfiles,load_func=imreadconvert)) print "loaded test data:" print str(images.shape) return images
def registration(img_stack): """input: ndarray of images ouput: ndarray of registered images """ reg_stack = reg_iter(img_stack) if not np.array_equal(img_stack[0], reg_stack[0]): print("destination image has been changed in registered stack.") # src and dst images should be different assert not np.array_equal(img_stack[0], reg_stack[1]) return io.concatenate_images(reg_stack)
def load_test_data(test_dir, sample): print "loading test data!" cur_dir = test_dir + "images/" onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(cur_dir) if isfile(join(cur_dir, f))] onlyfiles = [cur_dir + f for f in onlyfiles] numfiles = int(round(len(onlyfiles) * sample)) onlyfiles = onlyfiles[0:numfiles] images = concatenate_images( ImageCollection(onlyfiles, load_func=imreadconvert)) print "loaded test data:" print str(images.shape) return images
def main(img_stack): """input: ndarray of images ouput: ndarray of registered images """ # assert len(img_stack) == 3 # Check that images are greyscale. reg_stack = reg_iter(img_stack) if not np.array_equal(img_stack[0], reg_stack[0]): assert False, "destination image has been changed in registered stack." # src and dst images should be different assert not np.array_equal(img_stack[0], reg_stack[1]) return io.concatenate_images(reg_stack)
def load_img_stack(path): """Load multiple single-channel image files matching the given path expression into a concatenated array Note that this is intended for use with single channel images; if more channels are present use functions directly. Args: path: Path expression compatible with `````` Returns: 3 dimensional numpy array with axes [z, x, y] where z is z-coordinate of images and x, y are pixel locations """ img = io.imread_collection(path) return io.concatenate_images(img)
def load_data_from_folder(dir): ic = io.ImageCollection(dir + "*.jpg", load_func=imread_convert) data = io.concatenate_images(ic) labels = np.array(ic.files) for i, f in enumerate(labels): print(f) m = f.find("_") lbl = f[len(dir):m] # m ="_", f) #lbl = f[len(dir):m.start()] # if lbl not in people: # lbl = "Rando" # labels[i] = lbl labels[i] = people.get(lbl, 4) return (data, labels)
def load_sorted_data(self, d): all_data = [] all_labels = [] for sub_d in os.listdir(os.getcwd() + '/' + d): if sub_d == '.DS_Store': continue current_path = os.getcwd() + '/' + d + '/' + sub_d + '/' # read all images into an image collection ic = io.ImageCollection(current_path + "*.bmp", load_func=self.imread_convert) # create one large array of image data data = io.concatenate_images(ic) labels = np.array([sub_d] * len(data)) all_data.extend(data) all_labels.extend(labels) return (np.array(all_data), np.array(all_labels))
def load_images(): """ Return COIL-20 images output: ndarray of shape (1440, 16384) (1440 flattened 128x128 points) """ COIL20_SUFFIX = 'coil-20-proc' __, DATA_DIR = load_data_utils.get_env_vars(go_up=True) COIL20_DIR = DATA_DIR + '/' + COIL20_SUFFIX image_list = imread_collection(COIL20_DIR + '/*.png') points = concatenate_images(image_list) imshape = points.shape reshaped_points = points.reshape(imshape[0], imshape[1] * imshape[2]) return reshaped_points
def load_validation_data(valid_dir,label_dict,sample): print "loading validation data!" image_to_id=open(valid_dir+"val_annotations.txt",'r').read().split('\n') while '' in image_to_id: image_to_id.remove('') image_names=[] image_labels=[] for entry in image_to_id: tokens=entry.split('\t') image_names.append(valid_dir+'images/'+tokens[0]) image_labels.append(label_dict[tokens[1]]) num_entries=int(round(len(image_names)*sample)) image_names=image_names[0:num_entries] images=concatenate_images(ImageCollection(image_names,load_func=imreadconvert)) print "image val shape:"+str(images.shape) print "loaded validation data:" image_labels=np.asarray(image_labels[0:num_entries]) image_labels=np.reshape(image_labels,(len(image_labels),)) image_labels=one_hot_encode(image_labels) return images, image_labels
def load_ifood(im_dir, label_dir, dim): """load images and labels --------- im_dir: location of the images label_dir: location of the labels csv file dim: dimension of the resized labels """ # TODO: joblib to parallelize # images = ImageCollection(im_dir) images_resized = [resize(image, dim) for image in images] num_images = len(images_resized) image_arr = np.reshape(concatenate_images(images_resized), (num_images, -1)) labels = pd.read_csv(label_dir) labels = labels.sort_values(by=['img_name']) labels = labels.head(num_images) y = labels["label"].to_numpy() unique_labels = labels["label"].unique() return image_arr, y, unique_labels
def save_cell_stacks(): threshold_channel = input("Choose channel to use for thresholding: ") cs = Cell_Stack(threshold_channel=threshold_channel) try: cell_indices = cs.master_cells_df.sub_coord except: cell_indices = cs.master_cells_df.cell_index abs_i = 0 for cell_index in cell_indices: print('Cell index = ', cell_index) # Run all the cropping and processing methods of Cell_Stack on the cell # with cell_index cell_rois_dfs = cs.set_cell_crop_roi_dfs(cs.master_cells_df) cell_cropped_channels_dict = cs.set_cell_cropped_stacks_dict( cs.master_cells_df, cell_rois_dfs, abs_i) cs.add_cell_otsu_thresholded_stack() resized_channels_dict = cs.set_resized_cell_cropped_channels_dict( cs.cell_cropped_channels_dict) # Save each stack (Note: compartment_dir is the dir holding all # xy FOVs for that flow compartment and therefore isolated genetic # + environmental etc. condition) # Need to use absolute i so the right compartment_dir etc. is # selected when there are multiple compartments in a master_index # and thus cell_index restarts compartment_dir = cs.get_compartment_dir(cs.master_cells_df, abs_i) expt_date = int([abs_i]) expt_type = cs.master_cells_df.expt_type[abs_i] xy = str(int(cs.master_cells_df.xy[abs_i])) for channel_name, stack in resized_channels_dict.items(): filename = f'{expt_date}_{expt_type}_xy{str(xy).zfill(2)}_cell{str(cell_index).zfill(3)}_{channel_name}_stack.tif' save_path = f'{compartment_dir}//{filename}' try: imsave(save_path, concatenate_images(stack)) except: print( f"Could not save stacks for cell {cell_index}, img dims must agree" ) abs_i += 1
def load_train_data(train_dir,label_dict,sample): print "loading training data!" nsamples=int(round(sample*500))#500 images for each of 200 labels file_names=[] labels=[] for label in label_dict: #print str(label) cur_dir=train_dir+label+"/images" onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(cur_dir) if isfile(join(cur_dir, f))][0:nsamples] onlyfiles=[cur_dir+'/'+f for f in onlyfiles] file_names=file_names+onlyfiles cur_labels=nsamples*[label_dict[label]] labels=labels+cur_labels X_train=concatenate_images(ImageCollection(file_names,load_func=imreadconvert)) print "loaded training data" print str(X_train.shape) Y_train=np.asarray(labels) Y_train=np.reshape(Y_train,(len(Y_train),)) Y_train=one_hot_encode(Y_train) print str(Y_train.shape) return X_train,Y_train
def __getitem__(self, idx): dir_to_fetch_from = os.path.join(self.root_dir, os.listdir(self.root_dir)[idx]) images = [] file_list = [] for file in os.listdir(dir_to_fetch_from): file_list.append(os.path.join(dir_to_fetch_from, file)) images = io.concatenate_images(io.imread_collection(file_list)) file_io = [] for img in images: file_io.append(transforms.ToTensor()(img).unsqueeze(0)) images =, 0) if not args.cuda: images = Variable(images) else: images = Variable(images.cuda()) _, mu, _, _ = vae(images) diff = torch.abs(mu[:self.num_per_sample]-mu[self.num_per_sample:]).data sample = {'diff': diff.mean(0), 'label': self.labels[idx]} return sample
def convert_ct(): # Create output folder if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER): os.mkdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER) for folder_name in os.listdir(DATA_FOLDER): output_folder = f'{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{folder_name}' input_folder = f'{DATA_FOLDER}/{folder_name}/{TYPE}' if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder) for phase in ['InPhase', 'OutPhase']: dicom_dir = input_folder + '/DICOM_anon/' + phase dicom2nifti.convert_directory(dicom_dir, output_folder, compression=False) for file in os.listdir(output_folder): if file.endswith(".nii") and not file.startswith("InPhase"): os.rename(output_folder + '/' + file ,output_folder + '/' + phase + '.nii') data = list() for phase in ['InPhase', 'OutPhase']: data.append(nib.load(output_folder + '/' + phase + '.nii').get_fdata().astype(np.float32)) # Combine the phases as channels data = np.stack(data, axis=-1) nii_data = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=np.eye(4)), output_folder + '/Combined.nii') # Combine collection of 2D images images = input_folder + '/Ground/*.png' label = concatenate_images(imread_collection(images)) label = np.moveaxis(label, 0, -1) # put depth last label = np.rot90(label, k=3) # 270 degree rotation # Save image 3D array as nii nii_label = nib.Nifti1Image(label, affine=np.eye(4)) nii_label.to_filename(output_folder + '/ground.nii')