def human_afterloop(output_directory, pre_time, fle_name, buffer_directory): start2 = time() d_c = import_edited(buffer_directory) rebw = load(open(buffer_directory+'-'+'DO_NOT_TOUCH_ME.dmp','rb')) seg_dc = (label(d_c,neighbors=4)+1)*d_c if np.max(seg_dc)<4: return 'FAILED: mask for %s looks unsegmented' % fle_name colormap = repaint_culsters(int(np.max(seg_dc))) segs = len(set(seg_dc.flatten().tolist()))-1 # shows the result before saving the clustering and printing to the user the number of the images plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.title(fle_name) plt.imshow(rebw, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.title('Segmentation - clusters: %s'%str(segs)) plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(rebw, d_c)) plt.imshow(seg_dc, cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest', alpha=0.3) plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(rebw, d_c)) plt.imshow(seg_dc, cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest', alpha=0.3) plt.savefig(path.join(output_directory, fle_name+'_%s_clusters.png'%str(segs)), dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0) return fle_name+'\t clusters: %s,\t total time : %s'%(segs, "{0:.2f}".format(time()-start2+pre_time))
def fun_compare_colorsegmentation_and_display(image_data, number_segments=250, compactness_factor=10): """ The function is a copy of what does this link """ segments_fz = felzenszwalb(image_data, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(image_data, n_segments=number_segments, compactness=compactness_factor, sigma=1) segments_quick = quickshift(image_data, kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) print ("Felzenszwalb's number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_fz))) print ("Slic number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_slic))) print ("Quickshift number of segments: %d" % len(np.unique(segments_quick))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={"adjustable": "box-forced"}) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_fz, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") ax[1].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_slic, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[1].set_title("SLIC") ax[2].imshow(mark_boundaries(image_data, segments_quick, color=(1, 0, 0))) ax[2].set_title("Quickshift") for a in ax: a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(())
def test_mark_boundaries(): image = np.zeros((10, 10)) label_image = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8) label_image[2:7, 2:7] = 1 ref = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) marked = mark_boundaries(image, label_image, color=white, mode='thick') result = np.mean(marked, axis=-1) assert_array_equal(result, ref) ref = np.array([[0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0], [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0], [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0], [0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) marked = mark_boundaries(image, label_image, color=white, outline_color=(2, 2, 2), mode='thick') result = np.mean(marked, axis=-1) assert_array_equal(result, ref)
def test_mark_boundaries(): image = np.zeros((10, 10)) label_image = np.zeros((10, 10)) label_image[2:7, 2:7] = 1 ref = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) result = mark_boundaries(image, label_image, color=(1, 1, 1)).mean(axis=2) assert_array_equal(result, ref) ref = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) result = mark_boundaries(image, label_image, color=(1, 1, 1), outline_color=(2, 2, 2)).mean(axis=2) assert_array_equal(result, ref)
def updateParametros(val): global p_segmentos, p_sigma, p_compactness, segments, image, cuda_python if(val == "Python SLIC"): cuda_python = 0 elif(val == "CUDA gSLICr"): cuda_python = 1 p_segmentos = int("%d" % (slider_segmentos.val)) p_sigma = slider_sigma.val p_compactness = slider_compactness.val image = c_image.copy() if(cuda_python == 0): start_time = time.time() segments = slic(img_as_float(image), n_segments=p_segmentos, sigma=p_sigma, compactness=p_compactness) print("--- Tempo Python skikit-image SLIC: %s segundos ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) else: start_time = time.time() gSLICrInterface.process( p_segmentos) print("--- Tempo C++/CUDA gSLICr: %s segundos ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) segments = cuda_seg obj.set_data(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments, outline_color=p_outline)) draw()
def overlay_cells(cells, image, colors): "Overlay the edges of each individual cell in the provided image" tmp = color.gray2rgb(image) for k in cells.keys(): c = cells[k] if c.selection_state == 1: col = colors[c.color_i][:3] for px in c.outline: x, y = px tmp[x, y] = col if c.sept_mask is not None: try: x0, y0, x1, y1 = tmp[x0:x1, y0:y1] = mark_boundaries(tmp[x0:x1, y0:y1], img_as_int( c.sept_mask), color=col) except IndexError: c.selection_state = -1 return tmp
def grabcut(img, targetness): u""" Segmenting the best target-like region from an targetness map. """ mask = np.ones(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) * cv2.GC_BGD score_th = scoreatpercentile(targetness, 95) mask[targetness >= score_th] = cv2.GC_PR_FGD score_th = scoreatpercentile(targetness, 99) mask[targetness >= score_th] = cv2.GC_FGD mask = cv2.medianBlur(mask, 15) bgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64) fgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64) cv2.grabCut(img, mask, None, bgdModel, fgdModel, 5, cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK) mask2 = np.where((mask == 2) | (mask == 0), 0, 1).astype('uint8') lab_mask2 = bwlabel(mask2) lab_list = np.unique(lab_mask2.flatten())[1:] lab_argmax = np.argmax( [np.max(targetness[lab_mask2 == i]) for i in lab_list]) mask2[lab_mask2 != lab_list[lab_argmax]] = 0 img2 = img.copy() img2[mask2 < 1, :] = [0, 43, 54] img2 = mark_boundaries(img2, mask2) return img2, mask2
def onclick(event): #globals again global _clickclassi global bounded global _txt #If left mouse button click if event.button == 1: #calculate color for class color = cm(int(_clickclassi*(256.0/maxClasses)))[:3] #create mask containing only selected segment mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8") mask[segments == segments[int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]] = 2 #Highlight segment on image and display bounded = mark_boundaries(bounded,mask,color=color,mode='thick') ax.imshow(bounded) plt.draw() #Add segment index and class to labels labels.append((segments[int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)],_clickclassi)) #If right mouse button clikc if event.button == 3: #Cycle through classes _clickclassi = (_clickclassi + 1) % maxClasses #Clear plot and redraw to get rid of existing text labels plt.cla() ax.imshow(bounded) _txt = plt.text(0,-20,labelText +str(iclasses[_clickclassi])) plt.draw()
def _apply(self, img_msg, label_msg): bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img_msg) label_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(label_msg) # publish only valid label region applied = img.copy() applied[label_img == 0] = 0 applied_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(applied, encoding=img_msg.encoding) applied_msg.header = img_msg.header self.pub_img.publish(applied_msg) # publish visualized label if img_msg.encoding in {'16UC1', '32SC1'}: # do dynamic scaling to make it look nicely min_value, max_value = img.min(), img.max() img = (img - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * 255 img = gray2rgb(img) label_viz_img = label2rgb(label_img, img, bg_label=0) label_viz_img = mark_boundaries(label_viz_img, label_img, (1, 0, 0)) label_viz_img = (label_viz_img * 255).astype(np.uint8) label_viz_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(label_viz_img, encoding='rgb8') label_viz_msg.header = img_msg.header self.pub_label_viz.publish(label_viz_msg) # publish mask if self._publish_mask: bg_mask = (label_img == 0) fg_mask = ~bg_mask bg_mask = (bg_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8) fg_mask = (fg_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8) fg_mask_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(fg_mask, encoding='mono8') fg_mask_msg.header = img_msg.header bg_mask_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(bg_mask, encoding='mono8') bg_mask_msg.header = img_msg.header self.pub_fg_mask.publish(fg_mask_msg) self.pub_bg_mask.publish(bg_mask_msg)
def explain(model, img, topLabels, numSamples, numFeatures, hideRest, hideColor, positiveOnly): img, oldImg = transform_img_fn(img) img = img*(1./255) prediction = model.predict(img) explainer = lime_image.LimeImageExplainer() img = np.squeeze(img) explanation = explainer.explain_instance(img, model.predict, top_labels=topLabels, hide_color=hideColor, num_samples=numSamples) temp, mask = explanation.get_image_and_mask(getTopPrediction(prediction[0]), positive_only=positiveOnly, num_features=numFeatures, hide_rest=hideRest) tempMask = mask * 255 temp = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(tempMask)) temp = temp.resize((oldImg.width, oldImg.height)) temp = image.img_to_array(temp) temp = temp * 1./255 temp = temp.astype(np.int64) temp = np.squeeze(temp) oldImgArr = image.img_to_array(oldImg) oldImgArr = oldImgArr * (1./255) oldImgArr = oldImgArr.astype(np.float64) imgExplained = mark_boundaries(oldImgArr, temp) imgFinal = np.uint8(imgExplained*255) img = Image.fromarray(imgFinal) imgByteArr = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG') imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue() return imgByteArr
def createFigure4(list_file, list_param, corpus_meta, prob_topic_doc, segment_dir, n_topic, output_dir): for file_item in list_file: print file_item for topic in range(n_topic): print topic fig = plt.figure() img = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+file_item+'.ppm')) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,4, 1, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.imshow(img) index=2 for param in list_param: if 'slic' in param: # print 'test', index # print corpus_meta[0][1].split('-')[0] segment_in_file = [item_corpus for item_corpus in corpus_meta if file_item == item_corpus[1].split('-')[0]] print len(segment_in_file) segments_res = csv2Array(segment_dir+'/'+file_item+'/'+file_item+'-'+param+'.sup') img = img_as_float(io.imread(img_dir+file_item+'.ppm')) output = np.zeros( (len(img), len(img[0])) ) for segment in segment_in_file: # print prob_topic_doc[int(segment[0])][topic] output[segments_res == int(segment[2])] = prob_topic_doc[int(segment[0])][topic] output = mark_boundaries(output, segments_res) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,4, index, axisbg='grey') # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(5,10, index, axisbg='grey') ax1.set_xticks(()), ax1.set_yticks(()) ax1.imshow(output) index += 1 ensure_path(output_dir+'/'+file_item+'/') plt.savefig(output_dir+'/'+file_item+'/topic-'+str(topic)+'-'+file_item+'.pdf') plt.clf() plt.close()
def remove_background(self): L_b = 3 self.i_original = self.i_original[self.sub[1]:self.sub[3],self.sub[0]:self.sub[2],] segments = slic(self.i_original, n_segments=2, compactness=0.1,enforce_connectivity=False) # segments += 1 temp = self.i_original if sum(sum(segments[:5,:5])) > 10: for ii in range(0,3): temp[:,:,ii] = (np.ones([self.i_original.shape[0],self.i_original.shape[1]])-segments)*self.i_original[:,:,ii] #Haut, Bas, Droite, Gauche temp[:L_b,:,ii] = 0 temp[self.i_original.shape[0]-L_b-1:self.i_original.shape[0]-1,:,ii]=0 temp[:,self.i_original.shape[1]-L_b-1:self.i_original.shape[1]-1,ii] = 0 temp[:,:L_b,ii] = 0 else: for ii in range(0,3): temp[:,:,ii] = segments*self.i_original[:,:,ii] # print "else" #Haut, Bas, Droite, Gauche temp[:L_b,:,ii] = 0 temp[self.i_original.shape[0]-L_b-1:self.i_original.shape[0]-1,:,ii]=0 temp[:,self.i_original.shape[1]-L_b-1:self.i_original.shape[1]-1,ii] = 0 temp[:,:L_b,ii] = 0 # pdb.set_trace() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(self.i_original,segments)) ax.imshow(temp) p2, p98 = np.percentile(temp, (2, 98)) temp = exposure.rescale_intensity(temp, in_range=(p2, p98)) return temp
def plot(self): if self.segment_label is None: else: boundary_image = segmentation.mark_boundaries(self.new_image, self.segment_label), alpha=0.3) mask = 1 - self.background_mask content_on_canvas = np.zeros(list(mask.shape) + [4], np.uint8) # Prepare the canvas for stitch_image in self.stitch_images: content = stitch_image['content'] x = stitch_image['x'] y = stitch_image['y'] size = stitch_image['size'] print(x, y, size) resized = misc.imresize(content, size) # Resize the image # Compute the intersecting length between canvas and content x_copy_width = mask.shape[1] - stitch_image['x'] if resized.shape[1] < x_copy_width: x_copy_width = resized.shape[1] y_copy_width = mask.shape[0] - stitch_image['y'] if resized.shape[0] < y_copy_width: y_copy_width = resized.shape[0] print(x_copy_width, y_copy_width) # Copy content onto canvas and apply mask new_content = np.zeros(list(mask.shape) + [4], np.uint8) new_content[y:y+y_copy_width, x:x+x_copy_width, :] = resized[0:y_copy_width, 0:x_copy_width, :] content_on_canvas = self.merge(content_on_canvas, new_content) content_on_canvas[:, :, 3] = np.multiply(mask, content_on_canvas[:, :, 3])
def visualize_pascal(plot_probabilities=False): data = load_pascal('val') ds = PascalSegmentation() for x, y, f, sps in zip(data.X, data.Y, data.file_names, data.superpixels): fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3) ax = ax.ravel() image = ds.get_image(f) y_pixel = ds.get_ground_truth(f) x_raw = load_kraehenbuehl(f) boundary_image = mark_boundaries(image, sps) ax[0].imshow(image) ax[1].imshow(y_pixel, cmap=ds.cmap) ax[2].imshow(boundary_image) ax[3].imshow(np.argmax(x_raw, axis=-1), cmap=ds.cmap, vmin=0, vmax=256) ax[4].imshow(y[sps], cmap=ds.cmap, vmin=0, vmax=256) ax[5].imshow(np.argmax(x, axis=-1)[sps], cmap=ds.cmap, vmin=0, vmax=256) for a in ax: a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(()) plt.savefig("figures_pascal_val/%s.png" % f, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if plot_probabilities: fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 7) for k in range(21): ax.ravel()[k].matshow(x[:, :, k], vmin=0, vmax=1) for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(()) plt.savefig("figures_pascal_val/%s_prob.png" % f, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() tracer()
def update_slic(self): sec = self.auto_submasks_gscene.active_section t = time.time() self.slic_labelmaps[sec] = slic(self.contrast_stretched_images[sec].astype(np.float), sigma=SLIC_SIGMA, compactness=SLIC_COMPACTNESS, n_segments=SLIC_N_SEGMENTS, multichannel=False, max_iter=SLIC_MAXITER) sys.stderr.write('SLIC: %.2f seconds.\n' % (time.time() - t)) # 10 seconds, iter=100, nseg=1000; self.slic_boundary_images[sec] = img_as_ubyte(mark_boundaries(self.contrast_stretched_images[sec], label_img=self.slic_labelmaps[sec], background_label=-1, color=(1,0,0))) self.slic_image_feeder.set_image(sec=sec, numpy_image=self.slic_boundary_images[sec]) self.gscene_slic.update_image(sec=sec) #### # self.ncut_labelmaps[sec] = normalized_cut_superpixels(self.contrast_stretched_images[sec], self.slic_labelmaps[sec]) self.ncut_labelmaps[sec] = self.slic_labelmaps[sec] self.sp_dissim_maps[sec] = compute_sp_dissims_to_border(self.contrast_stretched_images[sec], self.ncut_labelmaps[sec]) # self.sp_dissim_maps[sec] = compute_sp_dissims_to_border(self.thresholded_images[sec], self.ncut_labelmaps[sec]) # self.border_dissim_images[sec] = generate_dissim_viz(self.sp_dissim_maps[sec], self.ncut_labelmaps[sec]) # self.dissim_image_feeder.set_image(sec=sec, numpy_image=self.border_dissim_images[sec]) # self.gscene_dissimmap.update_image(sec=sec) self.selected_dissim_thresholds[sec] = determine_dissim_threshold(self.sp_dissim_maps[sec], self.ncut_labelmaps[sec]) self.ui.slider_dissimThresh.setValue(int(self.selected_dissim_thresholds[sec]/0.01)) ###################################################### self.update_init_submasks_image()
def main(): filename = 'mesquitesFloat.png' img = io.imread(filename) #CONVERSIONS: #convert to lab color space #img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img) #img = img_as_float(img) #io.imsave('mesquitesFloat.png', img) #print(img.shape) plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') # loop over the number of segments for numSegments in (100, 200, 300): # apply SLIC and extract (approximately) the supplied number # of segments segments = slic(img, n_segments = numSegments, sigma = 1) # show the output of SLIC fig = plt.figure("Superpixels of -- %d segments" % (numSegments)) subplot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) subplot.imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments)) plt.axis("off")
def generateImageWithSuperPixelBoundaries(image, segmentationMask): # Function returns an image with superpixel boundaries displayed as lines. It is assumed that the image was the source for the segmentation mask. # See [] # Function signature: skimage.segmentation.mark_boundaries(image, label_img, color=(1, 1, 0), outline_color=(0, 0, 0)) superPixelImage = mark_boundaries(image, segmentationMask) return superPixelImage
def showPredictionOutput(self): image_withText = self.image.copy() # show the output of the prediction with text for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(self.segments)): CORD = self.centerList[i] if self.predictionList[i] == "other": colorFont = (255, 0, 0) # "Blue color for other" else: colorFont = (0, 0, 255) # "Red color for ocean" #textOrg = CORD #textOrg = tuple(numpy.subtract((10, 10), (4, 4))) testOrg = (40,40) # need this for the if statment bellow # for some yet unknown reason CORD does sometime contain somthing like this [[[210 209]] [[205 213]] ...] # the following if statemnet is to not get a error becouse of this if len(CORD) == len(testOrg): #textOrg = tuple(np.subtract(CORD, (12, 0))) textOrg = CORD cv2.putText(self.image, self.predictionList[i], textOrg, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.1, colorFont, 3) markedImage = mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), self.segments) else: pass cv2.imshow("segmented image", markedImage) cv2.waitKey(0)
def superpixels(image): """ given an input image, create super pixels on it """ # we could try to limit the problem of holes in boundary by first over segmenting the image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.segmentation import felzenszwalb, slic, quickshift from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries from skimage.util import img_as_float jac_float = img_as_float(image) plt.imshow(jac_float) #segments_fz = felzenszwalb(jac_float, scale=100, sigma=0.5, min_size=50) segments_slic = slic(jac_float, n_segments=600, compactness=0.01, sigma=0.001 #, multichannel = False , max_iter=50) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'}) fig.set_size_inches(8, 3, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05) #ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(jac, segments_fz)) #ax[0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(jac_float, segments_slic)) ax.set_title("SLIC") return segments_slic
def intensity_range2superpixels(im, superpixels, intMinT=0.95, intMaxT=1.05, debug=False, intMin=0, intMax=255):#, fromInt=0, toInt=255): superseeds = np.zeros_like(superpixels) #if not intMin and not intMax: # hist, bins = skexp.histogram(im) # # #zeroing values that are lower/higher than fromInt/toInt # toLow = np.where(bins < fromInt) # hist[toLow] = 0 # toHigh = np.where(bins > toInt) # hist[toHigh] = 0 # # max_peakIdx = hist.argmax() # intMin = intMinT * bins[max_peakIdx] # intMax = intMaxT * bins[max_peakIdx] sp_means = np.zeros(superpixels.max()+1) for sp in range(superpixels.max()+1): values = im[np.where(superpixels==sp)] mean = np.mean(values) sp_means[sp] = mean idxs = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(sp_means>=intMin, sp_means<=intMax)) for i in idxs: superseeds = np.where(superpixels==i[0], 1, superseeds) if debug: plt.figure(), plt.gray() plt.imshow(im), plt.hold(True), plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(im, superseeds, color=(1,0,0))) plt.axis('image') return superseeds
def main(): from pascal.pascal_helpers import load_pascal from datasets.pascal import PascalSegmentation from utils import add_edges from scipy.misc import imsave from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries ds = PascalSegmentation() data = load_pascal("train1") data = add_edges(data, independent=False) # X, Y, image_names, images, all_superpixels = load_data( # "train", independent=False) for x, name, sps in zip(data.X, data.file_names, data.superpixels): segments = get_km_segments(x, ds.get_image(name), sps, n_segments=25) boundary_image = mark_boundaries(mark_boundaries(ds.get_image(name), sps), segments[sps], color=[1, 0, 0]) imsave("hierarchy_sp_own_25/%s.png" % name, boundary_image)
def fig_label_segments(fig, image, segments, label): labels, _ = ndimage.label(segments) image_label_overlay=label2rgb(labels, image=image) image_label_overlay=mark_boundaries(image, segments) fig.set_title(label) fig.axis('off') fig.imshow(image_label_overlay) print ("%s number of segments: %d" % (label, len(np.unique(segments))))
def showPlots(im_name, image, numSuperpixels, superpixels): # show sample test mean image fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d im_sp" % (numSuperpixels)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(image, superpixels)) #bugged #ax.imsave("output/000%d.png" % (im_name),mark_boundaries(image, superpixels)) plt.axis("off")
def visualize_segments(): pascal = PascalSegmentation() train_files = pascal.get_split() for image_file in train_files: print(image_file) image = pascal.get_image(image_file) segments, superpixels = superpixels_segments(image_file) new_regions, correspondences = merge_small_sp(image, superpixels) clean_regions = morphological_clean_sp(image, new_regions, 4) new_regions, correspondences = merge_small_sp(image, superpixels) clean_regions = morphological_clean_sp(image, new_regions, 4) marked = mark_boundaries(image, clean_regions) edges = create_segment_sp_graph(segments, clean_regions) edges = np.array(edges) n_segments = segments.shape[2] segment_centers = [regionprops(segments.astype([:, :, i], ['Centroid'])[0]['Centroid'] for i in range(n_segments)] segment_centers = np.vstack(segment_centers)[:, ::-1] superpixel_centers = get_superpixel_centers(clean_regions) grr = min(n_segments, 10) fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, grr // 3, figsize=(30, 30)) for i, ax in enumerate(axes.ravel()): ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(marked, segments[:, :, i], (1, 0, 0))) ax.scatter(segment_centers[:, 0], segment_centers[:, 1], color='red') ax.scatter(superpixel_centers[:, 0], superpixel_centers[:, 1], color='blue') this_edges = edges[edges[:, 1] == i] for edge in this_edges: ax.plot([superpixel_centers[edge[0]][0], segment_centers[edge[1]][0]], [superpixel_centers[edge[0]][1], segment_centers[edge[1]][1]], c='black') ax.set_xlim(0, superpixels.shape[1]) ax.set_ylim(superpixels.shape[0], 0) ax.set_xticks(()) ax.set_yticks(()) #imsave("segments_test/%s.png" % image_file, marked) plt.savefig("segments_test/%s.png" % image_file) plt.close()
def visualise_mask(image, mask): output = skseg.mark_boundaries(image, mask) rng = output.max() alpha = 0.75 mask_color = [0.5, 0, 0] for c_idx in range(output.shape[2]): output[..., c_idx] = np.where(mask != 0, output[..., c_idx], alpha*mask_color[c_idx] + (1.0-alpha)*output[..., c_idx]) return output
def partitioning(self): self.clean_colored_pixel() self.superpixel_dbscan(12) #figure pour montrer l'effet du clustering self.fig_cluster = plt.figure('segmentation et clustering') #on y lie la fonction qui permet de faire le coloriage self.cid2 = self.fig_cluster.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onmouseclicked) self.affichage(mark_boundaries(self.img,self.clusterized))
def slicSegmentation(image, num_segments=600, sigma=5): C_8U = rgb(image) C_32F = to32F(C_8U) segments = slic(C_32F, n_segments=num_segments, sigma=sigma) fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d segments" % (num_segments)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(C_32F, segments)) plt.axis("off")
def overlay_mask_base_image(self): """ Creates a new image with an overlay of the mask over the base image""" x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.clip self.base_w_mask = mark_boundaries(self.base_image[x0:x1, y0:y1], img_as_uint(self.mask), color=(1, 0, 1), outline_color=None)
def plotLabel(img, labeledImgT, outStr=''): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'}, figsize=(14, 6)) ax[0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, labeledImgT)) ax[1].imshow(labeledImgT, cmap=cm.cubehelix) ax[0].set_title("Classification based on training set of multiple images") for a in ax: a.set_xticks(()) a.set_yticks(()) plt.savefig('./labelledImage'+outStr+'.png')
def overlay_mask_optional_image(self): """Creates a new image with an overlay of the mask over the fluor image""" optional_image = color.rgb2gray(self.optional_image) optional_image = exposure.rescale_intensity(optional_image) optional_image = img_as_float(optional_image) self.optional_w_mask = mark_boundaries(optional_image, img_as_uint( self.mask), color=(1, 0, 1), outline_color=None)
print(img_path) img = imread(img_path) path, img_name = os.path.split(img_path) # segments_EM = EM_method(img_path=img_path, sp_met='felzenszwalb', num_cuts=3, EM_iter=4, K=100) segments_EM = EM_method(img_path=img_path, sp_met='felzenszwalb', num_cuts=3, EM_iter=4, K=100, dist_hist=True) # save segments label & boundry cv2.imwrite(join(label_dir, img_name), np.uint64(segments_EM)) boundary = segmentation.mark_boundaries(img, segments_EM, (1, 0, 0)) imsave(join(boundary_dir, img_name), boundary) # save segments label & boundry # cv2.imwrite(join(label_dir, img_name), np.uint64(segments)) # boundary = segmentation.mark_boundaries(img, segments, (1, 0, 0)) # imsave(join(boundary_dir, img_name), boundary) if show_segmentation: plt.figure() plt.imshow(boundary) if (num > 20): break
def write_predictions(self, output): output_dir = output + '.offset' os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)'\nWriting offset predictions to {}'.format(output_dir)) for key, value in self.offset_vis.items(): if value is None: continue filename = os.path.join(output_dir, str(key) + '.png') image = value.astype(np.uint8) for bbox in self.bbox_vis[key]: pt1 = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])) pt2 = (int(bbox[0]) + int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[1]) + int(bbox[3])) cv2.rectangle(image, pt1, pt2, (0, 0, 255)) pred = Image.fromarray(image) output_dir = output + '.human' os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)'\nWriting human segmentation predictions to {}'.format( output_dir)) for key, value in self.human_vis.items(): if value is None: continue filename = os.path.join(output_dir, str(key) + '.png') image = value.astype(np.uint8) pred = Image.fromarray(image) pred.putpalette(palette) ins_output_dir = output + '.instance' os.makedirs(ins_output_dir, exist_ok=True)'\nWriting instance parsing predictions to {}'.format( ins_output_dir)) for key, value in self.instance_vis.items(): if value is None: continue filename = os.path.join(ins_output_dir, str(key) + '.png') image = value.astype(np.uint8) pred = Image.fromarray(image) pred.putpalette(palette) # save confidence conf_file = open(os.path.join(ins_output_dir, str(key) + '.txt'), 'w') confs = self.confs_vis[key] for conf in confs: conf_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(conf[0], conf[1])) gt_ins_output_dir = output + '' os.makedirs(gt_ins_output_dir, exist_ok=True)'\nWriting instance parsing predictions to {}'.format( gt_ins_output_dir)) for key, value in self.gt_instance_vis.items(): if value is None: continue filename = os.path.join(gt_ins_output_dir, str(key) + '.png') image = value.astype(np.uint8) pred = Image.fromarray(image) pred.putpalette(palette) # save confidence conf_file = open( os.path.join(gt_ins_output_dir, str(key) + '.txt'), 'w') confs = self.gt_confs_vis[key] for conf in confs: conf_file.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(conf[0], conf[1], conf[2])) output_dir = output + '.superpixel' os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)'\nWriting superpixel predictions to {}'.format(output_dir)) for key, value in self.superpixel_vis.items(): if value is None: continue filename = os.path.join(output_dir, str(key) + '.png') pred = mark_boundaries(value[0][:, :, ::-1].astype(np.float), value[1]) cv2.imwrite(filename, pred) self.ins_output_dir = ins_output_dir self.gt_ins_output_dir = gt_ins_output_dir
def explain_ddsm(): print("Entering the explain ddsm ..... ") global v1model global v2model filestr = request.files['file'].read() model_ver = request.form['model_ver'] print("Explain ddsm") if (model_ver == 'v1' and v1model is None): v1model = build_model(model_ver) elif (model_ver == 'v2' and v2model is None): v2model = build_model(model_ver) img = decodeImage(filestr) h, w, c = img.shape print("----------------------", img) image_array = enhance_images(img) image_array = image_array / 255. image_array = resize(image_array, (224, 224, 3)) v = np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0) imagenet_mean = np.array([0.449]) imagenet_std = np.array([0.226]) batch_x_non = (v - imagenet_mean) / imagenet_std print(batch_x_non.shape) explainer = lime_image.LimeImageExplainer( feature_selection='lasso_path' ) #object to explain predictions on Image data. if (model_ver == 'v1'): model = v1model else: model = v2model explanation_non_covid = explainer.explain_instance(batch_x_non[0], model.predict, top_labels=5, hide_color=0, num_samples=400) print('Explaination is obtained!') temp_non_1, mask_non_1 = explanation_non_covid.get_image_and_mask( explanation_non_covid.top_labels[0], positive_only=True, num_features=10, hide_rest=True) temp_non_2, mask_non_2 = explanation_non_covid.get_image_and_mask( explanation_non_covid.top_labels[0], positive_only=False, num_features=10, hide_rest=False) print("the prediction for non covid", explanation_non_covid.top_labels[0]) class_names = [ 'Atelectasis', 'Cardiomegaly', 'Effusion', 'Infiltration', 'Mass', 'Nodule', 'Pneumonia', 'Pneumothorax', 'Consolidation', 'Edema', 'Emphysema', 'Fibrosis', 'Pleural_Thickening', 'Hernia', 'Covid' ] print("Predicted class: ", class_names[explanation_non_covid.top_labels[0]]) exp_image = cv2.cvtColor( np.asarray( mark_boundaries( ((temp_non_2 * imagenet_std) + imagenet_mean) * 255, mask_non_2), 'uint8'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h)) img = Image.fromarray(exp_image.astype("uint8")) rawBytes = io.BytesIO(), "JPEG") img_base64 = base64.b64encode( return jsonify({'status': str(img_base64)})
sp = SP(img, step, nc) sp.__init__(img, step, nc) #print(r) sp.generateSuperPixels() r = sp.createConnectivity() #cv2.imshow("cluster", slic.clusters.astype(np.uint8)) #slic.displayContours() sp.displayContours((252, 0, 0)) #sp.getSPHCsegments(contours,img) #cv2.imshow("superpixels", img) SPHCsegm_grid = getSPHCsegments(r, imlab) plt.imshow(img) fig = plt.figure("%d Segments Merged" % 400) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(imge, SPHCsegm_grid)) plt.axis("off") #cv2.imshow("color",color) #cv2.waitKey(0) #cv2.imshow("SLICimg.jpg", slic.img) #plt.imshow(SPHCsegm_grid) #cv2.waitKey(0)
for filename in file_list: # load the image and convert it to a floating point data type image = img_as_float(io.imread(os.path.join(folder,filename))) # loop over the number of segments numSegments = [100, 200, 300] # apply SLIC and extract (approximately) the supplied number # of segments segments = slic(image, n_segments = numSegments[1], sigma = 5) for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(segments)): mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8") mask[segments == segVal] = 255 _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #pts = np.where((segments==segVal)) for pt in kp: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[0], pt, False): fg.append(segVal) # show the output of SLIC #fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d segments" % (numSegments)) #ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) cv2.imshow('re',mark_boundaries(image, segments)) #plt.axis("off") cv2.waitKey(0) # show the plots
def checkSlic(): data = loadData() # Error List error = [] for idx in range(159, 160): # Display print('Processing Image #', idx + 1, sep='') # Load Image and Ground Truth Image as Float img = img_as_float(io.imread('data/images/' + str(idx + 1) + '.png')) img_gt = img_as_float( io.imread('data/gt_images/' + str(idx + 1) + '.png')) # Perform SLIC img_seg = slic(img, n_segments=1000, compactness=8, convert2lab=True, min_size_factor=0.3) img_sample = np.zeros(img_gt.shape[:-1]) img_data = data[np.where(data[:, 65] == (idx + 1))] big = np.amax(img_seg) roi = (img_seg == big) roi_idx = np.nonzero(roi) biglabel = img_gt[int(np.mean(roi_idx[0])), int(np.mean(roi_idx[1])), 2] for row in range(img_gt.shape[0]): for col in range(img_gt.shape[1]): label = img_seg[row, col] if label == big: img_sample[row, col] == biglabel elif img_data[label][64] == 1: img_sample[row, col] = 1 curerror = sum(sum( img_sample != img_gt[:, :, 2])) / img_gt.shape[0] / img_gt.shape[1] error.append(curerror) plt.figure(1) fig1 = plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img, img_seg)) fig1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig1.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.figure(2) fig2 = plt.imshow(mark_boundaries(img_gt, img_seg)) fig2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.figure(3) fig2 = plt.imshow(img) fig2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.figure(4) fig2 = plt.imshow(img_gt) fig2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.figure(5) fig2 = plt.imshow(img_sample) fig2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) return error
fname = 'images/' + name + '_image.npy' image = np.load(fname) fname = 'images/' + name + '_seg.npy' segments = np.load(fname) return image, segments def save_results(name, labelled_image):'labelled/' + name + '_labels', labelled_image) if __name__ == "__main__": # Load image to label name = 'DJI_0820' image, segments = load_image_segments(name) labelled_image = np.full(image[:, :, 0].shape, np.nan) # Set up plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) base_im = ax.imshow( mark_boundaries(image, segments, color=(1, 0, 0), mode='thick')) palette = copy( palette.set_bad(alpha=0.0) im = ax.imshow(labelled_image, alpha=0.5, vmin=1, vmax=2, cmap=palette) # Label image, updating plot until user quits label_image()
#get data from bars numSegments = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Number of Segments', 'slic') numSigma = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Sigma', 'slic') #segment start_time = time.time() # save curr time to report duration segments = slic(img.astype(np.float64) / 256, n_segments=numSegments, sigma=numSigma) duration = time.time() - start_time # calculate time elapsed print("slic elapsed: ", duration) #mark segments in image start_time = time.time() # save curr time to report duration img = mark_boundaries(img, segments) duration = time.time() - start_time # calculate time elapsed print("mark boundaries elapsed: ", duration) #make a mask mask = np.zeros(img.shape) mask = mark_boundaries(mask, segments) if display_mode == 0: cv2.imshow('slic', img) else: cv2.imshow('slic', mask) ch = cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == 27: break
compact = [15, 25, 35, 45, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25] segment = [250, 250, 250, 250, 50, 150, 250, 350, 250, 250, 250, 250] thresh = [45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 25, 35, 45, 55] for j in range(12): # Region Adjacency Graph labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=compact[j], n_segments=segment[j], start_label=1) g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels) labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=thresh[j], rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_mean_color, weight_func=_weight_mean_color) for ii in range(np.max(labels2)): if np.logical_or(np.sum(labels2 == ii) > 1000, np.sum(labels2 == ii) < 150): labels2[labels2 == ii] = 0 out = color.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg', bg_label=0) out = segmentation.mark_boundaries(out, labels2, (0, 0, 0)) out = np.uint8(out * 255) centers = [] for ii in range(np.max(labels2) - 1): xInd, yInd = np.where(labels2 == ii + 1) if len(xInd) == 0: continue xCenter = int(np.mean(xInd)) yCenter = int(np.mean(yInd)) w = max(xInd) - min(xInd) h = max(yInd) - min(yInd) # New filters, based on sizes # if w < 20 or w > 40: # continue
def display_superpixels(rgb, superpixels): fig = plt.figure("SuperPixels") ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(rgb, superpixels)) plt.axis("off")
im_val = [] im_val = 0.299 * im[:, :, 0] + 0.587 * im[:, :, 1] + 0.114 * im[:, :, 2] im_val_temp = im_val im_val = np.array(im_val).flatten() #每个点的像素值(一维) im_val = [] im_val = 0.299 * im[:, :, 0] + 0.587 * im[:, :, 1] + 0.114 * im[:, :, 2] im_val = np.array(im_val).flatten() # flez labels = segmentation.felzenszwalb(im, scale=args.scale, sigma=0.8, min_size=args.min_size) boundary = segmentation.mark_boundaries(im, labels, (1, 0, 0)) # imsave('boundary_%d.png'%args.num_superpixels, boundary) labels_temp = labels # ave_position,red_average,green_average,blue_average,position = function.init_sp(im,labels) labels = labels.reshape(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1]) #分割后每个超像素的Sk值 u_labels = np.unique(labels) #将Sk作为标签 l_inds = [] #每i行表示Si超像素中每个像素的编号 for i in range(len(u_labels)): l_inds.append(np.where(labels == u_labels[i])[0]) mean_list = [] var_list = [] std_list = [] std_m_v = [] for i in range(len(l_inds)): labels_per_sp = im_val[l_inds[i]]
''' # load model model = resnets_shift.resnet18(True).cuda() optimizer = optimizers.optimfn(args.optim, model) # unused model, _, _ = networktools.continue_train(model, optimizer, args.eval_model_pth, True) model.eval() # generate dataset from points iterator_val = GenerateIterator_eval(metadata) # pass through dataset pred_mask = np.zeros_like(labels) with torch.no_grad(): for batch_it, (images, tile_ids) in enumerate(iterator_val): images = images.cuda() pred_ensemble = model(images) pred_ensemble = torch.argmax(pred_ensemble, 1).cpu().numpy() for tj, tile_id in enumerate(tile_ids.numpy()): pred_mask[metadata[tile_id] ['foreground_indices']] = pred_ensemble[tj] pred_mask_rgb = np.eye(4)[pred_mask][..., 1:] pred_mask_rgb = Image.fromarray(pred_mask_rgb.astype(np.uint8) * 255) pred_mask_rgb = pred_mask_rgb.resize((x // us, y // us))'slic_out_mask.png') slic_out = mark_boundaries(image, labels, color=(0, 0, 0)) Image.fromarray((255 * slic_out).astype(np.uint8)).save('slic_out.png')
yp = patch_coords[1][j] patch_pixels.append(image[xp, yp, 1]) all_patch_pixels.append(patch_pixels) bins = 30 features = [] for i in range(0, len(all_patch_pixels)): h_inter = np.histogram(all_patch_pixels[i], bins) features.append(h_inter[1].tolist()) fake_class = (np.array(zerolistmaker(len(features))) * [2]).tolist() p_label, accuracy, p_val = svm_predict(fake_class, features, model) # p_lane_labels=np.where(np.asarray(p_label)==1) p_lane_labels = np.where(np.asarray(p_val) > p_threshold) p_lane_labels = p_lane_labels[0].tolist() lane_segments = segments * 0 for i in range(0, len(p_lane_labels)): x, y = (np.where(segments == p_lane_labels[i])) lane_segments[x, y] = i + 1 fig = plt.figure("Superpixels") ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(image, lane_segments)) plt.axis("off")
centers, colors_hists, segments, neighbors = superpixels_histograms_neighbors( img) fg_segments, bg_segments = find_superpixels_under_marking( img_marking, segments) # get cumulative BG/FG histograms, before normalization fg_cumulative_hist = cumulative_histogram_for_superpixels( fg_segments, colors_hists) bg_cumulative_hist = cumulative_histogram_for_superpixels( bg_segments, colors_hists) norm_hists = normalize_histograms(colors_hists) graph_cut = do_graph_cut((fg_cumulative_hist, bg_cumulative_hist), (fg_segments, bg_segments), norm_hists, neighbors) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) plt.title('segmentation') segmask = pixels_for_segment_selection(segments, np.nonzero(graph_cut)) cv2.imwrite("img/output_segmentation.png", np.uint8(segmask * 255)) plt.imshow(segmask) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) img = mark_boundaries(img, segments) img[img_marking[:, :, 0] != 255] = (1, 0, 0) img[img_marking[:, :, 2] != 255] = (0, 0, 1) plt.imshow(img) plt.title("SLIC + markings") plt.savefig("img/segmentation.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=96)
Segmentation contours ===================== Visualize segmentation contours on original grayscale image. """ from skimage import data, segmentation from skimage import filters import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np coins = data.coins() mask = coins > filters.threshold_otsu(coins) clean_border = segmentation.clear_border(mask).astype( coins_edges = segmentation.mark_boundaries(coins, clean_border) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(clean_border, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(coins_edges) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() import os print(os.getcwd())
def segment(self): n = array.array('i') s = array.array('f') #n.append(466) #n.append(500) n.append(100) n.append(600) n.append(566) n.append(600) n.append(666) if pixels < 1000000: s.append(1.7) s.append(2.7) s.append(3.3) s.append(3.9) s.append(4.9) elif pixels < 7000000: s.append(2.275 - 1.5 + 0.0000009166667 * pixels + 0.0000000000001083333 * pow(pixels, 2)) s.append(2.275 - 1 + 0.0000009166667 * pixels + 0.0000000000001083333 * pow(pixels, 2)) s.append(2.275 + 0.0000009166667 * pixels + 0.0000000000001083333 * pow(pixels, 2)) s.append(2.275 + 1 + 0.0000009166667 * pixels + 0.0000000000001083333 * pow(pixels, 2)) s.append(2.275 + 1.5 + 0.0000009166667 * pixels + 0.0000000000001083333 * pow(pixels, 2)) elif pixels > 7000000: #s.append(10) #s.append(13) s.append(18) s.append(8) s.append(14) s.append(15) s.append(18) self.imArray = [] for i in range(0, 5): # runs 3 times #numSegments = 566 #mySigma = 6 ts = time.time() st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') #self.out_files.append( str(n[i])+'seg_sigma'+str(s[i])+"_datetime"+st ) self.out_files.append(str(n[i]) + "_datetime" + st) newIm = #cv2.imwrite("/home/madison/Documents/41x/IMG_SET6/" + self.out_files[i] +"_origin_elaine.jpg", newIm) # apply SLIC and extract (approximately) the supplied number of segments segments = slic(, n_segments=n[i], sigma=s[i]) b = segments.tolist() # nested lists with same data, indices #with open('/home/madison/Documents/41x/IMG_SET6/' + self.out_files[i] +'.json', 'w') as outfile: # json.dump(b, outfile, indent=2) #self.segm_lists.append(json.dumps(b, indent=2)) self.segm_lists.append(b) # show the output of SLICs fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d segments" % (n[i])) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) newIm = mark_boundaries(, segments, color=(52, 205, 195)) # fn normalises img bw 1 and 0 apparently #ax.imshow( plt.axis("off") #cv2.waitKey(0) newIm = (newIm * 255.0).astype('u1') self.imArray.append(newIm)
def precision_recall(): im1 = cv2.imread("data/2-0.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im2 = cv2.imread("data/2-15.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im3 = cv2.imread("data/2-30.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im4 = cv2.imread("data/2-45.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) gt = cv2.imread("gt2.jpg", 0) # small image for test only ## im1 = cv2.imread("0.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) ## im2 = cv2.imread("15.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) ## im3 = cv2.imread("30.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) ## im4 = cv2.imread("45.bmp", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) ## gt = cv2.imread("gt2.jpg", 0) thres = 3 # threshold of distance between edge pixel and g.t. edge pixel # Multi-channel SLIC, our method # print ("begin multi-channel slic") # img = [im1, im2, im3, im4] # L = mslic.mslic(img, 300, 5, 1, 5) # L = regions.distinct_label(L) # print ("after multi-channel slic, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels") # L = clusters.merge_tiny_regions(im1, L, 200) # print ("after merging tiny regions, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left") # bond_L = segmentation.find_boundaries(L) # cv2.imwrite("after mslic.jpg", bond_L*255) # print (performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_L, thres)) # print (performance.precision(gt, bond_L, thres)) # L = clusters.merge_regions(img, L, gt, iteration = 100) # cv2.imwrite("it=309.jpg", contour * 255) # print (performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_L, thres)) # print (performance.precision(gt, bond_L, thres)) # QuickShift method, ECCV 2008 ## print "begin quickshift" ## ratio = 1.0 ## kernel_size = 10 ## max_dist = 5 ## return_tree = False ## sigma = 3 ## convert2lab = True ## random_seed = 42 ## L_qs = segmentation.quickshift(max_im, ratio, kernel_size, max_dist, return_tree, sigma, convert2lab, random_seed) ## print "after Quickshift, there are " + str(np.max(L_qs)) + " superpixels" ## L = clusters.merge_tiny_regions(im1, L_qs, 200) ## print "after merging tiny regions, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left" ## bond_qs = segmentation.find_boundaries(L) ## print performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_qs, thres) ## print performance.precision(gt, bond_qs, thres) ## img = [im1, im2, im3, im4] ## L = clusters.merge_regions(img, L, gt, iteration = 300) ## bond_L = segmentation.find_boundaries(L, mode='thick') ## print performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_L, thres) ## print performance.precision(gt, bond_L, thres) # Efficient graph-based image segmentation, IJCV 2004 # print "begin Graph-based segmentation" # scale = 80 # sigma = 2 # min_size = 5 # L_fh = segmentation.felzenszwalb(max_im, scale, sigma, min_size) # L = regions.distinct_label(L_fh) # print "after Graph-based segmentation, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels" # contour = segmentation.mark_boundaries(max_im, L, (0, 0, 1)) # cv2.imwrite("contour_fh.jpg", contour*255) # cv2.waitKey(0) ## L = clusters.merge_tiny_regions(im1, L, 200) ## print "after merging tiny regions, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left" ## bond_fh = segmentation.find_boundaries(L) ## print performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_fh, thres) ## print performance.precision(gt, bond_fh, thres) ## img = [im1, im2, im3, im4] ## L = clusters.merge_regions(img, L, gt, iteration = 200) ## bond_L = segmentation.find_boundaries(L, mode='thick') ## print performance.boundary_recall(gt, bond_L, thres) ## print performance.precision(gt, bond_L, thres) # SLIC superpixel method, TPAMI 2012 print("begin slic") im = Image("data/2-0.jpg") ns = 300 comp = 20 L_slic = segmentation.slic(im1, n_segments=ns, compactness=comp, sigma=3, convert2lab=True) L = regions.distinct_label(L_slic) L = clusters.merge_tiny_regions(im1, L, 500) print("after merging tiny regions, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left") contour = segmentation.mark_boundaries(im1, L, (0, 0, 1)) # cv2.imshow("hehe", contour) # cv2.waitKey(0) print("start dbscan..............") L = dbscan.merge_region(im, L, [14, 1]) print("after dbscan, there are " + str(np.max(L)) + " superpixels left") contour = segmentation.mark_boundaries(im1, L, (0, 0, 1)) cv2.imshow("hehe", contour) cv2.imwrite("feldspar_dbscan.jpg", contour * 255) cv2.waitKey(0)
# Display images. cv2.imwrite('grey.jpg',thresh) # cv2.imshow("Floodfilled Image", im_out) # cv2.waitKey(0) # load the image and apply SLIC and extract (approximately) # the supplied number of segments image = cv2.imread('grey.jpg') segments = slic(img_as_float(image), n_segments = 500, compactness=10,sigma = 5) # show the output of SLIC fig = plt.figure("Superpixels") ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments)) plt.axis("off") counter_red = 0 lower_blue = np.array([110, 50, 50]) # loop over the unique segment values for (i, segVal) in enumerate(np.unique(segments)): # construct a mask for the segment mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8") mask[segments == segVal] = 125 print i image_mask=cv2.bitwise_or(image, image, mask = mask)
def crazy_visual(): dataset = NYUSegmentation() # load training data data = load_nyu(n_sp=500) data = add_edges(data) for x, image_name, superpixels, y in zip(data.X, data.file_names, data.superpixels, data.Y): print(image_name) if int(image_name) != 11: continue image = dataset.get_image(image_name) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) bounary_image = mark_boundaries(image, superpixels) plt.imshow(bounary_image) gridx, gridy = np.mgrid[:superpixels.shape[0], :superpixels.shape[1]] edges = x[1] points_normals = dataset.get_pointcloud_normals(image_name) centers2d = get_superpixel_centers(superpixels) centers3d = [ np.bincount(superpixels.ravel(), weights=c.ravel()) for c in points_normals[:, :, :3].reshape(-1, 3).T ] centers3d = (np.vstack(centers3d) / np.bincount(superpixels.ravel())).T sp_normals = get_sp_normals(points_normals[:, :, 3:], superpixels) offset = centers3d[edges[:, 0]] - centers3d[edges[:, 1]] offset = offset / np.sqrt(np.sum(offset**2, axis=1))[:, np.newaxis] #mean_normal = (sp_normals[edges[:, 0]] + sp_normals[edges[:, 1]]) / 2. mean_normal = sp_normals[edges[:, 0]] #edge_features = np.arccos(np.abs((offset * mean_normal).sum(axis=1))) * 2. / np.pi edge_features = 1 - np.abs((offset * mean_normal).sum(axis=1)) no_normals = (np.all(sp_normals[edges[:, 0]] == 0, axis=1) + np.all(sp_normals[edges[:, 1]] == 0, axis=1)) edge_features[no_normals] = 0 # nan normals if True: coords = points_normals[:, :, :3].reshape(-1, 3) perm = np.random.permutation(superpixels.max() + 1) mv.points3d(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2], perm[superpixels.ravel()], mode='point') #mv.points3d(centers3d[:, 0], centers3d[:, 1], centers3d[:, 2], scale_factor=.04) mv.quiver3d(centers3d[:, 0], centers3d[:, 1], centers3d[:, 2], sp_normals[:, 0], sp_normals[:, 1], sp_normals[:, 2]) from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer Tracer()() for i, edge in enumerate(edges): e0, e1 = edge #color = (dataset.colors[y[e0]] + dataset.colors[y[e1]]) / (2. * 255.) #f = edge_features[i] #if f < 0: #e0, e1 = e1, e0 #f = -f #plt.arrow(centers[e0][0], centers[e0][1], #centers[e1][0] - centers[e0][0], centers[e1][1] - centers[e0][1], #width=f * 5 #) color = "black" plt.plot([centers2d[e0][0], centers2d[e1][0]], [centers2d[e0][1], centers2d[e1][1]], c=color, linewidth=edge_features[i] * 5) plt.scatter(centers2d[:, 0], centers2d[:, 1], s=100) plt.tight_layout() plt.xlim(0, superpixels.shape[1]) plt.ylim(superpixels.shape[0], 0) plt.axis("off") plt.savefig("figures/normal_relative/%s.png" % image_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
def create_segmented_image(image, segments): segmented_image = mark_boundaries(img_as_float(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), segments) return segmented_image
def interpret(self, data_, visualization=True, save_outdir=None): if self.normlime_weights is None: raise ValueError( "Not find the correct precomputed NormLIME result. \n" "\t Try to call compute_normlime_weights() first or load the correct path." ) g_weights = self.preparation_normlime(data_) lime_weights = self._lime.lime_interpreter.local_weights if visualization or save_outdir is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries l = self.labels[0] ln = l if self.label_names is not None: ln = self.label_names[l] psize = 5 nrows = 4 weights_choices = [0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85] nums_to_show = [] ncols = len(weights_choices) plt.close() f, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(psize * ncols, psize * nrows)) for ax in axes.ravel(): ax.axis("off") axes = axes.ravel() axes[0].imshow(self.image) prob_str = "{%.3f}" % (self.predicted_probability) axes[0].set_title("label {}, proba: {}".format(ln, prob_str)) axes[1].imshow( mark_boundaries(self.image, self._lime.lime_interpreter.segments)) axes[1].set_title("superpixel segmentation") # LIME visualization for i, w in enumerate(weights_choices): num_to_show = auto_choose_num_features_to_show( self._lime.lime_interpreter, l, w) nums_to_show.append(num_to_show) temp, mask = self._lime.lime_interpreter.get_image_and_mask( l, positive_only=True, hide_rest=False, num_features=num_to_show) axes[ncols + i].imshow(mark_boundaries(temp, mask)) axes[ncols + i].set_title( "LIME: first {} superpixels".format(num_to_show)) # NormLIME visualization self._lime.lime_interpreter.local_weights = g_weights for i, num_to_show in enumerate(nums_to_show): temp, mask = self._lime.lime_interpreter.get_image_and_mask( l, positive_only=True, hide_rest=False, num_features=num_to_show) axes[ncols * 2 + i].imshow(mark_boundaries(temp, mask)) axes[ncols * 2 + i].set_title( "NormLIME: first {} superpixels".format(num_to_show)) # NormLIME*LIME visualization combined_weights = combine_normlime_and_lime( lime_weights, g_weights) self._lime.lime_interpreter.local_weights = combined_weights for i, num_to_show in enumerate(nums_to_show): temp, mask = self._lime.lime_interpreter.get_image_and_mask( l, positive_only=True, hide_rest=False, num_features=num_to_show) axes[ncols * 3 + i].imshow(mark_boundaries(temp, mask)) axes[ncols * 3 + i].set_title( "Combined: first {} superpixels".format(num_to_show)) self._lime.lime_interpreter.local_weights = lime_weights if save_outdir is not None: save_fig(data_, save_outdir, 'normlime', self.num_samples) if visualization:
plt.subplot(1, 5, plot_index + 1) plt.imshow(X_eval[good_index]) plt.title(' Predicted: {}, Actual: {} '.format(labels_index[cnn_pred[good_index][0]], labels_index[y_eval[good_index]]), fontsize = 18) plt.savefig('results/cnn/correctly_classified.png', dpi=400) # lime explanation of correctly classified images plt.figure(figsize=(50,10)) #shuffle(correctly_classified_indices) for plot_index, good_index in enumerate(correctly_classified_indices[0:5]): plt.subplot(1, 5, plot_index + 1) explainer = lime_image.LimeImageExplainer() explanation = explainer.explain_instance(X_eval[good_index], cnn_classifier.predict_classes, top_labels=2, hide_color=0, num_samples=1000) temp, mask = explanation.get_image_and_mask(0, positive_only=False, num_features=1000, hide_rest=False) #temp, mask = explanation.get_image_and_mask(0, positive_only=True, num_features=1000, hide_rest=True) x = mark_boundaries(temp / 2 + 0.5, mask) plt.imshow(x, interpolation='none') plt.title(' Predicted: {}, Actual: {} '.format(labels_index[cnn_pred[good_index][0]], labels_index[y_eval[good_index]]), fontsize = 18) plt.savefig('results/cnn/lime_correctly_classified.png', dpi=400) # misclassified images plt.figure(figsize=(50,10)) #shuffle(misclassified_indices) for plot_index, bad_index in enumerate(misclassified_indices[0:5]): plt.subplot(1, 5, plot_index + 1) plt.imshow(X_eval[bad_index]) plt.title(' Predicted: {}, Actual: {} '.format(labels_index[cnn_pred[bad_index][0]], labels_index[y_eval[bad_index]]), fontsize = 18) plt.savefig('results/cnn/mis_classified.png', dpi=400)
for i in range(0, heightL): for j in range(0, widthL): imgL3D[i, j, k] = 255 - imgL[i, j] imgR3D[i, j, k] = 255 - imgR[i, j] segL = felzenszwalb(imgL3D, scale=300, sigma=0.5, min_size=100) segR = felzenszwalb(imgR3D, scale=300, sigma=0.5, min_size=100) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box-forced'}) ax[0, 0].imshow(mark_boundaries(imgL3D, segL)) ax[0, 1].imshow(mark_boundaries(imgR3D, segR)) plt.tight_layout() TCol = 10 TGrad = 2 #colour absolute difference def Ctadc(x, y, d): c = min(abs(imgL[y, x] * 1.0 - imgR[y, x - d] * 1.0), TCol) return c
train_gen = make_image_gen(balanced_train_df) train_x, train_y = next(train_gen) print('x', train_x.shape, train_x.min(), train_x.max()) print('y', train_y.shape, train_y.min(), train_y.max()) # In[ ]: fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(30, 10)) batch_rgb = montage_rgb(train_x) batch_seg = montage(train_y[:, :, :, 0]) ax1.imshow(batch_rgb) ax1.set_title('Images') ax2.imshow(batch_seg) ax2.set_title('Segmentations') ax3.imshow(mark_boundaries(batch_rgb, batch_seg.astype(int))) ax3.set_title('Outlined Ships') fig.savefig('overview.png') # # Make the Validation Set # In[ ]: valid_x, valid_y = next(make_image_gen(valid_df, VALID_IMG_COUNT)) print(valid_x.shape, valid_y.shape) # # Augment Data # In[ ]: from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
def classifier(self, req, zero_out): expected_items = [] for i in req.expected_labels: expected_items.append( try: hd_image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2( req.color, desired_encoding="passthrough") except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerr(e) os.environ["MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT"] = "0" # t0 = seg_net = net.create_infer(CLASSNUM, WORKSPACE) mod = mx.module.Module(seg_net, data_names=('data', ), label_names=(), context=self.ctx) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('seg_net creation took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = mod.bind(data_shapes=[("data", (1, 3, 640, 640))], for_training=False, grad_req='null') # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module bind took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = mod.init_params(arg_params=self.arg_dict, aux_params=self.aux_dict, allow_missing=True) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module parameter init took %s' % (t1 - t0)) rgb_mean = 128 hd_image = hd_image.astype(np.float32) im = hd_image - rgb_mean im = np.swapaxes(im, 0, 2) im = np.swapaxes(im, 1, 2) im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=0) im, orig_size = misc.pad_image(im, 32) # t0 = mod.reshape([("data", im.shape)]) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module reshape took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = mod.bind(data_shapes=[("data", (1, 3, 640, 640))], for_training=False, grad_req='null') # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module bind took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = mod.forward([mx.nd.array(im)], label=None, pad=None, index=None)) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module forward took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = pred = mod.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy().squeeze() # t1 = # rospy.logerr('module prediction took %s' % (t1 - t0)) pred = misc.crop_pred(pred, orig_size) # t0 = if zero_out: for i in self.item_list[1:]: j = self.item_list.index(i) if i in expected_items or j < 1 or j >= CLASSNUM: continue if j < pred.shape[0]: pred[j] = np.zeros_like(pred[j]) continue pred_label = pred.argmax(0) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('bad prediction elimination took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # s0 = best_scores_map, second_best_scores_map, diff_conf_map = misc.confidence_maps( pred) # s1 = # rospy.logerr('confidence map creation took %s' % (s1 - s0)) mean_conf_map = np.zeros_like(diff_conf_map) ccs, num_ccs = measure.label(pred_label, return_num=True) for cc in range(1, num_ccs + 1): mean_conf = diff_conf_map[np.where(ccs == cc)].mean() mean_conf_map[np.where(ccs == cc)] = mean_conf mean_conf_map = (mean_conf_map * 255).astype(np.uint8) mean_conf_map[mean_conf_map == 0] = 1 # t0 = binmask = np.zeros_like(pred_label) segment_certainties = [] empty_img = np.zeros_like(mean_conf_map) conf_map = np.zeros_like(mean_conf_map) pred_label_unique = np.unique(pred_label) if zero_out: for c in pred_label_unique: # -3 for storage, tote, and because zero indexing if c < 1 or c > (CLASSNUM - 3): continue binmask = pred_label == c cnts = cv2.findContours(binmask.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] if len(cnts) != 0: max_cnt = -1 max_certainty = 0 cnts = sorted(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) empty_img = empty_img * 0 for cc in range(len(cnts)): col = cc + 1 cv2.drawContours(image=empty_img, contours=cnts, contourIdx=cc, color=col, thickness=-1) certainty = (mean_conf_map * (empty_img == col)).max() if certainty > max_certainty: max_certainty = certainty max_cnt = col segment_certainties.append(max_certainty) mask = empty_img == max_cnt conf_map[np.where(mask)] = max_certainty pred_label[np.where(conf_map == 0)] = 0 pred_label_unique = np.unique(pred_label) labels = [] for i in self.item_list[1:]: j = self.item_list.index(i) if i in expected_items and j in pred_label_unique: labels.append(i) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('Took %s' % (t1 - t0)) out_lab = np.uint8(np.copy(pred_label)) out_lab = Image.fromarray(out_lab) out_lab_raw = out_lab.copy() out_lab.putpalette(self.cmap) out_lab = out_lab.convert('RGB') rgb_img = hd_image rgb_img_arr = np.array(rgb_img, dtype=np.float32) / 255 bnd_img = mark_boundaries(rgb_img_arr, pred_label, mode='thick') bnd_img = Image.fromarray((bnd_img * 255).astype('uint8')) out_img = Image.blend(bnd_img, out_lab, 0.6) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('output image creation took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # Stay at 1 because state machine code uses 1 indexing because historical reasons k = 1 for c in pred_label_unique: # -3 for storage, tote, and because zero indexing if c < 1 or c > (CLASSNUM - 3): continue binmask = pred_label == c pred_label[np.where(pred_label == c)] = k k += 1 com = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(binmask) fs = 14 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(out_img) draw.text((com[1], com[0]), 'O', (0, 0, 255), font=self.font) draw.text((com[1] - len(self.item_list[c]) / 2 * fs / 2, com[0]), self.item_list[c], (255, 255, 0), font=self.font) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(out_img) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('output image creation overall took %s' % (t1 - t0)) # t0 = res = rgbd_object_proposalResponse() try: res.classification = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg( pred_label.astype(np.uint8), 'mono8') except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerr(e) try: oi = np.array(out_img) oi = cv2.cvtColor(oi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) res.overlay_img = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(oi, 'rgb8') except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerr(e) try: res.confidence_map = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg( mean_conf_map, 'mono8') except CvBridgeError as e: rospy.logerr(e) for i in labels: res.label.append(String(i)) for i in segment_certainties: res.segment_certainties.append(UInt8(i)) # t1 = # rospy.logerr('response creation took %s' % (t1 - t0)) return res
seg_slice = seg.shape[0] // 8 ind = 0 seg_slice = seg.shape[0] // 4 for i in range(seg_slice, seg.shape[0] + 1, seg_slice): for j in range(seg_slice, seg.shape[1] + 1, seg_slice): seg[i - seg_slice:i, j - seg_slice:j] = ind ind += 1 # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0, 0].imshow(image.array_to_img(img_orig)) # ax[0, 0].set_title("Felzenszwalbs's method") # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ax[0, 1].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, seg.astype('int64'))) ax[0, 1].set_title('SLIC') # ax[1, 0].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_quick)) # ax[1, 0].set_title('Quickshift') # ax[1, 1].imshow(mark_boundaries(img, segments_watershed)) # ax[1, 1].set_title('Compact watershed') # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # define a function that depends on a binary mask representing if an image region is hidden def mask_image(zs, segmentation, image, background=None): if background is None: background = image.mean((0, 1)) out = np.zeros( (zs.shape[0], image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]))
def get_explanation(self, label, num_features=20, which_exp='positive'): # the explanation to display: ''' :param label: label to explain :param num_features: how many top features to display :param positive: want features that encourage or discourage the dicision (label) :return: this_exp: raw feature and weight values readable_exp: a text description of the explanation txt_exp_list: text part of the explanation, ready to display temp, mask: image part of the explanation, ready to display ''' this_exp = np.array(self.local_exp[label]) if which_exp == 'positive': positives = this_exp[this_exp[:, 1] >= 0] elif which_exp == 'negative': positives = this_exp[this_exp[:, 1] < 0] if positives.shape[0] < num_features: num_features = positives.shape[0] top_exp = positives[:num_features] top_exp_unique, top_idx = np.unique(top_exp[:, 0], return_index=True) txt_exp = top_exp[top_exp[:, 0] < self.n_txt_features] n_txt_exp = txt_exp.shape[0] txt_top_idx = [] for txt_feature in txt_exp: txt_top_idx.append(top_idx[top_exp_unique == txt_feature[0]] + 1) img_exp = top_exp[top_exp[:, 0] >= self.n_txt_features] n_img_exp = img_exp.shape[0] img_top_idx = [] for img_feature in img_exp: img_top_idx.append(top_idx[top_exp_unique == img_feature[0]] + 1) readable_exp = f"among the top 10 features, {n_txt_exp} are from the text (the top" for i in txt_top_idx: readable_exp += str(i) readable_exp += f"), {n_img_exp} are from the image (the top" for j in img_top_idx: readable_exp += str(j) readable_exp += f"), displayed as follows" txt_exp_list = np.array(self.as_list(label), dtype='object') # return explanations upon request if which_exp == 'positive': txt_list = txt_exp_list[txt_exp_list[:, 1] >= 0] temp, mask = self.get_image_and_mask(label, num_features=n_img_exp) else: txt_list = txt_exp_list[txt_exp_list[:, 1] < 0] temp, mask = self.get_image_and_mask(label, num_features=n_img_exp, positive_only=False, negative_only=True) txt_list = txt_list[:n_txt_exp] img_boundary = mark_boundaries(temp, mask) im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img_boundary * 255)) return this_exp, readable_exp, txt_list, im
def mark_boundaries(self, pixel_buffer=50): return segmentation.mark_boundaries(self.rgb(pixel_buffer), self.binary(pixel_buffer))
def train_on_batch(self, batch, **extras): self.train() images = batch["images"].cuda() counts = float(batch["counts"][0]) logits = self.model_base(images) if self.exp_dict['model'].get('loss') == 'lcfcn': loss = lcfcn.compute_lcfcn_loss(logits, batch["points"].cuda(), None) probs = F.softmax(logits, 1) mask = probs.argmax( dim=1).cpu().numpy().astype('uint8').squeeze() * 255 # img_mask=hu.save_image('tmp2.png', # hu.denormalize(images, mode='rgb'), mask=mask, return_image=True) # hu.save_image('tmp2.png',np.array(img_mask)/255. , radius=3, # points=batch["points"]) elif self.exp_dict['model'].get('loss') == 'glance': pred_counts = logits[:, 1].mean() loss = F.mse_loss(pred_counts.squeeze(), counts.float().squeeze()) elif self.exp_dict['model'].get('loss') == 'att_lcfcn': probs = logits.sigmoid() # get points from attention att_dict = self.att_model.get_attention_dict( images_original=torch.FloatTensor( hu.denormalize(batch['images'], mode='rgb')), counts=batch['counts'][0], probs=probs.squeeze(), return_roi=True) if 1: blobs = lcfcn.get_blobs(probs.squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy()) org_img = hu.denormalize(images.squeeze(), mode='rgb') rgb_labels = label2rgb( blobs, hu.f2l(org_img), bg_label=0, bg_color=None, ) res1 = mark_boundaries(rgb_labels, blobs) img_mask = hu.save_image('tmp2.png', org_img, return_image=True) res2 = hu.save_image('tmp.png', np.array(img_mask) / 255., points=att_dict['points'], radius=1, return_image=True) hu.save_image('tmp_blobs.png', np.hstack([res1, np.array(res2) / 255.])) loss = lcfcn.compute_loss( probs=probs, # batch["points"].cuda(), points=att_dict['points'].cuda(), roi_mask=att_dict['roi_mask']) # loss += .5 * F.cross_entropy(logits, # torch.from_numpy(1 - # att_dict['mask_bg']).long().cuda()[None], # ignore_index=1) self.opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() if self.exp_dict['optimizer'] == 'sps': self.opt.step(loss=loss) else: self.opt.step() return {"train_loss": float(loss)}
## i = 'horse1.jpg' img = imread(i, as_gray=False) show_img(img) # labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=60, n_segments=4000) #400 labels = labels + 1 # So that no labelled region is 0 and ignored by regionprops regions = regionprops(labels) label_rgb = color.label2rgb(labels, img, kind='avg') show_img(label_rgb) imsave("horse3.jpg", label_rgb) label_rgb = segmentation.mark_boundaries(label_rgb, labels, (0, 0, 0)) show_img(label_rgb) imsave("horse4.jpg", label_rgb) #################################### rag = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels) for region in regions: rag.node[region['label']]['centroid'] = region['centroid'] edges_drawn_all = display_edges(label_rgb, rag, np.inf) show_img(edges_drawn_all) imsave("horse_graph.jpg", edges_drawn_all)