def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, xi=.1)
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)

    # check attribute types and sizes
    assert clust.labels_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.labels_.dtype.kind == 'i'

    assert clust.reachability_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.reachability_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.core_distances_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.core_distances_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.ordering_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.ordering_.dtype.kind == 'i'
    assert set(clust.ordering_) == set(range(len(X)))
def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4)
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)

    # check attribute types and sizes
    assert clust.core_sample_indices_.ndim == 1
    assert clust.core_sample_indices_.size > 0
    assert clust.core_sample_indices_.dtype.kind == 'i'

    assert clust.labels_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.labels_.dtype.kind == 'i'

    assert clust.reachability_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.reachability_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.core_distances_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.core_distances_.dtype.kind == 'f'

    assert clust.ordering_.shape == (len(X),)
    assert clust.ordering_.dtype.kind == 'i'
    assert set(clust.ordering_) == set(range(len(X)))
def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)

    for metric in ['minkowski', 'euclidean']:
        # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
        # Compute OPTICS
        clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, xi=.1, metric=metric) if metric == 'minkowski' else sparse.lil_matrix(X))
        # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
        n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
        assert n_clusters_1 == n_clusters

        # check attribute types and sizes
        assert clust.labels_.shape == (len(X),)
        assert clust.labels_.dtype.kind == 'i'

        assert clust.reachability_.shape == (len(X),)
        assert clust.reachability_.dtype.kind == 'f'

        assert clust.core_distances_.shape == (len(X),)
        assert clust.core_distances_.dtype.kind == 'f'

        assert clust.ordering_.shape == (len(X),)
        assert clust.ordering_.dtype.kind == 'i'
        assert set(clust.ordering_) == set(range(len(X)))
def test_auto_extract_hier():
    # Generate sample data

    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    X = np.empty((0, 2))
    X = np.r_[X, [-5, -2] + .8 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [4, -1] + .1 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [1, -2] + .2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [-2, 3] + .3 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [3, -2] + 1.6 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [5, 6] + 2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(eps=30.3, min_samples=9)

    # Run the fit

    # Extract the result
    # eps not used for 'auto' extract
    clust.extract(0.0, 'auto')

    assert_equal(len(set(clust.labels_)), 6)
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid(min_cluster_size):
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a positive integer or a "):

    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size, metric='euclidean')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a positive integer or a "):
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid2():
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=len(X) + 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be no greater than the "):

    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=len(X) + 1, metric='euclidean')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be no greater than the "):
def test_bad_reachability():
    msg = "All reachability values are inf. Set a larger max_eps."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
        clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.003, min_samples=10, eps=0.015)
def test_bad_reachability():
    msg = "All reachability values are inf. Set a larger max_eps."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
        clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.003, min_samples=10, eps=0.015)
def test_min_cluster_size(min_cluster_size):
    redX = X[::2]  # reduce for speed
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9, min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size).fit(redX)
    cluster_sizes = np.bincount(clust.labels_[clust.labels_ != -1])
    if cluster_sizes.size:
        assert min(cluster_sizes) >= min_cluster_size
    # check behaviour is the same when min_cluster_size is a fraction
    clust_frac = OPTICS(min_samples=9,
                        min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size / redX.shape[0])
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, clust_frac.labels_)
def test_min_cluster_size(min_cluster_size):
    redX = X[::2]  # reduce for speed
    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9, min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size).fit(redX)
    cluster_sizes = np.bincount(clust.labels_[clust.labels_ != -1])
    if cluster_sizes.size:
        assert min(cluster_sizes) >= min_cluster_size
    # check behaviour is the same when min_cluster_size is a fraction
    clust_frac = OPTICS(min_samples=9,
                        min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size / redX.shape[0])
    assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, clust_frac.labels_)
def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_bound=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, metric='euclidean')
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)
def test_correct_number_of_clusters():
    # in 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_bound=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, metric='euclidean')
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)
def test_optics():
    # Tests the optics clustering method and all functions inside it
    # 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(eps=6.0, min_samples=4, metric='euclidean')
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)
def test_optics():
    # Tests the optics clustering method and all functions inside it
    # 'auto' mode

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_bound=5.0 * 6.0, min_samples=4, metric='euclidean')
    # number of clusters, ignoring noise if present
    n_clusters_1 = len(set(clust.labels_)) - int(-1 in clust.labels_)
    assert_equal(n_clusters_1, n_clusters)
def test_min_cluster_size(min_cluster_size):
    _redX = X[::2]  # reduce for speed

    for metric in ['minkowski', 'euclidean']:
        redX = _redX if metric == 'minkowski' else sparse.lil_matrix(_redX)

        clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9, min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size,
        cluster_sizes = np.bincount(clust.labels_[clust.labels_ != -1])
        if cluster_sizes.size:
            assert min(cluster_sizes) >= min_cluster_size
        # check behaviour is the same when min_cluster_size is a fraction
        clust_frac = OPTICS(min_samples=9,
                            min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size / redX.shape[0],
        assert_array_equal(clust.labels_, clust_frac.labels_)
def test_bad_extract():
    # Test an extraction of eps too close to original eps
    msg = "Specify an epsilon smaller than 0.15. Got 0.3."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.03, min_samples=10)
    clust2 =
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, clust2.extract_dbscan, 0.3)
def test_bad_extract():
    # Test an extraction of eps too close to original eps
    msg = "Specify an epsilon smaller than 0.15. Got 0.3."
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=5.0 * 0.03, min_samples=10)
    clust2 =
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, clust2.extract_dbscan, 0.3)
def test_bad_extract():
    # Test an extraction of eps too close to original eps
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750,

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_bound=5.0 * 0.003, min_samples=10)
    clust2 =
    assert_raises(ValueError, clust2.extract_dbscan, 0.3)
def test_filter():
    # Tests the filter function.

    n_clusters = 3
    X = generate_clustered_data(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # Parameters chosen specifically for this task.
    clust = OPTICS(eps=6.0, min_samples=4, metric='euclidean')
    # Run filter (before computing OPTICS)
    bool_memb = clust.filter(X, 0.5)
    idx_memb = clust.filter(X, 0.5, index_type='idx')
    # Test for equivalence between 'idx' and 'bool' extraction
    assert_equal(sum(bool_memb), len(idx_memb))
    # Compute OPTICS
    clust.extract(0.5, clustering='dbscan')
    # core points from filter and extract should be the same within 1 point,
    # with extract occasionally underestimating due to start point of the
    # OPTICS algorithm. Here we test for at least 95% similarity in
    # classification of core/not core
    agree = sum(clust._is_core == bool_memb)
    assert_greater_equal(float(agree)/len(X), 0.95)
def test_auto_extract_hier():
    # Generate sample data

    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9)

    # Run the fit

    assert_equal(len(set(clust.labels_)), 6)
def test_optics2():
    # Tests the optics clustering method and all functions inside it
    # 'dbscan' mode

    # Compute OPTICS
    X = [[1, 1]]
    clust = OPTICS(eps=0.3, min_samples=10)

    # Run the fit

    clust2 =

    assert clust2 is None
def test_bad_extract():
    # Test an extraction of eps too close to original eps

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(eps=0.003, min_samples=10)
    clust2 =
    assert clust2.extract(0.3) is None
def test_close_extract():
    # Test extract where extraction eps is close to scaled epsPrime

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(eps=0.2, min_samples=10)
    clust3 =
    clust3.extract(0.3, clustering='dbscan')
    assert max(clust3.labels_) == 3
def test_auto_extract_hier():
    # Tests auto extraction gets correct # of clusters with varying density

    # Generate sample data
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9)

    # Run the fit

    assert_equal(len(set(clust.labels_)), 6)
def test_close_extract():
    # Test extract where extraction eps is close to scaled epsPrime

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=1.0, min_samples=10)
    clust3 =
    # check warning when centers are passed
    assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, clust3.extract_dbscan, .3)
    # Cluster ordering starts at 0; max cluster label = 2 is 3 clusters
    assert_equal(max(clust3.extract_dbscan(.3)[1]), 2)
def test_auto_extract_hier():
    # Tests auto extraction gets correct # of clusters with varying density

    # Generate sample data
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=9)

    # Run the fit

    assert_equal(len(set(clust.labels_)), 6)
def test_close_extract():
    # Test extract where extraction eps is close to scaled epsPrime

    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers,
                                cluster_std=0.4, random_state=0)

    # Compute OPTICS
    clust = OPTICS(max_eps=1.0, min_samples=10)
    clust3 =
    # check warning when centers are passed
    assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, clust3.extract_dbscan, .3)
    # Cluster ordering starts at 0; max cluster label = 2 is 3 clusters
    assert_equal(max(clust3.extract_dbscan(.3)[1]), 2)
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid(min_cluster_size):
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a positive integer or a "):
def test_reach_dists():
    # Tests against known extraction array

    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    X = np.empty((0, 2))
    X = np.r_[X, [-5, -2] + .8 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    # eps not used for 'auto' extract
    X = np.r_[X, [4, -1] + .1 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [1, -2] + .2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [-2, 3] + .3 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [3, -2] + 1.6 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]
    X = np.r_[X, [5, 6] + 2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(eps=30.3, min_samples=10, metric='minkowski')

    # Run the fit

    # Expected values
    # Skip to line 370

    v = [np.inf, 0.606005, 0.472013, 0.162951, 0.161000, 0.385547, 0.179715,
         0.213507, 0.348468, 0.308146, 0.560519, 0.266072, 0.764384, 0.253164,
         0.435716, 0.153696, 0.363924, 0.194267, 0.392313, 0.230589, 0.260023,
         0.535348, 0.168173, 0.296736, 0.310583, 0.277204, 0.250654, 0.153696,
         0.215533, 0.175710, 0.168173, 0.283134, 0.256372, 0.313931, 0.234164,
         0.179715, 0.352957, 0.277052, 0.180986, 0.203819, 0.296022, 0.356691,
         0.515438, 0.219208, 0.265821, 0.346630, 0.275305, 0.229332, 0.433715,
         0.153696, 0.584960, 0.265821, 0.471049, 0.259154, 0.461707, 0.400021,
         0.422748, 0.300699, 0.162951, 0.290504, 0.315199, 0.327130, 0.168864,
         0.462826, 0.188862, 0.259784, 0.216788, 0.259784, 0.195673, 0.315199,
         0.313931, 0.189128, 0.461707, 0.265821, 0.233594, 0.433715, 0.222260,
         0.251734, 0.352957, 0.218134, 0.453792, 0.179715, 0.296736, 0.260023,
         0.311162, 0.214549, 0.266072, 0.318744, 0.180986, 0.194267, 0.262882,
         0.420186, 0.352957, 0.288388, 0.360962, 0.328054, 0.293849, 0.198271,
         0.248772, 0.461707, 0.216788, 0.396450, 0.352957, 0.289448, 0.241311,
         0.213742, 0.220516, 0.218134, 0.153696, 0.516090, 0.218134, 0.221507,
         0.328647, 0.255933, 0.195766, 0.233594, 0.205270, 0.296736, 0.726008,
         0.251991, 0.168173, 0.214027, 0.262882, 0.342089, 0.260023, 0.266072,
         0.253164, 0.230345, 0.262882, 0.296022, 0.227047, 0.205974, 0.328647,
         0.184315, 0.196304, 0.831185, 0.514116, 0.168173, 0.189784, 0.664306,
         0.327130, 0.379139, 0.208932, 0.266140, 0.362751, 0.168173, 0.764384,
         0.327130, 0.187107, 0.194267, 0.414196, 0.251734, 0.220516, 0.363924,
         0.166886, 0.327130, 0.233594, 0.203819, 0.230589, 0.203819, 0.222972,
         0.311526, 0.218134, 0.422748, 0.314870, 0.315199, 0.315199, 0.594179,
         0.328647, 0.415638, 0.244046, 0.250654, 0.214027, 0.203819, 0.213507,
         0.260023, 0.311442, 0.168173, 0.389432, 0.229343, 0.162951, 0.311162,
         0.153696, 0.214027, 0.250654, 0.315199, 0.172484, 0.153696, 0.352957,
         0.314870, 0.328647, 0.546505, 0.378118, 0.260023, 0.387830, 0.199714,
         0.262882, 0.250654, 0.345254, 0.396450, 0.250654, 0.179715, 0.328647,
         0.179715, 0.263104, 0.265821, 0.231714, 0.514116, 0.213507, 0.474255,
         0.212568, 0.376760, 0.196304, 0.844945, 0.194267, 0.264914, 0.210320,
         0.316374, 0.184315, 0.179715, 0.250654, 0.153696, 0.162951, 0.315199,
         0.179965, 0.297876, 0.213507, 0.475420, 0.439372, 0.241311, 0.260927,
         0.194267, 0.422748, 0.222260, 0.411940, 0.414733, 0.260923, 0.396450,
         0.380672, 0.333277, 0.290504, 0.196014, 0.844945, 0.506989, 0.153696,
         0.218134, 0.392313, 0.698970, 0.168173, 0.227047, 0.028856, 0.033243,
         0.028506, 0.057003, 0.038335, 0.051183, 0.063923, 0.022363, 0.030677,
         0.036155, 0.017748, 0.062887, 0.036041, 0.051183, 0.078198, 0.068936,
         0.032418, 0.040634, 0.022188, 0.022112, 0.036858, 0.040199, 0.025549,
         0.083975, 0.032209, 0.025525, 0.032952, 0.034727, 0.068887, 0.040634,
         0.048985, 0.047450, 0.022422, 0.023767, 0.028092, 0.047450, 0.029202,
         0.026105, 0.030542, 0.032250, 0.062887, 0.038335, 0.026753, 0.028092,
         0.099391, 0.021430, 0.020496, 0.021430, 0.025043, 0.023868, 0.050069,
         0.023868, 0.044140, 0.038032, 0.022112, 0.044140, 0.031528, 0.028092,
         0.020065, 0.055926, 0.031508, 0.025549, 0.028062, 0.036155, 0.023694,
         0.029423, 0.026105, 0.028497, 0.023868, 0.044808, 0.035783, 0.033090,
         0.038779, 0.032146, 0.038421, 0.057328, 0.020065, 0.020065, 0.028858,
         0.021337, 0.041226, 0.022507, 0.028506, 0.030257, 0.057912, 0.050876,
         0.120109, 0.020065, 0.034727, 0.038596, 0.037008, 0.031609, 0.095640,
         0.083728, 0.064906, 0.030677, 0.057003, 0.037008, 0.018705, 0.030677,
         0.044140, 0.034727, 0.045226, 0.032146, 0.032418, 0.029332, 0.030104,
         0.033243, 0.030104, 0.032209, 0.026405, 0.024092, 0.048441, 0.036379,
         0.030745, 0.023454, 0.018705, 0.124248, 0.041114, 0.020700, 0.042633,
         0.042455, 0.028497, 0.029202, 0.057859, 0.053157, 0.036155, 0.029534,
         0.032209, 0.038032, 0.024617, 0.023071, 0.033090, 0.023694, 0.047277,
         0.024617, 0.023868, 0.043916, 0.025549, 0.046198, 0.041086, 0.042003,
         0.022507, 0.021430, 0.038779, 0.025043, 0.036379, 0.036326, 0.029421,
         0.023454, 0.058683, 0.025549, 0.039904, 0.022507, 0.046198, 0.029332,
         0.032209, 0.036155, 0.038421, 0.025043, 0.023694, 0.030104, 0.022363,
         0.048544, 0.035180, 0.030677, 0.022112, 0.030677, 0.036678, 0.022507,
         0.024092, 0.064231, 0.022507, 0.032209, 0.025043, 0.221152, 0.029840,
         0.038779, 0.040634, 0.024617, 0.032418, 0.025525, 0.033298, 0.028092,
         0.045754, 0.032209, 0.017748, 0.033090, 0.017748, 0.048931, 0.038689,
         0.022112, 0.027129, 0.032952, 0.036858, 0.027704, 0.032146, 0.052191,
         0.042633, 0.071638, 0.044140, 0.022507, 0.046647, 0.028270, 0.050525,
         0.036772, 0.058995, 0.038335, 0.025185, 0.022507, 0.040293, 0.032418,
         0.064308, 0.026023, 0.036155, 0.032418, 0.038032, 0.018705, 0.040293,
         0.030104, 0.030845, 0.064906, 0.025525, 0.036155, 0.022507, 0.022363,
         0.032418, 0.021430, 0.032209, 0.102770, 0.036960, 0.031062, 0.025043,
         0.036155, 0.031609, 0.036379, 0.030845, 0.048985, 0.021848, 0.025549,
         0.022507, 0.035783, 0.023698, 0.034422, 0.032418, 0.022507, 0.023868,
         0.020065, 0.023694, 0.040634, 0.055633, 0.054549, 0.044662, 0.087660,
         0.048066, 0.143571, 0.068669, 0.065049, 0.076927, 0.044359, 0.041577,
         0.052364, 0.100317, 0.062146, 0.067578, 0.054549, 0.047239, 0.062809,
         0.033917, 0.087660, 0.077113, 0.055633, 0.061854, 0.059756, 0.059537,
         0.052364, 0.060347, 0.170251, 0.108492, 0.046370, 0.070684, 0.049589,
         0.044662, 0.049013, 0.043303, 0.069573, 0.075044, 0.054354, 0.065072,
         0.073135, 0.046126, 0.055569, 0.047239, 0.062146, 0.056093, 0.059986,
         0.096182, 0.100317, 0.051649, 0.054354, 0.077420, 0.100317, 0.046370,
         0.043303, 0.045845, 0.061422, 0.091580, 0.206234, 0.051405, 0.071684,
         0.061574, 0.063666, 0.052692, 0.051649, 0.100124, 0.077909, 0.033917,
         0.058680, 0.044359, 0.065498, 0.080214, 0.123231, 0.052957, 0.056582,
         0.061540, 0.076794, 0.043303, 0.054884, 0.044359, 0.145249, 0.081741,
         0.041577, 0.056093, 0.076799, 0.044359, 0.068483, 0.051649, 0.092275,
         0.044359, 0.108492, 0.092275, 0.046126, 0.106422, 0.054354, 0.052957,
         0.073329, 0.046126, 0.086402, 0.048194, 0.128569, 0.104042, 0.061854,
         0.069573, 0.070035, 0.050346, 0.043303, 0.053576, 0.054549, 0.033917,
         0.063666, 0.058680, 0.099130, 0.080198, 0.050118, 0.054549, 0.041577,
         0.143571, 0.095965, 0.047643, 0.052364, 0.105168, 0.048685, 0.043303,
         0.052814, 0.076927, 0.054549, 0.041577, 0.066657, 0.189930, 0.046370,
         0.075044, 0.121331, 0.043303, 0.223897, 0.198621, 0.150328, 0.100317,
         0.053576, 0.070708, 0.100898, 0.047239, 0.043613, 0.065049, 0.049146,
         0.068669, 0.055569, 0.062124, 0.096408, 0.044662, 0.087660, 0.083012,
         0.050118, 0.069573, 0.046126, 0.049146, 0.049146, 0.050808, 0.080198,
         0.059986, 0.071974, 0.047239, 0.050808, 0.059986, 0.065850, 0.044863,
         0.052814, 0.044359, 0.052364, 0.108492, 0.143571, 0.050926, 0.049146,
         0.049146, 0.055569, 0.033917, 0.527659, 0.143547, 0.077113, 0.046126,
         0.106422, 0.068669, 0.108492, 0.063666, 0.054549, 0.054884, 0.056907,
         0.068669, 0.080198, 0.120887, 0.054549, 0.052692, 0.085801, 0.054884,
         0.050808, 0.094595, 0.059545, 0.054354, 0.062124, 0.087660, 0.052814,
         0.086715, 0.146253, 0.046370, 0.041577, 0.116083, 0.076927, 0.047239,
         0.084375, 0.134652, 0.217969, 0.063559, 0.061540, 0.044662, 0.054354,
         0.063666, 0.145466, 0.101700, 0.090491, 0.078536, 0.054884, 0.062124,
         0.041577, 0.043303, 0.194473, 0.079780, 0.059704, 0.054780, 0.048194,
         0.062146, 0.069573, 0.086898, 0.046675, 0.056258, 0.074141, 0.048066,
         0.052957, 0.057982, 0.058966, 0.061048, 0.050885, 0.049146, 0.080993,
         0.056093, 0.061854, 0.124025, 0.062146, 0.060906, 0.150328, 0.058680,
         0.077420, 0.051800, 0.102359, 0.113301, 0.073096, 0.116715, 0.131476,
         0.140601, 0.097667, 0.051800, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.108870, 0.111926,
         0.093532, 0.102390, 0.144266, 0.098271, 0.102541, 0.136497, 0.127964,
         0.085569, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.054008, 0.106219, 0.076838, 0.099076,
         0.093532, 0.059861, 0.079975, 0.116715, 0.133625, 0.053641, 0.066110,
         0.122302, 0.081313, 0.140601, 0.259889, 0.094437, 0.098271, 0.105776,
         0.225742, 0.100097, 0.147592, 0.099076, 0.093128, 0.093532, 0.134946,
         0.133625, 0.120869, 0.065932, 0.103395, 0.125172, 0.147842, 0.105278,
         0.173584, 0.168241, 0.111524, 0.093532, 0.099076, 0.100426, 0.137132,
         0.065356, 0.091108, 0.141202, 0.054008, 0.075298, 0.073717, 0.122817,
         0.105278, 0.094437, 0.067080, 0.108530, 0.115467, 0.093532, 0.085569,
         0.145180, 0.100426, 0.116715, 0.151726, 0.073096, 0.193781, 0.090614,
         0.081162, 0.051800, 0.133625, 0.136497, 0.100670, 0.081313, 0.506893,
         0.084567, 0.108530, 0.087353, 0.063184, 0.123639, 0.168333, 0.314422,
         0.091108, 0.079975, 0.091108, 0.136497, 0.122302, 0.167297, 0.067080,
         0.144266, 0.065932, 0.087667, 0.100426, 0.099460, 0.091108, 0.100637,
         0.116715, 0.079975, 0.077977, 0.090340, 0.136723, 1.943026, 0.108870,
         0.090340, 0.065932, 0.102245, 0.157863, 0.157863, 0.215574, 0.156830,
         0.093532, 0.122302, 0.097667, 0.063000, 0.116715, 0.076838, 0.148372,
         0.093532, 0.099076, 0.141202, 0.096505, 0.096739, 0.091108, 0.099076,
         0.079975, 0.108870, 0.102390, 0.079975, 0.244121, 0.167071, 0.096739,
         0.102390, 0.103395, 0.073096, 0.094887, 0.065932, 0.190667, 0.099460,
         0.102390, 0.096739, 0.102390, 0.116715, 0.100637, 0.256554, 0.103395,
         0.081313, 0.068962, 0.109645, 0.059364, 0.147842, 0.099460, 0.079262,
         0.099460, 0.065932, 0.123687, 0.090614, 0.131352, 0.098271, 0.102541,
         0.098983, 0.057224, 0.074797, 0.057224, 0.250559, 0.079975, 0.103395,
         0.100426, 0.065932, 0.120661, 0.079262, 0.065932, 0.118665, 0.081162,
         0.066283, 0.099076, 0.102359, 0.108530, 0.079975, 0.168333, 0.096739,
         0.168333, 0.097008, 0.055288, 0.172411, 0.092801, 0.051800, 0.102541,
         0.084567, 0.054008, 0.090991, 0.172411, 0.057224, 0.148396, 0.200965,
         0.076838, 0.157863, 0.053535, 0.121919, 0.126609, 0.123890, 0.118081,
         0.097008, 0.125311, 0.099460, 0.122302, 0.134946, 0.080975, 0.084567,
         0.110093, 0.102245, 0.103395, 0.171601, 0.094887, 0.126240, 0.137742,
         0.099954, 0.108530, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.066110,
         0.061021, 0.105147, 0.100426, 0.079975, 0.088187, 0.116421, 0.076838,
         0.098271, 0.116715, 0.137656, 0.075298, 0.148396, 0.112166, 1.083905,
         0.326598, 0.428987, 0.395963, 0.224541, 0.326598, 0.030677, 0.410454,
         0.122771, 1.140305, 0.641074, 0.432159, 0.429335, 0.422908, 0.461926,
         0.293083, 0.477078, 0.714856, 0.515861, 0.405418, 0.054354, 0.341177,
         0.410008, 0.514245, 0.641074, 0.816459, 0.455115, 0.400707, 0.382240,
         0.431832, 1.618970, 0.683953, 0.182992, 0.763699, 0.515861, 0.717145,
         0.409629, 0.074134, 0.398273, 0.864974, 0.400707, 0.591403, 0.435354,
         0.514245, 1.337152, 0.841077, 0.410008, 0.683953, 0.338649, 0.557595,
         0.442092, 0.326598, 0.984189, 0.429608, 0.395963, 1.152055, 0.587222,
         1.748492, 0.477078, 0.395459, 0.717145, 0.575811, 0.210115, 0.487785,
         0.431832, 0.383852, 0.806708, 0.428987, 0.278405, 0.395963, 0.395459,
         0.383852, 1.083905, 0.428510, 0.326598, 0.108492, 0.541644, 0.612110,
         0.382240, 0.833511, 0.382240, 0.456628, 0.326598, 0.458880, 0.398273,
         0.957748, 0.326598, 0.295049, 0.629646, 0.429765, 0.439942, 0.633617,
         0.566297, 0.429335, 0.086507, 0.477078, 0.526753, 0.375240, 0.584436,
         0.355776, 0.395963, 0.644924, 0.129793, 0.484880, 0.470001, 0.572306,
         0.383852, 1.110081, 0.841077, 0.395963, 0.683953, 0.428745, 0.387752,
         0.545299, 0.686537, 0.635219, 0.840499, 0.527659, 0.400707, 0.480982,
         0.541644, 0.714856, 0.942673, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.356781, 0.428510,
         1.140961, 0.395963, 0.356781, 0.410454, 0.541644, 0.641074, 0.484778,
         0.410008, 0.433108, 0.278405, 0.278405, 0.503141, 0.428745, 0.125103,
         0.633617, 0.410454, 0.124025, 0.461926, 0.398273, 0.410008, 1.181303,
         0.635219, 0.593537, 0.395963, 0.717145, 0.409629, 0.492595, 0.806708,
         0.503820, 0.423834, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.470749, 0.461926, 1.890036,
         0.236343, 0.806708, 0.123561, 0.433744, 0.427348, 0.427348, 0.962234,
         0.395963, 0.409629, 0.527659, 0.425727, 0.602549, 0.901331, 0.326598,
         0.635949, 0.541644, 0.375240, 0.598969, 1.140961, 0.391998, 0.719443,
         0.410008, 0.515861, 0.714856, 0.842273, 0.410454, 0.389377, 0.431078,
         0.515861, 0.515861, 0.429335, 0.332495, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.635219,
         0.387752, 0.384289, 0.383852, 0.430504, 0.428510, 0.431832, 0.375240,
         0.278405, 0.374102, 0.428745, 0.692878, 1.152055, 0.503820, 0.428745,
         0.352868, 0.429335, 0.375240, 0.400707, 0.427348, 0.256183, 0.962234,
         0.505376, 0.058995, 0.410454, 0.172880, 0.395963, 0.470749, 0.356781,
         1.332700, 0.683953, 0.395963, 0.806708, 0.400707, 0.330982, 0.427731,
         0.934845, 0.375240, 0.191534, 0.047239, 1.083905, 0.348794, 0.409708,
         0.503820, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.498780, 0.293083, 0.363069, 0.442092,
         1.152055, 0.375240, 0.335677, 0.452443, 0.655156, 0.929928, 0.614869,
         1.411031, 1.101132, 0.469030, 0.404976, 0.538209, 0.655828, 0.674748,
         0.365182, 0.641612, 0.555434, 0.521651, 0.386679, 0.386679, 0.980304,
         0.659111, 0.651366, 0.538209, 0.521651, 0.884780, 1.287829, 0.558322,
         0.446161, 0.817970, 0.568499, 0.533507, 0.639746, 0.484404, 0.591751,
         0.913016, 0.446161, 0.533907, 0.606885, 0.672320, 1.150642, 0.655828,
         0.365182, 0.665088, 1.094242, 0.629401, 0.540676, 0.733026, 1.248265,
         1.273499, 0.867854, 0.538656, 0.386679, 0.922273, 0.515686, 1.321022,
         0.624444, 0.655828, 0.922273, 0.386679, 0.762191, 0.779432, 0.601851,
         0.655156, 0.926213, 0.762191, 0.641612, 0.558322, 1.025370, 0.641067,
         0.651366, 0.633434, 0.459580, 0.859221, 0.552291, 0.591751, 0.819965,
         0.669977, 1.185083, 0.499338, 0.533907, 0.752871, 0.571388, 0.539772,
         0.449182, 1.025370, 0.365182, 1.321022, 0.926213, 0.886360, 0.562272,
         0.669977, 0.796046, 0.557598, 0.596776, 0.672336, 0.659111, 0.453719,
         0.477716, 0.477716, 1.592069, 0.591751, 0.539772, 0.641612, 0.946254,
         0.744165, 0.386679, 0.593825, 0.539772, 0.449182, 0.604273, 0.794951,
         0.752871, 0.539772, 0.648732, 0.469030, 0.665088, 1.332700, 1.341388,
         0.533507, 0.544212, 1.025992, 0.645967, 0.612945, 0.868492, 0.648732,
         0.752300, 0.624444, 1.219748, 0.446161, 0.520818, 0.469044, 0.669977,
         0.926213, 0.638752, 0.762191, 0.922273, 0.794951, 0.606885, 0.669977,
         0.550113, 0.641067, 0.733026, 0.604273, 0.648732, 0.533507, 0.746506,
         0.733026, 0.980683, 0.538209, 0.669977, 0.469030, 0.648732, 0.609190,
         1.219748, 0.373113, 0.539772, 1.744047, 1.004716, 0.926213, 0.562272,
         0.752871, 0.538656, 0.449182, 0.365182, 0.469030, 0.446161, 0.484404,
         0.768592, 0.648732, 0.655156, 0.521651, 0.779432, 0.446161, 0.596776,
         0.538209, 0.726740, 0.539772, 0.469030, 0.521651, 0.561950, 0.601851,
         0.533907, 0.922273, 1.248265, 0.476800, 0.737990, 0.817970, 0.792127,
         0.533907, 0.486038, 0.624444, 0.798241, 0.476800, 1.059373, 0.645967,
         0.619940, 0.528726, 0.669977, 0.865406, 0.980683, 0.980683, 0.834671,
         1.001353, 0.752871, 0.449182, 1.096520, 0.449182, 0.593825, 0.636558,
         0.762191, 0.638591, 0.538209, 0.865406, 0.779432, 0.469044, 0.645967,
         0.557598, 0.499338, 0.484404, 0.515686, 0.794951, 0.619456, 0.733026,
         0.821769, 0.752300, 0.643302, 0.636558, 0.655156, 0.655156, 0.484404,
         0.648732, 0.726023, 0.365182, 0.606885, 0.499338, 0.520818, 0.612945,
         0.446161, 0.557598, 0.469044, 1.134650, 0.629401, 0.538656, 0.561950,
         1.364861, 0.459580, 1.025370, 0.980304, 0.607592, 0.533907, 1.134650,
         0.446161, 0.629962]

    assert_array_almost_equal(clust.reachability_, np.array(v))
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid(min_cluster_size):
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a positive integer or a "):
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid2():
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=len(X) + 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be no greater than the "):
def test_wrong_cluster_method():
    clust = OPTICS(cluster_method='superfancy')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cluster_method should be one of "):
def test_min_cluster_size_invalid2():
    clust = OPTICS(min_cluster_size=len(X) + 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be no greater than the "):
def test_reach_dists():
    # Tests against known extraction array

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=10, metric='minkowski')

    # Run the fit

    # Expected values, matches 'RD' results from:

    v = [
        np.inf, 0.606005, 0.472013, 0.162951, 0.161000, 0.385547, 0.179715,
        0.213507, 0.348468, 0.308146, 0.560519, 0.266072, 0.764384, 0.253164,
        0.435716, 0.153696, 0.363924, 0.194267, 0.392313, 0.230589, 0.260023,
        0.535348, 0.168173, 0.296736, 0.310583, 0.277204, 0.250654, 0.153696,
        0.215533, 0.175710, 0.168173, 0.283134, 0.256372, 0.313931, 0.234164,
        0.179715, 0.352957, 0.277052, 0.180986, 0.203819, 0.296022, 0.356691,
        0.515438, 0.219208, 0.265821, 0.346630, 0.275305, 0.229332, 0.433715,
        0.153696, 0.584960, 0.265821, 0.471049, 0.259154, 0.461707, 0.400021,
        0.422748, 0.300699, 0.162951, 0.290504, 0.315199, 0.327130, 0.168864,
        0.462826, 0.188862, 0.259784, 0.216788, 0.259784, 0.195673, 0.315199,
        0.313931, 0.189128, 0.461707, 0.265821, 0.233594, 0.433715, 0.222260,
        0.251734, 0.352957, 0.218134, 0.453792, 0.179715, 0.296736, 0.260023,
        0.311162, 0.214549, 0.266072, 0.318744, 0.180986, 0.194267, 0.262882,
        0.420186, 0.352957, 0.288388, 0.360962, 0.328054, 0.293849, 0.198271,
        0.248772, 0.461707, 0.216788, 0.396450, 0.352957, 0.289448, 0.241311,
        0.213742, 0.220516, 0.218134, 0.153696, 0.516090, 0.218134, 0.221507,
        0.328647, 0.255933, 0.195766, 0.233594, 0.205270, 0.296736, 0.726008,
        0.251991, 0.168173, 0.214027, 0.262882, 0.342089, 0.260023, 0.266072,
        0.253164, 0.230345, 0.262882, 0.296022, 0.227047, 0.205974, 0.328647,
        0.184315, 0.196304, 0.831185, 0.514116, 0.168173, 0.189784, 0.664306,
        0.327130, 0.379139, 0.208932, 0.266140, 0.362751, 0.168173, 0.764384,
        0.327130, 0.187107, 0.194267, 0.414196, 0.251734, 0.220516, 0.363924,
        0.166886, 0.327130, 0.233594, 0.203819, 0.230589, 0.203819, 0.222972,
        0.311526, 0.218134, 0.422748, 0.314870, 0.315199, 0.315199, 0.594179,
        0.328647, 0.415638, 0.244046, 0.250654, 0.214027, 0.203819, 0.213507,
        0.260023, 0.311442, 0.168173, 0.389432, 0.229343, 0.162951, 0.311162,
        0.153696, 0.214027, 0.250654, 0.315199, 0.172484, 0.153696, 0.352957,
        0.314870, 0.328647, 0.546505, 0.378118, 0.260023, 0.387830, 0.199714,
        0.262882, 0.250654, 0.345254, 0.396450, 0.250654, 0.179715, 0.328647,
        0.179715, 0.263104, 0.265821, 0.231714, 0.514116, 0.213507, 0.474255,
        0.212568, 0.376760, 0.196304, 0.844945, 0.194267, 0.264914, 0.210320,
        0.316374, 0.184315, 0.179715, 0.250654, 0.153696, 0.162951, 0.315199,
        0.179965, 0.297876, 0.213507, 0.475420, 0.439372, 0.241311, 0.260927,
        0.194267, 0.422748, 0.222260, 0.411940, 0.414733, 0.260923, 0.396450,
        0.380672, 0.333277, 0.290504, 0.196014, 0.844945, 0.506989, 0.153696,
        0.218134, 0.392313, 0.698970, 0.168173, 0.227047, 0.028856, 0.033243,
        0.028506, 0.057003, 0.038335, 0.051183, 0.063923, 0.022363, 0.030677,
        0.036155, 0.017748, 0.062887, 0.036041, 0.051183, 0.078198, 0.068936,
        0.032418, 0.040634, 0.022188, 0.022112, 0.036858, 0.040199, 0.025549,
        0.083975, 0.032209, 0.025525, 0.032952, 0.034727, 0.068887, 0.040634,
        0.048985, 0.047450, 0.022422, 0.023767, 0.028092, 0.047450, 0.029202,
        0.026105, 0.030542, 0.032250, 0.062887, 0.038335, 0.026753, 0.028092,
        0.099391, 0.021430, 0.020496, 0.021430, 0.025043, 0.023868, 0.050069,
        0.023868, 0.044140, 0.038032, 0.022112, 0.044140, 0.031528, 0.028092,
        0.020065, 0.055926, 0.031508, 0.025549, 0.028062, 0.036155, 0.023694,
        0.029423, 0.026105, 0.028497, 0.023868, 0.044808, 0.035783, 0.033090,
        0.038779, 0.032146, 0.038421, 0.057328, 0.020065, 0.020065, 0.028858,
        0.021337, 0.041226, 0.022507, 0.028506, 0.030257, 0.057912, 0.050876,
        0.120109, 0.020065, 0.034727, 0.038596, 0.037008, 0.031609, 0.095640,
        0.083728, 0.064906, 0.030677, 0.057003, 0.037008, 0.018705, 0.030677,
        0.044140, 0.034727, 0.045226, 0.032146, 0.032418, 0.029332, 0.030104,
        0.033243, 0.030104, 0.032209, 0.026405, 0.024092, 0.048441, 0.036379,
        0.030745, 0.023454, 0.018705, 0.124248, 0.041114, 0.020700, 0.042633,
        0.042455, 0.028497, 0.029202, 0.057859, 0.053157, 0.036155, 0.029534,
        0.032209, 0.038032, 0.024617, 0.023071, 0.033090, 0.023694, 0.047277,
        0.024617, 0.023868, 0.043916, 0.025549, 0.046198, 0.041086, 0.042003,
        0.022507, 0.021430, 0.038779, 0.025043, 0.036379, 0.036326, 0.029421,
        0.023454, 0.058683, 0.025549, 0.039904, 0.022507, 0.046198, 0.029332,
        0.032209, 0.036155, 0.038421, 0.025043, 0.023694, 0.030104, 0.022363,
        0.048544, 0.035180, 0.030677, 0.022112, 0.030677, 0.036678, 0.022507,
        0.024092, 0.064231, 0.022507, 0.032209, 0.025043, 0.221152, 0.029840,
        0.038779, 0.040634, 0.024617, 0.032418, 0.025525, 0.033298, 0.028092,
        0.045754, 0.032209, 0.017748, 0.033090, 0.017748, 0.048931, 0.038689,
        0.022112, 0.027129, 0.032952, 0.036858, 0.027704, 0.032146, 0.052191,
        0.042633, 0.071638, 0.044140, 0.022507, 0.046647, 0.028270, 0.050525,
        0.036772, 0.058995, 0.038335, 0.025185, 0.022507, 0.040293, 0.032418,
        0.064308, 0.026023, 0.036155, 0.032418, 0.038032, 0.018705, 0.040293,
        0.030104, 0.030845, 0.064906, 0.025525, 0.036155, 0.022507, 0.022363,
        0.032418, 0.021430, 0.032209, 0.102770, 0.036960, 0.031062, 0.025043,
        0.036155, 0.031609, 0.036379, 0.030845, 0.048985, 0.021848, 0.025549,
        0.022507, 0.035783, 0.023698, 0.034422, 0.032418, 0.022507, 0.023868,
        0.020065, 0.023694, 0.040634, 0.055633, 0.054549, 0.044662, 0.087660,
        0.048066, 0.143571, 0.068669, 0.065049, 0.076927, 0.044359, 0.041577,
        0.052364, 0.100317, 0.062146, 0.067578, 0.054549, 0.047239, 0.062809,
        0.033917, 0.087660, 0.077113, 0.055633, 0.061854, 0.059756, 0.059537,
        0.052364, 0.060347, 0.170251, 0.108492, 0.046370, 0.070684, 0.049589,
        0.044662, 0.049013, 0.043303, 0.069573, 0.075044, 0.054354, 0.065072,
        0.073135, 0.046126, 0.055569, 0.047239, 0.062146, 0.056093, 0.059986,
        0.096182, 0.100317, 0.051649, 0.054354, 0.077420, 0.100317, 0.046370,
        0.043303, 0.045845, 0.061422, 0.091580, 0.206234, 0.051405, 0.071684,
        0.061574, 0.063666, 0.052692, 0.051649, 0.100124, 0.077909, 0.033917,
        0.058680, 0.044359, 0.065498, 0.080214, 0.123231, 0.052957, 0.056582,
        0.061540, 0.076794, 0.043303, 0.054884, 0.044359, 0.145249, 0.081741,
        0.041577, 0.056093, 0.076799, 0.044359, 0.068483, 0.051649, 0.092275,
        0.044359, 0.108492, 0.092275, 0.046126, 0.106422, 0.054354, 0.052957,
        0.073329, 0.046126, 0.086402, 0.048194, 0.128569, 0.104042, 0.061854,
        0.069573, 0.070035, 0.050346, 0.043303, 0.053576, 0.054549, 0.033917,
        0.063666, 0.058680, 0.099130, 0.080198, 0.050118, 0.054549, 0.041577,
        0.143571, 0.095965, 0.047643, 0.052364, 0.105168, 0.048685, 0.043303,
        0.052814, 0.076927, 0.054549, 0.041577, 0.066657, 0.189930, 0.046370,
        0.075044, 0.121331, 0.043303, 0.223897, 0.198621, 0.150328, 0.100317,
        0.053576, 0.070708, 0.100898, 0.047239, 0.043613, 0.065049, 0.049146,
        0.068669, 0.055569, 0.062124, 0.096408, 0.044662, 0.087660, 0.083012,
        0.050118, 0.069573, 0.046126, 0.049146, 0.049146, 0.050808, 0.080198,
        0.059986, 0.071974, 0.047239, 0.050808, 0.059986, 0.065850, 0.044863,
        0.052814, 0.044359, 0.052364, 0.108492, 0.143571, 0.050926, 0.049146,
        0.049146, 0.055569, 0.033917, 0.527659, 0.143547, 0.077113, 0.046126,
        0.106422, 0.068669, 0.108492, 0.063666, 0.054549, 0.054884, 0.056907,
        0.068669, 0.080198, 0.120887, 0.054549, 0.052692, 0.085801, 0.054884,
        0.050808, 0.094595, 0.059545, 0.054354, 0.062124, 0.087660, 0.052814,
        0.086715, 0.146253, 0.046370, 0.041577, 0.116083, 0.076927, 0.047239,
        0.084375, 0.134652, 0.217969, 0.063559, 0.061540, 0.044662, 0.054354,
        0.063666, 0.145466, 0.101700, 0.090491, 0.078536, 0.054884, 0.062124,
        0.041577, 0.043303, 0.194473, 0.079780, 0.059704, 0.054780, 0.048194,
        0.062146, 0.069573, 0.086898, 0.046675, 0.056258, 0.074141, 0.048066,
        0.052957, 0.057982, 0.058966, 0.061048, 0.050885, 0.049146, 0.080993,
        0.056093, 0.061854, 0.124025, 0.062146, 0.060906, 0.150328, 0.058680,
        0.077420, 0.051800, 0.102359, 0.113301, 0.073096, 0.116715, 0.131476,
        0.140601, 0.097667, 0.051800, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.108870, 0.111926,
        0.093532, 0.102390, 0.144266, 0.098271, 0.102541, 0.136497, 0.127964,
        0.085569, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.054008, 0.106219, 0.076838, 0.099076,
        0.093532, 0.059861, 0.079975, 0.116715, 0.133625, 0.053641, 0.066110,
        0.122302, 0.081313, 0.140601, 0.259889, 0.094437, 0.098271, 0.105776,
        0.225742, 0.100097, 0.147592, 0.099076, 0.093128, 0.093532, 0.134946,
        0.133625, 0.120869, 0.065932, 0.103395, 0.125172, 0.147842, 0.105278,
        0.173584, 0.168241, 0.111524, 0.093532, 0.099076, 0.100426, 0.137132,
        0.065356, 0.091108, 0.141202, 0.054008, 0.075298, 0.073717, 0.122817,
        0.105278, 0.094437, 0.067080, 0.108530, 0.115467, 0.093532, 0.085569,
        0.145180, 0.100426, 0.116715, 0.151726, 0.073096, 0.193781, 0.090614,
        0.081162, 0.051800, 0.133625, 0.136497, 0.100670, 0.081313, 0.506893,
        0.084567, 0.108530, 0.087353, 0.063184, 0.123639, 0.168333, 0.314422,
        0.091108, 0.079975, 0.091108, 0.136497, 0.122302, 0.167297, 0.067080,
        0.144266, 0.065932, 0.087667, 0.100426, 0.099460, 0.091108, 0.100637,
        0.116715, 0.079975, 0.077977, 0.090340, 0.136723, 1.943026, 0.108870,
        0.090340, 0.065932, 0.102245, 0.157863, 0.157863, 0.215574, 0.156830,
        0.093532, 0.122302, 0.097667, 0.063000, 0.116715, 0.076838, 0.148372,
        0.093532, 0.099076, 0.141202, 0.096505, 0.096739, 0.091108, 0.099076,
        0.079975, 0.108870, 0.102390, 0.079975, 0.244121, 0.167071, 0.096739,
        0.102390, 0.103395, 0.073096, 0.094887, 0.065932, 0.190667, 0.099460,
        0.102390, 0.096739, 0.102390, 0.116715, 0.100637, 0.256554, 0.103395,
        0.081313, 0.068962, 0.109645, 0.059364, 0.147842, 0.099460, 0.079262,
        0.099460, 0.065932, 0.123687, 0.090614, 0.131352, 0.098271, 0.102541,
        0.098983, 0.057224, 0.074797, 0.057224, 0.250559, 0.079975, 0.103395,
        0.100426, 0.065932, 0.120661, 0.079262, 0.065932, 0.118665, 0.081162,
        0.066283, 0.099076, 0.102359, 0.108530, 0.079975, 0.168333, 0.096739,
        0.168333, 0.097008, 0.055288, 0.172411, 0.092801, 0.051800, 0.102541,
        0.084567, 0.054008, 0.090991, 0.172411, 0.057224, 0.148396, 0.200965,
        0.076838, 0.157863, 0.053535, 0.121919, 0.126609, 0.123890, 0.118081,
        0.097008, 0.125311, 0.099460, 0.122302, 0.134946, 0.080975, 0.084567,
        0.110093, 0.102245, 0.103395, 0.171601, 0.094887, 0.126240, 0.137742,
        0.099954, 0.108530, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.066110,
        0.061021, 0.105147, 0.100426, 0.079975, 0.088187, 0.116421, 0.076838,
        0.098271, 0.116715, 0.137656, 0.075298, 0.148396, 0.112166, 1.083905,
        0.326598, 0.428987, 0.395963, 0.224541, 0.326598, 0.030677, 0.410454,
        0.122771, 1.140305, 0.641074, 0.432159, 0.429335, 0.422908, 0.461926,
        0.293083, 0.477078, 0.714856, 0.515861, 0.405418, 0.054354, 0.341177,
        0.410008, 0.514245, 0.641074, 0.816459, 0.455115, 0.400707, 0.382240,
        0.431832, 1.618970, 0.683953, 0.182992, 0.763699, 0.515861, 0.717145,
        0.409629, 0.074134, 0.398273, 0.864974, 0.400707, 0.591403, 0.435354,
        0.514245, 1.337152, 0.841077, 0.410008, 0.683953, 0.338649, 0.557595,
        0.442092, 0.326598, 0.984189, 0.429608, 0.395963, 1.152055, 0.587222,
        1.748492, 0.477078, 0.395459, 0.717145, 0.575811, 0.210115, 0.487785,
        0.431832, 0.383852, 0.806708, 0.428987, 0.278405, 0.395963, 0.395459,
        0.383852, 1.083905, 0.428510, 0.326598, 0.108492, 0.541644, 0.612110,
        0.382240, 0.833511, 0.382240, 0.456628, 0.326598, 0.458880, 0.398273,
        0.957748, 0.326598, 0.295049, 0.629646, 0.429765, 0.439942, 0.633617,
        0.566297, 0.429335, 0.086507, 0.477078, 0.526753, 0.375240, 0.584436,
        0.355776, 0.395963, 0.644924, 0.129793, 0.484880, 0.470001, 0.572306,
        0.383852, 1.110081, 0.841077, 0.395963, 0.683953, 0.428745, 0.387752,
        0.545299, 0.686537, 0.635219, 0.840499, 0.527659, 0.400707, 0.480982,
        0.541644, 0.714856, 0.942673, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.356781, 0.428510,
        1.140961, 0.395963, 0.356781, 0.410454, 0.541644, 0.641074, 0.484778,
        0.410008, 0.433108, 0.278405, 0.278405, 0.503141, 0.428745, 0.125103,
        0.633617, 0.410454, 0.124025, 0.461926, 0.398273, 0.410008, 1.181303,
        0.635219, 0.593537, 0.395963, 0.717145, 0.409629, 0.492595, 0.806708,
        0.503820, 0.423834, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.470749, 0.461926, 1.890036,
        0.236343, 0.806708, 0.123561, 0.433744, 0.427348, 0.427348, 0.962234,
        0.395963, 0.409629, 0.527659, 0.425727, 0.602549, 0.901331, 0.326598,
        0.635949, 0.541644, 0.375240, 0.598969, 1.140961, 0.391998, 0.719443,
        0.410008, 0.515861, 0.714856, 0.842273, 0.410454, 0.389377, 0.431078,
        0.515861, 0.515861, 0.429335, 0.332495, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.635219,
        0.387752, 0.384289, 0.383852, 0.430504, 0.428510, 0.431832, 0.375240,
        0.278405, 0.374102, 0.428745, 0.692878, 1.152055, 0.503820, 0.428745,
        0.352868, 0.429335, 0.375240, 0.400707, 0.427348, 0.256183, 0.962234,
        0.505376, 0.058995, 0.410454, 0.172880, 0.395963, 0.470749, 0.356781,
        1.332700, 0.683953, 0.395963, 0.806708, 0.400707, 0.330982, 0.427731,
        0.934845, 0.375240, 0.191534, 0.047239, 1.083905, 0.348794, 0.409708,
        0.503820, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.498780, 0.293083, 0.363069, 0.442092,
        1.152055, 0.375240, 0.335677, 0.452443, 0.655156, 0.929928, 0.614869,
        1.411031, 1.101132, 0.469030, 0.404976, 0.538209, 0.655828, 0.674748,
        0.365182, 0.641612, 0.555434, 0.521651, 0.386679, 0.386679, 0.980304,
        0.659111, 0.651366, 0.538209, 0.521651, 0.884780, 1.287829, 0.558322,
        0.446161, 0.817970, 0.568499, 0.533507, 0.639746, 0.484404, 0.591751,
        0.913016, 0.446161, 0.533907, 0.606885, 0.672320, 1.150642, 0.655828,
        0.365182, 0.665088, 1.094242, 0.629401, 0.540676, 0.733026, 1.248265,
        1.273499, 0.867854, 0.538656, 0.386679, 0.922273, 0.515686, 1.321022,
        0.624444, 0.655828, 0.922273, 0.386679, 0.762191, 0.779432, 0.601851,
        0.655156, 0.926213, 0.762191, 0.641612, 0.558322, 1.025370, 0.641067,
        0.651366, 0.633434, 0.459580, 0.859221, 0.552291, 0.591751, 0.819965,
        0.669977, 1.185083, 0.499338, 0.533907, 0.752871, 0.571388, 0.539772,
        0.449182, 1.025370, 0.365182, 1.321022, 0.926213, 0.886360, 0.562272,
        0.669977, 0.796046, 0.557598, 0.596776, 0.672336, 0.659111, 0.453719,
        0.477716, 0.477716, 1.592069, 0.591751, 0.539772, 0.641612, 0.946254,
        0.744165, 0.386679, 0.593825, 0.539772, 0.449182, 0.604273, 0.794951,
        0.752871, 0.539772, 0.648732, 0.469030, 0.665088, 1.332700, 1.341388,
        0.533507, 0.544212, 1.025992, 0.645967, 0.612945, 0.868492, 0.648732,
        0.752300, 0.624444, 1.219748, 0.446161, 0.520818, 0.469044, 0.669977,
        0.926213, 0.638752, 0.762191, 0.922273, 0.794951, 0.606885, 0.669977,
        0.550113, 0.641067, 0.733026, 0.604273, 0.648732, 0.533507, 0.746506,
        0.733026, 0.980683, 0.538209, 0.669977, 0.469030, 0.648732, 0.609190,
        1.219748, 0.373113, 0.539772, 1.744047, 1.004716, 0.926213, 0.562272,
        0.752871, 0.538656, 0.449182, 0.365182, 0.469030, 0.446161, 0.484404,
        0.768592, 0.648732, 0.655156, 0.521651, 0.779432, 0.446161, 0.596776,
        0.538209, 0.726740, 0.539772, 0.469030, 0.521651, 0.561950, 0.601851,
        0.533907, 0.922273, 1.248265, 0.476800, 0.737990, 0.817970, 0.792127,
        0.533907, 0.486038, 0.624444, 0.798241, 0.476800, 1.059373, 0.645967,
        0.619940, 0.528726, 0.669977, 0.865406, 0.980683, 0.980683, 0.834671,
        1.001353, 0.752871, 0.449182, 1.096520, 0.449182, 0.593825, 0.636558,
        0.762191, 0.638591, 0.538209, 0.865406, 0.779432, 0.469044, 0.645967,
        0.557598, 0.499338, 0.484404, 0.515686, 0.794951, 0.619456, 0.733026,
        0.821769, 0.752300, 0.643302, 0.636558, 0.655156, 0.655156, 0.484404,
        0.648732, 0.726023, 0.365182, 0.606885, 0.499338, 0.520818, 0.612945,
        0.446161, 0.557598, 0.469044, 1.134650, 0.629401, 0.538656, 0.561950,
        1.364861, 0.459580, 1.025370, 0.980304, 0.607592, 0.533907, 1.134650,
        0.446161, 0.629962

    # FIXME: known failure in 32bit Linux; numerical imprecision results in
    # different ordering in quick_scan
    if _IS_32BIT:  # pragma: no cover
        assert_allclose(clust.reachability_, np.array(v), rtol=1e-2)
        # we compare to truncated decimals, so use atol
        assert_allclose(clust.reachability_, np.array(v), atol=1e-5)
def test_wrong_cluster_method():
    clust = OPTICS(cluster_method='superfancy')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cluster_method should be one of "):
X = np.r_[X, [5, 6] + 2 * np.random.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)]

# Plot scatterplot of points

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'b.', ms=2)
plt.title("Raw Data")

# Compute OPTICS

clust = OPTICS(eps=30.3, min_samples=9, metric='minkowski')

# Run the fit

# Plot result

core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(clust.labels_, dtype=bool)
core_samples_mask[clust.core_sample_indices_] = True

# Black removed and is used for noise instead.
unique_labels = set(clust.labels_)
colors =, 1, len(unique_labels)))


for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors):
    if k == -1:
        # Black used for noise.
def test_reach_dists():
    # Tests against known extraction array

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_points_per_cluster = 250

    C1 = [-5, -2] + .8 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C2 = [4, -1] + .1 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C3 = [1, -2] + .2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C4 = [-2, 3] + .3 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C5 = [3, -2] + 1.6 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    C6 = [5, 6] + 2 * rng.randn(n_points_per_cluster, 2)
    X = np.vstack((C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6))

    # Compute OPTICS

    clust = OPTICS(min_samples=10, metric='minkowski')

    # Run the fit

    # Expected values, matches 'RD' results from:

    v = [np.inf, 0.606005, 0.472013, 0.162951, 0.161000, 0.385547, 0.179715,
         0.213507, 0.348468, 0.308146, 0.560519, 0.266072, 0.764384, 0.253164,
         0.435716, 0.153696, 0.363924, 0.194267, 0.392313, 0.230589, 0.260023,
         0.535348, 0.168173, 0.296736, 0.310583, 0.277204, 0.250654, 0.153696,
         0.215533, 0.175710, 0.168173, 0.283134, 0.256372, 0.313931, 0.234164,
         0.179715, 0.352957, 0.277052, 0.180986, 0.203819, 0.296022, 0.356691,
         0.515438, 0.219208, 0.265821, 0.346630, 0.275305, 0.229332, 0.433715,
         0.153696, 0.584960, 0.265821, 0.471049, 0.259154, 0.461707, 0.400021,
         0.422748, 0.300699, 0.162951, 0.290504, 0.315199, 0.327130, 0.168864,
         0.462826, 0.188862, 0.259784, 0.216788, 0.259784, 0.195673, 0.315199,
         0.313931, 0.189128, 0.461707, 0.265821, 0.233594, 0.433715, 0.222260,
         0.251734, 0.352957, 0.218134, 0.453792, 0.179715, 0.296736, 0.260023,
         0.311162, 0.214549, 0.266072, 0.318744, 0.180986, 0.194267, 0.262882,
         0.420186, 0.352957, 0.288388, 0.360962, 0.328054, 0.293849, 0.198271,
         0.248772, 0.461707, 0.216788, 0.396450, 0.352957, 0.289448, 0.241311,
         0.213742, 0.220516, 0.218134, 0.153696, 0.516090, 0.218134, 0.221507,
         0.328647, 0.255933, 0.195766, 0.233594, 0.205270, 0.296736, 0.726008,
         0.251991, 0.168173, 0.214027, 0.262882, 0.342089, 0.260023, 0.266072,
         0.253164, 0.230345, 0.262882, 0.296022, 0.227047, 0.205974, 0.328647,
         0.184315, 0.196304, 0.831185, 0.514116, 0.168173, 0.189784, 0.664306,
         0.327130, 0.379139, 0.208932, 0.266140, 0.362751, 0.168173, 0.764384,
         0.327130, 0.187107, 0.194267, 0.414196, 0.251734, 0.220516, 0.363924,
         0.166886, 0.327130, 0.233594, 0.203819, 0.230589, 0.203819, 0.222972,
         0.311526, 0.218134, 0.422748, 0.314870, 0.315199, 0.315199, 0.594179,
         0.328647, 0.415638, 0.244046, 0.250654, 0.214027, 0.203819, 0.213507,
         0.260023, 0.311442, 0.168173, 0.389432, 0.229343, 0.162951, 0.311162,
         0.153696, 0.214027, 0.250654, 0.315199, 0.172484, 0.153696, 0.352957,
         0.314870, 0.328647, 0.546505, 0.378118, 0.260023, 0.387830, 0.199714,
         0.262882, 0.250654, 0.345254, 0.396450, 0.250654, 0.179715, 0.328647,
         0.179715, 0.263104, 0.265821, 0.231714, 0.514116, 0.213507, 0.474255,
         0.212568, 0.376760, 0.196304, 0.844945, 0.194267, 0.264914, 0.210320,
         0.316374, 0.184315, 0.179715, 0.250654, 0.153696, 0.162951, 0.315199,
         0.179965, 0.297876, 0.213507, 0.475420, 0.439372, 0.241311, 0.260927,
         0.194267, 0.422748, 0.222260, 0.411940, 0.414733, 0.260923, 0.396450,
         0.380672, 0.333277, 0.290504, 0.196014, 0.844945, 0.506989, 0.153696,
         0.218134, 0.392313, 0.698970, 0.168173, 0.227047, 0.028856, 0.033243,
         0.028506, 0.057003, 0.038335, 0.051183, 0.063923, 0.022363, 0.030677,
         0.036155, 0.017748, 0.062887, 0.036041, 0.051183, 0.078198, 0.068936,
         0.032418, 0.040634, 0.022188, 0.022112, 0.036858, 0.040199, 0.025549,
         0.083975, 0.032209, 0.025525, 0.032952, 0.034727, 0.068887, 0.040634,
         0.048985, 0.047450, 0.022422, 0.023767, 0.028092, 0.047450, 0.029202,
         0.026105, 0.030542, 0.032250, 0.062887, 0.038335, 0.026753, 0.028092,
         0.099391, 0.021430, 0.020496, 0.021430, 0.025043, 0.023868, 0.050069,
         0.023868, 0.044140, 0.038032, 0.022112, 0.044140, 0.031528, 0.028092,
         0.020065, 0.055926, 0.031508, 0.025549, 0.028062, 0.036155, 0.023694,
         0.029423, 0.026105, 0.028497, 0.023868, 0.044808, 0.035783, 0.033090,
         0.038779, 0.032146, 0.038421, 0.057328, 0.020065, 0.020065, 0.028858,
         0.021337, 0.041226, 0.022507, 0.028506, 0.030257, 0.057912, 0.050876,
         0.120109, 0.020065, 0.034727, 0.038596, 0.037008, 0.031609, 0.095640,
         0.083728, 0.064906, 0.030677, 0.057003, 0.037008, 0.018705, 0.030677,
         0.044140, 0.034727, 0.045226, 0.032146, 0.032418, 0.029332, 0.030104,
         0.033243, 0.030104, 0.032209, 0.026405, 0.024092, 0.048441, 0.036379,
         0.030745, 0.023454, 0.018705, 0.124248, 0.041114, 0.020700, 0.042633,
         0.042455, 0.028497, 0.029202, 0.057859, 0.053157, 0.036155, 0.029534,
         0.032209, 0.038032, 0.024617, 0.023071, 0.033090, 0.023694, 0.047277,
         0.024617, 0.023868, 0.043916, 0.025549, 0.046198, 0.041086, 0.042003,
         0.022507, 0.021430, 0.038779, 0.025043, 0.036379, 0.036326, 0.029421,
         0.023454, 0.058683, 0.025549, 0.039904, 0.022507, 0.046198, 0.029332,
         0.032209, 0.036155, 0.038421, 0.025043, 0.023694, 0.030104, 0.022363,
         0.048544, 0.035180, 0.030677, 0.022112, 0.030677, 0.036678, 0.022507,
         0.024092, 0.064231, 0.022507, 0.032209, 0.025043, 0.221152, 0.029840,
         0.038779, 0.040634, 0.024617, 0.032418, 0.025525, 0.033298, 0.028092,
         0.045754, 0.032209, 0.017748, 0.033090, 0.017748, 0.048931, 0.038689,
         0.022112, 0.027129, 0.032952, 0.036858, 0.027704, 0.032146, 0.052191,
         0.042633, 0.071638, 0.044140, 0.022507, 0.046647, 0.028270, 0.050525,
         0.036772, 0.058995, 0.038335, 0.025185, 0.022507, 0.040293, 0.032418,
         0.064308, 0.026023, 0.036155, 0.032418, 0.038032, 0.018705, 0.040293,
         0.030104, 0.030845, 0.064906, 0.025525, 0.036155, 0.022507, 0.022363,
         0.032418, 0.021430, 0.032209, 0.102770, 0.036960, 0.031062, 0.025043,
         0.036155, 0.031609, 0.036379, 0.030845, 0.048985, 0.021848, 0.025549,
         0.022507, 0.035783, 0.023698, 0.034422, 0.032418, 0.022507, 0.023868,
         0.020065, 0.023694, 0.040634, 0.055633, 0.054549, 0.044662, 0.087660,
         0.048066, 0.143571, 0.068669, 0.065049, 0.076927, 0.044359, 0.041577,
         0.052364, 0.100317, 0.062146, 0.067578, 0.054549, 0.047239, 0.062809,
         0.033917, 0.087660, 0.077113, 0.055633, 0.061854, 0.059756, 0.059537,
         0.052364, 0.060347, 0.170251, 0.108492, 0.046370, 0.070684, 0.049589,
         0.044662, 0.049013, 0.043303, 0.069573, 0.075044, 0.054354, 0.065072,
         0.073135, 0.046126, 0.055569, 0.047239, 0.062146, 0.056093, 0.059986,
         0.096182, 0.100317, 0.051649, 0.054354, 0.077420, 0.100317, 0.046370,
         0.043303, 0.045845, 0.061422, 0.091580, 0.206234, 0.051405, 0.071684,
         0.061574, 0.063666, 0.052692, 0.051649, 0.100124, 0.077909, 0.033917,
         0.058680, 0.044359, 0.065498, 0.080214, 0.123231, 0.052957, 0.056582,
         0.061540, 0.076794, 0.043303, 0.054884, 0.044359, 0.145249, 0.081741,
         0.041577, 0.056093, 0.076799, 0.044359, 0.068483, 0.051649, 0.092275,
         0.044359, 0.108492, 0.092275, 0.046126, 0.106422, 0.054354, 0.052957,
         0.073329, 0.046126, 0.086402, 0.048194, 0.128569, 0.104042, 0.061854,
         0.069573, 0.070035, 0.050346, 0.043303, 0.053576, 0.054549, 0.033917,
         0.063666, 0.058680, 0.099130, 0.080198, 0.050118, 0.054549, 0.041577,
         0.143571, 0.095965, 0.047643, 0.052364, 0.105168, 0.048685, 0.043303,
         0.052814, 0.076927, 0.054549, 0.041577, 0.066657, 0.189930, 0.046370,
         0.075044, 0.121331, 0.043303, 0.223897, 0.198621, 0.150328, 0.100317,
         0.053576, 0.070708, 0.100898, 0.047239, 0.043613, 0.065049, 0.049146,
         0.068669, 0.055569, 0.062124, 0.096408, 0.044662, 0.087660, 0.083012,
         0.050118, 0.069573, 0.046126, 0.049146, 0.049146, 0.050808, 0.080198,
         0.059986, 0.071974, 0.047239, 0.050808, 0.059986, 0.065850, 0.044863,
         0.052814, 0.044359, 0.052364, 0.108492, 0.143571, 0.050926, 0.049146,
         0.049146, 0.055569, 0.033917, 0.527659, 0.143547, 0.077113, 0.046126,
         0.106422, 0.068669, 0.108492, 0.063666, 0.054549, 0.054884, 0.056907,
         0.068669, 0.080198, 0.120887, 0.054549, 0.052692, 0.085801, 0.054884,
         0.050808, 0.094595, 0.059545, 0.054354, 0.062124, 0.087660, 0.052814,
         0.086715, 0.146253, 0.046370, 0.041577, 0.116083, 0.076927, 0.047239,
         0.084375, 0.134652, 0.217969, 0.063559, 0.061540, 0.044662, 0.054354,
         0.063666, 0.145466, 0.101700, 0.090491, 0.078536, 0.054884, 0.062124,
         0.041577, 0.043303, 0.194473, 0.079780, 0.059704, 0.054780, 0.048194,
         0.062146, 0.069573, 0.086898, 0.046675, 0.056258, 0.074141, 0.048066,
         0.052957, 0.057982, 0.058966, 0.061048, 0.050885, 0.049146, 0.080993,
         0.056093, 0.061854, 0.124025, 0.062146, 0.060906, 0.150328, 0.058680,
         0.077420, 0.051800, 0.102359, 0.113301, 0.073096, 0.116715, 0.131476,
         0.140601, 0.097667, 0.051800, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.108870, 0.111926,
         0.093532, 0.102390, 0.144266, 0.098271, 0.102541, 0.136497, 0.127964,
         0.085569, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.054008, 0.106219, 0.076838, 0.099076,
         0.093532, 0.059861, 0.079975, 0.116715, 0.133625, 0.053641, 0.066110,
         0.122302, 0.081313, 0.140601, 0.259889, 0.094437, 0.098271, 0.105776,
         0.225742, 0.100097, 0.147592, 0.099076, 0.093128, 0.093532, 0.134946,
         0.133625, 0.120869, 0.065932, 0.103395, 0.125172, 0.147842, 0.105278,
         0.173584, 0.168241, 0.111524, 0.093532, 0.099076, 0.100426, 0.137132,
         0.065356, 0.091108, 0.141202, 0.054008, 0.075298, 0.073717, 0.122817,
         0.105278, 0.094437, 0.067080, 0.108530, 0.115467, 0.093532, 0.085569,
         0.145180, 0.100426, 0.116715, 0.151726, 0.073096, 0.193781, 0.090614,
         0.081162, 0.051800, 0.133625, 0.136497, 0.100670, 0.081313, 0.506893,
         0.084567, 0.108530, 0.087353, 0.063184, 0.123639, 0.168333, 0.314422,
         0.091108, 0.079975, 0.091108, 0.136497, 0.122302, 0.167297, 0.067080,
         0.144266, 0.065932, 0.087667, 0.100426, 0.099460, 0.091108, 0.100637,
         0.116715, 0.079975, 0.077977, 0.090340, 0.136723, 1.943026, 0.108870,
         0.090340, 0.065932, 0.102245, 0.157863, 0.157863, 0.215574, 0.156830,
         0.093532, 0.122302, 0.097667, 0.063000, 0.116715, 0.076838, 0.148372,
         0.093532, 0.099076, 0.141202, 0.096505, 0.096739, 0.091108, 0.099076,
         0.079975, 0.108870, 0.102390, 0.079975, 0.244121, 0.167071, 0.096739,
         0.102390, 0.103395, 0.073096, 0.094887, 0.065932, 0.190667, 0.099460,
         0.102390, 0.096739, 0.102390, 0.116715, 0.100637, 0.256554, 0.103395,
         0.081313, 0.068962, 0.109645, 0.059364, 0.147842, 0.099460, 0.079262,
         0.099460, 0.065932, 0.123687, 0.090614, 0.131352, 0.098271, 0.102541,
         0.098983, 0.057224, 0.074797, 0.057224, 0.250559, 0.079975, 0.103395,
         0.100426, 0.065932, 0.120661, 0.079262, 0.065932, 0.118665, 0.081162,
         0.066283, 0.099076, 0.102359, 0.108530, 0.079975, 0.168333, 0.096739,
         0.168333, 0.097008, 0.055288, 0.172411, 0.092801, 0.051800, 0.102541,
         0.084567, 0.054008, 0.090991, 0.172411, 0.057224, 0.148396, 0.200965,
         0.076838, 0.157863, 0.053535, 0.121919, 0.126609, 0.123890, 0.118081,
         0.097008, 0.125311, 0.099460, 0.122302, 0.134946, 0.080975, 0.084567,
         0.110093, 0.102245, 0.103395, 0.171601, 0.094887, 0.126240, 0.137742,
         0.099954, 0.108530, 0.157863, 0.096739, 0.051800, 0.127964, 0.066110,
         0.061021, 0.105147, 0.100426, 0.079975, 0.088187, 0.116421, 0.076838,
         0.098271, 0.116715, 0.137656, 0.075298, 0.148396, 0.112166, 1.083905,
         0.326598, 0.428987, 0.395963, 0.224541, 0.326598, 0.030677, 0.410454,
         0.122771, 1.140305, 0.641074, 0.432159, 0.429335, 0.422908, 0.461926,
         0.293083, 0.477078, 0.714856, 0.515861, 0.405418, 0.054354, 0.341177,
         0.410008, 0.514245, 0.641074, 0.816459, 0.455115, 0.400707, 0.382240,
         0.431832, 1.618970, 0.683953, 0.182992, 0.763699, 0.515861, 0.717145,
         0.409629, 0.074134, 0.398273, 0.864974, 0.400707, 0.591403, 0.435354,
         0.514245, 1.337152, 0.841077, 0.410008, 0.683953, 0.338649, 0.557595,
         0.442092, 0.326598, 0.984189, 0.429608, 0.395963, 1.152055, 0.587222,
         1.748492, 0.477078, 0.395459, 0.717145, 0.575811, 0.210115, 0.487785,
         0.431832, 0.383852, 0.806708, 0.428987, 0.278405, 0.395963, 0.395459,
         0.383852, 1.083905, 0.428510, 0.326598, 0.108492, 0.541644, 0.612110,
         0.382240, 0.833511, 0.382240, 0.456628, 0.326598, 0.458880, 0.398273,
         0.957748, 0.326598, 0.295049, 0.629646, 0.429765, 0.439942, 0.633617,
         0.566297, 0.429335, 0.086507, 0.477078, 0.526753, 0.375240, 0.584436,
         0.355776, 0.395963, 0.644924, 0.129793, 0.484880, 0.470001, 0.572306,
         0.383852, 1.110081, 0.841077, 0.395963, 0.683953, 0.428745, 0.387752,
         0.545299, 0.686537, 0.635219, 0.840499, 0.527659, 0.400707, 0.480982,
         0.541644, 0.714856, 0.942673, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.356781, 0.428510,
         1.140961, 0.395963, 0.356781, 0.410454, 0.541644, 0.641074, 0.484778,
         0.410008, 0.433108, 0.278405, 0.278405, 0.503141, 0.428745, 0.125103,
         0.633617, 0.410454, 0.124025, 0.461926, 0.398273, 0.410008, 1.181303,
         0.635219, 0.593537, 0.395963, 0.717145, 0.409629, 0.492595, 0.806708,
         0.503820, 0.423834, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.470749, 0.461926, 1.890036,
         0.236343, 0.806708, 0.123561, 0.433744, 0.427348, 0.427348, 0.962234,
         0.395963, 0.409629, 0.527659, 0.425727, 0.602549, 0.901331, 0.326598,
         0.635949, 0.541644, 0.375240, 0.598969, 1.140961, 0.391998, 0.719443,
         0.410008, 0.515861, 0.714856, 0.842273, 0.410454, 0.389377, 0.431078,
         0.515861, 0.515861, 0.429335, 0.332495, 0.398273, 0.428987, 0.635219,
         0.387752, 0.384289, 0.383852, 0.430504, 0.428510, 0.431832, 0.375240,
         0.278405, 0.374102, 0.428745, 0.692878, 1.152055, 0.503820, 0.428745,
         0.352868, 0.429335, 0.375240, 0.400707, 0.427348, 0.256183, 0.962234,
         0.505376, 0.058995, 0.410454, 0.172880, 0.395963, 0.470749, 0.356781,
         1.332700, 0.683953, 0.395963, 0.806708, 0.400707, 0.330982, 0.427731,
         0.934845, 0.375240, 0.191534, 0.047239, 1.083905, 0.348794, 0.409708,
         0.503820, 0.557595, 0.429335, 0.498780, 0.293083, 0.363069, 0.442092,
         1.152055, 0.375240, 0.335677, 0.452443, 0.655156, 0.929928, 0.614869,
         1.411031, 1.101132, 0.469030, 0.404976, 0.538209, 0.655828, 0.674748,
         0.365182, 0.641612, 0.555434, 0.521651, 0.386679, 0.386679, 0.980304,
         0.659111, 0.651366, 0.538209, 0.521651, 0.884780, 1.287829, 0.558322,
         0.446161, 0.817970, 0.568499, 0.533507, 0.639746, 0.484404, 0.591751,
         0.913016, 0.446161, 0.533907, 0.606885, 0.672320, 1.150642, 0.655828,
         0.365182, 0.665088, 1.094242, 0.629401, 0.540676, 0.733026, 1.248265,
         1.273499, 0.867854, 0.538656, 0.386679, 0.922273, 0.515686, 1.321022,
         0.624444, 0.655828, 0.922273, 0.386679, 0.762191, 0.779432, 0.601851,
         0.655156, 0.926213, 0.762191, 0.641612, 0.558322, 1.025370, 0.641067,
         0.651366, 0.633434, 0.459580, 0.859221, 0.552291, 0.591751, 0.819965,
         0.669977, 1.185083, 0.499338, 0.533907, 0.752871, 0.571388, 0.539772,
         0.449182, 1.025370, 0.365182, 1.321022, 0.926213, 0.886360, 0.562272,
         0.669977, 0.796046, 0.557598, 0.596776, 0.672336, 0.659111, 0.453719,
         0.477716, 0.477716, 1.592069, 0.591751, 0.539772, 0.641612, 0.946254,
         0.744165, 0.386679, 0.593825, 0.539772, 0.449182, 0.604273, 0.794951,
         0.752871, 0.539772, 0.648732, 0.469030, 0.665088, 1.332700, 1.341388,
         0.533507, 0.544212, 1.025992, 0.645967, 0.612945, 0.868492, 0.648732,
         0.752300, 0.624444, 1.219748, 0.446161, 0.520818, 0.469044, 0.669977,
         0.926213, 0.638752, 0.762191, 0.922273, 0.794951, 0.606885, 0.669977,
         0.550113, 0.641067, 0.733026, 0.604273, 0.648732, 0.533507, 0.746506,
         0.733026, 0.980683, 0.538209, 0.669977, 0.469030, 0.648732, 0.609190,
         1.219748, 0.373113, 0.539772, 1.744047, 1.004716, 0.926213, 0.562272,
         0.752871, 0.538656, 0.449182, 0.365182, 0.469030, 0.446161, 0.484404,
         0.768592, 0.648732, 0.655156, 0.521651, 0.779432, 0.446161, 0.596776,
         0.538209, 0.726740, 0.539772, 0.469030, 0.521651, 0.561950, 0.601851,
         0.533907, 0.922273, 1.248265, 0.476800, 0.737990, 0.817970, 0.792127,
         0.533907, 0.486038, 0.624444, 0.798241, 0.476800, 1.059373, 0.645967,
         0.619940, 0.528726, 0.669977, 0.865406, 0.980683, 0.980683, 0.834671,
         1.001353, 0.752871, 0.449182, 1.096520, 0.449182, 0.593825, 0.636558,
         0.762191, 0.638591, 0.538209, 0.865406, 0.779432, 0.469044, 0.645967,
         0.557598, 0.499338, 0.484404, 0.515686, 0.794951, 0.619456, 0.733026,
         0.821769, 0.752300, 0.643302, 0.636558, 0.655156, 0.655156, 0.484404,
         0.648732, 0.726023, 0.365182, 0.606885, 0.499338, 0.520818, 0.612945,
         0.446161, 0.557598, 0.469044, 1.134650, 0.629401, 0.538656, 0.561950,
         1.364861, 0.459580, 1.025370, 0.980304, 0.607592, 0.533907, 1.134650,
         0.446161, 0.629962]

    # FIXME: known failure in 32bit Linux; numerical imprecision results in
    # different ordering in quick_scan
    if _IS_32BIT:  # pragma: no cover
        assert_allclose(clust.reachability_, np.array(v), rtol=1e-2)
        # we compare to truncated decimals, so use atol
        assert_allclose(clust.reachability_, np.array(v), atol=1e-5)