MSE_valid = np.sum((sample_validation.rings - prediccions)**2) / N_valid
print("MSE validation MLP:", MSE_valid)
NMSE_val = sum((sample_validation.rings - prediccions)**2) / (
    (N_valid - 1) * np.var(sample_validation.rings))
print("NMSE validation MLP:", NMSE_val)
R_squared = (1 - NMSE_val) * 100
print("Our model explain the {}% of the validation variance".format(R_squared))

#%% MLP MultiLayer
model_nnet = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=[128, 64, 32],
model_nnet.learning_rate_init = 1e-3
model_nnet.max_iter = 500
model_nnet.fit(sample.loc[:, "male":"shell_weight"], sample.rings)
print("Final loss 1st training module: ", model_nnet.loss_)
prediccions = model_nnet.predict(sample_validation.loc[:,
MAE = np.sum(abs(sample_validation.rings - prediccions)) / N_valid
print("MAE on validation data before refining:", MAE)
NMSE_val = sum((sample_validation.rings - prediccions)**2) / (
    (N_valid - 1) * np.var(sample_validation.rings))
print("NMSE validation MLP before refining:", NMSE_val)
model_nnet.learning_rate_init = 1e-5
model_nnet.max_iter = 500
model_nnet.fit(sample.loc[:, "male":"shell_weight"], sample.rings)
print(model_nnet.get_params(), file=open('coeficients/mlp_multilayer', 'w'))
#print("Coeficients:", model_nnet.coefs_, "Biasis:", model_nnet.intercepts_)
print("Final loss: ", model_nnet.loss_)
def train_ANN(descriptors_filename, target_values_filename, architecture,\
              ANN_seed, split_seed, T):

    ########## preprocess ##########
    ### read files ###
    # read the training and target data
    fv = pd.read_csv(descriptors_filename) 
    value = pd.read_csv(target_values_filename)      

    ### prepare training set ###
    # prepare CIDs
    CIDs = np.array(fv['CID'])
    # prepare target, train, test arrays
    target = np.array(value['a'])
    # construct dictionary: CID to feature vector
    fv_dict = {}
    for cid,row in zip(CIDs, fv.values[:,1:]):
        fv_dict[cid] = row
    # construct dictionary: CID to target value
    target_dict = {}
    for cid, val in zip(np.array(value['CID']), np.array(value['a'])):
        target_dict[cid] = val
    # check CIDs: target_values_filename should contain all CIDs that appear in descriptors_filename
    for cid in CIDs:
        if cid not in target_dict:
            sys.stderr.write('error: {} misses the target value of CID {}\n'.format(target_values_filename, cid))
    # construct x and y so that the CIDs are ordered in ascending order
    x = np.array([fv_dict[cid] for cid in CIDs])
    y = np.array([target_dict[cid] for cid in CIDs])
    # obtain numbers of examples and features
    numdata = x.shape[0]
    numfeature = x.shape[1]

    ### prepare learning ###
    # initialize an ANN - MLP regressor
    reg = MLPRegressor(activation='relu', solver='adam',
                       alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=architecture,
                       random_state=ANN_seed, early_stopping=False)
    # initalize array that stores the result
    R = {} # R[<key>][fold][t]
    for key in R_key:
        R[key] = []
        for fold in range(CV):
    # separate the data randomly for cross-validation
    kf = KFold(n_splits=CV, shuffle=True, random_state=split_seed)
    fold = -1
    ### start learning experiments ###
    for train, test in kf.split(x):
        fold += 1
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = x[train], x[test], y[train], y[test]
        reg.warm_start = False
        start = time.time()
        print("\n\n### (ANN_seed, split_seed)=({},{}), fold={}/{} ###".format(ANN_seed, split_seed, fold+1, CV))
        print("# t\ttrain\ttest\ttime")
        # learn ANN, but stop the learning at itr=t in order to record stats
        for t in T:
            reg.max_iter = t
            reg.fit(x_train, y_train)
            reg.warm_start = True                
            # obtain the prediction to compute MAE
            pred = reg.predict(x)
            pred_train = reg.predict(x_train)
            pred_test = reg.predict(x_test)
            # calculate the prediction score (R^2)
            R["R2train"][fold][t] = reg.score(x_train,y_train)
            R["R2test"][fold][t] = reg.score(x_test,y_test)
            R["R2all"][fold][t] = reg.score(x,y)
            # calculate MAE 
            R["MAEtrain"][fold][t] = mean_absolute_error(y_train,pred_train)
            R["MAEtest"][fold][t] = mean_absolute_error(y_test,pred_test)
            R["MAEall"][fold][t] = mean_absolute_error(y,pred) 
            # store time and ref
            R["time"][fold][t] = time.time() - start
            R["reg"][fold][t] = copy.deepcopy(reg)
            print("{}\t{:.4f}\t{:.4f}\t{:.4f}".format(t, R["R2train"][fold][t], R["R2test"][fold][t], R["time"][fold][t]))
    return R