class AcceptanceModel(object):
    def __init__(self, base_model=None, max_gain=MAX_GAIN, step=5, zero_one=True, metric=None):
        Convert the multiclass regression/classification problem into a binary regression/classification problem
        by extending the features with possible target values and using as new target value a vector  target==all_new_possible_targets
        Once trained, an optimal decision line is searched using the given metric and predictions on a 
        validation set (taken from the training set prior to training)

        :param base_model: a model with fit/predict functions (classification)
        :param max_gain: (int) the maximum possible offer/gain
        :param step: (int) band width for categorizing the possible values inteval
        :zero_one: (bool) if True use the classes 0/1 else -1/1
        :param metric: (function|callable) with two parameters (y_true, y_pred) returns the score of a prediction
        self.base_model = base_model
        if base_model is None:
            self.base_model = LinearSVR()
        self.max_gain = max_gain
        self.zero_one = zero_one
        if self.zero_one:
            self.classes = [0, 1]
            self.classes = [-1, 1]
        self.offers = np.arange(0, max_gain+1, step)
        self.decision_line = 0
        if metric is None:
            metric = ultimatum_score
        self.metric = metric
        self._trained = False
    def _transform_train(self, x, y):
        :param x:
        :param y:
        :returns: x_, y_ with x is extended with a new feature, y_ is an array with two values
        xNew = []
        yNew = []
        xRes = np.empty((x.shape[0]*self.offers.shape[0], x.shape[1]+1))
        yRes = np.empty((y.shape[0]*self.offers.shape[0], 1))
        for idx in np.arange(0, x.shape[0]):
            row_start = idx * self.offers.shape[0]
            row_end = (idx+1) * self.offers.shape[0]
            xRes[row_start:row_end, :x.shape[1]] = x[idx]
            xRes[row_start:row_end, -1] = self.offers / self.max_gain
            yRes[row_start:row_end, 0] = ((self.offers / self.max_gain) >= (y[idx] / self.max_gain)).astype(int)
        return xRes, yRes
    def _transform_predict(self, x):
        xRes = np.empty((x.shape[0]*self.offers.shape[0], x.shape[1]+1))
        for idx in np.arange(0, x.shape[0]):
            row_start = idx * self.offers.shape[0]
            row_end = (idx+1) * self.offers.shape[0]
            xRes[row_start:row_end, :x.shape[1]] = x[idx]
            xRes[row_start:row_end, -1] = self.offers / self.max_gain
        return xRes
    def fit(self, xTrain, yTrain, shuffle_data=False, fit_kwargs=None, partial_fit=False, classes=None):
        if shuffle_data:
            indices = np.arange(xTrain.shape[0])
            xTrain = xTrain.copy()[indices]
            yTrain = yTrain.copy()[indices]
        if fit_kwargs is None:
            fit_kwargs = {}
        xTrain_only, yTrain_only = xTrain, yTrain
        xVal_only, yVal_only = xTrain, yTrain
        xTrain_only, yTrain_only = self._transform_train(xTrain_only, yTrain_only)
        if partial_fit:
            self.base_model.partial_fit(xTrain_only, yTrain_only, **fit_kwargs)
            self.base_model.fit(xTrain_only, yTrain_only, **fit_kwargs)

        # optimization for the decision_line
        top_decision_line = None
        top_score = float('-inf')
        xVal_transformed = self._transform_predict(xVal_only)
        rawYPred = self.base_model.predict(xVal_transformed)
        for decision_line in np.linspace(self.classes[0], self.classes[1]):
            yPred = self._predict(self.base_model, xVal_only, decision_line, rawYPred=rawYPred, xTestTransformed=xVal_transformed)
            score = self.metric(yVal_only, yPred)
            if score > top_score:
                top_score = score
                top_decision_line = decision_line
        self.decision_line = top_decision_line
        self._trained = True

    def partial_fit2(self, xTrain, yTrain, shuffle_data=False, fit_kwargs=None, classes=None):
        self.fit(xTrain=xTrain, yTrain=yTrain, shuffle_data=shuffle_data, partial_fit=True, classes=classes)
    def _predict(self, model, xTest, decision_line, predict_kwargs=None, rawYPred=None, xTestTransformed=None):
        if predict_kwargs is None:
            predict_kwargs = {}
        xShape = xTest.shape
        if xTestTransformed is None:
            xTest = self._transform_predict(xTest)
            xTest = xTestTransformed
        if rawYPred is None:
            y_pred = model.predict(xTest, **predict_kwargs)
            y_pred = rawYPred
        res = []
        # nRes = np.empty(xTest.shape[0]*self.offers.shape[0], 1)
        # row_step = self.offers.shape[0]
        # nRes[::row_step, :-1] = self.offers
        # nRes[::row_step, :]
        for idx in np.arange(0, xShape[0]):
            mask = np.arange(idx*self.offers.shape[0], (idx+1)*self.offers.shape[0])
            group_y = y_pred[mask]
            group_x = xTest[mask]
            target = group_x[(group_y > decision_line).argmax()][-1]
            res.append(target * self.max_gain)
        return np.array(res)
    def predict(self, xTest, predict_kwargs=None):
        if predict_kwargs is None:
            predict_kwargs = {}
        return self._predict(self.base_model, xTest, self.decision_line, predict_kwargs)
    def get_trained_model(cls, xTrain, yTrain, epochs=10, model_dict=None, fit_dict=None, metric=None):
        top_model = None
        top_score = float('-inf')
        if metric is None:
            metric = ultimatum_score
        if model_dict is None:
            model_dict = {}
        if fit_dict is None:
            fit_dict = {}
        for epoch in range(epochs):
            model = AcceptanceModel(**model_dict)
            model.fit(xTrain, yTrain, **fit_dict)
            score = avg_loss_ratio(yTrain, model.predict(xTrain))
            if top_model is None or score > top_score:
                top_model = model
                top_score = score
        return model