文件: crf.py 项目: rknaebel/discopy
class CRFArgumentExtractor(Component):
    model_name = "crf_arg_extract"
    used_features = ['ptree']

    def __init__(self):
        self.arg_pos_clf = ArgumentPositionClassifier()
        self.ss_model = CRF(algorithm='lbfgs',
        self.ps_model = CRF(algorithm='lbfgs',

    def load(self, path):
        self.ss_model = pickle.load(
            open(os.path.join(path, "{}.ss.p".format(self.model_name)), 'rb'))
        self.ps_model = pickle.load(
            open(os.path.join(path, "{}.ps.p".format(self.model_name)), 'rb'))

    def save(self, path):
            open(os.path.join(path, "{}.ss.p".format(self.model_name)), 'wb'))
            open(os.path.join(path, "{}.ps.p".format(self.model_name)), 'wb'))

    def fit(self, docs_train: List[Document], docs_val: List[Document] = None):
        (x_ss, y_ss), (x_ps, y_ps) = generate_pdtb_features(docs_train)
        self.ss_model.fit(x_ss, y_ss)
        self.ps_model.fit(x_ps, y_ps)

    def score_on_features(self, x_ss, y_ss, x_ps, y_ps):
        y_pred = np.concatenate(self.ss_model.predict(x_ss))
        y_ss = np.concatenate(y_ss)
        logger.info("Evaluation: SS Model")
        logger.info("    Acc  : {:<06.4}".format(accuracy_score(y_ss, y_pred)))
        prec, recall, f1, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(
            y_ss, y_pred, average='macro')
        logger.info("    Macro: P {:<06.4} R {:<06.4} F1 {:<06.4}".format(
            prec, recall, f1))
        logger.info("    Kappa: {:<06.4}".format(
            cohen_kappa_score(y_ss, y_pred)))

        y_pred = np.concatenate(self.ps_model.predict(x_ps))
        y_ps = np.concatenate(y_ps)
        logger.info("Evaluation: PS Model")
        logger.info("    Acc  : {:<06.4}".format(accuracy_score(y_ps, y_pred)))
        prec, recall, f1, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(
            y_ps, y_pred, average='macro')
        logger.info("    Macro: P {:<06.4} R {:<06.4} F1 {:<06.4}".format(
            prec, recall, f1))
        logger.info("    Kappa: {:<06.4}".format(
            cohen_kappa_score(y_ps, y_pred)))

    def score(self, docs: List[Document]):
        (x_ss, y_ss), (x_ps, y_ps) = generate_pdtb_features(docs)
        self.score_on_features(x_ss, y_ss, x_ps, y_ps)

    def extract_arguments(self, ptree: nltk.ParentedTree, relation: Relation,
                          arg_pos: str):
        indices = [token.local_idx for token in relation.conn.tokens]
        ptree._label = 'S'
        x = get_features(ptree, indices)
        if arg_pos == 'SS':
            probs = np.array(
                [[p[c] for c in self.ss_model.classes_]
                 for p in self.ss_model.predict_marginals_single(x)])
            probs_max = probs.max(1)
            labels = np.array(self.ss_model.classes_)[probs.argmax(axis=1)]
            arg1 = np.where(labels == 'Arg1')[0]
            arg2 = np.where(labels == 'Arg2')[0]
            arg1_prob = probs_max[arg1].mean() if len(arg1) else 0.0
            arg2_prob = probs_max[arg2].mean() if len(arg2) else 0.0
            arg1, arg2 = arg1.tolist(), arg2.tolist()
            if not arg1:
                logger.warning("Empty Arg1")
            if not arg2:
                logger.warning("Empty Arg2")
        elif arg_pos == 'PS':
            probs = np.array(
                [[p[c] for c in self.ps_model.classes_]
                 for p in self.ps_model.predict_marginals_single(x)])
            probs_max = probs.max(1)
            labels = np.array(self.ps_model.classes_)[probs.argmax(axis=1)]
            arg1 = []
            arg1_prob = 1.0
            arg2 = np.where(labels == 'Arg2')[0]
            arg2_prob = probs_max[arg2].mean() if len(arg2) else 0.0
            arg2 = arg2.tolist()
            if not arg2:
                logger.warning("Empty Arg2")
            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown argument position')

        return arg1, arg2, arg1_prob, arg2_prob

    def parse(self, doc: Document, relations: List[Relation] = None, **kwargs):
        if relations is None:
            raise ValueError('Component needs connectives already classified.')
        for relation in filter(lambda r: r.type == "Explicit", relations):
            sent_id = relation.conn.get_sentence_idxs()[0]
            sent = doc.sentences[sent_id]
            ptree = sent.get_ptree()
            if ptree is None or len(relation.conn.tokens) == 0:
            conn_raw = ' '.join(t.surface for t in relation.conn.tokens)
            conn_idxs = [t.local_idx for t in relation.conn.tokens]
            arg_pos, arg_pos_confidence = self.arg_pos_clf.get_argument_position(
                ptree, conn_raw, conn_idxs)
            # If position poorly classified as PS, go to the next relation
            if arg_pos == 'PS' and sent_id == 0:
            arg1, arg2, arg1_c, arg2_c = self.extract_arguments(
                ptree, relation, arg_pos)
            if arg_pos == 'PS':
                prev_sent = doc.sentences[sent_id]
                relation.arg1.tokens = prev_sent.tokens
                relation.arg2.tokens = [sent.tokens[i] for i in arg2]
            elif arg_pos == 'SS':
                relation.arg1.tokens = [sent.tokens[i] for i in arg1]
                relation.arg2.tokens = [sent.tokens[i] for i in arg2]
                logger.error('Unknown Argument Position: ' + arg_pos)
        return relations
文件: gosh.py 项目: rknaebel/discopy
class GoshArgumentExtractor(Component):
    model_name = 'gosh_arg_extract'
    used_features = ['ptree', 'dtree']

    def __init__(self, window_side_size=2):
        self.window_side_size = window_side_size
        self.arg1_model = CRF(algorithm='l2sgd', verbose=True, min_freq=5)
        self.arg2_model = CRF(algorithm='l2sgd', verbose=True, min_freq=5)

    def load(self, path):
        self.arg1_model = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(path, "{}.arg1.p".format(self.model_name)), 'rb'))
        self.arg2_model = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(path, "{}.arg2.p".format(self.model_name)), 'rb'))

    def save(self, path):
        pickle.dump(self.arg1_model, open(os.path.join(path, "{}.arg1.p".format(self.model_name)), 'wb'))
        pickle.dump(self.arg2_model, open(os.path.join(path, "{}.arg2.p".format(self.model_name)), 'wb'))

    def fit(self, docs_train: List[Document], docs_val: List[Document] = None):
        (x_arg1, y_arg1), (x_arg2, y_arg2) = generate_pdtb_features(docs_train, self.window_side_size)
        self.arg1_model.fit(x_arg1, y_arg1)
        self.arg2_model.fit(x_arg2, y_arg2)

    def score_on_features(self, x_arg1, y_arg1, x_arg2, y_arg2):
        y_pred = self.arg1_model.predict(x_arg1)
        y_pred = [decode_iob(s) for s in y_pred]
        y_arg1 = [decode_iob(s) for s in y_arg1]
        y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred)
        y_arg1 = np.concatenate(y_arg1)
        logger.info("Evaluation: Arg1 Model")
        logger.info("    Acc  : {:<06.4}".format(accuracy_score(y_arg1, y_pred)))
        prec, recall, f1, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_arg1, y_pred, average='macro')
        logger.info("    Macro: P {:<06.4} R {:<06.4} F1 {:<06.4}".format(prec, recall, f1))
        logger.info("    Kappa: {:<06.4}".format(cohen_kappa_score(y_arg1, y_pred)))

        y_pred = self.arg2_model.predict(x_arg2)
        y_pred = [decode_iob(s) for s in y_pred]
        y_arg2 = [decode_iob(s) for s in y_arg2]
        y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred)
        y_arg2 = np.concatenate(y_arg2)
        logger.info("Evaluation: Arg2 Model")
        logger.info("    Acc  : {:<06.4}".format(accuracy_score(y_arg2, y_pred)))
        prec, recall, f1, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_arg2, y_pred, average='macro')
        logger.info("    Macro: P {:<06.4} R {:<06.4} F1 {:<06.4}".format(prec, recall, f1))
        logger.info("    Kappa: {:<06.4}".format(cohen_kappa_score(y_arg2, y_pred)))

    def score(self, docs: List[Document]):
        (x_arg1, y_arg1), (x_arg2, y_arg2) = generate_pdtb_features(docs, self.window_side_size)
        self.score_on_features(x_arg1, y_arg1, x_arg2, y_arg2)

    def extract_arguments(self, doc: Document, relation: Relation):
        conn = [t.local_idx for t in relation.conn.tokens]
        arg2_sentence_id = relation.arg2.get_sentence_idxs()[0]
        sent_features = []

        for i in range(-self.window_side_size, self.window_side_size + 1):
            sent_idx = arg2_sentence_id + i
            if sent_idx < 0 or sent_idx >= len(doc.sentences):
            sent_i = doc.sentences[sent_idx]
            ptree_i = sent_i.get_ptree()
            if not ptree_i:
            dtree_i = sent_i.dependencies
                get_features(ptree_i, dtree_i, conn, relation.senses[0], sent_i.tokens[0].local_idx))

        indices = []
        for i in sent_features:
            del i['idx']
        indices = np.array(indices)

        arg2_probs = np.array(
            [[p[c] for c in self.arg2_model.classes_] for p in self.arg2_model.predict_marginals_single(sent_features)])
        arg2_probs_max = arg2_probs.max(1)
        arg2_labels = np.array(self.arg2_model.classes_)[arg2_probs.argmax(axis=1)]
        arg2_labels = np.array(decode_iob(arg2_labels))

        for i, arg2_label in zip(sent_features, arg2_labels):
            i['is_arg2'] = (arg2_label == 'Arg2')

        arg1_probs = np.array(
            [[p[c] for c in self.arg1_model.classes_] for p in self.arg1_model.predict_marginals_single(sent_features)])
        arg1_probs_max = arg1_probs.max(1)
        arg1_labels = np.array(self.arg1_model.classes_)[arg1_probs.argmax(axis=1)]
        arg1_labels = np.array(decode_iob(arg1_labels))

        arg1 = indices[np.where(arg1_labels == 'Arg1')[0]]
        arg2 = indices[np.where(arg2_labels == 'Arg2')[0]]

        arg1_prob = arg1_probs_max[np.where(arg1_labels == 'Arg1')[0]].mean() if len(arg1) else 0.0
        arg2_prob = arg2_probs_max[np.where(arg2_labels == 'Arg2')[0]].mean() if len(arg2) else 0.0

        arg1, arg2 = arg1.tolist(), arg2.tolist()

        return arg1, arg2, arg1_prob, arg2_prob

    def parse(self, doc: Document, relations: List[Relation] = None, **kwargs):
        if relations is None:
            raise ValueError('Component needs connectives already classified.')
        for relation in filter(lambda r: r.type == "Explicit", relations):
            sent_id = relation.conn.get_sentence_idxs()[0]
            sent = doc.sentences[sent_id]
            ptree = sent.get_ptree()
            if ptree is None or len(relation.conn.tokens) == 0:
            arg1, arg2, arg1_c, arg2_c = self.extract_arguments(ptree, relation)
            relation.arg1.tokens = [sent.tokens[i] for i in arg1]
            relation.arg2.tokens = [sent.tokens[i] for i in arg2]
        return relations
class CrfEntityExtractor:

    __DIRNAME = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    __FEATURES_SET = [
        ['low', 'title', 'upper', 'pos', 'pos2'],
        ['low', 'word3', 'word2', 'upper', 'title', 'digit', 'pos', 'pos2'],
        ['low', 'title', 'upper', 'pos', 'pos2'],


    __CONFIG = {
        'max_iterations': 40,
        'L1_c': 1e-3,
        'L2_c': 1e-2,


    __PREFIXES = [str(i) for i in __FEATURES_RANGE]

        'low': lambda doc: doc[0].lower(),
        'title': lambda doc: doc[0].istitle(),
        'word3': lambda doc: doc[0][-3:],
        'word2': lambda doc: doc[0][-2:],
        'word1': lambda doc: doc[0][-1:],
        'pos': lambda doc: doc[1],
        'pos2': lambda doc: doc[1][:2],
        'bias': lambda doc: 'bias',
        'upper': lambda doc: doc[0].isupper(),
        'digit': lambda doc: doc[0].isdigit(),

    def __init__(self):
        self.__crf_model = None

    def fit(self, train_data: Iterable[str], labels: Iterable[Iterable[str]]):

        :param train_data:
        :param labels: labels in BIO or BILOU notation

        crf_dataset = self.__create_dataset(train_data, labels)

        features = [
            for message_data in crf_dataset

        labels = [
            for message_data in crf_dataset

        self.__crf_model = CRF(

        self.__crf_model.fit(features, labels)

        return self

    def predict(self, text: str) -> List['Entity']:
        """Predicts entities in text.

        :param text:

        tokens = self.__preprocess(text)

        intermediate_data = self.__convert_to_idata_format(tokens)
        features = self.__convert_idata_to_features(intermediate_data)

        predicts = self.__crf_model.predict_marginals_single(features)

        entities = []
        for pred in predicts:
            sorted_pred = sorted(pred.items(),
                                 key=lambda x: x[1],

        # entities = self.__get_entities_from_predict(
        #     tokens,
        #     predicts
        # )

        return entities

    def evaluate(self,
                 test_data: Iterable[str],
                 labels: Iterable[Iterable[str]],
                 metric: str = 'accuracy'):
        """Evaluates accuracy on test data.

        :param test_data:
        :param labels:
        :param metric:
        # if self.__crf_model is None:
        #     self.load_model()

        labels = self.__process_test_labels(labels)
        predicted_entities = [self.predict(sentence) for sentence in test_data]
        processed_predicted_entities = [
            self.__postprocess(sent_entities, self.__preprocess(sentence))
            for (sent_entities, sentence) in zip(predicted_entities, test_data)

        all_predicted = self.__get_flatten_values(processed_predicted_entities)

        all_labels = self.__get_flatten_values(labels)
        return accuracy_score(all_predicted, all_labels)

    def load_model(self, path: Path) -> 'CrfEntityExtractor':
        """Loads saved model.

        :param path: path where model was saved

        self.__crf_model = joblib.load(path)

        return self

    def save_model(self, path: Path) -> None:
        joblib.dump(self.__crf_model, path)

    def __create_dataset(self, sentences, labels):
        dataset_message_format = [
            for sentence, sentence_labels in zip(sentences, labels)
        return dataset_message_format

    def __convert_to_idata_format(self, tokens, entities=None):
        message_data_intermediate_format = []

        for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
            entity = entities[i] if (entities and len(entities) > i) else "N/A"
            tag = self.__get_tag_of_token(token.value)
            message_data_intermediate_format.append((token.value, tag, entity))

        return message_data_intermediate_format

    def __get_entities_from_predict(self, tokens, predicts):

        entities = []
        cur_token_ind: int = 0

        while cur_token_ind < len(tokens):
            end_ind, confidence, entity_label = self.__handle_bilou_label(
                cur_token_ind, predicts)

            if end_ind is not None:

                current_tokens = tokens[cur_token_ind:end_ind + 1]

                entity_value: str = ' '.join(
                    [token.value for token in current_tokens])
                entity = Entity(name=entity_label,

                cur_token_ind = end_ind + 1
                cur_token_ind += 1

        return entities

    def __handle_bilou_label(self, token_index, predicts):

        label, confidence = self.__get_most_likely_entity(
            token_index, predicts)
        entity_label = self.__convert_to_ent_name(label)

        extracted = self.__extract_bilou_prefix(label)

        # if extracted == "U":
        #     return token_index, confidence, entity_label

        if extracted == "B":
            end_token_index, confidence = self.__find_bilou_end(
                token_index, predicts)
            return end_token_index, confidence, entity_label

            return None, None, None

    def __find_bilou_end(self, token_index: int, predicts):

        end_token_ind: int = token_index + 1
        finished: bool = False

        label, confidence = self.__get_most_likely_entity(
            token_index, predicts)
        entity_label: str = self.__convert_to_ent_name(label)

        while not finished:
            label, label_confidence = self.__get_most_likely_entity(
                end_token_ind, predicts)

            confidence = min(confidence, label_confidence)

            if self.__convert_to_ent_name(label) != entity_label:

                if self.__extract_bilou_prefix(label) == 'L':
                    finished = True

                if self.__extract_bilou_prefix(label) == 'I':
                    end_token_ind += 1

                    finished = True
                    end_token_ind -= 1

                end_token_ind += 1

        return end_token_ind, confidence

    def __mark_positions_by_labels(self, entities_labels, positions,
                                   name: str):

        if len(positions) == 1:
            entities_labels = self.__set_label(entities_labels, positions[0],
                                               'U', name)
            entities_labels = self.__set_label(entities_labels, positions[0],
                                               'B', name)
            entities_labels = self.__set_label(entities_labels, positions[-1],
                                               'L', name)
            for ind in positions[1:-1]:
                entities_labels = self.__set_label(entities_labels, ind, 'I',

        return entities_labels

    def __get_example_features(self, data, example_index):
        """Exctract features from example in intermediate data format

        :param data: list of examples in task specified format
        :param example_index: index of central example
        :return: list of special features extracted from one example and its context

        message_len = len(data)
        example_features = {}

        for futures_index in self.__FEATURES_RANGE:

            if example_index + futures_index >= message_len:
                example_features['EOS'] = True
            elif example_index + futures_index < 0:
                example_features['BOS'] = True
                example = data[example_index + futures_index]
                shifted_futures_index = futures_index + self.__HALF_FEATURES_SPAN
                prefix = self.__PREFIXES[shifted_futures_index]
                features = self.__FEATURES_SET[shifted_futures_index]

                for feature in features:
                    value = self.__FUNCTION_DICT[feature](example)
                    example_features[f'{prefix}:{feature}'] = value

        return example_features

    def __convert_idata_to_features(self, data):
        """Extract features from examples in intermediate data format

        :param data: list of examples in special format
        :return: list of futures extracted form each example

        features = []

        for ind, example in enumerate(data):
            example_features: Dict[str, Any] = self.__get_example_features(
                data, ind)

        return features

    def __get_most_likely_entity(self, ind: int, predicts):

        if len(predicts) > ind:
            entity_probs = predicts[ind]
            entity_probs = None

        if entity_probs:
            label: str = max(entity_probs, key=lambda key: entity_probs[key])
            confidence = sum(
                [v for k, v in entity_probs.items() if k[2:] == label[2:]])

            return label, confidence
            return '', 0.0

    def __convert_to_ent_name(self, bilou_ent_name: str) -> str:
        """Get entity name from bilou label representation

        :param bilou_ent_name: BILOU entity name
        :return: entity name without BILOU prefix

        return bilou_ent_name[2:]

    def __extract_bilou_prefix(self, label: str):
        """Get BILOU prefix from label

        If label prefix (first label symbol) not in {B, I, U, L} return None

        :param label: BILOU entity name
        :return: BILOU prefix

        if len(label) >= 2 and label[1] == "-":
            return label[0].upper()

        return None

    def __process_test_labels(self, test_labels):
        return [
                label[2:] if
                (label.startswith('B-') or label.startswith('I-')) else label
                for label in sent_labels
            ]) for sent_labels in test_labels

    def __preprocess(text: str) -> List[str]:
        """Deletes EOS token; splits texts into token.

        :param texts:
        :return: tokens

        if text.endswith('EOS'):
            return NLTKSplitter().process(text)[:-1]
            return NLTKSplitter().process(text)

    def __get_tag_of_token(token: str) -> str:
        """Gets part-of-speech tag for token.

        :param token:
        :return: POS tag

        tag = pos_tag([token])[0][1]
        return tag

    def __extract_labels_from_data(data: Iterable) -> List[str]:

        return [label for _, _, label in data]

    def __set_label(entities_labels, ind: int, prefix: str, name: str):

        entities_labels[ind] = f'{prefix}-{name}'

        return entities_labels

    def __to_dict(sent_labels):
        return dict(enumerate(sent_labels))

    def __postprocess(entities, sentence):
        entities_dict = {k: 'O' for k in range(len(sentence))}
        for entity in entities:
            for key in range(entity.start_token, entity.end_token + 1):
                entities_dict[key] = entity.name
        return entities_dict

    def __get_flatten_values(dicts):

        return [word for sentence in dicts for word in sentence.values()]