def test_clone():
    stream = SEAGenerator(random_state=1)

    learner = NaiveBayes()

    cnt = 0
    max_samples = 5000
    y_pred = array('i')
    X_batch = []
    y_batch = []
    y_proba = []
    wait_samples = 100

    while cnt < max_samples:
        X, y = stream.next_sample()
        # Test every n samples
        if (cnt % wait_samples == 0) and (cnt != 0):
        learner.partial_fit(X, y, classes=[0, 1])
        cnt += 1

    cloned = clone(learner)

    assert learner._observed_class_distribution != {} and cloned._observed_class_distribution == {}
class Bayes(IncrementalClassifier):
    def __init__(self):
        self.clf = NaiveBayes()

    def partial_fit(self, one_row):
        self.clf.partial_fit([one_row[0]], [one_row[1]])

    def predict(self, x):
        return self.clf.predict(x)
def test_naive_bayes(test_path):
    stream = SEAGenerator(random_state=1)

    learner = NaiveBayes()

    cnt = 0
    max_samples = 5000
    y_pred = array('i')
    X_batch = []
    y_batch = []
    y_proba = []
    wait_samples = 100

    while cnt < max_samples:
        X, y = stream.next_sample()
        # Test every n samples
        if (cnt % wait_samples == 0) and (cnt != 0):
        learner.partial_fit(X, y, classes=stream.target_values)
        cnt += 1

    expected_predictions = array('i', [
        1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
        1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,

    assert np.alltrue(y_pred == expected_predictions)

    test_file = os.path.join(test_path, 'data_naive_bayes_proba.npy')
    y_proba_expected = np.load(test_file)
    assert np.allclose(y_proba, y_proba_expected)

    expected_info = 'NaiveBayes: nominal attributes: [] - '
    assert learner.get_info() == expected_info

    learner.reset()[:4500]), y=np.array(y_batch[:4500]))

    expected_score = 0.9378757515030061
    assert np.isclose(
        learner.score(X=np.array(X_batch[4501:]), y=np.array(y_batch[4501:])))

    assert 'estimator' == learner.get_class_type()

    assert type(learner.predict(X)) == np.ndarray
    assert type(learner.predict_proba(X)) == np.ndarray
def main():
    overall_kswin_tp = overall_kswin_tn = overall_kswin_fp = overall_kswin_fn = 0
    overall_adwin_tp = overall_adwin_tn = overall_adwin_fp = overall_adwin_fn = 0
#   mebwin_drifts = []
    overall_k_swmebwin_tp = overall_k_swmebwin_tn = overall_k_swmebwin_fp = overall_k_swmebwin_fn = 0
    overall_swmebwin_tp = overall_swmebwin_tn = overall_swmebwin_fp = overall_swmebwin_fn = 0
    overall_eddm_tp = overall_eddm_tn = overall_eddm_fp = overall_eddm_fn = 0
    overall_ddm_tp = overall_ddm_tn = overall_ddm_fp = overall_ddm_fn = 0
    for stream in streams:
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
#        mebwin = MEBWIN(epsilon=0.1, sensitivity=0.98, w_size=100, stat_size=30)
        adwin = []
        kswin = []
        ddm = DDM(min_num_instances=30)
        eddm = EDDM()
        data = []
        labels = []
        predictions = []
        kswin_drifts = []
        adwin_drifts = []
#        mebwin_drifts = []
        k_swmebwin_drifts = []
        swmebwin_drifts = []
        eddm_drifts = []
        ddm_drifts = []
        swmebwin = SWMEBWIN(classes=stream.target_values, w_size=80, epsilon=0.05)
#        k_swmebwin = Kernel_SWMEBWIN(classes=stream.target_values, w_size=80, epsilon=0.05, gamma=10**10)
        k_swmebwin = Kernel_SWMEBWIN(classes=stream.target_values, w_size=80, epsilon=0.05)
        # gamma maybe 1.0 / stream.current_sample_x.shape[1]
        RANGE = 1000000
        DIM = 50
        # - 2 because first drift is at 2000 not 1000 and last drift is not detectable
#        COUNT_DRIFTS = RANGE / 1000 - 2
        n_rand_dims = DIM - stream.current_sample_x.size
        multiply = n_rand_dims // stream.current_sample_x.size
        # partial fit -> pretrain
        for _m in range(multiply):
            current_sample_x = np.array([[]])
            current_sample_x = np.concatenate(
                        (current_sample_x, stream.current_sample_x), axis=1)
        bayes = NaiveBayes()
        bayes.partial_fit(np.array(current_sample_x), list(stream.current_sample_y.ravel()))
        for j in range(DIM):
            kswin.append(KSWIN(w_size=300, stat_size=30, alpha=0.0001))
        """Add dims"""
        for i in range(RANGE):
            current_sample_x = np.array([[]])
            for _m in range(multiply):
                current_sample_x = np.concatenate(
                        (current_sample_x, stream.current_sample_x), axis=1)
            predictions.append(0 if bayes.predict(current_sample_x) == labels[i] else 1)
            bayes.partial_fit(current_sample_x, list(stream.current_sample_y.ravel()))
        # MEBWIN
    #    start = time.time()
    #    for i in range(RANGE):
    #        mebwin.add_element(data[i])
    #        if mebwin.change_detected is True:
    #            mebwin_drifts.append(i)
    #    f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
    #    f.write(f'MEBWIN detected {len(mebwin_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} {mebwin_drifts}\n\n')
    #    f.close() 
    #    print(f'MEBWIN took {time.time() - start} sec and detected {len(mebwin_drifts)} drifts')
        # Kernel SWMEBWIN
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            k_swmebwin.add_element(value=data[i], label=labels[i])
            if k_swmebwin.change_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(k_swmebwin_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_k_swmebwin_tp += tp
        overall_k_swmebwin_tn += tn
        overall_k_swmebwin_fp += fp
        overall_k_swmebwin_fn += fn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'K-SWMEB detected {len(k_swmebwin_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} {k_swmebwin_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'K-SW-MEBWIN took {end} sec and detected {len(k_swmebwin_drifts)} drifts\n')
        # SWMEBWIN
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            swmebwin.add_element(value=data[i], label=labels[i])
            if swmebwin.change_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(swmebwin_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_swmebwin_tp += tp
        overall_swmebwin_tn += tn
        overall_swmebwin_fp += fp
        overall_swmebwin_fn += fn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'SWMEB detected {len(swmebwin_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} {swmebwin_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'SW-MEBWIN took {end} sec and detected {len(swmebwin_drifts)} drifts\n')
        # ADWIN
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            adwin_detected = False
            for j in range(data[i].size):
                if adwin[j].detected_change():
                    adwin_detected = True
            if adwin_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(adwin_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_adwin_tp += tp
        overall_adwin_tn += tn
        overall_adwin_fp += fp
        overall_adwin_fn += fn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'ADWIN detected {len(adwin_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} at {adwin_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'ADWIN took {end} sec and detected {len(adwin_drifts)} drifts\n')
        # KSWIN
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            kswin_detected = False
            for j in range(data[i].size):    
                if kswin[j].detected_change():
                    kswin_detected = True
            if kswin_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(kswin_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_kswin_tp += tp
        overall_kswin_tn += tn
        overall_kswin_fp += fp
        overall_kswin_fn += fn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')     
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'KSWIN detected {len(kswin_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} at {kswin_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'KSWIN took {end} sec and detected {len(kswin_drifts)} drifts\n')
        # EDDM
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            eddm_detected = False
            if eddm.detected_change():
                eddm_detected = True
            if eddm_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(eddm_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_eddm_tp += tp
        overall_eddm_tn += tn
        overall_eddm_fp += fp
        overall_eddm_fn += fn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'EDDM detected {len(eddm_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} at {eddm_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'EDDM took {end} sec and detected {len(eddm_drifts)} drifts\n')
        # DDM
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(RANGE):
            ddm_detected = False
            if ddm.detected_change():
                ddm_detected = True
            if ddm_detected is True:
        end = time.time() - start
        f1, tp, fp, tn, fn = confusion_matrix_stats(ddm_drifts, RANGE)
        overall_ddm_tp += tp
        overall_ddm_tn += tn
        overall_ddm_fp += fp
        overall_ddm_fn += tn
        print(f'F1-Score: {f1}')
        print(f'{tp} true positives, {fp} false positives')
        print(f'{tn} true negatives, {fn} false negatives')
        f = open('drifts.txt', 'a+')
        f.write(f'DDM detected {len(ddm_drifts)} drifts in {time.time() - start} at {ddm_drifts}\n\n')
        print(f'DDM took {end} sec and detected {len(ddm_drifts)} drifts\n')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_k_swmebwin_tp, overall_k_swmebwin_fp, overall_k_swmebwin_tn, overall_k_swmebwin_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_k_swmebwin_tp} true positives, {overall_k_swmebwin_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_k_swmebwin_tn} true negatives, {overall_k_swmebwin_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_swmebwin_tp, overall_swmebwin_fp, overall_swmebwin_tn, overall_swmebwin_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_swmebwin_tp} true positives, {overall_swmebwin_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_swmebwin_tn} true negatives, {overall_swmebwin_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_kswin_tp, overall_kswin_fp, overall_kswin_tn, overall_kswin_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_kswin_tp} true positives, {overall_kswin_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_kswin_tn} true negatives, {overall_kswin_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_adwin_tp, overall_adwin_fp, overall_adwin_tn, overall_adwin_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_adwin_tp} true positives, {overall_adwin_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_adwin_tn} true negatives, {overall_adwin_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_ddm_tp, overall_ddm_fp, overall_ddm_tn, overall_ddm_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_ddm_tp} true positives, {overall_ddm_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_ddm_tn} true negatives, {overall_ddm_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    print(50 * '-')
    print(f'Overall F1: {calc_f1(overall_eddm_tp, overall_eddm_fp, overall_eddm_tn, overall_eddm_fn)}')
    print(f'{overall_eddm_tp} true positives, {overall_eddm_fp} false positives')
    print(f'{overall_eddm_tn} true negatives, {overall_eddm_fn} false negatives')
    print(50* '-')
    def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, classes=None, weight=None):
        Fit the ensemble to a data chunk
        Implement the basic Algorithm 1 as described in the paper

        :param X: the training data (a data chunk S)
        :param y: the training labels
        :param classes: array-like, contains all possible labels,
                        if not provided, it will be derived from y
        :param weight:  array-like, instance weight
                        if not provided, uniform weights are assumed
        :return: self

        # if the classes are not provided, we derive it from y
        N, D = X.shape
        class_count = None # avoid calling unique multiple times
        if classes is None:
            classes, class_count = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)

        # (1) train classifier C' from X
        # allows a wider variety of classifiers
        # not a lot but still...
        if self.base_learner == "bayes": # Naive Bayes
            C_new = NaiveBayes()
        else: # by default, set to Hoeffding Tree
            C_new = HoeffdingTree()

        C_new.partial_fit(X, y, classes=classes)

        # (2) compute error rate/benefit of C_new via cross-validation on S

        # MSE_r: compute the baseline error rate given by a random classifier
        # a. class distribution learnt from the data
        # use this improve the performance
        if class_count is None:
            _, class_count = np.unique(classes, return_counts=True)
        class_dist = [class_count[i] / N for i, c in enumerate(classes)]
        MSE_r = np.sum([class_dist[i] * ((1 - class_dist[i]) ** 2) for i, c in enumerate(classes)])

        # b. assumption: uniform distribution
        # p_c = 1/L
        # MSE_r = L * (p_c * ((1 - p_c) ** 2))

        # MSE_i: compute the error rate of C_new via cross-validation on X
        # f_ic = the probability given by C_new that x is an instance of class c
        MSE_i = self.compute_MSE(y, C_new.predict_proba(X), classes)

        # (3) derive weight w_new for C_new using (8) or (9)
        w_new = MSE_r - MSE_i

        # create a new classifier with its associated weight,
        # the unique labels of the data chunk it is trained on
        clf_new = self.WeightedClassifier(clf=C_new, weight=w_new, chunk_labels=classes)

        # (4) update the weights of each classifier in the ensemble
        for i, clf in enumerate(self.models):
            MSE_i = self.compute_MSE(y, clf.clf.predict_proba(X), clf.chunk_labels) # apply Ci on S to derive MSE_i
            clf.weights = MSE_r - MSE_i # update wi based on (8) or (9)

        # (5) C <- top K weighted classifiers in C U { C' }
        # selecting top K models by dropping the worst model i.e. clf with smallest weight in C U { C' }
        if len(self.models) < self.K:
            # just push the new model in if there is still slots
            hq.heappush(self.models, clf_new)
            # if the new model has a weight > that of the bottom classifier (worst one)
            if clf_new.weight > self.models[0].weight:
                hq.heappushpop(self.models, clf_new) # push the new classifier and remove the bottom one
            # do nothing if the new model has a weight even lower than that of the worst classifier

        return self