    def test_angle_between_vectors(self):
        v = (1., 1., 1.)
        theta = angle_between_vectors(v, v)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)

        unit_v = normalize_vector(v)
        theta = angle_between_vectors(unit_v, unit_v, normalize=False)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)
 def need_mirror_for_nearest_axis(coords0, coords1, ax):
     a0 = coords0.axis(ax)
     a1 = coords1.axis(ax)
     a1_mirror = -a1
     dr1 = angle_between_vectors(a0, a1, normalize=False) \
         * normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1))
     dr1m = angle_between_vectors(a0, a1_mirror, normalize=False) \
         * normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1_mirror))
     return np.linalg.norm(dr1) < np.linalg.norm(dr1m)
    def test_angle_between_vectors(self):
        v = (1., 1., 1.)
        theta = angle_between_vectors(v, v)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)

        unit_v = normalize_vector(v)
        theta = angle_between_vectors(unit_v, unit_v, normalize=False)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)

        # directed
        theta = angle_between_vectors([1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], directed=False)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, 0.0)

        theta = angle_between_vectors([1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], directed=True)
        testing.assert_almost_equal(theta, np.pi)
def rotate_points(points, a, b):
    """Rotate given points based on a starting and ending vector.

    Axis vector k is calculated from the any two nonzero vectors a and b.
    Rotated points are calculated from following Rodrigues rotation formula.

    .. math::

        `P_{rot} = P \\cos \\theta +
        (k \\times P) \\sin \\theta + k (k \\cdot P) (1 - \\cos \\theta)`

    points : numpy.ndarray
        Input points. The shape should be (3, ) or (N, 3).
    a : numpy.ndarray
        nonzero vector.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        nonzero vector.

    points_rot : numpy.ndarray
        rotated points.
    if points.ndim == 1:
        points = points[None, :]

    a = normalize_vector(a)
    b = normalize_vector(b)
    k = normalize_vector(np.cross(a, b))
    theta = angle_between_vectors(a, b, normalize=False)

    points_rot = points * np.cos(theta) \
        + np.cross(k, points) * np.sin(theta) \
        + k * np.dot(k, points.T).reshape(-1, 1) * (1 - np.cos(theta))
    return points_rot
    def difference_rotation(self, coords, rotation_axis=True):
        """Return differences in rotation of given coords.

        coords : skrobot.coordinates.Coordinates
            given coordinates
        rotation_axis : str or bool or None (optional)
            we can take 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'xm', 'ym', 'zm',
            'xy', 'yx', 'yz', 'zy', 'zx', 'xz', True or False(None).

        dif_rot : numpy.ndarray
            difference rotation of self coordinates and coords
            considering rotation_axis.

        >>> from numpy import pi
        >>> from skrobot.coordinates import Coordinates
        >>> from skrobot.coordinates.math import rpy_matrix
        >>> coord1 = Coordinates()
        >>> coord2 = Coordinates(rot=rpy_matrix(pi / 2.0, pi / 3.0, pi / 5.0))
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2)
        array([-0.32855112,  1.17434985,  1.05738936])
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, rotation_axis=False)
        array([0, 0, 0])
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, rotation_axis='x')
        array([0.        , 1.36034952, 0.78539816])
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, rotation_axis='y')
        array([0.35398131, 0.        , 0.97442695])
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, rotation_axis='z')
        array([-0.88435715,  0.74192175,  0.        ])

        Using mirror option ['xm', 'ym', 'zm'], you can
        allow differences of mirror direction.

        >>> coord1 = Coordinates()
        >>> coord2 = Coordinates().rotate(pi, 'x')
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, 'xm')
        array([-2.99951957e-32,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00])
        >>> coord1 = Coordinates()
        >>> coord2 = Coordinates().rotate(pi / 2.0, 'x')
        >>> coord1.difference_rotation(coord2, 'xm')
        array([-1.57079633,  0.        ,  0.        ])
        def need_mirror_for_nearest_axis(coords0, coords1, ax):
            a0 = coords0.axis(ax)
            a1 = coords1.axis(ax)
            a1_mirror = -a1
            dr1 = angle_between_vectors(a0, a1, normalize=False) \
                * normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1))
            dr1m = angle_between_vectors(a0, a1_mirror, normalize=False) \
                * normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1_mirror))
            return np.linalg.norm(dr1) < np.linalg.norm(dr1m)

        if rotation_axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
            a0 = self.axis(rotation_axis)
            a1 = coords.axis(rotation_axis)
            if np.abs(np.linalg.norm(np.array(a0) - np.array(a1))) < 0.001:
                dif_rot = np.array([0, 0, 0], 'f')
                dif_rot = np.matmul(
                    angle_between_vectors(a0, a1, normalize=False) *
                    normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1)))
        elif rotation_axis in ['xx', 'yy', 'zz']:
            ax = rotation_axis[0]
            a0 = self.axis(ax)
            a2 = coords.axis(ax)
            if not need_mirror_for_nearest_axis(self, coords, ax):
                a2 = -a2
            dif_rot = np.matmul(
                angle_between_vectors(a0, a2, normalize=False) *
                normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a2)))
        elif rotation_axis in ['xy', 'yx', 'yz', 'zy', 'zx', 'xz']:
            if rotation_axis in ['xy', 'yx']:
                ax1 = 'z'
                ax2 = 'x'
            elif rotation_axis in ['yz', 'zy']:
                ax1 = 'x'
                ax2 = 'y'
                ax1 = 'y'
                ax2 = 'z'
            a0 = self.axis(ax1)
            a1 = coords.axis(ax1)
            dif_rot = np.matmul(
                angle_between_vectors(a0, a1, normalize=False) *
                normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1)))
            norm = np.linalg.norm(dif_rot)
            if np.isclose(norm, 0.0):
                self_coords = self.copy_worldcoords()
                self_coords = self.copy_worldcoords().rotate(norm, dif_rot)
            a0 = self_coords.axis(ax2)
            a1 = coords.axis(ax2)
            dif_rot = np.matmul(
                angle_between_vectors(a0, a1, normalize=False) *
                normalize_vector(cross_product(a0, a1)))
        elif rotation_axis in ['xm', 'ym', 'zm']:
            rot = coords.worldrot()
            ax = rotation_axis[0]
            if not need_mirror_for_nearest_axis(self, coords, ax):
                rot = rotate_matrix(rot, np.pi, ax)
            dif_rot = matrix_log(np.matmul(self.worldrot().T, rot))
        elif rotation_axis is False or rotation_axis is None:
            dif_rot = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        elif rotation_axis is True:
            dif_rotmatrix = np.matmul(self.worldrot().T, coords.worldrot())
            dif_rot = matrix_log(dif_rotmatrix)
            raise ValueError
        return dif_rot