def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if not args:
        print('usage: deprecations.py (a|b...)')
    arg = args[0]
    if arg == 'a':
        from skyfield.api import earth, mars, now
    elif arg == 'b':
        from skyfield.api import earth
        earth.topos('42.3583 N', '71.0636 W')
    elif arg == 'c':
        from skyfield.api import load
        eph = load('de421.bsp')
        earth = eph['earth']
    elif arg == 'd':
        from skyfield.api import JulianDate
        JulianDate(utc=(1980, 1, 1))
    elif arg == 'e':
        from skyfield.api import load
        eph = load('de421.bsp')
        earth = eph['earth']
        earth.at(utc=(1980, 1, 1))
def _get_twighligh_component(session_plan, comp):
    ts = load.timescale()
    _, latitude, longitude, _ = _get_location_info_from_session_plan(
    observer = wgs84.latlon(latitude, longitude)
    tz_info = _get_session_plan_tzinfo(session_plan)
    ldate1 = tz_info.localize(session_plan.for_date + timedelta(hours=12))
    ldate2 = tz_info.localize(session_plan.for_date + timedelta(hours=36))
    t1 = ts.from_datetime(ldate1)
    t2 = ts.from_datetime(ldate2)
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t1, t2,
                                 almanac.dark_twilight_day(eph, observer))

    index1 = None
    index2 = None
    for i in range(len(y)):
        if y[i] == comp:
            if index1 is None:
                index1 = i + 1
            elif index2 is None:
                index2 = i
    if index1 is None or index2 is None:
        return None, None
    return t[index1].astimezone(tz_info), t[index2].astimezone(tz_info)
def galactic_Sun_north_directions( recv_time, user_longlatdist=geographic_position):
  user_longlatdist = np.array(user_longlatdist)#46.07983746062874, 26.232615661106784, 659.5100082775696
  with load.open(hipparcos.URL) as f:
    df = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

  planets = load('de421.bsp')
  earth = planets['earth']
  user_position = earth + Topos('{} N'.format(user_longlatdist[0]), '{} E'.format(user_longlatdist[1])) #user_longlatdist      user_longlatdist[0],user_longlatdist[1]
  terrestrial_time = format_time(recv_time)
  ts = load.timescale()
  t = ts.tt(terrestrial_time[0], terrestrial_time[1], terrestrial_time[2], terrestrial_time[3], terrestrial_time[4], terrestrial_time[5])
  sun = planets['sun']
  astrometric_sun = user_position.at(t).observe(sun)
  alt_sun, az_sun, distance_sun = astrometric_sun.apparent().altaz()#astrometric.apparent().altaz() = astrometric_denebola.apparent().altaz()
  print('Location: ', '{} N'.format(user_longlatdist[0]), '{} E'.format(user_longlatdist[1]))
  print('Sun (alt/az):   ',alt_sun, az_sun)
  sun_position = pm.aer2ecef( az_sun.degrees, alt_sun.degrees, distance_sun.m, user_longlatdist[0], user_longlatdist[1], user_longlatdist[2])
  # Északi Galaktikus Pólus (RA: 12h 51.42m; D: 27° 07.8′, epocha J2000.0) 
  coma_berenices = Star(ra_hours=(12, 51, 25.2), dec_degrees=(27, 7, 48.0))
  astrometric_berenice = user_position.at(t).observe(coma_berenices)
  alt_b, az_b, distance_b = astrometric_berenice.apparent().altaz()
  print('Coma Berenice (alt/az):   ',alt_b, az_b)
  berenice_position = pm.aer2ecef( az_b.degrees, alt_b.degrees, distance_b.m, user_longlatdist[0], user_longlatdist[1], user_longlatdist[2])
  stars_pos=[sun_position, berenice_position]
  return stars_pos
def get_star_position( recv_time, star_name, star_name2, user_longlatdist=geographic_position):
  # if not star_name:  
  # 	star_name = 57632             #Denebola
  # if not star_name2: 
  #   star_name2 = 109074         #Sadalmelik
  user_longlatdist = np.array(user_longlatdist)#46.07983746062874, 26.232615661106784, 659.5100082775696
  with load.open(hipparcos.URL) as f:
    df = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

  planets = load('de421.bsp')
  earth = planets['earth']
  user_position = earth + Topos('{} N'.format(user_longlatdist[0]), '{} E'.format(user_longlatdist[1])) #user_longlatdist      user_longlatdist[0],user_longlatdist[1]
  terrestrial_time = format_time(recv_time)
  ts = load.timescale()
  t = ts.tt(terrestrial_time[0], terrestrial_time[1], terrestrial_time[2], terrestrial_time[3], terrestrial_time[4], terrestrial_time[5])
  denebola = Star.from_dataframe(df.loc[star_name])
  astrometric_denebola = user_position.at(t).observe(denebola)
  alt_d, az_d, distance_d = astrometric_denebola.apparent().altaz()#astrometric.apparent().altaz() = astrometric_denebola.apparent().altaz()
  print('Location: ', '{} N'.format(user_longlatdist[0]), '{} E'.format(user_longlatdist[1]))
  print('S1 (alt/az):   ',alt_d, az_d)
  star_pos_d = pm.aer2ecef( az_d.degrees,alt_d.degrees, distance_d.m,user_longlatdist[0],user_longlatdist[1],user_longlatdist[2])
  sadalmelik = Star.from_dataframe(df.loc[star_name2])
  astrometric_sadalmelik = user_position.at(t).observe(sadalmelik)
  alt_s, az_s, distance_s = astrometric_sadalmelik.apparent().altaz()
  print('S2 (alt/az):   ',alt_s, az_s)
  star_pos_s = pm.aer2ecef( az_s.degrees,alt_s.degrees, distance_s.m,user_longlatdist[0],user_longlatdist[1],user_longlatdist[2])
  return stars_pos
def test_vectors():
    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.tt(2017, 1, 23, 10, 44)

    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    earth = planets['earth']
    mars = planets['mars']

    v = earth

    assert str(v) == """\
Sum of 2 vectors:
 + Segment 'de421.bsp' 3 EARTH BARYCENTER -> 399 EARTH"""

    assert repr(v) == "\
<VectorSum of 2 vectors 0 SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER -> 399 EARTH>"

    assert str(v.at(t)) == "\
<Barycentric position and velocity at date t center=0 target=399>"

    v = earth - mars

    assert str(v) == """\
Sum of 4 vectors:
 - Segment 'de421.bsp' 4 MARS BARYCENTER -> 499 MARS
 + Segment 'de421.bsp' 3 EARTH BARYCENTER -> 399 EARTH"""

    assert repr(v) == "\
<VectorSum of 4 vectors 499 MARS -> 399 EARTH>"

    assert str(v.at(t)) == "\
def test_comet():
    text = (b'    CJ95O010  1997 03 29.6333  0.916241  0.994928  130.6448'
            b'  283.3593   88.9908  20200224  -2.0  4.0  C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)'
            b'                                    MPC106342\n')

    ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
    t = ts.utc(2020, 5, 31)
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    e = eph['earth'].at(t)

    for loader in mpc.load_comets_dataframe, mpc.load_comets_dataframe_slow:
        df = loader(BytesIO(text))
        row = df.iloc[0]
        k = mpc.comet_orbit(row, ts, GM_SUN)
        p = e.observe(eph['sun'] + k)
        ra, dec, distance = p.radec()

        # The file authorities/mpc-hale-bopp in the repository is the
        # source of these angles.  TODO: can we tighten this bound and
        # drive it to fractions of an arcsecond?

        ra_want = Angle(hours=(23, 59, 16.6))
        dec_want = Angle(degrees=(-84, 46, 58))
        assert abs(ra_want.arcseconds() - ra.arcseconds()) < 2.0
        assert abs(dec_want.arcseconds() - dec.arcseconds()) < 0.2
        assert abs(distance.au - 43.266) < 0.0005

        assert k.target == 'C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)'
def test_cirs_sofa():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    earth = api.load('de421.bsp')['earth']

    test_data = [
        [45.0, 46.0, 2458327],
        [200.0, -22.0, 2458327],
        [45.0, 46.0, 2459327]

    # Results output by SOFA. Calculated using the source code above.
    sofa_results = [
        [45.074343838325, 46.067831092355],
        [200.013551320030,  -22.096008994214],
        [45.077698288877,  46.082296559677]

    tol = 1e-5 / 3600.0  # 10 micro arc-seconds

    for ((ra_icrs, dec_icrs, tdb), (ra_sofa, dec_sofa)) in zip(test_data, sofa_results):
        ss = Star(ra_hours=(ra_icrs / 15.0), dec_degrees=dec_icrs)
        st = ts.tdb(jd=tdb)
        with low_precision_ERA():
            ra_cirs, dec_cirs, _ = earth.at(st).observe(ss).apparent().cirs_radec(st)

        assert np.allclose(ra_cirs._degrees, ra_sofa, rtol=0.0, atol=tol)
        assert np.allclose(dec_cirs._degrees, dec_sofa, rtol=0.0, atol=tol)
def testDE(defile):
    planets = load(defile)
    codes = [code for code in planets.codes if code != 0]
    ts = load.timescale()
    for code in codes:
        compare_obj(planets, code, 2021, 1, 30, 3, 6, 0)
def main(argv):

    # Defaults
    inputFile = 'catalogTest.txt'
    outputFile = 'scheduleTest.txt'
    start = "20200601"
    observerLatitude = 0.0
    observerLongitude = 0.0
    passes = True
    trajectory = True

    ts = api.load.timescale(builtin=True)
    eph = api.load('de421.bsp')

    groundStation = Topos(observerLatitude, observerLongitude)

    ts = load.timescale()
    times = ts.utc(2020, 6, 1, 18, range(700))
    print("Times: ", times[0], len(times), times[-1])

    catalog = readTLE(inputFile)
    passes, observations = computeSchedule(eph, catalog, groundStation, times,
                                           passes, trajectory)

    print("Passes:      ", len(passes))
    print("Observations:", len(passes))
def test_altaz_needs_topos(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    earth = e['earth']
    moon = e['moon']
    apparent = earth.at(ts.utc(2016)).observe(moon).apparent()
    with assert_raises(ValueError, 'from a specific Earth location'):
def test_radec_and_altaz_angles_and_rates():
    # HORIZONS test data in Skyfield repository: authorities/radec-altaz-rates
    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2021, 2, 3)

    # Start with a sanity check: verify that RA and dec agree.

    top = wgs84.latlon(35.1844866, 248.347300, elevation_m=2106.9128)
    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    a = (planets['earth'] + top).at(t).observe(planets['mars']).apparent()
    frame = framelib.true_equator_and_equinox_of_date
    dec, ra, distance, dec_rate, ra_rate, range_rate = (

    arcseconds = 3600.0
    assert abs((ra.degrees - 40.75836) * arcseconds) < 0.04
    assert abs((dec.degrees - 17.16791) * arcseconds) < 0.005
    assert abs(distance.m - 1.21164331503552 * AU_M) < 120.0

    # Angle rates of change.

    assert round(dec_rate.arcseconds.per_hour, 5) == 25.61352
    assert round(ra_rate.arcseconds.per_hour * cos(dec.radians),
                 4) == round(75.15571, 4)  # TODO: get last digit to agree?
    assert abs(range_rate.km_per_s - 16.7926932) < 2e-5
def test_callisto_astrometric(ts):
    e = api.load('jup310.bsp')
    a = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(2053, 10, 8, 23, 59, 59)).observe(e['callisto'])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 217.1839292, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, -13.6892791, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 6.31079291776184, 0.1 * meter)
def mp_planetGHA(d, ts, obj):  # used in planetstab

    out = [None, None,
           None]  # return [planet_sha, planet_transit] + processing time
    eph = load(config.ephemeris[config.ephndx][0])  # load chosen ephemeris
    earth = eph['earth']
    if obj == 'venus': venus = eph['venus']
    if obj == 'jupiter': jupiter = eph['jupiter barycenter']
    if obj == 'saturn': saturn = eph['saturn barycenter']
    if obj == 'mars':
        if config.ephndx >= 3:
            mars = eph['mars barycenter']
            mars = eph['mars']

    # calculate planet GHA
    DEC = None
    DEG = None
    if obj == 'aries': GHA = mp_ariesGHA(d, ts)
    elif obj == 'venus': GHA, DEC, DEG = mp_venusGHA(d, ts, earth, venus)
    elif obj == 'mars': GHA, DEC, DEG = mp_marsGHA(d, ts, earth, mars)
    elif obj == 'jupiter': GHA, DEC, DEG = mp_jupiterGHA(d, ts, earth, jupiter)
    elif obj == 'saturn': GHA, DEC, DEG = mp_saturnGHA(d, ts, earth, saturn)

    out[0] = GHA
    out[1] = DEC
    out[2] = DEG
    return out
def session_plan_set_moonless_astro_twilight(session_plan_id):
    session_plan = SessionPlan.query.filter_by(id=session_plan_id).first()

    t1, t2 = _get_twighligh_component(session_plan, 1)

    if t1 and t2:
        ts = load.timescale()
        _, latitude, longitude, _ = _get_location_info_from_session_plan(
        observer = wgs84.latlon(latitude, longitude)
        tz_info = _get_session_plan_tzinfo(session_plan)
        ldate_start = tz_info.localize(session_plan.for_date +
        ldate_end = tz_info.localize(session_plan.for_date +
        start_t = ts.from_datetime(ldate_start)
        end_t = ts.from_datetime(ldate_end)
        eph = load('de421.bsp')
        f = almanac.risings_and_settings(eph, eph['Moon'], observer)
        t, y = almanac.find_discrete(start_t, end_t, f)

        if t1 and t2:
            rise_sets = []
            moon_rise, moon_set = None, None
            for i in range(len(y)):
                if y[i]:
                    moon_rise = t[i].astimezone(tz_info)
                    moon_set = t[i].astimezone(tz_info)
                    rise_sets.append((moon_rise, moon_set))
                    moon_rise, moon_set = None, None
            if moon_rise or moon_set:
                rise_sets.append((moon_rise, moon_set))

            for moon_rise, moon_set in rise_sets:
                if not moon_rise:
                    moon_rise = ldate_start
                if not moon_set:
                    moon_set = ldate_end
                if moon_set < t1 or moon_rise > t2:
                if moon_rise < t1 and moon_set > t2:
                    t1, t2 = None, None
                if moon_rise > t1:
                    t2 = moon_rise
                    t1 = moon_set
            if t1 and t2 and t1 > t2:
                t1, t2 = None, None

    if t1 and t2:
        session['planner_time_from'] = t1.strftime(SCHEDULE_TIME_FORMAT)
        session['planner_time_to'] = t2.strftime(SCHEDULE_TIME_FORMAT)

    session['is_backr'] = True
    return redirect(
def test_sending_jd_that_is_not_a_julian_date():
    earth = api.load('de421.bsp')['earth']
    with assert_raises(
            ValueError, r"please provide the at\(\) method"
            " with a Time instance as its argument,"
            " instead of the value 'blah'"):
def test_callisto_astrometric(ts):
    e = api.load('jup310.bsp')
    a = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(2053, 10, 8, 23, 59, 59)).observe(e['callisto'])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 217.1839292, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, -13.6892791, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 6.31079291776184, 0.1 * meter)
def test_ecliptic_frame(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    jup = e['jupiter barycenter']
    astrometric = e['sun'].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(jup)
    hlat, hlon, d = astrometric.ecliptic_latlon()
    compare(hlat.degrees, 1.013, 0.001)
    compare(hlon.degrees, 151.3229, 0.001)
def test_galactic_frame(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e['moon'])
    glat, glon, d = astrometric.galactic_latlon()
    print(glat, glat.degrees, glon, glon.degrees)
    compare(glat.degrees, -8.047315, 0.005)  # TODO: awful! Track this down.
    compare(glon.degrees, 187.221794, 0.005)
def test_callisto_astrometric():
    e = api.load("jup310.bsp")
    a = e["earth"].at(utc=(2053, 10, 9)).observe(e["callisto"])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 217.1839292, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, -13.6892791, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 6.31079291776184, 0.1 * meter)
def test_hadec():
    # If the DE430 ephemeris excerpt is avaiable, this test can run
    # locally against the HA number from first line of
    # `moon_topo_4_6_2017_mkb_sf_v5_hadec.csv.txt` at:
    # https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/510
    #planets = api.load('de430_1850-2150.bsp')
    #expected_ha = -0.660078756021

    # But in CI, we use DE421 for space and speed.
    planets = api.load('de421.bsp')
    expected_ha = -0.660078752

    ts = api.load.timescale()
    ts.polar_motion_table = [0.0], [0.009587], [0.384548]
    t = ts.utc(2017, 4, 6)
    topos = api.wgs84.latlon(-22.959748, -67.787260, elevation_m=5186.0)
    earth = planets['Earth']
    moon = planets['Moon']
    a = (earth + topos).at(t).observe(moon).apparent()
    ha, dec, distance = a.hadec()
    difference_mas = (ha.hours - expected_ha) * 15 * 3600 * 1e3
    assert abs(difference_mas) < 0.03

    # Drive-by test of position repr.
    assert repr(a) == ('<Apparent ICRS position and velocity at date t'
                       ' center=WGS84 latitude -22.9597 N longitude -67.7873 E'
                       ' elevation 5186.0 m target=301>')
def test_earth_deflection():
    # The NOVAS library includes the Earth's gravitational deflection of
    # light for both topocentric observers and observers in Earth orbit,
    # but shuts this effect off once the object is behind the Earth 20%
    # of the way from its limb towards its center.  This test determines
    # whether Skyfield puts the resulting discontinuity in the same
    # place as the NOVAS library does.
    # For more details see:
    # https://github.com/skyfielders/astronomy-notebooks/blob/master/Skyfield-Notes/Fixing-earth-deflection.ipynb

    t = load.timescale(delta_t=0.0)
    t = t.tt(2016, 7, 2, arange(10.5628, 10.5639, 0.0002))
    planets = load('de405.bsp')
    earth = planets['earth']
    mars = planets['mars']
    lowell = earth + Topos(latitude_degrees=35.2029, longitude_degrees=-111.6646)
    ra, dec, distance = lowell.at(t).observe(mars).apparent().radec()
    h = ra.hours
    hprime = diff(h)
    assert hprime[0] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[1] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[2] < 1.3e-8   # moment when nadir angle crosses 0.8
    assert hprime[3] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[4] > 1.8e-8
def test_ecliptic_frame():
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    jup = e['jupiter barycenter']
    astrometric = e['sun'].at(utc=(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(jup)
    hlat, hlon, d = astrometric.ecliptic_latlon()
    compare(hlat.degrees, 1.013, 0.001)
    compare(hlon.degrees, 151.3229, 0.001)
def test_fk4_frame(ts):
    e = api.load("de421.bsp")
    astrometric = e["earth"].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e["moon"])
    ra, dec, d = astrometric._to_spice_frame("B1950")
    print(ra._degrees, dec.degrees)
    compare(ra._degrees, 82.36186, 0.00006)  # TODO: why is this not 0.00001?
    compare(dec.degrees, 18.53432, 0.00006)
def test_ecliptic_frame(ts):
    e = api.load("de421.bsp")
    jup = e["jupiter barycenter"]
    astrometric = e["sun"].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(jup)
    hlat, hlon, d = astrometric.ecliptic_latlon()
    compare(hlat.degrees, 1.013, 0.001)
    compare(hlon.degrees, 151.3229, 0.001)
def test_callisto_geometry(ts):
    e = api.load("jup310.bsp")
    a = e["earth"].geometry_of("callisto").at(ts.tdb(jd=2471184.5))
    compare(a.position.au, [-4.884815926454119e00, -3.705745549073268e00, -1.493487818022234e00], 0.001 * meter)
        a.velocity.au_per_d, [9.604665478763035e-03, -1.552997751083403e-02, -6.678445860769302e-03], 0.000001 * meter
def test_galactic_frame(ts):
    e = api.load("de421.bsp")
    astrometric = e["earth"].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e["moon"])
    glat, glon, d = astrometric.galactic_latlon()
    print(glat, glat.degrees, glon, glon.degrees)
    compare(glat.degrees, -8.047315, 0.005)  # TODO: awful! Track this down.
    compare(glon.degrees, 187.221794, 0.005)
def test_cirs_sofa():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    earth = api.load('de421.bsp')['earth']

    test_data = [
        [45.0, 46.0, 2458327],
        [200.0, -22.0, 2458327],
        [45.0, 46.0, 2459327]

    # Results output by SOFA. Calculated using the source code above.
    sofa_results = [
        [45.074343838325, 46.067831092355],
        [200.013551320030,  -22.096008994214],
        [45.077698288877,  46.082296559677]

    tol = 1e-5 / 3600.0  # 10 micro arc-seconds

    for ((ra_icrs, dec_icrs, tdb), (ra_sofa, dec_sofa)) in zip(test_data, sofa_results):
        ss = Star(ra_hours=(ra_icrs / 15.0), dec_degrees=dec_icrs)
        st = ts.tdb(jd=tdb)
        ra_cirs, dec_cirs, _ = earth.at(st).observe(ss).apparent().cirs_radec(st)

        assert np.allclose(ra_cirs._degrees, ra_sofa, rtol=0.0, atol=tol)
        assert np.allclose(dec_cirs._degrees, dec_sofa, rtol=0.0, atol=tol)
def test_galactic_frame():
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(utc=(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e['moon'])
    glat, glon, d = astrometric.galactic_latlon()
    print(glat, glat.degrees, glon, glon.degrees)
    compare(glat.degrees, -8.047315, 0.005)  # TODO: awful! Track this down.
    compare(glon.degrees, 187.221794, 0.005)
def test_fk4_frame():
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(utc=(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e['moon'])
    ra, dec, d = astrometric.to_spice_frame('B1950')
    print(ra._degrees, dec.degrees)
    compare(ra._degrees, 82.36186, 0.00006) # TODO: why is this not 0.00001?
    compare(dec.degrees, 18.53432, 0.00006)
def test_fk4_frame(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)).observe(e['moon'])
    ra, dec, d = astrometric._to_spice_frame('B1950')
    print(ra._degrees, dec.degrees)
    compare(ra._degrees, 82.36186, 0.00006) # TODO: why is this not 0.00001?
    compare(dec.degrees, 18.53432, 0.00006)
def test_earth_deflection():
    # The NOVAS library includes the Earth's gravitational deflection of
    # light for both topocentric observers and observers in Earth orbit,
    # but shuts this effect off once the object is behind the Earth 20%
    # of the way from its limb towards its center.  This test determines
    # whether Skyfield puts the resulting discontinuity in the same
    # place as the NOVAS library does.
    # For more details see:
    # https://github.com/skyfielders/astronomy-notebooks/blob/master/Skyfield-Notes/Fixing-earth-deflection.ipynb

    t = load.timescale(delta_t=0.0)
    t = t.tt(2016, 7, 2, arange(10.5628, 10.5639, 0.0002))
    planets = load('de405.bsp')
    earth = planets['earth']
    mars = planets['mars']
    lowell = earth + Topos(latitude_degrees=35.2029,
    ra, dec, distance = lowell.at(t).observe(mars).apparent().radec()
    h = ra.hours
    hprime = diff(h)
    assert hprime[0] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[1] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[2] < 1.3e-8  # moment when nadir angle crosses 0.8
    assert hprime[3] > 1.8e-8
    assert hprime[4] > 1.8e-8
def planet_info(planet_name):
    """View a planet info."""
    planet = _find_planet(planet_name)
    if planet is None:

    form = PlanetFindChartForm()

    ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    earth = eph['earth']

    if not form.date_from.data or not form.date_to.data:
        today = datetime.today()
        form.date_from.data = today
        form.date_to.data = today + timedelta(days=7)

    if (form.date_from.data is None) or (form.date_to.data is None) or form.date_from.data >= form.date_to.data:
        t = ts.now()
        planet_ra_ang, planet_dec_ang, distance = earth.at(t).observe(planet.eph).radec()
        trajectory_b64 = None
        d1 = date(form.date_from.data.year, form.date_from.data.month, form.date_from.data.day)
        d2 = date(form.date_to.data.year, form.date_to.data.month, form.date_to.data.day)
        t = ts.now()
        planet_ra_ang, planet_dec_ang, distance = earth.at(t).observe(planet.eph).radec()
        if d1 != d2:
            time_delta = d2 - d1
            if time_delta.days > 365:
                d2 = d1 + timedelta(days=365)
            dt = get_trajectory_time_delta(d1, d2)
            trajectory = []
            while d1 <= d2:
                t = ts.utc(d1.year, d1.month, d1.day)
                ra, dec, distance = earth.at(t).observe(planet.eph).radec()
                trajectory.append((ra.radians, dec.radians, d1.strftime('%d.%m.')))
                if d1 == d2:
                d1 += dt  # timedelta(days=1)
                if d1 > d2:
                    d1 = d2
            t = ts.utc(d1.year, d1.month, d1.day)
            trajectory_json = json.dumps(trajectory)
            trajectory_b64 = base64.b64encode(trajectory_json.encode('utf-8'))
            trajectory_b64 = None

    planet_ra = planet_ra_ang.radians
    planet_dec = planet_dec_ang.radians

    if not common_ra_dec_fsz_from_request(form):
        form.ra.data = planet_ra
        form.dec.data = planet_dec

    chart_control = common_prepare_chart_data(form)

    return render_template('main/solarsystem/planet_info.html', fchart_form=form, type='info', planet=planet,
                           planet_ra=planet_ra, planet_dec=planet_dec,
                           chart_control=chart_control, trajectory=trajectory_b64)
def get_asteroid(name, timestamp):
    # https://rhodesmill.org/skyfield/example-plots.html#drawing-a-finder-chart-for-comet-neowise
    # https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mpc/mpc.html
    designation = name
        asteroids = Asteroid.objects.filter(designation__icontains=name)
        designation = asteroids[0].designation

    with load.open(settings.MY_ASTEROIDS_URL) as f:
        minor_planets = mpc.load_mpcorb_dataframe(f)

    bad_orbits = minor_planets.semimajor_axis_au.isnull()
    minor_planets = minor_planets[~bad_orbits]

    # Index by designation for fast lookup.
    minor_planets = minor_planets.set_index('designation', drop=False)
    row = minor_planets.loc[designation]

    ts = load.timescale()
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    sun, earth = eph['sun'], eph['earth']

    asteroid = sun + mpc.mpcorb_orbit(row, ts, GM_SUN)
    t = ts.utc(timestamp.year, timestamp.month, timestamp.day, timestamp.hour, timestamp.minute)
    ra, dec, distance_from_sun = sun.at(t).observe(asteroid).radec()
    ra, dec, distance_from_earth = earth.at(t).observe(asteroid).radec()

    # https://towardsdatascience.com/space-science-with-python-a-very-bright-opposition-62e248abfe62
    # how do I calculate the current phase_angle between sun and earth as seen from the asteroid
    ra_sun, dec_sun, d = asteroid.at(t).observe(sun).radec()
    ra_earth,dec_earth, d = asteroid.at(t).observe(earth).radec()

    phase_angle_in_degrees = abs(ra_sun.hours - ra_earth.hours)
    phase_angle = phase_angle_in_degrees * math.pi / 180

    visual_magnitude = app_mag(abs_mag=row['magnitude_H'], \
                             phase_angle=phase_angle, \
                             slope_g=row['magnitude_G'], \
                             d_ast_sun=distance_from_sun.au, \

    result = {}
    result['name'] = name
    result['designation'] = designation
    result['timestamp'] = str(timestamp)
    result['ra'] = str(ra)
    result['dec'] = str(dec)
    result['ra_decimal'] = str(ra.hours * 15)
    result['dec_decimal'] = str(dec.degrees)
    result['distance_from_earth'] = str(distance_from_earth.au)
    result['distance_from_sun'] = str(distance_from_sun.au)
    result['magnitude_h'] = row['magnitude_H']
    result['magnitude_g'] = row['magnitude_G']
    result['visual_magnitude'] = visual_magnitude
    result['last_observation_date'] = row['last_observation_date']
    # result['row'] = row
    return result,asteroid
def get_MercRet():
    # fetch data from the United States Naval Observatory and the International Earth Rotation Service
    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    # define planets earth and mercury
    earth, mercury = planets['earth'], planets['mercury']

    # Load a timescale so that we can translate between different systems for expressing time
    ts = load.timescale()

    # Set times 1 and 2 as terrestrial time
    t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
    precise_second_t1 = float(t1.strftime("%-S.%f"))

    # Sanity check for times
    #print(t1.year, t1.month, t1.day, t1.hour, t1.minute, precise_second_t1)
    #print(t2.year, t2.month, t2.day, t2.hour, t2.minute, precise_second_t2)

    # setting times 1 and 2 as terrestrial times
    ttime1 = ts.utc(t1.year, t1.month, t1.day, t1.hour, t1.minute,
    ttime2 = ts.now()
    # sanity check for times 1 and 2 terrestrial time for when mercury is not in retrograde
    #ttime1 = ts.utc(2020, 4, 1, 12, 0, 0)
    #ttime2 = ts.utc(2020, 4, 1, 12, 5, 0)

    # get atrometric measurements from earth to mercury at times 1 and 2
    astrometric1 = earth.at(ttime1).observe(mercury)
    astrometric2 = earth.at(ttime2).observe(mercury)
     set values from astrometric arrays
        ra = right ascension
        dec = decline
        ditance = distance
    ra1, dec1, distance1 = astrometric1.radec()
    ra2, dec2, distance2 = astrometric2.radec()

    # Split arrays to pull only the numeric values
    arr1 = re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z]+', '', str(ra1)).split()
    arr2 = re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z]+', '', str(ra2)).split()

    ftr = [3600, 60, 1]

    # Get Angle outputs in seconds
    time1_seconds = sum([a * b for a, b in zip(ftr, map(float, arr1))])
    time2_seconds = sum([a * b for a, b in zip(ftr, map(float, arr2))])

    # get difference in RAs between times
    RA_diff = float(time2_seconds - time1_seconds)

    # interpret output of differences in RAs
    if RA_diff < 0.000000:
        MercRet = "The right ascension of Mercury is negative: Mercury is in retrograde"
    elif RA_diff > 0.000000:
        MercRet = "The right ascension of Mercury is positive: Mercury is not in retrograde"
        MercRet = "The stars are not aligned. I cannot tell if Mercury is in retrograde at the present time. Please come back later."

    return MercRet
def test_boston_geometry():
    e = api.load("jup310.bsp")
    t = api.load.timescale(delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957).tdb(2015, 3, 2)
    boston = e["earth"].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8), x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.geometry_of("earth").at(t)
        a.position.km, [-1.764697476371664e02, -4.717131288041386e03, -4.274926422016179e03], 0.0027
    )  # TODO: try to get this < 1 meter
def test_moon_from_boston_geometry():
    e = api.load("de430t.bsp")
    t = api.load.timescale(delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957).tdb(2015, 3, 2)
    boston = e["earth"].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8), x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.geometry_of("moon").at(t)
        a.position.au, [-1.341501206552443e-03, 2.190483327459023e-03, 6.839177007993498e-04], 1.7 * meter
    )  # TODO: improve this
def test_fraction_illuminated():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, range(9, 19), 5)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    i = almanac.fraction_illuminated(e, 'moon', t0[-1]).round(2)
    assert i == 0.62
    i = almanac.fraction_illuminated(e, 'moon', t0).round(2)
    assert (i == (0, 0, 0.03, 0.08, 0.15, 0.24, 0.33, 0.43, 0.52, 0.62)).all()
def test_fraction_illuminated():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, range(9, 19), 5)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    i = almanac.fraction_illuminated(e, 'moon', t0[-1]).round(2)
    assert i == 0.62
    i = almanac.fraction_illuminated(e, 'moon', t0).round(2)
    assert (i == (0, 0, 0.03, 0.08, 0.15, 0.24, 0.33, 0.43, 0.52, 0.62)).all()
def test_close_start_and_end():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 23, 1)
    t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 23, 2)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(e))
    strings = t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    assert strings == ['2018-09-23 01:54']
def test_unloaded_bpc():
    pc = PlanetaryConstants()
    except LookupError as e:
        assert str(e) == ('you have not yet loaded a binary PCK file'
                          ' that has a segment for frame 31006')
def test_ecliptic_for_epoch_of_date(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    mars = e['mars barycenter']
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(1956, 1, 14, 6, 0, 0)).observe(mars)
    apparent = astrometric.apparent()
    hlat, hlon, d = apparent.ecliptic_latlon(epoch='date')
    compare(hlat.degrees, 0.4753402, 0.00001)
    compare(hlon.degrees, 240.0965633, 0.0002)
def distance_planets_earth():
# distance diff planets from earth
    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.now()
    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    v = planets['SUN'].at(t) - planets['earth'].at(t)
    distance  =  v.distance().km
    return jsonify({"distace":distance})
    def dist_mars(self, year, month, day):
        data   = load('de421.bsp')
        ts     = load.timescale()
        t      = ts.utc(year, month, day, 0, 0) #(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)

        mars, earth  = data['Mars barycenter'], data['Earth']
        mpos, epos      = mars.at(t).position.km, earth.at(t).position.km
        return math.sqrt(((mpos - epos)**2).sum())
def test_ecliptic_for_epoch_of_date(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    mars = e['mars barycenter']
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(1956, 1, 14, 6, 0, 0)).observe(mars)
    apparent = astrometric.apparent()
    hlat, hlon, d = apparent.ecliptic_latlon(epoch='date')
    compare(hlat.degrees, 0.4753402, 0.00001)
    compare(hlon.degrees, 240.0965633, 0.0002)
    def __init__(self):
        with load.open(hipparcos.URL) as f:
            self.df = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

        self.planets = load('de421.bsp')
        self.earth = self.planets['earth']
        self.ts = load.timescale()
        self.position = self.earth
def test_ephemeris_contains_method(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    assert (399 in e) is True
    assert (398 in e) is False
    assert ('earth' in e) is True
    assert ('Earth' in e) is True
    assert ('EARTH' in e) is True
    assert ('ceres' in e) is False
def test_close_start_and_end():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 23, 1)
    t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 23, 2)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(e))
    t.tt += half_minute
    strings = t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    assert strings == ['2018-09-23 01:54']
def test_callisto_geometry():
    e = api.load('jup310.bsp')
    a = e['earth'].geometry_of('callisto').at(tdb=2471184.5)
      [-4.884815926454119E+00, -3.705745549073268E+00, -1.493487818022234E+00],
      0.001 * meter)
      [9.604665478763035E-03, -1.552997751083403E-02, -6.678445860769302E-03],
      0.000001 * meter)
def test_boston_geometry():
    e = api.load('jup310.bsp')
    jd = api.JulianDate(tdb=(2015, 3, 2), delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957)
    boston = e['earth'].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8),
                              x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.geometry_of('earth').at(jd)
      [-1.764697476371664E+02, -4.717131288041386E+03, -4.274926422016179E+03],
      0.0027)  # TODO: try to get this < 1 meter
def test_moon_from_boston_geometry():
    e = api.load('de430.bsp')
    jd = api.JulianDate(tdb=(2015, 3, 2), delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957)
    boston = e['earth'].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8),
                              x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.geometry_of('moon').at(jd)
      [-1.341501206552443E-03, 2.190483327459023E-03, 6.839177007993498E-04],
      1.7 * meter)  # TODO: improve this
def test_callisto_astrometric(ts):
    e = api.load("jup310.bsp")
    # This date was utc(2053, 10, 9), but new leap seconds keep breaking
    # the test, so:
    a = e["earth"].at(ts.tt(jd=2471184.5007775929)).observe(e["callisto"])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 217.1839292, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, -13.6892791, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 6.31079291776184, 0.1 * meter)
def test_moon_from_boston_astrometric():
    e = api.load("de430t.bsp")
    t = api.load.timescale(delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957).tdb(2015, 3, 2)
    boston = e["earth"].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8), x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.at(t).observe(e["moon"])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 121.4796470, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, 14.9108450, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 0.00265828588792, 1.4 * meter)  # TODO: improve this
def test_moon_from_boston_astrometric():
    e = api.load('de430.bsp')
    jd = api.JulianDate(tdb=(2015, 3, 2), delta_t=67.185390 + 0.5285957)
    boston = e['earth'].topos((42, 21, 24.1), (-71, 3, 24.8),
                              x=0.003483, y=0.358609)
    a = boston.at(jd).observe(e['moon'])
    ra, dec, distance = a.radec()
    compare(ra._degrees, 121.4796470, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(dec.degrees, 14.9108450, 0.001 * arcsecond)
    compare(distance.au, 0.00265828588792, 1.4 * meter)  # TODO: improve this
def test_chebyshev_subtraction():
    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    v = planets['earth barycenter'] - planets['sun']

    assert str(v) == """\
Sum of 2 vectors:
 - Segment 'de421.bsp' 0 SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER -> 10 SUN

    assert repr(v) == "\
def test_moon_phases():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 11)
    t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 30)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.moon_phases(e))
    t.tt += half_minute
    strings = t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    assert strings == ['2018-09-16 23:15', '2018-09-25 02:52']
    assert (y == (1, 2)).all()
def test_ecliptic_for_epoch_of_date_array(ts):
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    sun = e['sun']
    astrometric = e['earth'].at(ts.utc(2005, 10, 1, [7, 8], 0, 0)).observe(sun)
    apparent = astrometric.apparent()
    hlat, hlon, d = apparent.ecliptic_latlon(epoch='date')
    compare(hlat.degrees[0], 0.0000488, 0.00001)
    compare(hlat.degrees[1], 0.0000474, 0.00001)
    compare(hlon.degrees[0], 188.2011122, 0.0002)
    compare(hlon.degrees[1], 188.2420983, 0.0002)
def test_sunrise_sunset():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 12, 4)
    t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 13, 4)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    bluffton = api.Topos('40.8939 N', '83.8917 W')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.sunrise_sunset(e, bluffton))
    t.tt += half_minute
    strings = t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    assert strings == ['2018-09-12 11:13', '2018-09-12 23:50']
    assert (y == (1, 0)).all()
def test_seasons():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 20)
    t1 = ts.utc(2018, 12, 31)
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(e))
    t.tt += half_minute
    strings = t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    assert strings == ['2018-09-23 01:54', '2018-12-21 22:23']
    assert (y == (2, 3)).all()
def test_from_altaz_parameters():
    e = api.load('de421.bsp')
    usno = e['earth'].topos('38.9215 N', '77.0669 W', elevation_m=92.0)
    p = usno.at(tt=api.T0)
    a = api.Angle(degrees=10.0)
    with assert_raises(ValueError, 'the alt= parameter with an Angle'):
        p.from_altaz(alt='Bad value', alt_degrees=0, az_degrees=0)
    with assert_raises(ValueError, 'the az= parameter with an Angle'):
        p.from_altaz(az='Bad value', alt_degrees=0, az_degrees=0)
    p.from_altaz(alt=a, alt_degrees='bad', az_degrees=0)
    p.from_altaz(az=a, alt_degrees=0, az_degrees='bad')
def test_iss_altitude_computed_with_bcrs(iss_transit):
    dt, their_altitude = iss_transit

    cst = timedelta(hours=-6) #, minutes=1)
    dt = dt - cst
    t = api.load.timescale(delta_t=67.2091).utc(dt)

    lines = iss_tle.splitlines()
    s = EarthSatellite(lines, None)
    earth = api.load('de421.bsp')['earth']
    lake_zurich = earth.topos(latitude_degrees=42.2, longitude_degrees=-88.1)

    # Compute using Solar System coordinates:

    alt, az, d = lake_zurich.at(t).observe(s).altaz()
    print(dt, their_altitude, alt.degrees, their_altitude - alt.degrees)
    assert abs(alt.degrees - their_altitude) < 2.5  # TODO: tighten this up?