def rise_set_yydoy(df_tle: pd.DataFrame, yydoy: str, dir_tle: str, logger: logging.Logger) -> pd.DataFrame:
    rise_set_yydoy calculates the rise/set times for GNSS PRNs
    cFuncName = colored(os.path.basename(__file__), 'yellow') + ' - ' + colored(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, 'green')

    # get the datetime that corresponds to yydoy
    date_yydoy = datetime.strptime(yydoy, '%y%j')
    logger.info('{func:s}: calculating rise / set times for {date:s} ({yy:s}/{doy:s})'.format(date=colored(date_yydoy.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), 'green'), yy=yydoy[:2], doy=yydoy[2:], func=cFuncName))

    # load a time scale and set RMA as Topo
    # loader = sf.Loader(dir_tle, expire=True)  # loads the needed data files into the tle dir
    ts = sf.load.timescale()
    RMA = sf.Topos('50.8438 N', '4.3928 E')
    logger.info('{func:s}: Earth station RMA = {topo!s}'.format(topo=colored(RMA, 'green'), func=cFuncName))

    t0 = ts.utc(int(date_yydoy.strftime('%Y')), int(date_yydoy.strftime('%m')), int(date_yydoy.strftime('%d')))
    date_tomorrow = date_yydoy + timedelta(days=1)
    t1 = ts.utc(int(date_tomorrow.strftime('%Y')), int(date_tomorrow.strftime('%m')), int(date_tomorrow.strftime('%d')))

    # go over the PRN / NORADs that have TLE corresponding to the requested date
    for row, prn in enumerate(df_tle['PRN']):
        logger.info('{func:s}:   for NORAD {norad:s} ({prn:s})'.format(norad=colored(df_tle['NORAD'][row], 'green'), prn=colored(prn, 'green'), func=cFuncName))
        # create a EarthSatellites from the TLE lines for this PRN
        gnss_sv = EarthSatellite(df_tle['TLE1'][row], df_tle['TLE2'][row])
        logger.info('{func:s}:       created earth satellites {sat!s}'.format(sat=colored(gnss_sv, 'green'), func=cFuncName))

        t, events = gnss_sv.find_events(RMA, t0, t1, altitude_degrees=5.0)

        for ti, event in zip(t, events):
            name = ('rise above 5d', 'culminate', 'set below 5d')[event]
            logger.info('{func:s}:         {jpl!s} -- {name!s}'.format(jpl=ti.utc_jpl(), name=name, func=cFuncName))
def test_iss_against_horizons():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    s = EarthSatellite(*iss_tle0.splitlines())

    hp = array([
        [2.633404251158200E-5, 1.015087620439817E-5, 3.544778677556393E-5],
        [-2.136440257814821E-5, -2.084170814514480E-5, -3.415494123796893E-5],
    hv = array([
        [-1.751248694205384E-3, 4.065407557020968E-3, 1.363540232307603E-4],
        [2.143876266215405E-3, -3.752167957502106E-3, 9.484159290242074E-4],

    two_meters = 2.0 / AU_M
    three_km_per_hour = 3.0 * 24.0 / AU_KM

    t = ts.tdb(2018, 7, 4)
    p = s.at(t)
    assert abs(p.position.au - hp[:, 0]).max() < two_meters
    assert abs(p.velocity.au_per_d - hv[:, 0]).max() < three_km_per_hour

    t = ts.tdb(2018, 7, [4, 5])
    p = s.at(t)
    assert abs(p.position.au - hp).max() < two_meters
    assert abs(p.velocity.au_per_d - hv).max() < three_km_per_hour
def test_iss_against_horizons():
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    s = EarthSatellite(*iss_tle0.splitlines())

    hp = array([
        [2.633404251158200E-5, 1.015087620439817E-5, 3.544778677556393E-5],
        [-2.136440257814821E-5, -2.084170814514480E-5, -3.415494123796893E-5],
    hv = array([
        [-1.751248694205384E-3, 4.065407557020968E-3, 1.363540232307603E-4],
        [2.143876266215405E-3, -3.752167957502106E-3, 9.484159290242074E-4],

    two_meters = 2.0 / AU_M
    three_km_per_hour = 3.0 * 24.0 / AU_KM

    t = ts.tdb(2018, 7, 4)
    p = s.at(t)
    assert (abs(p.position.au - hp[:,0]) < two_meters).all()
    assert (abs(p.velocity.au_per_d - hv[:,0]) < three_km_per_hour).all()

    t = ts.tdb(2018, 7, [4, 5])
    p = s.at(t)
    assert (abs(p.position.au - hp) < two_meters).all()
    assert (abs(p.velocity.au_per_d - hv) < three_km_per_hour).all()
def compare(line1_1, line1_2, line2_1, line2_2, timestamp_min, timestamps, td):
    ts = load.timescale()

    satrec1 = Satrec.twoline2rv(line1_1, line1_2)
    satrec2 = Satrec.twoline2rv(line2_1, line2_2)
    satellite1 = EarthSatellite.from_satrec(satrec1, ts)
    satellite2 = EarthSatellite.from_satrec(satrec2, ts)

    residual = 0
    number_of_measurements = 0
    for s in range(len(timestamps)):
        number_of_measurements += len(timestamps[s])
        for t0 in range(len(timestamps[s])):
            time_step = timestamps[s][t0]

            timestamp1 = timestamp_min + time_step + td[s]

            observing_time = Time(timestamp1, format="unix", scale="utc")
            t = ts.from_astropy(observing_time)

            R1 = satellite1.at(t).position.km
            R2 = satellite2.at(t).position.km

            distance = ((R1[0] - R2[0])**2 + (R1[1] - R2[1])**2 +
                        (R1[2] - R2[2])**2)**0.5
            residual += distance

    return residual / number_of_measurements
def compute_orbit_track(tle_data, p_start_date, p_end_date, p_step):
    # calculate time interval in minutes from inputs
    date_time_1 = mission_timer_to_datetime(p_start_date)
    date_time_2 = mission_timer_to_datetime(p_end_date)
    running_date = date_time_1
    ts = load.timescale()
    satellite = EarthSatellite(tle_data["line_1"], tle_data["line_2"],
                               "Satellite", ts)
    result = []
    while running_date < date_time_2:
        running_date = running_date + timedelta(0, p_step)
        time_data = datetime_to_mission_timer(running_date)
        time_instant = ts.utc(
        geocentric = satellite.at(time_instant)
        subpoint = geocentric.subpoint()
        data = {
            "timestamp": running_date,
            "lat": float(subpoint.latitude.degrees),
            "lng": float(subpoint.longitude.degrees),
            "alt": float(subpoint.elevation.km),
    return result
 def __init__(self, lat, lon, norad_id=None, horizon=10.0):
     self.eph = skyfield_load("de421.bsp")
     self.timescale = skyfield_load.timescale()
     self.horizon = horizon
     tle = get_tle(norad_id)
     self.observer = Topos(latitude_degrees=lat, longitude_degrees=lon)
     self.satellite = EarthSatellite(tle[1], tle[2], tle[0], self.timescale)
def test_appendix_c_satellite():
    lines = appendix_c_example.splitlines()
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    sat = EarthSatellite(lines[1], lines[2], lines[0], ts)
    t = ts.tt_jd(sat.epoch.whole + 3.0, sat.epoch.tt_fraction)

    # First, a crucial sanity check (which is, technically, a test of
    # the `sgp4` package and not of Skyfield): are the right coordinates
    # being produced by our Python SGP4 propagator for this satellite?

    rTEME, vTEME, error = sat._position_and_velocity_TEME_km(t)

    # TODO: This used to be accurate to within 1e-8 but lost precision
    # with the move to SGP4 2.0.  Is the difference an underlying change
    # in the algorithm and its results?  Or something else?
    epsilon = 1e-4
    assert abs(-9060.47373569 - rTEME[0]) < epsilon
    assert abs(4658.70952502 - rTEME[1]) < epsilon
    assert abs(813.68673153 - rTEME[2]) < epsilon

    # TODO: Similar to the above, this used to be 1e-9.  Then the Time
    # object started storing UTC as seconds, and it got worse.
    epsilon = 5e-8
    assert abs(-2.232832783 - vTEME[0]) < epsilon
    assert abs(-4.110453490 - vTEME[1]) < epsilon
    assert abs(-3.157345433 - vTEME[2]) < epsilon
文件: sat_utils.py 项目: nehald/PCC
def sat_position(satname, dbid=0, ref="eci"):
      Satellite position in eci and lat,lon
    ## get sat
    since_last_update = (time.time() -
                         os.stat("celestrak.txt").st_ctime) / 3600.00
    ## if file is greater then 8 hrs. Get new tle file
    if since_last_update > 3600 * 8.0:
        _, name = get_sat_data()
        if "no_file" in name:
            return "error in celestrak file"
        dbid = save_sat_data()

    satname, line1, line2 = get_sat_tle(satname, dbid)
    ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
    satellite = EarthSatellite(line1, line2, satname, ts)
    satellite_model = satellite.at(ts.now())
    position = satellite_model.position.km
    if ref == 'ecef':
        position = satellite_model.itrf_xyz().km

    ## get the subpoint
    subpoint = satellite_model.subpoint()
    lat = subpoint.latitude.degrees
    lon = subpoint.longitude.degrees
    return (position.tolist(), lat, lon)
    def getEpoch(self):
        """Get epoch from TLEs"""

        self.ts = load.timescale()
        self.satellite = EarthSatellite(self.line1, self.line2, self.line0,
        print("TLE epoch: {}".format(self.satellite.epoch.utc_jpl()))
def get_orbital_data(tle_data, time_data, label="Satellite"):
    ts = load.timescale()
    satellite = EarthSatellite(tle_data["line_1"], tle_data["line_2"], label,
    time_instant = ts.utc(
    geocentric = satellite.at(time_instant)
    subpoint = geocentric.subpoint()
    elements = osculating_elements_of(geocentric)
    result = {
        "description": str(satellite),
        "lat": float(subpoint.latitude.degrees),
        "lng": float(subpoint.longitude.degrees),
        "alt": float(subpoint.elevation.km),
        "sunlit": satellite.at(time_instant).is_sunlit(JPL_EPH),
        "gcrs_vector": geocentric.position.km,
        "elements": elements
    return result
def test_appendix_c_satellite():
    ts = api.load.timescale()

    lines = appendix_c_example.splitlines()
    sat = EarthSatellite(lines[1], lines[2], lines[0], ts)

    jd_epoch = sat.model.jdsatepoch + sat.model.jdsatepochF
    three_days_later = jd_epoch + 3.0
    offset = ts.tt(jd=three_days_later)._utc_float() - three_days_later
    t = ts.tt(jd=three_days_later - offset)

    # First, a crucial sanity check (which is, technically, a test of
    # the `sgp4` package and not of Skyfield): are the right coordinates
    # being produced by our Python SGP4 propagator for this satellite?

    rTEME, vTEME, error = sat._position_and_velocity_TEME_km(t)

    # TODO: This used to be accurate to within 1e-8 but lost precision
    # with the move to SGP4 2.0.  Is the difference an underlying change
    # in the algorithm and its results?  Or something else?
    epsilon = 1e-4
    assert abs(-9060.47373569 - rTEME[0]) < epsilon
    assert abs(4658.70952502 - rTEME[1]) < epsilon
    assert abs(813.68673153 - rTEME[2]) < epsilon

    # TODO: Similar to the above, this used to be 1e-9.
    epsilon = 1e-8
    assert abs(-2.232832783 - vTEME[0]) < epsilon
    assert abs(-4.110453490 - vTEME[1]) < epsilon
    assert abs(-3.157345433 - vTEME[2]) < epsilon
def find_sat(target_pos, flyover_time):
    with open("stations.txt", "r") as tles:
        lines = tles.readlines()

    sats = []

    candidate_sat = None
    norm = 1e99

    ts = load.timescale()

    # Load sat names
    for i in range(0, len(lines), 3):
        name = lines[i].strip()
            satellite = EarthSatellite(lines[i + 1], lines[i + 2], lines[i], ts)
            position = satellite.at(ts.utc(flyover_time)).position.km
            diff = position - target_pos
            curr_norm = np.linalg.norm(diff)
            if curr_norm < norm:
                candidate_sat = satellite
                norm = curr_norm

        except NotImplementedError:

    return candidate_sat
def generatePlot():
    print('Generating Plot')

    df = pandas.read_csv('../Data/tempCSV.csv')

    objectID = df.values[1][0][2:7]
    L1 = df.values[1][0]
    L2 = df.values[2][0]

    load = Loader(
        '~/Documents/fishing/SkyData')  # avoids multiple copies of large files
    ts = load.timescale()

    data = load('de421.bsp')
    earth = data['earth']
    ts = load.timescale()

    minutes = np.arange(60. * 24)  # seven days
    time = ts.utc(today.year, today.month, today.day, 0,
                  minutes)  # start June 1, 2018

    ISS = EarthSatellite(L1, L2)

    subpoint = ISS.at(time).subpoint()

    lon = subpoint.longitude.degrees
    lat = subpoint.latitude.degrees
    breaks = np.where(np.abs(lon[1:] - lon[:-1]) > 30)  #don't plot wrap-around

    lon, lat = lon[:-1], lat[:-1]
    lon[breaks] = np.nan

    my_tweet = 'Ground Track of NORAD ID #' + str(
        objectID) + ' for the next 24 hours'

    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()

    earth = mpimg.imread('../Figures/earth.tif')
    earth = mpimg.imread(earthImg)

    ax1.plot(10800 * (lon / 360 + .5), 5400 * (lat / 180 + 0.5))
    imgFile = "../Figures/latestGroundTrack.png"

    plt.savefig(imgFile, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

    fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
    ax2.plot(lon / 360 + .5, lat / 180 - .5)

    if (math.isnan(lat[0])):
        exitFlag = False
        exitFlag = True

    return exitFlag, my_tweet
    def __init__(self, name, l1, l2):
        self.name = name
        self.l1 = l1
        self.l2 = l2

        self.ts = load.timescale()
        self.sat = EarthSatellite(self.l1, self.l2, self.name, self.ts)

        self.no = SatData.no
        SatData.no += 1
def test_is_another_satellite_behind_earth():
    # See if the method works with a pure geometric difference.
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2018, 7, 3, 0, range(0, 60, 10))
    s = EarthSatellite(line1, line2)
    # The "other satellite" is fictitious: the ISS offset by one day.
    s2 = EarthSatellite(line1.replace('184.80969102', '185.80969102'), line2)
    expected = [True, True, True, True, True, True]
    p = (s - s2).at(t)
    assert list(p.is_behind_earth()) == expected
def getSatXY(line1, line2, line3, time, mwa, ts):
    sat = EarthSatellite(line2, line3, line1, ts)
    difference = sat - mwa
    topocentric = difference.at(time)
    ra, dec, distance = topocentric.radec()
    ra, dec = np.degrees(ra.radians), np.degrees(dec.radians)
    px, py = wcs.all_world2pix([[ra, dec]], 1)[0]

    return px, py, distance
def getSatXY(line1, line2, line3, UT, mwa, ts):
    determines if the satellite is within fov and if so returns 
    the x y pixel location of the satellite

    line1   : line1 of tle
    line2   : line2 of tle
    line3   : line3 of tle
    UT      : UTC time
    mwa     : skyfield observer object
    ts      : skyfield time object

    px                  : x location of satellite
    py                  : y location of satellite
    number_of_pixels    : search cone radius
    visible             : visible? (bool)

    visible = False
    number_of_pixels = 0
    sat = EarthSatellite(line2, line3, line1, ts)

    # propogate satellite to utc
    time = ts.utc(UT.year, UT.month, UT.day, UT.hour, UT.minute, UT.second)
    difference = sat - mwa
    topocentric = difference.at(time)

    # determine angular and pixel space location of satellite
    ra, dec, distance = topocentric.radec()
    ra, dec = np.degrees(ra.radians), np.degrees(dec.radians)
    px, py = wcs.all_world2pix([[ra, dec]], 1)[0]

    ## check if satellite within image

    if 0 < px < imgSize and 0 < py < imgSize:

        if np.sqrt((px - (imgSize / 2))**2 + (py -
                                              (imgSize / 2))**2) < imgSize / 3:
            LOS_range = distance.m

            if LOS_range < 2000000:
                visible = True

            radius = np.degrees(
                70000 / LOS_range
            )  # 25 km offset cone in orbit (can be made smaller) s=rxtheta
            number_of_pixels = radius / pixel_scale

    return px, py, number_of_pixels, visible
def test_is_sunlit():
    # Yes, a positionlib method; but it made sense to test it here.
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2018, 7, 3, 0, range(0, 60, 10))
    s = EarthSatellite(*iss_tle0.splitlines())
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    expected = [True, False, False, False, True, True]
    assert list(s.at(t).is_sunlit(eph)) == expected

    # What if we observe from a topos rather than the geocenter?
    topos = api.Topos('40.8939 N', '83.8917 W')
    assert list((s - topos).at(t).is_sunlit(eph)) == expected
	def sat_pos(self):
		# Create timescale
		ts = load.timescale()

		# Satellite
		satellite = EarthSatellite(self.TLE[0],self.TLE[1],self.name,ts)

		# Find t
		t = ts.utc(self.date[0],self.date[1],self.date[2],self.date[3],self.date[4],self.date[5])
		geocentric = satellite.at(t)
		# Generate Longitude and Latitude of satellite
		y = geocentric.subpoint().latitude
		x = geocentric.subpoint().longitude
		return x,y
 def locate(tle,
         if isinstance(observer_location, ObserverLocation):
             line0, line1, line2 = tle[0].strip().split('\n')
             satellite = EarthSatellite(line1, line2, name=line0)
             location = satellite - Topos((observer_location.location())[0],
             app = location.at(time)
             flag = True
             for val in app.position.km:
                 if math.isnan(val):
                     flag = False
             if flag:
                 temperature = observer_location.temperature()
                 pressure = observer_location.pressure()
                 return line0.strip() + " : " + line1[2:7], app.altaz(
                     temperature_C=temperature, pressure_mbar=pressure)
             raise ValueError(
                 "Expected <ObserverLocation> as observer_location")
     except ValueError as val_err:
         if verbose:
         return None
def test_updatePositions_9(qtbot):
    app = SatelliteWindow(app=Test())
    tle = ["TIANGONG 1",
           "1 37820U 11053A   14314.79851609  .00064249  00000-0  44961-3 0  5637",
           "2 37820  42.7687 147.7173 0010686 283.6368 148.1694 15.73279710179072"]
    app.satellite = EarthSatellite(*tle[1:3], name=tle[0])

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    app.plotSatPosEarth, = plt.plot([1, 0], [1, 0])
    app.plotSatPosHorizon, = plt.plot([1, 0], [1, 0])
    app.plotSatPosSphere1, = ax.plot([1], [1], [1])
    app.plotSatPosSphere2, = ax.plot([1], [1], [1])

    now = app.app.mount.obsSite.ts.now()
    observe = app.satellite.at(now)
    subpoint = observe.subpoint()
    difference = app.satellite - app.app.mount.obsSite.location
    altaz = difference.at(now).altaz()

    with mock.patch.object(app.plotSatPosSphere1,
        with mock.patch.object(app.plotSatPosSphere2,
            with mock.patch.object(app.plotSatPosEarth,
                with mock.patch.object(app.plotSatPosHorizon,
                    suc = app.updatePositions(observe=observe,
                    assert suc
def readTLE(tleFilename):
    # Open TLE filename
    tleFile = open(tleFilename, 'r')
    print("Opened TLE file: ", tleFilename)
    # Read TLEs into catalog
    catalog = []

    line0 = None
    line1 = None
    line2 = None

    for line in tleFile:
        if line[0] == '0':
            line0 = line
        elif line[0] == '1':
            line1 = line
        elif line[0] == '2':
            line2 = line
            # Error - TLE lines start with 0, 1 or 2
            print("Error: line does not start with 0, 1 or 2: ", line)

        if line1 and line2:
            # Check if object number is same in both line 1 and 2
            if line1[1:6] == line2[1:6]:
                catalog.append(EarthSatellite(line1, line2))
                line1 = None
                line2 = None
                print("Error: Satnumber in line 1 not equal to line 2", line1,
    print("Read ", len(catalog), "TLEs into catalog")
    return catalog
def getSatXY(line1, line2, line3, time_vector):
    propogate tle elements to epoch and determine the x,y position using wcs object

    sat = EarthSatellite(line2, line3)
    difference = sat - mwa
    topocentric = difference.at(time_vector)
    ra, dec, distance = topocentric.radec()
    ra = np.degrees(ra.radians)
    dec = np.degrees(dec.radians)
    pix_coords = wcs.all_world2pix(np.array([ra, dec]).T, 1)

    px, py = pix_coords.T

    return px, py
 def __init__(self, s_list, t_list, J_t, fr):
     self.sat = Satrec()
     self.orbit = Earth_model.orbit()
     self.earth = Earth_model.Earth()
     self.satellite = self.sat.twoline2rv(s_list, t_list)
     e, self.r_sat, self.v_sat = self.satellite.sgp4(J_t, fr)
     self.coordinates_to_earth = EarthSatellite(s_list, t_list)
     self.first = 0
    def loadSatfromTLE(self, tle):

        :param tle:
        tle = """
        1 34602U 09013A   13314.96046236  .14220718  20669-5  50412-4 0   930
        2 34602 096.5717 344.5256 0009826 296.2811 064.0942 16.58673376272979


        lines = tle.strip().splitlines()
        self.satellites = EarthSatellite(lines[1], lines[2], lines[0])
def getSatXY(line1, line2, line3, UT, mwa, ts):
    determines of the satellite is within fov and if so returns t
    he x y pixel location of the satellite
    line1   : line1 of tle
    line2   : line2 of tle
    line3   : line3 of tle
    UT      : UTC time
    mwa     : skyfield observer object
    ts      : skyfield time object
    px                  : x location of satellite
    py                  : y location of satellite
    number_of_pixels    : search cone radius
    visible             : visible? (bool)

    visible = False
    number_of_pixels = 0
    sat = EarthSatellite(line2, line3, line1, ts)

    # propogate satellite to utc
    #time = ts.utc(UT.year, UT.month,  UT.day, UT.hour, UT.minute, UT.second)
    time = UT
    difference = sat - mwa
    topocentric = difference.at(time)

    # determine angular and pixel space location of satellite
    ra, dec, distance = topocentric.radec()
    ra, dec = np.degrees(ra.radians), np.degrees(dec.radians)
    #px, py = wcs.all_world2pix([ra, dec]], 1)[0]
    pix_coords = wcs.all_world2pix(np.array([ra, dec]).T, 1)
    px, py = pix_coords.T

    ## check if satellite within image

    imgSize = 1400
    pixel_scale = 0.0833333333333333

    return px, py
def skyfield_ephem(load_path=None, parallax_correction=False, utc=None):
    '''Returns skyfield objects used for doing solar planning and conversion.
    Optional keywords:
    load_path: Directory location where the bsp files are stored. Defaults to current
    working directory if None.
    parallax_corection: Download the latest NuSTAR TLE file and apply the parallax
    correction based on NuSTAR's position in its orbit. Defaults to "False". If "True"
    then uses the nustar_pysolar.io TLE methods to parse the closest TLE entry in the
    NuSTAR database.
    If you set parallax_correction=True then 
    observer, sun, ts
    The first two are Skyfield objects. "observer" is either geocentric or the NuSTAR
    location based on the TLE.
    "ts" is the Skyfield time object.

    # Initialize Skyfield ephemeris tools.
    from skyfield.api import EarthSatellite, Loader
    from astropy.time import Time
    #   Not actually used? So just comment out, and so no sunpy v1 issue
    #     import sunpy.sun

    if load_path is None:
        load_path = './'
        load = Loader(load_path)
        load = Loader(load_path)

    ts = load.timescale()
    planets = load('de436.bsp')
    earth = planets['Earth']
    sun = planets['Sun']

    if parallax_correction is False:
        observer = earth
        assert (
            not utc is None), "Must set UTC when using parallax correction!"
        import nustar_pysolar.io as io
        tlefile = io.download_tle(outdir=load_path)
        mindt, line1, line2 = io.get_epoch_tle(utc, tlefile)
        nustar = EarthSatellite(line1, line2)
        observer = earth + nustar

    ts = load.timescale()

    return observer, sun, ts
def find_satelite(x, y, z, tmt, ts):

    with open("stations.txt") as active:

        sat_name = active.readline()
        while sat_name:
            line1 = active.readline()
            line2 = active.readline()

            satellite = EarthSatellite(line1, line2, sat_name, ts)
            geocentric = satellite.at(tmt)

            sat_pos = geocentric.position.km

            if (sat_pos[0] == x and sat_pos[1] == y and sat_pos[2] == z):
                return satellite

            sat_name = active.readline().rstrip()
def test_is_behind_earth():
    # Like the previous test: a satellite-focused positionlib method.
    # Just for fun, we ask whether the Sun is behind the earth, so this
    # measures the same celestial circumstance as the previous test.
    ts = api.load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2018, 7, 3, 0, range(0, 60, 10))
    s = EarthSatellite(*iss_tle0.splitlines())
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    expected = [False, True, True, True, False, False]
    p = (eph['earth'] + s).at(t).observe(eph['sun']).apparent()
    assert list(p.is_behind_earth()) == expected
def test_receiveSatelliteAndShow_2(qtbot):
    app = SatelliteWindow(app=Test())

    tle = ["TIANGONG 1",
           "1 37820U 11053A   14314.79851609  .00064249  00000-0  44961-3 0  5637",
           "2 37820  42.7687 147.7173 0010686 283.6368 148.1694 15.73279710179072"]
    satellite = EarthSatellite(*tle[1:3], name=tle[0])

    suc = app.receiveSatelliteAndShow(satellite=satellite)
    assert suc
def get_adcs_vectors(time_data, tle_data):
    sun = JPL_EPH['sun']
    earth = JPL_EPH['earth']
    ts = load.timescale()
    satellite = EarthSatellite(tle_data["line_1"], tle_data["line_2"], label, ts)
    time_instant = ts.utc(
    tru_pos = earth + satellite
    sun_vector1 = tru_pos.at(time_instant).observe(sun).apparent().position.km
    sun_vector2 = satellite.at(time_instant).position.km
    # sun_vector = satellite.at(time_instant).observe(earth).apparent()
    # print(tru_pos.at(time_instant).position.km)
    # print(earth.at(time_instant).position.km)
    return [sun_vector1 - sun_vector2]
def test_appendix_c_satellite():
    lines = appendix_c_example.splitlines()
    sat = EarthSatellite(lines[1], lines[2], lines[0])

    ts = api.load.timescale()
    jd_epoch = sat.model.jdsatepoch
    three_days_later = jd_epoch + 3.0
    offset = ts.tt(jd=three_days_later)._utc_float() - three_days_later
    t = ts.tt(jd=three_days_later - offset)

    # First, a crucial sanity check (which is, technically, a test of
    # the `sgp4` package and not of Skyfield): are the right coordinates
    # being produced by our Python SGP4 propagator for this satellite?

    rTEME, vTEME, error = sat._position_and_velocity_TEME_km(t)

    assert abs(-9060.47373569 - rTEME[0]) < 1e-8
    assert abs(4658.70952502 - rTEME[1]) < 1e-8
    assert abs(813.68673153 - rTEME[2]) < 1e-8

    assert abs(-2.232832783 - vTEME[0]) < 1e-9
    assert abs(-4.110453490 - vTEME[1]) < 1e-9
    assert abs(-3.157345433 - vTEME[2]) < 1e-9