def test_query_to_sql(db_session):
    input = ExampleTable(name="John Doe", uni=u"Jane and John Doe")

    query = (db_session.query(ExampleTable).filter_by(id=input.id).order_by(

    sql_text = sql.query_to_sql(query)

    assert is_unicode(sql_text)
    assert (
        sql_text == "SELECT ilike_test.id, ilike_test.name, ilike_test.uni \n"
        + "FROM ilike_test \n" +
        "WHERE ilike_test.id = {} ORDER BY ilike_test.name".format(input.id))
def test_query_to_sql(db_session):
    input = ExampleTable(name="John Doe", uni=u"Jane and John Doe")

    query = (

    sql_text = sql.query_to_sql(query)

    assert is_unicode(sql_text)
    assert (
        == "SELECT ilike_test.id, ilike_test.name, ilike_test.uni \n"
        + "FROM ilike_test \n"
        + "WHERE ilike_test.id = {} ORDER BY ilike_test.name".format(input.id)
def test_query_to_sql2(db_session):
    from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape
    from sqlalchemy.sql import literal_column
    from shapely.geometry import LineString

    linestring = LineString([(0, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)])
    locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)

    one = literal_column("1 as flight_id")
    query = db_session.query(locations.label("flight_geometry"), one)

    sql_text = sql.query_to_sql(query)

    assert is_unicode(sql_text)
    assert (
        == u"SELECT ST_GeomFromWKB('\\001\\002\\000\\000\\000\\003\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000"
        + "\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\360?\\000"
        + "\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000@\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\010@\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000"
        + "\\020@'::bytea, 4326) AS flight_geometry, 1 as flight_id"
def test_query_to_sql2(db_session):
    from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape
    from sqlalchemy.sql import literal_column
    from shapely.geometry import LineString

    linestring = LineString([(0, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)])
    locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)

    one = literal_column("1 as flight_id")
    query = db_session.query(locations.label("flight_geometry"), one)

    sql_text = sql.query_to_sql(query)

    assert is_unicode(sql_text)
    assert (
        sql_text ==
        u"SELECT ST_GeomFromWKB('\\001\\002\\000\\000\\000\\003\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000"
        + "\\020@'::bytea, 4326) AS flight_geometry, 1 as flight_id")
def airspace_image(cache_key, airspace_id):
    if not mapscript_available:

    # get information from cache...
    infringements = cache.get('upload_airspace_infringements_' + cache_key)
    flight_path = cache.get('upload_airspace_flight_path_' + cache_key)

    # abort if invalid cache key
    if not infringements \
       or not flight_path:

    # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
    coordinates = [(c.location['longitude'], c.location['latitude'])
                   for c in flight_path]
    # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
    linestring = LineString(coordinates)
    # Save the new path as WKB
    locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)

    highlight_locations = []
    extent_epsg4326 = [180, 85.05112878, -180, -85.05112878]

    for period in infringements[airspace_id]:
        # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
        coordinates = [(c['location']['longitude'], c['location']['latitude'])
                       for c in period]

        # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
        if len(coordinates) == 1:
            # a LineString must contain at least two points...
            linestring = LineString([coordinates[0], coordinates[0]])
            linestring = LineString(coordinates)


        # gather extent
        (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = linestring.bounds

        extent_epsg4326[0] = min(extent_epsg4326[0], minx)
        extent_epsg4326[1] = min(extent_epsg4326[1], miny)
        extent_epsg4326[2] = max(extent_epsg4326[2], maxx)
        extent_epsg4326[3] = max(extent_epsg4326[3], maxy)

    # Save the new path as WKB
    highlight_multilinestring = from_shape(
        MultiLineString(highlight_locations), srid=4326)

    # increase extent by factor 1.05
    width = abs(extent_epsg4326[0] - extent_epsg4326[2])
    height = abs(extent_epsg4326[1] - extent_epsg4326[3])

    center_x = (extent_epsg4326[0] + extent_epsg4326[2]) / 2
    center_y = (extent_epsg4326[1] + extent_epsg4326[3]) / 2

    extent_epsg4326[0] = center_x - width / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[1] = center_y - height / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[2] = center_x + width / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[3] = center_y + height / 2 * 1.05

    # minimum extent should be 0.3 deg
    width = abs(extent_epsg4326[0] - extent_epsg4326[2])
    height = abs(extent_epsg4326[1] - extent_epsg4326[3])

    if width < 0.3:
        extent_epsg4326[0] = center_x - 0.15
        extent_epsg4326[2] = center_x + 0.15

    if height < 0.3:
        extent_epsg4326[1] = center_y - 0.15
        extent_epsg4326[3] = center_y + 0.15

    # convert extent from EPSG4326 to EPSG3857
    epsg4326 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
    epsg3857 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857')

    x1, y1 = pyproj.transform(epsg4326, epsg3857, extent_epsg4326[0],
    x2, y2 = pyproj.transform(epsg4326, epsg3857, extent_epsg4326[2],

    extent_epsg3857 = [x1, y1, x2, y2]

    # load basemap and set size + extent
    basemap_path = os.path.join(
        current_app.config.get('SKYLINES_MAPSERVER_PATH'), 'basemap.map')
    map_object = mapscript.mapObj(basemap_path)
    map_object.setSize(400, 400)
    map_object.setExtent(extent_epsg3857[0], extent_epsg3857[1],
                         extent_epsg3857[2], extent_epsg3857[3])

    # enable airspace and airports layers
    num_layers = map_object.numlayers
    for i in range(num_layers):
        layer = map_object.getLayer(i)

        if layer.group == 'Airports':
            layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

        if layer.group == 'Airspace':
            layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

    # get flights layer
    flights_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('Flights')
    highlight_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('Flights_Highlight')

    # set sql query for blue flight
    one = literal_column('1 as flight_id')
    flight_query = db.session.query(locations.label('flight_geometry'), one)

    flights_layer.data = 'flight_geometry FROM (' + query_to_sql(flight_query) + ')' + \
                         ' AS foo USING UNIQUE flight_id USING SRID=4326'

    # set sql query for highlighted linestrings
    highlighted_query = db.session.query(
        highlight_multilinestring.label('flight_geometry'), one)

    highlight_layer.data = 'flight_geometry FROM (' + query_to_sql(highlighted_query) + ')' + \
                           ' AS foo USING UNIQUE flight_id USING SRID=4326'

    highlight_layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

    # get osm layer and set WMS url
    osm_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('OSM')
    osm_layer.connection = current_app.config.get('SKYLINES_MAP_TILE_URL') + \

    # draw map
    map_image = map_object.draw()

    # get image
    content = mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes()

    # return to client
    resp = make_response(content)
    resp.headers['Content-type'] = map_image.format.mimetype
    return resp
def airspace_image(cache_key, as_id):
    if not mapscript_available:

    # get information from cache...
    infringements = current_app.cache.get('upload_airspace_infringements_' + cache_key)
    flight_path = current_app.cache.get('upload_airspace_flight_path_' + cache_key)

    # abort if invalid cache key
    if not infringements \
       or not flight_path:

    # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
    coordinates = [(c.location['longitude'], c.location['latitude']) for c in flight_path]
    # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
    linestring = LineString(coordinates)
    # Save the new path as WKB
    locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)

    highlight_locations = []
    extent_epsg4326 = [180, 85.05112878, -180, -85.05112878]

    for period in infringements[as_id]:
        # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
        coordinates = [(c['location']['longitude'], c['location']['latitude']) for c in period]

        # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
        if len(coordinates) == 1:
            # a LineString must contain at least two points...
            linestring = LineString([coordinates[0], coordinates[0]])
            linestring = LineString(coordinates)


        # gather extent
        (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = linestring.bounds

        extent_epsg4326[0] = min(extent_epsg4326[0], minx)
        extent_epsg4326[1] = min(extent_epsg4326[1], miny)
        extent_epsg4326[2] = max(extent_epsg4326[2], maxx)
        extent_epsg4326[3] = max(extent_epsg4326[3], maxy)

    # Save the new path as WKB
    highlight_multilinestring = from_shape(MultiLineString(highlight_locations), srid=4326)

    # increase extent by factor 1.05
    width = abs(extent_epsg4326[0] - extent_epsg4326[2])
    height = abs(extent_epsg4326[1] - extent_epsg4326[3])

    center_x = (extent_epsg4326[0] + extent_epsg4326[2]) / 2
    center_y = (extent_epsg4326[1] + extent_epsg4326[3]) / 2

    extent_epsg4326[0] = center_x - width / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[1] = center_y - height / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[2] = center_x + width / 2 * 1.05
    extent_epsg4326[3] = center_y + height / 2 * 1.05

    # minimum extent should be 0.3 deg
    width = abs(extent_epsg4326[0] - extent_epsg4326[2])
    height = abs(extent_epsg4326[1] - extent_epsg4326[3])

    if width < 0.3:
        extent_epsg4326[0] = center_x - 0.15
        extent_epsg4326[2] = center_x + 0.15

    if height < 0.3:
        extent_epsg4326[1] = center_y - 0.15
        extent_epsg4326[3] = center_y + 0.15

    # convert extent from EPSG4326 to EPSG3857
    epsg4326 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
    epsg3857 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857')

    x1, y1 = pyproj.transform(epsg4326, epsg3857, extent_epsg4326[0], extent_epsg4326[1])
    x2, y2 = pyproj.transform(epsg4326, epsg3857, extent_epsg4326[2], extent_epsg4326[3])

    extent_epsg3857 = [x1, y1, x2, y2]

    # load basemap and set size + extent
    basemap_path = os.path.join(current_app.config.get('SKYLINES_MAPSERVER_PATH'), 'basemap.map')
    map_object = mapscript.mapObj(basemap_path)
    map_object.setSize(400, 400)
    map_object.setExtent(extent_epsg3857[0], extent_epsg3857[1], extent_epsg3857[2], extent_epsg3857[3])

    # enable airspace and airports layers
    num_layers = map_object.numlayers
    for i in range(num_layers):
        layer = map_object.getLayer(i)

        if layer.group == 'Airports':
            layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

        if layer.group == 'Airspace':
            layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

    # get flights layer
    flights_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('Flights')
    highlight_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('Flights_Highlight')

    # set sql query for blue flight
    one = literal_column('1 as flight_id')
    flight_query = db.session.query(locations.label('flight_geometry'), one)

    flights_layer.data = 'flight_geometry FROM (' + query_to_sql(flight_query) + ')' + \
                         ' AS foo USING UNIQUE flight_id USING SRID=4326'

    # set sql query for highlighted linestrings
    highlighted_query = db.session.query(highlight_multilinestring.label('flight_geometry'), one)

    highlight_layer.data = 'flight_geometry FROM (' + query_to_sql(highlighted_query) + ')' + \
                           ' AS foo USING UNIQUE flight_id USING SRID=4326'

    highlight_layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON

    # get osm layer and set WMS url
    osm_layer = map_object.getLayerByName('OSM')
    osm_layer.connection = current_app.config.get('SKYLINES_MAP_TILE_URL') + \

    # draw map
    map_image = map_object.draw()

    # get image
    content = mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes()

    # return to client
    resp = make_response(content)
    resp.headers['Content-type'] = map_image.format.mimetype
    return resp