def getsections():
    dbName = request.args.get('db', '')
    collectionName = request.args.get('col', '')
    sectionId = request.args.get('id', None)
    objType = request.args.get('type', 'Section')
    # passed to server to be returned to client (hack)
    sectionIndex = request.args.get('idx', None)

    db = conn[dbName]

    if sectionId:
        sectionObj = db[collectionName].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(sectionId)})
        sectionObj["_id"] = str(sectionObj["_id"])
        if sectionIndex:
            sectionObj["index"] = int(sectionIndex)
        return jsonify(sectionObj)
        sectionCursor = db[collectionName].find({
            "type": objType
        }, {
            "waferName": 1,
            "section": 1
        }).sort([("waferName", 1), ("section", 1)])
        # make a new structure to return.  Convert the ids to strings.
        sectionArray = []
        for section in sectionCursor:
            section["_id"] = str(section["_id"])
        data = {}
        data["sections"] = sectionArray
        return jsonify(data)
    def get(self, restype, resid=None):
        Get restype with resid ['users'], if resid is not supplied, returns a list
        admin_db = models.ImageStore._get_db()
        # Restype has to be between allowed ones or the request will not come here
        if resid == None:
            objs = admin_db[restype].find()
            # TODO: need to paginate in near future
            objarray = list()
            for anobj in objs:
                # Filter the list with passwd if type is user
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in anobj:
                        del anobj["passwd"]
            return jsonify({ restype : objarray})
            obj = admin_db[restype].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(resid)})
            if obj :
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in obj:
                        del obj["passwd"]

                return jsonify(obj)
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"resource not found\"}" , status=405)
def getsections():
    dbName = request.args.get('db', '')
    collectionName = request.args.get('col', '')
    sectionId = request.args.get('id', None)
    objType = request.args.get('type', 'Section')
    # passed to server to be returned to client (hack)
    sectionIndex = request.args.get('idx', None)

    db = conn[dbName]
    if sectionId :
      sectionObj = db[collectionName].find_one({'_id':ObjectId(sectionId)})
      sectionObj["_id"] = str(sectionObj["_id"])
      if sectionIndex :
        sectionObj["index"] = int(sectionIndex)
      return jsonify(sectionObj)
    else :
      sectionCursor = db[collectionName].find({"type":objType},{"waferName":1, "section":1}).sort([("waferName", 1), ("section", 1)])
      # make a new structure to return.  Convert the ids to strings.
      sectionArray = [];
      for section in sectionCursor:
        section["_id"] = str(section["_id"])
      data = {}
      data["sections"] = sectionArray
      return jsonify(data)
    def post(self, dbid, sessid=None):
        # Parse the data in json format 
        data = request.json

        # Unknown request if no parameters 
        if data == None:

        db = self.get_data_db(dbid)
        if data.has_key("insert"):
            # Create the database object from the supplied parameters
                newsession = db["sessions"].Session()
                newsession["label"] = data["insert"]["label"]
                newsession["images"] = []
            except Exception as inst:
    #            # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request 
                return Response("{\"error\" : %s}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newsession)

        elif data.has_key("modify"):
          # Resid must be supplied
            if sessid == None :
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"No session _id supplied for modification\"}" , status=405)

                # Locate the resource 
                newdb = db["sessions"].Session.find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(sessid)})
                if newdb == None:
                    raise Exception(" Resource %s not found" % (sessid))
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request 
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            # Now update 
                for akey in data["modify"]:
                    # Presently updating only label is supported
                    if akey <> "label":
                        return Response("{\"error\" : \"Cannot modify %s \"}" % (akey) , status=405)

                    newdb[akey] = data["modify"][akey]
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request 
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newdb)

            # Only insert and modify commands are supported
    def get(self, dbid, sessid=None):
        conn.register([Session, Database])
        datadb = self.get_data_db(dbid)
        if datadb == None:
            return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Invalid database id %s\"}" %

        if sessid == None:
            sessions = datadb["sessions"].Session.find({}, {
                'images': 0,
                'views': 0,
                'attachments': 0
            sessionlist = list()

            for asession in sessions:

            if len(sessionlist) > 0:
                return jsonify({'sessions': sessionlist})
                return Response(
                    "{ \"error \" : \"You want You want a list of sessions in %s, but there are no sessions in it \"}"
                    % (dbid),
            # Get and return a list of sessions from given database
            # TODO: Filter for the user that is requesting
            sessobj = datadb["sessions"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(sessid)})
            if sessobj == None:
                return Response(
                    "{ \"error \" : \"Session %s does not exist in db %s\"}" %
                    (sessid, dbid),

            # Dereference the views
            for aview in sessobj["views"]:
                viewdetails = datadb["views"].find_one({"_id": aview["ref"]})
                viewdetails["image"] = datadb["images"].find_one(
                    {"_id": viewdetails["img"]}, {"thumb": 0})
                aview["details"] = viewdetails

            # Dereference the attachments
            attachments = []
            if "attachments" in sessobj:
                gfs = GridFS(datadb, "attachments")
                for anattach in sessobj['attachments']:
                    fileobj = gfs.get(anattach["ref"])
                    anattach["details"] = ({
                        'length': fileobj.length
                sessobj["attachments"] = []

            return jsonify(sessobj)
    def post(self, dbid, sessid=None):
        # Parse the data in json format
        data = request.json

        # Unknown request if no parameters
        if data == None:

        db = self.get_data_db(dbid)
        if data.has_key("insert"):
            # Create the database object from the supplied parameters
                newsession = models.Session(image_store=db, label=data["insert"]["label"])
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : %s}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newsession)

        elif data.has_key("modify"):
            # Resid must be supplied
            if sessid == None :
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"No session _id supplied for modification\"}" , status=405)

                # Locate the resource
                newdb = models.Session.objects.with_id(sessid)
                if newdb == None:
                    raise Exception(" Resource %s not found" % (sessid))
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            # Now update
                for akey in data["modify"]:
                    # Presently updating only label is supported
                    if akey != "label":
                        return Response("{\"error\" : \"Cannot modify %s \"}" % (akey) , status=405)

                    setattr(newdb, akey, data["modify"][akey])
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newdb.to_mongo())

            # Only insert and modify commands are supported
    def post(self, dbid, sessid, restype, resid=None):
        if resid == None:
            # Supported for new creations
            if restype == "attachments" or restype == "rawfiles":
                data = request.form
                # Only insert command is supported
                if data == None:
                    return Response(
                        "{\"error\" : \"Only create method is supported by post \"} ",

                if data.has_key("insert"):
                    id = ObjectId()
                    # No need to return conventional file list
                    jsonresponse = {}
                    jsonresponse["_id"] = id
                    jsonresponse["type"] = restype
                    return jsonify(jsonresponse)
                    return Response(
                        "{\"error\" : \"Only create method is supported by post \"} ",
            return Response(
                "{\"error\" : \"Only posting to all collections of %s are not implemented yet\"} "
                % (restype),
def getcorrelations():
    dbName = request.args.get('db', '')
    collectionName = request.args.get('col', '')
    wafer = request.args.get('wafer', None)
    section = int(request.args.get('sect', 1))

    db = conn[dbName]

    data = {}
    data["CorrelationArray0"] = []
    data["CorrelationArray1"] = []
    sectionObj0 = db[collectionName].find_one({
        'montage0.waferName': wafer,
        'montage0.sectionNumber': section
    if sectionObj0:
        if "correlations" in sectionObj0:
            data["CorrelationArray0"] = sectionObj0["correlations"]

    sectionObj1 = db[collectionName].find_one({
        'montage1.waferName': wafer,
        'montage1.sectionNumber': section
    if sectionObj1:
        if "correlations" in sectionObj1:
            data["CorrelationArray1"] = sectionObj1["correlations"]

    return jsonify(data)
def bookmark():
    - /bookmark?key=0295cf24-6d51-4ce8-a923-772ebc71abb5
    key = request.args.get('key', "0295cf24-6d51-4ce8-a923-772ebc71abb5")
    # find the view and the db

    return jsonify({"key": key })

    # Simple embeddable viewer.
    style = request.args.get('style', "default")
    # See if editing will be enabled.
    edit = request.args.get('edit', False)
    # See if the user is requesting a view or session
    viewid = request.args.get('view', None)
    # get all the metadata to display a view in the webgl viewer.
    ajax = request.args.get('json', None)
    admindb = models.ImageStore._get_db()
    db = admindb

    if viewid:
        viewobj = readViewTree(db, viewid, -1)

        if ajax:
            return jsonifyView(db,viewid,viewobj)

        # default
        return glnote(db,viewid,viewobj,edit,style)
def getfavoriteviews():
    collectionStr = request.args.get('col', "views")  # "favorites"

    # Saving notes in admin db now.
    admindb = models.ImageStore._get_db()
    # get a list of the favorite view ids.
    viewItr = admindb[collectionStr].find(
            'User': getattr(security.current_user, 'id', ''),
            'Type': 'Favorite'
            '_id': True
    viewArray = []
    for viewId in viewItr:
        viewObj = readViewTree(admindb, viewId["_id"], -1)
        # There should be no legacy views, but keep the check just in case.
        if "Type" in viewObj:

    data = {'viewArray': viewArray}
    return jsonify(data)
def getchildnotes():
    parentid = request.args.get('parentid', "")
    dbid = request.args.get('db', "")
    user = session["user"]["id"]

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    db = admindb
    #dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    #db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    notecursor = db["views"].find({
        "ParentId": ObjectId(parentid),
        "User": ObjectId(user)
    # make a new structure to return.  Convert the ids to strings.
    noteArray = []
    for note in notecursor:
        note["Id"] = str(note["_id"])
        note["_id"] = None
        note["ParentId"] = str(note["ParentId"])

    data = {}
    data["Notes"] = noteArray

    return jsonify(data)
    def get(self, dbid, sessid=None):
        conn.register([Session, Database])
        datadb = self.get_data_db(dbid)
        if datadb == None:
            return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Invalid database id %s\"}" % (dbid), status=405)

        if sessid == None:
            sessions = datadb["sessions"].Session.find({}, {'images':0, 'views':0, 'attachments':0})
            sessionlist = list()

            for asession in sessions:

            if len(sessionlist) > 0:
                return jsonify({'sessions' : sessionlist})
                return jsonify({'sessions' : sessionlist, "error" : "You want You want a list of sessions in %s, but there are no sessions in it" %(dbid)})
            # Get and return a list of sessions from given database
            # TODO: Filter for the user that is requesting
            sessobj = datadb["sessions"].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(sessid)})
            if sessobj == None:
                return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Session %s does not exist in db %s\"}" % (sessid, dbid), status=405)

            # Dereference the views 
            for aview in sessobj["views"]:
                viewdetails = datadb["views"].find_one({"_id" : aview["ref"]})
                # Viewdetails might not be a view
                if "img" in viewdetails:
                    viewdetails["image"] = datadb["images"].find_one({"_id" : viewdetails["img"]}, { "thumb" : 0})
                    if "ViewerRecords" in viewdetails:
                        viewdetails["image"] = viewdetails["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"]["_id"]

                aview["details"] = viewdetails

            # Dereference the attachments
            attachments = []
            if "attachments" in sessobj:
                gfs = GridFS(datadb, "attachments")
                for anattach in sessobj['attachments']:
                    fileobj = gfs.get(anattach["ref"])
                    anattach["details"] = ({'name':, 'length' : fileobj.length})
                sessobj["attachments"] = []

            return jsonify(sessobj)
def view_all_sessions():
    all_sessions_query = models.Session.objects\
        .only('collection', 'label', 'image_store', 'type')\
        .order_by('collection', 'label')\
    # disable dereferencing of of sessions, to prevent running a seperate
    #   query for every single session's collection
    all_collections_query = models.Collection.objects\

    can_admin_collection_ids = [ for collection in all_collections_query.can_access(g.identity.provides , models.Operation.admin)]

    editable_sessions_query = all_sessions_query.can_access(g.identity.provides, models.Operation.edit)
    viewable_sessions_query = all_sessions_query.can_access(g.identity.provides, models.Operation.view, strict_operation=True)

    # fetch the relevant collections in bulk
    collections_by_id = { collection for collection in

    all_sessions = defaultdict(dict)
    for sessions_query, can_admin in [
        # viewable must come first, so editable can overwrite
        (viewable_sessions_query, False),
        (editable_sessions_query, True),
        for collection_ref, sessions in groupby(sessions_query, attrgetter('collection')):
            collection = collections_by_id[]
            all_sessions[collection].update(dict.fromkeys(sessions, can_admin))

    all_sessions = [(collection,
                    True if in can_admin_collection_ids else False,
                    sorted(sessions_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda item: item[0].label)
                    for collection, sessions_dict
                    in sorted(all_sessions.iteritems(), key=lambda item: item[0].label)]

    # Whether to include administrative javascript
    is_admin = bool(len(can_admin_collection_ids))

    if request.args.get('json'):
        ajax_session_list = [
                'rule': collection.label,
                'can_admin': can_admin,
                'sessions': [
                        'sessdb': str(,
                        'sessid': str(,
                        'label': session.label
                    for session, can_admin in sessions],
            for collection, can_admin, sessions in all_sessions]
        user_name = security.current_user.full_name if security.current_user.is_authenticated() else 'Guest'
        return jsonify(sessions=ajax_session_list, name=user_name, ajax=1)
        return render_template('sessionlist.html', all_sessions=all_sessions, is_admin=is_admin)
def image_query():
    - /query?words=[]
    terms = request.args.get('terms', "").split()
    db = models.ImageStore._get_db()

    # I do not think the $text seach can work on individual fields
    # so I can not weight them separatly.  I would like title
    # to have more weight that text.
        [("Title", "text"), ("Text", "text")], name="titletext")

    # build up a list of images.
    imgDict = dict()
    # I may need to search the terms separatly and add the weights
    # if the weigths do not properly increase for matches of multiple terms.
    # build up a list of images.
    # search titles (pretty important).

    for term in terms:
        viewCursor = db["views"].find({'$text': {'$search': term}},
            {'score': {"$meta": "textScore"}, "ViewerRecords": 1})
        for view in viewCursor:
            for record in view["ViewerRecords"]:
                imgId = record["Image"]
                if not imgDict.has_key(str(imgId)):
                    database = models.ImageStore.objects.get_or_404(id=ObjectId(record["Database"]))
                    imgdb = database.to_pymongo()
                    imgObj = imgdb["images"].find_one(
                        {'_id': imgId},
                            'TileSize': True,
                            'levels': True,
                            'bounds': True,
                            'label': True,
                            'dimensions': True,
                            'components': True
                    if imgObj is not None:
                        imgObj["_id"] = str(imgId)
                        imgObj["database"] = str(record["Database"])
                        imgDict[str(imgId)] = imgObj
                        imgObj["score"] = view["score"]
                        # give extra score to iamges that have the term in
                        # their labels.
                        for t in terms:
                            if imgObj["label"].lower().find(t.lower()) != -1:
                                imgObj["score"] += 2.0
                    imgObj["score"] += view["score"]

    data = dict()
    data["images"] = sorted(imgDict.values(), key=itemgetter('score'), reverse=True)
    return jsonify(data)
def view_a_session(session):
    # TODO: the template doesn't seem use 'next'
    next_arg = int(request.args.get('next', 0))

    session_son = apiv2.SessionItemAPI._get(session)

    if request.args.get('json'):
        images = []
        for view_son in session_son['views']:
            database = models.ImageStore.objects.get_or_404(id=view_son['image_store_id'])
            imgdb = database.to_pymongo()
            imgObj = imgdb["images"].find_one({ "_id" : view_son['image_id']})

            # these should not happen but to be safe.
            if not "dimensions" in imgObj :
                imgObj['dimensions'] = [0,0,0]
            if not "levels" in imgObj :
                imgObj['levels'] = 0

            bounds = [0,imgObj['dimensions'][0], 0, imgObj['dimensions'][1]]
            if 'bounds' in imgObj:
                bounds = imgObj['bounds']
            tileSize = 256
            if 'tile_size' in imgObj:
                tileSize = imgObj['tile_size']
            if 'tileSize' in imgObj:
                tileSize = imgObj['tileSize']
            if 'TileSize' in imgObj:
                tileSize = imgObj['TileSize']
                    'db': view_son['image_store_id'],
                    'img': view_son['image_id'],
                    'label': view_son['label'],
                    'view': view_son['id'],
                    'bounds': bounds,
                    'tile_size': tileSize,
                    'levels': imgObj['levels'],
                    'dimensions': imgObj['dimensions']

        ajax_data = {
            'success': 1,
            'session': session_son,
            'images': images,
            'attachments': session_son['attachments'],
            'imagefiles': session_son["imagefiles"],
            'db':,  # TODO: deprecate and remove
            'hide': session_son['hide_annotations'],
            'next': url_for('.sessions_view', sessid=str(, ajax=1, next=next_arg + NUMBER_ON_PAGE)
        return jsonify(ajax_data)
        return render_template('session.html',
def glstacksession():
    - /webgl-viewer/stack-session?db=5123c81782778fd2f954a34a&sess=51256ae6894f5931098069d5

    # Comparison is a modified view.
    sessid = request.args.get('sess', None)
    if not sessid:
        sessid = "51256ae6894f5931098069d5"
    # this is the same as the sessions db in the sessions page.
    dbid = request.args.get('db', None)
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    sessobj = db["sessions"].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(sessid) })
    views = [];
    for view in sessobj["views"]:
        viewid = view["ref"]
        viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(viewid) })
        #viewobj["rotation"] = 0
        # Having issues with jsonify
        imgdbid = dbid
        if 'db' in viewobj:
            imgdbid = str(viewobj["db"])
        myview = {"_id": str(viewobj["_id"]),
                  "center": viewobj["center"],
                  "height": viewobj["height"],
                  "rotation": 0,
                  "db": imgdbid}
        imgobj = db["images"].find_one({"_id" : viewobj["img"] })
        #imgobj["_id"] = str(imgobj["_id"])
        #imgobj["thumb"] = ""
        myimg = {"dimensions": imgobj["dimension"],
                 "_id": str(imgobj["_id"]),
                 "levels": imgobj["levels"]}
        myview["img"] = myimg

    for pair in sessobj["transformations"]:
        if 'view0' in pair:
            pair["view0"] = str(pair["view0"])
            pair["view1"] = str(pair["view1"])

    if not 'annotations' in sessobj:
        sessobj["annotations"] = []

    for markup in sessobj["annotations"]:
        markup["view"] = str(markup["view"])

    return jsonify({"views":views, 
                    "transformations": sessobj["transformations"], 
                    "annotations": sessobj["annotations"]})
def session_save_stack():
    input_str = request.form['input']  # for post
    input_obj = json.loads(input_str)
    session_id = ObjectId(input_obj['sessId'])
    label = input_obj['label']
    stack_items = input_obj['items']

    admindb = models.ImageStore._get_db()
    session = models.Session.objects.with_id(session_id)

    records = list()

    for item in stack_items:
        camera = {'FocalPoint': [item['x'], item['y'], 0],
                  'Height':     item['height'],
                  'Roll':       item['roll']}
        viewer_record = {
            'Image': ObjectId(item['img']),
            'Database': ObjectId(item['db']),
            'Camera' : camera}
        if 'widget' in item :
            viewer_record['Annotations'] = [item['widget']];

    for idx in range(1,len(stack_items)) :
        item0 = stack_items[idx-1]
        item1 = stack_items[idx]
        correlationHeight = (item0['height']+item1['height'])*0.5;
        records[idx]['Transform'] = {'Correlations':[{'point0': [item0['x'], item0['y']],
                                                      'point1': [item1['x'], item1['y']],
                                                      'roll':   item1['roll']-item0['roll'],
                                                      'height': correlationHeight } ]}

    # Now make the view
    user = if security.current_user.is_authenticated() else 'Guest'
    view = {
        'CoordinateSystem': 'Pixel',
        'User': user,
        'Type': 'Stack',
        'ViewerRecords': records,
        'Title': label,
        'HiddenTitle': label
    # TODO: don't save until the end, to make failure transactional
    admindb['views'].save(view, manipulate=True)

    # update the session
    session.views.insert(0, view['_id'])
    return jsonify(view)
    def put(self, resid):
        # put requires admin access

        # Get json supplied
        data = request.json

        # Check for valid parameters
        # Check if no parameters
        if data is None:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"No parameters ? \"}", status=405)

        # See if id matches the resource being modified
            if data["_id"] != resid:
                raise Exception(1)
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"_id mismatch with the location in the url \"}", status=405)

        # The object should exist
        for anobj in models.ImageStore.objects:
            current_app.logger.debug('%s %s', anobj.label,

        database = models.ImageStore.objects.with_id(ObjectId(data["_id"]))

        current_app.logger.debug('ID: %s %s', data['_id'], ObjectId(data['_id']))
        # Unknown request if no parameters
        if database == None:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"Resource _id: %s  doesnot exist\"}" % (resid), status=403)

        # Create the database object from the supplied parameters
            database.label = data["label"]
   = data["host"]
            database.dbname = data["dbname"]
            database.copyright = data["copyright"]
            database.username = data["username"]
            database.password = data["password"]
            if database._cls == "TileStore.Database.PtiffTileStore":
                database.root_path = data["root_path"]

            # Add additional fields
            if "_cls" in data:
                current_app.logger.debug('%s', data['_cls'])

        except Exception as inst:
            # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
            return Response("{\"error\" : %s}" % str(inst), status=405)

        return jsonify(database.to_mongo())
def encodeSection(sectionObj) :
    sectionObj["_id"] = str(sectionObj["_id"])
    if sectionObj.has_key("worldPointsFloat64") :
      sectionObj["worldPointsFloat64"] = base64.b64encode(str(sectionObj["worldPointsFloat64"]))
    for imageObj in sectionObj["images"] :
      if imageObj.has_key("meshPointsInt32") :
        imageObj["meshPointsInt32"] = base64.b64encode(str(imageObj["meshPointsInt32"]))
      if imageObj.has_key("meshPointIdsInt32") :
        imageObj["meshPointIdsInt32"] = base64.b64encode(str(imageObj["meshPointIdsInt32"]))
      if imageObj.has_key("meshTrianglesInt32") :
        imageObj["meshTrianglesInt32"] = base64.b64encode(str(imageObj["meshTrianglesInt32"]))

    return jsonify(sectionObj)    
def getcomment():
    dbid = request.form["db"]
    commentid = request.form["id"]

    database = models.ImageStore.objects.get_or_404(id=dbid)
    db = database.to_pymongo()

    comment = db["comments"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(commentid) })

    if comment:
        comment["_id"] = str(comment["_id"])

    return jsonify(comment)
    def get(self, restype, resid=None):
        # Restype has to be between allowed ones or the request will not come here
        if resid == None:
            objs = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][restype].find()
            objarray = list()
            for anobj in objs:
                # Filter the list with passwd if type is user
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in anobj:
                        del anobj["passwd"]
            return jsonify({ restype : objarray})
            obj = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][restype].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(resid)})
            if obj :
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in obj:
                        del obj["passwd"]

                return jsonify(obj)
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"resource not found\"}" , status=405)
def jsonifyBookmarks(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj):
    # I do not think we can pass an array back.
    val = {}
    val["Bookmarks"] = []
    if 'bookmarks' in viewobj :
      for bookmarkId in viewobj["bookmarks"] :
        bookmarkObj = db["bookmarks"].find_one({'_id': bookmarkId})
        bookmark = bookmarkObj
        bookmark["_id"] = str(bookmark["_id"])
        bookmark["img"] = str(bookmark["img"])

    return jsonify(val)
def getparentcomments():
    dbid = request.form['db']
    noteid = request.form["id"]

    database = models.ImageStore.objects.get_or_404(id=dbid)
    db = database.to_pymongo()

    toplevelcomments = db["comments"].find({"parent": noteid})

    for obj in toplevelcomments:
        obj["_id"] = str(obj["_id"])

    return jsonify(toplevelcomments)
def gettrackingdata():
    admindb = models.ImageStore._get_db()

    viewItr = admindb['tracking'].find({"User": getattr(security.current_user, 'id', '')})
    viewArray = []
    for viewObj in viewItr:
        viewObj["_id"] = str(viewObj["_id"])
        viewObj["User"] = str(viewObj["User"])
        # viewObj["ParentId"] = str(viewObj["ParentId"])

    data = {'viewArray': viewArray}
    return jsonify(data)
def jsonifyBookmarks(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj):
    # I do not think we can pass an array back.
    val = {}
    val["Bookmarks"] = []
    if 'bookmarks' in viewobj:
        for bookmarkId in viewobj["bookmarks"]:
            bookmarkObj = db["bookmarks"].find_one({'_id': bookmarkId})
            bookmark = bookmarkObj
            bookmark["_id"] = str(bookmark["_id"])
            bookmark["img"] = str(bookmark["img"])

    return jsonify(val)
def getcomment():
    dbid = request.form["db"]
    commentid = request.form["id"]

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    comment = db["comments"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(commentid)})

    if comment:
        comment["_id"] = str(comment["_id"])

    return jsonify(comment)
    def get(self, restype, resid=None):
        # Restype has to be between allowed ones or the request will not come here
        if resid == None:
            objs = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][restype].find()
            # TODO: need to paginate in near future
            objarray = list()
            for anobj in objs:
                # Filter the list with passwd if type is user
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in anobj:
                        del anobj["passwd"]
            return jsonify({ restype : objarray})
            obj = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][restype].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(resid)})
            if obj :
                if restype == "users":
                    if "passwd" in obj:
                        del obj["passwd"]

                return jsonify(obj)
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"resource not found\"}" , status=405)
def getparentcomments():
    dbid = request.form['db']
    noteid = request.form["id"]

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    toplevelcomments = db["comments"].find({"parent": noteid})

    for obj in toplevelcomments:
        obj["_id"] = str(obj["_id"])

    return jsonify(toplevelcomments)
def getcomment():
    dbid = request.form["db"]
    commentid = request.form["id"]
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
    comment = db["comments"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(commentid) })
    if comment:
      comment["_id"] = str(comment["_id"])
    return jsonify(comment)
def getimagenames():
    dbid = request.args.get('db', "")
    database = models.ImageStore.objects.get_or_404(id=dbid)
    db = database.to_pymongo()
    # imgObj = db["images"].find_one()

    imgItr = db["images"].find({}, {"label":1})
    imgArray = []
    for img in imgItr:
        img["_id"] = str(img["_id"])
    data = {}
    data["Database"] = dbid
    data["Images"] = imgArray
    return jsonify(data)
def getparentcomments():
    dbid = request.form['db']
    noteid = request.form["id"]
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
    toplevelcomments = db["comments"].find({ "parent": noteid })
    for obj in toplevelcomments:
      obj["_id"] = str(obj["_id"])
    return jsonify(toplevelcomments)
    def put(self, resid):
        # put requires admin access

        # Get json supplied
        data = request.json

        # Check for valid parameters
        # Check if no parameters
        if data == None:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"No parameters ? \"}", status=405)

        # See if id matches the resource being modified
            if data["_id"] != resid:
                raise Exception(1)
            return Response(
                "{\"error\" : \"_id mismatch with the location in the url \"}",

        # Try to see if the data can create valid object

        # The object should exist
        dbobj = conn[
                {"_id": ObjectId(resid)})

        # Unknown request if no parameters
        if dbobj == None:
            return Response(
                "{\"error\" : \"Resource _id: %s  doesnot exist\"}" % (resid),

        # Create the database object from the supplied parameters
            dbobj["label"] = data["label"]
            dbobj["host"] = data["host"]
            dbobj["dbname"] = data["dbname"]
            dbobj["copyright"] = data["copyright"]
        except Exception as inst:
            # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
            return Response("{\"error\" : %s}" % str(inst), status=405)

        return jsonify(dbobj)
def getimagenames():
    dbid = request.args.get('db', "")
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
    #imgObj = db["images"].find_one()

    imgItr = db["images"].find({}, {"label":1})
    imgArray = []
    for img in imgItr:
      img["_id"] = str(img["_id"])
    data = {};
    data["Database"] = dbid
    data["Images"] = imgArray
    return jsonify(data)    
def encodeSection(sectionObj):
    sectionObj["_id"] = str(sectionObj["_id"])
    if sectionObj.has_key("worldPointsFloat64"):
        sectionObj["worldPointsFloat64"] = base64.b64encode(
    for imageObj in sectionObj["images"]:
        if imageObj.has_key("meshPointsInt32"):
            imageObj["meshPointsInt32"] = base64.b64encode(
        if imageObj.has_key("meshPointIdsInt32"):
            imageObj["meshPointIdsInt32"] = base64.b64encode(
        if imageObj.has_key("meshTrianglesInt32"):
            imageObj["meshTrianglesInt32"] = base64.b64encode(

    return jsonify(sectionObj)
def getimagenames():
    dbid = request.args.get('db', "")
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
    #imgObj = db["images"].find_one()

    imgItr = db["images"].find({}, {"label": 1})
    imgArray = []
    for img in imgItr:
        img["_id"] = str(img["_id"])

    data = {}
    data["Database"] = dbid
    data["Images"] = imgArray
    return jsonify(data)
def glcomparisonoption():
    - /webgl-viewer/comparison-option?db=507619bb0a3ee10434ae0827&viewid=5074528302e3100db8429cb4

    # Comparison is a modified view.
    viewid = request.args.get('viewid', None)
    # this is the same as the sessions db in the sessions page.
    dbid = request.args.get('db', None)

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({ "_id" : ObjectId(dbid) })
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(viewid) })
    imgobj = db["images"].find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(viewobj["img"])})
    bookmarkobj = db["bookmarks"].find_one({'_id':ObjectId(viewobj["startup_view"])})

    if 'dimension' in imgobj:
        dim = str(imgobj["dimension"])
    elif 'dimensions' in imgobj:
        dim = str(imgobj["dimensions"])

    # The base view is for the left panel
    data = {
         'success': 1,
         'db': dbid,
         'label': imgobj["label"],
         'img': str(imgobj["_id"]),
         'center': bookmarkobj["center"],
         'origin': imgobj["origin"],
         'spacing': imgobj["spacing"],
         'levels': imgobj["levels"],
         'dimension': dim,
         'rotation': bookmarkobj["rotation"]

    if 'zoom' in bookmarkobj:
        data["viewHeight"] = 900 << int(bookmarkobj["zoom"])
    if 'viewHeight' in bookmarkobj:
        data["viewHeight"] = bookmarkobj["viewHeight"]

    return jsonify(data)
def glcomparisonoption():
    - /webgl-viewer/comparison-option?db=507619bb0a3ee10434ae0827&viewid=5074528302e3100db8429cb4

    # Comparison is a modified view.
    viewid = request.args.get('viewid', None)
    # this is the same as the sessions db in the sessions page.
    dbid = request.args.get('db', None)

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewid)})
    imgobj = db["images"].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(viewobj["img"])})
    bookmarkobj = db["bookmarks"].find_one(
        {'_id': ObjectId(viewobj["startup_view"])})

    if 'dimension' in imgobj:
        dim = str(imgobj["dimension"])
    elif 'dimensions' in imgobj:
        dim = str(imgobj["dimensions"])

    # The base view is for the left panel
    data = {
        'success': 1,
        'db': dbid,
        'label': imgobj["label"],
        'img': str(imgobj["_id"]),
        'center': bookmarkobj["center"],
        'origin': imgobj["origin"],
        'spacing': imgobj["spacing"],
        'levels': imgobj["levels"],
        'dimension': dim,
        'rotation': bookmarkobj["rotation"]

    if 'zoom' in bookmarkobj:
        data["viewHeight"] = 900 << int(bookmarkobj["zoom"])
    if 'viewHeight' in bookmarkobj:
        data["viewHeight"] = bookmarkobj["viewHeight"]

    return jsonify(data)
def thumb_from_view():
    Gets a thumbnail from view directly,
    Chains the request to view objects helper method

    # Get parameters
    viewid = ObjectId(request.args.get("viewid", None))
    # which = ObjectId(request.args.get("which","macro"))
    which = "macro"
    force = bool(request.args.get("force", False))

    # Implementation without View
    viewcol = models.View._get_collection()
    viewobj = viewcol.find_one({"_id": viewid})
    if "thumbs" not in viewobj:
        viewobj["thumbs"] = {}

    # Make thumbnail
    if force or which not in viewobj["thumbs"]:
        # Refresh the thumbnail
        if which not in ["macro"]:
            # Only know how to make macro image
            # Todo: add support for label supported
            raise Exception("%s thumbnail creation not supported" % which)

        # Make the thumb
        # Get the image store and image id and off load the request
        istore = models.ImageStore.objects.get(id=viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Database"])
        with istore:
            thumbimgdata = istore.make_thumb(

            viewcol.update({"_id": viewid},
                           {"$set": {"thumbs." + which: base64.b64encode(thumbimgdata)}})

    viewobj = viewcol.find_one({"_id": viewid})
    imagestr = viewobj["thumbs"][which]
    # current_app.logger.warning("Imagestr: " + imagestr)

    if int(request.args.get("binary", 0)):
        return Response(base64.b64decode(imagestr), mimetype="image/jpeg")
        return jsonify({which: imagestr})
def jsonifyView(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj):
    imgid = 0
    if 'Type' in viewobj:
        if viewobj["Type"] == "Note" or viewobj["Type"] == "UserNote":
            imgid = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"]
    if imgid == 0:
        imgid = viewobj["img"]

    imgobj = db["images"].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(imgid)})

    # the official schema says dimension not dimensions. correct the schema later.
    #if 'dimension' in imgobj:
    #  imgobj['dimensions'] = imgobj['dimension']
    #  delete imgobj.dimension
    #  db["images"].save(imgobj);

    img = {}
    img["db"] = dbid
    img["viewid"] = viewid
    img["image"] = str(imgobj["_id"])
    img["origin"] = imgobj["origin"]
    img["spacing"] = imgobj["spacing"]
    img["levels"] = 1
    if imgobj.has_key("levels"):
        img["levels"] = imgobj["levels"]
    if 'dimensions' in imgobj:
        img["dimensions"] = imgobj["dimensions"]
    elif 'dimension' in imgobj:
        img["dimensions"] = imgobj["dimension"]

    # I want to change the schema to get rid of this startup bookmark.
    if 'startup_view' in viewobj:
        bookmarkobj = db["bookmarks"].find_one(
            {'_id': ObjectId(viewobj["startup_view"])})
        img["center"] = bookmarkobj["center"]
        img["rotation"] = bookmarkobj["rotation"]
        if 'zoom' in bookmarkobj:
            img["viewHeight"] = 900 << int(bookmarkobj["zoom"])
        if 'viewHeight' in bookmarkobj:
            img["viewHeight"] = bookmarkobj["viewHeight"]

    return jsonify(img)
    def get(self, restype, resid, listtype):
        # Restype has to be between allowed ones or the request will not come here
        # only rules and users is supported now

        # create a new user
        result = {}
        result["query"] = { "restype" : restype, "resid" : resid, "listtype" : listtype}

        if restype not in ["rules"] or listtype not in ["users"]:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"Only restype itemtype supported is rules, users\"}" , status=405)

        # ruleobj or dbobj
        objarray = list()
        for anobj in conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][listtype].find({"rules" : ObjectId(resid)}):
            if "passwd" in anobj:
                del anobj["passwd"]
        result[listtype] = objarray
        return jsonify(result)
def jsonifyView(db,dbid,viewid,viewobj):
    imgid = 0
    if 'Type' in viewobj :
      if viewobj["Type"] == "Note" or viewobj["Type"] == "UserNote":
        imgid = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"]
    if imgid == 0 :
      imgid = viewobj["img"]
    imgobj = db["images"].find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(imgid)})
    # the official schema says dimension not dimensions. correct the schema later.
    #if 'dimension' in imgobj:
    #  imgobj['dimensions'] = imgobj['dimension']
    #  delete imgobj.dimension
    #  db["images"].save(imgobj);
    img = {}
    img["db"] = dbid
    img["viewid"] = viewid
    img["image"] = str(imgobj["_id"])
    img["origin"] = imgobj["origin"]
    img["spacing"] = imgobj["spacing"]
    img["levels"] = 1
    if imgobj.has_key("levels") :
      img["levels"] = imgobj["levels"]
    if 'dimensions' in imgobj:
      img["dimensions"] = imgobj["dimensions"]
    elif 'dimension' in imgobj:
      img["dimensions"] = imgobj["dimension"]

    # I want to change the schema to get rid of this startup bookmark.
    if 'startup_view' in viewobj:
      bookmarkobj = db["bookmarks"].find_one({'_id':ObjectId(viewobj["startup_view"])})
      img["center"] = bookmarkobj["center"]
      img["rotation"] = bookmarkobj["rotation"]
      if 'zoom' in bookmarkobj:
        img["viewHeight"] = 900 << int(bookmarkobj["zoom"])
      if 'viewHeight' in bookmarkobj:
        img["viewHeight"] = bookmarkobj["viewHeight"]
    return jsonify(img)
    def post(self, dbid, sessid, restype, resid=None):
        if resid == None:
            # Supported for new creations 
            if restype == "attachments" or restype == "rawfiles":
                data = request.form
                # Only insert command is supported
                if data == None:
                    return Response("{\"error\" : \"Only create method is supported by post \"} " , status=405)

                if data.has_key("insert") :
                    id = ObjectId()
                    # No need to return conventional file list 
                    jsonresponse = {}
                    jsonresponse["_id"] = id
                    jsonresponse["type"] = restype
                    return jsonify(jsonresponse)
                    return Response("{\"error\" : \"Only create method is supported by post \"} " , status=405)
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"Only posting to all collections of %s are not implemented yet\"} " % (restype) , status=405)
def jsonifyView(db, viewid, viewobj):
    imgdb = viewobj['ViewerRecords'][0]['Database']
    imgid = viewobj['ViewerRecords'][0]['Image']

    imgobj = db['images'].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(imgid)})

    img = {
        'db': imgdb,
        'viewid': viewid,
        'image': str(imgobj['_id']),
        'origin': imgobj['origin'],
        'spacing': imgobj['spacing'],
        'levels': 1,
        'dimensions': imgobj['dimensions'],
        'TileSize': imgobj.get('TileSize', 256)
    if 'levels' in imgobj:
        img['levels'] = imgobj['levels']

    return jsonify(img)
def saveviewnotes():
    noteObj = request.form['note']
    note = json.loads(noteObj)

    if note.has_key("ParentId"):
        note["ParentId"] = ObjectId(note["ParentId"])

    admindb = models.ImageStore._get_db()
    db = admindb

    # I was going get the user id from the session, and pass it to the viewer.
    # I think I will just try to retreive the user from the "Save Note" method.
    email = getattr(security.current_user, 'email', '')

    viewObj = savenote(db,note, email)

    # I want the client editor to display the correct links immediatly after saving, so
    # I have to return the entire note tree with any new ids created.
    viewObj = readViewTree(db, viewObj, 0)
    return jsonify(viewObj)
def sessions():
  - /sessions  With no argument displays list of sessions accessible to current user
  - /sessions?sessid=10239094124  searches for the session id
    rules = []

    # Compile the rules
    conn.register([Image, Session, User, Rule, Database])
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]

    # Assert the user is logged in
    if 'user' in session:
        name = session['user']['label']
        id = session['user']['id']
        userobj = admindb["users"].User.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})
        if userobj == None:
            # If the user is not found then something wrong
            # Redirect the user to home with error message
            flash("Invalid login", "error")
            return redirect(url_for('login.login'))
        # Send the user back to login page
        # with some message
        flash("You must be logged in to see that resource", "error")
        return redirect(url_for('login.login'))

    # This code gets executed only if the user information is available
    # See if the user is requesting any session id
    sessid = request.args.get('sessid', None)
    sessdb = request.args.get('sessdb', "")
    ajax = request.args.get('json', None)
    next = int(request.args.get('next', 0))

    if sessid:
        # Find and return image list from single session
        # TODO: Refactor this into a function
        db = admindb
        access = True
        # eventually sessdb will go away.
        if sessdb != "":
            access = False
            dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one(
                {"_id": ObjectId(sessdb)})
            db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
            # From rules pertaining to current user
                for arule in userobj["rules"]:
                    ruleobj = admindb["rules"].Rule.find_one({"_id": arule})
                    if str(ruleobj["db"]) == sessdb:
                        if 'db_admin' in ruleobj and ruleobj[
                                "db_admin"] == True:
                            access = True
                        elif 'can_see_all' in ruleobj and ruleobj[
                                "can_see_all"] == True:
                            access = True
                        elif len(ruleobj["can_see"]) > 0:
                            for asession in ruleobj["can_see"]:
                                if str(asession) == sessid:
                                    access = True

        # Confirm that the user has access
        if access == False:
            flash("Unauthorized access", "error")
            return redirect("/home")

        coll = db["sessions"]
        asession = coll.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(sessid)}, {
            'images': {
                '$slice': [next, NUMBER_ON_PAGE]
            '_id': 0

        # Hide notes and descriptive title for student review
        hideAnnotations = False
        if "hideAnnotations" in asession:
            if asession["hideAnnotations"]:
                hideAnnotations = True
                asession["hideAnnotations"] = False

        # iterate through the session objects
        images = []
        if asession.has_key("views"):
            for aview in asession['views']:
                hide = False
                if 'hide' in aview:
                    if aview["hide"]:
                        hide = True
                viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": aview["ref"]})
                # Crash here. Session had a viewid that did not exist.
                # Should we clean up the broken reference? Just skip for now.
                if viewobj:
                    imgid = 0
                    imgdb = ""
                    imgobj = None
                    if "Type" in viewobj:
                        # my new notes make it difficult to get the image.
                        if viewobj["Type"] == "Note":
                            if viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0].has_key("Database"):
                                imgid = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"]
                                imgdb = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Database"]
                                imgid = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"][
                                imgdb = viewobj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"][

                    if imgid == 0:
                        imgdb = sessdb
                        imgid = str(viewobj["img"])
                    if "imgdb" in viewobj:
                        imgdb = viewobj["imgdb"]
                    if imgdb == sessdb:
                        imgobj = db["images"].find_one(
                            {'_id': ObjectId(imgid)}, {'_id': 0})
                        dbobj2 = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one(
                            {"_id": ObjectId(imgdb)})
                        #TODO: make sure the connection to host is available
                        db2 = conn[dbobj2["dbname"]]
                        imgobj = db2["images"].find_one(
                            {'_id': ObjectId(imgid)}, {'_id': 0})

                    # so many legacy schemas (plus hiding annotation)
                    label = ""
                    if "label" in imgobj:
                        label = imgobj["label"]
                    if "label" in aview:
                        label = aview["label"]
                    if "Title" in viewobj:
                        label = viewobj["Title"]
                    if hideAnnotations:
                        label = viewobj["HiddenTitle"]

                    if 'hide' in imgobj:
                        if imgobj["hide"]:
                            hide = True
                    if 'hide' in viewobj:
                        if viewobj["hide"]:
                            hide = True
                    if not hide:
                        if imgobj.has_key("thumb"):
                            del imgobj['thumb']
                        animage = {}
                        animage['db'] = imgdb
                        animage["img"] = imgid
                        animage["label"] = label
                        animage["view"] = str(aview["ref"])
                        if "type" in viewobj:
                            if viewobj["type"] == "comparison":
                                animage["comparison"] = 1


        attachments = []
        if asession.has_key("attachments"):
            gfs = GridFS(db, "attachments")
            for anattach in asession['attachments']:
                fileobj = gfs.get(anattach["ref"])
                    'id': anattach["ref"]
            del asession["attachments"]

        if 'images' in asession:
            del asession["images"]

        data = {
                    next=next + NUMBER_ON_PAGE)

        if ajax:
            return jsonify(data)
            return render_template('session.html', data=data, name=name)

        # Compile a list of session names / ids
        sessionlist = []

        # sessions owned by this user.
        rule = {}
        rule["rule"] = ""
        sessions = []
        for sessionobj in admindb["sessions"].find():
            thissession = {
                'sessid': str(sessionobj["_id"]),
                'label': sessionobj["label"],
                'sessdb': ""
        rule["sessions"] = sessions

        # From rules pertaining to current user
        if "rules" in userobj:
            for arule in userobj["rules"]:
                rule = {}
                ruleobj = admindb["rules"].Rule.find_one({"_id": arule})
                if ruleobj == None:
                #flash(str(ruleobj), 'success')
                rule["rule"] = ruleobj["label"]

                # Find the db pertaining to this rule
                dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one(
                    {"_id": ruleobj["db"]})

                # TODO: initiate new connection if required with this database
                db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]
                sessions = []

                if 'can_see_all' in ruleobj and ruleobj["can_see_all"] == True:
                    #flash("All" + ruleobj["label"], "success")
                    # Gets access to see / admin all sessions in this DB
                    for sessionobj in db["sessions"].Session.find():
                        thissession = {
                            'sessid': str(sessionobj["_id"]),
                            'label': sessionobj["label"],
                            'sessdb': str(dbobj["_id"])
                        if 'type' in sessionobj:
                            if (sessionobj["type"] == "stack"):
                                thissession["stack"] = True
                elif len(ruleobj["can_see"]) > 0:
                    # Gets access to a limited number of sessions
                    for asession in ruleobj["can_see"]:
                        sessionobj = db["sessions"].Session.find_one(
                            {"_id": asession})
                        if sessionobj == None:
                        thissession = {
                            'sessid': str(sessionobj["_id"]),
                            'label': sessionobj["label"],
                            'sessdb': str(dbobj["_id"])
                        if 'type' in sessionobj:
                            if (sessionobj["type"] == "stack"):
                                thissession["stack"] = True

                # if db administrator
                if 'db_admin' in ruleobj and ruleobj["db_admin"] == True:
                    # Update the administrative
                    for asession in sessions:
                        #flash("Admin session: " + asession["label"] , "success")
                        asession["canadmin"] = True

                rule["sessions"] = sessions
            # End of for loop over rules

        if ajax:
            return jsonify(sessions=sessionlist, name=name, ajax=1)
            return render_template('sessionlist.html',
def getview():
    sessid = request.args.get('sessid', None)
    viewid = request.args.get('viewid', "")
    viewdb = request.args.get('db', "")

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewdb)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    # check the session to see if notes are hidden
    hideAnnotations = False
    if sessid:
        sessObj = db["sessions"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(sessid)})
        if sessObj.has_key("hideAnnotations"):
            if sessObj["hideAnnotations"]:
                hideAnnotations = True

    viewObj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewid)})
    # Right now, only notes use "Type"
    if "Type" in viewObj:
        viewObj["_id"] = str(viewObj["_id"])
        if hideAnnotations:
            # use a cryptic label
            viewObj["Title"] = viewObj["HiddenTitle"]
            viewObj["ViewerRecords"] = [viewObj["ViewerRecords"][0]]
            viewObj["Children"] = []
        return jsonify(viewObj)

    # legacy: Rework bookmarks into the same structure.
    # a pain, but necessary to generalize next/previous slide.
    # An array of children and an array of ViewerRecords
    imgdb = viewdb
    if "imgdb" in viewObj:
        # support for images in database different than view
        imgdb = viewObj["imgdb"]
        dbobj2 = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one(
            {"_id": ObjectId(imgdb)})
        db2 = conn[dbobj2["dbname"]]
        imgobj = db2["images"].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(viewObj["img"])})
        imgobj = db["images"].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(viewObj["img"])})

    noteObj = {}
    noteObj["Id"] = viewid
    noteObj["ParentId"] = ""
    noteObj["Title"] = imgobj["label"]
    if viewObj.has_key("Title"):
        noteObj["Title"] = viewObj["Title"]
    noteObj["HiddenTitle"] = imgobj["label"]
    if viewObj.has_key("HiddenTitle"):
        noteObj["HiddenTitle"] = viewObj["HiddenTitle"]

    # Construct the ViewerRecord for the base view
    viewerRecord = {}
    viewerRecord["Annotations"] = []
    if 'dimensions' in imgobj:
        viewerRecord["Dimensions"] = imgobj["dimensions"]
        viewerRecord["Bounds"] = [
            0, imgobj["dimensions"][0], 0, imgobj["dimensions"][1]
    elif 'dimension' in imgobj:
        viewerRecord["Dimensions"] = imgobj["dimension"]
        viewerRecord["Bounds"] = [
            0, imgobj["dimension"][0], 0, imgobj["dimension"][1]
    viewerRecord["NumberOfLevels"] = imgobj["levels"]
    viewerRecord["Image"] = str(imgobj["_id"])
    viewerRecord["Database"] = imgdb

    # camera object.
    cam = {}
    if 'startup_view' in viewObj:
        bookmark = db["bookmarks"].find_one(
            {'_id': ObjectId(viewObj["startup_view"])})
        cam["FocalPoint"] = bookmark["center"]
        cam["Roll"] = bookmark["rotation"]
        if 'zoom' in bookmark:
            cam["Height"] = 900 << int(bookmark["zoom"])
        if 'viewHeight' in bookmark:
            cam["Height"] = bookmark["viewHeight"]
        cam["Height"] = viewerRecord["Dimensions"][1]
        cam["Roll"] = 0
        cam["FocalPoint"] = [
            viewerRecord["Dimensions"][0] / 2,
            viewerRecord["Dimensions"][1] / 2, 0
    viewerRecord["Camera"] = cam
    noteObj["ViewerRecords"] = [viewerRecord]

    # Now for the children (Bookmarks).
    children = []
    if 'bookmarks' in viewObj:
        for bookmarkid in viewObj["bookmarks"]:
            bookmark = db["bookmarks"].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(bookmarkid)})
            if bookmark["annotation"]["type"] == "pointer":
                question = {}
                question["Title"] = "Question"
                question["Text"] = ""
                question["Type"] = "Bookmark"
                question["Id"] = str(bookmark["_id"])
                question["ParentId"] = viewid
                vrq = {}
                vrq["AnnotationVisibility"] = 1
                vrq["Dimensions"] = viewerRecord["Dimensions"]
                vrq["Bounds"] = viewerRecord["Bounds"]
                vrq["NumberOfLevels"] = viewerRecord["NumberOfLevels"]
                vrq["Image"] = viewerRecord["Image"]
                vrq["Database"] = viewerRecord["Database"]
                # camera object.
                cam = {}
                cam["FocalPoint"] = bookmark["center"]
                cam["Height"] = 900 << int(bookmark["zoom"])
                cam["Roll"] = bookmark["rotation"]
                vrq["Camera"] = cam
                annot = {}
                annot["type"] = "text"
                # colors are wrong
                #annot["color"] = bookmark["annotation"]["color"]
                annot["color"] = "#1030FF"
                annot["size"] = 30
                annot["position"] = bookmark["annotation"]["points"][0]
                annot["offset"] = [
                    bookmark["annotation"]["points"][1][0] -
                    bookmark["annotation"]["points"][1][1] -
                # problem with offsets too big or small.  (Screen pixels / fixed size)
                mag = math.sqrt((annot["offset"][0] * annot["offset"][0]) +
                                (annot["offset"][1] * annot["offset"][1]))
                if mag == 0:
                    annot["offset"][1] = 1
                    mag = 1
                if mag > 200:
                    annot["offset"][0] = annot["offset"][0] * 200 / mag
                    annot["offset"][1] = annot["offset"][1] * 200 / mag
                if mag < 10:
                    annot["offset"][0] = annot["offset"][0] * 10 / mag
                    annot["offset"][1] = annot["offset"][1] * 10 / mag
                annot["string"] = bookmark["title"]
                annot["anchorVisibility"] = True
                vrq["Annotations"] = [annot]
                question["ViewerRecords"] = [vrq]

                answer = {}
                answer["Title"] = bookmark["title"]
                answer["Text"] = bookmark["details"]
                answer["Type"] = "Bookmark"
                answer["Id"] = str(bookmark["_id"])
                answer["ParentId"] = viewid
                vra = {}
                vra["AnnotationVisibility"] = 2
                vra["Type"] = "Answer"
                vra["Dimensions"] = viewerRecord["Dimensions"]
                vra["Bounds"] = viewerRecord["Bounds"]
                vra["NumberOfLevels"] = viewerRecord["NumberOfLevels"]
                vra["Image"] = viewerRecord["Image"]
                vra["Database"] = viewerRecord["Database"]
                vra["Camera"] = cam
                vra["Annotations"] = [annot]
                answer["ViewerRecords"] = [vra]
                question["Children"] = [answer]

            if bookmark["annotation"]["type"] == "circle":
                note = {}
                note["Title"] = bookmark["title"]
                note["Text"] = bookmark["details"]
                note["Type"] = "Bookmark"
                note["Id"] = str(bookmark["_id"])
                note["ParentId"] = viewid
                vr = {}
                vr["AnnotationVisibility"] = 1
                vr["Dimensions"] = viewerRecord["Dimensions"]
                vr["Bounds"] = viewerRecord["Bounds"]
                vr["NumberOfLevels"] = viewerRecord["NumberOfLevels"]
                vr["Image"] = viewerRecord["Image"]
                vr["Database"] = viewerRecord["Database"]
                # camera object.
                cam = {}
                cam["FocalPoint"] = bookmark["center"]
                cam["Height"] = 900 << int(bookmark["zoom"])
                cam["Roll"] = bookmark["rotation"]
                vrq["Camera"] = cam
                annot = {}
                annot["type"] = "circle"
                annot["color"] = bookmark["annotation"]["color"]
                annot["outlinecolor"] = bookmark["annotation"]["color"]
                annot["origin"] = bookmark["annotation"]["points"][0]
                # why does radius have value False?
                if bookmark["annotation"]["radius"]:
                    annot["radius"] = bookmark["annotation"]["radius"]
                    annot["radius"] = 1000.0
                annot["linewidth"] = annot["radius"] / 20

                vr["Annotations"] = [annot]
                note["ViewerRecords"] = [vr]

    noteObj["Children"] = children

    # it is easier to delete annotations than not generate them in the first place.
    if hideAnnotations:
        # use a cryptic label
        noteObj["Title"] = viewObj["HiddenTitle"]
        noteObj["ViewerRecords"] = [noteObj["ViewerRecords"][0]]
        noteObj["Children"] = []

    return jsonify(noteObj)
    def post(self, resid=None):
        # post requires admin access

        # Parse the data in json format
        data = request.json

        # Unknown request if no parameters
        if data == None:


        # Only insert command is supported
        if data.has_key("insert"):
            # Create the database object from the supplied parameters

                if resid <> None:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Trying to create new resource at existing resource")

                newdb = conn[
                newdb["label"] = data["insert"]["label"]
                newdb["host"] = data["insert"]["host"]
                newdb["dbname"] = data["insert"]["dbname"]
                newdb["copyright"] = data["insert"]["copyright"]
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newdb)
        elif data.has_key("modify"):
            # Resid must be supplied
            if resid == None:
                return Response(
                    "{\"error\" : \"No resource id supplied for modification\"}",

                # Locate the resource
                newdb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]][
                    "databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(resid)})
                if newdb == None:
                    raise Exception(" Resource %s not found" % (resid))
            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            # Now update
                for akey in data["modify"]:
                    if akey == "_id":
                        return Response("{\"error\" : \"Cannot modify _id \"}",

                    # Update other keys
                    if akey in newdb:
                        newdb[akey] = data["modify"][akey]

            except Exception as inst:
                # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request
                return Response("{\"error\" : \"%s\"}" % str(inst), status=405)

            return jsonify(newdb)

            # Only insert and modify commands supported so far
    def put(self, resid):
        # put requires admin access

        # Get json supplied 
        data = request.json

        # Check for valid parameters 
        # Check if no parameters 
        if data == None:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"No parameters ? \"}", status=405)

        # See if id matches the resource being modified
            if data["_id"] != resid:
                raise Exception(1)
        except:    #
    # def delete(self, dbid, sessid, restype, resid=None):
    #     if resid == None:
    #         return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Deletion of all attachments not implemented Must provide resid\"}" , status=405)
    #     else:
    #         datadb = self.get_data_db(dbid)
    #         if datadb == None:
    #             return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Invalid database id %s\"}" % (dbid), status=405)
    #         # TODO: This block of code to common and can be abstrated
    #         conn.register([Session])
    #         sessobj = datadb["sessions"].Session.find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(sessid)})
    #         if sessobj == None:
    #             return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Session %s does not exist in db %s\"}" % (sessid, dbid), status=405)
    #         if restype == "attachments" or restype == "rawfiles":
    #             # Remove from the gridfs
    #             gf = gridfs.GridFS(datadb , restype)
    #             gf.delete(ObjectId(resid))
    #             # Remove the reference from session
    #             attachments = [value for value in sessobj["attachments"] if value["ref"] != ObjectId(resid)]
    #             # Find the index
    #             # Remove that index
    #             sessobj["attachments"] = attachments
    #     if not "images" in sessobj:
    #         sessobj["images"] = []
    #         sessobj.validate()
    #         return Response("{ \"Success \" : \" \"}", status=200)
    #     else:
    #         return "You want %s from views in %s/%s" % (resid, dbid, sessid)

                return Response("{\"error\" : \"_id mismatch with the location in the url \"}", status=405)

        # Try to see if the data can create valid object 

        # The object should exist
        dbobj = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(resid)})

        # Unknown request if no parameters 
        if dbobj == None:
            return Response("{\"error\" : \"Resource _id: %s  doesnot exist\"}" % (resid), status=403)

        # Create the database object from the supplied parameters  
            dbobj["label"] = data["label"]
            dbobj["host"] = data["host"]
            dbobj["dbname"] = data["dbname"]
            dbobj["copyright"] = data["copyright"]
        except Exception as inst:
            # If valid database object cannot be constructed it is invalid request 
            return Response("{\"error\" : %s}" % str(inst), status=405)

        return jsonify(dbobj)
    def put(self, dbid, sessid, restype, resid):
        # we are expected to save the uploaded file and return some info about it:
        # this is the name for input type=file
        names = []
        # Make sure to read the form before sending the reply
        jsonresponse = {}
        jsonresponse["_id"] = request.form['_id']

        datadb = self.get_data_db(dbid)
        if datadb == None:
            return Response("{ \"error \" : \"Invalid database id %s\"}" %
        sessobj = datadb["sessions"].Session.find_one(
            {"_id": ObjectId(sessid)})
        if sessobj == None:
            return Response(
                "{ \"error \" : \"Session %s does not exist in db %s\"}" %
                (sessid, dbid),

        # Parse headers
            #Get filename from content disposition
            fnameheader = request.headers["Content-Disposition"]
            disposition ='filename="(.+?)"', fnameheader)
            filename =[10:-1]

            # Get the actual chunk position from Content-Range
            range = request.headers["Content-Range"]
            match = re.findall(r'\d+', range)
            start = int(match[0])
            end = int(match[1])
            total = int(match[2])
            success = True
            success = False

        # Headers cannot be parsed, so try
        if not success:
                bfile = request.files['file']

                gf = gridfs.GridFS(datadb, restype)
                afile = gf.new_file(chunk_size=1048576,
                if not sessobj.has_key("attachments"):
                    sessobj["attachments"] = [{
                        "ref": ObjectId(resid),
                        "pos": 0

    #                print "Inserted attachments", str(sessobj["attachments"])
                    size_before = len(sessobj["attachments"])
                        "ref": ObjectId(resid),
                        "pos": size_before + 1

                return Response("{\"success\" : \" - \"}", status=200)

                return Response(
                    "{\"error\" : \" Error processing single chunk header \"}",

        # No need to return conventional file list
        # Expect _id in the form
            jsonresponse["_id"] = request.form['_id']
            return Response(
                "{\"error\" : \" each put request must include _id requested from server \"}",

        n = int(start / 1048576.0)
        # Craft the response json
        jsonresponse["start"] = start
        jsonresponse["end"] = end
        jsonresponse["total"] = total
        jsonresponse["done"] = end + 1

        bfile = request.files['file']

        first = False
        last = False
        # If first chunk
        if start == 0:
            first = True
            jsonresponse["first"] = 1
            # Create a file
            gf = gridfs.GridFS(datadb, restype)
            afile = gf.new_file(chunk_size=1048576,

        if total == end + 1:
            last = True
            jsonresponse["last"] = 1
            # Add the attachment id to the
            if not sessobj.has_key("attachments"):
                sessobj["attachments"] = [{"ref": ObjectId(resid), "pos": 0}]
#                print "Inserted attachments", str(sessobj["attachments"])
                size_before = len(sessobj["attachments"])
                    "ref": ObjectId(resid),
                    "pos": size_before + 1
#                print "Appended to  attachments", str(sessobj["attachments"])

        if not first:
            obj = {}
            obj["n"] = n
            obj["files_id"] = ObjectId(resid)
            obj["data"] = Binary(

            fileobj = datadb["attachments.files"].find_one(
                {"_id": obj["files_id"]})
                {"_id": obj["files_id"]},
                {"$set": {
                    "length": fileobj["length"] + len(obj["data"])

        # Finalize
        # Append to the chunks collection
        return jsonify(jsonresponse)
    def post(self, restype, resid, listtype):
        # create a new user
        obj = {}
        obj["query"] = { "restype" : restype, "resid" : resid, "listtype" : listtype}

        return jsonify(obj)
def glstacksession():
    - /webgl-viewer/stack-session?db=5123c81782778fd2f954a34a&sess=51256ae6894f5931098069d5

    # Comparison is a modified view.
    sessid = request.args.get('sess', None)
    if not sessid:
        sessid = "51256ae6894f5931098069d5"
    # this is the same as the sessions db in the sessions page.
    dbid = request.args.get('db', None)

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    sessobj = db["sessions"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(sessid)})
    views = []
    for view in sessobj["views"]:
        viewid = view["ref"]
        viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewid)})
        #viewobj["rotation"] = 0
        # Having issues with jsonify
        imgdbid = dbid
        if 'db' in viewobj:
            imgdbid = str(viewobj["db"])
        myview = {
            "_id": str(viewobj["_id"]),
            "center": viewobj["center"],
            "height": viewobj["height"],
            "rotation": 0,
            "db": imgdbid
        imgobj = db["images"].find_one({"_id": viewobj["img"]})
        #imgobj["_id"] = str(imgobj["_id"])
        #imgobj["thumb"] = ""
        myimg = {
            "dimensions": imgobj["dimension"],
            "_id": str(imgobj["_id"]),
            "levels": imgobj["levels"]

        myview["img"] = myimg

    for pair in sessobj["transformations"]:
        if 'view0' in pair:
            pair["view0"] = str(pair["view0"])
            pair["view1"] = str(pair["view1"])

    if not 'annotations' in sessobj:
        sessobj["annotations"] = []

    for markup in sessobj["annotations"]:
        markup["view"] = str(markup["view"])

    return jsonify({
        "views": views,
        "transformations": sessobj["transformations"],
        "annotations": sessobj["annotations"]
def bookmark():
    - /bookmark?key=0295cf24-6d51-4ce8-a923-772ebc71abb5
    key = request.args.get('key', "0295cf24-6d51-4ce8-a923-772ebc71abb5")
    # find the view and the db

    return jsonify({"key": key})

    # Check the user is logged in.
    rules = []
    # Compile the rules
    conn.register([Image, Session, User, Rule, Database])
    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    # Assert the user is logged in
    if 'user' in session:
        name = session['user']['label']
        id = session['user']['id']
        userobj = admindb["users"].User.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})
        if userobj == None:
            # If the user is not found then something wrong
            # Redirect the user to home with error message
            flash("Invalid login", "error")
            return redirect(url_for('login.login'))
        # Send the user back to login page
        # with some message
        flash("You must be logged in to see that resource", "error")
        return redirect(url_for('login.login'))

    # See if editing will be enabled.
    edit = request.args.get('edit', False)
    # See if the user is requesting a view or session
    viewid = request.args.get('view', None)
    # get all the metadata to display a view in the webgl viewer.
    ajax = request.args.get('json', None)
    # get bookmarks. (Legacy)
    bookmarks = request.args.get('bookmarks', None)

    # this is the same as the sessions db in the sessions page.
    # TODO: Store database in the view and do not pass as arg.
    dbid = request.args.get('db', None)

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbid)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    if viewid:
        viewobj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewid)})
        if ajax:
            return jsonifyView(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj)
        if bookmarks:
            return jsonifyBookmarks(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj)

        # This will be the only path in the future. Everything else is legacy.
        if 'type' in viewobj:
            if viewobj["type"] == "comparison":
                return glcomparison(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj)
        # default
        return glnote(db, dbid, viewid, viewobj, edit)
def sessionsave():
    inputStr = request.form['input']  # for post
    #inputStr = request.args.get('input', "{}") # for get

    inputObj = json.loads(inputStr)
    newFlag = inputObj["new"]
    dbId = inputObj["db"]
    sessId = inputObj["session"]
    label = inputObj["label"]
    views = inputObj["views"]
    hideAnnotation = inputObj["hideAnnotation"]

    admindb = conn[current_app.config["CONFIGDB"]]
    dbobj = admindb["databases"].Database.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(dbId)})
    db = conn[dbobj["dbname"]]

    if 'user' in session:
        email = session["user"]["email"]

    admin = True
    if email == "all_bev1_admin":
        admin = True
    if email == "all_paul3_admin":
        admin = True
    if not admin:
        return ""

    # get the session in the database to modify.
    # Todo: if session is undefined, create a new session (copy views when available).
    sessObj = db["sessions"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(sessId)})
    # I am using the label for the annotated title, and name for hidde
    sessObj["label"] = label

    # create a new list of sessions.
    oldViews = []
    if sessObj.has_key("views"):
        oldViews = sessObj["views"]
    newViews = []
    newImages = []
    for viewData in views:
        viewId = None
        if "view" in viewData:
            viewId = viewData["view"]
        # Look for matching old views in new session
        found = False
        for index, view in enumerate(oldViews):
            if str(view["ref"]) == viewId:
                # found one.  Copy it over.
                found = True
                view["pos"] = len(newViews)
                # switch over to the new list.
                del oldViews[index]
                # What a pain.  Why two lists?  Deal with the image list.
                image = {}
                image["pos"] = len(newImages)
                image["hide"] = False
                viewObj = db["views"].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(viewId)})

                viewObj["Title"] = viewData["label"]
                viewObj["HiddenTitle"] = viewData["hiddenLabel"]

                # if copying a session, copy the view objects too.
                if newFlag:
                    del viewObj["_id"]
                # have to save the view, (Title might have changed.)
                view["ref"] = db["views"].save(viewObj)
                if "img" in viewObj:
                    image["ref"] = viewObj["img"]
                    # assume view has type note.
                    image["ref"] = viewObj["ViewerRecords"][0]["Image"]
        if not found:
            if not viewId:
                # create a minimal new view (to be stored in db["views"]).
                viewObj = {}
                viewObj["img"] = viewData["img"]
                if viewData["db"] != dbId:
                    viewObj["imgdb"] = viewData["db"]
                viewObj["label"] = viewData["label"]
                # need to clean up the schema: viewObj:label, Title, view:label
                viewObj["Title"] = viewData["label"]
                viewObj["HiddenTitle"] = viewData["hiddenLabel"]
                viewId = db["views"].save(viewObj)
                # make a view entry on the session list
                view = {}
                view["pos"] = len(newViews)
                view["ref"] = viewId
                view["hide"] = False
                view["label"] = viewData["label"]
                # image
                image = {}
                image["pos"] = len(newImages)
                image["hide"] = False
                image["ref"] = ObjectId(viewData["img"])
                if viewData["db"] != dbId:
                    image["db"] = viewData["db"]
            #else :
            # Todo: If viewId, copy view from another session.

    # Delete the views that are left over.
    # Views are owned by the session.
    # Images can be shared.
    if not newFlag:
        for view in oldViews:
            db["views"].remove({"_id": view["ref"]})

    sessObj["views"] = newViews
    sessObj["images"] = newImages
    sessObj["hideAnnotations"] = hideAnnotation

    if newFlag:
        del sessObj["_id"]
        sessObj["user"] = email
        sessObj["_id"] = db["sessions"].save(sessObj)
    elif len(newViews) == 0:
        db["sessions"].remove({"_id": sessObj["_id"]})
        sessObj = {}
        return ""

    return jsonify(sessObj)
def upload():
    Assumes that a chunked upload is provided 
    A unique gridfs id is created upon first chunk and later   
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # TODO: Get the new method in paramters
        # Verfiy that the uploader has access
        id = ObjectId()
        form = request.form
        # No need to return conventional file list
        jsonresponse = {}
        jsonresponse["_id"] = id
        return jsonify(jsonresponse)

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        # we are expected to save the uploaded file and return some info about it:
        # this is the name for input type=file
        names = []
        # Make sure to read the form before sending the reply
        # Parse headers
        #Get filename from content disposition
        fnameheader = request.headers["Content-Disposition"]
        disposition ='filename="(.+?)"', fnameheader)
        filename =[10:-1]

        # Get the actual chunk position from Content-Range
        range = request.headers["Content-Range"]
        match = re.findall(r'\d+', range)
        start = int(match[0])
        end = int(match[1])
        total = int(match[2])

        # No need to return conventional file list
        jsonresponse = {}

        # Expect _id in the form
            id = request.form['_id']
            return Response(
                "{\"error\" : \" each put request must include _id requested from server \"}",

        # Craft the response json
        jsonresponse["done"] = end + 1
        jsonresponse["_id"] = id

        return jsonify(jsonresponse)
        #        print request.headers

        # Now create the file being uploaded or append etc

        # TODO: Decide the format to return
        #        obj = {}
        #        obj["boundary"] = request.headers["Content-Type"]
        #        obj["size"] = False
        #        obj["delete_type"] = "DELETE"
        #        obj["delete_url"] = "?file=" + filename
        #        obj["name"] = filename
        #        print obj

        return jsonify(obj)

        for file in request.files.getlist('files[]'):
            filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
            print filename
                os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
            names.append({"name": filename})

        return render_template("list.html", names=names)

    return render_template("upload.html")