def update_lr(self): assert 'lr' in self.optim_param old_lr = self.optim_param['lr'] self.optim_param['lr'] = old_lr * 0.9 logger.debug( f'Learning rate decayed from {old_lr} to {self.optim_param["lr"]}') self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, self.optim_param)
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_layers, out_dim, hid_layers_activation=None, optim_param=None, loss_param=None, clamp_grad=False, clamp_grad_val=1.0, batch_norm=True): ''' in_dim: dimension of the inputs hid_layers: tuple consisting of two elements. (conv_hid, flat_hid) Note: tuple must contain two elements, use empty list if no such layers. 1. conv_hid: list containing dimensions of the convolutional hidden layers. Asssumed to all come before the flat layers. Note: a convolutional layer should specify the in_channel, out_channels, kernel_size, stride (of kernel steps), padding, and dilation (spacing between kernel points) E.g. [3, 16, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)] For more details, see and 2. flat_hid: list of dense layers following the convolutional layers out_dim: dimension of the ouputs optim_param: parameters for initializing the optimizer loss_param: measure of error between model predictions and correct outputs hid_layers_activation: activation function for the hidden layers out_activation_param: activation function for the last layer clamp_grad: whether to clamp the gradient batch_norm: whether to add batch normalization after each convolutional layer, excluding the input layer. @example: net = ConvNet( (3, 32, 32), ([[3, 36, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)],[36, 128, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)]], [100]), 10, hid_layers_activation='relu', optim_param={'name': 'Adam'}, loss_param={'name': 'mse_loss'}, clamp_grad=False, batch_norm=True) ''' super(ConvNet, self).__init__() # Create net and initialize params self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.batch_norm = batch_norm self.conv_layers = [] self.conv_model = self.build_conv_layers( hid_layers[0], hid_layers_activation) self.flat_layers = [] self.dense_model = self.build_flat_layers( hid_layers[1], out_dim, hid_layers_activation) self.num_hid_layers = len(self.conv_layers) + len(self.flat_layers) - 1 self.init_params() # Init other net variables self.params = list(self.conv_model.parameters()) + \ list(self.dense_model.parameters()) self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, optim_param) self.loss_fn = net_util.get_loss_fn(self, loss_param) self.clamp_grad = clamp_grad self.clamp_grad_val = clamp_grad_val
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, out_dim, hid_layers_activation=None, optim_param=None, loss_param=None, clamp_grad=False, clamp_grad_val=1.0): ''' in_dim: dimension of the inputs hid_dim: list containing dimensions of the hidden layers out_dim: list containing the dimensions of the ouputs hid_layers_activation: activation function for the hidden layers optim_param: parameters for initializing the optimizer loss_param: measure of error between model predictions and correct outputs clamp_grad: whether to clamp the gradient @example: net = MLPHeterogenousHeads( 1000, [512, 256, 128], [1, 1], hid_layers_activation='relu', optim_param={'name': 'Adam'}, loss_param={'name': 'mse_loss'}, clamp_grad=True, clamp_grad_val=2.0) ''' nn.Module.__init__(self) # Create net and initialize params self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.layers = [] # Init network body for i, layer in enumerate(hid_dim): in_D = in_dim if i == 0 else hid_dim[i - 1] out_D = hid_dim[i] self.layers += [nn.Linear(in_D, out_D)] self.layers += [net_util.get_activation_fn(hid_layers_activation)] in_D = hid_dim[-1] if len(hid_dim) > 0 else in_dim self.body = nn.Sequential(*self.layers) # Init network output heads self.out_layers = [] for i, dim in enumerate(out_dim): self.out_layers += [nn.Linear(in_D, dim)] self.layers += [self.out_layers] self.init_params() # Init other net variables self.params = list(self.body.parameters()) for layer in self.out_layers: self.params.extend(list(layer.parameters())) self.optim_param = optim_param self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, self.optim_param) self.loss_fn = net_util.get_loss_fn(self, loss_param) self.clamp_grad = clamp_grad self.clamp_grad_val = clamp_grad_val
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_layers, out_dim, hid_layers_activation=None, optim_param=None, loss_param=None, clamp_grad=False, clamp_grad_val=1.0, batch_norm=True): ''' in_dim: dimension of the inputs hid_layers: tuple consisting of two elements. (conv_hid, flat_hid) Note: tuple must contain two elements, use empty list if no such layers. 1. conv_hid: list containing dimensions of the convolutional hidden layers. Asssumed to all come before the flat layers. Note: a convolutional layer should specify the in_channel, out_channels, kernel_size, stride (of kernel steps), padding, and dilation (spacing between kernel points) E.g. [3, 16, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)] For more details, see and 2. flat_hid: list of dense layers following the convolutional layers out_dim: dimension of the output for one output, otherwise a list containing the dimensions of the ouputs for a multi-headed network hid_layers_activation: activation function for the hidden layers optim_param: parameters for initializing the optimizer loss_param: measure of error between model predictions and correct outputs clamp_grad: whether to clamp the gradient batch_norm: whether to add batch normalization after each convolutional layer, excluding the input layer. @example: net = ConvNet( (3, 32, 32), ([[3, 36, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)],[36, 128, (5, 5), 1, 0, (2, 2)]],[100]), 10, hid_layers_activation='relu', optim_param={'name': 'Adam'}, loss_param={'name': 'mse_loss'}, clamp_grad=False, batch_norm=True) ''' super(ConvNet, self).__init__() # Create net and initialize params # We need to transpose the dimensions for pytorch. # OpenAI gym provides images as W x H x C, pyTorch expects C x W x H self.in_dim = list(in_dim[:-1]) self.in_dim.insert(0, in_dim[-1]) # Handle multiple types of out_dim (single and multi-headed) if type(out_dim) is int: out_dim = [out_dim] self.out_dim = out_dim self.batch_norm = batch_norm self.conv_layers = [] self.conv_model = self.build_conv_layers(hid_layers[0], hid_layers_activation) self.flat_layers = [] self.dense_model = self.build_flat_layers(hid_layers[1], hid_layers_activation) self.out_layers = [] in_D = hid_layers[1][-1] if len(hid_layers[1]) > 0 else self.flat_dim for dim in out_dim: self.out_layers += [nn.Linear(in_D, dim)] self.num_hid_layers = len(self.conv_layers) + len(self.flat_layers) self.init_params() # Init other net variables self.params = list(self.conv_model.parameters()) + \ list(self.dense_model.parameters()) for layer in self.out_layers: self.params.extend(list(layer.parameters())) self.optim_param = optim_param self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, self.optim_param) self.loss_fn = net_util.get_loss_fn(self, loss_param) self.clamp_grad = clamp_grad self.clamp_grad_val = clamp_grad_val
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, out_dim, hid_layers_activation=None, optim_param=None, loss_param=None, clamp_grad=False, clamp_grad_val=1.0, gpu=False): ''' Multi state processing heads, single shared body, and multi action heads. There is one state and action head per environment Example: Action env 1 Action env 2 _______|______ _______|______ | Act head 1 | | Act head 2 | |______________| |______________| | | |__________________| ________________|_______________ | Shared body | |________________________________| | ________|_______ | | _______|______ ______|_______ | State head 1 | | State head 2 | |______________| |______________| in_dim: list of lists containing dimensions of the state processing heads hid_dim: list containing dimensions of the hidden layers out_dim: list of lists containing dimensions of the ouputs hid_layers_activation: activation function for the hidden layers optim_param: parameters for initializing the optimizer loss_param: measure of error between model predictions and correct outputs clamp_grad: whether to clamp the gradient gpu: whether to train using a GPU. Note this will only work if a GPU is available, othewise setting gpu=True does nothing @example: net = MLPNet( [[800, 200],[400, 200]], [100, 50, 25], [[10], [15]], hid_layers_activation='relu', optim_param={'name': 'Adam'}, loss_param={'name': 'mse_loss'}, clamp_grad=True, clamp_grad_val2.0, gpu=False) ''' super(MultiMLPNet, self).__init__() # Create net and initialize params self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.state_heads_layers = [] self.state_heads_models = self.make_state_heads( self.in_dim, hid_layers_activation) self.shared_layers = [] self.body = self.make_shared_body(self.state_out_concat, hid_dim, hid_layers_activation) self.action_heads_layers = [] in_D = hid_dim[-1] if len(hid_dim) > 0 else self.state_out_concat self.action_heads_models = self.make_action_heads( in_D, self.out_dim, hid_layers_activation) self.init_params() if torch.cuda.is_available() and gpu: for l in self.state_heads_models: l.cuda() self.body.cuda() for l in self.action_heads_models: l.cuda() # Init other net variables self.params = [] for model in self.state_heads_models: self.params.extend(list(model.parameters())) self.params.extend(list(self.body.parameters())) for model in self.action_heads_models: self.params.extend(list(model.parameters())) self.optim_param = optim_param self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, self.optim_param) self.loss_fn = net_util.get_loss_fn(self, loss_param) self.clamp_grad = clamp_grad self.clamp_grad_val = clamp_grad_val
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, out_dim, sequence_length, hid_layers_activation=None, optim_param=None, loss_param=None, clamp_grad=False, clamp_grad_val=1.0, num_rnn_layers=1): ''' in_dim: dimension of the states hid_dim: list containing dimensions of the hidden layers. The last element of the list is should be the dimension of the hidden state for the recurrent layer. The other elements in the list are the dimensions of the MLP (if desired) which is to transform the state space. out_dim: dimension of the output for one output, otherwise a list containing the dimensions of the ouputs for a multi-headed network sequence_length: length of the history of being passed to the net hid_layers_activation: activation function for the hidden layers optim_param: parameters for initializing the optimizer loss_param: measure of error between model predictions and correct output clamp_grad: whether to clamp the gradient clamp_grad_val: what value to clamp the gradient at num_rnn_layers: number of recurrent layers @example: net = RecurrentNet( 4, [32, 64], 10, 8, hid_layers_activation='relu', optim_param={'name': 'Adam'}, loss_param={'name': 'mse_loss'}, clamp_grad=False) ''' super(RecurrentNet, self).__init__() # Create net and initialize params self.in_dim = in_dim self.sequence_length = sequence_length self.hid_dim = hid_dim[-1] # Handle multiple types of out_dim (single and multi-headed) if type(out_dim) is int: out_dim = [out_dim] self.out_dim = out_dim self.num_rnn_layers = num_rnn_layers self.state_processing_layers = [] self.state_proc_model = self.build_state_proc_layers( hid_dim[:-1], hid_layers_activation) self.rnn_input_dim = hid_dim[-2] if len(hid_dim) > 1 else self.in_dim self.rnn = nn.GRU(input_size=self.rnn_input_dim, hidden_size=self.hid_dim, num_layers=self.num_rnn_layers, batch_first=True) # Init network output heads self.out_layers = [] for dim in self.out_dim: self.out_layers += [nn.Linear(self.hid_dim, dim)] self.layers = [self.state_processing_layers] + [self.rnn] + [self.out_layers] self.num_hid_layers = None self.init_params() # Init other net variables self.params = list(self.state_proc_model.parameters()) + list(self.rnn.parameters()) for layer in self.out_layers: self.params.extend(list(layer.parameters())) # Store named parameters for unit testing self.named_params = list(self.state_proc_model.named_parameters()) + list(self.rnn.named_parameters()) for layer in self.out_layers: self.named_params.extend(list(layer.named_parameters())) self.optim_param = optim_param self.optim = net_util.get_optim_multinet(self.params, self.optim_param) self.loss_fn = net_util.get_loss_fn(self, loss_param) self.clamp_grad = clamp_grad self.clamp_grad_val = clamp_grad_val