class GlobalInit: def __init__(self, config_path='conf/config.json'): from sm.engine.db import ConnectionPool # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self.sm_config = on_startup(config_path) self.pool = ConnectionPool(self.sm_config['db']) def __enter__(self): return self.sm_config def __exit__(self, ext_type, ext_value, traceback): self.pool.close()
def empty_test_db(sm_config): db_name = sm_config['db']['database'] db_owner = sm_config['db']['user'] _autocommit_execute( { **sm_config['db'], 'database': 'postgres' }, f'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_name}', f'CREATE DATABASE {db_name} OWNER {db_owner}', ) conn_pool = ConnectionPool(sm_config['db']) yield conn_pool.close() _autocommit_execute({ **sm_config['db'], 'database': 'postgres' }, f'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_name}')
def save_additional_info_to_db(db_id, user_id, input_path): conf = SMConfig.get_conf() with ConnectionPool(conf['db']): db = DB() if db.select_one('SELECT * FROM molecular_db WHERE id = %s', (db_id, )): print(f'Updating existing molecular database {db_id}') DB().alter( 'UPDATE molecular_db SET user_id = %s, input_path = %s WHERE id = %s', (user_id, input_path, db_id), ) else: print(f'Specified molecular database {db_id} does not exist.')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Merge mol_dbs and adducts into config') parser.add_argument('--config', default='conf/config.json', help='SM config path') args = parser.parse_args() SMConfig.set_path(args.config) init_loggers(SMConfig.get_conf()['logs']) conf = SMConfig.get_conf() with ConnectionPool(conf['db']): db = DB() populate_ion_formula(db) populate_ions(db) populate_ion_id(db)
def migrate_dataset(ds, i, n, force=False): output.print(f'Migrating dataset {ds["id"]} ({i}/{n})') with ConnectionPool(sm_config['db']): try: with timeit('Dataset'): if force or ds['status'] == DatasetStatus.FINISHED: migrate_isotopic_images(ds['id']) migrate_ion_thumbnail(ds['id']) migrate_optical_images(ds['id']) except Exception: output.print(f'Migration of {ds["id"]} failed:\n{traceback.format_exc()}') lock.acquire() with open('FAILED_DATASETS.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(',' + ds['id']) lock.release() else: lock.acquire() with open('SUCCEEDED_DATASETS.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(',' + ds['id']) lock.release() return output.flush()
def __init__(self, config_path='conf/config.json'): from sm.engine.db import ConnectionPool # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self.sm_config = on_startup(config_path) self.pool = ConnectionPool(self.sm_config['db'])
args = parser.parse_args() image_base_path = args.image_base_path sm_config = on_startup(args.config) bucket_name = sm_config['image_storage']['bucket'] logging.getLogger('engine').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('engine.db').setLevel(logging.WARNING) output = Output() lock = Lock() if args.ds_ids: ds_ids = list({ds_id for ds_id in args.ds_ids.split(',') if ds_id}) with ConnectionPool(sm_config['db']): dss_to_process = DB().select_with_fields(SEL_SPEC_DSS, params=(ds_ids,)) n = len(dss_to_process) for i, ds in enumerate(dss_to_process, 1): logs = migrate_dataset(ds, i, n, force=True) print(logs) else: with ConnectionPool(sm_config['db']): dss = DB().select_with_fields(SEL_ALL_DSS) processed_ds_ids = read_ds_list('SUCCEEDED_DATASETS.txt') | read_ds_list( 'FAILED_DATASETS.txt' ) dss_to_process = [ds for ds in dss if ds['id'] not in processed_ds_ids] n = len(dss_to_process) tasks = [(ds, i, n) for i, ds in enumerate(dss_to_process, 1)]
import pandas as pd from sm.engine.db import DB, ConnectionPool from sm.engine.config import init_loggers if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Update molecular database molecule names') parser.add_argument('--config', default='conf/config.json', help='SM config path') parser.add_argument('file_path', help='Path to file with new names') args = parser.parse_args() init_loggers() logger = logging.getLogger('engine')'Importing new names from {args.file_path}') db_config = {"host": "localhost", "database": "mol_db", "user": "******"} with ConnectionPool(db_config): db = DB() names_df = pd.read_csv(args.file_path, sep='\t')[['id', 'name']] sql = ( 'WITH molecule_name AS (SELECT UNNEST(%s::text[]) as id_, UNNEST(%s::text[]) as name_) ' 'UPDATE molecule SET mol_name = molecule_name.name_ ' 'FROM molecule_name WHERE molecule.mol_id = molecule_name.id_') db.alter(sql, [,])
def main(daemon_name, exit_after):'Starting {daemon_name}-daemon') conn_pool = ConnectionPool(sm_config['db']) # Ensure the S3 bucket for image storage exists and is configured correctly. image_storage.configure_bucket(sm_config) daemons = [] if daemon_name == 'annotate': daemons.append( SMAnnotateDaemon(manager=get_manager(), annot_qdesc=SM_ANNOTATE, upd_qdesc=SM_UPDATE)) elif daemon_name == 'update': make_update_queue_cons = partial( QueueConsumer, config=sm_config['rabbitmq'], qdesc=SM_UPDATE, logger=logger, poll_interval=1, ) for _ in range(sm_config['services']['update_daemon_threads']): daemon = SMUpdateDaemon(get_manager(), make_update_queue_cons) daemons.append(daemon) elif daemon_name == 'lithops': try: # Raise the soft limit of open files, as Lithops sometimes makes many network # connections in parallel, exceeding the default limit of 1024. # The hard limit cannot be changed by non-sudo users. soft_rlimit, hard_rlimit = resource.getrlimit( resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) new_rlimit = 10000 if soft_rlimit < new_rlimit: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (new_rlimit, hard_rlimit)) logger.debug( f'Raised open file limit from {soft_rlimit} to {new_rlimit}' ) except Exception: logger.warning('Failed to set the open file limit (non-critical)', exc_info=True) daemon = LithopsDaemon(get_manager(), lit_qdesc=SM_LITHOPS, annot_qdesc=SM_ANNOTATE, upd_qdesc=SM_UPDATE) daemons.append(daemon) else: raise Exception(f'Wrong SM daemon name: {daemon_name}') def cb_stop_daemons(*args): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if parent_process() is not None: # Multiprocessing worker processes (used by Lithops) inherit this signal handler. # Avoid interacting with the queues from a worker process as they aren't functional return'Stopping {daemon_name}-daemon') for d in daemons: # pylint: disable=invalid-name d.stop() conn_pool.close() sys.exit(1) def timer_stop_daemons(): # Raise a signal to stop the daemons. Only the main thread is able to set an exit code, # so a signal is raised instead of calling cb_stop_daemons directly from the timer thread. os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cb_stop_daemons) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cb_stop_daemons) if exit_after is not None: exit_timer = Timer(exit_after, timer_stop_daemons) exit_timer.setDaemon( True) # Don't prevent shutdown if the timer is still running exit_timer.start() for daemon in daemons: daemon.start() for daemon in daemons: daemon.join()