def generateReport(cself, filename="report.pdf", showOnScreen=True, graph=None, removedOutlierCorners=None): #plotter plotter = PlotCollection.PlotCollection("Calibration report") figs = list() #plot graph if graph is not None: f=pl.figure(1001) title="Inter-camera observations graph (edge weight=#mutual obs.)"; graph.plotGraphPylab(fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure("Obs. graph", f) figs.append(f) #rig geometry if len(cself.cameras)>1: f=pl.figure(1002) title="camera system" plotCameraRig(cself.baselines, fno=f.number, clearFigure=False, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) #plot for each camera for cidx, cam in enumerate(cself.cameras): if cself.numCamsReplaced > 0 and cidx < len(cself.cameras)-cself.numCamsReplaced: continue f = pl.figure(cidx*10+1) title="cam{0}: polar error".format(cidx) plotPolarError(cself, cidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(cidx*10+2) title="cam{0}: azimutal error".format(cidx) plotAzumithalError(cself, cidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(cidx*10+3) title="cam{0}: reprojection errors".format(cidx) plotAllReprojectionErrors(cself, cidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) #plot all removed outlier corners if removedOutlierCorners is not None: if len(removedOutlierCorners) > 0: f=pl.figure(1003) title="Location of removed outlier corners" plotOutlierCorners(cself, removedOutlierCorners, fno=f.number, title=title) plotter.add_figure("Outlier corners", f) figs.append(f) #save to pdf pdf=PdfPages(filename) for fig in figs: pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() print "Report written to: {0}".format(filename) if showOnScreen:
def generateReport(cself, filename="report.pdf", showOnScreen=True): figs = list() plotter = PlotCollection.PlotCollection("Calibration report") #plot imu stuff (if we have imus) for iidx, imu in enumerate(cself.ImuList): f = pl.figure(3010 + iidx) plots.plotAngularVelocities(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: angular velocities".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(3020 + iidx) plots.plotAccelerations(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: accelerations".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(3030 + iidx) plots.plotAccelBias(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: accelerometer bias".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(3040 + iidx) plots.plotAngularVelocityBias(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: gyro bias".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(3050 + iidx) plots.plotGyroError(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: angular velocity error".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) f = pl.figure(3060 + iidx) plots.plotAccelError(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: acceleration error".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) #plot cam stuff if cself.CameraChain: for cidx, cam in enumerate(cself.CameraChain.camList): f = pl.figure(4000 + cidx) title = "cam{0}: reprojection errors".format(cidx) plots.plotReprojectionScatter(cself, cidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) #write to pdf pdf = PdfPages(filename) for fig in figs: pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() if showOnScreen:
def generateReport(cself, filename="report.pdf", showOnScreen=True): figs = list() plotter = PlotCollection.PlotCollection("Calibration report") offset = 3010 #Output calibration results in text form. sstream = StringIO.StringIO() printResultTxt(cself, sstream) text = [line for line in StringIO.StringIO(sstream.getvalue())] linesPerPage = 40 while True: fig = pl.figure(offset) offset += 1 left, width = .05, 1. bottom, height = -.05, 1. right = left + width top = bottom + height ax = fig.add_axes([.0, .0, 1., 1.]) # axes coordinates are 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is upper right p = patches.Rectangle((left, bottom), width, height, fill=False, transform=ax.transAxes, \ clip_on=False, edgecolor="none") ax.add_patch(p) pl.axis('off') printText = lambda t: ax.text(left, top, t, fontsize=8, \ horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top',\ transform=ax.transAxes) if len(text) > linesPerPage: printText("".join(text[0:linesPerPage])) figs.append(fig) text = text[linesPerPage:] else: printText("".join(text[0:])) figs.append(fig) break #plot imu stuff (if we have imus) for iidx, imu in enumerate(cself.ImuList): f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotAccelerations(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: accelerations".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotAccelErrorPerAxis(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: acceleration error".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotAccelBias(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: accelerometer bias".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotAngularVelocities(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: angular velocities".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotGyroErrorPerAxis(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: angular velocity error".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) f = pl.figure(offset + iidx) plots.plotAngularVelocityBias(cself, iidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True) plotter.add_figure("imu{0}: gyroscope bias".format(iidx), f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.ImuList) #plot cam stuff if cself.CameraChain: for cidx, cam in enumerate(cself.CameraChain.camList): f = pl.figure(offset + cidx) title = "cam{0}: reprojection errors".format(cidx) plots.plotReprojectionScatter(cself, cidx, fno=f.number, noShow=True, title=title) plotter.add_figure(title, f) figs.append(f) offset += len(cself.CameraChain.camList) #write to pdf pdf = PdfPages(filename) for fig in figs: pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() if showOnScreen: