文件: i2c.py 项目: jcollie/rpiwr
class Device(object):
    def __init__(self, address, bus):
        self._bus = SMBus(bus)
        self._address = address

    def writeRaw8(self, value):
        value = value & 0xff
        self._bus.write_byte(self._address, value)

    def readRaw8(self):
        result = self._bus.read_byte(self._address) & 0xff
        return result

    def write8(self, register, value):
        value = value & 0xff
        self._bus.write_byte_data(self._address, register, value)

    def readU8(self, register):
        result = self._bus.read_byte_data(self._address, register) & 0xFF
        return result

    def readS8(self, register):
        result = self.readU8(register)
        if result > 127:
            result -= 256
        return result

    def write16(self, register, value):
        value = value & 0xffff
        self._bus.write_word_data(self._address, register, value)

    def readU16(self, register, little_endian = True):
        result = self._bus.read_word_data(self._address,register) & 0xFFFF
        if not little_endian:
            result = ((result << 8) & 0xFF00) + (result >> 8)
        return result

    def readS16(self, register, little_endian = True):
        result = self.readU16(register, little_endian)
        if result > 32767:
            result -= 65536
        return result

    def writeList(self, register, data):
        self._bus.write_i2c_block_data(self._address, register, data)

    def readList(self, register, length):
        results = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._address, register, length)
        return results
def get_temp():
    # zlecenie konwersji
    i2c_bus = SMBus(1)
    i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 10, 1)
    cel = i2c_bus.read_word_data(0x20, 5)
    cel = cel >> 8
    return cel
class MTSMBus(I2CBus):
    """ Multi-thread compatible SMBus bus.

    This is just a wrapper of SMBus, serializing I/O on the bus for use
    in multi-threaded context and adding _i2c_ variants of block transfers.

    def __init__(self, bus_id=1, **kwargs):
        :param int bus_id: the SMBus id (see Raspberry Pi documentation)
        :param kwargs: parameters transmitted to :py:class:`smbus.SMBus` initializer
        I2CBus.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self._bus = SMBus(bus_id)
        # I/O serialization lock
        self._lock = threading.Lock()

    def read_byte(self, addr):
        with self._lock:
            return self._bus.read_byte(addr)

    def write_byte(self, addr, data):
        with self._lock:
            self._bus.write_byte(addr, data)

    def read_byte_data(self, addr, reg):
        with self._lock:
            return self._bus.read_byte_data(addr, reg)

    def write_byte_data(self, addr, reg, data):
        with self._lock:
            self._bus.write_byte_data(addr, reg, data)

    def read_word_data(self, addr, reg):
        with self._lock:
            return self._bus.read_word_data(addr, reg)

    def write_word_data(self, addr, reg, data):
        with self._lock:
            self._bus.write_word_data(addr, reg, data)

    def read_block_data(self, addr, reg):
        with self._lock:
            return self._bus.read_block_data(addr, reg)

    def write_block_data(self, addr, reg, data):
        with self._lock:
            self._bus.write_block_data(addr, reg, data)

    def read_i2c_block_data(self, addr, reg, count):
        with self._lock:
            return self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, reg, count)

    def write_i2c_block_data(self, addr, reg, data):
        with self._lock:
            self._bus.write_i2c_block_data(addr, reg, data)
文件: piglow.py 项目: RTSYork/Pidar
class PiGlowService(rpyc.Service):

	def on_connect(self):

	def on_disconnect(self):

	def exposed_init(self):
		self.bus = SMBus(1)
		self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x00, 0x01)
		self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x13, 0xFF)
		self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x14, 0xFF)
		self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x15, 0xFF)

	def exposed_colours(self, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white):
			self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(0x54, 0x01, [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, green, red, orange, yellow, white, white, blue, white, green, blue, yellow, orange, red])
			self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x16, 0xFF)
		except IOError:

	def exposed_all_off(self):
			self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(0x54, 0x01, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
			self.bus.write_byte_data(0x54, 0x16, 0xFF)
		except IOError:
class i2cDevice:
    def __init__(self, bus_number):
        self.BC_addr = 0x25
        self.bus = SMBus(bus_number)

    def read_register(self, address):
        self.bus.write_byte(self.BC_addr, address)
        data = struct.pack('B', self.bus.read_byte(self.BC_addr))
        return data

    def write_register(self, address, data):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BC_addr, address, data)
    def get(self):
        lStatus = 'ok'
        lArgs = self.__mParser.parse_args()
        lBusId = int(lArgs['bus_id'], 0)
        lAddress = int(lArgs['address'], 0)
        lValue = int(lArgs['value'], 0)
        lBus = SMBus(lBusId)

            if lArgs['cmd'] is None:
                lBus.write_byte(lAddress, lValue)
                lCommand = int(lArgs['cmd'], 0)
                lBus.write_byte_data(lAddress, lCommand, lValue)
        except IOError, pExc:
            lStatus = "Error writing data: " + str(pExc)
class TMP100:
    """ Class to read the onboard temperatur Sensor"""

    _SLAVE_ADDR = 0x49
    _CONFIG_REG = 0x01
    _TEMP_REG = 0x00
    # config register
    _CONFIG_REG_OS = 0x01
    _CONFIG_REG_RES_9B = 0x00
    _CONFIG_REG_RES_12B = 0x03
    _CONFIG_REG_TRIG_OS = 0x80
    def __init__(self,device_number = 1):
        """ """
            self.bus = SMBus(device_number)
        except Exception:
            raise i2cError()
        configList = [self._CONFIG_REG_OS, self._CONFIG_REG_RES_12B]

    def configTMP100(self, list):
        """ Write list elements to tmp100#s configuration register"""
        reg = (list[1] << 5) + list[0]
        # write to config register
        if DEBUG:
            # read config register back
            tmpReg = self.bus.read_byte_data(self._SLAVE_ADDR,self._CONFIG_REG)

    def  getTemperature(self):
        """ Get temperature readings """
        # read first config register
        config = self.bus.read_byte_data(self._SLAVE_ADDR,self._CONFIG_REG)
        #trigger single shot
        newConfig = config + self._CONFIG_REG_TRIG_OS
        # write config register new value back
        time.sleep(0.001) # wait a bit
        #read temperature register
        raw = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._SLAVE_ADDR,self._TEMP_REG)[:2]
        val = ((raw[0] << 8) + raw[1]) >> 4

        #TODO: get resolution factor properly :)
        return val*0.0625
文件: imu.py 项目: beckel/carpi
class IMU:

    def __init__(self):

        # 0 for R-Pi Rev. 1, 1 for Rev. 2
        self.bus = SMBus(1)

        #initialise the accelerometer
        self.writeACC(CTRL_REG1_XM, 0b01100111) #z,y,x axis enabled, continuos update,  100Hz data rate
        self.writeACC(CTRL_REG2_XM, 0b00100000) #+/- 16G full scale

    def writeACC(self, register,value):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS , register, value)
        return -1
    def readACCx(self):
        acc_l = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_X_L_A)
        acc_h = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_A)
    	acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)
    	return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536

    def readACCy(self):
        acc_l = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Y_L_A)
        acc_h = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Y_H_A)
    	acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)
    	return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536

    def readACCz(self):
        acc_l = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Z_L_A)
        acc_h = self.bus.read_byte_data(ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_Z_H_A)
        acc_combined = (acc_l | acc_h <<8)
    	return acc_combined  if acc_combined < 32768 else acc_combined - 65536
    def read_simple_accelerometer(self):
        ACCx = self.readACCx()
        ACCy = self.readACCy()
        ACCz = self.readACCz()
        return (ACCx, ACCy, ACCz)
    def get_acceleration_norm(self):
        x = self.readACCx() * 0.732 / 1000
        y = self.readACCy() * 0.732 / 1000
        z = self.readACCz() * 0.732 / 1000
        return math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
文件: gpio.py 项目: divot/brewmaster
class PCF8574(object):

    class GPIO(object):

        def __init__(self, expander, bit, inverted=False):
            self.expander = expander
            self.bit = bit
            self.inverted = inverted

        def on(self):
            self.expander.write_bit(self.bit, not self.inverted)

        def off(self):
            self.expander.write_bit(self.bit, self.inverted)
    def __init__(self, address, bus=1, byte=0):
        self.address = address
        self.bus = SMBus(bus)
        self.byte = byte
        self.data = 0xFF

    def __del__(self):

    def commit(self):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, self.byte, self.data)
    def write_byte(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def write_bit(self, bit, value):
        mask = 1 << bit
        if value:
            self.data |= mask
            self.data &= ~mask

    def get_gpio(self, bit, inverted=False):
        return self.GPIO(self, bit, inverted)
def GetAlt():
    # get the altitude from the MPL3115a2 device
    print "GetAlt()"

    # device address and register addresses
    altAddress = 0x60
    ctrlReg1 = 0x26
    ptDataCfg = 0x13

    # values
    oversample128 = 0x38
    oneShot = 0x02
    altMode = 0x80

    bus = SMBus(1)
    for i in range(0, 5):
        whoAmI = bus.read_byte_data(altAddress, 0x0C)
        if whoAmI == 0xC4:
        elif i == 4:
    bus.write_byte_data(altAddress, ptDataCfg, 0x07)

    oldSetting = bus.read_byte_data(altAddress, ctrlReg1)

    newSetting = oldSetting | oversample128 | oneShot | altMode

    bus.write_byte_data(altAddress, ctrlReg1, newSetting)

    status = bus.read_byte_data(altAddress, 0x00)
    while (status & 0x08) == 0:
        status = bus.read_byte_data(altAddress, 0x00)
    msb, csb, lsb = bus.read_i2c_block_data(altAddress, 0x01, 3)
    alt = ((msb << 24) | (csb << 16) | (lsb << 8)) / 65536.0
    if alt > (1 << 15):
        alt -= 1 << 16

    return alt
def heatProcI2C(cycle_time, duty_cycle, conn):
    p = current_process()
    print "Starting:", p.name, p.pid
    bus = SMBus(0)
    bus.write_byte_data(0x26, 0x00, 0x00)  # set I/0 to write
    while True:
        while conn.poll():  # get last
            cycle_time, duty_cycle = conn.recv()
        conn.send([cycle_time, duty_cycle])
        if duty_cycle == 0:
            bus.write_byte_data(0x26, 0x09, 0x00)
        elif duty_cycle == 100:
            bus.write_byte_data(0x26, 0x09, 0x01)
            on_time, off_time = getonofftime(cycle_time, duty_cycle)
            bus.write_byte_data(0x26, 0x09, 0x01)
            bus.write_byte_data(0x26, 0x09, 0x00)
 def reset():
     i2c_bus = SMBus(1)
     i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 0, 0)
     i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 1, 0)
     i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 2, 0)
     i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 3, 0)
     i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 4, 255)
def readMPL3155():
    # I2C Constants
    ADDR = 0x60
    CTRL_REG1 = 0x26
    PT_DATA_CFG = 0x13
    bus = SMBus(2)

    who_am_i = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, 0x0C)
    print hex(who_am_i)
    if who_am_i != 0xc4:
        tfile = open('temp.txt', 'w')
        tfile.write("Barometer funktioniert nicht")

    # Set oversample rate to 128
    setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
    #newSetting = setting | 0x38
    newSetting = 0x38
    bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, newSetting)

    # Enable event flags
    bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, PT_DATA_CFG, 0x07)

    # Toggel One Shot
    setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
    if (setting & 0x02) == 0:
        bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, (setting | 0x02))

    # Read sensor data
    print "Waiting for data..."
    status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)
    #while (status & 0x08) == 0:
    while (status & 0x06) == 0:
        #print bin(status)
        status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)

    print "Reading sensor data..."
    status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)
    p_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x01,3)
    t_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x04,2)

    p_msb = p_data[0]
    p_csb = p_data[1]
    p_lsb = p_data[2]
    t_msb = t_data[0]
    t_lsb = t_data[1]

    pressure = (p_msb << 10) | (p_csb << 2) | (p_lsb >> 6)
    p_decimal = ((p_lsb & 0x30) >> 4)/4.0

    celsius = t_msb + (t_lsb >> 4)/16.0

    tfile = open('temp.txt', 'w')
    tfile.write("Luftdruck "+str(pressure/100)+" Hektopascal. ")
    tfile.write("Temperatur "+str("{0:.1f}".format(celsius).replace('.',','))+" Grad Celsius")
class MB85RC04:
	def __init__(self, I2C_bus_number = 1,  address = 0x50):
		self.bus = SMBus(I2C_bus_number)
		self.address = address

	def readByte(self, registerAddress):
		if(registerAddress > 255):
			self.address = self.address | 1
			registerAddress = registerAddress - 256
			self.address = self.address & 0xFE	
		return self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, registerAddress)
	def writeByte(self, registerAddress, data):
		if(registerAddress > 255):
                        self.address = self.address | 1
                        registerAddress = registerAddress - 256
                        self.address = self.address & 0xFE
                self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, registerAddress, data)

	def readBytes(self, registerAddress):
                if(registerAddress > 255):
                        self.address = self.address | 1
                        registerAddress = registerAddress - 256
                        self.address = self.address & 0xFE
                return self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, registerAddress)
	def writeBytes(self, registerAddress, data):
                if(registerAddress > 255):
                        self.address = self.address | 1
                        registerAddress = registerAddress - 256
                        self.address = self.address & 0xFE
                self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, registerAddress, data)
def set_fun_speed(level):
    i2c_bus = SMBus(1)

    if level == 0:
        i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 4, 255)
    if level == 1:
        i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 4, 125)
    if level == 2:
        i2c_bus.write_byte_data(Register.LIGHT2_ADDRESS, 4, 0)
文件: Magnetometer.py 项目: ri0t/cape
class Magnetometer(RPCComponentThreaded):
    HMC5883L I2C magnetometer

    def main_prepare(self):
        self.bus = SMBus(self.Configuration['bus'])
        self.address = self.Configuration['address']
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, 2, 0)
        self.values = [0, 0, 0]

    def mainthread(self):
        for i, offset in enumerate(range(3, 8, 2)):
            msb = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, offset)
            lsb = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, offset + 1)
            value = (msb << 8) + lsb
            if value >= 32768:
                value -= 65536
            self.values[i] = value
        for subscriber, func in self.subscribers.items():
            self.send(Message(sender=self.name, recipient=subscriber, func=func,
                              arg={'x': self.values[0], 'y': self.values[2], 'z': self.values[1]}),
def getPressure():
    # I2C Constants
    ADDR = 0x60
    CTRL_REG1 = 0x26
    PT_DATA_CFG = 0x13
    bus = SMBus(1)

    who_am_i = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, 0x0C)
    print hex(who_am_i)
    if who_am_i != 0xc4:
        print "Device not active."

    # Set oversample rate to 128
    setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
    newSetting = setting | 0x38
    bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, newSetting)

    # Enable event flags
    bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, PT_DATA_CFG, 0x07)

    # Toggel One Shot
    setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
    if (setting & 0x02) == 0:
        bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, (setting | 0x02))
    status = -1;
    while (status & 0x08) == 0:
        status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)

    print "Reading sensor data..."
    p_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x01,3)
    t_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x04,2)
    status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)
    print "status: "+bin(status)

    p_msb = p_data[0]
    p_csb = p_data[1]
    p_lsb = p_data[2]
    t_msb = t_data[0]
    t_lsb = t_data[1]

    pressure = (p_msb << 10) | (p_csb << 2) | (p_lsb >> 6)
    p_decimal = ((p_lsb & 0x30) >> 4)/4.0

    return pressure+p_decimal
class sgh_PCF8591P:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, busNum):
        #print "init PCF8591"
        if busNum == 0:
            self.__bus = SMBus(0) # on a Rev 1 board
            #print "bus 0"
            self.__bus = SMBus(1) # on a Rev 2 board
        self.__addr = self.__checkI2Caddress(0x48)
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x00
        #print self.readADC() # dummy call to raise exception if no chip present on the i2c bus
        #print "PCF8591 init completed"
        # self.__bus = __i2cBus
        # self.__addr = self.__checkI2Caddress(__addr)
        # self.__DACEnabled = 0x00
# i2c = SMBus(0) # on a Rev 1 board
# # i2c = SMBus(1) # if on a Rev 2 board

# # Create a PCF8591P object
# sensor = PCF8591P(i2c, 0x48)

    # Read single ADC Channel
    def readADC(self, __chan = 0):
        __checkedChan = self.__checkChannelNo(__chan)
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, 0x40 | __checkedChan & 0x03)  # mod my Max - says it more reliable
#       self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, __checkedChan  | self.__DACEnabled)
        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr) # seems to need to throw away first reading
        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr) # read A/D
        return __reading        
    # Read all ADC channels
    def readAllADC(self):
        __readings = []
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, 0x04  | self.__DACEnabled)
        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr) # seems to need to throw away first reading
        for i in range (4):
            __readings.append(self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr)) # read ADC
        return __readings   
    # Set DAC value and enable output
    def writeDAC(self, __val=0):
        __checkedVal = self.__checkDACVal(__val)
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x40
        self.__bus.write_byte_data(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled, __checkedVal)
    # Enable DAC output    
    def enableDAC(self):
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x40
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled)
    # Disable DAC output
    def disableDAC(self):
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x00
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled)
    # Check I2C address is within bounds
    def __checkI2Caddress(self, __addr):
        if type(__addr) is not int:
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__addr < 0):
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__addr > 127):
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        return __addr

    # Check if ADC channel number is within bounds
    def __checkChannelNo(self, __chan):
        if type(__chan) is not int:
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__chan < 0):
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__chan > 3):
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        return __chan

    # Check if DAC output value is within bounds
    def __checkDACVal(self, __val):
        if type(__val) is not int:
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__val < 0):
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__val > 255):
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        return __val
class DS3231:
    """Class to read/write time from/to DS3231"""

	## Control constants
    _SLAVE_ADDR         = 0x68
    _TIME_START_ADDR    = 0x00
    _TEMP_START_ADDR    = 0x11

    _REG_SECONDS        = 0x00
    _REG_MINUTES        = 0x01
    _REG_HOURS          = 0x02
    _REG_DAY            = 0x03
    _REG_DATE           = 0x04
    _REG_MONTH          = 0x05
    _REG_YEAR           = 0x06
    _REG_CONTROL        = 0x07

    def __init__(self, device_number = 1):
        """Opens the i2c device (assuming that the kernel modules have been
        loaded) & run soft reset. (user register leaved to default value)"""
            self.bus = SMBus(device_number)
        except i2cError:
            #raise i2cError

        if DEBUG:
            print("DS3231 init done.")

    def getTime(self):
        """ """
            data = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._SLAVE_ADDR,0x00,7)
        except i2cError:
			#raise i2cError
        sec     = self._bcd_to_int(data[0] & 0x7F)
        min     = self._bcd_to_int(data[1] & 0x3F)
        hour    = self._bcd_to_int(data[2])
        day     = self._bcd_to_int(data[3])
        date    = self._bcd_to_int(data[4])
        month   = self._bcd_to_int(data[5])
        year    = self._bcd_to_int(data[6])
        if DEBUG:
            print(datetime((21-1)*100 + year, month,date,hour,min,sec,0,tzinfo
                = None))
            #print(*data, sep='\t')
        return datetime((21-1)*100 + year, \
    def setTime(self,timetuple):
			write Time/date Information to Ds3231
			Range: seconds [0,59], minutes [0,59], hours [0,23],
					day [0,7], date [1-31], month [1-12], year [0-99].
        if  self.checkTimeDataValidity(timetuple)is True:
            #write seconds
            regSec  = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[5])
            #write minutes
            regMin  = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[4])
            #write hours
            regHr = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[3])
            #write Date
            regDate = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[2])
            #write month
            regMonth = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[1])
            #write year
            regYr = self._int_to_bcd(timetuple[0]-2000)

    def setTimeNow(self):
            Set time to datetime.now(). Return tuple needed by setTime()
        #TODO:  Get a better function to check  if the pi is online
        if self.checkIfOnline() is not None:
            tmp = datetime.now()
            self.setTime((tmp.year,tmp.month, tmp.day,tmp.hour,tmp.minute,tmp.second ))
            raise ConnectionError("Please connect your Pi to the internet first...")

    def checkIfOnline():
        """ Check if the pi is online """
            import requests
        except ImportError:
            print('Please make sure Python library requests is installed')
        r = requests.get('https://api.github.com/events')
        if r is True:
            return True
            return False
    def checkTimeDataValidity(timetuple):
            Checks time data inputs
        if 2000 <= timetuple[0] <= 2099 and  \
           1 <= timetuple[1] <= 12 and  \
           1 <= timetuple[2] <= 31 and \
           0 <= timetuple[3] <= 23 and  \
           0 <= timetuple[4] <= 59 and  \
           0 <= timetuple[5] <= 59:
            return True
            return False

    def _bcd_to_int(bcd):
            Decode a 2x4bit BCD to a integer.
        out = 0
        for d in (bcd >> 4, bcd):
            for p in (1, 2, 4 ,8):
                if d & 1:
                    out += p
                d >>= 1
            out *= 10
        return int(out / 10)

    def _int_to_bcd(n):
            Encode a one or two digits number to the BCD.
        bcd = 0
        for i in (n // 10, n % 10):
            for p in (8, 4, 2, 1):
                if i >= p:
                    bcd += 1
                    i -= p
                bcd <<= 1
        return bcd >> 1
文件: PyGlow.py 项目: bjornt/PyGlow
class PyGlow:
    def __init__(
            brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None,

        if i2c_bus is None:
            i2c_bus = self.get_i2c_bus()

        # Enables the LEDs
        self.bus = SMBus(i2c_bus)

        # Tell the SN3218 to enable output
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, EN_OUTPUT_ADDR, 0x01)

        # Enable each LED arm
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, EN_ARM1_ADDR, 0xFF)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, EN_ARM2_ADDR, 0xFF)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, EN_ARM3_ADDR, 0xFF)

        # Set default brightness and pulsing params
        self.brightness = brightness
        self.speed = speed
        self.pulse = pulse
        self.pulse_dir = pulse_dir

        # Define the LED state variable
        self.__STATE = {'leds': {}, 'params': {}}

    def get_i2c_bus(self):
        """Get which I2C bus will be used.

        If RPi.GPIO is available, it will be used to exactly determine
        which bus to use. If RPi.GPIO is not available, 0 is returned if
        /dev/i2c-0 exists, otherwise 1.
            import RPi.GPIO as rpi
        except ImportError:
            # RPi.GPIO isn't available. Just get the first available I2C
            # bus, which usually works.
            if os.path.exists("/dev/i2c-0"):
                return 0
                return 1
            # Check what Raspberry Pi version we got
            if rpi.RPI_REVISION == 1:
                return 0
            elif rpi.RPI_REVISION == 2 or rpi.RPI_REVISION == 3:
                return 1
                raise PyGlowException(
                    self, "Unknown Raspberry Pi hardware revision: %s" %

    def led(
            led, brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None):

        # Make it list if it's not a list
        if isinstance(led, int):
            led = [led]

        # Light up the choosen LED
        self.set_leds(led, brightness, speed, pulse, pulse_dir).update_leds()

    def color(
            color, brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None):

        leds = ()

        # Check if an available color is choosen
        if color in COLOR_LIST:
                leds = COLOR_LED_LIST[color - 1]
        elif color in COLOR_NAME_LIST:
                leds = COLOR_LED_LIST[COLOR_NAME_LIST.index(color)]
            raise PyGlowException(
                self, "Invalid color: %s. Color must be a number from 1 to 6 "
                "or a name (%s)." % (color, ', '.join(COLOR_NAME_LIST)))

        # Light up the choosen LEDs
        self.set_leds(leds, brightness, speed, pulse, pulse_dir).update_leds()

    def arm(
            arm, brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None):

        leds = ()

        # Check if an existing arm is choosen
        if arm in ARM_LIST:
            leds = ARM_LED_LIST[arm - 1]
            raise PyGlowException(
                self, "Invalid arm number: %s. Arm must be a number from 1 to "
                "3." % (arm))

        # Light up the choosen LEDs
        self.set_leds(leds, brightness, speed, pulse, pulse_dir).update_leds()

    def all(self, brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None):
        # Light up all LEDs
            LED_LIST, brightness, speed, pulse, pulse_dir).update_leds()

    def set_leds(
            leds, brightness=None, speed=None, pulse=None, pulse_dir=None):

        p = self.__STATE['params']

        # Store parameters value
        if brightness is not None:
            p['brightness'] = brightness
            brightness = self.brightness
        if speed is not None:
            p['speed'] = speed
        if pulse is not None:
            p['pulse'] = pulse
        if pulse_dir is not None:
            p['pulse_dir'] = pulse_dir

        # Check brightness value
        if not 0 <= brightness <= 255:
            raise PyGlowException(
                self, "Invalid brightness level: %s. Brightness level must be "
                "a number from 0 to 255." % (brightness))

        # Pick the gamma-corrected value
        gc_value = GAMMA_TABLE[brightness]

        for led in leds:
            m = re.match('^([a-z]+)([1-3])$', str(led))

            if m:
                color = m.group(1)
                arm = int(m.group(2))
                color_index = None

                # Check if the color has a valid name
                if color in COLOR_NAME_LIST:
                    color_index = COLOR_NAME_LIST.index(color)
                    raise PyGlowException(
                        "Invalid color name: %s. Color name must be one of "
                        "the following: %s." %
                        (color, ', '.join(COLOR_NAME_LIST)))

                # Check if the arm has a valid number
                if arm in ARM_LIST:
                    led = LED_HEX_LIST[6 * (arm - 1) + 5 - color_index]
                    raise PyGlowException(
                        self, "Invalid arm number: %s. Arm must be a number "
                        "from 1 to 3." % (arm))
            elif (
                    isinstance(led, int) and
                    1 <= led <= 18):

                led = LED_HEX_LIST[led - 1]
                raise PyGlowException(
                    self, "Invalid LED number %s. LED must be a number from 1 "
                    "to 18." % (led))

            # Store the LED and brightness value
            self.__STATE['leds'][led] = gc_value

        return self

    def update_leds(self):
        p = self.__STATE['params']

        # Set default parameters value
        if 'brightness' not in p or p['brightness'] is None:
            p['brightness'] = self.brightness
        if 'speed' not in p or p['speed'] is None:
            p['speed'] = self.speed
        if 'pulse' not in p or p['pulse'] is None:
            p['pulse'] = self.pulse
        if 'pulse_dir' not in p or p['pulse_dir'] is None:
            p['pulse_dir'] = self.pulse_dir

        # Decide whether to pulse or just to light up
        if p['brightness'] > 0 and p['pulse']:
                p['brightness'], p['speed'], p['pulse_dir'])

        # Reset the SET variable
        self.__STATE = {'leds': {}, 'params': {}}

    def __pulse(self, leds, brightness, speed, pulse_dir):
        # Check speed value
        if speed < 1:
            raise PyGlowException(
                self, "Invalid speed: %s. Speed must be a positive non-zero "
                "number." % (speed))

        # Choose pulsation style
        elif pulse_dir == UP:
            self.__pulse_loop(leds, 0, brightness, speed, UP)
        elif pulse_dir == DOWN:
            self.__pulse_loop(leds, brightness, 0, speed, DOWN)
            self.__pulse_loop(leds, 0, brightness, speed / 2, UP)
            self.__pulse_loop(leds, brightness, 0, speed / 2, DOWN)

    def __pulse_loop(self, leds, b_from, b_to, speed, direction):
        # Bigger from the pair
        b_max = float(max([b_from, b_to]))

        # Starting value
        b_val = float(b_from)

        # Maximum steps per second
        s_max = 20.0
        # Compensation constant
        # (the comp_const velue is a compensation of the delay of the other
        # commands in the loop - it's influenced by the s_max value)
        comp_const = 1030.0

        # Number of steps of the loop
        steps = speed / 1000.0 * s_max

        # Default increment value
        inc_val = b_max / steps

        # Step up the brightness
        for n in range(1, int(steps) + 1):
            # Calculate new brightness value
            b_val += inc_val * direction

            # Round the final brightness value to the desired value
            if n == int(steps) or b_val < 0:
                b_val = b_to

            # Set the brightness
                    (n, GAMMA_TABLE[int(b_val)])
                    for n in self.__STATE['leds'].keys()))

            # Sleep for certain period
            sleep(speed / steps / comp_const)

    def __write_data(self, leds):
        # Set LED brightness
        for led, brightness in leds:

        # Light up all chosen LEDs
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, UPD_PWM_ADDR, 0xFF)
class MyIMU(object):
    b = False
    busNum = 1
    ## LSM303D Registers --------------------------------------------------------------
    LSM = 0x1d #Device I2C slave address
    LSM_WHOAMI_CONTENTS = 0b1001001 #Device self-id
    #Control register addresses -- from LSM303D datasheet
    LSM_CTRL_0 = 0x1F #General settings
    LSM_CTRL_1 = 0x20 #Turns on accelerometer and configures data rate
    LSM_CTRL_2 = 0x21 #Self test accelerometer, anti-aliasing accel filter
    LSM_CTRL_3 = 0x22 #Interrupts
    LSM_CTRL_4 = 0x23 #Interrupts
    LSM_CTRL_5 = 0x24 #Turns on temperature sensor
    LSM_CTRL_6 = 0x25 #Magnetic resolution selection, data rate config
    LSM_CTRL_7 = 0x26 #Turns on magnetometer and adjusts mode
    #Registers holding twos-complemented MSB and LSB of magnetometer readings -- from LSM303D datasheet
    LSM_MAG_X_LSB = 0x08 # x
    LSM_MAG_X_MSB = 0x09
    LSM_MAG_Y_LSB = 0x0A # y
    LSM_MAG_Y_MSB = 0x0B
    LSM_MAG_Z_LSB = 0x0C # z
    LSM_MAG_Z_MSB = 0x0D
    #Registers holding twos-complemented MSB and LSB of magnetometer readings -- from LSM303D datasheet
    LSM_ACC_X_LSB = 0x28 # x
    LSM_ACC_X_MSB = 0x29
    LSM_ACC_Y_LSB = 0x2A # y
    LSM_ACC_Y_MSB = 0x2B
    LSM_ACC_Z_LSB = 0x2C # z
    LSM_ACC_Z_MSB = 0x2D
    #Registers holding 12-bit right justified, twos-complemented temperature data -- from LSM303D datasheet
    LSM_TEMP_MSB = 0x05
    LSM_TEMP_LSB = 0x06
    # L3GD20H registers ----------------------------------------------------
    LGD = 0x6b #Device I2C slave address
    LGD_WHOAMI_CONTENTS = 0b11010111 #Device self-id
    LGD_CTRL_1 = 0x20 #turns on gyro
    LGD_CTRL_2 = 0x21 #can set a high-pass filter for gyro
    LGD_CTRL_3 = 0x22
    LGD_CTRL_4 = 0x23
    LGD_CTRL_5 = 0x24
    LGD_CTRL_6 = 0x25
    LGD_TEMP = 0x26
    #Registers holding gyroscope readings
    LGD_GYRO_X_LSB = 0x28
    LGD_GYRO_X_MSB = 0x29
    LGD_GYRO_Y_LSB = 0x2A
    LGD_GYRO_Y_MSB = 0x2B
    LGD_GYRO_Z_LSB = 0x2C
    LGD_GYRO_Z_MSB = 0x2D
    #Kalman filter variables
    Q_angle = 0.02
    Q_gyro = 0.0015
    R_angle = 0.005
    y_bias = 0.0
    x_bias = 0.0
    XP_00 = 0.0
    XP_01 = 0.0
    XP_10 = 0.0
    XP_11 = 0.0
    YP_00 = 0.0
    YP_01 = 0.0
    YP_10 = 0.0
    YP_11 = 0.0
    KFangleX = 0.0
    KFangleY = 0.0

    def __init__(self):
        from smbus import SMBus
        self.b = SMBus(self.busNum)
        #Set up the chips for reading  ----------------------
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_CTRL_1, 0b1010111) # enable accelerometer, 50 hz sampling
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_CTRL_2, 0x00) #set +/- 2g full scale
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_CTRL_5, 0b01100100) #high resolution mode, thermometer off, 6.25hz ODR
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_CTRL_6, 0b00100000) # set +/- 4 gauss full scale
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_CTRL_7, 0x00) #get magnetometer out of low power mode
        self.b.write_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_CTRL_1, 0x0F) #turn on gyro and set to normal mode
        #Read data from the chips ----------------------
        #while True:
        #    time.sleep(0.5)
        #    print self.readSensors()
    def twos_comp_combine(self, msb, lsb):
        twos_comp = 256*msb + lsb
        if twos_comp >= 32768:
            return twos_comp - 65536
            return twos_comp
    def detectTest(self):
        #Ensure chip is detected properly on the bus ----------------------
        if self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_WHOAMI_ADDRESS) == self.LSM_WHOAMI_CONTENTS:
            print 'LSM303D detected successfully on I2C bus '+str(self.busNum)+'.'
            print 'No LSM303D detected on bus on I2C bus '+str(self.busNum)+'.'
        if self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_WHOAMI_ADDRESS) == self.LGD_WHOAMI_CONTENTS:
            print 'L3GD20H detected successfully on I2C bus '+str(self.busNum)+'.'
            print 'No L3GD20H detected on bus on I2C bus '+str(self.busNum)+'.'
    def readSensors(self):
        data = (self.readMagX(), self.readMagY(), self.readMagZ(), self.readAccX(), self.readAccY(), self.readAccZ(), self.readGyroX(), self.readGyroY(), self.readGyroZ())
        return data

    def readMagX(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_X_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_X_LSB))
    def readMagY(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_Y_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_Y_LSB))
    def readMagZ(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_Z_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_MAG_Z_LSB))
    def readAccX(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_X_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_X_LSB))
    def readAccY(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_Y_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_Y_LSB))
    def readAccZ(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_Z_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LSM, self.LSM_ACC_Z_LSB))
    def readGyroX(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_X_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_X_LSB))
    def readGyroY(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_Y_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_Y_LSB))
    def readGyroZ(self):
        return self.twos_comp_combine(self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_Z_MSB), self.b.read_byte_data(self.LGD, self.LGD_GYRO_Z_LSB))
    def newRead(self):
        import datetime
        RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578
        M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
        G_GAIN = 0.070  # [deg/s/LSB]  If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly
        AA =  0.40      # Complementary filter constant

        gyroXangle = 0.0
        gyroYangle = 0.0
        gyroZangle = 0.0
        CFangleX = 0.0
        CFangleY = 0.0
        kalmanX = 0.0
        kalmanY = 0.0
        a = datetime.datetime.now()
        while True:
            #Read the accelerometer,gyroscope and magnetometer values
            ACCx = self.readAccX()
            ACCy = self.readAccY()
            ACCz = self.readAccZ()
            GYRx = self.readGyroX()
            GYRy = self.readGyroY()
            GYRz = self.readGyroZ()
            MAGx = self.readMagX()
            MAGy = self.readMagY()
            MAGz = self.readMagZ()
            ##Calculate loop Period(LP). How long between Gyro Reads
            b = datetime.datetime.now() - a
            a = datetime.datetime.now()
            LP = b.microseconds/(1000000*1.0)
            print "Loop Time | %5.2f|" % ( LP ),
            #Convert Gyro raw to degrees per second
            rate_gyr_x =  GYRx * G_GAIN
            rate_gyr_y =  GYRy * G_GAIN
            rate_gyr_z =  GYRz * G_GAIN
            #Calculate the angles from the gyro. 
            ##Convert Accelerometer values to degrees
            AccXangle =  (math.atan2(ACCy,ACCz)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG
            AccYangle =  (math.atan2(ACCz,ACCx)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG
            ######################Correct rotation value########################
            #Change the rotation value of the accelerometer to -/+ 180 and
            	#move the Y axis '0' point to up.
            	#Two different pieces of code are used depending on how your IMU is mounted.
            #If IMU is up the correct way, Skull logo is facing down, Use these lines
            AccXangle -= 180.0
            if AccYangle > 90:
            	AccYangle -= 270.0
            	AccYangle += 90.0
            #If IMU is upside down E.g Skull logo is facing up;
            #if AccXangle >180:
            	#        AccXangle -= 360.0
            #if (AccYangle >180):
            	#        AccYangle -= 360.0
            ############################ END ##################################
            #Complementary filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
            CFangleX=AA*(CFangleX+rate_gyr_x*LP) +(1 - AA) * AccXangle
            CFangleY=AA*(CFangleY+rate_gyr_y*LP) +(1 - AA) * AccYangle
            #Kalman filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
            kalmanY = self.kalmanFilterY(AccYangle, rate_gyr_y,LP)
            kalmanX = self.kalmanFilterX(AccXangle, rate_gyr_x,LP)
            ############################MAG direction ##########################
            #If IMU is upside down, then use this line.  It isnt needed if the
            # IMU is the correct way up
            #MAGy = -MAGy
            ############################ END ##################################
            #Calculate heading
            heading = 180 * math.atan2(MAGy,MAGx)/M_PI
            #Only have our heading between 0 and 360
            if heading < 0:
             	heading += 360
            #Normalize accelerometer raw values.
            accXnorm = ACCx/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
            accYnorm = ACCy/math.sqrt(ACCx * ACCx + ACCy * ACCy + ACCz * ACCz)
            ###################Calculate pitch and roll#########################
            #Us these two lines when the IMU is up the right way. Skull logo is facing down
            pitch = math.asin(accXnorm)
            roll = -math.asin(accYnorm/math.cos(pitch))
            #Us these four lines when the IMU is upside down. Skull logo is facing up
            #accXnorm = -accXnorm				#flip Xnorm as the IMU is upside down
            #accYnorm = -accYnorm				#flip Ynorm as the IMU is upside down
            #pitch = math.asin(accXnorm)
            #roll = math.asin(accYnorm/math.cos(pitch))
            ############################ END ##################################
            #Calculate the new tilt compensated values
            magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
            magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)-MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
            #Calculate tilt compensated heading
            tiltCompensatedHeading = 180 * math.atan2(magYcomp,magXcomp)/M_PI
            if tiltCompensatedHeading < 0:
                    tiltCompensatedHeading += 360
            if 1:			#Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the accelerometer
            	print ("\033[1;34;40mACCX Angle %5.2f ACCY Angle %5.2f  \033[0m  " % (AccXangle, AccYangle)),
            if 1:			#Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the gyro
            	print ("\033[1;31;40m\tGRYX Angle %5.2f  GYRY Angle %5.2f  GYRZ Angle %5.2f" % (gyroXangle,gyroYangle,gyroZangle)),
            if 1:			#Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the complementary filter
            	print ("\033[1;35;40m   \tCFangleX Angle %5.2f \033[1;36;40m  CFangleY Angle %5.2f \33[1;32;40m" % (CFangleX,CFangleY)),
            if 1:			#Change to '0' to stop  showing the heading
            	print ("HEADING  %5.2f \33[1;37;40m tiltCompensatedHeading %5.2f" % (heading,tiltCompensatedHeading)),
            if 1:			#Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the Kalmin filter
            	print ("\033[1;31;40m kalmanX %5.2f  \033[1;35;40m kalmanY %5.2f  " % (kalmanX,kalmanY))
            #slow program down a bit, makes the output more readable
    def kalmanFilterY (self, accAngle, gyroRate, DT):
    	global KFangleY
    	global Q_angle
    	global Q_gyro
    	global y_bias
    	global XP_00
    	global XP_01
    	global XP_10
    	global XP_11
    	global YP_00
    	global YP_01
    	global YP_10
    	global YP_11
    	self.KFangleY = self.KFangleY + DT * (gyroRate - self.y_bias)
    	self.YP_00 = self.YP_00 + ( - DT * (self.YP_10 + self.YP_01) + self.Q_angle * DT )
    	self.YP_01 = self.YP_01 + ( - DT * self.YP_11 )
    	self.YP_10 = self.YP_10 + ( - DT * self.YP_11 )
    	self.YP_11 = self.YP_11 + ( + self.Q_gyro * DT )
    	y = accAngle - self.KFangleY
    	S = self.YP_00 + self.R_angle
    	K_0 = self.YP_00 / S
    	K_1 = self.YP_10 / S
    	self.KFangleY = self.KFangleY + ( K_0 * y )
    	self.y_bias = self.y_bias + ( K_1 * y )
    	self.YP_00 = self.YP_00 - ( K_0 * self.YP_00 )
    	self.YP_01 = self.YP_01 - ( K_0 * self.YP_01 )
    	self.YP_10 = self.YP_10 - ( K_1 * self.YP_00 )
    	self.YP_11 = self.YP_11 - ( K_1 * self.YP_01 )
    	return self.KFangleY
    def kalmanFilterX (self, accAngle, gyroRate, DT):
    	global KFangleX
    	global Q_angle
    	global Q_gyro
    	global x_bias
    	global XP_00
    	global XP_01
    	global XP_10
    	global XP_11
    	global YP_00
    	global YP_01
    	global YP_10
    	global YP_11
    	self.KFangleX = self.KFangleX + DT * (gyroRate - self.x_bias)
    	self.YP_00 = self.YP_00 + ( - DT * (self.YP_10 + self.YP_01) + self.Q_angle * DT )
    	self.YP_01 = self.YP_01 + ( - DT * self.YP_11 )
    	self.YP_10 = self.YP_10 + ( - DT * self.YP_11 )
    	self.YP_11 = self.YP_11 + ( + self.Q_gyro * DT )
    	x = accAngle - self.KFangleX
    	S = self.YP_00 + self.R_angle
    	K_0 = self.YP_00 / S
    	K_1 = self.YP_10 / S
    	self.KFangleX = self.KFangleX + ( K_0 * x )
    	self.x_bias = self.x_bias + ( K_1 * x )
    	self.YP_00 = self.YP_00 - ( K_0 * self.YP_00 )
    	self.YP_01 = self.YP_01 - ( K_0 * self.YP_01 )
    	self.YP_10 = self.YP_10 - ( K_1 * self.YP_00 )
    	self.YP_11 = self.YP_11 - ( K_1 * self.YP_01 )
    	return self.KFangleX
# Special Chars
deg = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}'
# I2C Constants
ADDR = 0x60
CTRL_REG1 = 0x26
PT_DATA_CFG = 0x13
bus = SMBus(1)
who_am_i = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, 0x0C)
print hex(who_am_i)
if who_am_i != 0xc4:
print "Device not active."
# Set oversample rate to 128
setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
newSetting = setting | 0x38
bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, newSetting)
# Enable event flags
bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, PT_DATA_CFG, 0x07)
# Toggel One Shot
setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1)
if (setting & 0x02) == 0:
    bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, (setting | 0x02))
# Read sensor data
print "Waiting for data..."
status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)
while (status & 0x08) == 0:
#print bin(status)
    status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00)
print "Reading sensor data..."
p_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x01,3)
class Sonar:
    'Class to interact with the sonar'

    def __init__(self, address, sonar_node_nb, rate, max_range):
        'Check that the sonar sensor is working before creating an object'
        self.max_range = max_range
        self._i2c = SMBus(1)
        self._address = address
        self._waiting_for_echo = False
        yesterday = datetime.now() - timedelta(1)
        self._time_last_burst = yesterday

        # The last distance measurement
        self.distance = None  # meters

        # On power up, the detection threshold is set to 28cm (11")
        self.mindistance = 28  # cm

        #This is mostly for debugging and testing
        self.num_bursts_sent = 0

        # We want to check how often we get exceptions
        self.error_counter = 0

        self._ros_rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
        self.node_state = State.Not_read
        self.dist_to_obj = 0
        self.was_in_semi_auto = True

        #check that the sensor is present - read the version
        self.verion = self._read_version()

    def start_init(self):

        #		rospy.loginfo("The address used for sonar_" + sonar_node_nb + " is :"  + str(self._address))
        rospy.loginfo("Starting node sonar_" + sonar_node_nb)
        rospy.loginfo("Checking if the sonar nb " + sonar_node_nb +
                      " is working...")

        failure_count = 0

        for tick in range(rate):  # initialization phase during 1s,
            distance, error = self.update()

            #			rospy.loginfo("The distance is :" + str(distance))
            if error == SENSOR_ERROR_LOW_RANGE or error == SENSOR_ERROR_HIGH_RANGE:
                failure_count += 1


        if failure_count > 10:
            raise Faulty_sonar

    def process_data(self, pub):
        'Reads the data from the sonar_sensor and sends it on its topic'
        global values
        med = 0
        #values = np.zeros(5)
        msg = sonar_msg()
        if self.node_state == State.Semi_automatic:
            rospy.logwarn("The semi-automatic mode is now active")
            self.was_in_semi_auto = True
        while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and (self.node_state
                                             == State.Semi_automatic):

            distance, error = self.update()
            #rospy.loginfo("Distance: " + str(distance) + "  ERROR: " + str(error))
            if error == SENSOR_ERROR_GOOD_RANGE:  #Take the value only if it's in the good range
                values = np.roll(values, 1)
                values[0] = float(distance)
                med = np.median(values)

            if error == SENSOR_ERROR_LOW_RANGE:
                raise Faulty_sonar()

            elif error == SENSOR_ERROR_HIGH_RANGE:

                self.dist_to_obj = 0
                msg.dist_to_obj = self.dist_to_obj
                #				rospy.loginfo("sonar_" + sonar_node_nb + " talking : distance to obstacle : OUT OF RANGE")
                self.dist_to_obj = med
                msg.dist_to_obj = med
                #				rospy.loginfo("sonar_" + sonar_node_nb + " talking : distance to obstacle : " + str(med))


    def read_topic_user_mode(self, msg):
        if msg.resend_data == 1:
            to_msg = sonar_msg()
            to_msg.dist_to_obj = self.dist_to_obj
            if msg.semi_automatic == 0:
                self.node_state = State.Manual
                self.node_state = State.Semi_automatic

# Should be called in some sensor loop, maybe at 100Hz. Is fast.
# Will trigger an ultrasonic burst or check if we received an echo.
# I we have a measurement, it is returned in meters.

    def update(self):

        distance = None

        now = datetime.now()
        time_since_last_burst = (now - self._time_last_burst).total_seconds()

        if self._waiting_for_echo:
            # make sure we wait at least some amount of time before we read
            if time_since_last_burst > MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_BURST_READ:
                # check if we have an echo
                distance = self._read_echo()

# Fallback if we don't get an echo, just stop waiting
# from the data sheet:
# The SRF02 will always be ready 70mS after initiating the ranging.
            if distance is None and time_since_last_burst > MAX_WAIT_TIME:
                #log.warn("Fallback! Waited longer than 70ms!")
                self._waiting_for_echo = False

        if (not self._waiting_for_echo
            ) and time_since_last_burst > MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS:

        expected_error = self._calc_expected_error(distance)

        return distance, expected_error

    def _send_burst(self):
            self._address, 0, 0x50
        )  #0x51 in cm (Give stange values don't know why)  / 0x50 in inches
        self._waiting_for_echo = True
        self._time_last_burst = datetime.now()
        self.num_bursts_sent += 1
        #log.debug("Burst sent.")

    def _read_echo(self):
        # it must be possible to read all of these data in 1 i2c transaction
        # buf[0] software version. If this is 255, then the ping has not yet returned
        # buf[1] unused
        # buf[2] high byte range
        # buf[3] low byte range
        # buf[4] high byte minimum auto tuned range
        # buf[5] low byte minimum auto tuned range

        # We use the version information to detect if the result is there yet.
        # 255 is a dummy version for the case that no echo has been received yet. For me, the real version is "6".
        if self._read_version() == 255:
            #log.debug("Version is 255")
            return None

        self.distance = self._i2c.read_word_data(self._address, 2) / 255 * 2.54
        self.mindistance = self._i2c.read_word_data(self._address,
                                                    4) / 255 * 2.54

        # A value of 0 indicates that no objects were detected. We prefer None to represent this.
        if self.distance == 0:
            self.distance = None

        self._waiting_for_echo = False
        #log.debug("echo received! distance is: {}".format(self.distance))

        return self.distance

# The version can be read from register 0.
# Reading it has no real value for us, but we can use it to determine if a measurement is finished or not.

    def _read_version(self):
            return self._i2c.read_byte_data(self._address, 0)

# 255 means that the unit is still measuring the distance
        except IOError:
            #log.error("Recovering from IOError")
            self.error_counter += 1
            return 255

# find out what kind of error we expect (used in sensor fusion)

    def _calc_expected_error(self, distance):

        # no reading at all
        if distance is None:
            return SENSOR_ERROR_MAX

# object too close
        if distance <= self.mindistance:
            return SENSOR_ERROR_LOW_RANGE

# good distance, nice measurement
        elif distance <= MAX_RANGE:
            return SENSOR_ERROR_GOOD_RANGE

# object too far
            return SENSOR_ERROR_HIGH_RANGE
class Mpl3115A2(object):
    ADDRESS = (0x60)

    REGISTER_STATUS = (0x00)


    REGISTER_TEMP_MSB = (0x04)
    REGISTER_TEMP_LSB = (0x05)


    OUT_P_DELTA_MSB = (0x07)
    OUT_P_DELTA_CSB = (0x08)
    OUT_P_DELTA_LSB = (0x09)

    OUT_T_DELTA_MSB = (0x0A)
    OUT_T_DELTA_LSB = (0x0B)

    BAR_IN_MSB = (0x14)
    BAR_IN_LSB = (0x15)

    WHOAMI = (0x0C)


    PT_DATA_CFG = 0x13
    PT_DATA_CFG_TDEFE = 0x01
    PT_DATA_CFG_PDEFE = 0x02
    PT_DATA_CFG_DREM = 0x04

    CTRL_REG1 = (0x26)
    CTRL_REG1_SBYB = 0x01
    CTRL_REG1_OST = 0x02
    CTRL_REG1_RST = 0x04
    CTRL_REG1_OS1 = 0x00
    CTRL_REG1_OS2 = 0x08
    CTRL_REG1_OS4 = 0x10
    CTRL_REG1_OS8 = 0x18
    CTRL_REG1_OS16 = 0x20
    CTRL_REG1_OS32 = 0x28
    CTRL_REG1_OS64 = 0x30
    CTRL_REG1_OS128 = 0x38
    CTRL_REG1_RAW = 0x40
    CTRL_REG1_ALT = 0x80
    CTRL_REG1_BAR = 0x00
    CTRL_REG2 = (0x27)
    CTRL_REG3 = (0x28)
    CTRL_REG4 = (0x29)
    CTRL_REG5 = (0x2A)


    def __init__(self):
        self.bus = SMBus(1)

    def verify_device(self):
        whoami = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.ADDRESS, self.WHOAMI)
        if whoami != 0xc4:
            # 0xc4 is a default value, but it can be programmed to other
            # values.  Mine reports 0xee.
            print "Device not active: %x != %x"%(whoami,0xc4)
            return False
        return True

    def initialize(self):
            self.CTRL_REG1_SBYB |
            self.CTRL_REG1_OS128 |

            self.PT_DATA_CFG_TDEFE |
            self.PT_DATA_CFG_PDEFE |

    def poll(self,flag=None):
        if flag is None:
        sta = 0
        while not (sta & self.REGISTER_STATUS_PDR):
            sta = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.ADDRESS, self.REGISTER_STATUS)

    def altitude():
            self.CTRL_REG1_SBYB |
            self.CTRL_REG1_OS128 |


        msb, csb, lsb = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.ADDRESS,
        alt = ((msb<<24) | (csb<<16) | (lsb<<8)) / 65536.

        # correct sign
        if alt > (1<<15):
            alt -= 1<<16

        return alt

    def temperature(self):
            self.CTRL_REG1_SBYB |
            self.CTRL_REG1_OS128 |
        return self.read_temperature()
    def read_temperature(self):
        msb, lsb = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.ADDRESS,
        # 12 bit, 2s-complement in degrees C.
        return ( (msb<<8) | lsb) / 256.0 

    def pressure(self):
            self.CTRL_REG1_SBYB |
            self.CTRL_REG1_OS128 |

        return self.read_pressure()
    def press_temp(self):
            self.CTRL_REG1_SBYB |
            self.CTRL_REG1_OS128 |

        return press,temp
    def read_pressure(self):
        msb, csb, lsb = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.ADDRESS,
        return ((msb<<16) | (csb<<8) | lsb) / 64.

    def calibrate(self):
        pa = int(self.pressure()/2)
                                      [pa>>8 & 0xff, pa & 0xff])
import serial
import struct

from smbus import SMBus
from time import sleep
from icsp import *

sel = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "N"

i2c0 = SMBus(0)
i2c2 = SMBus(2)

if sel == "A":                                  # toggle A_!RST 
    print("selecting RFW [bus A] ...")
    i2c2.write_byte(0x70, 0x5)                  # steer mux
    ioa = i2c0.read_byte_data(0x23, 0x14)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x23, 0x14, ioa&~0x10)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x23, 0x14, ioa|0x10)

elif sel == "B":                                # toggle B_!RST
    print("selecting RFE [bus B] ...")
    i2c2.write_byte(0x70, 0x4)                  # steer mux
    iob = i2c0.read_byte_data(0x22, 0x14)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x22, 0x14, iob&~0x10)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x22, 0x14, iob|0x10)

elif sel == "N":                               
    print("disabling MUX ...")
    i2c2.write_byte(0x70, 0x0)                  # disable mux

文件: acc.py 项目: doomboss/ELEC650
GYO_Y_LSB = 0x2A  # y
GYO_Y_MSB = 0x2B
GYO_Z_LSB = 0x2C  # z
GYO_Z_MSB = 0x2D

if b.read_byte_data(LSM, 0x0f) == LSM_WHOAMI_LSM303D:
    print 'LSM303D detected successfully.'
    print 'No LSM303D detected on bus ' + str(busNum) + '.'

if b.read_byte_data(LSM, 0x0f) == LSM_WHOAMI_L3GD20H:
    print 'L3GD20H detected successfully...'
    print 'Error detecting L3GD20H on bus ' + str(busNum) + '...   '

    b.write_byte_data(LSM, CTRL_1,
                      0b01010111)  # enable accelerometer, 50 hz sampling
        LSM, CTRL_2,
        0b00011000)  #set +/- 2g full scale.  0x00 is 2g,0x04 should be 16g?
        LSM, CTRL_5,
        0b01100100)  #high resolution mode, thermometer off, 6.25hz ODR
    b.write_byte_data(LSM, CTRL_6, 0b01000000)  # set +/- 4 gauss full scale
    b.write_byte_data(LSM, CTRL_7,
                      0b00000000)  #get magnetometer out of low power mode
    b.write_byte_data(LSM_GYO, CTRL_1,
                      0b00001111)  # normal mode with XYZ enable

    #getting the initial value of accleration first
    oaccx = twos_comp_combine_acc(b.read_byte_data(LSM, ACC_X_MSB),
                                  b.read_byte_data(LSM, ACC_X_LSB),
        if payload['value'] == 0:
            new_reg_value = current_reg_value & ~(1 << payload['bit'])

    except IOError:
        print "Device IO error"
    except KeyError:
        print "Some of required parameters are not present"
    except ValueError:
        print "Some of required parameters are not valid"
    # except:
    #     print "Unknown error occured"

client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message

client.connect('', 18088, 60)

# Blocking call that processes network traffic, dispatches callbacks and
# handles reconnecting.
# Other loop*() functions are available that give a threaded interface and a
# manual interface.
b2 = SMBus(2)
b2.write_byte_data(0x23, 0x03,0x0)

#   client.loop_forever()
class sgh_PCF8591P:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, busNum):
        #print( "init PCF8591" )
        if busNum == 0:
            self.__bus = SMBus(0)  # on a Rev 1 board
            #print "bus 0"
            self.__bus = SMBus(1)  # on a Rev 2 board
        self.__addr = self.__checkI2Caddress(0x48)
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x00
        #print self.readADC() # dummy call to raise exception if no chip present on the i2c bus
        #print "PCF8591 init completed"

        # self.__bus = __i2cBus
        # self.__addr = self.__checkI2Caddress(__addr)
        # self.__DACEnabled = 0x00

# i2c = SMBus(0) # on a Rev 1 board
# # i2c = SMBus(1) # if on a Rev 2 board

# # Create a PCF8591P object
# sensor = PCF8591P(i2c, 0x48)

# Read single ADC Channel

    def readADC(self, __chan=0):
        __checkedChan = self.__checkChannelNo(__chan)

            0x40 | __checkedChan & 0x03)  # mod my Max - says it more reliable
        #       self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, __checkedChan  | self.__DACEnabled)

        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(
            self.__addr)  # seems to need to throw away first reading
        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr)  # read A/D
        return __reading

    # Read all ADC channels
    def readAllADC(self):
        __readings = []
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, 0x04 | self.__DACEnabled)
        __reading = self.__bus.read_byte(
            self.__addr)  # seems to need to throw away first reading
        for i in range(4):
            __readings.append(self.__bus.read_byte(self.__addr))  # read ADC
        return __readings

    # Set DAC value and enable output
    def writeDAC(self, __val=0):
        __checkedVal = self.__checkDACVal(__val)
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x40
        self.__bus.write_byte_data(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled,

    # Enable DAC output
    def enableDAC(self):
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x40
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled)

    # Disable DAC output
    def disableDAC(self):
        self.__DACEnabled = 0x00
        self.__bus.write_byte(self.__addr, self.__DACEnabled)

    # Check I2C address is within bounds
    def __checkI2Caddress(self, __addr):
        if type(__addr) is not int:
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__addr < 0):
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__addr > 127):
            raise I2CaddressOutOfBoundsError
        return __addr

    # Check if ADC channel number is within bounds
    def __checkChannelNo(self, __chan):
        if type(__chan) is not int:
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__chan < 0):
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__chan > 3):
            raise PCF8591PchannelOutOfBoundsError
        return __chan

    # Check if DAC output value is within bounds
    def __checkDACVal(self, __val):
        if type(__val) is not int:
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__val < 0):
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        elif (__val > 255):
            raise PCF8591PDACvalueOutOfBoundsError
        return __val
    def __init__(self, name, i2c_addr):
        self.I2Caddr = i2c_addr

        directory = "/tmp/" + name
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        self.FptrVoc = directory + "/voc"
        self.FptrBase = directory + "/base"
        self.FptrError = directory + "/error"

        # to retreave RH values for compensation
        self.FptrTemp = "/tmp/HTU21D/tc"
        self.FptrHumid = "/tmp/HTU21D/rh"

        # for maintaining the moving averages
        self.voc_buff = [0] * CCS811_MAX
        self.voc_ptr = 0

        # for tracking baseline value changes
        self.newcal = 0
        self.oldcal = 0
        # to track RH compenation event
        self.comp_minute = CCS811_T_MAX
        # Long term T & RH averaging
        self.temp_buff = [23] * CCS811_T_MAX
        self.rh_buff = [50] * CCS811_T_MAX

        bus = SMBus(I2CBUS)
        resp = bus.read_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_REG_STATUS)
        print "ccs811.init() status reg: 0x%02x" % resp
        if resp & CCS811_APP_VALID:
            bus.write_byte(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_APP_START)
            print "ccs811.init() starting application"
            print "ccs811.init() failed to start application"


        # Start making measurements
        bus.write_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE,
        resp = bus.read_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_REG_ERROR)
        if resp:
            print "ccs811.init() error reg: 0x%02x" % resp

        # Display CCS811 information on startup
        resp = bus.read_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_HW_ID)
        print "ccs811.inint() HW ID: 0x%02x" % resp
        resp = bus.read_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_VER_HW)
        print "ccs811.inint() HW Ver: 0x%02x" % resp
        resp = bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_VER_APP, 2)
        major = resp[0] & 0xf0 >> 4
        minor = resp[0] & 0x0f
        trivial = resp[1]
        print "css811.init() app ver: %d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, trivial)

        resp = bus.read_byte_data(self.I2Caddr, CCS811_REG_ERROR)
        if resp:
            print "ccs811.init() error reg: 0x%02x" % resp

        # Init envronmental compensation registers
        temp_c = 23
        r_humidity = 50
        self.set_comp(temp_c, r_humidity)
        # will implement periodically in loop
        #print "CCS811 init complete"
    0  # Bit 7 NOT CONNECTED on Bonnet

addr = 0x20  # I2C Address of MCP23017
irqPin = 26  # IRQ pin for MCP23017

os.system("sudo modprobe uinput")

ui = UInput({e.EV_KEY: key}, name="retrogame", bustype=e.BUS_USB)
bus = SMBus(3)
IODIR = 0x00
IOCON = 0x05
INTCAP = 0x08

# Initial MCP23008 config:
bus.write_byte_data(addr, IOCON, 0x44)  # seq, OD IRQ

# Read/modify/write remaining MCP23008 config:
cfg = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, IODIR, 7)
cfg[0] = 0xF  # Input bits
cfg[1] = 0x0  # Polarity
cfg[2] = 0xF  # Interrupt pins
cfg[6] = 0xF  # Pull-ups

bus.write_i2c_block_data(addr, IODIR, cfg)

# Clear interrupt by reading INTCAP and GPIO registers
x = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, INTCAP, 2)
#oldState = x[2] | (x[3] << 8)
oldState = x[1]
class L3GD20(object):
    def __init__(self, busId, slaveAddr, ifLog, ifWriteBlock):
        self.__i2c = SMBus(busId)
        self.__slave = slaveAddr
        self.__ifWriteBlock = ifWriteBlock
        self.__ifLog = ifLog
        self.__x0 = 0
    def __del__(self):

    def __log(self, register, mask, current, new):
        register   = '0b' + bin(register)[2:].zfill(8)
        mask       = '0b' + bin(mask)[2:].zfill(8)
        current    = '0b' + bin(current)[2:].zfill(8)
        new        = '0b' + bin(new)[2:].zfill(8)
        print('Change in register:' + register + ' mask:' + mask + ' from:' + current + ' to:' + new)
    def __writeToRegister(self, register, mask, value):
        current = self.__i2c.read_byte_data(self.__slave, register)  # Get current value
        new = bitOps.SetValueUnderMask(value, current, mask)
        if self.__ifLog:
            self.__log(register, mask, current, new)
        if  not self.__ifWriteBlock:
            self.__i2c.write_byte_data(self.__slave, register, new)
    def __readFromRegister(self, register, mask):
        current = self.__i2c.read_byte_data(self.__slave, register)   # Get current value
        return bitOps.GetValueUnderMask(current, mask)

    def __readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self, register, mask, dictionary):
        current = self.__readFromRegister(register, mask)
        for key in dictionary.keys():
            if dictionary[key] == current:
                return key
    def __writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self, register, mask, value, dictionary, dictionaryName):    
        if value not in dictionary.keys():
            raise Exception('Value:' + str(value) + ' is not in range of: ' + str(dictionaryName))
        self.__writeToRegister(register, mask, dictionary[value])
    __REG_R_WHO_AM_I            = 0x0f      # Device identification register
    __REG_RW_CTRL_REG1          = 0x20      # Control register 1
    __REG_RW_CTRL_REG2          = 0x21      # Control register 2
    __REG_RW_CTRL_REG3          = 0x22      # Control register 3
    __REG_RW_CTRL_REG4          = 0x23      # Control register 4
    __REG_RW_CTRL_REG5          = 0x24      # Control register 5
    __REG_RW_REFERENCE          = 0x25      # Reference value for interrupt generation
    __REG_R_OUT_TEMP            = 0x26      # Output temperature
    __REG_R_STATUS_REG          = 0x27      # Status register
    __REG_R_OUT_X_L             = 0x28      # X-axis angular data rate LSB
    __REG_R_OUT_X_H             = 0x29      # X-axis angular data rate MSB
    __REG_R_OUT_Y_L             = 0x2a      # Y-axis angular data rate LSB
    __REG_R_OUT_Y_H             = 0x2b      # Y-axis angular data rate MSB
    __REG_R_OUT_Z_L             = 0x2c      # Z-axis angular data rate LSB
    __REG_R_OUT_Z_H             = 0x2d      # Z-axis angular data rate MSB
    __REG_RW_FIFO_CTRL_REG      = 0x2e      # Fifo control register
    __REG_R_FIFO_SRC_REG        = 0x2f      # Fifo src register
    __REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG       = 0x30      # Interrupt 1 configuration register
    __REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG        = 0x31      # Interrupt source register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_XH        = 0x32      # Interrupt 1 threshold level X MSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_XL        = 0x33      # Interrupt 1 threshold level X LSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_YH        = 0x34      # Interrupt 1 threshold level Y MSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_YL        = 0x35      # Interrupt 1 threshold level Y LSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZH        = 0x36      # Interrupt 1 threshold level Z MSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZL        = 0x37      # Interrupt 1 threshold level Z LSB register
    __REG_RW_INT1_DURATION      = 0x38      # Interrupt 1 duration register
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_Xen        = 0x01      # X enable
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_Yen        = 0x02      # Y enable
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_Zen        = 0x04      # Z enable
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_PD         = 0x08      # Power-down
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_BW         = 0x30      # Bandwidth
    __MASK_CTRL_REG1_DR         = 0xc0      # Output data rate
    __MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPCF       = 0x0f      # High pass filter cutoff frequency
    __MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPM        = 0x30      # High pass filter mode selection
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_EMPTY   = 0x01      # FIFO empty interrupt on DRDY/INT2
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_ORUN    = 0x02      # FIFO overrun interrupt on DRDY/INT2
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_WTM     = 0x04      # FIFO watermark interrupt on DRDY/INT2
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_DRDY    = 0x08      # Date-ready on DRDY/INT2
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_PP_OD      = 0x10      # Push-pull / Open-drain
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_H_LACTIVE  = 0x20      # Interrupt active configuration on INT1
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_BOOT    = 0x40      # Boot status available on INT1
    __MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_Int1    = 0x80      # Interrupt enabled on INT1
    __MASK_CTRL_REG4_SIM        = 0x01      # SPI Serial interface selection
    __MASK_CTRL_REG4_FS         = 0x30      # Full scale selection
    __MASK_CTRL_REG4_BLE        = 0x40      # Big/little endian selection
    __MASK_CTRL_REG4_BDU        = 0x80      # Block data update
    __MASK_CTRL_REG5_OUT_SEL    = 0x03      # Out selection configuration
    __MASK_CTRL_REG5_INT_SEL    = 0xc0      # INT1 selection configuration
    __MASK_CTRL_REG5_HPEN       = 0x10      # High-pass filter enable
    __MASK_CTRL_REG5_FIFO_EN    = 0x40      # Fifo enable
    __MASK_CTRL_REG5_BOOT       = 0x80      # Reboot memory content
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_ZYXOR     = 0x80      # Z, Y, X axis overrun
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_ZOR       = 0x40      # Z axis overrun
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_YOR       = 0x20      # Y axis overrun
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_XOR       = 0x10      # X axis overrun
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_ZYXDA     = 0x08      # Z, Y, X data available
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_ZDA       = 0x04      # Z data available
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_YDA       = 0x02      # Y data available
    __MASK_STATUS_REG_XDA       = 0x01      # X data available
    __MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_FM     = 0xe0      # Fifo mode selection
    __MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_WTM    = 0x1f      # Fifo treshold - watermark level
    __MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_FSS     = 0x1f      # Fifo stored data level
    __MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_EMPTY   = 0x20      # Fifo empty bit
    __MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_OVRN    = 0x40      # Overrun status
    __MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_WTM     = 0x80      # Watermark status
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_ANDOR       = 0x80      # And/Or configuration of interrupt events 
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_LIR         = 0x40      # Latch interrupt request
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_ZHIE        = 0x20      # Enable interrupt generation on Z high
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_ZLIE        = 0x10      # Enable interrupt generation on Z low
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_YHIE        = 0x08      # Enable interrupt generation on Y high
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_YLIE        = 0x04      # Enable interrupt generation on Y low
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_XHIE        = 0x02      # Enable interrupt generation on X high
    __MASK_INT1_CFG_XLIE        = 0x01      # Enable interrupt generation on X low
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_IA          = 0x40      # Int1 active
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_ZH          = 0x20      # Int1 source Z high
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_ZL          = 0x10      # Int1 source Z low
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_YH          = 0x08      # Int1 source Y high
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_YL          = 0x04      # Int1 source Y low
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_XH          = 0x02      # Int1 source X high
    __MASK_INT1_SRC_XL          = 0x01      # Int1 source X low  
    __MASK_INT1_THS_H           = 0x7f      # MSB
    __MASK_INT1_THS_L           = 0xff      # LSB
    __MASK_INT1_DURATION_WAIT   = 0x80      # Wait number of samples or not
    __MASK_INT1_DURATION_D      = 0x7f      # Duration of int1 to be recognized
    PowerModeEnum = [ 'Power-down', 'Sleep', 'Normal']
    __PowerModeDict = { PowerModeEnum[0] : 0, PowerModeEnum[1] : 1, PowerModeEnum[2] : 2 }
    EnabledEnum = [ False, True ]
    __EnabledDict = { EnabledEnum[0] : 0, EnabledEnum[1] : 1}
    LevelEnum = [ 'High', 'Low' ]
    __LevelDict = { LevelEnum[0] : 0, LevelEnum[1] : 1 }
    OutputEnum = [ 'Push-pull', 'Open drain' ]
    __OutputDict = { OutputEnum[0] : 0, OutputEnum[1] : 1 }
    SimModeEnum = [ '4-wire', '3-wire' ]
    __SimModeDict = { SimModeEnum[0] : 0, SimModeEnum[1] : 1 }
    FullScaleEnum = [ '250dps', '500dps', '2000dps' ]
    __FullScaleDict = { FullScaleEnum[0] : 0x00, FullScaleEnum[1] : 0x01, FullScaleEnum[2] : 0x02}
    BigLittleEndianEnum = [ 'Big endian', 'Little endian' ]
    __BigLittleEndianDict = { BigLittleEndianEnum[0] : 0x00, BigLittleEndianEnum[1] : 0x01 }
    BlockDataUpdateEnum = [ 'Continous update', 'Output registers not updated until reading' ]
    __BlockDataUpdateDict = { BlockDataUpdateEnum[0] : 0x00, BlockDataUpdateEnum[1] : 0x01 }
    OutSelEnum = [ 'LPF1', 'HPF', 'LPF2' ]
    __OutSelDict = { OutSelEnum[0] : 0x00, OutSelEnum[1] : 0x01, OutSelEnum[2] : 0x02 }
    IntSelEnum = [ 'LPF1', 'HPF', 'LPF2' ]
    __IntSelDict = { IntSelEnum[0] : 0x00, IntSelEnum[1] : 0x01, IntSelEnum[2] : 0x02 }
    BootModeEnum = [ 'Normal', 'Reboot memory content' ]
    __BootModeDict = { BootModeEnum[0] : 0x00, BootModeEnum[1] : 0x01 }
    FifoModeEnum = [ 'Bypass', 'FIFO', 'Stream', 'Stream-to-Fifo', 'Bypass-to-Stream' ]
    __FifoModeDict = {
        FifoModeEnum[0] : 0x00,
        FifoModeEnum[1] : 0x01,
        FifoModeEnum[2] : 0x02,
        FifoModeEnum[3] : 0x03,
        FifoModeEnum[4] : 0x04
    AndOrEnum = [ 'And', 'Or' ]
    __AndOrDict = { AndOrEnum[0] : 0x00, AndOrEnum[1] : 0x01 }

    DataRateValues = [95, 190, 380, 760]
    BandWidthValues = [12.5, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50, 70, 100]
    __DRBW = { 
        DataRateValues[0]  : { BandWidthValues[0]:0x00, BandWidthValues[2]:0x01},
        DataRateValues[1] : { BandWidthValues[0]:0x04, BandWidthValues[2]:0x05, BandWidthValues[5]:0x06, BandWidthValues[6]:0x07},
        DataRateValues[2] : { BandWidthValues[1]:0x08, BandWidthValues[2]:0x09, BandWidthValues[5]:0x0a, BandWidthValues[7]:0x0b},
        DataRateValues[3] : { BandWidthValues[3]:0x0c, BandWidthValues[4]:0x0d, BandWidthValues[5]:0x0e, BandWidthValues[7]:0x0f}
    HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues = [51.4, 27, 13.5, 7.2, 3.5, 1.8, 0.9, 0.45, 0.18, 0.09, 0.045, 0.018, 0.009]
    __HPCF = {
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[0]  : { DataRateValues[3]:0x00 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[1]  : { DataRateValues[2]:0x00, DataRateValues[3]:0x01 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[2]  : { DataRateValues[1]:0x00, DataRateValues[2]:0x01, DataRateValues[3]:0x02 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[3]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x00, DataRateValues[1]:0x01, DataRateValues[2]:0x02, DataRateValues[3]:0x03 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[4]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x01, DataRateValues[1]:0x02, DataRateValues[2]:0x03, DataRateValues[3]:0x04 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[5]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x02, DataRateValues[1]:0x03, DataRateValues[2]:0x04, DataRateValues[3]:0x05 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[6]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x03, DataRateValues[1]:0x04, DataRateValues[2]:0x05, DataRateValues[3]:0x06 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[7]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x04, DataRateValues[1]:0x05, DataRateValues[2]:0x06, DataRateValues[3]:0x07 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[8]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x05, DataRateValues[1]:0x06, DataRateValues[2]:0x07, DataRateValues[3]:0x08 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[9]  : { DataRateValues[0]:0x06, DataRateValues[1]:0x07, DataRateValues[2]:0x08, DataRateValues[3]:0x09 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[10] : { DataRateValues[0]:0x07, DataRateValues[1]:0x08, DataRateValues[2]:0x09 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[11] : { DataRateValues[0]:0x08, DataRateValues[1]:0x09 },
        HighPassFilterCutOffFrequencyValues[12] : { DataRateValues[0]:0x09 }
    HighPassFilterModes = ['Normal with reset.','Reference signal for filtering.','Normal.','Autoreset on interrupt.']
    __HpmDict = {
    # For calibration purposes
    meanX = 0
    maxX = 0
    minX = 0
    meanY = 0
    maxY = 0
    minY = 0
    meanZ = 0
    maxZ = 0
    minZ = 0
    gain = 1
    def Init(self):
        """Call this method after configuratin and before doing measurements"""
        if (self.Get_FullScale_Value() == self.FullScaleEnum[0]):
            self.gain = 0.00875
        elif (self.Get_FullScale_Value() == self.FullScaleEnum[1]):
            self.gain = 0.0175
        elif (self.Get_FullScale_Value() == self.FullScaleEnum[2]):
            self.gain = 0.07
        print("Gain set to:{0}".format(self.gain))

    def CalibrateX(self):
        """Returns (min, mean, max)"""
        print("Calibrating axis X, please do not move sensor...")
        buff = []
        for t in range(20):
            while self.Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value()[0] == 0:
        self.meanX = numpy.mean(buff) 
        self.maxX = max(buff)
        self.minX = min(buff)
        print("Done: (min={0};mean={1};max={2})".format(self.minX, self.meanX, self.maxX))
    def CalibrateY(self):
        """Returns (min, mean, max)"""
        print("Calibrating axis Y, please do not move sensor...")
        buff = []
        for t in range(20):
            while self.Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value()[1] == 0:
        self.meanY = numpy.mean(buff) 
        self.maxY = max(buff)
        self.minY = min(buff)
        print("Done: (min={0};mean={1};max={2})".format(self.minY, self.meanY, self.maxY))
    def CalibrateZ(self):
        """Returns (min, mean, max)"""
        print("Calibrating axis Z, please do not move sensor...")
        buff = []
        for t in range(20):
            while self.Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value()[2] == 0:
        self.meanZ = numpy.mean(buff) 
        self.maxZ = max(buff)
        self.minZ = min(buff)
        print("Done: (min={0};mean={1};max={2})".format(self.minZ, self.meanZ, self.maxZ))

    def Calibrate(self):
    def ReturnConfiguration(self):
        return  [
            [ self.Get_DeviceId_Value.__doc__, self.Get_DeviceId_Value()],
            [ self.Get_DataRateAndBandwidth.__doc__, self.Get_DataRateAndBandwidth()],
            [ self.Get_AxisX_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_AxisX_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_AxisY_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_AxisY_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_AxisZ_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_AxisZ_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_PowerMode.__doc__, self.Get_PowerMode()],
            [ self.Get_HighPassCutOffFreq.__doc__, self.Get_HighPassCutOffFreq()],
            [ self.Get_INT1_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_INT1_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_BootStatusOnINT1_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_BootStatusOnINT1_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_ActiveConfINT1_Level.__doc__, self.Get_ActiveConfINT1_Level()],
            [ self.Get_PushPullOrOpenDrain_Value.__doc__, self.Get_PushPullOrOpenDrain_Value()],
            [ self.Get_DataReadyOnINT2_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_DataReadyOnINT2_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_FifoWatermarkOnINT2_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_FifoWatermarkOnINT2_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_FifoOverrunOnINT2_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_FifoOverrunOnINT2_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_FifoEmptyOnINT2_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_FifoEmptyOnINT2_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_SpiMode_Value.__doc__, self.Get_SpiMode_Value()],
            [ self.Get_FullScale_Value.__doc__, self.Get_FullScale_Value()],
            [ self.Get_BigLittleEndian_Value.__doc__, self.Get_BigLittleEndian_Value()],
            [ self.Get_BlockDataUpdate_Value.__doc__, self.Get_BlockDataUpdate_Value()],
            [ self.Get_BootMode_Value.__doc__, self.Get_BootMode_Value()],
            [ self.Get_Fifo_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Fifo_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_HighPassFilter_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_HighPassFilter_Enabled()],
            [ self.Get_INT1Selection_Value.__doc__, self.Get_INT1Selection_Value()],
            [ self.Get_OutSelection_Value.__doc__, self.Get_OutSelection_Value()],
            [ self.Get_Reference_Value.__doc__, self.Get_Reference_Value()],
            [ self.Get_AxisOverrun_Value.__doc__, self.Get_AxisOverrun_Value()],
            [ self.Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value.__doc__, self.Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value()],
            [ self.Get_FifoThreshold_Value.__doc__, self.Get_FifoThreshold_Value()],
            [ self.Get_FifoMode_Value.__doc__, self.Get_FifoMode_Value()],
            [ self.Get_FifoStoredDataLevel_Value.__doc__, self.Get_FifoStoredDataLevel_Value()],
            [ self.Get_IsFifoEmpty_Value.__doc__, self.Get_IsFifoEmpty_Value()],
            [ self.Get_IsFifoFull_Value.__doc__, self.Get_IsFifoFull_Value()],
            [ self.Get_IsFifoGreaterOrEqualThanWatermark_Value.__doc__, self.Get_IsFifoGreaterOrEqualThanWatermark_Value()],

            [ self.Get_Int1Combination_Value.__doc__, self.Get_Int1Combination_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1LatchRequest_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1LatchRequest_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnZHigh_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnZHigh_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnZLow_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnZLow_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnYHigh_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnYHigh_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnYLow_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnYLow_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnXHigh_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnXHigh_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1GenerationOnXLow_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1GenerationOnXLow_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1Active_Value.__doc__, self.Get_Int1Active_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_ZHighEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_ZHighEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_ZLowEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_ZLowEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_YHighEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_YHighEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_YLowEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_YLowEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_XHighEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_XHighEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_XLowEventOccured_Value.__doc__, self.Get_XLowEventOccured_Value() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1Threshold_Values.__doc__, self.Get_Int1Threshold_Values() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1DurationWait_Enabled.__doc__, self.Get_Int1DurationWait_Enabled() ],
            [ self.Get_Int1Duration_Value.__doc__, self.Get_Int1Duration_Value() ]
    def Get_DeviceId_Value(self):
        """Device Id."""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_WHO_AM_I, 0xff)
    def Set_AxisX_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Xen, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum')
    def Get_AxisX_Enabled(self):
        """Axis X enabled."""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Xen, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_AxisY_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Yen, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum')
    def Get_AxisY_Enabled(self):
        """Axis Y enabled."""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Yen, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_AxisZ_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Zen, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum')   
    def Get_AxisZ_Enabled(self):
        """Axis Z enabled."""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Zen, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_PowerMode(self, mode):
        if mode not in self.__PowerModeDict.keys():
            raise Exception('Value:' + str(mode) + ' is not in range of: PowerModeEnum')
        if self.__PowerModeDict[mode] == 0:
            # Power-down
            self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_PD, 0)
        elif self.__PowerModeDict[mode] == 1:
            # Sleep
            self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_PD | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Zen | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Yen | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Xen, 8)
        elif self.__PowerModeDict[mode] == 2:
            # Normal
            self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_PD, 1)
    def Get_PowerMode(self):
        """Power mode."""
        powermode = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_PD | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Xen | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Yen | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_Zen)
        dictval = 4
        if not bitOps.CheckBit(powermode, 3):
            dictval = 0
        elif powermode == 0b1000:
            dictval = 1
        elif bitOps.CheckBit(powermode, 3):
            dictval = 2
        for key in self.__PowerModeDict.keys():
            if self.__PowerModeDict[key] == dictval:
                return key

    def Print_DataRateAndBandwidth_AvailableValues(self):
        for dr in self.__DRBW.keys():
            print('Output data rate: ' + dr + '[Hz]')
            for bw in self.__DRBW[dr].keys():
                print('   Bandwidth: ' + bw + ' (DRBW=' +'0b' + bin(self.__DRBW[dr][bw])[2:].zfill(4) +')')
    def Set_DataRateAndBandwidth(self, datarate, bandwidth):
        if datarate not in self.__DRBW.keys():
            raise Exception('Data rate:' + str(datarate) + ' not in range of data rate values.')
        if bandwidth not in self.__DRBW[datarate].keys():
            raise Exception('Bandwidth: ' + str(bandwidth) + ' cannot be assigned to data rate: ' + str(datarate))
        bits = self.__DRBW[datarate][bandwidth]
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_DR | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_BW, bits)
    def Get_DataRateAndBandwidth(self):
        """Data rate and bandwidth."""
        current = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG1, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_DR | self.__MASK_CTRL_REG1_BW)
        for dr in self.__DRBW.keys():
            for bw in self.__DRBW[dr].keys():
                if self.__DRBW[dr][bw] == current:
                    return (dr, bw)
    def Print_HighPassFilterCutOffFrequency_AvailableValues(self):
        for freq in self.__HPCF.keys():
            print('High pass cut off: ' + freq + '[Hz]')
            for odr in self.__HPCF[freq].keys():
                print('   Output data rate: ' + odr + ' (HPCF=' + '0b' + bin(self.__HPCF[freq][odr])[2:].zfill(4) + ')')            
    def Set_HighPassCutOffFreq(self, freq):
        if freq not in self.__HPCF.keys():
            raise Exception('Frequency:' + str(freq) + ' is not in range of high pass frequency cut off values.')
        datarate = self.Get_DataRateAndBandwidth()[0]
        if datarate not in self.__HPCF[freq].keys():
            raise Exception('Frequency: ' + str(freq) + ' cannot be assigned to data rate: ' + str(datarate))
        bits = self.__HPCF[freq][datarate]   
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG2, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPCF, bits)
    def Get_HighPassCutOffFreq(self):
        """Cut off frequency."""
        current = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG2, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPCF)
        datarate = self.Get_DataRateAndBandwidth()[0]
        for freq in self.__HPCF.keys():
            for dr in self.__HPCF[freq]:
                if dr == datarate:
                    if self.__HPCF[freq][datarate] == current:
                        return freq
    def Set_HighPassFilterMode(self, mode):
        if mode not in self.__HpmDict.keys():
            raise Exception('EnabledEnum:' + str(mode) + ' is not in range of high pass frequency modes.')
        bits = self.__HpmDict[mode]
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG2, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPM, bits)
    def Get_HighPassFilterMode(self):
        """High pass filter mode"""
        current = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG2, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG2_HPM)
        for mode in self.__HpmDict.keys():
            if self.__HpmDict[mode] == current:
                return mode

    def Set_INT1_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_Int1, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_INT1_Enabled(self):
        """INT1 Enabled"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_Int1, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_BootStatusOnINT1_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_BOOT, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_BootStatusOnINT1_Enabled(self):
        """Boot status available on INT1"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I1_BOOT, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_ActiveConfINT1_Level(self, level):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_H_LACTIVE, level, self.__LevelDict, 'LevelEnum') 
    def Get_ActiveConfINT1_Level(self):
        """Interrupt active configuration on INT1"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_H_LACTIVE, self.__LevelDict)
    def Set_PushPullOrOpenDrain_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_PP_OD, value, self.__OutputDict, 'OutputEnum') 
    def Get_PushPullOrOpenDrain_Value(self):
        """Push-pull/open drain"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_PP_OD, self.__OutputDict)
    def Set_DataReadyOnINT2_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_DRDY, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_DataReadyOnINT2_Enabled(self):
        """Date-ready on DRDY/INT2"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_DRDY, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_FifoWatermarkOnINT2_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_WTM, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_FifoWatermarkOnINT2_Enabled(self):
        """FIFO watermark interrupt on DRDY/INT2"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_WTM, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_FifoOverrunOnINT2_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_ORUN, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_FifoOverrunOnINT2_Enabled(self):
        """FIFO overrun interrupt in DRDY/INT2"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_ORUN, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_FifoEmptyOnINT2_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_EMPTY, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_FifoEmptyOnINT2_Enabled(self):
        """FIFO empty interrupt on DRDY/INT2"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG3, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG3_I2_EMPTY, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_SpiMode_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_SIM, value, self.__SimModeDict, 'SimModeEnum') 
    def Get_SpiMode_Value(self):
        """SPI mode"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_SIM, self.__SimModeDict)
    def Set_FullScale_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_FS, value, self.__FullScaleDict, 'FullScaleEnum') 
    def Get_FullScale_Value(self):
        """Full scale selection"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_FS, self.__FullScaleDict)
    def Set_BigLittleEndian_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_BLE, value, self.__BigLittleEndianDict, 'BigLittleEndianEnum') 
    def Get_BigLittleEndian_Value(self):
        """Big/Little endian"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_BLE, self.__BigLittleEndianDict)
    def Set_BlockDataUpdate_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_BDU, value, self.__BlockDataUpdateDict, 'BlockDataUpdateEnum') 
    def Get_BlockDataUpdate_Value(self):
        """Block data update"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG4, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG4_BDU, self.__BlockDataUpdateDict)
    def Set_BootMode_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_BOOT, value, self.__BootModeDict, 'BootModeEnum') 
    def Get_BootMode_Value(self):
        """Boot mode"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_BOOT, self.__BootModeDict)

    def Set_Fifo_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_FIFO_EN, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Fifo_Enabled(self):
        """Fifo enabled"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_FIFO_EN, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_HighPassFilter_Enabled(self, enabled):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_HPEN, enabled, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_HighPassFilter_Enabled(self):
        """High pass filter enabled"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_HPEN, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_INT1Selection_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_INT_SEL, value, self.__IntSelDict, 'IntSelEnum') 
    def Get_INT1Selection_Value(self):
        """INT1 selection configuration"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_INT_SEL, self.__IntSelDict)
    def Set_OutSelection_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_OUT_SEL, value, self.__OutSelDict, 'OutSelEnum') 
    def Get_OutSelection_Value(self):
        """Out selection configuration"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_CTRL_REG5, self.__MASK_CTRL_REG5_OUT_SEL, self.__OutSelDict)   
    def Set_Reference_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_REFERENCE, 0xff, value) 
    def Get_Reference_Value(self):
        """Reference value for interrupt generation"""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_REFERENCE, 0xff)
    def Get_OutTemp_Value(self):
        """Output temperature"""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_TEMP, 0xff)
    def Get_AxisOverrun_Value(self):
        """(X, Y, Z) axis overrun"""
        zor = 0
        yor = 0
        xor = 0
        if self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_ZYXOR) == 0x01:
            zor = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_ZOR)
            yor = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_YOR)
            xor = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_XOR)
        return (xor, yor, zor)
    def Get_AxisDataAvailable_Value(self):
        """(X, Y, Z) data available"""
        zda = 0
        yda = 0
        xda = 0
        if self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_ZYXDA) == 0x01:
            zda = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_ZDA)
            yda = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_YDA)
            xda = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_STATUS_REG, self.__MASK_STATUS_REG_XDA)
        return (xda, yda, zda)
    def Get_RawOutX_Value(self):
        """Raw X angular speed data"""
        l = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_X_L, 0xff)
        h_u2 = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_X_H, 0xff)
        h = bitOps.TwosComplementToByte(h_u2)
        if (h < 0):
            return (h*256 - l) * self.gain
        elif (h >= 0):
            return (h*256 + l) * self.gain
    def Get_RawOutY_Value(self):
        """Raw Y angular speed data"""
        l = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_Y_L, 0xff)
        h_u2 = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_Y_H, 0xff)
        h = bitOps.TwosComplementToByte(h_u2)
        if (h < 0):
            return (h*256 - l) * self.gain
        elif (h >= 0):
            return (h*256 + l) * self.gain
    def Get_RawOutZ_Value(self):
        """Raw Z angular speed data"""
        l = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_Z_L, 0xff)
        h_u2 = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_OUT_Z_H, 0xff)
        h = bitOps.TwosComplementToByte(h_u2)
        if (h < 0):
            return (h*256 - l) * self.gain
        elif (h >= 0):
            return (h*256 + l) * self.gain

    def Get_RawOut_Value(self):
        """Raw [X, Y, Z] values of angular speed"""
        return [self.Get_RawOutX_Value(), self.Get_RawOutY_Value(), self.Get_RawOutZ_Value()]
    def Get_CalOutX_Value(self):
        """Calibrated X angular speed data"""
        x = self.Get_RawOutX_Value()
        if(x >= self.minX and x <= self.maxX):
            return 0
            return x - self.meanX
    def Get_CalOutY_Value(self):
        """Calibrated Y angular speed data"""
        y = self.Get_RawOutY_Value()
        if(y >= self.minY and y <= self.maxY):
            return 0
            return y - self.meanY
    def Get_CalOutZ_Value(self):
        """Calibrated Z angular speed data"""
        z = self.Get_RawOutZ_Value()
        if(z >= self.minZ and z <= self.maxZ):
            return 0
            return z - self.meanZ
    def Get_CalOut_Value(self):
        """Calibrated [X, Y, Z] value of angular speed, calibrated"""
        return [self.Get_CalOutX_Value(), self.Get_CalOutY_Value(), self.Get_CalOutZ_Value()]

    def Set_FifoThreshold_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_FIFO_CTRL_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_WTM, value) 
    def Get_FifoThreshold_Value(self):
        """Fifo threshold - watermark level"""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_FIFO_CTRL_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_WTM)
    def Set_FifoMode_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_FIFO_CTRL_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_FM, value, self.__FifoModeDict, 'FifoModeEnum') 
    def Get_FifoMode_Value(self):
        """Fifo mode"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_FIFO_CTRL_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_CTRL_REG_FM, self.__FifoModeDict)

    def Get_FifoStoredDataLevel_Value(self):
        """Fifo stored data level"""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_R_FIFO_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_FSS)
    def Get_IsFifoEmpty_Value(self):
        """Fifo empty"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_FIFO_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_EMPTY, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_IsFifoFull_Value(self):
        """Fifo full"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_FIFO_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_OVRN, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_IsFifoGreaterOrEqualThanWatermark_Value(self):
        """Fifo filling is greater or equal than watermark level"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_FIFO_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_FIFO_SRC_REG_WTM, self.__EnabledDict)

    def Set_Int1Combination_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ANDOR, value, self.__AndOrDict, 'AndOrEnum') 
    def Get_Int1Combination_Value(self):
        """Interrupt combination"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ANDOR, self.__AndOrDict)
    def Set_Int1LatchRequest_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_LIR, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1LatchRequest_Enabled(self):
        """Latch interrupt request"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_LIR, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnZHigh_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ZHIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnZHigh_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on Z higher than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ZHIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnZLow_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ZLIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnZLow_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on Z lower than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_ZLIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnYHigh_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_YHIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnYHigh_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on Y higher than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_YHIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnYLow_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_YLIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnYLow_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on Y lower than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_YLIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnXHigh_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_XHIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnXHigh_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on X higher than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_XHIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1GenerationOnXLow_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_XLIE, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1GenerationOnXLow_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 generation on X lower than threshold"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_CFG_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_CFG_XLIE, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_Int1Active_Value(self):
        """Int1 active"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_IA, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_ZHighEventOccured_Value(self):
        """Z high event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_ZH, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_ZLowEventOccured_Value(self):
        """Z low event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_ZL, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_YHighEventOccured_Value(self):
        """Y high event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_YH, self.__EnabledDict)    
    def Get_YLowEventOccured_Value(self):
        """Y low event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_YL, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_XHighEventOccured_Value(self):
        """X high event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_XH, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Get_XLowEventOccured_Value(self):
        """X low event occured"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_R_INT1_SRC_REG, self.__MASK_INT1_SRC_XL, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1ThresholdX_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_XH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H, (value & 0x7f00) >> 8)
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_XL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L, value & 0x00ff)
    def Set_Int1ThresholdY_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_YH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H, (value & 0x7f00) >> 8)
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_YL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L, value & 0x00ff)
    def Set_Int1ThresholdZ_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H, (value & 0x7f00) >> 8)
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L, value & 0x00ff)        
    def Get_Int1Threshold_Values(self):
        """(X,Y,Z) INT1 threshold value"""
        xh = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_XH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H)
        xl = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_XL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L)
        yh = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_YH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H)
        yl = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_YL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L)
        zh = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZH, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_H)
        zl = self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_THS_ZL, self.__MASK_INT1_THS_L)
        return (xh*256 + xl, yh*256 + yl, zh*256 + zl)
    def Set_Int1DurationWait_Enabled(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegisterWithDictionaryCheck(self.__REG_RW_INT1_DURATION, self.__MASK_INT1_DURATION_WAIT, value, self.__EnabledDict, 'EnabledEnum') 
    def Get_Int1DurationWait_Enabled(self):
        """Int 1 duration wait"""
        return self.__readFromRegisterWithDictionaryMatch(self.__REG_RW_INT1_DURATION, self.__MASK_INT1_DURATION_WAIT, self.__EnabledDict)
    def Set_Int1Duration_Value(self, value):
        self.__writeToRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_DURATION, self.__MASK_INT1_DURATION_D, value) 
    def Get_Int1Duration_Value(self):
        """Int 1 duration value"""
        return self.__readFromRegister(self.__REG_RW_INT1_DURATION, self.__MASK_INT1_DURATION_D)
class BrightPI:
    BrightPiAddress = 0x70
    AddressControl = 0x00
    AddressIR1 = 0x01
    AddressLED1 = 0x02
    AddressIR2 = 0x03
    AddressLED2 = 0x04
    AddressLED3 = 0x05
    AddressIR3 = 0x06
    AddressLED4 = 0x07
    AddressIR4 = 0x08
    AddressAllLed = 0x09
    maxBrightness = 0x32

    def __init__(self, I2CPORT_value):
        self.I2CPORT = I2CPORT_value
        self.bus = SMBus(self.I2CPORT)

    def read_state(self, address):
        return self.bus.read_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, address)

    def led_1_on(self):
        mask = 0x02
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) | mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_1_off(self):
        mask = ~0x02
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) & mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_1_brightness(self, level):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressLED1, level)

    def led_2_on(self):
        mask = 0x08
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) | mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_2_off(self):
        mask = ~0x08
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) & mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_2_brightness(self, level):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressLED2, level)

    def led_3_on(self):
        mask = 0x10
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) | mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_3_off(self):
        mask = ~0x10
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) & mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_3_brightness(self, level):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressLED3, level)

    def led_4_on(self):
        mask = 0x40
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) | mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_4_off(self):
        mask = ~0x40
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) & mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_4_brightness(self, level):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressLED4, level)

    def led_all_brightness(self, level):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressAllLed, level)

    def led_all_on(self):
        mask = 0x5a
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) | mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def led_all_off(self):
        mask = ~0x5a
        result = self.read_state(self.AddressControl) & mask
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, result)

    def reset(self):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.BrightPiAddress, self.AddressControl, 0x00)
文件: pyglow.py 项目: Xiol/PyGlow
class PyGlow:
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus=1):
        self.bus = SMBus(i2c_bus)
        self.current = self._zerolist()

    def init(self):
        self.write_i2c(CMD_ENABLE_OUTPUT, 0x01)
        self.write_i2c(CMD_ENABLE_LEDS, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF])

    def write_i2c(self, reg, value):
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            value = [value]
        self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(I2C_ADDR, reg, value)

    def update_leds(self, values):
        self.write_i2c(CMD_SET_PWM_VALUES, values)

    def update(self):
        self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, CMD_UPDATE, 0xFF)

    def set(self, leds, intensity=DEFAULT_INTENSITY):
        if not isinstance(leds, list):
            leds = [leds]
        for led in leds:
            self.bus.write_byte_data(I2C_ADDR, LED_ADDRS[led], intensity)

    def all_off(self):
        self.current = self._zerolist()

    def turn_off(self, leds):
        self.set(leds, 0x00)

    def light(self, leds, intensity=DEFAULT_INTENSITY):
        if not isinstance(leds, list):
            leds = [leds]
        self.set(leds, intensity)

    def fade_in(self, leds, intensity=DEFAULT_INTENSITY,
                speed=DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED, step=DEFAULT_FADE_STEP):
        cur_inten = 0x00
        while cur_inten <= intensity:
            self.light(leds, cur_inten)
            cur_inten += step
            if cur_inten > 0xFF:

    def fade_out(self, leds, intensity=DEFAULT_INTENSITY,
                 speed=DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED, step=DEFAULT_FADE_STEP):
        while intensity >= 0x00:
            self.light(leds, intensity)
            intensity -= step
            if intensity < 0x00:

    def crossfade(self, leds_start, leds_end, intensity=DEFAULT_INTENSITY,
                  speed=DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED, step=DEFAULT_FADE_STEP):
        cur_inten_up = 0x00
        cur_inten_down = intensity
        while cur_inten_up < intensity:
            cur_inten_down -= step
            cur_inten_up += step
            if cur_inten_down <= 0x00:
            if cur_inten_up >= 0xFF:
                self.set(leds_end, 0xFF)
            self.set(leds_start, cur_inten_down)
            self.set(leds_end, cur_inten_up)

    def _zerolist(self):
        return [0x00 for x in range(18)]
class I2C(object):
    I2C Wrapper.

    Provides helper methods for SMBus class used on a Raspberry Pi.

    # Base Methods

    def __init__(self, bus_id=1):
        Initialize the I2C bus.
        self._i2c = SMBus(bus_id)

    def __del__(self):
        Clean up.
            del self._i2c

    # Reading and Writing Registers

    def write_register(self, address, register, value):
        Write a single byte to a I2C register. Return the value the
        register had before the write.

        :param address: The I2C address of the device.
        :type address: int
        :param register: The register of the device.
        :type register: int
        :param value: The value to write.
        :type value: int
        self._i2c.write_byte_data(address, register, value)

    def read_register(self, address, register):
        Read a single I2C register.

        :param address: The I2C address of the device.
        :type address: int
        :param register: The register of the device.
        :type register: int
        :return: The value of the register.
        :rtype: int
        return self._i2c.read_byte_data(address, register)

    # Getting Values

    def get_unsigned_value_from_bytes(self, low_byte, high_byte):
        Combine low and high bytes to an unsigned 16 bit value.

        :param low_byte: The low byte of a 16 bit value.
        :type low_byte: int
        :param high_byte: The high byte of a 16 bit value.
        :type high_byte: int
        :return: An unsigned value from two bytes.
        :rtype: int
        return ((high_byte & 0x00FF) << 8) | (low_byte & 0x00FF)

    def get_signed_value_from_bytes(self, low_byte, high_byte):
        Combine low and high bytes to an signed 16 bit value.

        :param low_byte: The low byte of a 16 bit value.
        :type low_byte: int
        :param high_byte: The high byte of a 16 bit value.
        :type high_byte: int
        :return: A signed value from two bytes.
        :rtype: int
        unsigned_value = self.get_unsigned_value_from_bytes(low_byte, high_byte)
        return self.twos_complement(unsigned_value)

    def twos_complement(self, value, bits=16):
        Compute the 2's complement of a given value

        :param value: The value.
        :type value: int
        :param bits: The number of bits of the value. Defaulted to 16 bits.
        :type bits: int
        :return: The two's complement of a given value.
        :rtype: int
        if (value & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0:
            value = value - (1 << bits)
        return value

    # Reading 3D Sensor

    def read_sensor(self, address, registers):
        Read vector of the given sensor.

        :param address: The address of the device.
        :type address: int
        :param registers: A list of registers to read.
        :type registers: [int]
        :return: A vector representing the device measurement.
        :rtype: [int]

        # Read all the registers
        x_low = self.read_register(address, registers[0])
        x_hi = self.read_register(address, registers[1])
        y_low = self.read_register(address, registers[2])
        y_hi = self.read_register(address, registers[3])
        z_low = self.read_register(address, registers[4])
        z_hi = self.read_register(address, registers[5])

        # Combine the low and high bytes into signed numbers
        x_val = self.get_signed_value_from_bytes(x_low, x_hi)
        y_val = self.get_signed_value_from_bytes(y_low, y_hi)
        z_val = self.get_signed_value_from_bytes(z_low, z_hi)

        return [x_val, y_val, z_val]
class Cap1xxx():
    supported = [PID_CAP1208, PID_CAP1188, PID_CAP1166]
    number_of_inputs = 8
    number_of_leds   = 8
    def __init__(self, i2c_addr=DEFAULT_ADDR, i2c_bus=1, alert_pin=-1, reset_pin=-1, on_touch=None, skip_init=False):
        if on_touch == None:
            on_touch = [None] * self.number_of_inputs

        self.async_poll = None
        self.i2c_addr   = i2c_addr
        self.i2c        = SMBus(i2c_bus)
        self.alert_pin  = alert_pin
        self.reset_pin  = reset_pin
        self._delta     = 50

        if not self.alert_pin == -1:
            GPIO.setup(self.alert_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

        if not self.reset_pin == -1:
            GPIO.setup(self.reset_pin,  GPIO.OUT)
            GPIO.setup(self.reset_pin,  GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(self.reset_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
            GPIO.output(self.reset_pin, GPIO.LOW)

        self.handlers = {
            'press'   : [None] * self.number_of_inputs,
            'release' : [None] * self.number_of_inputs,
            'held'    : [None] * self.number_of_inputs

        self.touch_handlers    = on_touch
        self.last_input_status = [False]  * self.number_of_inputs
        self.input_status      = ['none'] * self.number_of_inputs
        self.input_delta       = [0] * self.number_of_inputs
        self.input_pressed     = [False]  * self.number_of_inputs
        self.repeat_enabled    = 0b00000000
        self.release_enabled   = 0b11111111
        self.product_id = self._get_product_id()

        if not self.product_id in self.supported:
            raise Exception("Product ID {} not supported!".format(self.product_id))

        if skip_init:

        # Enable all inputs with interrupt by default

        # Disable repeat for all channels, but give
        # it sane defaults anyway


        # Tested sane defaults for various configurations
        self._write_byte(R_SAMPLING_CONFIG, 0b00001000) # 1sample per measure, 1.28ms time, 35ms cycle
        self._write_byte(R_SENSITIVITY,     0b01100000) # 2x sensitivity
        self._write_byte(R_GENERAL_CONFIG,  0b00111000)
        self._write_byte(R_CONFIGURATION2,  0b01100000)


    def get_input_status(self):
        """Get the status of all inputs.
        Returns an array of 8 boolean values indicating
        whether an input has been triggered since the
        interrupt flag was last cleared."""
        touched = self._read_byte(R_INPUT_STATUS)
        threshold = self._read_block(R_INPUT_1_THRESH, self.number_of_inputs)
        delta = self._read_block(R_INPUT_1_DELTA, self.number_of_inputs)
        #status = ['none'] * 8
        for x in range(self.number_of_inputs):
            if (1 << x) & touched:
                status = 'none'
                _delta = self._get_twos_comp(delta[x]) 
                #threshold = self._read_byte(R_INPUT_1_THRESH + x)
                # We only ever want to detect PRESS events
                # If repeat is disabled, and release detect is enabled
                if _delta >= threshold[x]: # self._delta:
                    self.input_delta[x] = _delta
                    #  Touch down event
                    if self.input_status[x] in ['press','held']:
                        if self.repeat_enabled & (1 << x):
                            status = 'held'
                    if self.input_status[x] in ['none','release']:
                        if self.input_pressed[x]:
                            status = 'none'
                            status = 'press'
                    # Touch release event
                    if self.release_enabled & (1 << x) and not self.input_status[x] == 'release':
                        status = 'release'
                        status = 'none'

                self.input_status[x] = status
                self.input_pressed[x] = status in ['press','held','none']
                self.input_status[x] = 'none'
                self.input_pressed[x] = False
        return self.input_status

    def _get_twos_comp(self,val):
        if ( val & (1<< (8 - 1))) != 0:
            val = val - (1 << 8)
        return val
    def clear_interrupt(self):
        """Clear the interrupt flag, bit 0, of the
        main control register"""
        main = self._read_byte(R_MAIN_CONTROL)
        main &= ~0b00000001
        self._write_byte(R_MAIN_CONTROL, main)

    def _interrupt_status(self):
        if self.alert_pin == -1:
            return self._read_byte(R_MAIN_CONTROL) & 1
            return not GPIO.input(self.alert_pin)

    def wait_for_interrupt(self, timeout=100):
        """Wait for, interrupt, bit 0 of the main
        control register to be set, indicating an
        input has been triggered."""
        start = self._millis()
        while True:
            status = self._interrupt_status() # self._read_byte(R_MAIN_CONTROL)
            if status:
                return True
            if self._millis() > start + timeout:
                return False

    def on(self, channel=0, event='press', handler=None):
        self.handlers[event][channel] = handler
        return True

    def start_watching(self):
        if not self.alert_pin == -1:
                GPIO.add_event_detect(self.alert_pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self._handle_alert, bouncetime=1)
            return True

        if self.async_poll == None:
            self.async_poll = AsyncWorker(self._poll)
            return True
        return False

    def stop_watching(self):
        if not self.alert_pin == -1:

        if not self.async_poll == None:
            self.async_poll = None
            return True
        return False

    def set_touch_delta(self, delta):
        self._delta = delta

    def auto_recalibrate(self, value):
        self._change_bit(R_GENERAL_CONFIG, 3, value)
    def filter_analog_noise(self, value):
        self._change_bit(R_GENERAL_CONFIG, 4, not value)
    def filter_digital_noise(self, value):
        self._change_bit(R_GENERAL_CONFIG, 5, not value)

    def set_hold_delay(self, ms):
        """Set time before a press and hold is detected,
        Clamps to multiples of 35 from 35 to 560"""
        repeat_rate = self._calc_touch_rate(ms)
        input_config = self._read_byte(R_INPUT_CONFIG2)
        input_config = (input_config & ~0b1111) | repeat_rate
        self._write_byte(R_INPUT_CONFIG2, input_config)

    def set_repeat_rate(self, ms):
        """Set repeat rate in milliseconds, 
        Clamps to multiples of 35 from 35 to 560"""
        repeat_rate = self._calc_touch_rate(ms)
        input_config = self._read_byte(R_INPUT_CONFIG)
        input_config = (input_config & ~0b1111) | repeat_rate
        self._write_byte(R_INPUT_CONFIG, input_config)

    def _calc_touch_rate(self, ms):
        ms = min(max(ms,0),560)
        scale = int((round(ms / 35.0) * 35) - 35) / 35
        return int(scale)

    def _handle_alert(self, pin=-1):
        inputs = self.get_input_status()
        for x in range(self.number_of_inputs):
            self._trigger_handler(x, inputs[x])

    def _poll(self):
        """Single polling pass, should be called in
        a loop, preferably threaded."""
        if self.wait_for_interrupt():

    def _trigger_handler(self, channel, event):
        if event == 'none':
        if callable(self.handlers[event][channel]):
                self.handlers[event][channel](CapTouchEvent(channel, event, self.input_delta[channel]))
            except TypeError:
                self.handlers[event][channel](channel, event)

    def _get_product_id(self):
        return self._read_byte(R_PRODUCT_ID)

    def enable_multitouch(self, en=True):
        """Toggles multi-touch by toggling the multi-touch
        block bit in the config register"""
        ret_mt = self._read_byte(R_MTOUCH_CONFIG)
        if en:
            self._write_byte(R_MTOUCH_CONFIG, ret_mt & ~0x80)
            self._write_byte(R_MTOUCH_CONFIG, ret_mt | 0x80 )

    def enable_repeat(self, inputs):
        self.repeat_enabled = inputs
        self._write_byte(R_REPEAT_EN, inputs)

    def enable_interrupts(self, inputs):
        self._write_byte(R_INTERRUPT_EN, inputs)

    def enable_inputs(self, inputs):
        self._write_byte(R_INPUT_ENABLE, inputs)

    def _write_byte(self, register, value):
        self.i2c.write_byte_data(self.i2c_addr, register, value)

    def _read_byte(self, register):
        return self.i2c.read_byte_data(self.i2c_addr, register)

    def _read_block(self, register, length):
        return self.i2c.read_i2c_block_data(self.i2c_addr, register, length)

    def _millis(self):
        return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

    def _set_bit(self, register, bit):
        self._write_byte( register, self._read_byte(register) | (1 << bit) )

    def _clear_bit(self, register, bit):
        self._write_byte( register, self._read_byte(register) & ~(1 << bit ) )

    def _change_bit(self, register, bit, state):
        if state:
            self._set_bit(register, bit)
            self._clear_bit(register, bit)

    def _change_bits(self, register, offset, size, bits):
        original_value = self._read_byte(register)
        for x in range(size):
            original_value &= ~(1 << (offset+x))
        original_value |= (bits << offset)
        self._write_byte(register, original_value)

    def __del__(self):
    # interCharTimeout = 0.2,

i2c0 = SMBus(0)
i2c2 = SMBus(2)

print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'Z'))  # tristate MCLR (icsp)

if sel == "A":  # take A_!RST low
    i2c2.write_byte(0x70, 0x5)  # steer mux
    ioa = i2c0.read_byte_data(0x23, 0x14)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x23, 0x14, ioa & ~0x10)

elif sel == "B":  # take B_!RST low
    i2c2.write_byte(0x70, 0x4)  # steer mux
    iob = i2c0.read_byte_data(0x22, 0x14)
    i2c0.write_byte_data(0x22, 0x14, iob & ~0x10)

print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'L'))  # take MCLR low (icsp)
print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'#', 9))  # reset checksum
# print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'%', 5))                 # reset stats
icsp_cmd(ser, b'[^]', 0)  # enter LVP

icsp_cmd(ser, b'[X0=]', 0)  # switch to config mem
# print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'%', 5))                 # check stats

# print(icsp_cmd(ser, b'[R?+R?+]', 8))
class TemperaturePressure:

    address = 0x77
    oversampling = 3 # 0..3
    def __init__(self):

        # 0 for R-Pi Rev. 1, 1 for Rev. 2
        self.bus = SMBus(1)
        # Read whole calibration EEPROM data
        cal = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, 0xAA, 22)
        # Convert byte data to word values
        self.ac1 = get_short(cal, 0)
        self.ac2 = get_short(cal, 2)
        self.ac3 = get_short(cal, 4)
        self.ac4 = get_ushort(cal, 6)
        self.ac5 = get_ushort(cal, 8)
        self.ac6 = get_ushort(cal, 10)
        self.b1 = get_short(cal, 12)
        self.b2 = get_short(cal, 14)
        self.mb = get_short(cal, 16)
        self.mc = get_short(cal, 18)
        self.md = get_short(cal, 20)

    def read(self):
        # temperature conversion
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, 0xF4, 0x2E)
        (msb, lsb) = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, 0xF6, 2)
        ut = (msb << 8) + lsb
        # pressure conversion
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, 0xF4, 0x34 + (self.oversampling << 6))
        (msb, lsb, xsb) = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, 0xF6, 3)
        up = ((msb << 16) + (lsb << 8) + xsb) >> (8 - self.oversampling)
        # calculate temperature
        x1 = ((ut - self.ac6) * self.ac5) >> 15
        x2 = (self.mc << 11) / (x1 + self.md)
        b5 = x1 + x2 
        t = (b5 + 8) >> 4
        # calculate pressure
        b6 = b5 - 4000
        b62 = b6 * b6 >> 12
        x1 = (self.b2 * b62) >> 11
        x2 = self.ac2 * b6 >> 11
        x3 = x1 + x2
        b3 = (((self.ac1 * 4 + x3) << self.oversampling) + 2) >> 2
        x1 = self.ac3 * b6 >> 13
        x2 = (self.b1 * b62) >> 16
        x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) >> 2
        b4 = (self.ac4 * (x3 + 32768)) >> 15
        b7 = (up - b3) * (50000 >> self.oversampling)
        p = (b7 * 2) / b4
        x1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8)
        x1 = (x1 * 3038) >> 16
        x2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16
        p = p + ((x1 + x2 + 3791) >> 4)
        return (t/10.0, p / 100)
class SRF02:
    def __init__(self):

        self._i2c = SMBus(1)
        self._i2c_address = SRF02_I2C_ADDRESS
        self._waiting_for_echo = False

        yesterday = datetime.now() - timedelta(1)
        self._time_last_burst = yesterday

        # The last distance measurement
        self.distance = None  # meters

        # On power up, the detection threshold is set to 28cm (11")
        self.mindistance = 28  # meters

        # This is mostly for debugging and testing
        self.num_bursts_sent = 0

        # check that the sensor is present - read the version
        self.version = self._read_version()
        #log.info("SRF-02 Ultrasonic Sensor initialized. Version: %d" % self.version)

        # we want to check how often we get exceptions
        self.error_counter = 0

    # Should be called in some sensor loop, maybe at 100Hz. Is fast.
    # Will trigger an ultrasonic burst or check if we received an echo.
    # I we have a measurement, it is returned in meters.
    def update(self):

        distance = None

        now = datetime.now()
        time_since_last_burst = (now - self._time_last_burst).total_seconds()

        #        log.debug("time since last burst: {}".format(time_since_last_burst))

        if self._waiting_for_echo:
            # make sure we wait at least some amount of time before we read
            if time_since_last_burst > SRF02_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_BURST_READ:
                # check if we have an echo
                distance = self._read_echo()

            # Fallback if we don't get an echo, just stop waiting
            # from the data sheet:
            # The SRF02 will always be ready 70mS after initiating the ranging.
            if distance is None and time_since_last_burst > SRF02_MAX_WAIT_TIME:
                #log.warn("Fallback! Waited longer than 70ms!")
                self._waiting_for_echo = False

        if (not self._waiting_for_echo
            ) and time_since_last_burst > SRF02_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS:

        expected_error = self._calc_expected_error(distance)

        return distance, expected_error

    def _send_burst(self):
            self._i2c_address, 0, 0x50
        )  #0x51 in cm (Give stange values don't know why)  / 0x50 in inches
        self._waiting_for_echo = True
        self._time_last_burst = datetime.now()
        self.num_bursts_sent += 1
        #log.debug("Burst sent.")

    def _read_echo(self):
        # it must be possible to read all of these data in 1 i2c transaction
        # buf[0] software version. If this is 255, then the ping has not yet returned
        # buf[1] unused
        # buf[2] high byte range
        # buf[3] low byte range
        # buf[4] high byte minimum auto tuned range
        # buf[5] low byte minimum auto tuned range

        # We use the version information to detect if the result is there yet.
        # 255 is a dummy version for the case that no echo has been received yet. For me, the real version is "6".
        if self._read_version() == 255:
            #log.debug("Version is 255")
            return None

        self.distance = self._i2c.read_word_data(self._i2c_address,
                                                 2) / 255 * 2.54
        self.mindistance = self._i2c.read_word_data(self._i2c_address,
                                                    4) / 255 * 2.54

        # A value of 0 indicates that no objects were detected. We prefer None to represent this.
        if self.distance == 0:
            self.distance = None

        self._waiting_for_echo = False
        #log.debug("echo received! distance is: {}".format(self.distance))

        return self.distance

    # The version can be read from register 0.
    # Reading it has no real value for us, but we can use it to determine if a measurement is finished or not.
    def _read_version(self):
            return self._i2c.read_byte_data(self._i2c_address, 0)

            # 255 means that the unit is still measuring the distance
        except IOError:
            #log.error("Recovering from IOError")
            self.error_counter += 1
            return 255

    # find out what kind of error we expect (used in sensor fusion)
    def _calc_expected_error(self, distance):

        # no reading at all
        if distance is None:
            return SENSOR_ERROR_MAX

        # object too close
        if distance <= self.mindistance:
            return SRF02_SENSOR_ERROR_LOW_RANGE

        # good distance, nice measurement
        elif distance <= SRF02_MAX_RANGE:
            return SRF02_SENSOR_ERROR_GOOD_RANGE

        # object too far
            return SRF02_SENSOR_ERROR_HIGH_RANGE
# Read whole calibration EEPROM data
cal = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, 0xAA, 22)
# Convert byte data to word values
ac1 = get_short(cal, 0)
ac2 = get_short(cal, 2)
ac3 = get_short(cal, 4)
ac4 = get_ushort(cal, 6)
ac5 = get_ushort(cal, 8)
ac6 = get_ushort(cal, 10)
b1 = get_short(cal, 12)
b2 = get_short(cal, 14)
mb = get_short(cal, 16)
mc = get_short(cal, 18)
md = get_short(cal, 20)
#print "Starting temperature conversion..."
bus.write_byte_data(addr, 0xF4, 0x2E)
(msb, lsb) = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, 0xF6, 2)
ut = (msb << 8) + lsb
#print "Starting pressure conversion..."
bus.write_byte_data(addr, 0xF4, 0x34 + (oversampling << 6))
(msb, lsb, xsb) = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, 0xF6, 3)
up = ((msb << 16) + (lsb << 8) + xsb) >> (8 - oversampling)
#print "Calculating temperature..."
x1 = ((ut - ac6) * ac5) >> 15
x2 = (mc << 11) / (x1 + md)
b5 = x1 + x2
t = (b5 + 8) >> 4
#print "Calculating pressure..."
b6 = b5 - 4000
spi = busio.SPI(clock=board.SCK, MISO=board.MISO, MOSI=board.MOSI)

cs5 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)
cs6 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D6)
cs13 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)

mcp5 = MCP.MCP3008(spi, cs5)
mcp6 = MCP.MCP3008(spi, cs6)
mcp13 = MCP.MCP3008(spi, cs13)

channel = 1
imu_address_1 = 0x69
imu_address_2 = 0x68
bus = SMBus(channel)
bus.write_byte_data(imu_address_1, 0x06, 0x01)
bus.write_byte_data(imu_address_2, 0x06, 0x01)
accel_x_1 = -1
accel_y_1 = -1
accel_z_1 = -1

accel_x_2 = -1
accel_y_2 = -1
accel_z_2 = -1

gyro_x_1 = -1
gyro_y_1 = -1
gyro_z_1 = -1

gyro_x_2 = -1