def next_step(self): out_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.db_path), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.db_path))[0] + '.txt') print(out_path) preprocess.preprocess_db(self.db_path) train.train(self.db_path, out_path, fileid=True) explore.explore(self.db_path) self.preprocessed = True
def process_sample_file(db_path, sample_path, first_only=False): db = sqlite3.connect(db_path) c = db.cursor() with open(sample_path) as infile: sample = i = 0 tail = 0 offset = len('__kernel void ') while True: print('\r\033[Kkernel', i, end='') sys.stdout.flush() # Find the starting index of the next kernel. tail = sample.find('__kernel void ', tail) # If we didn't find another kernel, stop. if tail == -1: break # Find the end index of this kernel. head = clutil.get_cl_kernel_end_idx(sample, start_idx=tail, max_len=MAX_KERNEL_LEN) # Look for other ends end = sample.find('__kernel void ', tail + offset, tail + offset + MAX_KERNEL_LEN) head = min(end, head) if end != -1 else head kernel = sample[tail:head] id = smith.checksum_str(kernel) c.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ContentFiles VALUES(?,?)', (id,kernel)) tail = head i += 1 if first_only: break print() db.commit() c.close() explore.explore(db_path)