    def __init__(self, params=None, **kwargs):
        super(ChemostatSimple, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if params == None:
            params = AttributeDict(kwargs)

        # Initialize update progress function
        self.updateProgress = params.updateProgress

        # Initialize parameters
        self.m = params.m
        self.K = params.K
        self.S_in = params.S_in
        self.X_in = params.X_in
        self.gamma = params.gamma
        self.D_vals = params.D_vals

        # Create state vector and derivative vector
        stateVarNames = ['S', 'X']
        self.y = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)
        self.yRes = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)
        self.yDot = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)

        # Initialize data storage
        self.resultStorage = ResultStorage(filePath=dataStorageFilePath,
        if (kwargs.get('initDataStorage', True)):
            self.resultStorage.initializeWriting(varList=['t'] +
                                                 stateVarNames + ['D'],

        # Register time event (changed of D)
        D_val = self.D_vals[0]
        self.D = D_val[1]

        tChangedD = D_val[0]
        for i in range(len(self.D_vals) - 1):
            self.D_val = self.D_vals[i + 1]
            tChangedD += self.D_val[0]

        # Set initial values of the states
        self.y.S = params.S0
        self.y.X = params.X0

        # Set all the initial state values
        self.y0 = self.y.get(copy=True)

        # Set the initial flags
        self.sw0 = [True]
    def __init__(self, params=None, **kwargs):
        #params.reactions = [reactionEquation, rateConstants]
        #params.species = [speciesVariable, initialValue]
        super(BiochemicalReactions, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if params == None:
            params = AttributeDict(kwargs)

        # Initialize update progress function
        self.updateProgress = params.updateProgress

        # Get the species variables Xs = [X1, X2, ..., Xn] and their initial values
        self.Xs = np.empty(len(params.species), dtype=(np.str_, 256))
        self.X0s = np.zeros(len(params.species))
        for i, itSpecies in enumerate(params.species):
            self.Xs[i] = itSpecies[0]
            self.X0s[i] = itSpecies[1]

        # Get the reactions = [[left Xs, right Xs, k, ss, rs, f], ...], where:
        # left Xs - the species variables of reactants (i.e. the species variables of the left parts of the reactions)
        # rigth Xs - the species variables of products (i.e. the species variables of the right parts of the reactions)
        # k - the rate constant of the reaction
        # ss - the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants  (e.g. [0,1,1,0,...,1])
        # rs - the stoichiometric coefficients of products (e.g. [1,0,...,0])
        # f - the fluxs (e.g. k*X2*X3*...*Xn)
        self.reactions = self.readReactions(params.reactions, self.Xs)
        #for reaction in self.reactions: print reaction

        # Create a vector with state variable names
        stateVarNames = list(self.Xs)

        # Initialize data storage
        self.resultStorage = ResultStorage(filePath=dataStorageFilePath,
        if (kwargs.get('initDataStorage', True)):
            self.resultStorage.initializeWriting(varList=['t'] + stateVarNames,

        # Set the initial state values
        self.y0 = self.X0s

        # Set the initial flags
        self.sw0 = [True]
    def __init__(self, webModel, paramsRH2, concentrsRH2, paramsRCH4,
                 concentrsRCH4, **kwargs):
        super(ADM1H2CH4Bioreactors, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # Initialize update progress function
        self.updateProgress = webModel.updateProgress

        # Initialize parameters
        self.paramsRH2 = paramsRH2
        self.paramsRCH4 = paramsRCH4

        # Initialize concentrations
        self.concentrsRH2 = concentrsRH2
        self.concentrsRCH4 = concentrsRCH4

        # Create state vector and derivative vector
        stateVarNames = [
            'S_su_RH2', 'S_aa_RH2', 'S_fa_RH2', 'S_ac_RH2', 'X_c_RH2',
            'X_ch_RH2', 'X_pr_RH2', 'X_li_RH2', 'X_suaa_RH2', 'X_fa_RH2',
            'intQ_h2_RH2', 'S_ac_RCH4', 'X_ac_RCH4', 'intQ_ch4_RCH4'
        self.y = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)
        self.yRes = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)
        self.yDot = NamedStateVector(stateVarNames)

        # Initialize data storage
        self.resultStorage = ResultStorage(filePath=dataStorageFilePath,
        if (kwargs.get('initDataStorage', True)):
                varList=['time'] + stateVarNames +
                ['Q_h2_RH2', 'Q_ch4_RCH4', 'D_RH2', 'D_RCH4'],

        # Register time event (changed of D)
        tChangedD = paramsRH2.D_liq_arr[0][0]
        self.D_RH2 = paramsRH2.D_liq_arr[0][1]

        self.D_RCH4 = self.D_RH2 / paramsRCH4.V_liq_RCH4_del_V_liq_RH2

        for i in range(len(paramsRH2.D_liq_arr) - 1):
                              newValue_D=paramsRH2.D_liq_arr[i + 1][1]))
            tChangedD += paramsRH2.D_liq_arr[i + 1][0]

        # Set initial values of the states
        self.y.S_su_RH2 = concentrsRH2.S_su_0
        self.y.S_aa_RH2 = concentrsRH2.S_aa_0
        self.y.S_fa_RH2 = concentrsRH2.S_fa_0
        self.y.S_ac_RH2 = concentrsRH2.S_ac_0
        self.y.X_c_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_c_0
        self.y.X_ch_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_ch_0
        self.y.X_pr_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_pr_0
        self.y.X_li_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_li_0
        self.y.X_suaa_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_suaa_0
        self.y.X_fa_RH2 = concentrsRH2.X_fa_0
        self.y.intQ_h2_RH2 = 0.0
        self.Q_h2_RH2 = 0.0

        self.y.S_ac_RCH4 = concentrsRCH4.S_ac_0
        self.y.X_ac_RCH4 = concentrsRCH4.X_ac_0
        self.y.intQ_ch4_RCH4 = 0.0
        self.Q_ch4_RCH4 = 0.0

        # Set all the initial state values
        self.y0 = self.y.get(copy=True)

        # Set the initial flags
        self.sw0 = [True]