 def lLHDFromLimits(self):
     """ to do some statistics on the chi2 """
     nsig = 1.0
     nobs, nbg = 100, 100.
     m = Data(nobs, nbg, 0.001, None, nsig, deltas_rel=0.)
     ulcomp = UpperLimitComputer()
     ulobs = ulcomp.ulSigma(m)
     ulexp = ulcomp.ulSigma(m, expected=True)
     print("ulobs", ulobs)
     print("ulexp", ulexp)
     f = open("llhds.csv", "wt")
     dx = .5
     totdir, totlim, totmarg = 0., 0., 0.
     for nsig in np.arange(0.1, 100., dx):
         print("nsig=", nsig)
         m = Data(nobs, nbg, 0.001, None, nsig, deltas_rel=0.)
         llhdcomp = LikelihoodComputer(m)
         llhddir = llhdcomp.likelihood(nsig)
         chi2dir = llhdcomp.chi2(nsig)
         llhdmarg = llhdcomp.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=True)
         chi2marg = llhdcomp.chi2(nsig, marginalize=True)
         print("llhd direct", llhddir, chi2dir)
         print("llhd marg", llhdmarg, chi2marg)
         llhdlim = likelihoodFromLimits(ulobs, ulexp, nsig)
         chi2lim = chi2FromLimits(llhdlim, ulexp)
         print("llhd from limits", llhdlim, chi2lim)
         totdir += llhddir * dx
         totlim += llhdlim * dx
         totmarg += llhdmarg * dx
         f.write("%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (nsig, llhddir, llhdlim, llhdmarg))
     print("total direct", totdir)
     print("total limit", totlim)
     print("total marg", totmarg)
文件: testSL.py 项目: SModelS/smodels
 def testPathologicalModel2(self):
     C=[ 1. ]
               covariance= C,
               third_moment = [ 0. ] * 8,
               nsignal=[x/100. for x in [0.1] ],
               name="pathological model 2",deltas_rel=0. )
     ulComp = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=10000, cl=.95 )
     ul = ulComp.ulSigma(m, marginalize=True )
     ulProf = ulComp.ulSigma(m, marginalize=False )
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ul/(3049.*sum(m.nsignal)), 1., 1 )
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ulProf/(1920.*sum(m.nsignal)), 1., 1 )
 def testPathologicalModel2(self):
     C = [1.]
     m = Data(observed=[0],
              third_moment=[0.] * 8,
              nsignal=[x / 100. for x in [0.1]],
              name="pathological model 2",
     ulComp = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=10000, cl=.95)
     ul = ulComp.ulSigma(m, marginalize=True)
     ulProf = ulComp.ulSigma(m, marginalize=False)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ul / (3049. * sum(m.nsignal)), 1., 1)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ulProf / (1920. * sum(m.nsignal)), 1., 1)
 def testModel8(self):
     C = [
         18774.2, -2866.97, -5807.3, -4460.52, -2777.25, -1572.97, -846.653,
         -442.531, -2866.97, 496.273, 900.195, 667.591, 403.92, 222.614,
         116.779, 59.5958, -5807.3, 900.195, 1799.56, 1376.77, 854.448,
         482.435, 258.92, 134.975, -4460.52, 667.591, 1376.77, 1063.03,
         664.527, 377.714, 203.967, 106.926, -2777.25, 403.92, 854.448,
         664.527, 417.837, 238.76, 129.55, 68.2075, -1572.97, 222.614,
         482.435, 377.714, 238.76, 137.151, 74.7665, 39.5247, -846.653,
         116.779, 258.92, 203.967, 129.55, 74.7665, 40.9423, 21.7285,
         -442.531, 59.5958, 134.975, 106.926, 68.2075, 39.5247, 21.7285,
     nsignal = [
         x / 100. for x in [47, 29.4, 21.1, 14.3, 9.4, 7.1, 4.7, 4.3]
     m = Data(
         observed=[1964, 877, 354, 182, 82, 36, 15, 11],
         backgrounds=[2006.4, 836.4, 350., 147.1, 62.0, 26.2, 11.1, 4.7],
         third_moment=[0.] * 8,
         name="CMS-NOTE-2017-001 model",
     ulComp = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=2000, cl=.95)
     ul = ulComp.ulSigma(m)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ul / (131.828 * sum(nsignal)), 1.0, 1)
     ulProf = ulComp.ulSigma(m, marginalize=False)
     #print ( "ul,ulprof=", ul,ulProf )
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ulProf / (131.828 * sum(nsignal)), 1.0, 1)
    def totalChi2(self, nsig, marginalize=False, deltas_rel=0.2):
        Computes the total chi2 for a given number of observed events, given a
        predicted signal "nsig", with nsig being a vector with one entry per
        dataset. nsig has to obey the datasetOrder. Deltas is the error on
        the signal efficiency.
        :param nsig: predicted signal (list)
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.
        :returns: chi2 (float)

        if len(self._datasets) == 1:
            if isinstance(nsig, list):
                nsig = nsig[0]
            return self._datasets[0].chi2(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)

        if not hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance"):
                "Asked for combined likelihood, but no covariance error given."
            return None

        nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in self._datasets]
        bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in self._datasets]
        cov = self.globalInfo.covariance

        computer = LikelihoodComputer(
            Data(nobs, bg, cov, deltas_rel=deltas_rel))

        return computer.chi2(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)
 def testChi2FromLimits(self):
     """ test the chi2 value that we obtain from limits """
     nsig = 35.0
     nobs, nbg = 110, 100.
     m = Data(nobs, nbg, 0.001, None, nsig, deltas_rel=0.)
     ulcomp = UpperLimitComputer()
     ulobs = ulcomp.ulSigma(m)
     ulexp = ulcomp.ulSigma(m, expected=True)
     dx = .5
     m = Data(nobs, nbg, 0.001, None, nsig, deltas_rel=0.)
     llhdcomp = LikelihoodComputer(m)
     llhddir = llhdcomp.likelihood(nsig)
     chi2dir = llhdcomp.chi2(nsig)
     llhdmarg = llhdcomp.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=True)
     chi2marg = llhdcomp.chi2(nsig, marginalize=True)
     llhdlim = likelihoodFromLimits(ulobs, ulexp, nsig)
     chi2lim = chi2FromLimits(llhdlim, ulexp)
     ## relative error on chi2, for this example is about 4%
     rel = abs(chi2lim - chi2marg) / chi2marg
     self.assertAlmostEqual(rel, 0.04, 1)
    def getSRUpperLimit(self,
        Computes the 95% upper limit on the signal*efficiency for a given dataset (signal region).
        Only to be used for efficiency map type results.

        :param alpha: Can be used to change the C.L. value. The default value is 0.05 (= 95% C.L.)
        :param expected: Compute expected limit ( i.e. Nobserved = NexpectedBG )
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.        
        :param compute: If True, the upper limit will be computed
                        from expected and observed number of events. If False, the value listed
                        in the database will be used instead.

        :return: upper limit value

        if not self.getType() == 'efficiencyMap':
                "getSRUpperLimit can only be used for efficiency map results!")
            raise SModelSError()

        if not compute:
            if expected:
                    return self.dataInfo.expectedUpperLimit
                except AttributeError:
                        "expectedUpperLimit field not found. Using observed UL instead."
                    return self.dataInfo.upperLimit
                return self.dataInfo.upperLimit

        Nobs = self.dataInfo.observedN  #Number of observed events
        if expected:
            Nobs = self.dataInfo.expectedBG
        Nexp = self.dataInfo.expectedBG  #Number of expected BG events
        bgError = self.dataInfo.bgError  # error on BG

        m = Data(Nobs, Nexp, bgError, detlas_rel=deltas_rel)
        computer = UpperLimitComputer(cl=1. - alpha)
        maxSignalXsec = computer.ulSigma(m)
        maxSignalXsec = maxSignalXsec / self.globalInfo.lumi

        return maxSignalXsec
    def totalChi2(self, nsig, marginalize=False, deltas_rel=0.2):
        Computes the total chi2 for a given number of observed events, given a
        predicted signal "nsig", with nsig being a vector with one entry per
        dataset. nsig has to obey the datasetOrder. Deltas is the error on
        the signal efficiency.
        :param nsig: predicted signal (list)
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.

        :returns: chi2 (float)

        if hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance" ):
            if len(self._datasets) == 1:
                if isinstance(nsig,list):
                    nsig = nsig[0]
                return self._datasets[0].chi2(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)
            nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in self._datasets ]
            bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in self._datasets ]
            cov = self.globalInfo.covariance

            computer = LikelihoodComputer(Data(nobs, bg, cov, deltas_rel=deltas_rel))

            return computer.chi2(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)
        elif hasattr(self.globalInfo, "jsonFiles"):
            # Getting the path to the json files
            # Loading the jsonFiles
            ulcomputer, combinations = self.getPyhfComputer( nsig )
            if ulcomputer.nWS == 1:
                return ulcomputer.chi2()
                # Looking for the best combination
                if self.bestCB == None:
                    ulMin = float('+inf')
                    for i_ws in range(ulcomputer.nWS):
                        logger.debug("Performing best expected combination")
                        ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=True, workspace_index=i_ws)
                        if  ul < ulMin:
                            ulMin = ul
                            i_best = i_ws
                    self.bestCB = combinations[i_best] # Keeping the index of the best combination for later
                    logger.debug('Best combination : %d' % self.bestCB)
                return ulcomputer.chi2(workspace_index=combinations.index(self.bestCB))
            logger.error("Asked for combined likelihood, but no covariance error given." )
            return None
    def chi2(self, nsig, deltas_rel=0.2, marginalize=False):
        Computes the chi2 for a given number of observed events "nobs",
        given number of signal events "nsig", and error on signal "deltas".
        nobs, expectedBG and bgError are part of dataInfo.
        :param nsig: predicted signal (float)
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.
        :param marginalize: if true, marginalize nuisances. Else, profile them.
        :return: chi2 (float)

        m = Data(self.dataInfo.observedN, self.dataInfo.expectedBG,
        computer = LikelihoodComputer(m)
        ret = computer.chi2(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)

        return ret
    def getCombinedUpperLimitFor(self, nsig, expected=False, deltas_rel=0.2):
        Get combined upper limit.
        :param nsig: list of signal events in each signal region/dataset. The list
                        should obey the ordering in globalInfo.datasetOrder.
        :param expected: return expected, not observed value
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.        
        :returns: upper limit on sigma*eff

        if not hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance"):
                "no covariance matrix given in globalInfo.txt for %s" %
            raise SModelSError(
                "no covariance matrix given in globalInfo.txt for %s" %
        cov = self.globalInfo.covariance
        if type(cov) != list:
            raise SModelSError("covariance field has wrong type: %s" %
        if len(cov) < 1:
            raise SModelSError("covariance matrix has length %d." % len(cov))

        computer = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=10000)

        nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in self._datasets]
        bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in self._datasets]
        no = nobs

        ret = computer.ulSigma(Data(observed=no,

        #Convert limit on total number of signal events to a limit on sigma*eff
        ret = ret / self.globalInfo.lumi

        return ret
    def likelihood(self, nsig, deltas_rel=0.2, marginalize=False):
        Computes the likelihood to observe nobs events,
        given a predicted signal "nsig", assuming "deltas"
        error on the signal efficiency.
        The values observedN, expectedBG, and bgError are part of dataInfo.
        :param nsig: predicted signal (float)
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.
        :param marginalize: if true, marginalize nuisances. Else, profile them.
        :returns: likelihood to observe nobs events (float)

        m = Data(self.dataInfo.observedN,
        computer = LikelihoodComputer(m)
        return computer.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)
 def createModel(self, n=3):
     import model_90 as m9
     S = m9.third_moment.tolist()[:n]
     D = m9.observed.tolist()[:n]
     B = m9.background.tolist()[:n]
     sig = [x / 100. for x in m9.signal.tolist()[:n]]
     C_ = m9.covariance.tolist()
     ncov = int(sqrt(len(C_)))
     C = []
     for i in range(n):
         C.append(C_[ncov * i:ncov * i + n])
     m = Data(observed=D,
              name="model%d" % n,
     return m
 def testPredictionInterface(self):
     """ A simple test to see that the interface in datasetObj
     and TheoryPrediction to the statistics tools is working correctly
     expRes = database.getExpResults(analysisIDs=['CMS-SUS-13-012'])[0]
     slhafile = "./testFiles/slha/simplyGluino.slha"
     smstoplist = slhaDecomposer.decompose(slhafile)
     prediction = theoryPredictionsFor(expRes, smstoplist, deltas_rel=0.)[0]
     pred_signal_strength = prediction.xsection.value
     ill = math.log(prediction.likelihood)
     ichi2 = prediction.chi2
     nsig = (pred_signal_strength * expRes.globalInfo.lumi).asNumber()
     m = Data(4, 2.2, 1.1**2, None, nsignal=nsig, deltas_rel=0.2)
     computer = LikelihoodComputer(m)
     dll = math.log(computer.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=False))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ill, dll, places=2)
     dchi2 = computer.chi2(nsig, marginalize=False)
     # print ( "dchi2,ichi2",dchi2,ichi2)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ichi2, dchi2, places=2)
    def testLikelihood(self):
        Compare the computed chi2 from a given observed
        and expected upper limit and a theory prediction
        with the previously known result for the value of
        the chi2.

        All values of nobs, nsig, nb, deltab come from the
        SModelS database and are for the T1 simplified model
        from efficiency results of one of


        expected_values = [
            # mgluino          mlsp          nsig               nobs              nb             deltab           llhd                 chi2
            # ----------       ----------    ---------------    ----------------  ----------     ----------       -------------------- ----------------
                'mgluino': 500,
                'mlsp': 200,
                'nsig': 384.898,
                'nobs': 298.413,
                'nb': 111.0,
                'deltab': 11.0,
                'llhd': 0.00024197,
                'chi2': 7.32614
            'mgluino': 500,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 185.166,
            'nobs': 223.619,
            'nb': 111.0,
            'deltab': 11.0,
            'llhd': 0.00215989,
            'chi2': 3.67088900
            'mgluino': 500,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 450.820,
            'nobs': 2331.38,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00075499,
            'chi2': 2.85026
            'mgluino': 600,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 476.150,
            'nobs': 437.874,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00100575,
            'chi2': 3.52406595
            'mgluino': 600,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 264.387,
            'nobs': 232.912,
            'nb': 111.0,
            'deltab': 11.0,
            'llhd': 0.00028921,
            'chi2': 7.57051432
            'mgluino': 600,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 171.766,
            'nobs': 211.038,
            'nb': 111.0,
            'deltab': 11.0,
            'llhd': 0.00198061,
            'chi2': 4.02903
            'mgluino': 600,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 66.9991,
            'nobs': 150.393,
            'nb': 111.0,
            'deltab': 11.0,
            'llhd': 0.00845030,
            'chi2': 1.89194013
            'mgluino': 600,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 157.571,
            'nobs': 2167.25,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00217371,
            'chi2': 0.845615
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 307.492,
            'nobs': 325.060,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00159632,
            'chi2': 3.41955
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 211.534,
            'nobs': 228.763,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00061670,
            'chi2': 6.26852955
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 147.084,
            'nobs': 167.631,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00012707,
            'chi2': 10.1408114
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 420.524,
            'nobs': 2332.28,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00100854,
            'chi2': 2.28195399
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 186.726,
            'nobs': 2162.70,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00165411,
            'chi2': 1.39601
            'mgluino': 700,
            'mlsp': 600,
            'nsig': 5.18888,
            'nobs': 24.3271,
            'nb': 37.0,
            'deltab': 6.0,
            'llhd': 0.00545866,
            'chi2': 4.3836
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 169.670,
            'nobs': 213.312,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00116298,
            'chi2': 5.09803029
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 152.221,
            'nobs': 212.732,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00223053,
            'chi2': 3.81519907
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 98.6749,
            'nobs': 175.141,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00298021,
            'chi2': 3.72566221
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 59.3935,
            'nobs': 141.966,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00262008,
            'chi2': 4.30322736
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 27.7738,
            'nobs': 123.172,
            'nb': 111.0,
            'deltab': 11.0,
            'llhd': 0.01605069,
            'chi2': 0.903864
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 600,
            'nsig': 6.40339,
            'nobs': 39.2979,
            'nb': 33.0,
            'deltab': 6.0,
            'llhd': 0.04536718,
            'chi2': -0.000501411
            'mgluino': 800,
            'mlsp': 700,
            'nsig': 4.38635,
            'nobs': 132.824,
            'nb': 125.0,
            'deltab': 10.0,
            'llhd': 0.02525385,
            'chi2': 0.0565348
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 18.8255,
            'nobs': 14.1228,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.02122262,
            'chi2': 2.85426343
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 16.0543,
            'nobs': 6.77062,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.00187567,
            'chi2': 8.43890579
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 64.4188,
            'nobs': 142.220,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00181163,
            'chi2': 5.00642964
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 44.8312,
            'nobs': 140.979,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00692173,
            'chi2': 2.34800741
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 24.4723,
            'nobs': 120.688,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00601021,
            'chi2': 2.72454478
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 600,
            'nsig': 67.0446,
            'nobs': 2165.25,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00328372,
            'chi2': 0.0371125
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 700,
            'nsig': 1.00167,
            'nobs': 5.0,
            'nb': 5.2,
            'deltab': 1.4,
            'llhd': 0.13964962,
            'chi2': 0.107139
            'mgluino': 900,
            'mlsp': 800,
            'nsig': 0.86634,
            'nobs': 24.0,
            'nb': 37.0,
            'deltab': 6.0,
            'llhd': 0.01303119,
            'chi2': 2.638323
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 11.7426,
            'nobs': 11.8786,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.05712388,
            'chi2': 1.06934
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 9.85815,
            'nobs': 7.98535,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.03180710,
            'chi2': 2.63593288
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 6.80275,
            'nobs': 6.14772,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.04255251,
            'chi2': 2.25703866
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 25.8451,
            'nobs': 120.523,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.00525390,
            'chi2': 2.99137140
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 18.6299,
            'nobs': 122.095,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.01056408,
            'chi2': 1.59516468
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 600,
            'nsig': 10.2636,
            'nobs': 119.968,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.01536934,
            'chi2': 0.84011292
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 700,
            'nsig': 4.59470,
            'nobs': 121.728,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.02078487,
            'chi2': 0.23333618
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 800,
            'nsig': 1.91162,
            'nobs': 121.196,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.02193946,
            'chi2': 0.12552973
            'mgluino': 1000,
            'mlsp': 900,
            'nsig': 0.62255,
            'nobs': 133.0,
            'nb': 125.0,
            'deltab': 10.0,
            'llhd': 0.02290147,
            'chi2': 0.253293
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 100,
            'nsig': 5.95636,
            'nobs': 5.94515,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.05236744,
            'chi2': 1.87080349
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 200,
            'nsig': 5.51938,
            'nobs': 5.92472,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.06002489,
            'chi2': 1.59429
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 300,
            'nsig': 3.93082,
            'nobs': 6.07873,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.09732480,
            'chi2': 0.61881103
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 400,
            'nsig': 2.80428,
            'nobs': 6.54033,
            'nb': 4.9,
            'deltab': 1.6,
            'llhd': 0.12350249,
            'chi2': 0.0882501
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 500,
            'nsig': 12.6778,
            'nobs': 125.271,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.01749246,
            'chi2': 0.560614
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 600,
            'nsig': 8.02475,
            'nobs': 119.742,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.01700322,
            'chi2': 0.64005829
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 700,
            'nsig': 4.74108,
            'nobs': 120.211,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.01979279,
            'chi2': 0.334838
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 800,
            'nsig': 1.79622,
            'nobs': 120.858,
            'nb': 126.0,
            'deltab': 13.0,
            'llhd': 0.02187799,
            'chi2': 0.134012
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 900,
            'nsig': 4.82397,
            'nobs': 2166.20,
            'nb': 2120.0,
            'deltab': 110.0,
            'llhd': 0.00313424,
            'chi2': 0.119045
            'mgluino': 1100,
            'mlsp': 1000,
            'nsig': 0.1606,
            'nobs': 25.0,
            'nb': 37.0,
            'deltab': 6.0,
            'llhd': 0.01796058,
            'chi2': 1.9806
            'mgluino': 2100,
            'mlsp': 1000,
            'nsig': 0.1606,
            'nobs': 2.0,
            'nb': 0.7,
            'deltab': 6.0,
            'llhd': 0.108669,
            'chi2': -0.161304

        for d in expected_values:
            nobs = d['nobs']
            nsig = d['nsig']
            nb = d['nb']
            deltab = d['deltab']
            # print ("ns="+str(nsig)+"; nobs = "+str(nobs)+"; nb="+str(nb)+"; db="+str(deltab))
            # Chi2 as computed by statistics module:
            m = Data(nobs, nb, deltab**2, deltas_rel=0.2)
            computer = LikelihoodComputer(m)
            chi2_actual = computer.chi2(nsig, marginalize=True)  ## , .2*nsig )
            chi2_expected = d['chi2']
            if not chi2_expected == None and not np.isnan(chi2_expected):
                #                 chi2_expected = self.round_to_sign(chi2_expected, 2)
                # Check that chi2 values agree:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(chi2_actual - chi2_expected) /
                self.assertTrue(chi2_actual == None or np.isnan(chi2_actual))

            # likelihood as computed by statistics module:
            # computer = LikelihoodComputer( nobs, nb, deltab**2 )
            #likelihood_actual = statistics.likelihood( nsig,
            #    nobs, nb, deltab, deltas)
            likelihood_actual = computer.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=False)
            # likelihood_actual = statistics.likelihood()
            #             logger.error("llk= "+str(likelihood_actual)+" nsig="+str(nsig)+" nobs = "+str(nobs)+" nb="+str(nb)+"+-"+str(deltab))
            #print('llhdactual', likelihood_actual)
            if not likelihood_actual == None and not np.isnan(
                likelihood_actual = self.round_to_sign(likelihood_actual, 4)

            # The previously computed likelihood:
            # (using: ntoys=100000)
            likelihood_expected = d['llhd']
            #print('llhdexp', likelihood_expected)
            if not likelihood_expected == None and not np.isnan(

                likelihood_expected = self.round_to_sign(
                    likelihood_expected, 4)

                # Check that likelihood values agree:
                                       delta=2 * 1e-1)
                self.assertTrue(likelihood_actual == None
                                or np.isnan(likelihood_actual))
 def testUpperLimit(self):
     m = Data(100., 100., 0.001, None, 1.0, deltas_rel=0.)
     comp = UpperLimitComputer()
     re = comp.ulSigma(m)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(re / (1.06 * 20.), 1., 1)
    def getCombinedUpperLimitFor(self, nsig, expected=False, deltas_rel=0.2):
        Get combined upper limit. If covariances are given in globalInfo then simplified likelihood is used, else if json files are given pyhf cimbination is performed.

        :param nsig: list of signal events in each signal region/dataset. The list
                        should obey the ordering in globalInfo.datasetOrder.
        :param expected: return expected, not observed value
        :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.

        :returns: upper limit on sigma*eff

        if hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance" ):
            cov = self.globalInfo.covariance
            if type(cov) != list:
                raise SModelSError( "covariance field has wrong type: %s" % type(cov))
            if len(cov) < 1:
                raise SModelSError( "covariance matrix has length %d." % len(cov))

            computer = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=10000)

            nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in self._datasets]
            bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in self._datasets]
            no = nobs

            ret = computer.ulSigma(Data(observed=no, backgrounds=bg, covariance=cov,
                                        third_moment=None, nsignal=nsig, deltas_rel=deltas_rel),

            if ret != None:
                #Convert limit on total number of signal events to a limit on sigma*eff
                ret = ret/self.globalInfo.lumi
            logger.debug("SL upper limit : {}".format(ret))
            return ret
        elif hasattr(self.globalInfo, "jsonFiles" ):
            logger.debug("Using pyhf")
            if all([s == 0 for s in nsig]):
                logger.warning("All signals are empty")
                return None
            ulcomputer, combinations = self.getPyhfComputer( nsig )
            if ulcomputer.nWS == 1:
                ret = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=expected)
                ret = ret/self.globalInfo.lumi
                logger.debug("pyhf upper limit : {}".format(ret))
                return ret
                # Looking for the best combination
                logger.debug('self.bestCB : {}'.format(self.bestCB))
                if self.bestCB == None:
                    logger.debug("Performing best expected combination")
                    ulMin = float('+inf')
                    for i_ws in range(ulcomputer.nWS):
                        ul = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=True, workspace_index=i_ws)
                        if ul == None:
                        if ul < ulMin:
                            ulMin = ul
                            i_best = i_ws
                    self.bestCB = combinations[i_best] # Keeping the index of the best combination for later
                    logger.debug('Best combination : %s' % self.bestCB)
                # Computing upper limit using best combination
                if expected:
                        ret = ulMin/self.globalInfo.lumi
                    except NameError:
                        ret = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=True, workspace_index=combinations.index(self.bestCB))
                        ret = ret/self.globalInfo.lumi
                    ret = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=False, workspace_index=combinations.index(self.bestCB))
                    ret = ret/self.globalInfo.lumi
                logger.debug("pyhf upper limit : {}".format(ret))
                return ret
            logger.error ( "no covariance matrix or json file given in globalInfo.txt for %s" % self.globalInfo.id )
            raise SModelSError( "no covariance matrix or json file given in globalInfo.txt for %s" % self.globalInfo.id )
def run ( nobs, nExp, nExpErr, nsig ):
    """ run the procedure, with:
    :param nobs: number of observed
    :param nExp: number expected
    :param nExpErr: error on number expected
    print ( "Starting run with nobs", nobs, "nExp", nExp )
    data = Data ( nobs, nExp, nExpErr**2, nsignal = nsig )
    computer = UpperLimitComputer ( 10000 )
    marginalize = False # True
    ULobs = computer.ulSigma ( data, marginalize=marginalize )

    ULexp = computer.ulSigma ( data, expected=True, marginalize=marginalize )

    print(r'Nobs = %1.2f, Nbg = %1.2f +- %1.2f, Nsig < %1.2f, Nsig (expected) < %1.2f'

    sigma = ULexp/1.96
    mu0 = 0

    def erfroot ( x ):
        return 0.95- (special.erf((ULobs-x)/(np.sqrt(2)*sigma)) +  special.erf(x/(np.sqrt(2)*sigma)))/(1+special.erf(x/(np.sqrt(2)*sigma)) )

    if nobs > nExp:
        ua,ub = 0,2*(3*nExpErr)
        while xa*xb > .0:
            xa,xb= erfroot ( ua ), erfroot ( ub )
            ub = 2*ub
        mu0 = optimize.brentq(lambda x: erfroot(x), ua,ub )
    print ( "mu0", mu0 )
    # mu0 = nobs - nExp
    # print ( "mu0", mu0, "nobs", nobs, "nExp", nExp )

    def llhdFromLimits(mu,mu0,sigma):
        return stats.norm.pdf(x=mu,loc=mu0,scale=sigma)

    normLim = 1 - stats.norm.cdf(0,loc=mu0,scale=sigma)

    nsteps = 100 # 100

    mulim = nobs-nExp+4*nExpErr
    norm = p((nobs-nExp)+5*nExpErr,nsig,nExp,nExpErr,nobs)
    while True:
        Lmax1 = likelihood ( mulim, nsig,nExp,nExpErr,nobs)/norm
        Lmax2 = llhdFromLimits ( mulim, mu0, sigma )/normLim
        if max(Lmax1,Lmax2)<.01:
        mulim = 1.2 * mulim
    muvals = np.linspace(0, mulim, nsteps )

    llhds = np.array([[mu,likelihood(mu,nsig,nExp,nExpErr,nobs)/norm] for mu in muvals])
    llhdsApp = np.array([[mu,llhdFromLimits(mu,mu0,sigma)/normLim] for mu in muvals])
    print ( "llhds", llhds[::20] )
    print ( "llhdsApp", llhdsApp[::20] )

    mumax = llhds[np.argmax(llhds[:,1])][0]
    mumaxApp = llhdsApp[np.argmax(llhdsApp[:,1])][0]

    f = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
    plt.plot(llhdsApp[:,0],llhdsApp[:,1],label='From Limits',linestyle='--',linewidth=3)
    plt.text(0,llhdsApp[:,1].min(),'$\mu_{max} = %1.2f$\n$\mu_{max}^{app} = %1.2f$' %(mumax,mumaxApp),fontsize=14)
    plt.title(r'$N_{obs} = %1.2f, N_{bg} = %1.2f \pm %1.2f, \sigma_{UL}^{obs} = %1.2f, \sigma_{UL}^{exp} = %1.2f, \Delta = %1.2f$' 