def render_naked(theta, beta, tran): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('./models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') renderer = core.SMPLRenderer(face_path="./models/smpl_faces.npy") verts = smpl.get_verts(theta, beta, tran) render_result = renderer(verts, cam=None, img=None, do_alpha=False) ## alpha channel return render_result
def render_naked_imgbg(theta, beta, tran, img, camera): """ camera = [focal, cx, cy, trans] """ smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('./models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') renderer = core.SMPLRenderer(face_path="./models/smpl_faces.npy") verts = smpl.get_verts(theta, beta, tran) camera_for_render = np.hstack([camera[0], camera[1], camera[2], camera[3]]) render_result = renderer(verts, cam=camera_for_render, img=img, do_alpha=False) return render_result
def smpl_plot(): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('../smpl/model.pkl') np.random.seed(9608) pose = get_theta('00000') beta = get_beta('00000') trans = get_trans('00000') smpl.set_params(beta=beta, pose=pose, trans=trans) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') mesh = Poly3DCollection(smpl.verts[smpl.faces], alpha=0.05) mesh.set_edgecolor((0.3,0.3,0.3)) mesh.set_facecolor((0.7,0.7,0.7)) ax.add_collection3d(mesh) J = print(J) print(J.shape, type(J)) print(smpl.J_regressor.shape) for j in range(len(J)): pos1 = J[j] ax.scatter3D([pos1[0]], [pos1[1]], [pos1[2]], label=f"{j}") plt.legend()
def refine_optimization(poses, betas, trans, data_dict, hmr_dict, LR_cameras, texture_img, texture_vt, Util): frame_num = len(poses) start_time = time.time() start_time_total = time.time() j3dss = Util.load_pose_pkl() j2ds = data_dict["j2ds"][:frame_num,:,:] confs = data_dict["confs"][:frame_num,:] j2ds_face = data_dict["j2ds_face"][:frame_num,:,:] confs_face = data_dict["confs_face"][:frame_num,:] j2ds_head = data_dict["j2ds_head"][:frame_num,:,:] confs_head = data_dict["confs_head"][:frame_num,:] j2ds_foot = data_dict["j2ds_foot"][:frame_num,:,:] confs_foot = data_dict["confs_foot"][:frame_num,:] imgs = data_dict["imgs"][:frame_num] Util.img_width = imgs[0].shape[1] Util.img_height = imgs[0].shape[0] Util.img_widthheight = int("1" + "%04d" % Util.img_width + "%04d" % Util.img_height) hmr_thetas = hmr_dict["hmr_thetas"][:frame_num,:] hmr_betas = hmr_dict["hmr_betas"][:frame_num,:] hmr_trans = hmr_dict["hmr_trans"][:frame_num,:] hmr_cams = hmr_dict["hmr_cams"][:frame_num,:] hmr_joint3ds = hmr_dict["hmr_joint3ds"][:frame_num,:,:] smpl_model = SMPL(Util.SMPL_COCO_PATH, Util.SMPL_NORMAL_PATH) initial_param, pose_mean, pose_covariance = Util.load_initial_param() param_shapes = tf.Variable(betas.reshape([-1, 10])[:frame_num,:], dtype=tf.float32) param_rots = tf.Variable(poses[:frame_num, :3].reshape([-1, 3])[:frame_num,:], dtype=tf.float32) param_poses = tf.Variable(poses[:frame_num, 3:72].reshape([-1, 69])[:frame_num,:], dtype=tf.float32) param_trans = tf.Variable(trans[:frame_num,:].reshape([-1, 3])[:frame_num,:], dtype=tf.float32) initial_param_tf = tf.concat([param_shapes, param_rots, param_poses, param_trans], axis=1) ## N * (72+10+3) cam = Perspective_Camera(LR_cameras[0][0], LR_cameras[0][0], LR_cameras[0][1], LR_cameras[0][2], np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3)) j3ds, v, j3dsplus = smpl_model.get_3d_joints(initial_param_tf, Util.SMPL_JOINT_IDS) #### divide into different body parts j3ds_body = j3ds[:, 2:, :] j3ds_head = j3ds[:, 14:16, :] j3ds_foot = j3ds[:, :2, :] j3ds_face = j3dsplus[:, 14:19, :] j3ds_body = tf.reshape(j3ds_body, [-1, 3]) ## (N*12) * 3 j3ds_head = tf.reshape(j3ds_head, [-1, 3]) ## (N*2) * 3 j3ds_foot = tf.reshape(j3ds_foot, [-1, 3]) ## (N*2) * 3 j3ds_face = tf.reshape(j3ds_face, [-1, 3]) ## (N*5) * 3 j2ds_body_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_body)) ## (N*14) * 2 j2ds_head_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_head)) ## (N*2) * 2 j2ds_foot_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_foot)) ## (N*2) * 2 j2ds_face_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_face)) ## (N*5) * 2 v = tf.reshape(v, [-1, 3]) ## (N*6890) * 3 verts_est_mask = cam.project(tf.squeeze(v)) ## (N*6890) * 2 verts_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(v)) ## (N*6890) * 2 # TODO convert the loss function into batch input objs = {} j2ds = j2ds.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*14) * 2 confs = confs.reshape(-1) ## N*14 base_weights = np.array( [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) base_weights = np.tile(base_weights, frame_num) ## N*14 weights = confs * base_weights ## N*14 weights = tf.constant(weights, dtype=tf.float32) ## N*14 objs['J2D_Loss'] = Util.J2D_refine_Loss * tf.reduce_sum(weights * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_body_est - j2ds), 1)) j2ds_face = j2ds_face.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*5) * 2 confs_face = confs_face.reshape(-1) ## N*5 base_weights_face = np.array( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_face = np.tile(base_weights_face, frame_num) ## N*5 weights_face = confs_face * base_weights_face weights_face = tf.constant(weights_face, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_face_Loss'] = Util.J2D_face_refine_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_face * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_face_est - j2ds_face), 1)) j2ds_head = j2ds_head.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*2) * 2 confs_head = confs_head.reshape(-1) ## N*2 base_weights_head = np.array( [1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_head = np.tile(base_weights_head, frame_num) ## N*2 weights_head = confs_head * base_weights_head weights_head = tf.constant(weights_head, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_head_Loss'] = Util.J2D_head_refine_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_head * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_head - j2ds_head_est), 1)) j2ds_foot = j2ds_foot.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*2) * 2 confs_foot = confs_foot.reshape(-1) ## N*2 base_weights_foot = np.array( [1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_foot = np.tile(base_weights_foot, frame_num) ## N*2 weights_foot = confs_foot * base_weights_foot ## N*2 weights_foot = tf.constant(weights_foot, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_foot_Loss'] = Util.J2D_foot_refine_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_foot * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_foot - j2ds_foot_est), 1)) # TODO try L1, L2 or other penalty function objs['Prior_Loss'] = Util.Prior_Loss_refine * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(param_poses - poses[:frame_num, 3:72])) objs['Prior_Shape'] = 5.0 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(param_shapes)) w1 = np.array([1.04 * 2.0, 1.04 * 2.0, 5.4 * 2.0, 5.4 * 2.0]) w1 = tf.constant(w1, dtype=tf.float32) # objs["angle_elbow_knee"] = 0.008 * tf.reduce_sum(w1 * [ # tf.exp(param_poses[:, 52]), tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 55]), # tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 9]), tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 12])]) objs["angle_elbow_knee"] = 0.005 * tf.reduce_sum(w1[0] * tf.exp(param_poses[:, 52]) + w1[1] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 55]) + w1[2] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 9]) + w1[3] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 12])) param_pose_full = tf.concat([param_rots, param_poses], axis=1) ## N * 72 objs['hmr_constraint'] = Util.hmr_constraint_refine * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full) - hmr_thetas)) w_temporal = [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 7.0, 7.0] for i in range(frame_num - 1): j3d_old = j3ds[i, :, :] j3d = j3ds[i + 1, :, :] j3d_old_tmp = tf.reshape(j3d_old, [-1, 3]) ## (N*16) * 3 j2d_old = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3d_old_tmp)) ## (N*16) * 2 j3d_tmp = tf.reshape(j3d, [-1, 3]) ## (N*16) * 3 j2d = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3d_tmp)) ## (N*16) * 2 param_pose_old = param_poses[i, :] param_pose = param_poses[i + 1, :] if i == 0: objs['temporal3d'] = Util.temporal3d_refine * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j3d - j3d_old), 1)) objs['temporal2d'] = Util.temporal2d_refine * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2d - j2d_old), 1)) objs['temporal_pose'] = Util.temporal_pose_refine * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(param_pose_old - param_pose)) else: objs['temporal3d'] = objs['temporal3d'] + Util.temporal3d_refine * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j3d - j3d_old), 1)) objs['temporal2d'] = objs['temporal2d'] + Util.temporal2d_refine * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2d - j2d_old), 1)) objs['temporal_pose'] = objs['temporal_pose'] + Util.temporal_pose_refine * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(param_pose_old - param_pose)) # TODO add optical flow constraint # body_idx = np.array(body_parsing_idx[0]).squeeze() # body_idx = body_idx.reshape([-1, 1]).astype(np.int64) # verts_est_body = tf.gather_nd(verts_est, body_idx) # optical_ratio = 0.0 # objs['dense_optflow'] = util.params["LR_parameters"]["dense_optflow"] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square( # verts_est_body - verts_body_old)) # optimization process loss = tf.reduce_sum(objs.values()) duration = time.time() - start_time print("pre-processing time is %f" % duration) with tf.Session() as sess: optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=[param_shapes, param_rots, param_trans, param_poses,,], options={'eps': 1e-6, 'ftol': 1e-6, 'maxiter': 10000, 'disp': False}) print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>start to optimize<<<<<<<<<<<") start_time = time.time() optimizer.minimize(sess) duration = time.time() - start_time print("minimize is %f" % duration) start_time = time.time() poses_final, betas_final, trans_final, cam_cx, cam_cy, v_final, verts_est_final, j3ds_final, _objs = [tf.concat([param_rots, param_poses], axis=1), param_shapes, param_trans,,, v, verts_est, j3ds, objs]) v_final = v_final.reshape([frame_num, 6890, 3]) duration = time.time() - start_time print("run time is %f" % duration) start_time = time.time() cam_for_save = np.array([LR_cameras[0][0], cam_cx, cam_cy, np.zeros(3)]) ### no sense LR_cameras = [] for i in range(frame_num): LR_cameras.append(cam_for_save) ############# camera =[0], cam_for_save[1], cam_for_save[2], cam_for_save[3], Util.img_widthheight) output_path = Util.hmr_path + Util.refine_output_path if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_path + "output_mask"): os.makedirs(output_path + "output_mask") videowriter = [] for ind in range(frame_num): print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%d index frame<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" % ind) if Util.mode == "full": smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('./smpl/models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') template = np.load(Util.texture_path + "template.npy") smpl.set_template(template) v = smpl.get_verts(poses_final[ind, :], betas_final[ind, :], trans_final[ind, :]) texture_vt = np.load(Util.texture_path + "vt.npy") texture_img = cv2.imread(Util.texture_path + "../../output_nonrigid/texture.png") img_result_texture = camera.render_texture(v, texture_img, texture_vt) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_texture_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_texture) img_bg = cv2.resize(imgs[ind], (Util.img_width, Util.img_height)) img_result_texture_bg = camera.render_texture_imgbg(img_result_texture, img_bg) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/texture_bg_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_texture_bg) if is True: if ind == 0: fps = 15 size = (imgs[0].shape[1], imgs[0].shape[0]) video_path = output_path + "/texture.mp4" videowriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), fps, size) videowriter.write(img_result_texture) img_result_naked = camera.render_naked(v, imgs[ind]) img_result_naked = img_result_naked[:, :, :3] cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked) bg = np.ones_like(imgs[ind]).astype(np.uint8) * 255 img_result_naked1 = camera.render_naked(v, bg) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_naked_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked1) img_result_naked_rotation = camera.render_naked_rotation(v, 90, imgs[ind]) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_rotation_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked_rotation) res = {'pose': poses_final[ind, :], 'betas': betas_final[ind, :], 'trans': trans_final[ind, :], 'cam_HR': cam_for_save, 'j3ds': j3ds_final[ind, :]} with open(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_pose_%04d.pkl" % ind, 'wb') as fout: pkl.dump(res, fout) # for z in range(len(verts_est_final)): # if int(verts_est_final[z][0]) > masks[ind].shape[0] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][0] = masks[ind].shape[0] - 1 # if int(verts_est_final[z][1]) > masks[ind].shape[1] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][1] = masks[ind].shape[1] - 1 # (masks[ind])[int(verts_est_final[z][0]), int(verts_est_final[z][1])] = 127 # cv2.imwrite(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask/%04d.png" % ind, masks[ind]) if Util.mode == "pose": img_result_naked = camera.render_naked(v_final[ind, :, :], imgs[ind]) img_result_naked = img_result_naked[:, :, :3] cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked) if is True: if ind == 0: fps = 15 size = (imgs[0].shape[1], imgs[0].shape[0]) video_path = output_path + "/texture.mp4" videowriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), fps, size) videowriter.write(img_result_naked) bg = np.ones_like(imgs[ind]).astype(np.uint8) * 255 img_result_naked1 = camera.render_naked(v_final[ind, :, :], bg) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_naked_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked1) img_result_naked_rotation = camera.render_naked_rotation(v_final[ind, :, :], 90, imgs[ind]) cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_rotation_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked_rotation) res = {'pose': poses_final[ind, :], 'betas': betas_final[ind, :], 'trans': trans_final[ind, :], 'cam': cam_for_save, 'j3ds': j3ds_final[ind, :]} with open(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_pose_%04d.pkl" % ind, 'wb') as fout: pkl.dump(res, fout) # for z in range(len(verts_est_final)): # if int(verts_est_final[z][0]) > masks[ind].shape[0] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][0] = masks[ind].shape[0] - 1 # if int(verts_est_final[z][1]) > masks[ind].shape[1] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][1] = masks[ind].shape[1] - 1 # (masks[ind])[int(verts_est_final[z][0]), int(verts_est_final[z][1])] = 127 # cv2.imwrite(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask/%04d.png" % ind, masks[ind]) for name in _objs: print("the %s loss is %f" % (name, _objs[name])) duration = time.time() - start_time print("post-processing time is %f" % duration) duration = time.time() - start_time_total print("total time is %f" % duration)
def render_naked_rotation(theta, beta, tran, angle): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('./models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') renderer = core.SMPLRenderer(face_path="./models/smpl_faces.npy") verts = smpl.get_verts(theta, beta, tran) render_result = renderer.rotated(verts, angle, cam=None, img_size=None) return render_result
def np_wrapper(beta, pose, trans): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('D:\Research\SMPL\SMPL_model\smpl\models\model.pkl') result = smpl.set_params(pose=pose, beta=beta, trans=trans) return result
def Bundle_Adjustment_optimization(params): ''' Using Bundle Adjustment optimize SMPL parameters with tensorflow-gpu :param hmr_dict: :param data_dict: :return: results ''' start_time = time.time() start_time_total = time.time() Util = Utility() Util.read_utility_parameters(params) smpl_model = SMPL(Util.SMPL_COCO_PATH, Util.SMPL_NORMAL_PATH) j3dss, success = Util.load_pose_pkl() hmr_dict, data_dict = Util.load_hmr_data() hmr_thetas = hmr_dict["hmr_thetas"] hmr_betas = hmr_dict["hmr_betas"] hmr_trans = hmr_dict["hmr_trans"] hmr_cams = hmr_dict["hmr_cams"] hmr_joint3ds = hmr_dict["hmr_joint3ds"] j2ds = data_dict["j2ds"] confs = data_dict["confs"] j2ds_face = data_dict["j2ds_face"] confs_face = data_dict["confs_face"] j2ds_head = data_dict["j2ds_head"] confs_head = data_dict["confs_head"] j2ds_foot = data_dict["j2ds_foot"] confs_foot = data_dict["confs_foot"] imgs = data_dict["imgs"] masks = data_dict["masks"] Util.img_width = imgs[0].shape[1] Util.img_height = imgs[0].shape[0] Util.img_widthheight = int("1" + "%04d" % Util.img_width + "%04d" % Util.img_height) frame_num = len(j2ds) for ind in range(frame_num): hmr_theta = hmr_thetas[ind, :].squeeze() # hmr_shape = hmr_betas[ind, :].squeeze() # hmr_tran = hmr_trans[ind, :].squeeze() # hmr_cam = hmr_cams[0, :].squeeze() hmr_joint3d = hmr_joint3ds[ind, :, :] ######### Arm Correction ######### # if Util.pedestrian_constraint == True and success == True: # prej3d = j3dss[ind] # if abs(prej3d[2, 2] - prej3d[7, 2]) > 0.1: # print("leg_error>0.1") # if prej3d[2, 2] < prej3d[7, 2]: # hmr_thetas[ind][51] = 0.8 # hmr_theta[52] = 1e-8 # hmr_theta[53] = 1.0 # hmr_theta[58] = 1e-8 # forward_arm = "left" # else: # hmr_theta[48] = 0.8 # hmr_theta[49] = 1e-8 # hmr_theta[50] = -1.0 # hmr_theta[55] = 1e-8 # forward_arm = "right" if Util.pedestrian_constraint == True: if abs(hmr_joint3ds[ind, 0, 2] - hmr_joint3ds[ind, 5, 2]) > 0.1: print("leg_error>0.1") if hmr_joint3ds[ind, 0, 2] < hmr_joint3ds[ind, 5, 2]: hmr_thetas[ind, 51] = 0.8 hmr_thetas[ind, 52] = 1e-8 hmr_thetas[ind, 53] = 1.0 hmr_thetas[ind, 58] = 1e-8 forward_arm = "left" else: hmr_thetas[ind, 48] = 0.8 hmr_thetas[ind, 49] = 1e-8 hmr_thetas[ind, 50] = -1.0 hmr_thetas[ind, 55] = 1e-8 forward_arm = "right" initial_param, pose_mean, pose_covariance = Util.load_initial_param() param_shapes = tf.Variable(hmr_betas.reshape([-1, 10]), dtype=tf.float32) param_rots = tf.Variable(hmr_thetas[:, :3].reshape([-1, 3]), dtype=tf.float32) param_poses = tf.Variable(hmr_thetas[:, 3:72].reshape([-1, 69]), dtype=tf.float32) param_trans = tf.Variable(hmr_trans.reshape([-1, 3]), dtype=tf.float32) initial_param_tf = tf.concat( [param_shapes, param_rots, param_poses, param_trans], axis=1) ## N * (72+10+3) hmr_cam = hmr_cams[0, :].squeeze() cam = Perspective_Camera(hmr_cam[0], hmr_cam[0], hmr_cam[1], hmr_cam[2], np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3)) j3ds, v, j3dsplus = smpl_model.get_3d_joints(initial_param_tf, Util.SMPL_JOINT_IDS) #### divide into different body parts j3ds_body = j3ds[:, 2:, :] j3ds_head = j3ds[:, 14:16, :] j3ds_foot = j3ds[:, :2, :] j3ds_face = j3dsplus[:, 14:19, :] j3ds_body = tf.reshape(j3ds_body, [-1, 3]) ## (N*12) * 3 j3ds_head = tf.reshape(j3ds_head, [-1, 3]) ## (N*2) * 3 j3ds_foot = tf.reshape(j3ds_foot, [-1, 3]) ## (N*2) * 3 j3ds_face = tf.reshape(j3ds_face, [-1, 3]) ## (N*5) * 3 j2ds_body_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_body)) ## (N*14) * 2 j2ds_head_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_head)) ## (N*2) * 2 j2ds_foot_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_foot)) ## (N*2) * 2 j2ds_face_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3ds_face)) ## (N*5) * 2 v = tf.reshape(v, [-1, 3]) ## (N*6890) * 3 verts_est_mask = cam.project(tf.squeeze(v)) ## (N*6890) * 2 verts_est = cam.project(tf.squeeze(v)) ## (N*6890) * 2 # TODO convert the loss function into batch input objs = {} j2ds = j2ds.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*14) * 2 confs = confs.reshape(-1) ## N*14 base_weights = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) base_weights = np.tile(base_weights, frame_num) ## N*14 weights = confs * base_weights ## N*14 weights = tf.constant(weights, dtype=tf.float32) ## N*14 objs['J2D_Loss'] = Util.J2D_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_body_est - j2ds), 1)) j2ds_face = j2ds_face.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*5) * 2 confs_face = confs_face.reshape(-1) ## N*5 base_weights_face = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_face = np.tile(base_weights_face, frame_num) ## N*5 weights_face = confs_face * base_weights_face weights_face = tf.constant(weights_face, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_face_Loss'] = Util.J2D_face_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_face * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_face_est - j2ds_face), 1)) j2ds_head = j2ds_head.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*2) * 2 confs_head = confs_head.reshape(-1) ## N*2 base_weights_head = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_head = np.tile(base_weights_head, frame_num) ## N*2 weights_head = confs_head * base_weights_head weights_head = tf.constant(weights_head, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_head_Loss'] = Util.J2D_head_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_head * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_head - j2ds_head_est), 1)) j2ds_foot = j2ds_foot.reshape([-1, 2]) ## (N*2) * 2 confs_foot = confs_foot.reshape(-1) ## N*2 base_weights_foot = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) base_weights_foot = np.tile(base_weights_foot, frame_num) ## N*2 weights_foot = confs_foot * base_weights_foot ## N*2 weights_foot = tf.constant(weights_foot, dtype=tf.float32) objs['J2D_foot_Loss'] = Util.J2D_foot_Loss * tf.reduce_sum( weights_foot * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2ds_foot - j2ds_foot_est), 1)) pose_mean = tf.constant(pose_mean, dtype=tf.float32) pose_covariance = tf.constant(pose_covariance, dtype=tf.float32) for i in range(frame_num): pose_diff = tf.reshape(param_poses[i, :] - pose_mean, [1, -1]) if i == 0: objs['Prior_Loss'] = 1.0 * tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.matmul(pose_diff, pose_covariance), tf.transpose(pose_diff))) else: objs['Prior_Loss'] = objs['Prior_Loss'] + 1.0 * tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.matmul(pose_diff, pose_covariance), tf.transpose(pose_diff))) objs['Prior_Shape'] = 5.0 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(param_shapes)) w1 = np.array([1.04 * 2.0, 1.04 * 2.0, 5.4 * 2.0, 5.4 * 2.0]) w1 = tf.constant(w1, dtype=tf.float32) # objs["angle_elbow_knee"] = 0.008 * tf.reduce_sum(w1 * [ # tf.exp(param_poses[:, 52]), tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 55]), # tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 9]), tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 12])]) objs["angle_elbow_knee"] = 0.08 * tf.reduce_sum( w1[0] * tf.exp(param_poses[:, 52]) + w1[1] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 55]) + w1[2] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 9]) + w1[3] * tf.exp(-param_poses[:, 12])) # TODO add a function that deal with masks with batch tmp_batch = [] for i in range(frame_num): verts2dsilhouette = algorithms.verts_to_silhouette_tf( verts_est_mask, masks[i].shape[1], masks[i].shape[0]) tmp_batch.append(verts2dsilhouette) verts2dsilhouette_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(tmp_batch) masks = np.array(masks) masks_tf = tf.cast(tf.convert_to_tensor(masks), dtype=tf.float32) objs['mask'] = Util.mask * tf.reduce_sum( verts2dsilhouette_batch / 255.0 * (255.0 - masks_tf) / 255.0 + (255.0 - verts2dsilhouette_batch) / 255.0 * masks_tf / 255.0) # TODO try L1, L2 or other penalty function param_pose_full = tf.concat([param_rots, param_poses], axis=1) ## N * 72 objs['hmr_constraint'] = Util.hmr_constraint * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full) - hmr_thetas)) objs['hmr_hands_constraint'] = Util.hmr_hands_constraint * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full)[:, 21] - hmr_thetas[:, 21]) + tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full)[:, 23] - hmr_thetas[:, 23]) + tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full)[:, 20] - hmr_thetas[:, 20]) + tf.square(tf.squeeze(param_pose_full)[:, 22] - hmr_thetas[:, 22])) w_temporal = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 7.0, 7.0 ] for i in range(frame_num - 1): j3d_old = j3ds[i, :, :] j3d = j3ds[i + 1, :, :] j3d_old_tmp = tf.reshape(j3d_old, [-1, 3]) ## (N*16) * 3 j2d_old = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3d_old_tmp)) ## (N*16) * 2 j3d_tmp = tf.reshape(j3d, [-1, 3]) ## (N*16) * 3 j2d = cam.project(tf.squeeze(j3d_tmp)) ## (N*16) * 2 param_pose_old = param_poses[i, :] param_pose = param_poses[i + 1, :] if i == 0: objs['temporal3d'] = Util.temporal3d * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j3d - j3d_old), 1)) objs['temporal2d'] = Util.temporal2d * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2d - j2d_old), 1)) objs['temporal_pose'] = Util.temporal_pose * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(param_pose_old - param_pose)) else: objs['temporal3d'] = objs[ 'temporal3d'] + Util.temporal3d * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j3d - j3d_old), 1)) objs['temporal2d'] = objs[ 'temporal2d'] + Util.temporal2d * tf.reduce_sum( w_temporal * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(j2d - j2d_old), 1)) objs['temporal_pose'] = objs[ 'temporal_pose'] + Util.temporal_pose * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(param_pose_old - param_pose)) # TODO add optical flow constraint # body_idx = np.array(body_parsing_idx[0]).squeeze() # body_idx = body_idx.reshape([-1, 1]).astype(np.int64) # verts_est_body = tf.gather_nd(verts_est, body_idx) # optical_ratio = 0.0 # objs['dense_optflow'] = util.params["LR_parameters"]["dense_optflow"] * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square( # verts_est_body - verts_body_old)) # optimization process loss = tf.reduce_sum(objs.values()) duration = time.time() - start_time print("pre-processing time is %f" % duration) with tf.Session() as sess: optimizer = scipy_pt(loss=loss, var_list=[ param_shapes, param_rots, param_trans, param_poses,, ], options={ 'eps': 1e-20, 'ftol': 1e-20, 'maxiter': 10000, 'disp': True }) print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>start to optimize<<<<<<<<<<<") start_time = time.time() optimizer.minimize(sess) duration = time.time() - start_time print("minimize is %f" % duration) start_time = time.time() poses_final, betas_final, trans_final, cam_cx, cam_cy, v_final, verts_est_final, j3ds_final, _objs = [ tf.concat([param_rots, param_poses], axis=1), param_shapes, param_trans,,, v, verts_est, j3ds, objs ]) v_final = v_final.reshape([frame_num, 6890, 3]) duration = time.time() - start_time print("run time is %f" % duration) start_time = time.time() cam_for_save = np.array([hmr_cam[0], cam_cx, cam_cy, np.zeros(3)]) ### no sense LR_cameras = [] for i in range(frame_num): LR_cameras.append(cam_for_save) ############# camera =[0], cam_for_save[1], cam_for_save[2], cam_for_save[3], Util.img_widthheight) output_path = Util.hmr_path + Util.output_path if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) if not os.path.exists(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask"): os.makedirs(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask") videowriter = [] for ind in range(frame_num): print( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%d index frame<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" % ind) if Util.mode == "full": smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel( './smpl/models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') template = np.load(Util.texture_path + "template.npy") smpl.set_template(template) #v = smpl.get_verts(poses_final[ind, :], betas_final[ind, :], trans_final[ind, :]) #texture_vt = np.load(Util.texture_path + "vt.npy") #texture_img = cv2.imread(Util.texture_path + "../../output_nonrigid/texture.png") #img_result_texture = camera.render_texture(v, texture_img, texture_vt) #cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_texture_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_texture) #img_bg = cv2.resize(imgs[ind], (Util.img_width, Util.img_height)) #img_result_texture_bg = camera.render_texture_imgbg(img_result_texture, img_bg) #cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/texture_bg_%04d.png" % ind, #img_result_texture_bg) # if is True: # if ind == 0: # fps = 15 # size = (imgs[0].shape[1], imgs[0].shape[0]) # video_path = output_path + "/texture.mp4" # videowriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), fps, size) # videowriter.write(img_result_texture) # img_result_naked = camera.render_naked(v, imgs[ind]) # img_result_naked = img_result_naked[:, :, :3] # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked) # bg = np.ones_like(imgs[ind]).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # img_result_naked1 = camera.render_naked(v, bg) # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_naked_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked1) # img_result_naked_rotation = camera.render_naked_rotation(v, 90, imgs[ind]) # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_rotation_%04d.png" % ind, # img_result_naked_rotation) res = { 'pose': poses_final[ind, :], 'betas': betas_final[ind, :], 'trans': trans_final[ind, :], 'cam': cam_for_save, 'j3ds': j3ds_final[ind, :] } with open( output_path + "/hmr_optimization_pose_%04d.pkl" % ind, 'wb') as fout: pkl.dump(res, fout) # for z in range(len(verts_est_final)): # if int(verts_est_final[z][0]) > masks[ind].shape[0] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][0] = masks[ind].shape[0] - 1 # if int(verts_est_final[z][1]) > masks[ind].shape[1] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][1] = masks[ind].shape[1] - 1 # (masks[ind])[int(verts_est_final[z][0]), int(verts_est_final[z][1])] = 127 # cv2.imwrite(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask/%04d.png" % ind, masks[ind]) if Util.mode == "pose": # img_result_naked = camera.render_naked(v_final[ind, :, :], imgs[ind]) # img_result_naked = img_result_naked[:, :, :3] # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked) # if is True: # if ind == 0: # fps = 15 # size = (imgs[0].shape[1], imgs[0].shape[0]) # video_path = output_path + "/texture.mp4" # videowriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), fps, size) # videowriter.write(img_result_naked) # bg = np.ones_like(imgs[ind]).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # img_result_naked1 = camera.render_naked(v_final[ind, :, :], bg) # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_naked_%04d.png" % ind, img_result_naked1) # img_result_naked_rotation = camera.render_naked_rotation(v_final[ind, :, :], 90, imgs[ind]) # cv2.imwrite(output_path + "/hmr_optimization_rotation_%04d.png" % ind, # img_result_naked_rotation) res = { 'pose': poses_final[ind, :], 'betas': betas_final[ind, :], 'trans': trans_final[ind, :], 'cam': cam_for_save, 'j3ds': j3ds_final[ind, :] } with open( output_path + "/hmr_optimization_pose_%04d.pkl" % ind, 'wb') as fout: pkl.dump(res, fout) # for z in range(len(verts_est_final)): # if int(verts_est_final[z][0]) > masks[ind].shape[0] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][0] = masks[ind].shape[0] - 1 # if int(verts_est_final[z][1]) > masks[ind].shape[1] - 1: # verts_est_final[z][1] = masks[ind].shape[1] - 1 # (masks[ind])[int(verts_est_final[z][0]), int(verts_est_final[z][1])] = 127 # cv2.imwrite(Util.hmr_path + "output_mask/%04d.png" % ind, masks[ind]) for name in _objs: print("the %s loss is %f" % (name, _objs[name])) util_func.save_pkl_to_csv(output_path) util_func.save_pkl_to_npy(output_path) duration = time.time() - start_time print("post-processing time is %f" % duration) duration = time.time() - start_time_total print("total time is %f" % duration)
def np_wrapper(beta, pose, trans): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('./model.pkl') result = smpl.set_params(pose=pose, beta=beta, trans=trans) return result