def test_classify(self):
        """ Test invoking `classify` in a valid manner. """
        ccol = ClassifierCollection({
            'subjectA': DummyClassifier(),
            'subjectB': DummyClassifier(),

        d_v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        d = DescriptorMemoryElement('memory', '0')
        result = ccol.classify(d)

        # Should contain one entry for each configured classifier.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
        self.assertIn('subjectA', result)
        self.assertIn('subjectB', result)
        # Each key should map to a classification element (memory in this case
        # because we're using the default factory)
        self.assertIsInstance(result['subjectA'], MemoryClassificationElement)
        self.assertIsInstance(result['subjectB'], MemoryClassificationElement)
        # We know the dummy classifier outputs "classifications" in a
        # deterministic way: class label is "test" and classification
        # value is the index of the descriptor .
                             {'test': 0})
                             {'test': 0})
    def test_classify_subset(self):
        ccol = ClassifierCollection({
            'subjectA': DummyClassifier(),
            'subjectB': DummyClassifier(),

        classifierB = ccol._label_to_classifier['subjectB']
        classifierB.classify_one_element = mock.Mock()

        d_v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        d = DescriptorMemoryElement('memory', '0')
        result = ccol.classify(d, labels=['subjectA'])

        # Should contain one entry for each requested classifier.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertIn('subjectA', result)
        self.assertNotIn('subjectB', result)
        # Each key should map to a classification element (memory in this case
        # because we're using the default factory)
        self.assertIsInstance(result['subjectA'], MemoryClassificationElement)
        # We know the dummy classifier outputs "classifications" in a
        # deterministic way: class label is descriptor UUID and classification
        # value is its vector as a list.
                             {'test': 0})
    def test_classify_missing_label(self):
        ccol = ClassifierCollection({
            'subjectA': DummyClassifier(),
            'subjectB': DummyClassifier(),

        d_v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        d = DescriptorMemoryElement('memory', '0')

        # Should throw a MissingLabelError
        with self.assertRaises(MissingLabelError) as cm:
            ccol.classify(d, labels=['subjectC'])
        self.assertSetEqual(cm.exception.labels, {'subjectC'})

        # Should throw a MissingLabelError
        with self.assertRaises(MissingLabelError) as cm:
            ccol.classify(d, labels=['subjectA', 'subjectC'])
        self.assertSetEqual(cm.exception.labels, {'subjectC'})

        # Should throw a MissingLabelError
        with self.assertRaises(MissingLabelError) as cm:
            ccol.classify(d, labels=['subjectC', 'subjectD'])
        self.assertSetEqual(cm.exception.labels, {'subjectC', 'subjectD'})

        # Should throw a MissingLabelError
        with self.assertRaises(MissingLabelError) as cm:
            ccol.classify(d, labels=['subjectA', 'subjectC', 'subjectD'])
        self.assertSetEqual(cm.exception.labels, {'subjectC', 'subjectD'})
 def test_labels(self):
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(
             'b': DummyClassifier(),
     self.assertEqual(ccol.labels(), {'a', 'b', 'label2'})
 def test_remove_classifier_bad_label(self):
     c = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(a=c)
         ccol.remove_classifier, 'b'
 def test_add_classifier_duplicate_label(self):
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(a=DummyClassifier())
         "Duplicate label provided: 'a'",
         'a', DummyClassifier()
 def test_get_config_with_stuff(self):
     c1 = DummyClassifier()
     c2 = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection({'a': c1}, b=c2)
     # dummy returns {} config.
             'a': {
                 'type': 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier',
                 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier': {},
             'b': {
                 'type': 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier',
                 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier': {},
 def test_from_config_skip_example_key(self):
     # If the default example is left in the config, it should be skipped.
     # The string chosen for the example key should be unlikely to be used
     # in reality.
     ccol = ClassifierCollection.from_config({
             'this should be skipped regardless of content'
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {})
 def test_add_classifier_not_classifier(self):
     # Attempt adding a non-classifier instance
     ccol = ClassifierCollection()
     # The string 'b' is not a classifier instance.
         "Not given a Classifier instance",
         'a', 'b'
    def test_get_default_config(self):
        # Returns a non-empty dictionary with just the example key. Contains
        # a sub-dictionary that would container the implementation
        # specifications.
        c = ClassifierCollection.get_default_config()

        # Should just contain the default example
        self.assertEqual(len(c), 1)
        self.assertIn('__example_label__', c.keys())
        # Should be a plugin config after this.
        self.assertIn('type', c['__example_label__'])
 def test_classify_arrays(self):
     """ Test invoking `classify_arrays` in a valid manner. """
     # Use some dummy classifiers that
     ccol = ClassifierCollection({
         'subjectA': DummyClassifier(),
         'subjectB': DummyClassifier(),
     dmat = np.asarray([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
                        [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])
     result = ccol.classify_arrays(dmat)
     # Should contain one entry for each configured classifier.
     assert len(result) == 2
     assert 'subjectA' in result
     assert 'subjectB' in result
     # Each key should map to a list of dictionaries mapping classifier
     # labels to confidence values. The DummyClassify maps input descriptor
     # first values as the "confidence" for simplicity. Should be in order
     # of input vectors.
     assert result['subjectA'] == [{'test': 0}, {'test': 5}]
     assert result['subjectB'] == [{'test': 0}, {'test': 5}]
    def test_classify_empty_subset(self):
        ccol = ClassifierCollection({
            'subjectA': DummyClassifier(),
            'subjectB': DummyClassifier(),

        classifierA = ccol._label_to_classifier['subjectA']
        classifierA.classify_one_element = mock.Mock()
        classifierB = ccol._label_to_classifier['subjectB']
        classifierB.classify_one_element = mock.Mock()

        d_v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        d = DescriptorMemoryElement('memory', '0')
        result = ccol.classify(d, labels=[])

        # Should contain no entries.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)
        self.assertNotIn('subjectA', result)
        self.assertNotIn('subjectB', result)
    def test_add_classifier(self):
        ccol = ClassifierCollection()
        self.assertEqual(ccol.size(), 0)

        c = DummyClassifier()
        ccol.add_classifier('label', c)
        self.assertEqual(ccol.size(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier['label'], c)
    def test_size_len(self):
        ccol = ClassifierCollection()
        self.assertEqual(ccol.size(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(ccol), 0)

        ccol = ClassifierCollection(
        self.assertEqual(ccol.size(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(ccol), 2)
 def test_from_config_with_content(self, m_get_impls):
     # Mocking implementation getter to only return the dummy
     # implementation.
     m_get_impls.side_effect = lambda: {DummyClassifier}
     ccol = ClassifierCollection.from_config({
         'a': {
             'type': 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier',
             'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier': {},
         'b': {
             'type': 'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier',
             'tests.interfaces.test_classifier.DummyClassifier': {},
         # Using sort because return from ``keys()`` has no guarantee on
         # order.
         sorted(ccol._label_to_classifier.keys()), ['a', 'b']
     self.assertIsInstance(ccol._label_to_classifier['a'], DummyClassifier)
     self.assertIsInstance(ccol._label_to_classifier['b'], DummyClassifier)
 def test_new_both_pos_and_kwds(self):
     c1 = DummyClassifier()
     c2 = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection({'a': c1}, b=c2)
                      {'a': c1, 'b': c2})
 def test_new_kwargs(self):
     c = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(a_label=c)
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {'a_label': c})
 def test_new_positional(self):
     c = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(classifiers={'a label': c})
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {'a label': c})
 def test_labels_empty(self):
     ccol = ClassifierCollection()
     self.assertEqual(ccol.labels(), set())
 def test_get_config_empty(self):
     # The config coming out of an empty collection should be an empty
     # dictionary.
     ccol = ClassifierCollection()
     self.assertEqual(ccol.get_config(), {})
 def test_get_classifier(self):
     c = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(a=c)
     self.assertEqual(ccol.get_classifier('a'), c)
 def test_new_empty(self):
     ccol = ClassifierCollection()
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {})
 def test_remove_classifier(self):
     c = DummyClassifier()
     ccol = ClassifierCollection(a=c)
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {})
 def test_from_config_empty(self):
     ccol = ClassifierCollection.from_config({})
     self.assertEqual(ccol._label_to_classifier, {})