def addUser(phone_number, URL=None):

    if SELF_SERVICE is False:  # Users must be manually added
        return -1

    if URL is None:
        sendTxt("User not found. Please reply with a Google Sheets URL.", phone_number)

    # Get Admin workbook
    book = getWorkbook(ADMIN_BOOK)

    # Get user sheet
    sheet = getSheet("users", book)

    # Check if phone number has tried to add itself already
    col_values = sheet.col_values(1)  # First column lists users, second column is workbook URL
    if phone_number in col_values:
        cell = sheet.find(phone_number)
        # Update the URL of the user's book
        sheet.update_cell(cell.row, cell.col + 1, URL)

    else:  # The user just got sent a message telling them to add the URL
        # Add them to the db, so they will be recognized when they respond
        depth = len(sheet.col_values(1)) + 1
        sheet.update_cell(depth, 1, phone_number)
def getUserBook(phone_number):
    """Takes a phone number, returns phone number's workbook"""
    # Get Admin workbook
    book = getWorkbook(ADMIN_BOOK)

    # Get user sheet
    sheet = getSheet("users", book)

    # Check if phone_number is a valid user
    col_values = sheet.col_values(1)  # First column lists users, second column is workbook URL
    if phone_number in col_values:
        cell = sheet.find(phone_number)
        # URL is adjacent column
        URL = sheet.cell(cell.row, cell.col + 1).value

        if URL[:4] == 'http':  # If 'valid' URL
                book = getWorkbook(URL)

            except gspread.exceptions.SpreadsheetNotFound:  # Workbook is not shared
                sendTxt('Workbook not found. Make sure you shared it with: ' + SHARE_EMAIL, phone_number)
                return -1
            except gspread.exceptions.NoValidUrlKeyFound:  # Workbook URL is invalid
                sendTxt("Workbook is invalid. Please reply with a valid Google Sheets URL.", phone_number)
                return -1

            return book

        elif URL == '':  # Field is empty

    else:  # If not an existing user
        return -1
def interpreter(content=None):
    """Takes a message object, containing: msisdn, recipient, message, id, timestamp"""
    if content is None or content['message'] == '':
        return 0

    print content['message']  # Debugging

    # Add 1 to the front of the phone number (Nexmo requires it for sending SMS)
    # Makes this app USA only for the moment :(
    if content['msisdn'][0] != '1':
        # Append it
        l = []
        content['msisdn'] = ''.join(l)

    # Message contains administrative commands
    if ADMIN is content['message'][0]:

    # If it is a request from a user to add themselves
    if NEW_USER == content['message'].lower():

    # Message contains expenses
    elif EXPENSE is content['message'][0]:
        # Clean the timestamp
        content['timestamp'] = content['timestamp'].split()[0]
        # Clean and normalize the message
        content['message'] = content['message'][1:].lower()

        # Get user workbook
        book = gs.getUserBook(content['msisdn'])

        if book != -1:  # Book == -1 if user does not exist
            sheet = gs.getSheet(content['timestamp'], book)
            result = gs.commit(content, sheet)
            if 'malformed' == result:
                    "New users, txt: 'add'\nAdd expense format:\n@<category>:cost <category>:cost", content['msisdn'])

    # If the message is a URL, assume the user is trying to add themselves
    # to the system. This also allows for updating one's workbook on the fly.
    elif 'http' == content['message'][:4]:
        gs.addUser(content['msisdn'], content['message'])
        sendTxt("Workbook added!\n Make sure you share it with " + SHARE_EMAIL, content['msisdn'])