def invokeCmd(rh): """ Invoke the command in the virtual machine's operating system. Input: Request Handle with the following properties: function - 'CMDVM' subfunction - 'CMD' userid - userid of the virtual machine parms['cmd'] - Command to send Output: Request Handle updated with the results. Return code - 0: ok, non-zero: error """ rh.printSysLog("Enter cmdVM.invokeCmd, userid: " + rh.userid) results = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, rh.parms['cmd']) if results['overallRC'] == 0: rh.printLn("N", results['response']) else: rh.printLn("ES", results['response']) rh.updateResults(results) rh.printSysLog("Exit cmdVM.invokeCmd, rc: " + str(results['overallRC'])) return results['overallRC']
def checkIsReachable(rh): """ Check if a virtual machine is reachable. Input: Request Handle Output: Request Handle updated with the results. overallRC - 0: determined the status, non-zero: some weird failure while trying to execute a command on the guest via IUCV rc - RC returned from execCmdThruIUCV rs - 0: not reachable, 1: reachable """ rh.printSysLog("Enter getVM.checkIsReachable, userid: " + rh.userid) strCmd = "echo 'ping'" results = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, strCmd) if results['overallRC'] == 0: rh.printLn("N", rh.userid + ": reachable") reachable = 1 else: # A failure from execCmdThruIUCV is acceptable way of determining # that the system is unreachable. We won't pass along the # error message. rh.printLn("N", rh.userid + ": unreachable") reachable = 0 rh.updateResults({"rs": reachable}) rh.printSysLog("Exit getVM.checkIsReachable, rc: 0") return 0
def reboot(rh): """ Reboot a virtual machine. Input: Request Handle with the following properties: function - 'POWERVM' subfunction - 'REBOOT' userid - userid of the virtual machine parms['desiredState'] - Desired state. Optional, unless 'maxQueries' is specified. parms['maxQueries'] - Maximum number of queries to issue. Optional. parms['maxWait'] - Maximum time to wait in seconds. Optional, unless 'maxQueries' is specified. parms['poll'] - Polling interval in seconds. Optional, unless 'maxQueries' is specified. Output: Request Handle updated with the results. Return code - 0: ok, non-zero: error """ rh.printSysLog("Enter powerVM.reboot, userid: " + rh.userid) strCmd = "shutdown -r now" results = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, strCmd) if results['overallRC'] != 0: # Command failed to execute using IUCV. rh.printLn("ES", results['response']) rh.updateResults(results) if rh.results['overallRC'] == 0: # Wait for the OS to go down results = waitForOSState(rh, rh.userid, "down", maxQueries=30, sleepSecs=10) if results['overallRC'] == 0: rh.printLn("N", rh.userid + ": down (interim state)") if rh.results['overallRC'] == 0 and 'maxQueries' in rh.parms: results = waitForOSState(rh, rh.userid, 'up', maxQueries=rh.parms['maxQueries'], sleepSecs=rh.parms['poll']) if results['overallRC'] == 0: rh.printLn("N", rh.userid + ": up") else: rh.updateResults(results) rh.printSysLog("Exit powerVM.reboot, rc: " + str(rh.results['overallRC'])) return rh.results['overallRC']
def softDeactivate(rh): """ Deactivate a virtual machine by first shutting down Linux and then log it off. Input: Request Handle with the following properties: function - 'POWERVM' subfunction - 'SOFTOFF' userid - userid of the virtual machine parms['maxQueries'] - Maximum number of queries to issue. Optional. parms['maxWait'] - Maximum time to wait in seconds. Optional, unless 'maxQueries' is specified. parms['poll'] - Polling interval in seconds. Optional, unless 'maxQueries' is specified. Output: Request Handle updated with the results. Return code - 0: ok, non-zero: error """ rh.printSysLog("Enter powerVM.softDeactivate, userid: " + rh.userid) strCmd = "echo 'ping'" iucvResults = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, strCmd) if iucvResults['overallRC'] == 0: # We could talk to the machine, tell it to shutdown nicely. strCmd = "shutdown -h now" iucvResults = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, strCmd) if iucvResults['overallRC'] == 0: time.sleep(15) else: # Shutdown failed. Let CP take down the system # after we log the results. rh.printSysLog("powerVM.softDeactivate " + rh.userid + " is unreachable. Treating it as already shutdown.") else: # Could not ping the machine. Treat it as a success # after we log the results. rh.printSysLog("powerVM.softDeactivate " + rh.userid + " is unreachable. Treating it as already shutdown.") # Tell z/VM to log off the system. parms = ["-T", rh.userid] smcliResults = invokeSMCLI(rh, "Image_Deactivate", parms) if smcliResults['overallRC'] == 0: pass elif (smcliResults['overallRC'] == 8 and smcliResults['rc'] == 200 and (smcliResults['rs'] == 12 or +smcliResults['rs'] == 16)): # Tolerable error. # Machine is already logged off or is logging off. rh.printLn("N", rh.userid + " is already logged off.") else: # SMAPI API failed. rh.printLn("ES", smcliResults['response']) rh.updateResults(smcliResults) # Use results from invokeSMCLI if rh.results['overallRC'] == 0 and 'maxQueries' in rh.parms: # Wait for the system to log off. waitResults = waitForVMState(rh, rh.userid, 'off', maxQueries=rh.parms['maxQueries'], sleepSecs=rh.parms['poll']) if waitResults['overallRC'] == 0: rh.printLn( "N", "Userid '" + rh.userid + " is in the desired state: off") else: rh.updateResults(waitResults) rh.printSysLog("Exit powerVM.softDeactivate, rc: " + str(rh.results['overallRC'])) return rh.results['overallRC']
def removeDisk(rh): """ Remove a disk from a virtual machine. Input: Request Handle with the following properties: function - 'CHANGEVM' subfunction - 'REMOVEDISK' userid - userid of the virtual machine parms['vaddr'] - Virtual address Output: Request Handle updated with the results. Return code - 0: ok, non-zero: error """ rh.printSysLog("Enter changeVM.removeDisk") results = {'overallRC': 0, 'rc': 0, 'rs': 0} # Is image logged on loggedOn = False results = isLoggedOn(rh, rh.userid) if results['overallRC'] == 0: if results['rs'] == 0: loggedOn = True results = disableEnableDisk(rh, rh.userid, rh.parms['vaddr'], '-d') if results['overallRC'] != 0: rh.printLn("ES", results['response']) rh.updateResults(results) if results['overallRC'] == 0 and loggedOn: strCmd = "/sbin/vmcp detach " + rh.parms['vaddr'] results = execCmdThruIUCV(rh, rh.userid, strCmd) if results['overallRC'] != 0: if'(^HCP\w\w\w040E)', results['response']): # Device does not exist, ignore the error results = {'overallRC': 0, 'rc': 0, 'rs': 0, 'response': ''} else: rh.printLn("ES", results['response']) rh.updateResults(results) if results['overallRC'] == 0: # Remove the disk from the user entry. parms = ["-T", rh.userid, "-v", rh.parms['vaddr'], "-e", "0"] results = invokeSMCLI(rh, "Image_Disk_Delete_DM", parms) if results['overallRC'] != 0: if (results['overallRC'] == 8 and results['rc'] == 208 and results['rs'] == 36): # Disk does not exist, ignore the error results = {'overallRC': 0, 'rc': 0, 'rs': 0, 'response': ''} else: # SMAPI API failed. rh.printLn("ES", results['response']) rh.updateResults(results) # Use results from invokeSMCLI else: # Unexpected error. Message already sent. rh.updateResults(results) rh.printSysLog("Exit changeVM.removeDisk, rc: " + str(rh.results['overallRC'])) return rh.results['overallRC']