def testGMRES(self): # Parameter input ---------------------------- vacuum_wavelength = 550 beam_polar_angle = np.pi * 7 / 8 beam_azimuthal_angle = np.pi * 1 / 3 beam_polarization = 0 beam_amplitude = 1 beam_neff_array = np.linspace(0, 2, 501, endpoint=False) beam_waist = 1000 beam_focal_point = [200, 200, 200] #neff_waypoints = [0, 0.5, 0.8 - 0.01j, 2 - 0.01j, 2.5, 5] #neff_discr = 1e-2 # -------------------------------------------- #coord.set_default_k_parallel(vacuum_wavelength, neff_waypoints, neff_discr) # initialize particle object sphere1 = part.Sphere(position=[100, 100, 150], refractive_index=2.4 + 0.0j, radius=110, l_max=4, m_max=4) sphere2 = part.Sphere(position=[-100, -100, 250], refractive_index=1.9 + 0.0j, radius=120, l_max=3, m_max=3) sphere3 = part.Sphere(position=[-200, 100, 300], refractive_index=1.7 + 0.0j, radius=90, l_max=3, m_max=3) particle_list = [sphere1, sphere2, sphere3] # initialize layer system object lay_sys = lay.LayerSystem([0, 400, 0], [2, 1.4, 2]) # initialize initial field object init_fld = init.GaussianBeam(vacuum_wavelength=vacuum_wavelength, polar_angle=beam_polar_angle, azimuthal_angle=beam_azimuthal_angle, polarization=beam_polarization, amplitude=beam_amplitude, reference_point=beam_focal_point, beam_waist=beam_waist, k_parallel_array=beam_neff_array * flds.angular_frequency(vacuum_wavelength)) # initialize simulation object simulation_lu = simul.Simulation(layer_system=lay_sys, particle_list=particle_list, initial_field=init_fld, solver_type='LU', log_to_terminal='nose2' not in sys.modules.keys()) # suppress output if called by nose coefficients_lu = particle_list[0].scattered_field.coefficients simulation_gmres = simul.Simulation(layer_system=lay_sys, particle_list=particle_list, initial_field=init_fld, solver_type='gmres', solver_tolerance=1e-5, log_to_terminal=( not sys.argv[0].endswith('nose2'))) # suppress output if called by nose coefficients_gmres = particle_list[0].scattered_field.coefficients np.testing.assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(coefficients_lu), np.linalg.norm(coefficients_gmres), rtol=1e-5)
def read_input_yaml(filename): """Parse input file Args: filename (str): relative path and filename of input file Returns: smuthi.simulation.Simulation object containing the params of the input file """ print('Reading ' + os.path.abspath(filename)) with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: input_data = yaml.load( cu.enable_gpu(input_data.get('enable GPU', False)) # wavelength wl = float(input_data['vacuum wavelength']) # set default coordinate arrays angle_unit = input_data.get('angle unit') if angle_unit == 'degree': angle_factor = np.pi / 180 else: angle_factor = 1 angle_resolution = input_data.get( 'angular resolution', np.pi / 180 / angle_factor) * angle_factor coord.default_azimuthal_angles = np.arange( 0, 2 * np.pi + angle_resolution / 2, angle_resolution) coord.default_polar_angles = np.arange(0, np.pi + angle_resolution / 2, angle_resolution) neff_resolution = float(input_data.get('n_effective resolution', 1e-2)) neff_max = input_data.get('max n_effective') if neff_max is None: ref_ind = [ float(n) for n in input_data['layer system']['refractive indices'] ] neff_max = max(np.array(ref_ind).real) + 1 neff_imag = float(input_data.get('n_effective imaginary deflection', 5e-2)) coord.set_default_k_parallel(vacuum_wavelength=wl, neff_resolution=neff_resolution, neff_max=neff_max, neff_imag=neff_imag) # initialize simulation lookup_resolution = input_data.get('coupling matrix lookup resolution', None) if lookup_resolution is not None and lookup_resolution <= 0: lookup_resolution = None simulation = smuthi.simulation.Simulation( solver_type=input_data.get('solver type', 'LU'), solver_tolerance=float(input_data.get('solver tolerance', 1e-4)), store_coupling_matrix=input_data.get('store coupling matrix', True), coupling_matrix_lookup_resolution=lookup_resolution, coupling_matrix_interpolator_kind=input_data.get( 'interpolation order', 'linear'), input_file=filename, length_unit=input_data.get('length unit'), output_dir=input_data.get('output folder'), save_after_run=input_data.get('save simulation')) # particle collection particle_list = [] particle_input = input_data['scattering particles'] if isinstance(particle_input, str): particle_type = 'sphere' with open(particle_input, 'r') as particle_specs_file: for line in particle_specs_file: if len(line.split()) > 0: if line.split()[-1] == 'spheres': particle_type = 'sphere' elif line.split()[-1] == 'spheroids': particle_type = 'spheroid' elif line.split()[-1] == 'cylinders': particle_type = 'finite cylinder' if not line.split()[0] == '#': numeric_line_data = [float(x) for x in line.split()] pos = numeric_line_data[:3] if particle_type == 'sphere': r = numeric_line_data[3] n = numeric_line_data[4] + 1j * numeric_line_data[5] l_max = int(numeric_line_data[6]) m_max = int(numeric_line_data[7]) particle_list.append( part.Sphere(position=pos, refractive_index=n, radius=r, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max)) if particle_type == 'spheroid': c = numeric_line_data[3] a = numeric_line_data[4] beta = numeric_line_data[5] alpha = numeric_line_data[6] n = numeric_line_data[7] + 1j * numeric_line_data[8] l_max = int(numeric_line_data[9]) m_max = int(numeric_line_data[10]) particle_list.append( part.Spheroid(position=pos, polar_angle=beta, azimuthal_angle=beta, refractive_index=n, semi_axis_c=c, semi_axis_a=a, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max)) if particle_type == 'finite cylinder': r = numeric_line_data[3] h = numeric_line_data[4] beta = numeric_line_data[5] alpha = numeric_line_data[6] n = numeric_line_data[7] + 1j * numeric_line_data[8] l_max = int(numeric_line_data[9]) m_max = int(numeric_line_data[10]) particle_list.append( part.FiniteCylinder(position=pos, polar_angle=beta, azimuthal_angle=beta, refractive_index=n, cylinder_radius=r, cylinder_height=h, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max)) else: for prtcl in input_data['scattering particles']: n = (float(prtcl['refractive index']) + 1j * float(prtcl['extinction coefficient'])) pos = [ float(prtcl['position'][0]), float(prtcl['position'][1]), float(prtcl['position'][2]) ] l_max = int(prtcl['l_max']) m_max = int(prtcl.get('m_max', l_max)) if prtcl['shape'] == 'sphere': r = float(prtcl['radius']) particle_list.append( part.Sphere(position=pos, refractive_index=n, radius=r, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max)) else: nfmds_settings = prtcl.get('NFM-DS settings', {}) use_ds = nfmds_settings.get('use discrete sources', True) nint = nfmds_settings.get('nint', 200) nrank = nfmds_settings.get('nrank', l_max + 2) t_matrix_method = { 'use discrete sources': use_ds, 'nint': nint, 'nrank': nrank } polar_angle = prtcl.get('polar angle', 0) azimuthal_angle = prtcl.get('azimuthal angle', 0) if prtcl['shape'] == 'spheroid': c = float(prtcl['semi axis c']) a = float(prtcl['semi axis a']) particle_list.append( part.Spheroid(position=pos, polar_angle=polar_angle, azimuthal_angle=azimuthal_angle, refractive_index=n, semi_axis_a=a, semi_axis_c=c, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max, t_matrix_method=t_matrix_method)) elif prtcl['shape'] == 'finite cylinder': h = float(prtcl['cylinder height']) r = float(prtcl['cylinder radius']) particle_list.append( part.FiniteCylinder(position=pos, polar_angle=polar_angle, azimuthal_angle=azimuthal_angle, refractive_index=n, cylinder_radius=r, cylinder_height=h, l_max=l_max, m_max=m_max, t_matrix_method=t_matrix_method)) else: raise ValueError( 'Currently, only spheres, spheroids and finite cylinders are implemented' ) simulation.particle_list = particle_list # layer system thick = [float(d) for d in input_data['layer system']['thicknesses']] ref_ind = [ float(n) for n in input_data['layer system']['refractive indices'] ] ext_coeff = [ float(n) for n in input_data['layer system']['extinction coefficients'] ] ref_ind = np.array(ref_ind) + 1j * np.array(ext_coeff) ref_ind = ref_ind.tolist() simulation.layer_system = lay.LayerSystem(thicknesses=thick, refractive_indices=ref_ind) # initial field infld = input_data['initial field'] if infld['type'] == 'plane wave': a = float(infld.get('amplitude', 1)) pol_ang = angle_factor * float(infld['polar angle']) az_ang = angle_factor * float(infld['azimuthal angle']) if infld['polarization'] == 'TE': pol = 0 elif infld['polarization'] == 'TM': pol = 1 else: raise ValueError('polarization must be "TE" or "TM"') ref = [ float(infld.get('reference point', [0, 0, 0])[0]), float(infld.get('reference point', [0, 0, 0])[1]), float(infld.get('reference point', [0, 0, 0])[2]) ] initial_field = init.PlaneWave(vacuum_wavelength=wl, polar_angle=pol_ang, azimuthal_angle=az_ang, polarization=pol, amplitude=a, reference_point=ref) elif infld['type'] == 'Gaussian beam': a = float(infld['amplitude']) pol_ang = angle_factor * float(infld['polar angle']) az_ang = angle_factor * float(infld['azimuthal angle']) if infld['polarization'] == 'TE': pol = 0 elif infld['polarization'] == 'TM': pol = 1 else: raise ValueError('polarization must be "TE" or "TM"') ref = [ float(infld['focus point'][0]), float(infld['focus point'][1]), float(infld['focus point'][2]) ] ang_res = infld.get('angular resolution', np.pi / 180 / ang_fac) * ang_fac bet_arr = np.arange(0, np.pi / 2, ang_res) if pol_ang <= np.pi: kparr = np.sin(bet_arr) * simulation.layer_system.wavenumber( layer_number=0, vacuum_wavelength=wl) else: kparr = np.sin(bet_arr) * simulation.layer_system.wavenumber( layer_number=-1, vacuum_wavelength=wl) wst = infld['beam waist'] aarr = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, ang_res), [2 * np.pi]]) initial_field = init.GaussianBeam(vacuum_wavelength=wl, polar_angle=pol_ang, azimuthal_angle=az_ang, polarization=pol, beam_waist=wst, k_parallel_array=kparr, azimuthal_angles_array=aarr, amplitude=a, reference_point=ref) elif infld['type'] == 'dipole source': pos = [float(infld['position'][i]) for i in range(3)] mom = [float(infld['dipole moment'][i]) for i in range(3)] initial_field = init.DipoleSource(vacuum_wavelength=wl, dipole_moment=mom, position=pos) elif infld['type'] == 'dipole collection': initial_field = init.DipoleCollection(vacuum_wavelength=wl) dipoles = infld['dipoles'] for dipole in dipoles: pos = [float(dipole['position'][i]) for i in range(3)] mom = [float(dipole['dipole moment'][i]) for i in range(3)] dip = init.DipoleSource(vacuum_wavelength=wl, dipole_moment=mom, position=pos) initial_field.append(dip) simulation.initial_field = initial_field # post processing simulation.post_processing = pp.PostProcessing() if input_data.get('post processing'): for item in input_data['post processing']: if item['task'] == 'evaluate far field': simulation.post_processing.tasks.append(item) elif item['task'] == 'evaluate near field': simulation.post_processing.tasks.append(item) return simulation
beta = 0 alpha = 0.2 * np.pi pol = 1 rS = [100, -200, 300] laysys = smuthi.layers.LayerSystem(thicknesses=[0, 0], refractive_indices=[1, 1]) particle = smuthi.particles.Sphere(position=rS, l_max=3, m_max=3) particle_list = [particle] al_ar = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000) kp_ar = np.linspace(0, 0.99999, 1000) * smuthi.fields.angular_frequency(ld) bw = 4000 ref = [-100, 100, 200] gauss_beam = init.GaussianBeam(vacuum_wavelength=ld, polar_angle=beta, azimuthal_angle=alpha, polarization=pol, amplitude=A, reference_point=ref, k_parallel_array=kp_ar, beam_waist=bw) particle.initial_field = gauss_beam.spherical_wave_expansion(particle, laysys) def test_SWE_coefficients_against_prototype(): aI = particle.initial_field.coefficients ai0 = 0.4040275 - 1.6689055j ai9 = -0.0115840 + 0.0107125j ai20 = -3.1855342e-04 - 7.7089434e-04j print(abs((aI[0] - ai0) / ai0), abs((aI[9] - ai9) / ai9), abs((aI[20] - ai20) / ai20)) assert abs((aI[0] - ai0) / ai0) < 1e-5 assert abs((aI[9] - ai9) / ai9) < 1e-5
w12 = coup.direct_coupling_block(vacuum_wavelength, sphere1, sphere2, lay_sys) phi13 = np.arctan2(sphere1.position[1] - sphere3.position[1], sphere1.position[0] - sphere3.position[0]) rho13 = np.sqrt( sum([(sphere1.position[i] - sphere3.position[i])**2 for i in range(3)])) wr13 = coup.layer_mediated_coupling_block(vacuum_wavelength, sphere1, sphere3, lay_sys) w13 = coup.direct_coupling_block(vacuum_wavelength, sphere1, sphere3, lay_sys) # initialize initial field object init_fld = init.GaussianBeam(vacuum_wavelength=vacuum_wavelength, polar_angle=beam_polar_angle, azimuthal_angle=beam_azimuthal_angle, polarization=beam_polarization, amplitude=beam_amplitude, reference_point=beam_focal_point, beam_waist=beam_waist, k_parallel_array=beam_neff_array * coord.angular_frequency(vacuum_wavelength)) # initialize simulation object simulation_direct = simul.Simulation(layer_system=lay_sys, particle_list=particle_list, initial_field=init_fld, solver_type='LU', store_coupling_matrix=True, log_to_terminal=False) coefficients_direct = particle_list[0].scattered_field.coefficients