文件: status.py 项目: hectorpla/CBS
    def merge(self, net, nodes, name=None):
        """Merge `nodes` in `net`

        Safe buffers places with the status `Safebuffer('safebuffer',
        None)` are not merged. Other safe buffers places are merged if
        they all have the same marking, which becomes the marking of
        the resulting place. Otherwise, `ConstraintError` is raised.

        If `name` is `None` the name generated is a concatenation of
        the nodes names separated by '+', with parenthesis outside.

        @param net: the Petri net where places should be merged
        @type net: `PetriNet`
        @param nodes: a collection of place names to be merged
        @type nodes: iterable of `str`
        @param name: the name of the new place or `Node` if it should
          be generated
        @type name: `str`
        if self._value is None:
        marking = net.place(nodes[0]).tokens
        for node in nodes[1:]:
            if net.place(node).tokens != marking:
                raise ConstraintError("incompatible markings")
        if name is None:
            name = "(%s)" % "+".join(sorted(nodes))
        net.merge_places(name, nodes, status=self)
        for src in nodes:
        net.set_status(name, self)
    def __init__(self, pid, counter, new_pids, components):
        if len(components) == 0:
            raise ConstraintError("missing tuple components")

        self.pid = pid
        self.counter = counter
        self.new_pids = new_pids
        self.components = components

        self.input_allowed = False
文件: bound.py 项目: balrok/snakes
        def remove(self, tokens):
            """Remove tokens from the place.

            @param tokens: a collection of tokens to be removed from the
                place, note that `str` are not considered as iterable and
                used a a single value instead of as a collection
            @type tokens: `collection`
            if len(self.tokens) - len(list(iterate(tokens))) < self._bound_min:
                raise ConstraintError(
                    "lower bound of place %r reached" % self.name)
            module.Place.remove(self, tokens)
文件: bound.py 项目: balrok/snakes
        def reset(self, tokens):
            """Replace the marking with `tokens`.

            @param tokens: a collection of tokens to be removed from the
                place, note that `str` are not considered as iterable and
                used a a single value instead of as a collection
            @type tokens: `collection`
            count = len(list(iterate(tokens)))
            bmax = count if self._bound_max is None else self._bound_max
            if not (self._bound_min <= count <= bmax):
                raise ConstraintError(
                    "not within bounds of place %r" % self.name)
            module.Place.reset(self, tokens)
文件: bound.py 项目: balrok/snakes
        def add(self, tokens):
            """Add tokens to the place.

            @param tokens: a collection of tokens to be added to the
                place, note that `str` are not considered as iterable and
                used a a single value instead of as a collection
            @type tokens: `collection`
            if (self._bound_max is not None
                    and len(self.tokens) + len(list(iterate(tokens))) >
                raise ConstraintError(
                    "upper bound of place %r reached" % self.name)
            module.Place.add(self, tokens)
    def add(self, action):
        """Add an action to the multiaction.

        This may raise `ConstraintError` if the added action is
        conjugated to one that already belongs to the multiaction.

        @param action: the action to add
        @type action: `Action`
        if self._sndrcv.get(action.name, action.send) != action.send:
            raise ConstraintError("conjugated actions in the same multiaction")
        self._sndrcv[action.name] = action.send
        self._count[action.name] = self._count.get(action.name, 0) + 1
文件: status.py 项目: hectorpla/CBS
 def __add__(self, other):
     if self == other:
         return self.copy()
         raise ConstraintError("incompatible status")
    def __and__(self, other):
        """Compute an unification of two conjugated actions.

        An unification is a `Substitution` that maps variable names to
        `Variable` or `Values`. If both actions are substituted by
        this unification, their parameters lists become equal. If no
        unification can be found, `ConstraintError` is raised (or,
        rarely, `DomainError` depending on the cause of the failure).

        >>> s = Action('a', True, [Value(3), Variable('x'), Variable('y'), Variable('x')])
        >>> r = Action('a', False, [Value(3), Value(2), Variable('t'), Variable('z')])
        >>> u = s & r
        >>> u == Substitution(y=Variable('t'), x=Value(2), z=Value(2))
        >>> s.substitute(u)
        >>> r.substitute(u)
        >>> s.params == r.params
        >>> s.params
        [Value(3), Value(2), Variable('t'), Value(2)]
        >>> s = Action('a', True, [Value(2), Variable('x'), Variable('y'), Variable('x')])
        >>> r = Action('a', False, [Value(3), Value(2), Variable('t'), Variable('z')])
        >>> try : s & r
        ... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
        incompatible values
        >>> r = Action('a', False, [Value(2), Value(2), Variable('t')])
        >>> try : s & r
        ... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
        arities do not match
        >>> r = Action('b', False, [Value(3), Value(2), Variable('t'), Variable('z')])
        >>> try : s & r
        ... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
        actions not conjugated
        >>> r = Action('a', True, [Value(3), Value(2), Variable('t'), Variable('z')])
        >>> try : s & r
        ... except ConstraintError : print(sys.exc_info()[1])
        actions not conjugated

        @param other: the other action to unify with
        @type other: `Action`
        @return: a substitution that unify both actions
        @rtype: `Substitution`
        if (self.name != other.name) or (self.send == other.send):
            raise ConstraintError("actions not conjugated")
        elif len(self) != len(other):
            raise ConstraintError("arities do not match")
        result = Substitution()
        for x, y in zip(self.params, other.params):
            # apply the unifier already computed
            if isinstance(x, Variable) and x.name in result:
                x = result(x.name)
            if isinstance(y, Variable) and y.name in result:
                y = result(y.name)
            # unify the current pair of parameters
            if isinstance(x, Value) and isinstance(y, Value):
                if x.value != y.value:
                    raise ConstraintError("incompatible values")
            elif isinstance(x, Variable) and isinstance(y, Value):
                result += Substitution({x.name: y.copy()})
            elif isinstance(x, Value) and isinstance(y, Variable):
                result += Substitution({y.name: x.copy()})
            elif isinstance(x, Variable) and isinstance(y, Variable):
                if x.name != y.name:
                    result += Substitution({x.name: y.copy()})
                raise ConstraintError("unexpected action parameter")
        return result